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1,518 thoughts on “Making Your Ex Boyfriend Speak To You Again”

  1. tom

    December 11, 2014 at 9:27 pm

    she left me 8 month ago , after 2 years of relation. it makes 4 month i doesnt talked to her it ended badly very badly. i texted her like 5 days ago i said i would like to talk to you im bored of being in bad term, she responded : im busy for the weekend lets talk about this later, she never wrote back.. i texted her heyy 2 day ago , she never responded… what should i do now… call her?

    1. admin

      December 15, 2014 at 5:24 am

      Hi Tom!

      Have you seen my site, Ex Girlfriend Recovery.

  2. Abby

    December 9, 2014 at 6:06 pm

    My bf broke up with me by text. I instantly applied nc when he said he didn’t want to see me for a while. So after like 4-5 weeks I wanted to send some small talk texts (but I didn’t) because I thought he wouldn’t mind. I mean he broke up with me and we didn’t have any contact. But then he uninvited me to a party (not even his) because ‘it wouldn’t be good if I would be there too’ (telling me this was the only moment we had any contact’. Now he’s ignoring me again. What is his deal??? I don’t understand (but I don’t think he did this because he wanted to make out with someone else.) I never was clingy like when we were together I always just send a maximum of one text a day. I’m afraid that I can’t get over him as I am still hoping that he regrets it and cares. I don’t know what to do anymore…?

    1. admin

      December 10, 2014 at 3:19 pm

      I don’t understand what you mean by the one text a day comment.

      Do you mean you sent him one text a day during the NC?

    2. Abby

      December 10, 2014 at 5:56 pm

      No I meant when we were together I would send him a daily text. If he didn’t answer for some reason I tried not to nag or be clingy. We never had contact during NC.

    3. Abby

      December 13, 2014 at 3:44 pm

      So what do you think I should do?? 🙁

    4. Abby

      December 17, 2014 at 3:34 am


    5. Abby

      December 9, 2014 at 7:34 pm

      I mean just don’t know what he’s thinking or feeling. The brake up came all over sudden. My brain tells me to just get over him but my heart doesn’t. ;”'”(

  3. kacey

    December 8, 2014 at 11:09 pm

    My boyfriend dumped me, and is basically saying he don’t want to talk to me ever again, and so I messaged him saying, please I beg you, and he’s being a right dick but I still love him, please help me get him to chayse me and Want me back !! X

    1. admin

      December 9, 2014 at 1:29 pm

      NC rule is perfect for this.

  4. Allie

    December 6, 2014 at 7:10 pm

    Chris, I sent out my remember the good times text. But he hasn’t responded! Today is the second day after that text and still no word from him. Have I lost him for good? I’m all out of moves here. I feel like he wants nothing to do with me.

    Please help me :[

    1. admin

      December 8, 2014 at 12:45 pm

      Well, don’t panic at this point.

      What was the exact text you sent?

    2. Allie

      December 8, 2014 at 7:15 pm

      I said..

      “Do you remember the time we went to the park and you wore my high heels all the way down the hill. Everyone was looking at us like we were crazy, we were laughing so much! I was just thinking of that and how much fun we had together :)”

      but, it’s been 4 days.. still nothing from him 🙁

    3. admin

      December 9, 2014 at 1:17 pm

      Ok, wait three more days and try something less personal and more general. It may be too soon for that text.

    4. Allie

      December 17, 2014 at 4:51 pm

      Chris, I did exactly what you said.. I waited a few more days, sent something more general. And still nothing..

  5. Nychelle

    November 25, 2014 at 6:06 pm

    Hi so my boyfriend dumped me last week after a 1.5 year relationship. He was a really has breakup and I made the mistake of trying to get him speaking to me so I texted him a lot and tried calling him. He did respond a few times and a few days ago he said he would talk to me as long as I didn’t talk to his friends so I agreed. It was going well until he freaked out on me accusing me of speaking to his friend that day which I had not. He called me saying he never wants to see or talk to me again and said he was blocking me on everything which he did. Is it even worth trying to contact him after the 30 days or does he not mean what he told me?

    1. admin

      November 26, 2014 at 2:55 pm

      Definitely worth trying to contact him.

