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392 thoughts on “Here’s How To Get Your “Baby Daddy” Back”

  1. Chris

    May 18, 2020 at 11:51 am

    Hi me and my baby daddy share a 4 year old son. We hadn’t really lived together as a family lasted short because he was on drugs and cheating on me with ex. Anyway he has been 2 years sober living in sober housing and he has been a great father and respectful to me. We tried being together as a family for a little but 6 months ago he broke up with me saying we argue too much and I stress him out(we got in a bad argument about something stupid like having my son sit at table for dinner and I called him a clown and he walked out) Recently he had started flirting with me again and I caved in and slept with him. He kept flirting with me everytime even though I told him I dont want to do that unless we are in a relationship or I will find someone that really wants to be with me. We had a really good time at sons bday party and I for some reason thought he was wanting to be with me again be a family. He said he does not want to be in a relationship just get his life together like buy a house and stuff. I am living with my son in one bed apt and dont understand why he doesnt want to put our finances together and get a nice place. My question is I have heard to listen to a man when they say ” I dont want to be in a relationship” so do I have a chance or no? I have not been with anyone else and he has not either since his sobriety so it’s been a couple years. We have consistent communication like he sees his son at least once weekly but I dont want to still be thinking we have a chance if we dont. I just dont want to be waiting years when I can be moved on with a man that wants to support me and my son. And should I let him flirt with me or should i ask him to keep things friendly until he is ready to be in a relationship? I’m just a little confused. Do u think the no contact method could work on him wanting to be in a relationship or no? Thanks

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      June 6, 2020 at 8:20 pm

      Hi Chris, if he is telling you he does not want to be in a relationship believe him. As you have a child together you would have to follow the Limited no contact rule and then following the texting phase

  2. Rachel Upton

    May 14, 2020 at 3:27 am

    I am 23 year old mother of a 16 month old baby this article has set a layout plan for me. This is exactly what I needed to read. I never understood why I always unintentionally chased my baby daddy.

  3. Odwa

    May 10, 2020 at 4:19 pm

    Wow this is soo interesting. Currently I am pregnant with a baby boy and our relationship is loosely defines in a sense that it was a casual relationship but however we fell inlove with each other and found I am pregnant after two months of no contact rule.I managed to track him down and tell him but he didn’t buy it and requested DNA results..he offered to be emotionally supportive of which for me it wasn’t working and I felt like I am overwhelming him with all my emotions so I sent him a very rude text which I later apologized and that was the end of it we never spoke to each other again.its been 3weeks now and its really not easy cause everytime i get tempted to call him but I’m just being loyal to the no contact rule cause I feel like we were never in a relationship anyway so I definitely have no chance of getting him back.Ive met people went on dates,I even have people I’m flirting with but strangely I just want to be with him.I found this article while i was one of my low emotional drained moments and I feel empowered to just let him be and try to focus on my baby who is arriving next month and myself cause I believe its the only thing that matters now.Thank you for such great advice I appreciate it.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      May 20, 2020 at 3:11 pm

      Hi Odwa, I am glad you found the information useful, be sure to read some more articles about how to deal with the ex when you share a child. This article should be somewhat helpful too


  4. Miranda

    May 9, 2020 at 1:28 am

    This was a helpful read but my situation is different in a big way. I’m 32 weeks pregnant, my baby’s father and I were together for 2.5 years. Yesterday he came clean to me that he’s been cheating on me for a year, she’s pregnant as well, and he wants to be with her instead of me. i’m devastated but doing my best to hold it together for my unborn child. He claims to be lying to me for a year about his love for me and that he only said all of that because that’s how he wanted to feel about me. I’m having a really hard time believing that he kept up a lie for that long when he could’ve just left me and been with her a long time ago.. even before i got pregnant. The crazy thing is i’m still full of forgiveness and want to work it out with him, maybe even go to couples therapy if necessary. My question is.. would that even be possible? is it even worth trying? would the no contact/moving on concept even work with him considering he is probably going to be in a relationship with another woman who is also having his baby? i feel pathetic for even asking but any outside clarity is appreciated.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      May 19, 2020 at 1:29 pm

      Hi Miranda, I am so sorry you are going through all this! So, I would say there is a chance you could work it out with your ex, however, it is going to take time and patience. And quite a bit of emotional control. You mentioned that you are 32 weeks pregnant, is he planning on being in babys’ life?

