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8,582 thoughts on “The Complete Guide For Getting Your Ex Boyfriend Back”

  1. UnknownKitty

    July 8, 2013 at 2:46 pm

    Hi, me and my ex boyfriend split up due to a really bad argument, we argued constantly which lead to a very bad break up. He texted me when he was drunk and I was drunk and I ended up asking all these silly questions, which lead to him agreeing that he never loved me. We was together 1 year and 2 months. Anyway, he did love me because he was the one he said he loved me first and that he hadn’t of ever felt like this with anyone.

    We argued constantly which lead to me telling him to never speak to me again. I called him so mean its unbelievable and heartless. So basically from this, we had no contact for 1 month. We was ignoring each other constantly in person.

    But the other night, he walked near to me on the dance floor, we made eye contact for a few minutes and he smiled at me. I got my hair done differently and he must have noticed. I walked near him and didn’t look at him. His head turned round really fast and he stared at me. But then, I came back near him and he was talking to another girl. Did he do this to make me jealous. He didn’t look happy talking to her and he hasn’t made friends with anyone new on facebook. Its been 2 months since we have properly met up and 1 month of no contact. Is he starting to miss me? The problem is he is going on a lads holiday, so he is obviously going to sleep around which means I feel like there is no point even sorting it but I love him so much. He hasn’t started seeing anyone new, so Im guessing hes a bit sad about the break up aswel. I dumped him btw because he spoke to me terribly and we argued all time. We’re both 20 btw. What should I do? I see him up town quite a lot, should I try build our connection back and talk to him up town? I don’t really want to text him or ring him. Why is he staring at me again?

    1. admin

      July 9, 2013 at 2:33 am

      That’s a lot of questions Unknown Kitty hahaha.

      I think HE WAS trying to make you jealous and it seemed to work because you went and checked his Facebook haha.

      I think he does miss you but I think every ex miss parts of their exes after a breakup.

      If you want him back then you are probably going to have to build that connection back via text messages.

      And he is staring at you again because you are beautiful duh 😉

  2. Jab-26

    July 8, 2013 at 12:48 pm

    I was an affair for my boyfriend.. When we started we both has significant others. I was the “secret life” for 18 months. We never really dated, just went on one date. I slowly let my ex (previous to him) back into my life cause the guy I wanted to be with wasnt ready for a relationship. Numerous times he would call things off with me then want back days or weeks later. He caught my car at my ex boyfriends house at 5am and ended things via text. There hadn’t been any communication in over 10 days (no excuse). Now he won’t talk to me but he has returned my texts (occasionally)but he’s giving me no sign of hope we can get things back. I have asked if could meet and talk but he has refused. The guy I cheated on him with isn’t someone I’m interested in (he’s my ex boyfriend) he was just comfort/company when I was alone. Not sure how to proceed.. How do I get him back??? Or if I should even try.. The reason why I want to try is that I know when we are together things are great.. Life is great! So unsure what to do or how to proceed… Help!!

    1. admin

      July 9, 2013 at 2:18 am

      First things first,

      Why did you cheat on him? What was your reasoning?

      Also, I think you need to let some time go by, probably a month without reaching out or contacting him.

  3. Karili

    July 8, 2013 at 6:26 am

    Hi, Im 28 and I met my 36 yo boyfriend on match 6 months ago. We hit it off right away, he fell head over heals, I really liked him too but I was (at first) still thinking about a guy I was dating before him. We had compatible personalities and we had a great date and a great start, very exciting, we met on a saturday night and spent the whole weekend together doing different activities because we did not want to let go. On our second day together he said he was convinced I was his soulmate and he even started talking about how our home was going to be customized and everything. We stayed together for 5 months. We both have kids, I have 3, he has 1. At first this didn’t seem to be a problem but as time went buy he kind of started to take things slower and he would keep going back and forward, one day he would tell me how much he loved me and how wonderful I was. Another day he would stress out and get a little scared. I try to make it work by being extremely supportive to him and his son. Sex was great and I now as a fact he was happy with it. I try to give him space as he would say he needed it because he felt his life had change so much after we got together. I would try to make it work and play it cool, but soon enough I would get needy again and I think this damaged our relationship. I know he was attracted to me but he started to not pay much attention to me anymore and that would upset me. I know he wasn’t seeing anyone or cheating on me. I had his apartment keys, garage door opener, he was never secretive towards me I could even go thru his phone whenever I wanted. We traveled together, I knew his family and friends and he knew mine, we would see each other several times a week, he would call me and text me everyday. However, he would sometimes complaint about not having enough space and I would try to give it to him, but again I would get needy and it was just a vicious cycle. We broke up after I was complaining to him that he was trying to blow me off and he said he wasn’t, then he said he didn’t know i he could give me what I needed and that he wanted a casual relationship and he even suggested that if I wanted I could see other people. I thought that was it and I called it quits. The next day I called him tell him that I was sorry for the heated argument, that I did believe we needed a break but that we could b friends. He responded that he was happy, that he felt free and that he was sad for me. He said “call me whenever you want, Im here”. I said ok, and hang up the phone. I waited 2 weeks and 2 days to contact him back. Honestly I was gonna wait three weeks but a friend pushed me into doing it. He didn’t answer me that night, I didn’t leave a message. The next morning, before he left for work I texted him early and said “please call me back”, he did, almost right away. I started with the scuse that I was wondering if he needed his chairs he left in my garage because since I moved out, the person at my old house wanted to know what to do with them. He said “oh yeah” then we started talking and he seemed interested in asking me questions about how I was doing and about my life until he got to work. The conversation went really well, I was neutral and I think he was at first a little hesitant to talk to me but then it turned into a friendly conversation almost like when we first met and he ended up saying “thank you for calling me”, I knew he really enjoyed talking to me. I also told him I had moved two hours away by my parents and he seemed a little shocked but I think i kind of gave him the idea of me not having any expectations with him. We ended the conversation in a great way and I was suppose to call him back within the next day or two to let him know when to pick up the chairs. The next day I called him, he didnt answer but he called me within a minute or two. I told him info about the chairs and sort of made it sound like I was done talking but then he try to ask me questions like if the father of my kids was gonna see the kids and I told him I was suppose to drive them ( the kids) up by where he lives next week. I asked him if he wanted to meet so that I could give him some stuff he wanted back and he said yes, he even suggested we would o grab some dinner with his son. Again we talked for a while and he seemed excited again. Then he said “ok ill see you next week then”. 4 days went by and today hesitant of seeing him I showed up at his house. I told him I was in town and I was hesitant to stop by but I decided to do it. He honestly seemed happy to see me. He kept flirting with me, he hugged me three times, ask me many questions about my life and he even said he missed our time together. He also said “I was feeling stressed, now this is good, I feel good now. I think it was the best to break up and for you to move down there, when you are in town we can hang out and we might even hook up again”. I never suggested anything like that, he said it all out of his own will. At the end, I had to leave, we exchange items, and he asked me twice if I was still gonna come next week. I said yes. He hugged me three times, very tight. I told him I kind of wanted closure and that I didn’t know if it was a great idea to leave things opened. He said “we’ll keep in touch”, thats what he wanted. I was excited but at the same time worried because I dont want to have false hope. He didn’t try to kiss me or anything, which I found a little disappointing. He complimented me twice about looking thinner and also about my hair color. He was very happy when I left. Now, I dont know what to do, he could tell I still wanted him, and that I was still a little needy, but he also saw a new look and a new air in me. I’m still a wreck about us and I cry everyday of my life, I acted happy in front of him, however, but I sure he could tell I was still very in love as well, I was glowing when I saw him, and shaking!. No Im suppose to go there next week, but there is really no reason for me to see him. Also, my mom is coming with me and she is not wanting for me to do it. Idk what to do. I dont know if I broke the no contact rule and I need to start all over, he says its still too soon. I feel it has been a lifetime. Please help. Plus, if he doesnt contact me till Thursday, should I call him when Im in town, wether or not Im going to his house? Nothing was planned everything pretty much in the air, but I hate having to be the one to call him. If I dont call him and I dont show up, what is he going to think? Please help.