    2. Nychelle

      November 29, 2014 at 3:37 am

      So he emailed me today following up on a prior email about a receipt for a gift I had given him for Christmas a few weeks ago. I had given him information and he asked if I could just grab them from his place Thursday. I said okay then asked him if he really meant when he said he never wanted to speak to me again and said yes. I’m confused as to why he is contradicting himself.

    3. Nychelle

      November 25, 2014 at 6:23 pm

      The reason he broke up with me was because he needed space and felt like I was too clingy which he had never communicated to me before. He asked his parents what to do and they said end it now or it will only get worse. I had no idea why he had dumped me so I contacted a few of his friends once asking them if they knew why he dumped me. He got really mad at me for doing that so I had stopped. Earlier in the week he had told me he never wanted to speak to me again and said some mean things to me but yet he texted me back. I know he’s not like this as a person but I’m just not sure if he will ever speak to me again after yesterday.

    4. admin

      November 26, 2014 at 2:57 pm

      Do you think his reason was justified?

      Did you think you were clingy?

    5. Nychelle

      November 26, 2014 at 6:34 pm

      I had really no idea he needed space as he never communicated with me that he did. He has never been one to communicate before however so I do believe he did need space as school has been stressful for him. He had never told me before i was being clingy even when I asked him. Twice he had said he never wanted to speak to me again but the second time was when he called me out of the blue to freak out at me accusing me of talking to his friends and blocked me on all social media. When we did have a civil talk a few days ago he had said he still loves me in some ways and when i asked him if he would ever date me again he said it depends on alot. He has been having a rough time with the breakup, more so than I have according to a mutual friend. I am going to wait the 30 days but I’m hoping its worth a shot.

    6. admin

      November 28, 2014 at 3:02 pm

      Maybe he was afraid of hurting your feelings?

      It’s the reason most people don’t communicate things.

    7. Nychelle

      November 28, 2014 at 5:43 pm

      Very true. I’ll try the 30 days it seems worth it.

  6. Lyss

    November 24, 2014 at 9:17 pm

    I am very young as opposed to many people on this site, but I really need some help. I am a sixteen-year-old girl and I have been with my boyfriend, who is now seventeen, for a year and what would have been two months on the 26th of November. He broke up with me in June, the beginning of June, but after a week of barely contacting him, he asked for me back. He broke up with me because he said that I hadn’t changed- that as much as he made it clear to me that he’d wanted me to change, I didn’t. What I did was just be unhappy. I wasn’t happy with myself so I wasn’t happy toward him, in general.
    Come a few weeks after the get-back-together thing, we went out to eat with a bunch of his friends and I left my phone in his car. I couldn’t find it, and I gave up on it and told him to give it to me when he found it. I didn’t think he would look through it, honestly, but he did. He was mad when he’d seen I was talking to other guys (my internet buds), while I told him not to talk to other girls (really more-so in a joking manner). He is mad about this even today. He is more mad about something else, anyway, which I don’t really want to mention on here. During our break up I sent a photo of myself to a very close friend, who is much older than me, only expecting fitness advice. Nothing particularly naked, of course. But he is mad about that. At first we fought about this. He didn’t break up with me over it since we’d just gotten back together. He also told his friends that he’d made up his mind this time and wanted to be with me.
    A few months later, November 23. 2014, he broke up with me over that. Saying he wish he didn’t drag it out and broke up with me when it happened. He also brought up the same reason as before, about the unhappiness, controlling behavior. But I wasn’t controlling in any way lately. He said he doesn’t know if he feels the same anymore, which he said five months ago. He came back to me before, but he specifically told me that he won’t go back on his word this time like he did before.
    I’ve been crying so much and it’s really so hard for me to handle. I only seem to question whether or not we’ll get back together. I lost my virginity to him, I’ve done so much for him. I’ve been there for him when he needed a shoulder to cry on. He left me because I wanted more attention from him, although he has been busy preparing for college. But I wanted attention from him to make me feel more at ease. He pushed me away instead.
    I don’t know if he will come back this time because he is a very honest and straight-forward person. He is also very, very stubborn. I know he loves me very much but I don’t know if he will want to try again. I don’t know if no contact will help, but I really need some advice. I love this boy so much that the thought of moving on is extremely foreign to me. It’s stupid-sounding, but I want to be with him for the rest of my life. I have a lot more growing up to do, but I love him too much to let him go. I need advice.

    1. admin

      November 25, 2014 at 2:58 pm

      Have you attempted NC yet?

