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147 thoughts on “EBR 035: Is Your Ex Boyfriend Stringing You Along?”

  1. ash

    June 7, 2015 at 10:59 am

    Hi Chris,I am from UK, I just bought your ebook, it is very interesting and I am about to starting.
    But I have a little concern before I start the program, me and my ex ( I am 27, he is 25) together for 5 years, broke for 2 times (3 months, and 8 months break ups) and this is the 3rd time. He is the on/ off type and he is very stubborn. If we are together we always live together but since he told me he needs space this Fab, I moved to somewhere near by our old house and give him the space. Our roommate is an 36 years old man from Paris, he is still living with my ex. He told our common friend that my ex isn’t ready for relationship, so he had to push him a little bit to break up with me (take my ex out for drink, parties and tell him should cut off with me and don’t help me in anyway when I had my master exams and exhibitions, tell my ex I am too crazy and too emotional, tell my ex he doesn’t want to see me in their flat etc. ). I got very annoyed and wasn’t nice to him for sure after I know what he did. Since Fab to end of April, my ex was still come to my house to see my work (we are both doing architecture Master degree) and give advises, also having dinner 1 or 2 times a week and sometimes having great sex. I saw my ex’s phone one morning before he leave my house, his roommate text him that ” hey mate, where were you last nite? did you get a girl last nite? ahh,oh woolala ” I was very angry, I don’t know why this guy doing this while he has his own 9 years long girlfriend back in Paris and he is going back to see quite often. Since mid-May my ex gradually stop seeing me, last time he slept over was 3 weeks ago when I had pre- exam, he was here help me whole nite with work. He told me tho his guy friend and roommate both told him don’t help me and just man up, he still came because he doesn’t want to be a total jerk and he know my study got emotional distracted by our relationship on/ off thing. Next day, he was very worried and text me how to talk in my presentation. But after that, he vanished. He refuse to see me, he said no more sex, no more help. He seen my messages and never replay, and if I ask for help for work, he replies that he already helped me enough and now I have to put an effort. I feel like he is so crude and I am really in the situation of fail the last year of my Master, I thought OK I will start this NC rules, and from now to my exam is exact about 30 days, so I will also be able to only concentrate on myself. But the problems are, around 15 days from now, it’s my birthday party, around 21 days from now, his house contract will be finished, he will have to move out to some other place (the Paris guy is going back to Paris permanently, and my ex cannot effort the rents alone ), most likely he will have to ask me to get my rest of stuff from his place and we will have to talk about where is moving to – I was living in this expensive area bcoz of it is close to our old house, and I was thinking after the Paris guy left, he will definitely wants to move back together, he loves this area, and if wants to stay in here, he will needs me to share rent with him) if I start this NC program now, he will might be really move away since we won’t have chance to talk will he stay or not, if he moves away in the end, whats the point for my to pay so much and still live here and will the go back together thing get even harder? My question is, should I start the NC now, or after all these things finished ?