    1. admin

      July 9, 2013 at 2:15 am

      Man I love that, when you get the shakes because you feel for someone so much. Hahahah ahhh good times. I haven’t felt that in a while!

      The big problem that you are having is that HE is dominating your conversations. HE is the one deciding where you should go. The ball is in his court. You need to change that.

      Honeslty, if I was you I would focus on buttering him up a little before you see him again. Regain control of your conversations via texting. In fact, If I was you I would start a conversation, hook him really deep and then simply not respond.

  4. Sara Mae

    July 8, 2013 at 1:38 am

    My ex-boyfriend and I met in HS, over ten years ago; we were hs sweethearts. (Yeah yeah) We hit it off right away. We both knew. He wrote me the most amazing love letters and emails, and talked to me via AIM and phone daily, and saw me as much as he could. We were inseparable. He even gave me a promise ring. We were young, I got scared. Time for college for each of us rolled along and we went our separate ways. I’m pretty sure at the time I broke his heart. He moved on and got married, I moved away for college and started a career, had a hand full of serious and casual relationships. Four years ago he contacted me out of the blue, and we both just fell into place. We admitted we always thought of each other from time to time. Within a year, we moved near eachother, bought a home, lost an angel, and also got pregnant with our miracle. She’s now almost three. Everything was perfect. I admit to having some postpartum depression after the birth of our daughter, and it seemed to get worse after I stopped breast feeding. About 13 months ago, my best friend got married, at which time I met all of her college friends. I was her maid of honor and took the role in such a way that I made sure to get to know all of her friends as if they were my own. I was immediately attracted to one of her old female roommates. It was confusing, I had never looked at a woman that way before. She flirted with me. I felt attractive, intelligent, witty, WANTED. Turns out she was gay, and I didn’t find out for several months. I admitted the attraction to him. He said to figure out what it was. I was excited, interested, happy, etc. I fell in love. In hind sight I realize how wrong I was. Although I never intended on leaving my beautiful family, he didn’t realize how much I cared as I focused more time elsewhere than on him. He met someone else, made me move out. He is now living with her. Each of us has been in our new relationships for about six months. The no contact rule was already achieved before viewing this website. Basically I only talked about our daughter for a couple months. It was a struggle. At times he would be sappy, or I had been. But then I stopped. Two weeks ago during swapping of our daughter I left my business card on his car seat and wrote “I am truly sorry for everything”. He immediately tried to call several times, I ignored and said via text there was nothing else to talk about . A week ago he sent ME a text saying “I’m sorry I drove you out of love with me”. I tried to play cool, hinted that I was interested in us figuring out it we could ever forgive and trust eachother again. He said he needed to think about it. I asked him today in person on child swap if he wanted to see a movie with our daughter and myself. He said it was too soon. We both cried. He asked me what I was doing and I said I wanted my family back. He said he did too, and it isn’t a matter of forgiving, he’s not mad anymore about WHAT I did, he’s just unsure if he can ever trust me again. I said it didn’t matter since he lives with his new gf now. I offered to meet her finally, admitted that I refused to meet her because then she didn’t exist to me. He used to want me to meet her, he said no to meeting her. He said he isn’t that deep in just because he lives with her. I staged the bye, said I was going to get going. That was this morning and I haven’t text spammed him at all, only a few quick texts about our daughter. I didn’t bring our convo up. I just found this website, it looks like I’m on track….. Might I add that I’m sure neither of our current bf/gf have done anything wrong…. There’s a bigger picture here. A family is at stake, and it’s most likely now or never before either of us get in too deep somewhere else….. The advice on this page seems sound; ironically I’m on the right path even before seeing this. i realize I’m treading on thin ice. There’s a lot at stake here. I’ve already apologized, been angry, forgave myself…. The rest is if he can ever trust. What to do now? HELP!

    1. admin

      July 8, 2013 at 2:42 am

      Probably the most intriguing comment I have read in a long time!

      I am just going to cut right to the chase. You have to show him that he can trust you. Think about actions you can take or texts you can send that will make him go “wow she has changed, I think I can trust her.” Admittedly, it is going to be tricky and you will have to think outside the box.

      Also, make sure you push his emotional hot buttons using some of the texting examples from above!