      There is a process where people do get their exes back and they have moved on to someone else. This would mean that you need to complete a 45 day Limited no contact if he is interested in baby. And then you follow the being there method where you show him that you are the better option of you and the other woman. I would use your 45 days NC to decide if you could be with him after all of this and be happy. Knowing too that both babies are going to be in each others lives as they are going to be siblings

  5. T

    May 1, 2020 at 9:21 pm

    I met my babies dad a year ago and started dating (no commitments) 7 months ago, everything was great until i fell pregnant. He blames me and isn’t ready for the commitments of it and wants to walk away.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      May 6, 2020 at 3:46 pm

      Hi T I am sorry he feels that way. You need to decide if you want to have this baby or not and if he states that he does not want to be a father then you have to take that on board with your decisions.

  6. Steph

    May 1, 2020 at 4:57 pm

    so I’m 7 months pregnant with our second child.. we were together off and on 4 years. First son is 3. Have an apartment together.. he just decided not to come home about 2 months ago I only even know where he is and who is with because of his friends that came to me and he finally admit he’s been w some girl living in a motel.. she is a junkie.. has no car.. no license.. no job.. 2 kids she doesn’t have custody of.. he won’t even call her his girlfriend to anyone.. he’s been extremely rude to me.. unsupportive I’ve basically gone thru this whole pregnancy alone with the help of a few supportive friends and family. He has seen our son as he pleases.. he’s def affected by him leaving and just stopping by he’s cried begged him to stay several times will ask where he is all the time or when he’s coming home.. Baby daddy will just make excuses such as him being tired or hungry whenever he’s upset instead of realizing that he is 3 and this isn’t fair to him he has feelings and is aware he’s choosing to do whatever he’s doing over being with him. Before he left he was a stay at home dad with him.. he also was pretty involved with my family and friends.. then the last month before he left he would take off right when I got home from work and be out all night.. he did similar shit when our son was born he started cheating 2 months after he was born and then we got back together.. I really don’t know what to do or think of this.. it’s insane.. to be w someone 4 years have a daughter on the way he’s basically acting as if doesn’t exist or even ask about or ask how I am and never sees his son. For some trashy girl he has no future with. He was playing games still saying love you goodnight good morning talking to me all day long showing up to work things out and then when he got here said he didn’t mean it and left.. I don’t understand it.. I’m on day 5 of not talking to him. He’s def getting mad and reaching out to a few of my friends asking them to have me answer him.. I’m just wondering if this plan will get him to even realize what he’s left behind.. not even so much for me at this point but for our son and unborn daughter.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      May 2, 2020 at 11:54 am

      Wow Steph I am so sorry you are going through this during your late pregnancy, it is a difficult thing to deal with when someone leaves let alone with children involved. My advice, mother to mother is to put yourself and your children first as he is making decisions that are selfish and are not healthy right now. Whether he is going to come back or not, I think should be your decision not his, he may have left but look what he left for! Keep that in mind, read about the Holy Trinity where you focus on your life – health wealth and relationships. Keep to a limited no contact where you only reply to him if he reaches out to ask about your children’s well being or when he can see them

  7. Jean Beal

    April 30, 2020 at 4:33 am

    Hello, I was with my ex for almost 3 years travelled had an apartment together etc lots of memories that I hold onto. I fell pregannt and he abandoned me was partying and sleeping with every woman think he got into a relationship not sure. He came back when I was due to give birth found it hard but he visits twice a week without fail and me him and baby really bond during that time which made me fall in love for him. I asked him once how he could stop loving me he said he doesn’t know if he ever did stop. We are both quite stubborn so there’s this awkwardness when talking about feelings but any other topic we vibe just like old days. He’s on a dating site but due to corona only person he sees is me and my son. He doesn’t give me anything to grasp onto. I told him I loved him when I was drunk he replied next day changing subject. I decided to try get rid of the awkwardness by sexting him which he accepted to do the deed but am I just being too desperate? Do you think I have any chance?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      May 2, 2020 at 3:57 pm