  7. Allie

    November 20, 2014 at 8:07 pm

    I have succesfully completed 30 days of no contact. I am getting positive responses from my ex boyfriend but i am never able to end the convo because he never texts me back. I will initiate a text with him and he responds quick and nicely but when I respond to him he never responds back a second time. This is been going on for 2 weeks now… From what I have gotten from him so far is that he said he misses my family, he wants to see my dad when he’s back in town and he sent me a picture of himself today. I’m so confused! Is he just not interested in me enough to hold a conversation with me? How am I ever going to get passed the priming stage if I can’t get him to conversate? Please help me Chris! We were together for a year and I broke up with him 2 months ago because he became very distant with me and stopped saying he loved me.

    1. admin

      November 24, 2014 at 4:00 pm

      Hmm… How long do your conversations usually last with him? Are they quick or do they have some depth to them?

    2. Allie

      November 25, 2014 at 7:19 am

      They are usually quick. Ending within the first hour or so. When I initiate a text he gets back to me really quickly and he seems interested in what I have to say but it never gets any deeper than that. My first contact to him after the 30 days of NC was “Hey I was just at this place called ___ And I really think you should give it a try sometime, its neat” He responded very quickly with “Awesome! Sounds great. Hey I have a new rifle, if your dad would like to try it out sometime he would like it, I really miss your dad!” I responded but no response back after that. The next time I texted him a hilarious meme in which he responded with a comment and laugh. Again after my response back he didnt respond. My third contact with him he ended up responding to me with a picture of himself outside on a hike…that really threw me through a loop. It’s been going on like this every time. Positive responses but a quick endings. I don’t know whether to take this as a good thing or a bad thing…

  8. Anonymous

    November 20, 2014 at 6:59 pm

    Hi Chris,
    I didn’t get a response from you yet, but I made a mistake in the beginning when I was telling you my story and I left out a few details. So please respond back to this one. Thank you.