    2. Sara Mae

      July 8, 2013 at 3:03 am

      I’ve said it all. It’s been six months. He recently got offered another job several hours away, and is contemplating moving…with his new gf. Obviously, we both still care. We’ve both done some pretty detrimental and hurtful things….. It’s been half a year, I’ve been patient. I’ve calmed down instead of begging. I’ve stopped saying hurtful things and blaming others besides myself. This is urgent, I know he’s thinking about everything. I feel the connection… This is extremely urgent. I know we could both go our separate ways and find new love. It’s not about that. Our relationship was strong, we agreed on everything, were smart financially, had a beautiful home, great careers, real estate that we rented…… We built a life together. I never meant to risk all that!! Honesty, I’m not a complete fool. Men have hit on me, I admit that I know I’m charismatic and attractive. I always blew them off is never had allowed a man to get In between him and I. Chanel came out of nowhere and completely tested the limits I had on faithfulness…. I was blindsided because my guard was down. Women have connections men will have and this allowed me to fall deeply for her quickly. I’ve ignored men’s flirtatious without batting an eye, I wasn’t expecting what life threw at me. I failed the faithfulness test miserably. Ruined my family. I never meat to let it get so far out of control. I blamed him for me finding her. Awful things… Allowed her and I to fall in love. I…. Feel strongly that I was wrong. I’ve hurt now two people. I just want my family back. He finds out soon if he got the new job or not….. Time is of the essence. I don’t want to annoy him by being pushy, but I don’t want to be silent and just watch him walk away forever and start a new life. I have never been so humiliated and desperate in my life, my strong outer shell I’ve always had is shattered, and I keep praying I will wake up from some nightmare and realize I had never done anything so disgusting to my family.

    3. admin

      July 8, 2013 at 3:21 am

      Hahaha honestly if anyone deserves to get their ex back it is you! Umm…. whatever yo do don’t give him in ultimatum because that will blow up in your face trust me.

      Push his emotional hot buttons and find a way to go out for coffee and talk about your relationship.

    4. Sara Mae

      July 26, 2013 at 1:39 am

      Yes you may, but wouldn’t you like to make sure we actually get back together first? Its only been 17 days, and i dont want to catch my chickens before they hatch…. Technically his gf still lives with him…. Sara Mae is already an alias 🙂

    5. admin

      July 26, 2013 at 3:16 am

      Sara Mae (alias),

      I would like to wait for you to get back together but I want people to see that beginning stages of this working as well. I want to give people hope by showing them that this stuff can work if they implement it correctly.

      Keep us all updated on your progress…. Sara Mae….

    6. Sara Mae

      July 24, 2013 at 12:25 pm

      Since we have a child together, I followed your modified NC. Have engaged in zero arguments, have sent intriguing texts, have started spending time and flirting with male friends….. His family saw the new friends being added on FB. We have spent 5 times together since I first contacted you, all went well. He’s admitted he misses me. Doesn’t bring up Chanel anymore. He’s very distant from his new girlfriend that lives with him. We text every day now, short and sweet. He’s sweet and romantic in ways he never was when we were together. He’s planning on telling her to leave…. Although she has no job so just being patient and understanding while he figures out where she will stay. From all accounts of his family they all miss me, he hasn’t been the same since we split, and he is always distant from her. Not counting my chickens before they hatch, but so far so good! Your plan works, just wanted to give an update!

    7. admin

      July 25, 2013 at 2:09 am

      Hi Sara!

      You are doing Fantastic!

      I was wondering if I would be able to post your comment in the success section of this website (I know you haven’t technically got him back but I want people to see that if you do this correctly things can go really well) that I am working on creating? I need permission to use it and I need permission to use your name though I am willing to give you an alias if you aren’t comfortable.

  5. Sarah

    July 7, 2013 at 11:23 pm

    My boyfriend of nine months just broke up with me out of the blue. We just got back from a trip to Jamaica and had an amazing time. We have little fights every now and again but nothing that is that big of a deal, and we always talk about our problems and have honest and open conversations. I also met his grandparents (I’ve known his whole family since January so things were going in a pretty good direction).

    He said on the phone he wasn’t happy and wasn’t giving me what I deserved, pretty much the whole, it’s not you, it’s me type of deal. I was a mess, given the situation, and was a emotional wreck.
    It’s been almost a week and I haven’t contacted in any form.
    however, I just got a text from him today, asking how i was doing. i know that you say to not contact for thirty days but i dont know how to handle this, especially with him initiating that he wants to hear from me.
    I’ve been doing good so far with not contacting and this isn’t something i want to mess up.
    Advice regarding all of this?

    1. admin

      July 8, 2013 at 2:28 am

      I say don’t contact him. He is going to get really mad but trust me, when the time comes for you to text him first, then he will have a more favorable response. If he asks “why didn’t you respond” just say “I needed time to process the situation.”

    2. Sarah

      July 8, 2013 at 6:03 am

      Would you recommend me waiting the full thirty days before contacting him?

    3. admin

      July 8, 2013 at 6:19 am


    4. Sarah

      August 8, 2013 at 2:23 am

      Oh yeah 🙂 Just the way he’s been acting, though not in a positive way, there would make 0 sense for him to be being a jealous jerk if he wasn’t having these feelings.

    5. Sarah

      July 8, 2013 at 7:15 pm

      Thank you for your feedback 🙂 It’s helping me stay strong and resist communicating with him. It’s proof to me that this is working, and that he does miss me, which makes me want to push myself further to not communicating. This relationship is different from the other ones that I have been in; if he wasn’t worth it, i wouldn’t try to go through this. i just hope after the lack of communication he has a positive response to that.

    6. admin

      July 9, 2013 at 2:34 am

      In my experience he will get pissed at the lack of communication but that is not a bad thing. When the time comes to rebuild your connection he will be more responsive. Hahaha weird huh?

  6. Quanee

    July 7, 2013 at 6:30 am

    My high-school sweetheart & I broke up about 6 months ago. I broke up with him because I needed time to see where I wanted to be, we were together since the age of 14 (we are now 19) and when we began college and had more time apart I began to question alot of things, but I came back because I realized that he was the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. He now has a new girlfriend and he tells me that he still loves me and that he still cares, he just needs time to see where he wants to be. I know that it’s not a guarantee that he’s coming back like I did and I don’t want to bother him while he’s experimenting life without me, but I don’t know what to do with myself.. I feel so weak and helpless .. What should I do?