      Hi Jean so the sexting situation is goign to place you in a friends with benefits place rather than getting him back into a relationship. SO I would advise not to do that again. I would suggest that you complete a 21 day NC and then reach out following Chris method so that you create and build a stronger connection with him the second time around. Working your way up the value ladder

  8. Nikki

    April 29, 2020 at 1:19 pm

    I am currently 23 weeks pregnant. We broke up literally the night before I realized I was pregnant. We had been together for 3 months and did not intend on getting pregnant. The timing was awful. He got back together with me and things were a roller coaster for two months. Finally after a long unexpected heart to heart with his mom I decided to cut him off. When I say roller coaster he would want to be with me and then push me away and then want to be with me again. To be honest this was happening some before we were pregnant. He has a cycle of being happy and then every 5-7 days he hits a low. It’s like clock work and there never seems to be a specific reason. Sometimes he would kick me out of his house at 2am accusing me of cheating (which I never did). At first he was questioning whether the baby was his or not. I knew it was his. He was the only man I was with, but he had trouble trusting that.
    Two weeks after I cut him off he wanted to get back together. For the first time he told me he was starting to fall in love with me. we got back together and for a month we were stronger than ever. The chemistry was back. he cared for me in a new way that I had never seen before. We finally completed a prenatal paternity test and the question of whether he was the father or not disappeared. He got excited about being a dad.
    One of the hard parts for us has always been that I already have two kids and I have them every other week. Well when we hit our stay at home order in March we spent the first week together and then the week I had my kids he suggested that all of us stay at his house. The first three days went incredibly well. Then he started to question some of my discipline techniques. By the end of the week he declared that it wasn’t working. He was too overwhelmed. I was devastated. I felt like my dream of what life could be with him had been handed to me on a silver platter and now was being taken away. Being pregnant I reacted emotionally and we had a huge fight after my kids went back to their dads house. We have tried to hold on but it’s been a roller coaster again. He misses me and then he needs space. Communication has become hard. He tells me he loves me is invested in our pregnancy and then suddenly he doesn’t want to see me. Then he misses me and invites me over and we start the cycle again.
    Since we met I have written him letters and when we hit these moments sometimes it’s the only way I can communicate with him because he will stop messaging me.
    Well this last Saturday he declared that he was never going to love me the way he loves his ex girlfriend. He said he had realized it that day. That he wasn’t happy and this just wasn’t going to work. He has declared Thai wouldn’t work in the past, but the realizing he’s was never going to love anyone like he loved his ex was a shock. The woman he claimed as the love of his life is also the woman he claimed he stayed with too long and was out of love with for a year before he finally ended things. When we first met he had been out of that relationship for a month and told me he wasn’t interested in ever being with her again. This was before we ever got together. So I find it hard to believe that now all of the sudden he is really in love with her. I still want to be with him, but don’t know what to do. He says he still wants to be involved in the pregnancy and go to appointments and be a dad. The no contact rule is hard for me because if I continue to involve him in the pregnancy that requires some contact. Also I have no desire to consider dating or talking to other men while I am pregnant and still very much in love with my baby’s father. Any advice?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      May 6, 2020 at 9:03 pm

      Hi Nikki, I wouldnt suggest that you date while pregnant either. I would suggest while you are pregnant that you follow strict Limited No Contact where you only speak if you need to update him baby wise, otherwise you have no reason to talk (for now). Working on yourself and your Holy Trinity, is preparing yourself for your baby and making see you in a new light. He is having a grass is greener with his ex, as he is comparing you both as crappy as this is to hear and feel. He needs to see that you are not chasing him anymore, instead you are putting yourself first and soon baby too.