  2. Miss confused

    June 6, 2015 at 1:36 pm

    Hi Chris,
    I’m so confused with my exboyfriend and I hope you could shed me some light what’s going on.
    A month ago, I initiated a breakup with my long distance boyfriend of 18mos because I found out that he cheated on me. He sited the distance, cultural differences and my busy schedule as reasons why he was tempted to cheat. I tried to mend our relationship for a month but everything just backfired on me. I felt so betrayed and broken and that was the time that I know we had to end. During our conversation he told me that they are no longer together with the other woman but it doesn’t mean also that he chose me and that he is sure that its me that he wanted. Hearing that, I know I made the right decision. He agreed for us to split and immediately I started the no contact.
    He is no doubt a very stubborn man. We dont fight often but Every time we had a fight, it was always me who fix us. I know for sure that the day we split, he was positive that I would crawl back to him. But this time around I know I’m not giving in. He emailed me a week after our breakup and he even call me with our endearment but I ignored him.
    Just when I was on my 26th day of NC, it’s a Sunday, he contacted me again, he asked me where I am. I replied the day after. I know I broke the rule but I was just so curious because he texted me the time when it was supposed to be his sleeping time in his country. Voila! He told me he was in my city and he wanted to meet me for lunch. Of course I freaked out. I never thought I would see him again too soon. He lives 7000 miles away. And it would take him a total of 18 hrs flight (3connecting flights) to be able to reach where i am. That still not includes the waiting time in the airport. He said he was just on a holiday in my city and if I don’t want to meet him, he is ok with it. I told him I cannot meet him for lunch that day and will let him know when. That was monday.
    I sent him another message the day after telling him we can meet on Wednesday but he said he is leaving for another place and probably be back Friday. I had a scheduled trip on Friday so I said its not possible. I asked what time is his flight, he said he has not bought a ticket yet but probably in the morning. It was already afternoon when we are chatting and he was talking of leaving morning of next day but no plane ticket yet and That’s when I realized that he has not planned everything at all. I asked if he can leave in the afternoon so we can meet in the morning, then he said ok.
    So we met in the morning of Wednesday, I was so shocked to see him. He looked different and I noticed that he lose some weight. The last time I saw him was 4mos ago. Seeing him like that had taken all my defenses away. We talked for 2 hours over a coffee. He told me that his problem(which i already know) had consumed him so much that is why his personal life was affected. he told me that the last 2 years and this year had not been good for him. And he is sure that next year its gonna be better. From time to time he would tease me. He asked about my plans of going to his country that really made me confuse because that plan was made because he wanted me to and obviously since we broke up, i no longer have any. I also learned that he has been staying in his hotel all day long for 3days, he just went out to eat.
    I went to his hotel with him and we made out.
    The plane ticket was quiet expensive and the trip would take him longer than the actual stay in the place so he didn’t push through with his plans of leaving.
    After work, I asked him if I could come to his hotel which he gladly said yes, a bad move I know but God knows when will I see him again or will I see him again. I got to seize the opportunity.
    In the morning he asked, when will he see me again. I teased him saying not anymore and he glared at me. After I worked that day, I went and slept again on his hotel. i cancel out my friday plan and spend it with him. Later that day, I accidentally discovered many things. First is that he arrived already in my city 5days before he contacted me. He checked in into a hotel close to my Workplace. He then switched into the closest hotel. I told him thats too close to my work, he said he didnt know. But he used to pick me up from work when he visited me last year. he even have my Work address because he sent me flowers.
    another hard truth was He met another girl in my city too and they spend the weekend together in a beach. But seems like they have not worked out. He lost something important and cannot figure out how it happened. He said he is so disgusted of himself. I dont know why and what he meant by that. I felt so hurt and I broke in front of him. He said that is why he didn’t told me the truth about when he actually arrived because he knows I’d be upset. We fought. He said he is single so he can meet some other women. He even added that When he texted me that he wanted to meet me, he had not thought of getting back to me and It was me who wanted to go to his hotel. I said I come to meet you without any expectations from you, I didn’t tell you that we are back again. I can sleep with whoever I wanted to sleep with and it’s my choice. I know I should not have said it but I was really angry. I also told him what hurts me the most was that we just split up for less than a month and he came and met another woman and when when we are still together it would take him sometime to come and visit me. I was about to pick up my things and leave him when he pleaded me to stay. He explained further that when we split, he became miserable because his investment had lost its value. So he thought he needed a vacation so he booked his ticket and packed up. He said he felt better now. He even added that he has not come for that woman, he just needed a vacation. Realizing its our last night together, I wiped my tears put on my make up. He then commented that its good I take good care of myself. I went out of the room, and went to the nearby mall. He followed me there. We ate and I tried my best to change my mood, I put on my best smile and we spend the rest of the night as if nothing happened.
    What really got me confused some more was the fact that he has been so sweet and seemed to be attentive to me all throughout that we are together, he still calls me with our endearment. I didn’t.
    Another thing is that he brought something for me, a special gift from his country. Normally if a person is over you, You don’t go into a vacation thinking of bringing something for your ex. You don’t checked in into a hotel wherein the chances of bumping into your ex is high. When i declined his invitation for lunch, he changed hotel and checked in into where we first met.
    And of all places he can have his holiday why does he have to be in my city. Expensive ticket, long flight. He has not really went somewhere else other than that weekend.
    He is back in his country. I checked on him just to make sure he arrived safely and asked how to preserve his gift. He had enthusiastically replied as if I’m his girlfriend.
    I don’t know how to proceed. I know I still love him but I wouldn’t push through on getting him back if I don’t have a chance. We have not talked about us but everything we do seems like we are back together but I don’t want to presume.
    I need a male mind please. Thank you! Sorry it was very long. If you wish me to send you a voicemail instead, I would be glad to do so. He is 41 and I’m 29.