    I’m 20 years old and I met this gentleman on a chatting site a year and some months ago. At 19, 3 months before I ended up calling off my engagement because I met someone at church and the guy turned out to have lied about who he was. 3 months later, this guy found me and he messaged me first. He’s a very interesting guy. He’d call me alot, and always responded to my texts and calls right away most of the time and he was very interested in me and I felt the same way, but I didn’t express it much because I had a problem. Around the time I and this new guy started talking an ex, (not the one I was engaged to) was making several fake profile pages on that chat site and I didn’t trust the new gentleman who was trying to be part of my life for several reasons. My ex and this new guy coincidentally shared the same ethnicity, they’re both Ecuadorian, but my ex was also mixed with Columbian. I’m not hispanic at all, but for some reason it struck me as being odd that this new guy showed up in my life. I remember a few days after we met the new guy deleted his profile on that chatting site and gave me his facebook as well. When we’d speak on the phone many times he’d put the phone on speaker and I’d respectfully tell him to take me off speaker at first because when someone put speaker on your able to hear an echo in the background and it annoys me and so he did take me off speaker and then he’d go and he repeats and put it back on speaker and I’d ask him to turn it off again and he would repeat the same thing. I remembered I got kinda irritated and confused and told him we can end the phone conversation. What made me feel uncomfortable was I’d hear someone in the background also and he’d kinda giggle at times. The reasons for his actions for that was that he couldn’t hear me well sometimes, the guy who was with him was a roommate and he also laughs because he thinks my voice sounds very nice and it’s just kinda amusing that I’m telling him to turn the phone off speaker. I really thought about this guy alot and was very confused towards whether he was someone I could trust or not, but after some time I decided I couldn’t and I told him I’d prefer not to talk anymore and he says we can be friends and I said okay. Even after he’d call and we’d still talked on the phone. Just like in the beginning he still wanted to meet and he kept asking to video chat. I was hesitant and I didn’t bother with the video chat but I told him we’d meet on day. We didn’t get the chance to though. At a point in time he said something I didn’t agree with and it was kinda a little thing that we had a disagreement on and later he messaged me and I acted like I didn’t know who was texting. That’s when we stopped talking for several months. I deleted him on Facebook. Several months after, I realized I wanted to try again with him and I messaged him. He was very polite as usual and welcoming, I just couldn’t understand why he was single. He’s cute and his facebook page is very active with hundreds of photos and in them he’s with family on several occasions. When you Google him he also set up other websites focused on business as an entrepreneur. But on his facebook there’s many photos of him in meetings, also he takes many pictures with other business like people, also with friends and there’s some with only him in them. He also filled out all of his personal information on there including his number and where he lived. Anyway we’re talking and he asked me to Skype again and this time I tried to Skype with him but here’s what happened: I saw him, I always knew he was who he said he was and he looked like his pictures when I saw him but when the Skype came on this was the first time I ever video chat before and idk I was uncomfortable because he’s just staring into the camera waiting and he’s like “I can’t see you” and I halfway
    angled the camera on me and I was nervous. He waited and I could tell he didn’t say it but I could tell he was growing impatient and finally basically he said “If you don’t wanna video chat then bye I’m gonna go”. He was polite still but my response was okay bye and he hung up. When he hung up I told him I was just nervous and he said okay. He wasn’t rude at all but he became very laid back and didn’t bother contacting me when I told him we could video chat later, he said he couldn’t he was eating dinner maybe later. That never occurred. I was bored and ended up going on a different site called Myyearbook and my intentions was just for entertainment to see how many messages I’d get and so the new guy he doesn’t have a common last name and so I received a message from a guy who shared his last name but it was a different guy in the pictures, and in the first message he left his number. A few days before that I realized my ex was one point he viewed me and then I started receiving several more messages of impersonated profiles and a lot we’re Hispanic who were ambitious and models and few other ethnicities. I deleted it. I think it was a month later or it could’ve been way more then that I contacted the new guy on facebook and he’s very polite, he accepts my friend request and answers within exactly 1 minute or less of me contacting him. So we’re talking and he seems happy in the first message to hear from me and asking and I just wanted to talk to him. I actually liked him a lot since we first started talking, and I was asking him questions. One point I announced my sister wedding was coming up and I invited him to my sister’s wedding and we would’ve been meeting for the first time, and he said maybe okay and he still remained very laid back and I was talking way more and I continually acknowledged laughter because of the way he was acting and I kinda took charge somewhat
    taking back the invitation of inviting him to the wedding. The next day I messaged him and he remained polite and remained very laid back only sometimes and he’d respond and sometimes he’d say “Wbu”? Asking me the same question in return but I knew he definitely felt some kind of way. Since the very first time we stopped talking he didn’t have my number so I said, “Hey I’d rather text”, and I left my number and logged off. He didn’t contact me. The next day I logged back on and told him about my day and he remained polite, but the conversation was dull. I thought back to the number that the guy left me on the other site I was on and I looked on his profile and I swore to myself that his number was the same number because I remembered the area code and a few numbers, but I still remained a little unsure of it. I was tired of it all and I got an idea and thought it was funny to make a facebook account impersonating his and used a couple of his pictures
    and labeled them jokingly. He didn’t react mad at all, but then it all came off as a gay male trying to talk with him and he got mad and reported it and I did it a few more times and then gave up. I’d still texted him on facebook like usual and he still remained laid back. At a point idk
    if he has suspicions but I felt bad about what I did and he found out that it was me because I ended up telling him and I wanted to apologize. He remained laid back and I started to tell him why I was nervous about coming close to him in the beginning and he responded “What was I talking about and that’s all he said. I said a lot and accused him of being a term called a “gamer” because I was interested in him but still believed he knew my ex and he was playing games. But he got annoyed and blocked me. A couple of weeks later my ex messaged me and idk how he found my facebook because we didn’t meet on facebook and we never contacted each other there and I used a different first name, but we did share two mutual friends, but idk why he suddenly messaged me on facebook, but before I could receive another message from him I blocked him. Now it’s 5 months later and I haven’t heard from the new guy so I made a account on facebook but I didn’t put my name or picture because like I had done in the beginning I wanted to see if I could find any connections that he had with my ex and he didn’t. His profile was private now so I had to send a friend request in order to view his profile. Out of curiosity he messaged me and asked me who, I left my number he called me and he recognized my voice immediately and sounded happy to hear from me. I brought up explaining why I was so nervous about him before and the conversation lasted a few minutes he said he had to go and he remained polite telling me we could text and he wants to meet still. I expressed to him I was so interested in him but we barely texted. The next day the same. A couple of days later I called him and repeated the conversation about everything trying to make him understand and he says he’s over what happened and he was being genuine with me the entire time and remained polite. He said he had to go and his excuse for not talking was that he’s very busy, but he said I can contact him anytime. I texted him the next day and he doesn’t respond. His facebook isn’t on private anymore. I know if I call him he’ll be polite and answer, but I know not to contact him again, but I like him a lot. What should I do?