    1. admin

      July 7, 2013 at 6:34 am

      Honestly, you should do exactly what he is doing. Go out and enjoy life. If he has a new girlfriend you are at a small disadvantage but that just means you need to be patient. HOWEVER, you are the one that got away to him. That kind of thing sticks with a guy trust me.

    2. Quanee

      July 7, 2013 at 7:13 am

      So I shouldn’t contact him anymore?

    3. admin

      July 7, 2013 at 5:41 pm

      Yea, let some time pass

    4. Quanee

      July 8, 2013 at 1:20 pm

      His birthday is coming up in 2 weeks & he loves to eat so should I have a dinner for his birthday or just text him happy bday?

    5. admin

      July 9, 2013 at 2:17 am

      Just text him happy birthday.

  7. Kayla

    July 6, 2013 at 5:42 pm

    Hi! Thank you so much for this site.
    So here’s my situation. My bf of three years decided he wanted to take time to fix himself and get right with God (we are both Christians) he said maybe there is hope we can can get back together if God leads us there. I just started no contact and I’m working on fixing myself, getting a new job and stuff. We were almost engaged but our biggest issue was I was not supportive of his family and we argued over that. Immaturity on my part. I also pushed him to change to much and I didn’t realize he didn’t even need to change. I see he joined a Christian dating site three days after he broke up with me but he said its only to meet friends. He is a very honest guy. Do you think there is hope for us? The nc is so hard after talking to someone three years everyday. I just don’t want him to move on and forget us and me in those 30 days.

    1. admin

      July 6, 2013 at 11:30 pm

      Trust me, if you talked every day for three years straight he is not going to forget you and move on after just 30 days so don’t worry about that.

      I do think you have a chance but you need to let things settle down a bit. For right now, just focus on completing your NC period.

  8. Jane

    July 6, 2013 at 11:00 am

    Hi! i just want some advice in my case.. well, i’m doing the NC rule for about two weeks now. but because my ex boyfriend and I have a daughter, we contacted each other last thursday because he wanted to talk to his child on the phone, but we didn’t talk. It’s about two weeks since we talked and he invited me to his bithday and that’s already next week… do you think i should go? give him present or what? I was thinking what would be the reaction of his family if i just appeared on his birthday.. i really don’t know… 🙁

    Btw, he cheated on me that’s why we broke up. it’s been 5 months when we broke up.. he didn’t tell me about the girl but i knew there was another girl because i felt it.. Well it was last april when he returned to her ex girlfriend and left us. Actually the girl was his first love, highschool sweetheart.. whatever! but they didn’t last. For the second time, the girl broke up with him after a month of their relationship, they parted as friends though and he still texting and calling the girl.. I knew because my ex boyfriend confessed everything when the girl broke up with him, and he didn’t know what to do.

    But now i’m doing the NC rule because i felt like he can’t appreciate me because he knows i’m always there for him.

    We’ve been together for 6 years and i really can’t imagine that what he felt for her is like stronger than me. And i’m still hurt everytime he says he loves that girl.. Do I still stand a chance? I want my family to be whole again you know? 🙂 He called me this morning but I ignored his call.. hope to hear from you soon.. 🙂

    1. admin

      July 6, 2013 at 11:49 pm

      Hello Jane,

      I know you don’t get told this a lot but I am proud of you. Seriously, to have the guts to no contact your ex after he cheated on you and not come running back like so many other girls do says a lot about your character. Here is my deal with cheaters, and I want you to think hard about this, was the cheating a one time thing. Are you absolutely convinced that it won’t happen again. Because, if he seems like the type of guy that would cheat again then you are better off without him.

      As for the birthday, what do you think? Do you feel it is right to go? or do you feel it is right to not go? Trust your gut with this.

    2. Jane

      July 7, 2013 at 2:19 am

      thanks! 🙂 yeah, it’s a one time thing and i think it won’t happen again because my ex boyfriend is a one woman man. He had a strong feelings for that girl before, he really loves her before I came to his life, and I know that our relationship was a rebound, because of me he forget about her and in 6 years we’ve been together I know that he still have feelings for me. Actually he don’t want to hurt me, he told me that he tried to control his feelings. I was angry but I know I can’t do anything about it because i’m away that time.

      Now that the girl broke up with him.. I think we can start again as friends. 🙂 I want to go to his bday and i think i’m ready, i can now manage to smile and i really tried to release all the anger, hatred, all the bad memories these past months, i enjoyed with my friends and stop thinking about him for some time but i know deep in my heart that I still love this guy after all. but I think giving him a gift is not a good idea, maybe because I always give him a gift on his bday and it will just make him think that i’m using that opportunity to win him back. right? think so? 🙂

      Btw, last night he called me 6 times, i just saw this morning, then he tried to call again, I picked up the phone then he told me why did I called him last night, maybe I accidentally dialed his # because my phone was beside me. But trying to call me back 6 times was a “wow” for me. I told him that I didn’t know I called, that maybe I accidentally dialed his no. and he just said “ok, you take care!” you think that’s something huh? 🙂

    3. admin

      July 7, 2013 at 6:06 am

      I think him calling you six times is definitely something! It’s progress!

      If you feel you are ready for the birthday then I say go for it.

    4. Jane

      July 7, 2013 at 6:37 am

      haha, maybe he checked my facebook and browse my album, because the night before he called, i was with my friend at the bar having fun, i took pictures and post it right away the next morning. I think he saw that because he’s always online. Maybe he was curious or jealous, idk? but there’s no guy in the picture, just me and my girl friend. I post wholesome pictures as much as possible. 🙂 Thank you again! Thank you for this site. It’s amazing!