  3. bees

    June 5, 2015 at 7:51 pm

    Hi Chris, my bf of 8 months broke up with me out of the blue. He was really into it, we were very connected but then all of a sudden, he said he wasn’t ready and that it was moving too fast, that this could work out some other time, and started getting very distant. We had several conversations for a few days (less than a week), but I tried to remain not too emotional and keep my head up. Then I completely cut him off saying I was taking the space I needed. However it’s just the image I want to give cause I’m not doing well at all. I went back to my country after looking for a job where he lives for months, cause it was what we both wanted. Also, it’s not the first time he blows me off all of a sudden- happened two months after we started dating too, cause he freaked out. I’m really hoping he will be the first one contacting me- it’s only been a week of NC. Do you think this is likely to happen?

  4. Mina

    June 5, 2015 at 7:48 pm

    Hi Chris!
    My 30 days of NC end in 5 days.. My ex just left for a two week vacation abroad. Should I wait for him to get back to contact him?

  5. Sneha

    June 5, 2015 at 10:10 am

    Hey chris,
    Its been 3 yrs to my brkup n i admit i hv dne all d nonsense stuffs girls do after a breakup.. But den i wud lyk to mntn we hv gone into a nc phase twice once fr 5 months n other fr 3 ..both of which were initiated by him n den he was d one to end dem.. We r in cntct literaly on a daily basis n he wishes morning frst n thts it rest of d conversation is initiated by me.. We hv bcme frnds n i dread u wud say im in a really bad frndzone n we do go out fr movies n dinners often.. I presume he s datin smebdy but he nvr evr mntns abt her in frnt of me n evn dsent recive her cls wen wid me.. Yes i admit on several occasions we hv slpt togethr evn wen not in a relationship.. But im sry to offend u but i dnt think a cmplt nc for 30 days wud wrkout in ds situation.. Cud u please hlp i cn definately try not bein d one endin d conversation but i dnt want him to tk me fr granted i want him to love me bk again n more as a frnd n not b afraid to commit to me n in d same tym not offnd him n b rude coz i guess iritatin n grls always pickin up fites fr no reason is not atractive n i hv no reason also to go into nc coz we dnt fite much
    Plz hlp

  6. Jeanette

    June 5, 2015 at 2:59 am

    I need some advice ! So it’s been like 7 months I’ve tried texting him/calling him… No answer 7 months it’s like time to give it up.. But I just feel like there has to be a reason for not talking to someone for THAT long. And it wasn’t like just out of the blue we had a argument and then after that, haven’t talked since… The last time I texted him was in April… No reply………….. I feel like for my sanity I need to find out why… I need answers… So I can move on. What do you think?

  7. Jeanette

    June 5, 2015 at 2:59 am

    I need some advice ! So it’s been like 7 months I’ve tried texting him/calling him… No answer 7 months it’s like time to give it up.. But I just feel like there has to be a reason for not talking to someone for THAT long. And it wasn’t like just out of the blue we had a argument and then after that, haven’t talked since… The last time I texted him was in April… No reply………….. I feel like for my sanity I need to find out why… I need answers… So I can move on. What do you think?

  8. OFC

    June 3, 2015 at 6:27 pm

    Hi Chris. I just wanted to know if my strategy based on your articles is right.

    I contacted my ex after one month of NC when we were on an on-off relationship. I got a pretty weird response, almost bad but not quite, so I decided to give him some more time and work on me (so again NC) but this time it will be 6 weeks and then I will reapproach. The thing is, I was thinking about starting the conversation with a message like this: “Hi, sorry to bother you but something happened to me and I needed to talk about with someone, and despite of all it’s you the only one I trust enought to tell it…can I?”…or is it too emotional?

    1. Chris Seiter

      June 4, 2015 at 6:34 pm

      Too emotional in my opinion.

  9. OFC

    June 3, 2015 at 6:27 pm

    Hi Chris. I just wanted to know if my strategy based on your articles is right.

    I contacted my ex after one month of NC when we were on an on-off relationship. I got a pretty weird response, almost bad but not quite, so I decided to give him some more time and work on me (so again NC) but this time it will be 6 weeks and then I will reapproach. The thing is, I was thinking about starting the conversation with a message like this: “Hi, sorry to bother you but something happened to me and I needed to talk about with someone, and despite of all it’s you the only one I trust enought to tell it…can I?”…or is it too emotional?