    1. admin

      November 24, 2014 at 3:57 pm

      You said it best, don’t contact him again. Wait for the 30 days at least.

  9. Halle

    November 18, 2014 at 3:41 am

    Hi, i dated my ex for a year. That was 2 and a half years ago. He has had a girlfriend for a year and 5 months now. He and i recently started talking again (i initiated it), and it has last a month. Well its been a few days and we havent talked. And he doesnt have my number to text me on because he deletes the conversation every night so his gf wont see it. The conversations are harmless, yet i have tried to get him to meet me a few times. The last time was when we stopped talking. I want to know if there is a way to get him back like ive been trying to for years, if him amd i can date all over again, and what shoulf my text say to get him talking to me again. It really seems like hes being cautious not to fall in love with me while he has a gf, but like he is keeping me around in case it doesnt work out with them. They arent serious, and never have even had sex. Just have dated for a long time. How do i get it so that we can talk again and hell meet me and want me instead of her?

  10. Amanda B

    November 11, 2014 at 1:00 am


    Okay, so I broke up with him Friday 11.07.14 when getting ready for work while he was at work. I’m not going to lie, I was crying and just fed up from having a really stressful week with working 2 jobs (school district/restaurant), my car got stolen, and not hearing from him as much. He works 12+ hrs. since the company he’s working for has expanded and his boss is sick with Cancer, therefore, he’s doing both his job and boss’ job. So we aren’t seeing each other much which began in July, yet agreed to (M,F,S) to see one another as of Oct., but he can’t commit to that. The icing on the cake was that the car he gave me was stolen 11.03.14 and he didn’t come off concerned about my comings and goings to work. I understand he works long hrs. I do too, but instead my mom, sister, and her finace all branded together to get me to work.

    Now, I know I broke up with him and said at the end, “I’m done and have a nice life” but he still has yet to contact me nor have I tried to contact him. When I called him that morning my intentions weren’t to break up with him, but to give him a piece of my mind. I didn’t break up with him for an ultimatium, but I can’t fathom how us being together for almost 3 years ended this way when he treated each other with respect, he encouraged me to tell him when I don’t like something, and we never called each other out of our names? Not to mention a man who said he loves me, I’m the perfect girlfriend, the perfect package (beautiful, awesome personality, and was a virgin–he was my first), the man who always had a crush on me but was involved in a relationship until she died, and talked about our future together…doesn’t put up a fight, doesn’t want to try to get answers, make things right???

    I don’t understand. Please tell me if you think he’ll call and what are your thoughts on the matter?

    1. H

      November 29, 2014 at 3:30 am

      He’s over you. The lack of concern over your safety was the dead give-away. I recently dumped a guy over the exact same thing, and haven’t looked back. I am sure Chris will advise you the same thing, but go NC, and I would maintain it 60-90 days to be honest.

      Imagine a man who would phone you immediately in complete worry and in fact buy you another car. I attracted a man like that, but then, I’m pretty harsh with fellas. Nothing less is allowed in, and NC is like breathing to me.

      Consider this guy finished and if he resurfaces, he’s still finished.

    2. Amanda B

      November 12, 2014 at 2:26 pm

      UPDATE: He did call 2 times during the 4th day of NC, but I didn’t answer nor did he leave a voicemail (folds arms). So I don’t know what he wants to talk about: apology, about the car, to hear my voice, to work things out????

    3. Amanda B

      November 16, 2014 at 2:35 am

      I broke NC on the 7th day by calling him back. On the other hand he sounded happy and excited to hear from me. He asked how I’ve been, talked about the car, said he called to ask if I needed a ride home from work Tuesday night, and then he asked, “When will I talk to you again?” There was some awkward silence; he was at work training an employee, I tried to end the convo twice, but eventually I was able to.

      I was doing so well by the NC and now that we had a pleasant phone call I have called him 5x since and no answer. I don’t get it. He sounded as if he missed me and wanted to continue talking to me, so why the ignore?

