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219 thoughts on “9 Reasons For Why An Ex Will Text You After A Breakup”

  1. Sally

    June 2, 2017 at 5:57 pm

    My ex is an avoidant and I’m anxious. We worked through a lot of it the second time round and improved but then started to let things slip. I had a lot of work stress that I brought home. Because of the stress, he felt like he was getting all the grief. We had a few stressful days and before I knew it an innocent text turned into a big argument. I was looking for him to make the next step and he was looking for me to be independent. He said that I should leave him to his indecision. Knowing what an avoidant is like, I worry he won’t be back.

    1. Sally

      June 8, 2017 at 7:42 am

      So yesterday there was a work do and I decided I would go. After all why should I be sitting at home? I didn’t tell him I was going because I am in strict no contact but when he saw me he tried to get my attention. I was trying to remain cool about it but he then started speaking to me. He was annoyed at me not telling him I was going, but I don’t really care as I don’t need to tell him anything anymore. He initiated the conversation which I was annoyed about because I wanted to be with others. I didn’t spend the whole evening with him, but I fear it has put me back a few too many steps. I was doing so well with no contact and then he barged his way in. There weren’t many of us, so hard for us not to hear our conversations with others. Has this set me back?i have gone back to no contact, but does this mean I have to start again? Is it best just to stay away at all costs even if I miss out?

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      June 11, 2017 at 1:54 pm

      nope, you’re ok.. you dont have to restart

    3. Sally

      June 3, 2017 at 8:43 pm

      So as he broke up with me, should I continue with nc until day 30, build rapport and then when in a relationship discuss and go to counselling? Or do I mention it before a relationship starts?
      Thank you for your help.

    4. EBR Team Member: Amor

      June 5, 2017 at 6:37 pm

      yes, slowly build rapport and dont mention about couples counseling if you’re not back together, because that could be weird for him.

    5. Sally

      June 3, 2017 at 6:41 am

      Yes, i’ve always had hobbies that i do alone or with others. But i have noticed i get clingy when i feel left out or if i feel he’s flirting with other women. How do i remain calm in these situations? I get really jealous.

    6. EBR Team Member: Amor

      June 3, 2017 at 3:24 pm

      once you’re back together, get couples counseling, that way you would know how to communicate better with each other..

    7. Sally

      June 2, 2017 at 8:04 pm

      Yes, I’ve done a fair bit of reading the topic and am getting better at recognising the signs. I have many hobbies that I do alone and I am looking to reconnect with friends and build new relationships so that I don’t just rely on him (if he ever came back)

    8. EBR Team Member: Amor

      June 2, 2017 at 7:51 pm

      if he got tired with you and he thinks you’re clingy, and if its true, are you going to focus more on being independent now?

  2. Sally

    May 31, 2017 at 5:31 pm

    This is the second break up we are having and I have gone straight into no contact. He contacted me on day 2 with an apology email. To me this felt like it was sent because of his guilt and desire to ease his own feelings. I did not reply. I am worried that will be it. Will he try contacting me again? I guess I have the same fears as other women who think the man will move on and as I have already been contacted, I fear that will be it.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      June 1, 2017 at 4:22 pm

      why did you break up this time?

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