  9. ketty

    April 24, 2020 at 9:43 am

    Hi, I already fell relieved already. I read everything and I want to start my mission now and will keep you posted.

  10. Melissa Cook

    April 22, 2020 at 12:47 am

    Me and my fiance were together for five 1/2 years. We raised my son together (he’s not the biological father) who is now 5. This past year we found out I was pregnant, we’ve talked about having a baby before. I knew he was scared and nervous. I ended up losing my job and became a stay at home mom for the rest of the pregnancy. January 5 1/2 months pregnant he went to jail. I walk into bails bonds to get him out only for his girlfriend to walk in right after me. She claims she had no idea. (I’m sure she did)… She decided she was going to keep away. He gets out of jail and came home, knowing what has happened while he was away. I did what anybody would do while pregnant. I let my hormones and emotions get the best of me. I tried to make it work I cried, I broke completely down.. I made myself look pathetic.

    Still he left. He said many hurtful things and left. He is now with this new girlfriend that he was cheating on me with. Living with her. Doing everything with her… He didn’t contact me throughout the rest of the pregnancy about the baby. He would only ask how I was doing.

    I decided to break contact with him.

    It’s been three months and I want my man back, my kids father. Im ready for him to come home. Or at least make him realize that me and the kids are his home…. The baby has been born and it took five days after delivery for him to know about it.

    I contacted him to let him know about his son’s birth. He has contacted once in the past four days to check-in on the baby. His mother chatted with me over phonecall (whom I am very close with)(his family in 5yrs has became my family as well). She said he has broken-down and started crying telling her he keeps thinking about me and the baby…

    Side note: he told me this new girlfriend has a part of his heart, that she’s doing things and makes him happy.( Can I win against this?)

    Do I actually have a chance to get what was supposed to almost be my husband back?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      May 2, 2020 at 9:31 am

      Hi Melissa, it sounds as if your ex doesnt know which he wants between you and the OW if you work on yourself to be Ungettable, and he starts to get a bond connection with his son he is going to see the benefits between you and her. You are going to have to do the being there method after you have completed the Limited no contact

  11. Amber

    April 19, 2020 at 9:45 pm

    So, my baby daddy and I have had an on/off relationship for the past 10 years. During that time we had a couple of years out in which we both dated other people, he had a baby with another woman, I had a very short lived engagement. He left said woman as he couldn’t get me off his mind and wanted to make a go of things with me. Fast forward a year and a half and he left about 4 weeks ago, saying he just wants to be on his own but I am the best he’s ever going to find and he won’t do better, but he also said he doesn’t regret leaving and he’s happy he did? Do you think I should just give up and move on? I’m heartbroken.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      April 21, 2020 at 11:18 pm

      Hi Amber, it is possible that your ex just needs some time alone to sort what ever he is feeling out. Make sure that you work on yourself and do not reach out to him allow him to come to you if he wants you. If you feel that you are at a point where you need to date casually rather than spend your time waiting. Dating will also push your ex to think if he wants to be with you he needs to do something about it.

  12. J

    April 16, 2020 at 5:26 am

    My sons father and I met back in 2015 he was rebound relationship at the time and I ended up getting pregnant. We had only know each other for about 4 months before boom were parents. I went through my pregnancy by myself because around the time I found out I was pregnant he found it his dad had stage 4 brain cancer. He met our son when her was 2 months and 2 days we always have had this constant flirty fighting relationship. When it’s good it’s good when it’s bad it’s bad. He dated a girl when I got pregnant and broke up with her when my son was 3 and we got together literally a month afterwords and made it official official he confessed he’s always wanted me and how sorry he was that he was scared and he proved with his actions he truly was. We ended up getting engaged 3 months after getting back together he even gave me his grandmas ring. I’m the first girl he’s ever asked to marry him he says I’m the live of his life he’s cried so many times over me and the thought of losing me well the last couple months have been hard and when we were in a break I connected with an ex and told him the next day then told him to get over it cause he’s hurt me worse. Since then our relationship was like walking on egg shells. I will admit I didn’t fully know what o wanted due to the stress but I cut my ex off when o seen how bad it hurt him. We fight and tell each other we’re done but we live together. Long story short we’ve been broken up for 2 weeks now. He broke up with me after I went through his phone and seen he got into a relationship with a girl from his job and has been hooking up with her. He told me he doesn’t love me anymore and doesn’t see a future with us together. He’s not contacted me for 4 days he doesn’t check on his child and he blocks me to unblock me then blocks me back if I make a comment about his priorities. Despite the bad this relationship was real we were truly Bestfriends some can even say soulmates. We built our lives with each other. And I don’t feel in my body that we are done just that he’s hurt. And I’m lost because idk what to do I’ve cried every night I can’t sleep or eat normally. I miss him but how do I get him back how do I show him I’m truly sorry and that what we had and our family is worth it. How do I know if he still loves me and if he’ll come back? How do I get his attention like I once had it