      Back to NC…

    4. Amanda B

      November 21, 2014 at 10:04 pm

      Talking to myself here, but as of Monday 11-17-14 we are back together. He’s amped up the communication, making an effort to commit to our date nights, fixed my car (smog, radio since it was stolen), and is talking about looking for homes come January. (Fingers crossed)

  11. marvi

    October 29, 2014 at 9:53 pm

    hi…3 months before I met with a guy he proposed me and we were happy but I got insecure for him and we had some fights but he suddenly disappear and not replying for my taxts and even receiving my call for 3 days plz tell me what do I do

    1. admin

      October 30, 2014 at 6:29 pm

      He proposed and got scared of the commitment?

    2. marvi

      November 2, 2014 at 9:28 pm

      hi..I don’t know he’s scared or not..he’s back he texted me and said I was out of the town and being busy that’s y didn’t txt u..but now days he’s completely changed he’s not the same guy he used to be not showing more interest in me whenever I txt him he says he’s busy or studying can’t chat blah blah blah I really love him and don’t want to lose him 🙁

  12. Taylor

    October 29, 2014 at 4:10 am

    I am in a really messed up situation. My live in BF and i got accidentally pregnant. He wanted to get married but we ended up fighting like crazy. In the middle of this he proposed and I hesitated. He changed his mind about the entire relationship and the pregnancy ended. Since then he has been messed up and that was 8 months ago. We have been in contact during this time (I moved out 8 months ago) but things are not getting better. He recently told me he wants me to leave him alone. I have not tried no contact but there have been times we have not been in touch for 2 weeks at a time. A major issue for him is he does not know if he will ever want to get married or try for kids again. He knows I regret what happened and I want those things. He has told me he is still in love with me but he is emotionally overwhelmed. Is there any hope here?

    1. admin

      October 29, 2014 at 3:55 pm

      Did you not want to get married?

      What were the fights over?

    2. Taylor

      October 29, 2014 at 6:35 pm

      I’m not sure if my responses are registering so I apologize in case they are and I’m duplicating my msg. I did want to get married and felt he was the “one”. During that time i became very argumentative and i think it actually was related to the hormones. (normally between us he was the argumentative one and I was the cool headed one). We fought about every single detail including prenups, where to live, what to drive, engagement ring..etc. You name it, we fought about it. I have explained and apologized profusely for my role and aside from saying he “messed up on some things”, he has not. It’s been 8 months, i have seen him a handful of times but we have been in contact. He said he is still in love with me but cannot handle the emotions. I feel so incredibly regretful. I am seeing a counselor and working through these things to gain back my perspective. Normally, I am that girl who is calm and collected and the one situation that really mattered, I lost it. I take ownership of this. I am wondering if there is anything i can do to help my situation? I do not want to cause further distress in his life but I do value him in my life.

    3. admin

      October 30, 2014 at 6:21 pm

      They are registering!

    4. Taylor

      October 29, 2014 at 5:46 pm

      I did want to get married and he was the “one”. When it happened, my entire personality changed and I was a lot more argumentative than I normally am. He was generally the argumentative type and I was the level headed one. Once my hormones started raging, I fought him on everything including where we would live, what car I would drive, a prenup, engagement ring etc. You name it, we fought about it. I was hesitant about the timing as my mental state was out of whack…not about the person I was with. It’s been 8 months and although he says he forgives me, I know he doesn’t truly forgive or himself for what happened. I have apologized for my role in what happened numerous times and have asked him that we heal together and he just can’t. It’s been 8 months of seldomly seeing each other and talking and several days ago he asked to be left alone. Can no contact work here or is there something else I can do? I respect him, am sorry and don’t want to cause further distress.

    5. admin

      October 30, 2014 at 6:18 pm

      A prenup???

      Let me guess… he didn’t like that?

    6. Taylor

      October 30, 2014 at 6:58 pm

      He wanted the prenup and I had agreed but wanted to adjust the terms in regards to the child. He freaked out. (I have been married before and I walked away from that marriage right after I took my name off of every account and property he had bought without financial contribution from me-he was a millionaire.) The point being, my ex bf knows I would never take advantage of someone financially. This was just one item of many we argued about and we have hit a point of break up. Will no contact help here?

    7. admin

      November 3, 2014 at 2:21 pm

      Yes NC can help here.

      Also, how dare he question your integrity like that…

      Esepcially knowing your past and how much of a stand up person you are.