    5. Jane

      July 7, 2013 at 6:19 am

      yeah! and thank you so much for this site. It helps a lot! 🙂

    6. Jane

      July 7, 2013 at 2:40 am

      Btw, i tried using a rose quartz crystal and placed it on our photo together. It’s been a week and I never removed it there, I attached it with a tape. 🙂 They say rose quartz bring love and harmony to a person using it, some say it may help to bring back your love and it can ease reconciliation with family.. so I give it a try. I don’t know if it’s true but I feel like it’s working.I always check the internet so I would know how to use it. 🙂

  9. Mimi

    July 6, 2013 at 10:39 am

    I’m 39 and my ex is 36. We lived together for two years. We really comfortable and happy together. He left to further his study in another country and the courses he is taking now, he has to move to a few places. He asked me to wait for him . I met his family four months after he left for x’mas. Then we have to separate again. I waited for six months. He seldom contact me and I thought not to bother him too much and I trusted him a lot. Out of sudden three weeks ago he said he wants to break up with me. It was on Skype for just 15 minutes. I was so shocked and did all those dramatic stuff and kept sending messages to him and asked him why. He didn’t want to meet me and ignored me. He sent an email at the end to make it clear he wants space and concentrate to his study and told me to move on. Three days later I told him I agree with the break up cause I don’t want to stress him more. I really love him. I think it is because of the distance changed everything. Do you think there is a possibility we can get back together? Or what should I do to get him back. We broke up for three weeks. We never argue and it was out of sudden. We have been together for almost three and a half year. He couldn’t even talk to me face to face or on phone to break up with me. Just an email. I feel really upset. I even tried to kill myself. But I tried all my best to move on cause I don’t want people around me to worried about me and tried my best to be positive . That was why I said I agree with him too. But I really love him. Could you give me some advises?

    1. admin

      July 6, 2013 at 11:44 pm

      Hi Mimi,

      It sounds like the distance really really hurt your relationship. I have heard quite a few stories where distance killed the relationship throughout the history of this site.

      I am not going to lie to you. It is going to be really hard for you to get him back because you really need to have the ability to see him in person. Do you know when he is supposed to come back?

      Anyways, my advice to you is to not contact him anymore. Give him his space. This is really important though: I want you to come to terms with the fact that you may not get him back. It is going to hurt but I want you to find a way to become stronger during the 30 days of no contact. Toughen up so much that bad news won’t have a huge effect on you.

    2. Mimi

      July 7, 2013 at 12:59 am

      He didn’t want to see me . I told him I can meet him somewhere but refused. I didn’t contact him after I emailed and told him I agree with him. He actually replied immediately and sounded really happy that I agree with him to move on. So sad. I didn’t contact him ever since but it just a few days ago. Hopefully I can do something about it. After 30 days no contact what should I do?

    3. admin

      July 7, 2013 at 6:03 am

      After thirty days no contact try coming up with a killer text that you know he will engage you in. You may have to think outside the box.

    4. Mimi

      July 7, 2013 at 6:44 am

      What kind of killer text? Can you give me some example?

    5. admin

      July 7, 2013 at 5:47 pm

      Use the variations on this page: https://www.exboyfriendrecovery.com/using-text-messages-to-get-your-ex-boyfriend-back/

      Think outside the box.

  10. Jan

    July 6, 2013 at 2:49 am

    Hi, I read this site and really appreciate it. So I decided to share my issue as well. I broke up with him three weeks ago. Before we broke up, we have the “Let’s keep our distances from each other” time for around 3 weeks as well. We were together for 2 years. We are in the same college, same year, and same major. This makes us see each other almost everyday.

    For me, I’m trying to do the NC part. But then we have classes together and we have to do a group assignment together as well. What should I do?

    1. admin

      July 6, 2013 at 4:40 am

      Hi Jan,

      Sometimes no matter how “into” no contact you are, you’ll be forced into a situation where you have no choice but to see your ex. Since you are in this situation just be really happy and pleasant. Keep your conversations really short and simple. Don’t engage him in talking about the relationship until you are ready to do it on your terms.

  11. Jessica

    July 6, 2013 at 2:24 am

    Let me add, I found out that although he denied seeing anyone to my face, in fact he is seeing the same girl he started to date a week after we broke up, saying he’s never felt this way about anyone (same thing he said about me when we first dated!) and basically trashing me to his friends and family. I am so hurt. I can’t believe that I will be forced to deal with him since I am having his child. He has just utterly broken me. Plus I have this bitter, bitter rage that I really want to get rid of. It feels awful. But the thought of even having to talk to him right now makes me feel so angry. I don’t know what to do.

    1. admin

      July 6, 2013 at 4:48 am

      I am sorry to hear this Jessica.

      It is ok to be mad but eventually you are just going to have to let it go. Definitely take some time away from him and just find a peaceful place where you can go to relax.

    2. Jessica

      July 11, 2013 at 1:46 am

      Had a dr appt today and met with my ex this evening to talk. Meeting was good. Conversation was good- that’s the problem, we do get along well. Talked about work, clients, etc. I think honestly we are both just still adjusting to the pregnancy. It’s still so new, so early. I think we are still unsure of all the emotions we are feeling, I guess that’s normal. So he kept telling me stories, making a point to say, I did this by myself (cooked, saw a movie) when in fact I know he was with the GF. Guess he still doesn’t want to admit anything, could be alot of reasons why. He didn’t ask about me dating or whatever. Anyway, it was tough. Seeing him does make me miss him, talking to him, sharing things with him. I feel like there’s this huge distance between us in some ways, and in others I feel like it could very easily be overcome if that’s what we wanted. Don’t know if that makes sense…I haven’t said any of this to him, just things I think about. Think it’s better to still just give time and space. Just wanted to see if you had any different advice.

    3. admin

      July 11, 2013 at 2:34 am

      Keep doing what you are doing. When the time is right you can do your best to get him back but I still think he needs some more time to sort things out on his own.

    4. Jessica

      July 15, 2013 at 9:32 pm

      Promise my last posting on this…he contined to text me, saying hello? Why am I not responding? So I finally texted, I’m good. Couple hours later from him: so what’s going on? Wanna talk about it?

    5. admin

      July 15, 2013 at 11:07 pm

      It’s better if you don’t respond. Thats my opinion.

    6. Jessica

      July 15, 2013 at 2:45 pm

      Just an add, or will ignoring him/NC when he asks how I am give him the upper hand ie he knows I’m “upset” and not responding?

    7. admin

      July 15, 2013 at 11:39 pm

      Generally, ignoring an exes responses will have an effect on him. He will get angry that you aren’t responding to him giving you the upper hand.

    8. Jessica

      July 15, 2013 at 3:24 am

      Can I just ignore his “how are you doing” texts and calls? Go NC for a while? Every time I receive a message from him it just hurts me to know he is seeing someone else. It’s not like he messaging me b/c he truly cares, it’s mostly out of obligation I’m sure. I didn’t hear from him all weekend, no doubt as he was with the new GF and 10pm Sunday night, ” how you doing baby mama?”. No thanks. I know I will need to talk to him about the baby if need be, but there’s certainly no need right now, it’s just painful. I want him to want me back.