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      April 25, 2020 at 5:04 pm

      Hi J, so I would suggest that you follow a 45 day NC and start reading and working on yourself using the articles on this website and then follow the being there method. It is hard and upsetting when these things happen but you need to try and learn how to control your emotions around him so that you appear that you are happy and content when he visits the child or collects the child always look good and positive

  13. Donna

    April 15, 2020 at 1:04 pm

    I read the article and it turns out I’ve been doing pretty much everything suggested which makes me feel abit relived LoL but I’m a bit confused with the way my ex is being towards me.
    So we my ex(who’s also my baby father) and I split up about a little over a month ago& my automatic response was the no contact rule (unless he initiated a conversation or had a question about our son) and even then I’d only reply to his questions regarding our son. But lately he’s been saying he misses us both & I replied saying that he shouldn’t feel obliged to say he misses us both , since I know he really only misses his son as that can give th wrong idea (saying that he misses us both meaning he misses me too :/) and he said he meant it. Anyway his texts are now filled with heart emojis and sending his love to us both. I’m confused (please tell me if I’m reading too much into it lol) just cos he’s never been the type to send emojis in texts unless it’s with someone he’s seeing or in a relationship with. He also included in his text that he’s not talking to any females and always has time for me and our son. The way he’s texting language and over use of hearts and kisses emojis are throwing me off abit cos I can’t tell if he’s being sincere or if he’s just doing it to make me overthink etc. cos he’s well aware that I am talking to other guys (I still love him but I’m talking to other guys just to pass the time also to distract me from focusing on him since at the moment my focus is me and my son and our well being).
    So basically am I overthinking it all or you reckon he’s being genuine?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      April 20, 2020 at 9:37 pm

      Hi Donna, I think your ex may be trying to test the waters to see if he can come back to you. If that is something you want then start texting him little more often and see if his words match his actions. But take it slow to see how he reacts

  14. Tish

    April 15, 2020 at 2:47 am

    My baby’s father left in January when our daughter was 8 months old. It wasn’t the first time he left, but sure seems like this is the final time. He cheated on me with his ex for 5 or 6 months of my pregnancy and decided that he wanted to give up his party boy lifestyle to be a dad 2 months before I was due because I told him that I was done chasing him around and that we are just going to co-parent. He changed over night and moved back in with me a week or so later. I asked him why he cheated and left me during my pregnancy and he admitted because everything was just so much and he couldn’t take the pressure. He was afraid of becoming a dad and losing himself, not being the cool guy anymore. Our relationship was great for about 4 months then we started running into trouble and our relationship became rocky again. He was trying to start a new, insecure job while I was out on maternity leave (I’m the bread winner) and I didn’t think it was a smart idea. We began to bump heads and started rebelling once again. My trust issues resurfaced and everything spiraled out of control. We tried to work on it, but couldn’t get it together. He constantly packed up his stuff, left only to come back a couple of days or a week later. Eventually our landlord got sick of the drama and banned him from returning home. We still tried to work on it living separated, but due to him returning to his party boy lifestyle I couldn’t keep a cool head. He eventually ended things with me and I knew it was because he was seeing someone else which, of course, he denied. Eventually I caught up to him and he indeed was talking to another girl (girl as in young, stupid and just fun). She really had no substance on me as I am a professional woman who has her life together and on a really strong foundation. Fast forward to now. We rarely talk if at all. He doesn’t see his daughter. He doesn’t contact me. I do the contacting and rarely get a reply. He only contacts me or is nice to me if he wants or needs something from me. I know he’s doing this because he is immature and felt too much pressure having to grow up and be an adult. I just want him to get his shit together and realize that he has to grow up and be a father. I want us to be together. I want my daughter to have a family. How do I get him to come to the realization of manning up and get him to come home and want to work through the challenges that we both need to face as individuals, parents and as a couple?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      April 23, 2020 at 5:50 pm