    1. Chris Seiter

      June 4, 2015 at 6:34 pm

      Too emotional in my opinion.

  10. Lou

    June 3, 2015 at 5:27 pm

    Hi Chris, I’ve been thinking of starting the NC thing but I’m not sure if in my situation it’s too far gone!
    See I was the one to initiate the breakup…. Mainly out of desperation to force his hand….for a couple of months now we’ve not been getting on too great, not arguing just awkward silences and its been uncomfortable in each other’s presence not much of a connection, he’s a loof and I wanted more reassurance from him, and more effort to get back on track. After exhausting the subject and trying to talk to him, not a lot changed. He did maintain he loved me, and wanted the same things as me. But now I suspect ( and also from what he’s said since the break up) that it was to not upset me…. He always felt bad because I’m quite emotional. And me pushing the subject eg questioning it. Inevitably made him not want to do it.
    He has tried to be nice and respectful of my feelings since I broke up with him, I think maybe it was a relief to him. So after we split, he msgd me saying he loved me and missed me and wanted to talk… He seemed upset. We have talked and he has said that everything has gotten on top of him, with work ,finances, feeling under pressure to deal with me ( unfortunatly not getting the response and action I needed made me a problem child) he’s not good at talking, and didn’t open up to me… So I felt shut out and I’ve been worrying myself sick. I let him have it and told him exactly how he made me feel. I felt I was very harsh in hindsite.

    Sorry this is a lot of information, But I wanted to fill you in as much as I could… I just didn’t know if maybe it’d gone too far, he’s very held in and doesn’t open up easily… Would also say he’s a bit of a loner maybe? With this being said would you still ( impartially) reccommend your ex recovery manual/ NC rule.?

    Thank you… Sorry for the ramblings!…

    1. Chris Seiter

      June 4, 2015 at 6:32 pm

      Yes, I would still give the NC a try.

  11. Lou

    June 3, 2015 at 5:27 pm

    Hi Chris, I’ve been thinking of starting the NC thing but I’m not sure if in my situation it’s too far gone!
    See I was the one to initiate the breakup…. Mainly out of desperation to force his hand….for a couple of months now we’ve not been getting on too great, not arguing just awkward silences and its been uncomfortable in each other’s presence not much of a connection, he’s a loof and I wanted more reassurance from him, and more effort to get back on track. After exhausting the subject and trying to talk to him, not a lot changed. He did maintain he loved me, and wanted the same things as me. But now I suspect ( and also from what he’s said since the break up) that it was to not upset me…. He always felt bad because I’m quite emotional. And me pushing the subject eg questioning it. Inevitably made him not want to do it.
    He has tried to be nice and respectful of my feelings since I broke up with him, I think maybe it was a relief to him. So after we split, he msgd me saying he loved me and missed me and wanted to talk… He seemed upset. We have talked and he has said that everything has gotten on top of him, with work ,finances, feeling under pressure to deal with me ( unfortunatly not getting the response and action I needed made me a problem child) he’s not good at talking, and didn’t open up to me… So I felt shut out and I’ve been worrying myself sick. I let him have it and told him exactly how he made me feel. I felt I was very harsh in hindsite.

    Sorry this is a lot of information, But I wanted to fill you in as much as I could… I just didn’t know if maybe it’d gone too far, he’s very held in and doesn’t open up easily… Would also say he’s a bit of a loner maybe? With this being said would you still ( impartially) reccommend your ex recovery manual/ NC rule.?

    Thank you… Sorry for the ramblings!…

    1. Chris Seiter

      June 4, 2015 at 6:32 pm

      Yes, I would still give the NC a try.