    8. Taylor

      November 3, 2014 at 5:25 pm

      Thanks, Chris. And yes…I felt very hurt. Ironically he told me as beautiful and as intelligent as I was the one he loved most about me was my integrity. Funny how that worked out. It’s been 1 week no contact and I am accessing whether he deserves me back.

  13. Dajah

    October 14, 2014 at 11:18 pm

    Me and my boyfriend broke up about 3 weeks ago. He said it’s because he felt like I was acting crazy and he felt like I couldn’t trust him. He said he still wanted to be friends but he didn’t want to talk about the relationship. We have to see each other every day so things got complicated. I wasn’t really talking to him much and I was getting texts from him in Facebook for the first week after saying” do you hate me” or “how come you never talk to me” and I would respond with “I’ve just been busy”. On the final day of the first week he was holding my hand and saying that he really hated the fact that he had to break up with me and I agreed but after that he didn’t say anything. Then, that weekend I took that as a sign so I tried to take action which made him angry but he still tried to talk to me after. Again I was afraid to talk to him so we didn’t really talk all that much. And that weekend I begged for him to take me back yet again but this time he told me that I put him through hell and that he wasn’t sure he wanted to be friends anymore. I begged if we could be friends and I said that I didn’t want to ruin that with him and he simply just said that I already did and that he needed to go. After we didn’t talk and I was panicking yet again so I texted him a really long message full of lies saying that I was ready to move on even though I knew I wasn’t. He never responded and then a few days later I asked if we were still friends and he never responded and then a couple days later I found that he had unfriended me on Facebook and I had gotten angry so I sent him an angry text saying that he was being ridiculous and he just responded with I don’t care. This just happened about 2 days ago. We haven’t talked since. I don’t know what to do. Help me please.

    1. admin

      October 27, 2014 at 2:33 pm

      Were his claims true.

      Were you acting kind of crazy? What were you doing that made him think that?

  14. Anonymous

    October 14, 2014 at 3:08 am

    What do you do when an ex texts you saying “I miss you”? He broke up with me… I just want to heal right now. Should I just ignore him? Is there a page for that?!

    1. admin

      October 14, 2014 at 4:00 pm

      How to get over your ex boyfriend might be a good page for you if you are looking to heal.

  15. Beatriz

    September 29, 2014 at 9:35 pm

    My boyfriend broke up with me last week after 10 months together. I guess I gotta move on but I don’t want to forget about him. I am not going to delete him on Facebook but I keep stalking him, not when I’m busy but when I stay at home because I have to study…I can’t stop getting depressed and crying. So I end up not studying.
    He broke up with me because of his insecurities, he needed a more humble and shy girl that needed his protection, I made him look “weak” because I’m strong and independent. So he used to put me down when we were when there were people around, you know, eye rolling to my suggestions and making fun of me. He didnt tell me that he just gave me bullshit excuses.he’s also stressed with uni so we were only seeing each other once a week:/
    I am also reaaaally flirty, not even on purpose, and he’s pretty jealous and that increases his insecurities. He posted a photo with other girl just one day after breaking up with me:/ and that hurt a lot
    The thing is that I don’t want to move on, I don’t want to give up, I love him and I know he loves me so much. I was the first one contacting him, I just asked what he thought about me and why we have broken up. We talked well, he was really really friendly, he contacted me again to know if I was going to church but then at church we didn’t even look at each other.
    He is trying to be really really friendly with me, he says he doesn’t want to lose me. Does he say that because he doesn’t want to hurt me or because our relarionship is not over?
    A lot of people told me not to talk to him in at least a month, if I actually want to gain him back, I’m dying to talk to him, and I’m scared he may forget about me if something:(
    But should I go back with him? Because he can’t just forget about all those insecurities so he may hurt me more.
    I miss him so much:'( I wish I could tell him everything and give him a hug. It sounds stupid I know.
    As you can see I really really want advice!!!! Thank you so much

    1. admin

      September 30, 2014 at 2:57 pm

      I am going to be one of those people that says it too… don’t talk to him for a month.

