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April 18, 2020 at 10:56 pm
It has been a month i broke up with my ex bf we broke up due to some issues….he is so arrogant and every lil argument he always insult me…I broke up with him due to his behavior towards me bcos I can’t continue with such behavior even if I still love him…he even went on social media saying things about me wants everyone to know am a wicked or heartless person which was never true …..I kept quite and watch the game I confront him telling him he should stop all that I don’t like it ….after the break up with him I did not chatting with him for about 3 weeks …he chatted me up saying he wants me back that I should forgive him and give him a chance I never wanted to bcos I had a very bad sign he is up to another game of his so I said to my self I should give him a try and see if he has changed or something…I gave him a chance but I gave him a condition not to hurt me or insult me again and he said OK..the relationship continues he blocked me from seeing his status bcos he feel I use to complain every lil thing he post this was even one of the reasons we broke up so he mute me he tried to confuse me and so on…so I ask my self going back to my ex is it the right thing to do I said to my self I should break up and move forward than all this….so I broke up with him again then when I did he started insulting me like he always do after the promise he made he said harsh words to me I was so surprised i ended up blocking him from all possible place on social media even blocked his number but still he messaged me with another number insulting me I blocked him again he messaged me with another number I blocked him again and again gosh this is what has been going on since ..and am tired the truth is that I don’t know what to do about this ….
Tracy P
April 16, 2020 at 12:16 am
My boyfriend ended things 3 days ago after dating 3 months. He said at the beginning he didn’t want to rush into anything as his ex really messed his head up, she was controlling and obsessive and made him feel bad all the time, she even hacked his bank accounts and social media. He saw a doctor last year for depression because of it. Thing is we used to date 10 years ago so it moved pretty quickly and we started spending so much time together, he also spoke about a future with me and kept telling me how much he likes me, how he misses me when we weren’t together. We were a perfect match, never argued, really laughed together and couldn’t keep our hands off eachother. He had a few wobbles as he was scared about rushing into another relationship and said his head was still messed up. The day he ended it he cried and said he couldn’t sleep, he feels bad for me and bad for his ex (he feels like he’s doing something wrong) his head is messed up and he needs to be on his own for a while. I stayed calm, showed him I cared but let him go.
He text that night saying sorry and explaining again he needs to sort his head out, I replied saying I think it’s a waste but I understand. The next day he messaged saying ‘hope you’re ok’. The next day he messages again saying he doesn’t understand why I don’t want him as a friend. I told him I can’t, I feel too much, have your time and then contact me when you’ve sorted your head out. He said ok… but then today he messaged again saying hope you’re ok!!
What is going on?? I want him back more than anything. I’m trying to do the nc but he’s not a bad guy, I don’t know what to do?
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
April 25, 2020 at 4:23 pm
Hi Tracy, so doing the No Contact rule is nothing to do with if he is a good guy or a bad guy. It is about creating some space and time between you both to reset your situation. Giving you time to work on your holy trinity and then giving him the space that he feels he needs right now. Then start the texting phase sending the texts that Chris suggests in his articles.
April 13, 2020 at 6:17 am
What does it mean when your ex tests you (during NC) 1. thank you for a postcard that was sent months ago when we were still together, 2. congratulations (for completing something that he knew took uptime) and hope you enjoy your day? I didn’t answer, so, he texted let me know when you have time for me to give you your stuff. What does this mean?
It was a Harsh but, I think, mutual break up. Under stressful environmental conditions and after being four months apart due to my work.
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
April 14, 2020 at 9:00 am
Hi Nikki, your ex wanted to see if you would answer him I assume, trying to be “friends”. As for when to get your stuff back I would do this before your NC ends, of course if you are in an area where there is social distancing arrange this safely and follow guidelines
April 10, 2020 at 9:04 pm
We have a son 30. My ex would never commit he always stated his family don’t like me. He had no contact with me or our son 26 years then got in touch. His parents are long deceased I thought he’d changed/grown up. He had vague contact with our son but was very interested in me (currently single). A short physical encounter lots of wonderful words and he disappears again. Now he’s back to trying to make contact leaving messages. We are 66 years old he refuses to bugger off and can’t maintain a normal relationship.