    9. admin

      July 15, 2013 at 11:20 pm

      Yes, you can ignore his calls for a while and go no contact IF you have the discipline for it.

    10. Jessica

      July 6, 2013 at 3:23 pm

      I can’t help but also hope this is a rebound for him. What upsets me is how he talks about her and that he is so eager to just move on. He kept claiming he didn’t want children, that’s why I should get an abortion. Then the last time I saw him, he’s saying how excited he is. So now he’s excited? B/c his new girlfriend is being supportive and says baby’s are a blessing?? Ugh. I don’t want to share my excitement over my baby with him and his girlfriend! Sorry for the additional rant…

    11. admin

      July 6, 2013 at 11:24 pm

      It’s cool Jessica, I can completely understand the rant and in my opinion you are entitled to it. The new girl is probably a rebound. I had a buddy who was in your exes situation and he did the same thing, he got a new girlfriend for a spell but broke it off.

      Hopefully the same thing happens with your ex.

    12. Jessica

      July 7, 2013 at 4:09 am

      Can I ask how I should respond if he asks to meet to discuss the baby? Obviously at a certain point we will need to do that, but I’m more wondering in the next month how I can handle the request. Thanks.

    13. admin

      July 7, 2013 at 6:07 am

      I think that when there is a baby involved the rules definitely change. I say you meet up with him and talk about the baby and only the baby UNLESS you feel that you are ready to talk about your relationship

    14. Jessica

      July 6, 2013 at 2:37 pm

      Thanks for the advice. I had limited contact before I saw him the other day, mostly because I was so angry. Then I saw him and like I said, fell back into that easy rapport, almost flirtatious with him, while he told me he wasn’t seeing anyone, he was focusing on our situation. Then I discovered he was lying and the real things he’s been saying about this new girlfriend and me. He has no idea I know this. So do I just continue to be brief in my responses to him when he asks about me or the baby? I know he will wonder why I’m being so cool towards him again, but I guess that’s not his business.

    15. admin

      July 6, 2013 at 11:22 pm

      Yes be brief in your responses. However, make sure you are happy and upbeat.

  12. Jessica

    July 5, 2013 at 11:32 pm

    Hi there. First, thank you for the obvious energy and time you have out into this site and responding to these women.
    My situation is a bit more complicated. My ex broke up with me 4 days before I found out I was pregnant (end of May) We were already having some issues but I wanted to address them and work through them. When I told him I was pregnant he immediately wanted me to get an abortion. After a few weeks of torture, I told him I am keeping the baby. He said he will be “supportive” but he was extremely distant and cool and I recently found out he’s been seeing someone the past weeks. I felt destroyed. Fast forward a few weeks and we have since talked and seen each other a few times. we still have a chemistry and fall into our old patterns easily, but he keeps saying we should just be friends. he now says he is excited about our baby, talking about buying a house and names, etc. Is there any chance we might reconcile? I don’t want to push too soon (that was a big comment of his about me, “pushing” alot) but I miss him in my life and I want him to be back with me and our child. Thoughts?

    1. Jessica

      August 16, 2013 at 9:35 pm

      Hi Chris:
      So we went to the dr today together…and found out we are having a boy! i think he is really excited, i was excited, was a good appt. then we went to lunch and i did bring us up again. he seemed to really shut down and pretty much said he didn’t think it worked before, we tried, he doesnt want to go back. i said that i wanted to look at it as going forward, not to the previous relationship and i wanted him to know that i wanted another chance. kept it at that but he really didn’t have much response. it’s like he shuts down whenever i’ve brought up anything about us. having the new GF might complicate things. he told me he was unsure what was going on with the either, but again, i dont know if he says/doesn’t say things just to not be a total jerk. anyway i feel discouraged to say the least. i asked you before when i need to wake up and accept he does not want to be with me. is that time now? do i wait this out a little longer and how to i act going forward with him? thanks again.

    2. admin

      August 17, 2013 at 3:41 am

      Wait just a little bit later.

    3. Jessica

      September 6, 2013 at 7:47 pm

      Hey Chris:
      So distance continues to remain b/w us. He closed on his house and posted a pic with his family there. And the new GF was in the background. His mom came in town over Labor Day, she’s never reached out to me and i didnt hear from him for days. Did not contact him. He texted ans aksed how i was doing a few days ago. I have to eventually see him to discuss child support. i find every time we start to text and i give in a little to chatting, i get disappointed b/c i’m not managing expectations of what our relationship really is- a co-parenting one. i still want to be together and he’s moved on. Seeing me is only about the baby and being friendly. so then i find myself getting so, so angry any time we talk b/c clearly i’m not healed. and i really dont know how to carrying his child. i read your post on moving on, and obviously no contact for a year is impossible. i guess my question is do i move on, accept this girl is not a rebound (they’ve been going out since june i guess) and try to focus on co-parenting with him or can i still hold on to a hope that we might get back together. he continues to keep me at such a distance. i’m just really unhappy and i’m letting him affect me clearly. but i’m having a huge problem letting go. the baby is kicking and he is apart from this entire experience, but he has specifically asked me not to bring “us” up right now, he can’t think about that. but he can think about his girlfriend and new house just fine…anytway, wanted your thoughts. this has been such a sad pregnancy for me so far. and i wish i didn’t still love him but i do, and then i act like an asshole when we talk b/c i’m so angry! ah!

    4. admin

      September 7, 2013 at 2:07 am

      I can’t imagine what it’s been like for you.

      I think you are just going to have to accept that this is going to hurt and it will take time. But you are not alone in this. We are all here to help you!

    5. admin

      July 6, 2013 at 4:47 am

      Hi Jessica,

      One of my best “girl” friends was in this exact situation. I swear to god, this exact situation. So, since your situation is really complicated I am not going to focus on this page so much but just tell you what she did that actually worked to get her ex back.

      At first, she texted him like crazy, begged, cried did that old song and dance. In the end, she accepted the fact that she was going to be alone.

