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October 3, 2013 at 7:39 am
did nc, sent two atbs, then went out of the country for a month, came back a few days and sent another text but decided to kind of start fresh since i spent a month without really contacting him. he contacted me once via fb to tell me he saw something i liked but it was brief and didnt think into it too much. anyways… so sent him the “I have a confession…” tactic from your exrecoverypro ebook.
[9:59 pm]
me: I have a confession to make…
[right after]
him: ?
him: This is either a really long text or you are really building up the suspense lol
[11:03 pm]
Me: My sis bought me a copy of The Last Lecture before I left for Asia. It reminded me of you and how you always encouraged me to read it. It made me smile!
[11:16 pm]
Him: Glad you finally got to read it! Looks like you had a great time in Asia. Congrats on getting to your goal weight!
(I lost like 14 pounds since our breakup and I guess he saw my FB status)
[11:50 pm]
Me: Its now one of my favorite books! Asian was fun! Thinking about planning it with some friends! Oh and thank you! Hard work pays off! How’s work?
[12:03 am]
Him: Work is good. That should be fun! Keep it up! I’m going to bed now. Good night
[Right after]
Me: Thats good. All right goodnight 🙂
I usually ALWAYS am the first to end the convo. Is it bad that he did this time? I think I made the mistake of asking him how work was but I only did that to keep the convo going a little longer since I usually cut it short most of the time after a positive response. Also I think he got piss cause I leave long gasp of not responding…lol Anywhoo, what do you think? Should I move onto the next level in two days or send a few more of these friendly type messages?
October 4, 2013 at 12:31 am
I think it went extremely well hahaha.
That was following the directions to a T!
October 4, 2013 at 1:17 am
Should I move onto the next level in two days or send a few more of these friendly type messages since its my first text in like a few weeks?
October 4, 2013 at 9:30 pm
Slowly progress. Send a few more friendly texts that extend the convo longer and longer before you move on.
October 4, 2013 at 1:19 am
oh and is it a bad thing i followed the directions exactly? lol
October 4, 2013 at 3:27 am
No its a good thing!
October 3, 2013 at 5:30 am
My bf & I broke up a little more than a month ago, I havent talked to him since, but I’ve been stalking his Facebook, is that considered as breaking the no contact rule?? Also, how can I apply the ‘Take the risk’ step if my man lives in another city?? 🙁
October 4, 2013 at 12:23 am
No you can stalk as long as you don’t physically type something to him. And I would actually recommend the LDR post for you.
October 3, 2013 at 1:11 am
This situation is a bit complicated. This guy has been my ex for a year or so. It ended badly because he got depressed and couldn’t handle a relationship. He began ignoring me and that completely broke me cause I had no idea. We made up but over the past year he’s been saying he likes me, then avoids me. It’s constantly like that and even though he apologizes it still hurts. He just randomly started ignoring me a week ago and refuses to reply to my messages when I know he saw them. I’m ashamed to admit I begged for him to reply only because I wanted answers. Is this almost cause?
October 4, 2013 at 12:01 am
I think you should begin by ignoring HIM for a while.
October 3, 2013 at 1:08 am
My boyfriend and I broke up a month ago. He felt that I wasn’t affectionate enough and was having some anger issues. He refused to work it out and afterwards I had a 3 week no contact period. Instead of texting me he began to snapchat me and from there I texted him. Out conversations are casual and occasionally I’ll bring up stuff we used to do but theres always a nonchalant response. I’m wondering if this will work if he wasn’t into me anymore just a month ago
October 3, 2013 at 11:55 pm
I think for sure it is a good change of pace! I mean you haven’t tried this exact method yet have you?
October 2, 2013 at 9:27 pm
It’s been two days since I last spoke to him.
He said he didn’t know if he felt the same way as he used to and if he saw a future together… finally I told him that if that was the way he felt we couldn’t be together right now, maybe not ever.
He said he needed to “see if he missed me” and “sort out his feelings”.
So, this one month w/o contact to me, makes a lot of sense.
He finds ways to reach out and get contact from me… he can’t seem to go more than 2-3 days without e-mailling or something.
So two days ago I decided to try your No contact rule for 30 days.