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
April 12, 2020 at 7:48 pm
Hi Mary, I would just ignore all contact from him he can contact your son if he wants a father son relationship with him without you needing to be involved if you are not interested in talking with him
March 23, 2020 at 9:13 pm
i broke up with this guy a few weeks ago, about once a week he will text me telling me hes thinking abou tme or ask how i am. He would send one or 2 messages tops and not reply. This is week 3,last time i told him to lose my number but he just sent the same type of deal. Am i supposed to just ignore his message? Even the 2nd time i had a strong feeling that i am supposed to ignore it. How do you know when a appropriate time to answer is Do you just wait and only answer if they chase a lot after a few weeks?
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
March 23, 2020 at 11:04 pm
Hi Kris, I am sorry do you want this ex back? If you do not want this ex back then remain in NC and ignore their attempts for conversation unless you are attempting to be just friends
Queen Abigail
March 20, 2020 at 2:18 pm
Heloo maaam i had a little quarrel with my boyfriend and we broked up…we went on no contact for about 2 to three weeks and couldn’t hold my feelings cos I still love him and remember how he used to treat me being a lovin’ siggattarius man in love….I contacted him back he picked the call and hanged up when he got to know I was the one,I kept on calling and he still wasn’t picking…I stop calling and went on a no contact for 2months now he came came just texting me last morning which I did replied and immediately deleted the text…he still texted and decided to talk to him for a while…we had a nice chat and just went offline…I came online this morning and saw his text but haven’t replied him back….I don’t know what to do…if I should reply his text or I shouldn’t…I need your help ma’am thanks
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
March 20, 2020 at 10:34 pm
Hi QA so as he has reached out to you and wanted to have a friendly conversation I would suggest that you use this to build rapport with him if you want to try and get him back, but you need to take your time do not rush the process. Read about the value chain in this process so that you do not get carried away
March 17, 2020 at 9:44 am
My bf just broke up with me today he said he doesn’t love me and that he can’t be with me and said me bye
Well tonight same day he call me and ask how’s everything going
And keep apologizing saying he will miss me
And between him sleeping said me don’t go to class be here with me and than said nothing
What does it mean
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
March 17, 2020 at 9:58 pm
Hi Ty, I am not sure what you mean between him sleeping. I am going to assume… As he has broken up with you, you need to go into a No Contact and give you and your ex some space and a chance for him to feel what it is like without you in his life
March 3, 2020 at 4:11 pm
My ex broke up with me nearly 5 months ago. After a month of no contact, he texted me about giving me back a mug and catching up. I was busy with uni work so we met 3 weeks later and we slept together because in that moment I decided I didn’t want to wait for him to come around.
Around Christmas/new year we started texting again. At first the conversation would get serious, him telling me he didn’t think it would work and he was gonna try to explain everything to me. After one conversation about how we never communicated well enough, he said we now know if anything happens in the future.
Over the last two months, we decided to just chat and see how things go. He has messaged me regularly (usually responding to my social media stories), at times he has got upset about the idea of me seeing someone new or not responding to his texts. He had ended conversation asking me to message him soon. Recently, he ended up telling me that he doesn’t always feel like he’s going to be good enough and questions his worth at times.
I have only asked once in this time if he wanted to meet up and he agreed and I have him two dates I was free. But then neither of us bought it up again. Should I ask again? My only issue is I’m very impatient and don’t wanna waste my time just for him to tell me he just wants to be friends again.
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
March 13, 2020 at 12:12 am
Hi Soph if you want to get him back then you need to work up the value chain and not ask to meet again until you have gone through the stages that we speak of, those are the texting phase, the phone calls, and then meet up after some weeks of talking. when you get him investing time in talking to you he is going to be more open to the idea of meeting up for coffee etc.