      So, for literally 5 months straight she maybe contacted him once a week to update him about the baby but she didn’t engage him in a conversation via texting or phone at all because she was so angry. However, after five months he anger subsided and she just forgave him. During one of the checkups at the doctor he ended up tagging along and they had a talk about their relationship and reconciled.

  13. Geo

    July 5, 2013 at 4:10 am

    I dated a guy in high school, 31 years ago. We both got married to other couples and had kids of our own. Throughout the years, he has been trying to find me. He would look for me about every 5 years. He will leave phones with others, so I can contact him and even tried to find me in my job but I was not there. Every time he found me, I call him and never heard from him again. Finally, two years ago he found me…. once again, I responded and he kept saying that he was going to invite me coffee and he didn’t. He told me he was divorced recently and had three daughters. We were in contact for about two years… at the beginning often. However, I wrote to him telling him that I never forgot him and many information that was very deep about my endless love for him. He told me he didn’t know what to say…. He also told me that I said beautiful things. He also told me that he I made him feel Shy and that it only happened with me. I finally saw him in a reunion last year and I didnt know what to do. He tried to talk to me but I didnt know what to say… Finally, I went to dance and kept dancing until he said he needed to go. He came and said goodbye. I wanted to stop him but I was afraid he might reject me. I always think on him. He lives far from me. We don’t communicate as much as before, just once in a while. He once told me he had problems with communication. He is for sure an introvert…. I have tried to forget him, but I have never been able. When we talked he said that our relationship hurt him a lot and was not able to have another girlfriend until he found his wife. When I told him that the same happened to me, he didn’t believe me. All this time he thought that I didn’t care for me. But with my letter probably he find out that I did care and still care a lot. I think I scared him. When we were dating, we were in a dance group. The girls were bullying me because I was dating him (they liked him) and I mistreated him badly… In a way, I think it was revenge because I was blaming him for the bad time I was having; I was very young…. sixteen years old and he was eighteen. Now, I don’t know what to do. I think I scared him with too much information and letting him know I love him. He is very dedicated to his daughters and lives with them. I am divorced and have three sons. I am only living with the youngest one. I have been thinking on going to see him to were he lives, but I don’t know if this is a good idea. Thank you in advance for your help.

    1. admin

      July 6, 2013 at 5:00 am

      Hi Geo,

      This is an interesting situation. Both of you kept looking for eachother. Both of you got married and divorced. You have three sons, he has three daughters. Hahaha it sounds like you two are so alike!

      My advice is this. I dont think showing up unannounced is a good play. I think you need to find a way to talk to him on the phone or get him on a date to get some lunch or coffee. If you just show up where he lives he is going to be a little weirded out. Especially if he is an introvert. With someone who is really introverted you need to take things especially slow.

  14. Angel

    July 5, 2013 at 3:02 am

    My ex recently dumped me because he’s been talking to someone else (even when we were still living together). The problem is I’m 6 months pregnant with his baby, so it makes it that much harder for me to move on. I know I treated him like sh*t throughout our relationship, but I learned my lesson and I want him back. What should I do in my situation?

    1. admin

      July 6, 2013 at 4:37 am

      I think you should try going no contact on him for a month (EVEN WITH THE BABY.) I know that sounds extreme but sometimes going to the extremes is what gets the results.

  15. Elizabeth

    July 5, 2013 at 1:33 am

    My bf of a year and i broke up a year ago. He is obsessed with his alone time (video games, reading, napping, etc) and we also work together sometime 8-5 and after work sometimes was pushing it. Our biggest issue when we were together was honesty; he loved to tell me what I wanted to hear even when it meant lying. We finally broke up when I caught him in a lie. I had a weak moment (intoxicated) and begged for him back. He refused and said he needed time to himself to “fix” himself. He now goes back to therapy and is on anxiety/depression meds bc of his “incurable” nature. He’s spent the last 30 years living the bachelor life of spending how he wants, gaming when he wants, etc…. Through his flaws I still want him back and think we can get thru this together… But he told me 2 weeks ago he thinks his happiness lies in being alone… I think it’s bc of how I’d “nag” at the actions he claimed to want to change but didn’t really care to (telling me what I want to hear). So what do you think, is there hope for us?

    1. admin

      July 5, 2013 at 3:08 am

      I think there is hope for your relationship yes.

      However, you also have to accept the fact that you might not get him back. And look, I know it will hurt bad but it won’t be the end of the world if you get him back.

      Of course, I think you do have a chance of course!

  16. Tonya

    July 5, 2013 at 12:00 am

    Just seeking a man’s point of view. We had been dating for almost 8 months. Our connection was evident for the beginning and we fell in love. He mentioned how he had never had this connection with anyone before and I felt the same exact way, we fit together great. We had so much fun together and in fact we just knew we had found what we were looking for!! The bad point(s)…there were a few times I had too much to drink and said some very hurtful things. This is not me! I don’t know why or where any of it came from. He is someone who I fully trust. Obviously, this caused him to slowly shut me out. I know he still loves me and cares for me. Just yesterday he said “I have never been with anyone who expressed an unconditional love as you, it has been beautiful and refreshing”. He can’t answer what will happen tomorrow, next week, next month, etc…I get that. I hurts me knowing I have caused such a wonderful man so much pain. I would love to have him back, I miss him deeply, and know I need to be more accountable for my actions, which I have explained to him. I am not a big drinker but guess I let the fun nights get too carried away. I have apologized immensely for my actions and am striving to become a better person because of it. I have no problems following the 30 day rule, but I guess I am looking for a little hope and reassurance from an outside party. Coming from a man, what are your thoughts and is there hope?

    1. admin

      July 5, 2013 at 3:06 am

      Hi Tonya,

      Before I give the coveted male’s perspective could you tell me a little more about what specifically broke you up. Was it just the hurtful things that you said while you had too much to drink? Or did something else contribute? If you aren’t comfortable discussing it here then you can email it to me.

    2. Tonya

      July 6, 2013 at 5:00 am

      It was the hurtful things I had said to him.

    3. Tonya

      July 6, 2013 at 5:05 am

      To be more specific, I had accused some girl of grabbing him. Which looking back (the best I could remember) never happened.