My question is this:
I am running in a race in a few weeks. I’m raising money for a charity. He just sponsored me.
I feel very rude not thanking him… but I don’t want to break the no contact rule.
Do I ignore it?
Or write an impersonal “Thank you” email with the notification email attached.
October 3, 2013 at 1:57 am
Go ahead and thank him. I think you can break NC for this one little thank you.
Jori Kuszak
October 2, 2013 at 9:18 pm
Hey,So my boyfriend and I had been dating for 4 &1/2 years. I am in my second year of college and he is in his first. He was coming up every weekend to see me and we always had fun he talked about how he wanted to move in with me and everything. The Monday after he left my house he quit texting me well come to find out he was with his friends hanging out with another girl that he had been talking to. He was telling her how he wasn’t happy and all this other stuff. Well this past weekend he went home to see his family and of course they wanna know what happened. He told his dad he just couldn’t do it anymore, that he had school all week and I worked every weekend and that he just needed his space. He has been telling his friends he is done with me for good and never getting back together with me. But as far as I know he only told his dad that he just couldn’t handle it anymore and just needed space. I am so confused on how he changed so fast. I kept texting him 3 days after he left and he got mad at me and told me to “move on”. He deleted me on facebook and everything. Every since he got mad bc I was texting him so much I haven’t texted him once. I have had no contact with him for a whole week. I don’t wanna give up bc 4 years is a long time I think he just wants to enjoy the college life and not feel guilty for doing stuff. Idk tho what do you think?
October 3, 2013 at 1:54 am
Well, you are still really early in NC.
But I think you have the right attitude. You are right to not want to give up after all the time you invested in eachother.
October 2, 2013 at 3:38 pm
hi,i am vry glad i read dis.i really want my ex back we have been in a long distance relationship for 4 yrs.i hurt him alot doing things wch he did not like.but really love him and want him bck.its been 6 months we broke up and i was begging him to get bck for 3 mnths,then i tried no contact for 3 months but still he nvr called me.he luks happy and hvng fun with his frnds whn i saw his facebuk profile.he doesnt care or have feelings for me anymore.i am dying to get him bck.plz help
October 3, 2013 at 1:38 am
Have you read the LDR page?
October 2, 2013 at 2:12 pm
Chris, your website is really helpful. I bumped into it while researching whether or not I have any chances of getting back with my boyfriend.
We were together for 5 years, and a lot has happened. We were actually even engaged. But these two past months turned into hell and ended with him saying we are not right for each other and we don’t get along as we should. He also said his patience for my little mistakes has run out and he can’t compromise anymore.
I adopted the No Contact rule almost a week ago and everything seems so hard. I don’t have a strong urge to call him, but I would like to know what he is doing. I started improving myself (I do my hair every time I go out, go jogging at evening, put on a little makeup,etc.) – just in case one of his friends ran into me and told him afterwards that I looked great, etc.
He has called me at least once a day, but his calls were rather cold and more like: “do you need anything?” (me being jobless and living with my parents), “shall I bring you the printer? – I thought you could use it, because I don’t” or “if you need money just let me know”.
Sometimes I got the feeling that he was trying so hard to help me just to have an excuse to see me.
This whole situation seems so complicated and hard for me to deal with – since he was my first real relationship and, I presumed, he would be my last. 🙁
Could he be adopting the No Contact rule too? … The first 2-3 days after our breakup I called him about 3 times a day and we talked about what went wrong and about giving it another chance. But I was so unable to control my emotions that I instantly cried every time we talked.
Still, after finding your website – it’s like my confidence received a boost. I haven’t initiated contact anymore, I just let him call and acted indifferent.
This breakup was a true shock for me, since I came back from college to our native town and decided to stay there for him, so that we could be together. But now, it’s like I have nothing more to do here – except return to the city where I graduated…
I guess only time will tell if he truly wants me back…
Chris, thank you again for being a shoulder to cry on!
You do realize everyone on this website is friendzoning you big time, don’t you? :))
October 3, 2013 at 1:21 am
You get the award for comment of the day!
I do realize everyone is friendzoning me. I guess you can call me the professional “friend zone” guy. But hey, I get paid for it so I am cool with it.
He could adopt the NC rule but I think it would be highly unlikely.