February 13, 2020 at 7:20 am
Hello my ex broke up with me 7 months ago and didn’t want anything to do with me he did not answer my calls or texts messages but recently he started texting me and his first message was a middle of a night he accused me of my ex boyfriends before him where all married men and that I have told him I have never dated a married men which is true I never Had anything with married men and he even wrote on his text that he’s sure I have already found someone else again the next day he quickly deleted the text and said he doesn’t even know why he sent me that msg so I should have my life after three weeks ago he text me by asking how I’m doing and he was so emotional which I replied that I’m fine and I’m sure he’s happy and he said not really he didn’t want to talk about it I asked him why he came up Me that night he said he was just looking for trouble that night then I asked him why me why not his new girlfriend?and he didn’t comment I asked him he told you about me dating married men he said no body he just made things up and he was talking like he want me back he even said he didn’t plan for things to go this way that he care about me a lot and that he’s happy I’m okay he said he doesn’t what want to make babies I told him with baby or without baby I love him he said he doesn’t want me to wait and feel bad if he make me wait and he’s in another country now
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
February 15, 2020 at 1:44 pm
Hi Charley your ex sounds as if he is going through some emotional states where he is missing you and going back and forth on the idea of being with you. Usually when they are emotional they dont think things through so the fact he is messaging you shows he is thinking of you but then when he speaks to you he takes away the things he has said by telling you not to wait for him etc. So, I would suggest that you start ignoring your ex and following the no contact rule where if he does send an emotional message and just ignore him
February 11, 2020 at 9:23 am
my ex ended things very badly…..we had a very bad argument he blocked me on whatsapp in December and shortly after we had another argument and i unfollowed him on Instagram….he still continued to follow me….and like my pictures….a month later he texted me saying ” hi how are you doing…u dont have to sya anythig just checking how you are “…..i eventually responded we spoke casually had good convo…i told him i missed him he respond “oh even though we haven t spoken i n so long “….and we continued to speak casually….its been 3 days now he has not texted me again….i feel stupid for getting my hopes up….i think he was juts trying to clear his guilty consciousness
January 25, 2020 at 11:20 pm
My ex and I have been on and off for a couple of months now.. i told him recently i think we both need to see other people so that he can realize what he’s missing without me. He has told me that he’s seeing other people, but got mad when I told him I went on a date. I have not seen him in two months but he does text me quite often. Sometimes I break down and tell him I miss him, but he also tells me that he misses me. I told him yesterday that I don’t want to speak with him again and we need space. He texted me asking how my family was doing because my dad is very sick. Do I respond??
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
January 28, 2020 at 9:57 pm
Hey Cara, no do not respond to this if you want to make changes, even if he is being nice, he is just testing to see if you are willing to speak to him after telling him that you dont want to speak to him anymore
January 22, 2020 at 8:54 pm
My BF broke up with me a week ago, he messaged me asking if I was coping when I said I was but missed him he replied saying he missed me too and was finding it very tough but thought it will get better and that he did the right thing .
What does this mean?
Will he come back to me?
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
January 22, 2020 at 9:09 pm
Hey Kate so ideally ignoring him would have been best response from him as he was testing to see how you were doing to justify his own feelings. If he reaches out again ignore him for at least 30 days and during this time you need to use social media to show you’re happy and getting on with your life
January 20, 2020 at 12:37 am
The guy I was seeing ended things very poorly by allowing the new girl he was seeing behind my back message me from his account that they were together. I even called and he let her answer his phone to tell me to stop contacting him.It came completely out of nowhere and I was heart broken. I didnt understand how we could go from something to nothing in literally seconds. I took the news like a strong woman should and walked away. I didnt seek answers. I knew if he could do that he wasn’t the guy for me. I ceased all communication but didnt block him. I didnt see the need. Well I got a couple messages from him about a week or so ago but didnt see them till today. The first was a link to something we shared similar interest in. The second came a couple days later in the form of “Yo”. I didnt want to respond but my curiosity got the better of me and I messaged back. I mirrored his message and have yet to get a response. He has read the message but it has been hours and still no response. How should I take this? Why even bother trying to contact me if he is just going to ignore me. I don’t get it.