  12. Heather

    June 2, 2015 at 3:30 pm

    I was seeing a guy for 7 months. Last week he told me he thought we should be friends…then he explained it to me like this : ” nothing will change in our relationship except we won’t have sex.” I grew up in a very abusive household (in fact it concluded when my step-father shot and liked my mom when I was 19). I have a very hard time expressing my emotions, and thoughts and have had a series of bad relationships in my life ( I’m 43)… In December, I started getting text messages from him that seemed more endearing, he was very caring and sympathetic to my past. We live about 45 minutes apart, so we do not see each other on a daily basis. A few months back we hadn’t seen each other in like 5 days ( but we text and talk frequently throughout the day)…he sent me a text that said “I miss you “.. my response was something along the lines of ” like a bad cold?”…he made a few other comments I do not recall but again I sort of brushed them aside. Last month we got in a bit of a tiff over I don’t even know what. In one text he said “I am finally to the point where I can give my whole self to you, I am falling for you and you are ignoring me”..There were some other negative things within that text he said, and those were the things I responded to.. I never addressed his “falling for you comment”. He asked me to come over the following day to talk, reluctantly I did. He was very apologetic, apologized for all the negative things he said and told me “he had grown very attached to me , didn’t want to lose me and he would miss me if I was gone”..he was teary eyed and hugged me… I told him it was all ok, we’d forget it all and move on…I have been going through a complicated divorce for a while, (we have been separated for about a year)..One of things he said was he felt I was stringing him along and was never going to get a divorce…But anyway all was fine for the next couple of weeks…Then two weeks ago he seemed to act a little distant, the endearing remarks in the text stopped; what use to say” good morning beautiful” was now “good morning”… He use to call me every morning first thing to talk…he called maybe twice that week. Then the following week he told me he cares for me very deeply, wants to keep our relationship as friends…nothing will change we just will no longer have sex…He said there was no one else, and he’s not going anywhere.. Then he asked me to come over to talk to him on a Friday morning…I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go..but I did and he greeted me at the door. I mentioned to him that he seemed very happy to be up so early and his response was ” that’s because your here”. He then told me he just felt he had been alone for so long he could not have the kind of relationship he felt I wanted, and was sorry if he ever led me to think any different, but he felt he never did. I got upset cried, I asked why he wanted me to come over if he didn’t want to see me any more…he corrected me and said he never said that; he just he didn’t want to have any sexual components ( kissing, touching and sex in general), so I went in the other room…well then he was crying as well.. he told me it was hard on him as well and he was so sorry for hurting me. Then we went to lunch and on the ride he said he was “sorry for screwing everything up between us”, and said he would do whatever I wanted him to,to fix it…my response was he did not need to do anything if that was how he felt I would accept it. Then we had supper watched a movie, I had one glass of wine he offered me a second, I declined as I had to drive…He then hugged me , a long hug kissed me on the head and told me I was always welcome and to have another glass and stay there..so I did…slept in the same bed… nothing sexual… He got up the next morning made me coffee, and breakfast…I went to leave he hugged me good bye, again long hug..then he kissed me multiple times..granted none were long kisses, just quick kisses on the lips…then I left..I had a hair and make up appt he asked for a picture, I sent him one, he responded I looked Very beautiful and sexy…then the text seemed to drift off as if he didn’t want to engage in conversation so I didn’t respond anymore. The next morning I got a good morning text, we went back and forth a bit…then I again got this he didn’ t want to text vibe so I stopped responding… Night time I get the “Goodnight sweet dreams”, next morning “good morning hope you slept well”…He called we talked I was the one to say good bye as the conversation got to an uncomfortable silence…So he wants to go to dinner on Friday, which I am ok with…This morning I didn’t get a text, so I did not text him….then around 11 I get a “good morning how are you doing ” text…again we go back and forth then I feel like he wants to end the conversation so I stop responding… So why is he doing this? If he doesn’t want to be with me , then why is he acting this way? Is there really such a thing as this type of relationship? I purchased your e book, hoping it would possibly give me some incite into what he may be thinking…but it didn’t really have anything like this situation in it…Could you give me your thoughts on what he is doing? and what I should do? Thank you

    1. Heather

      June 3, 2015 at 5:57 pm

      Correct that is what he said…No kissing, no touching, nothing intimate… I have ignores all his text and emails today, refuse to listen to his voicemail…I emailed him last night apologizing for the fact that in the past i pretty much ignored and rejected him when he tried to get close…i did not ask him to take me back, did not beg or plead, just a heart felt apology.

    2. Chris Seiter

      June 3, 2015 at 4:58 pm

      Wait a second…

      He basically said that nothing in your relationship will change except you won’t have sex?

      What about kissing and touching?

      Will that change too?