October 7, 2013 at 5:10 am
So, after a week and a few days of No Contact rule…I bumped into him while he was with another girl! 🙁 It felt like he broke my heart once again.
But still – although I did not contact him, I couldn’t resist to answer about 3 of his calls. Each lasted about half an hour in which we talked pretty much about everything, we joked, laughed, and I could get the feeling that he wants me back.
Of course, after I saw him with that girl – I realized I may have misinterpreted his signals – maybe he was just trying to let me down easily.
Gosh, I really feel like an object he used for 5 years and then threw away! I can’t believe he moved on so fast! And that girl has way too many similar physical features that make me and her practically sisters from that point of view…
I called him about an hour after I bumped into him and her. I asked if he was really dating her and he confirmed. But I could sense some regret and the idea that he was trying to keep her hidden from me: he said he would’ve left earlier just to avoid bumping into me.
Which makes me wonder: did he think he could try his luck with her and if it didn’t work, he would maybe come back to me? Because that’s how it seems to me!
I regret the fact that I considered him different, I thought he had more character and inner strength to stay alone for at least one month before moving on… I guess I was wrong.
I know I can’t love, much less date, anyone at this very moment because I am suffering. I analize everything that has happened and try to reach to correct conclusions.
Still – I’m thinking that if I’ll be alone for a few months, I’ll be the strong one, not him. I don’t want to date anyone and be mean or give them less love than they deserve.
My friends were also shocked to hear that he is already dating someone new…
Do you think there are any chances he’ll come back to me? How can I tell? I mean, are there some specific signs like he calling me more often, doing things for me, etc?
And by God – how could he get into a new relationship so quickly? Isn’t he supposed to still have feelings for me? I mean, we were supposed to get married…
I’m trying to accept reality now and focus on my career, and possibly moving to another country. Maybe they make better men there! :))
I’ve actually felt like I never belonged here, where I was born and raised.
Chris, thanks again for all the valuable advice you give to every broken-heart that comments here!
October 8, 2013 at 1:40 am
What country are you thinking of moving to?
It is a tough situation you are in for sure. Is it possible he is going through something he hasn’t made vocal yet?
October 8, 2013 at 5:40 am
I was thinking maybe Sweden or Germany, but I also applied for a Diversity Visa for the USA.
It seems that I go through shock after shock – I recently found out that he moved in with her! It’s like he’s trying to rush into a relationship that will hopefully lead to marriage (that was one of our problems – still, a month ago I was willing to move to his place and even consider a spring wedding – I had made up my mind). But even though I told him my intentions, he said it was too late and he can’t postpone anymore.
I saw that girl, she’s like the total opposite of what he used to like about me – I fear they will end up forcing themselves into something that hasn’t quite worked from the beginning.
And my friends told me they overheard him saying that he still cares about me. But I don’t think this does make much of a difference anymore.
It’s like I can feel him sink into an illusion! I don’t even know if I would consider getting back together if he wanted to come back.
And by the looks of the situation – it seems the new happy couple are doing just that – trying to keep a happy appearance.
I mean, can you be really happy with someone (without making any comparisons between the ex and the current girlfriend), and without spending not even one day alone to clear your mind and thoughts?
He has had times of loneliness after breaking up in past relationships – before he got with me, he said he had been alone for about 6 months or so.
This seems to me a relationship that will prove to be – sooner of later – toxic for the both of them. I also know that she was married once before. And that doesn’t look good in my opinion.
Maybe all I have written above is a result of my frustration and incapacity (more or less) to save my 5-year relationship.
But it’s like I can sense something is going wrong.
It’s like a play, and during the show – the actors give their best to seem happy (that is – in front of friends and relatives), but after the curtain falls – dark thoughts may creep silently.
October 9, 2013 at 1:53 am
I vote Sweden!
It just sounds more interesting than Germany to me but I could be completely wrong.
No doubt you are frustrated but I think the fact that you are researching and learning more about the male mind is a very very good thing.
October 7, 2013 at 9:41 am
I have an update on the situation: I talked to his mom and it seems he didn’t even spend a DAY alone! He started talking/dating that girl the following day after our breakup.