      Tish, I am sorry but there is no way you can make someone grow up before they are ready. What you can do that is best for your child is co parent positively until he does mature, I would not chase him anymore, I would not reach out anymore. And when he does reach out to you unless its about your child do not reply to him. You do not need to do things for him, thats not what you are there for, your child is your daughter, you are not his mother. Children benefit from a happy single parent than two parents who are unhappy

  15. Barbara Ortillano

    April 14, 2020 at 7:08 am

    My boyfriend and I were together for a year and 3 months then I learned i was pregnant with him. At first, everything was ok, since we really planned it. Then I had this emotional breakdown mid March when I repeatedly seeing him exchanging messages with girls lately. I confronted him and ends up that he wants to break from our relationship. Saying it’s not about the girls he was texting but his love for me is fading. That he haven’t really moved on from his past relationship that last for 6 years. I was a rebound. He tried but said he really cannot stay with me anymore. But he will take responsibility for the unborn child. His ex gf already have a family of its own now. And before we were always talking about our relationship status. Him overcoming his ex. So I’m confuse. There’s no chance of them getting back together. The girl is living in another country with her husband and daughter. I tried pursuing him earlier but he was being firm. I made a mistake telling our situation to his sister, because I think someone needs to advice him. afterwards I bumped on this site and using a NC for 18 days now. We are still friends on Facebook. He never deleted anything, i never post anything. But I’m afraid he’s also using NC with me.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      April 23, 2020 at 3:04 pm

      Hi Barbara, I would say that your ex is possibly having a grass is greener situation where he is thinking the past relationship was better than what he has right now. I would complete your NC for 45 days and then reach out with the texting phase making sure that you are not watching his social media etc while working on your Holy Trinity

  16. Kay

    April 13, 2020 at 6:36 am

    The father of my child left when I was about 3 months. I am now 8 mnths and we have not been serious since but have been in good periods where we talk a lot and then we would go days without talking. I gathered that he has someone in his life and I’m not sure how serious it is but we still have those good and bad periods and during our good periods we are intimate. I really feel like I should not be holding onto him but some part of me really wants to be with him still. Do u think we have a chance of actually being a family? How would the no contact work for a situation where the child hasn’t arrived yet ? I feel kind of low about the relationship we have at the moment but it’s hard to let it go.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      April 14, 2020 at 8:56 am

      Hi Kay so you would follow a Limited NC where you only speak to him about pregnancy / baby issues. This can be hard as you are going through emotional and hormonal stages too. But if he does have someone else in his life then you need to read about the being there method too, also I would refuse to be intimate with him again until/unless you are officially back in a relationship just to protect your own feelings

  17. Moya

    April 10, 2020 at 2:02 pm

    Sash here,
    My baby daddy and I recently broken up and it was my call because he keeps cheating on me with random females and lying to me constantly.. he currently have a woman overseas which he disrespect me for a lot…. I love my baby father and I would love to build a family with him because I want my child to have that experience.. the baby is only 3 months and every day we argue… after breaking up with him I called him to reconcile the relationship and he didn’t seem to have any regret about anything that he did… he just kept saying whatever happens happened already what do you want.. what is it???? To my understanding it’s like he couldn’t wait for us to not be together anymore… I don’t even know if he truly loves me.. I’m basically scared and don’t know what to do.. any advice???