  13. Heather

    June 2, 2015 at 3:30 pm

    I was seeing a guy for 7 months. Last week he told me he thought we should be friends…then he explained it to me like this : ” nothing will change in our relationship except we won’t have sex.” I grew up in a very abusive household (in fact it concluded when my step-father shot and liked my mom when I was 19). I have a very hard time expressing my emotions, and thoughts and have had a series of bad relationships in my life ( I’m 43)… In December, I started getting text messages from him that seemed more endearing, he was very caring and sympathetic to my past. We live about 45 minutes apart, so we do not see each other on a daily basis. A few months back we hadn’t seen each other in like 5 days ( but we text and talk frequently throughout the day)…he sent me a text that said “I miss you “.. my response was something along the lines of ” like a bad cold?”…he made a few other comments I do not recall but again I sort of brushed them aside. Last month we got in a bit of a tiff over I don’t even know what. In one text he said “I am finally to the point where I can give my whole self to you, I am falling for you and you are ignoring me”..There were some other negative things within that text he said, and those were the things I responded to.. I never addressed his “falling for you comment”. He asked me to come over the following day to talk, reluctantly I did. He was very apologetic, apologized for all the negative things he said and told me “he had grown very attached to me , didn’t want to lose me and he would miss me if I was gone”..he was teary eyed and hugged me… I told him it was all ok, we’d forget it all and move on…I have been going through a complicated divorce for a while, (we have been separated for about a year)..One of things he said was he felt I was stringing him along and was never going to get a divorce…But anyway all was fine for the next couple of weeks…Then two weeks ago he seemed to act a little distant, the endearing remarks in the text stopped; what use to say” good morning beautiful” was now “good morning”… He use to call me every morning first thing to talk…he called maybe twice that week. Then the following week he told me he cares for me very deeply, wants to keep our relationship as friends…nothing will change we just will no longer have sex…He said there was no one else, and he’s not going anywhere.. Then he asked me to come over to talk to him on a Friday morning…I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go..but I did and he greeted me at the door. I mentioned to him that he seemed very happy to be up so early and his response was ” that’s because your here”. He then told me he just felt he had been alone for so long he could not have the kind of relationship he felt I wanted, and was sorry if he ever led me to think any different, but he felt he never did. I got upset cried, I asked why he wanted me to come over if he didn’t want to see me any more…he corrected me and said he never said that; he just he didn’t want to have any sexual components ( kissing, touching and sex in general), so I went in the other room…well then he was crying as well.. he told me it was hard on him as well and he was so sorry for hurting me. Then we went to lunch and on the ride he said he was “sorry for screwing everything up between us”, and said he would do whatever I wanted him to,to fix it…my response was he did not need to do anything if that was how he felt I would accept it. Then we had supper watched a movie, I had one glass of wine he offered me a second, I declined as I had to drive…He then hugged me , a long hug kissed me on the head and told me I was always welcome and to have another glass and stay there..so I did…slept in the same bed… nothing sexual… He got up the next morning made me coffee, and breakfast…I went to leave he hugged me good bye, again long hug..then he kissed me multiple times..granted none were long kisses, just quick kisses on the lips…then I left..I had a hair and make up appt he asked for a picture, I sent him one, he responded I looked Very beautiful and sexy…then the text seemed to drift off as if he didn’t want to engage in conversation so I didn’t respond anymore. The next morning I got a good morning text, we went back and forth a bit…then I again got this he didn’ t want to text vibe so I stopped responding… Night time I get the “Goodnight sweet dreams”, next morning “good morning hope you slept well”…He called we talked I was the one to say good bye as the conversation got to an uncomfortable silence…So he wants to go to dinner on Friday, which I am ok with…This morning I didn’t get a text, so I did not text him….then around 11 I get a “good morning how are you doing ” text…again we go back and forth then I feel like he wants to end the conversation so I stop responding… So why is he doing this? If he doesn’t want to be with me , then why is he acting this way? Is there really such a thing as this type of relationship? I purchased your e book, hoping it would possibly give me some incite into what he may be thinking…but it didn’t really have anything like this situation in it…Could you give me your thoughts on what he is doing? and what I should do? Thank you

    1. Heather

      June 3, 2015 at 5:57 pm

      Correct that is what he said…No kissing, no touching, nothing intimate… I have ignores all his text and emails today, refuse to listen to his voicemail…I emailed him last night apologizing for the fact that in the past i pretty much ignored and rejected him when he tried to get close…i did not ask him to take me back, did not beg or plead, just a heart felt apology.