But still: wouldn’t that mean that he wasn’t supposed to call me anymore, since he has someone else to worry about? … I feel like he’s torturing me by still not wanting to let me go – but he is also toying with that new girl.
It’s true that I still care about him and would want him back, but things seem to have gotten out of control!
October 8, 2013 at 1:52 am
Maybe shes a rebound. Some men can’t bear to be alone even a day.
October 2, 2013 at 12:11 pm
hey chris..i broke up with my guy and its been four months we didnt contact each other is this whole time and i dont knw whether he missed me or not..its his birthday this month.so u think i have a chance to contact him or get him back..did it go well? i am confused.
October 3, 2013 at 1:15 am
Now I am confused!
What is going on?
October 2, 2013 at 9:44 am
My bf left me because he thinks i cheated on him..but i didn’t cheat on him..He just keeps on thinking i might be having affair with someone else as well..Will this work for me??
October 3, 2013 at 1:09 am
Yes it definitely can. BUT have you assured him that you didn’t cheat on him?
October 2, 2013 at 7:39 am
Hello. so I’m really confused. My boyfriend of one year broke up with me, he said hes not sure its the right time in his life for a serious relationship. He said he needs some time and that maybe we can be together again in a while. He also said that one reason he did this was because after going out for so long he didn’t think he loved me but he did say he liked me very much. We had a happy relationship and were very close which he said he’ll miss very much. He’s very insistent on being friends even though i told him i don’t think i can be friends right now. he constantly messages me and calls me. Im trying the no contact rule but we hang out with the same social group and carpool to uni together so i can’t really ignore him constantly, so what should i do? I don’t really want to isolate myself from my friends as well but i really want to give our relationship another chance.
October 3, 2013 at 12:58 am
Well, if you run into him don’t make things awkward. Just act confident, happy, pleasant and keep the convos on the short side.
October 4, 2013 at 2:26 am
okay so i messed up. I broke down and got all emotional “do you miss me” and mopy and i think i might have made it worse. Before he was trying very hard to contact me and talk to and im scared after this he’ll just stop. If i start the no contact rule form scratch will it still work? Or did i mess up for good? 🙁 what should i do now?
October 4, 2013 at 9:43 pm
It should but maybe he will still try very hard to contact you.
October 2, 2013 at 2:26 am
What if one of the reasons the ex-boyfriend broke up is because he didn’t felt loved and know he no longer loves his ex-girlfriend like he did before… Does she has to follow the no contact rule? Won’t he think that he was right and that she was not that interested?
October 3, 2013 at 12:29 am
I would still follow it because he would view you as desperate if you kept calling him.
October 3, 2013 at 1:48 am
I don’t keep call him, I usually wait for him to contact me. He does it by fb. Should I ignore him?
October 4, 2013 at 12:03 am
At this point I think so.
October 1, 2013 at 8:00 pm
I just deleted my ex from my FB and instagram account before I read your advice. Do you think your plan will still work even thought I delete him from l social media? I did it specially to disappear for a while and in the hope he’ll miss me and contact me!
October 2, 2013 at 1:04 am
Yes, social media stuff can sometimes not even factor into getting your ex back so I wouldn;t be too bummed out.
October 1, 2013 at 6:01 pm
Hi Chris,
My boyfriend and I are both first year students in college and started dating about a month ago. He broke up with me yesterday, after a not-so-great weekend together. I was wondering about the no contact rule, I have a class with him so it’s gonna be hard avoiding him…my question is, how should I approach seeing him in class? Should I acknowledge him at all, or just act as if he’s not there? It’s going to be one of the hardest things I’ll have to do, but I really want him back.
October 2, 2013 at 12:54 am
Yes you can acknowlege him. Just make sure you look your best, feel your best and are confident with yourself.
October 1, 2013 at 1:09 pm
well i kinda did 3week no contact and after that i called him and we re talking now, being friends i still remind him of old times but it seems he is no longer into me i just need real steps of getting him back and his birth is soon coming should i get him a gift ( we still talk on Fone )
October 2, 2013 at 12:36 am
Have you implemented any of the post NC steps on this page?