  16. Julie

    September 17, 2014 at 12:45 am

    Me and my ex broke up for the second time a week ago. Something had been off in our relationship and a after a few weeks of us being distant he decided to break up with me. I thought it was just a rough patch because we had been so amazing to weeks prior and he was saying how much he loved me and couldn’t see himself ever being with anyone else. He told me I was an amazing girl, that he still loved me, but wasn’t happy in the relationship anymore. He said he still wanted to stay friends because he didn’t want to lose me in his life so he texted me the next day and we haven’t spoken at all since. It has been a whole week and I thought he wouldv’e tried to contact me by now. I have been good with the no contact rule, but I’m scared if I don’t initiate contact soon that he’s going to forget about me. I still feel like we have a lot of love for each other but I’m scared I’ll never be able to get him back if he doesn’t contact me, but I’m not sure if I should contact him. Can I have some advice? We had been dating for a year and a half.

    1. Keisha

      September 19, 2014 at 9:14 am

      Hey, Julie, it’s really sad and touching what we go though this days in our relationship. I have been in relationships affected by pains and depression for years, both sides (I was depressed, but thanks to God, am now a happy woman today with the help of someone). It’s sad to say, but I have lots of experiences on this subject. If you’re interested, I’d share them with you, so that you can forever be happy in your relationship and be happy with the person you love. You can write to my email address: [email protected] , hope you’re holding up!


    2. admin

      September 17, 2014 at 4:55 pm

      I would say contact him after NC. Like I suggest on this site.

  17. Melanie

    September 10, 2014 at 9:57 pm

    So I was dating this guy for about two months. We were never official (though we hung out everyday and went on dates and kissed) a few weeks before we decided to try and work on our friendship before we became more serious and when I asked him what we were a few weeks after that conversation, we “broke up” the reason he gave me was that he wasn’t ready for a relationship. Now I haven’t talked to him since that time (though I did text him once to offer my condolences for a family tragedy) and that was two months ago. I’ve been home from college during that time so I haven’t seen him either. I do fly back tomorrow and I was wondering if it is too late for me to use the ex recovery system? If I do use it should I do the 30 day no contact period?

  18. Peyton

    September 7, 2014 at 3:30 am

    So my boyfriend broke up with me 4 days ago for the second time. He told me it is completely over and that I am “psychotic.” I don’t know where he’s getting that. And apparently, his mom has hated me and has been trying to break us up. When he broke up with me it was out of the blue, a normal day. We’ve been together for 2 1/2 years and he states that he “hasn’t been happy for awhile” which I don’t believe because he came back the first time he broke up with me. He told my friend he never wants to see me or talk to me again. Does he mean this? I am so scared, I do not want to lose him. I feel like no contact would draw him further away from me. Please help.

  19. brittany

    September 4, 2014 at 9:16 pm

    My ex gf broke up with at the beginning of the year but we still hungout and talk pretty much everyday. Every now and then shed go a day without seeibg or talking to me. 3 weeks ago was the last time we hungout and it was an all day thing that she wanted and two weeks ago was the last time she talked to me up until today when she asked for something to be returned to her friend and in the end of the conversation we had she said to me that its pretty clear that she does not want to see me. Now she still has all of our pictures up on her walls and pictures of me in her phone and computer. She still has all the stuff animals i bought her on her bed and i wrote i love you on her white board and she still has yet to erase it. We were together for almost 4 years. Help me get her back please it kills me to be without her let alone not talk to her.

    1. admin

      September 5, 2014 at 12:31 pm

      What was the reason she gave for the breakup?

    2. brittany

      September 5, 2014 at 2:52 pm

      The reason was pretty much her saying she hated me and wouldnt like me again, but she also admitted later she likes a guy, but we both know he doesnt like her because hes told us both.

  20. Kristen

    August 24, 2014 at 7:48 pm

    So I text my ex yesterday after 35 days NC. I sent my first text and after about an hour he responded (which I think is a good sign). My initial text said “The other day I saw the preview for the new sin city movie coming out soon that made me think of you. how are you? Hope all is well”. He responded: “Yeah I wanna see that. I’m alright stayin very busy with work and doin construction on the side. How are u? hope all is well with u too”. I responded like an hour an a half later saying “I’m good. Lot of time spent applying for jobs and going on job interviews. Apart from seeing my favorite band 3 times, of course.” Didn’t think there was anything too wrong with that but he did not respond after that.

    Not sure what to do in this situation.
    -Did I end the conversation in a way unintentionally where he couldn’t respond to my text?
    -Or should I send another first text to where I can actually end the conversation better?

    I’m waiting the few days/a week or so to text him again, but I don’t know why I’m not sure where to take it from here?

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