    2. Chris Seiter

      June 3, 2015 at 4:58 pm

      Wait a second…

      He basically said that nothing in your relationship will change except you won’t have sex?

      What about kissing and touching?

      Will that change too?

  14. brokenheart

    June 2, 2015 at 6:12 am

    Hi Chris.
    I’m thinking about buying ex boyfriend recovery PRO but I have some questions regarding it. And I really don’t know how to contact you. I sent a message on facebook. Send me an email or answer me on facebook, please 🙂

    1. brokenheart

      June 2, 2015 at 4:26 pm

      I plan to contact my ex 🙁 in a month. If I bought e book now, does the email contact with you starts on the same day i purchase the ebook or maybe it can start later? Lets say 15 days after buying the book. I wanna know how it look like.
      Would you want to help internet relationship? I know how you think about them. We were going to meet this year. If not, is it possible to buy just the book without your support? (cheaper)

    2. Chris Seiter

      June 2, 2015 at 3:58 pm

      Go ahead and ask them here.

  15. brokenheart

    June 2, 2015 at 6:12 am

    Hi Chris.
    I’m thinking about buying ex boyfriend recovery PRO but I have some questions regarding it. And I really don’t know how to contact you. I sent a message on facebook. Send me an email or answer me on facebook, please 🙂

    1. brokenheart

      June 2, 2015 at 4:26 pm

      I plan to contact my ex 🙁 in a month. If I bought e book now, does the email contact with you starts on the same day i purchase the ebook or maybe it can start later? Lets say 15 days after buying the book. I wanna know how it look like.
      Would you want to help internet relationship? I know how you think about them. We were going to meet this year. If not, is it possible to buy just the book without your support? (cheaper)

    2. Chris Seiter

      June 2, 2015 at 3:58 pm

      Go ahead and ask them here.

  16. Michelle

    June 1, 2015 at 12:39 pm

    My boyfriend broke up with me but says he wants to stay in touch as “you don’t know what the future hold”. Then on 3 occasions different occasions he says to me, “I’ll always here for you”. I’m afraid to ask him what he means by both of these as only he knows why he said it but I can’t help but feel that part of it is feeling guilty for breaking up with me and part of me feels that he’s keeping me around as an option. Can it be a little bit of both or is it always one or the other? I’m starting NC today.

    1. Chris Seiter

      June 1, 2015 at 6:04 pm

      Definitely think you are right to start NC!

  17. Michelle

    June 1, 2015 at 12:39 pm

    My boyfriend broke up with me but says he wants to stay in touch as “you don’t know what the future hold”. Then on 3 occasions different occasions he says to me, “I’ll always here for you”. I’m afraid to ask him what he means by both of these as only he knows why he said it but I can’t help but feel that part of it is feeling guilty for breaking up with me and part of me feels that he’s keeping me around as an option. Can it be a little bit of both or is it always one or the other? I’m starting NC today.

    1. Chris Seiter

      June 1, 2015 at 6:04 pm

      Definitely think you are right to start NC!

  18. Tina Tinkerbell

    May 31, 2015 at 6:46 pm

    Hi Chris,

    I like your coaching idea. Seems very much like the next logical step for Ex Boyfriend Recovery.

    1. Chris Seiter

      June 1, 2015 at 6:03 pm

      I agree!

      It’s something I kind of always wanted to do.

      I will be doing it within the next few months.

      Still have to work out the kinks and all that.

  19. Tina Tinkerbell

    May 31, 2015 at 6:46 pm

    Hi Chris,

    I like your coaching idea. Seems very much like the next logical step for Ex Boyfriend Recovery.

    1. Chris Seiter

      June 1, 2015 at 6:03 pm

      I agree!

      It’s something I kind of always wanted to do.

      I will be doing it within the next few months.

      Still have to work out the kinks and all that.

  20. Sarah

    May 31, 2015 at 3:42 pm

    Hi chris im really interested in the new products you mentioned. I would like to sign for the coaching. When do you think it would come out? I hope its not too expensive as im still in college.

    1. Chris Seiter

      June 1, 2015 at 6:03 pm

      Most relationship ppl charge $200 to $300 an hour…

      I think that is ridiculous.

      I want to make it somewhere in there for the entire month…

      Since you get access to me all month plus all the products.

      I want to make it super affordable.

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