October 1, 2013 at 7:35 am
Hi Chris, here’s my bread story:
We’ve been dating for almost a year. I met him after separation. He’s till going through messy divorce.(13 years in marriage. 2 kids). We had an amazing time together, travel, fun. He committed to me, we were in love. Our friends who have met the same year already got engaged, were bragging about their coming wedding, pregnancy…etc. I never bright up kids or marriage topic with him, I think he got scared and one day just broke up with me via email. Here’s what he wrote briefly:
“Dear Irene….I never lied, cheated, lead you on towards anything, and always tried to be honest with you.(and that was true)
But, I feel as though we are at a different junctions in our lives…..
…. I have my moments and sometimes don’t know what I want to do with the rest of my life. …..Again this only has to do with me – I am still figuring things out for myself after a messy divorce.
I do know that I love you and care for you, but I am not ready to fully commit to you the way you want me to. For example, I am not interested in getting married anytime soon or having more kids.
I am also not ready to have you or anyone else move in to live with me right now. I just need more time to clear things out in my head.
None of this is fair to you and I don’t want to be leading you on. It hurts me to see you in pain or be unhappy. You really need to do what’s best for you in your life. Frankly, you deserve better. You are a beautiful person inside and out. You are giving and have a warm heart. You have a lot to offer and any guy would be proud to call you his girlfriend/wife.
It hurts me to write this to you and I hope you will keep this confidential.
I do and always will care for you deeply, but I just thing that you deserve better and I am simply not able to give you what you are looking right now.
I truly enjoyed every moment spent with you and will cherish those memories. I definitely never intended to use or hurt you.
Perhaps our paths will later cross when we are both ready to commit to something more than what we have now.”
So, that was almost two months ago. Because after that email(I didn’t been answer) I did NO CONTACT rule for 50 days. After he so me at the bar with other men and friends, he wrote me another email yesterday( but it’s basically same thing: No Ready To Commit):
…..” just want you to know, one more time, that while we were together all of my emotions and feelings towards you were real. I will never forget the times we spent together because they were very special for me. I will always hold high level of respect for you. I know you’ve had a very tough life…… I am sorry things didn’t work out between us. But, want us to at least be on good terms with each other. I truly only wish you the very best and want you to feel free to reach out to me at any time. (for example, if you need space to do your photo shoots, I can find a space for you at one of my houses/garages). I really mean that. Always yours.
He’s not a bad guy, and I want him back! And I did everything in your book applying no contact!
— what is my next step???
—-Should I accept his studio/garage offer in order to get closer to him? As I understand, he wants to stay friends, no promises. But he is 47y.o, and I’m 40! Come on! How long we have to wait , figure out our paths and clear out our heads!??
—–should I accept his friendship at first as a strategy?
—– what should I write him to answer?
Thank you Chris!!!!!!
You are the best
October 2, 2013 at 12:16 am
Hi Irene!
Studio/Garage- I think if it increases your chances to get him back go for it.
Friendship- Definitely!
September 30, 2013 at 9:31 pm
Thank you so much for writing this. It’s refreshing. I’m currently in the 2nd week on no contact rule. I don’t post on Instagram anymore, or Facebook, and I deleted whatsapp so he can’t see when I’m online. I’ve heard from his best friend (who is also a very close friend of mine) that he has been asking if he has heard from me, and how I’m doing, and asking him to find out. Is this a good sign? Also is not posting anything on Instagram or Facebook the right thing to do during the no contact period?
October 1, 2013 at 3:31 am
Yes it is!
September 30, 2013 at 9:14 pm
Hey, ok I shall try and keep this short… So in February my long term bf and I broke up. I was devestated but realised that it was for the best. So on the advice of my friend and after 4 weeks of being broken up I joined a dating site. I started talking to an amazing guy we really got on well and after talking for about a week we arranged to meet up. I discovered that he had not long gotten out of a long term relationship, and reading between the lines I got the impression she cheated on him. Scared of the amazing connection we had being a rebound relationship I kind of held back a lot and found it hard to really open up to him. On our third date I asked him what he saw us as… He replied that he had told everyone I was his girlfriend and talked about our future. I was ecstatic! Then he went on holiday in May, when he returned he told me that he loved me and missed me! Yay! Then things started to go wrong…. He backed off…. A lot. I did the worst thing possible and the more he pulled away the closer I moved towards him. We then proceeded to have an on off relationship for the next two months. During this time I felt like I did all the work, initiating contact with him telling him how I felt and arranging to see him the majority of the time. We couldn’t see each other regularly as he has a very hectic work/social life. Which I appreciate but I also felt like he wanted to keep me separate. During the time we were together I never went to his house or met any of his friends or family.