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      April 14, 2020 at 7:34 pm

      Hi Sash, I understand you wanting to be a family with your child and the father. But if he is a person who is going to cheat on you and disrespect you then he is not someone you should be in a relationship with, and you should show that you will not accept that treatment. It would be better for your child if you and their father could co parent as friends and see that you get along even if you are not in a relationship. Two happy parents apart is much better than two miserable parents under the same roof.

  18. Chelsea

    April 7, 2020 at 12:16 pm

    I am currently 8 months pregnant, my ex left me when I was 13 weeks, he says we will never be together again, he didn’t want our baby as he said we weren’t ready, now he is excited for the baby to arrive etc, we talk every now and then but the conversation starts from talking about the pregnancy or just checking if each other are ok, what does this mean? will we get back together? should I ask if he wants to give it another go when the baby is here or wait until the baby arrives and see what happens?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      April 7, 2020 at 10:58 pm

      Hi Chelsea I would suggest that you follow a texting phase were you need to increase the amount you are speaking daily to getting phone calls and start re attracting him. He may have left out of fear of becoming a father especially if it was unplanned. I would suggest that you do not put pressure on getting back together within a deadline as you are going to create the rushed feeling and this is all about timing through this process

  19. Kandy

    March 30, 2020 at 12:37 am

    Hi Me & The child of my father recently has broken up it was his decision we’ve broken up 3 times in 4 years our son is 7 months old and I caught him cheating about a week ago and I told him I hated him and that he’s never going to do right we talked and he cried and doesn’t normally cry he starting telling me how he’d try to do right for me and go to counseling and how he’s a bad father … & then the next day he says he doesn’t want to hurt me anymore And that He will never find another girl like me and that I’m the most beautiful woman he’s ever had and he loves me but don’t wants to be with me anymore I told him are you sure ? Because the last tome he left he crawled back in 3 days pleading and saying he will become a better man for me I tried to give him one last chance & he hung up Because he was working and texted me and said I just can’t do it … so I said okay when you miss your family again think about this situation because I’m going to eventually move on … then I got my things while he was working and moved me and my sons things out in another city I blocked him and everyone else he associates with from calling me at least for two weeks while I get my thoughts together the thing is I love him very much and want to be with him but when he made it clear he didn’t want me it’s like a weight came off my back and I was free …. I want it to work out but then again I don’t want to talk to him anymore but I have to Am I wrong for wanting to have no contact for a little while ?? I cry day in and day out but I don’t want to talk to him or about him or his parents I don’t even want to know anything about his personal life I feel like I wasted my time and how could someone just walk away from the loyal one ? I was the %100 loyal one but he gets caught … cries … say he will try … tell me he loves me … but then the next day tells me he can’t hurt me anymore he sends mix signals can I have your opinion on this ?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      April 8, 2020 at 9:49 am

      Hi Kandy, I would say that the guy has been caught out he makes the promises to change when you find out and leave him but when he realises that he is not going to be able to follow through with those promises he apologises and is giving up the fight maybe. Or he is trying to to guilt you into forgiving him and letting this pass. If you want to be in a relationship with this guy then I do suggest you find a couples therapist to work through why he even felt the need to cheat in the first place.

  20. Brenda

    March 25, 2020 at 9:34 pm

    My ex and I had issues while I was pregnant with our baby because I got him cheating on me with his ex girlfriend who was also pregnant. I decided to walk out of his house till I gave birth, we tried working out things but he kept on seeing his ex girlfriend until she also cheated on him with another man but little did I know that he was already in a third relationship, this seemed to me like he didn’t love me anymore because we had all the chances to sort of differences but he still chose to move on to a third relationship where he is till date, he doesn’t bother knowing how the baby is or anything. I have tried the no contact rule several times but looks like nothing is working out, I really do still want him back, should I just give up?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      March 28, 2020 at 9:37 pm

      Hi Brenda, if this guy has cheated on you and keeps cheating, doesnt bother asking to see his child or bother asking about his child. I ask, why would you want him back

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