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
January 21, 2020 at 10:41 pm
Hey Alli, I would say that you have had a “lucky escape” from a guy who is clearly a cheat and wants to play games. Him sending that message, I would assume he was alone at the time or, not around that girl at the time. And then ignored because he was not able to speak to you after that. Ignore him and just focus on moving on from him!
January 13, 2020 at 7:39 am
My fiance and I have been together for over 8 years just recently in October he went in for surgery and aspirated almost Dying and which I was there The whole time and never Left His side. He recovered slowly from that and then went through the actual surgery because the 1st Time he aspirated prior to them cutting him. Then in November once he had 2 weeks to heal he went to Georgia to see family for Thanksgiving. He is on short term disability so he stayed until the beginning of December 2019 but when he was supposed to come back he never answered His phone and went to visit friends in Philadelphia. He said on his way back from Philadelphia he realized he loves me and cares for me but is not in love with me and cried the whole way Back To the state we live in not knowing how to tell me. 2 weeks go by with me begging and pleading and he agreed to take a break went back to Georgia on Christmas Day then came back the beginning of January in which he said he has decided hes over and done he doesn’t feel it anymore but everything ended on good terms and he still cares and loves me that needs to be Alone and not in a relationship right now. He said nobody convinced him and there’s no other girls but his dad and mom have had a rough time This last year then his mom had cancer and he has been working in seems very depressed so not sure what to do I feel like we belong together and told him I wait for him in which she replied I should move on and be happy. It’s now been over a month since to break and over a week since our official break up but we live together in a duplex something at my parents but he occasionly text me how am I and have a good night and be safe. Not sure if hes being nice or if hes having 2nd thoughts? because I feel the surgery Messed with him And it’s more of the depression now and not The normal Man I know. Like I said I still have faith hope for us I just feel he needs to take some time away and handle all the stuff is going Thorough but not sure. Sorry such a long comment just not sure what to take From When he texts me. I keep it Nice simple short replies back. i am just so lost and confused not sure what to do please help!
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
January 18, 2020 at 4:24 am
Hey Ms I think if he is in a deep depression he does need to focus on himself, but it does not mean that you wait on the sidelines for contact. Make sure you a living your life with your friends and family and enjoying life not putting yourself on hold for him while he works on himself.
December 25, 2019 at 10:32 pm
My ex cheated on me for 6 months. He even went through moving to a new town with me knowing he was cheating. About a month after we moved I caught him with her. He pro,owed to stop and we wer going to work it out, but a month after that he got mad and left because I confronted hi, about how he was still acting shady. Again he reached out next wanted to try to work things out, but kept being shady, so I told him I was done. He gain convinced me to try and I wanted to because we were engaged and had been together for almost 3 years and went through a lot together. We had always been so good together before this, so I caved and gave him another chance. We even had a really great weekend together like old times, but then he went MIA on me for 1.5 days. By then I was done. I love him and it kills me but I knew he was still seeing this girl. I told him I was though and he got mad. I stopped talking to him and found out that a week after he was in a holiday trip with her and her family. I was devastated, but realized I needed to move on no matter how much I love him. So I went and got the apartment key from him and told him he needed to figure out how he will pay his part of the rent, after all he signed the lease with me knowing it would take both of us to pay for it. Then Christmas (a few days after he got back from his trip with the other woman) he text me “you will forever be the one that got away”. What the heck does that mean.? I’m so confused and trying to let go, but he cheated and chose her. And it’s even hard because she knew about me because I had originally confronted them both when I first found out. Why do they get to be happy and I’m stuck being manipulated.
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
December 29, 2019 at 10:57 pm
Hey Bee, I am so sorry he is treating you like this and it is awful to say, but he did this because he didnt think you would walk away from him so good for you for standing up for yourself and showing your worth! He wont be happy with her, hes already tried to get you back, and you refused. She is going to know what he did to her and she will carry that around with her for some time knowing he is a cheat. Regardless of what he tells her, she was the other woman at one point. Build yourself up and get over the horrible situation you have been put through and come out the other side shining bright that you are better off without someone who is going to do that to you. He will be back to try and convince you that he has changed and wont see the other woman again
Melissa Vorster
December 7, 2019 at 9:03 pm
I broke up with my ex boyfriend about a week ago (but the feeling was mutual). This is our second break up since we started dating 2.5 years ago. The reason why we broke up was the fact that he started being really rude ad disrespectful towards me.