He kept telling me that us continuing to see each other wasn’t best for me, that he loved me but wasn’t ready for that, that he couldn’t give me what I want or deserve and that maybe he wasn’t the most appropriate person for me. But he also kept telling me he loved me calling me by a pet name and that we could be friends after some space (after a few needy and drunken soul bearing messages from me… Eek!!) last time I saw him was July, I have had more than 30 days NC and sent the first message three days ago, I got a positive response with the pet name in it I’m getting ready to send the second type of message. I have It ready, I really love and miss him but also know as much as it will hurt I will be fine if I don’t get him back. I guess I want to know if you think I have a chance given our history?
October 1, 2013 at 3:35 am
Just keep going through the process! Its looking ok so far to me.
September 30, 2013 at 6:27 pm
Hi Chris,
I am soo glad I came across this site. My ex boyfriend of nearly a year and I have broken up. when we first got together everything was great, as they do when its a new relationship, 6months into it we moved into our lovely apartment together and then he lost his job. I continued working and even taking extra long hours in work and doing loads of overtime and providing for the both of us to live and have a social life. I paid and brought everything in our apartment and made little effort to look for work. I even started looking for work for him but hardly really shown interest and that put a lot of pressure on the relationship. He would borrow my car and yet I would put petrol and even pay for the parking ticket which he has got whilst using my car. I finally told him I can noo longer afford to work crazy hours (60hrs per week)nor can I afford paying for petrol for him to go to his mates all the time while i’m in work. so he decided to leave and go to his mothers and stay till he sorted himself out. 2 weeks into being at his mothers, he manages to find work through an old friend he knows. He did say when he gets money he will give me for since i’ve paid for him for the last 4 month whilst living together. since he has been at his mothers his attitude towards me has changed so told it upon myself to let him know how am feeling about the way he has never considered my feeling, how used I felt coz as when he didn’t have a job for 4months I was the only person supporting him and as soon as my money are not running out and I can no longer afford him to take my car he goes running to his mother. After telling him that, he decided to tell switch it round and say i’m the one who has not treated him right saying he seen my facebook message and that I have been chatting to my ex who ive not seen for the last 4year and appeared to be on facebook same time as me and was saying hi( I have now deactivated my facebook account as this caused problem)- just general conversation. Even told this ex who ive not seen for 4years how happy I am right now and how ive met the right person.
so he broke up with me saying he has never trusted me from day one and he suspect ive been chatting to other guys too. he did raise this with me 4month into our relationship and when he started accusing me, “I thought if he accusing me he must be doing it himself so decided to check his phone and I seen messages off his ex girlfriend but kept quite till the day we broke up after he started accusing me I told him I seen messages of his ex. I went to see him a week ago and told him am not gonna beg him back but I would like him to start trusting me again, so silly me changed my number so no guys who are friends would have it. we then decided to be friends and I wish him well and we both apologised for hurting each other but just to remain friends till I can across this site 2 days ago. I have now started the NC day 2 now and its hard but am going to stick to it, but I will do it. now I need him to come get the rest of his things from the apartment we both shared but he is delaying it as I want to move on and heal. What should I do??? soo frustrating!!!!
October 1, 2013 at 3:29 am
Well, focus on finishing NC.
Though you are allowed to break it to exchange things.
September 30, 2013 at 4:27 pm
So I think I posted before, but my boyfriend and I dated for 10 and a half months-I was abroad for a lot of it, and we don’t live in the same state when we aren’t in college. At the end of last month, he ended things with me over text message the very first week of school. Two days later he was “officially” in a relationship with a girl from his hometown who doesn’t attend our school, but she is constantly on campus, living in his room for like a week at a time. We’re on Day 32 of no contact, and I was wondering if this situation is utterly hopeless or if I should move on? If it’s not, what do I do next?
Thank you for your help!
October 1, 2013 at 3:30 am
You do realize you can contact him now. After 30 days you can contact.