We had a very nasty breakup and I haven’t spoken to him since.
He keeps messaging me trying to pick a fight with me. He was even rude in these messages. I haven’t replied to any of it because of the no contact rule and I feel like we both need space to figure stuff out for ourselves.
Why is he doing this?
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
December 8, 2019 at 9:33 pm
Hi Melissa, he is doing it for a reaction from you, and maybe he thinks that it isnt “over” and youll get back together. Keeping to your No Contact is the right thing to do as he needs to learn that you are not going to tolerate being spoken to like trash and he has to adjust if he wants to hear from you again. I would suggest that you do not break No Contact and reach out to him if you want to by the end of 45 days. I dont see him being too happy about being ignored at first but then he will start to assess why you are not speaking to him at this time.
tarana sethia
November 30, 2019 at 10:17 am
hi my ex replies on my instagram stories quite offen, shares memes and also once he called me & its been 2 months after we broke up.He did the break up by saying he dont have any feelings left for me and it was a 1.5yr relationship.I want to know that what he want now by texting me is it friendship or relationship.please help me getting an answer.I’ll wait for your reply.
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
December 1, 2019 at 12:49 am
Have you completed a full No Contact? If not then you need to go 30 days without speaking to your ex at all. Do not reply to anything including phone calls and texts
Inna Unguryan
November 22, 2019 at 9:02 pm
My ex boyfriend broke up with me a month ago, and later he keeps texting me asking me to come over. I’m confused, he told me he was going through a lot right now and now he’s texting me to come over? I don’t really reply to him back, and I don’t know what to do with him.
EBR Team Member: Shaunna
November 23, 2019 at 11:49 pm
Hi Inna stick with your NC and when it is over reach out as a friend but do not sleep with him unless you are back together as I feel he is trying to get a friends with benefits situation started here
Shawna Battaglia
November 5, 2019 at 2:27 pm
I’m curious why my ex will text me, I’ll reply and then there are no more replies from him. So I assume it was just a moment of missing me and so I try to move on and work on myself. Then a few days later, I get another text again. Same thing. Ill reply and poof, hes gone! There was a text where he did express he was missing me and still loved me and he did respond to one of my responses, then dissapeared again. Most of the texts are about how he’s trying to get a job or how updates about his current ones. See, I broke up with him after 5 years for the 3rd time cause he has a drinking problem, always made excuses for why he wasn’t working or why he wasn’t trying to better himself. He basically lived off me for free for 5 years. No ambition, just laziness mixed in with drinking, weed and video games. I wanted to have kids with him, go and do things and have a life with him. He was struggling and even was going through a deep depression. He knows he was wrong and apologized to me. His whole family still loves me and says I’m still a part of the family. He messed up big time and he knows it. The other two times we broke up, I was the one trying to get him back, not him. So I’m very confused on these messages. I feel like he’s either just lonely and missing me or is wanting to eventually get back together so is giving me progress reports on how hes doing. Its just so weird. Its like someone giving me the weather report lol. But my biggest question is why text me then ignore me? I keep telling myself I’m not going to respond anymore. Then he sent that “I miss you and still love you” text. Now its back to work updates. I really am not sure what he wants from me. Oh, and they are not not drunk texts. Usually sent during the day or evening when he’s working or at his sisters.
October 31, 2019 at 3:49 pm
What does it mean if my ex texted me after our second break up during NC? The break up wasn’t nice I was ghosted for a few days and he said it was an unhealthy/hard relationship from before the first break up and was just distancing himself up to the second Break up which was 6 months but we had no problems just a few misunderstandings. I made major improvements during our reconnection i definitely followed the UG rules but still got dumped again.
There’s been some intense social media stalking and even looking at my friends pages… both texts were friendly and one offered to talk if needed but why bother now after saying horrible things? I have completed my NC rule but I feel as if I should wait for another message before talking again