  17. Karina

    July 3, 2013 at 3:59 am

    I understand everything that’s on this page and I am willing to do everything! My only question is that during the no contact period, does that also mean no contact with his family members? His brother, two of his cousins, and his grandparents are really good friends and I usually talk to them on a regular basis (especially his two cousins, we are best friends). His brother just texted me asking for help with his summer classes and when I ended the conversation he said he was really sorry about our break up. I don’t talk to them about him or ask about him either. The reason he said we broke up is because he needed space and I was kind of mean to him during our relationship. I really do love him and want him back. I am working on myself both mentally and physically. I feel like I’m rambling, I’m sorry.

    1. admin

      July 4, 2013 at 4:14 am

      I say it is ok to contact his family members but I would put them on a bit of a limited contact for a while. Meaning don’t talk to them about the relationship and don’t talk to them too long. You want to be friendly but you don’t want to become a big topic that they talk about.

    2. Karina

      July 4, 2013 at 2:43 pm

      Ok thanks!

  18. Jen

    July 2, 2013 at 9:35 pm

    Hi my boyfriend of a year and a bit recently broke-up. He had kept how he was feeling smothered (I also felt smothered at times to but we didn’t communicate this properly) and our relationship lacked the conversation piece because I am a quieter person. He said he felt pressured in social situations because I wouldn’t be the most outgoing person. This is something i have tried to work on before i even started dating him. We chatted a couple times since the break up but he has decided he needs to do some more soul-searching because he needs to learn more about himself. He started to see a therapist a few weeks ago and they have addressed some of the areas he needs to discover about himself. He said the majority of him wanted to “try again” but he can’t be in a relationship while looking into himself. I’m incredibly heartbroken and discouraged by the fact we aren’t allowing ourselves the chance to try again. I do realized he needs to figure himself out before he can date anyone again… We have cut off communication indefinitely. SO what do i do? Do i contact him now and ask him if we should set up a date to meet in like a month or do i just do the 30 day rule and see if he contacts me at that point?

    1. admin

      July 3, 2013 at 3:01 am

      So, it’s the classic “the extrovert dates the introvert.”

      Men at their core love to be admired and I can definitely attest to that. Any time a girl gives me a compliment (even if she isn’t the most attractive one) I seriously get goosebumps. Perhaps a big problem with your relationship was that he didn’t feel admired enough because of your quiet demeanor. I don’t know I could be completely off base with that.

      Anyways, definitely try the no contact rule. Don’t freak out if he doesn’t contact you during the NC period because you can contact him after and slowly work your way up to a date.

    2. Jen

      July 8, 2013 at 12:06 am

      My ex is working on his issues.. he is having a bit of a crisis right now and doing soul searching. He still hasn’t contacted me and its been a week. I’m beginning to think he thinks he did the right thing to break up with me but I am also holding onto the hope that he is at home being sad and regretting his decision. I understand the point you made above and I think that is partially it because he said he needed the validation in conversations. But his insecurities made him condescending (not intentionally) which in turn made me not want to voice my opinion all the time. I am curious as to why you think he won’t contact me?

    3. admin

      July 8, 2013 at 2:35 am

      Honestly I just said that he may not contact you to temper your expectations. I don’t want you to be under the impression that the no contact rule is the magical answer to all of your problems. Unfortunately, too many people think that. It is an amazing tool that, if used properly, can help you get him back but nothing is guaranteed.

    4. Jen

      July 16, 2013 at 5:10 am

      to respond to your comment below… we both agreed that it was too soon to see each other… so i said that as a result.

    5. Jen

      July 14, 2013 at 5:03 pm

      So a couple days ago I ran into my ex. He called my name and we talked for about 20 minutes. We talked about what is going on in each others lives and how the other person was doing. It seems like he hasn’t been doing much except hiding from the world a bit and not going out. He said it sucks that exes can’t be friends and maybe one day we can go to the same place and both be able to stay there. I texted after we said goodbye saying I was not ready to see him and he agreed and he said he went straight home and cried a bit. We both agreed us not being together is a good thing (I said right now but i’m not sure how he feels) and we both said we miss each other and that life sucks and that us being apart is hard…etc I texted him the next morning saying I wish he had just let me keep walking pass him because i didnt see him standing there…. he hasn’t texted me back. Then he went out partying last night… What do i do? Just give up (because his comment about how exes can”t be friends really hurt me) or do the NC rule again?

    6. admin

      July 15, 2013 at 7:39 pm

      Well, I think you messed up a little bit. You maybe were a little too harsh in saying (I wish you just kept walking.) If your goal is to get back with this person you shouldn’t be saying stuff that will push him away.

  19. Sophie

    July 2, 2013 at 9:34 pm

    After two years, my boyfriend broke up with me (via Facebook! ) saying that he needed to be his own man and that he needed to be single for a while. He said to me that there was a 50/50 chance of wanting me back and hoped that we had another chance. Did he really mean this or was it because he just felt guilty? Now he will text me occasionally but won’t speak to me when face to face or when with his mates.
    However, on Sunday we are going to see a concert together that we pre-booked last year. I’m reluctant to go because I think it will be awkward but he said last week that it won’t be awkward as we have both moved on.
    Problem. I am far from moving on! I still want him back! Is there any chance that I can make him change his mind about us during the time we’ll be spending together?
    Finally, he also believes that I am now in a relationship with another guy after hearing that I had been asked out. No matter how many times I deny it I still don’t think he believes me, and he keeps asking me questions about it.
    Please help me! I’d be incredibly greatful for some advice!

    Thank you.

    1. admin

      July 3, 2013 at 2:57 am

      Well, on the plus side he is a little jealous that you got asked out which means he still has feelings for you!

      Hmm… pretty much follow the advice on this page but I want to point out that it is really important for you to figure out why he really broke up with you. I am not sure if I buy the “I need to be my own man” there has to be a deeper reason.

      Careful though, sometimes the truth can be scary.

      Advice for your concert- have a good time!

  20. Iza

    July 2, 2013 at 1:44 am

    My boyfriend and I broke up about three weeks ago. We dated for about two years. He basically wasn’t happy anymore because I drove him crazy. I started fights and made him go insane. I was a crazy girlfriend and he warned me about it. Every time that he tried to break up with me I would beg and cry for him to stay. He even said that if I had left him alone the first time he tried to leave, he probably would’ve came back. I’ve done crazy things from walking to his house to showing up at places that he would be hanging out. I brought the issues from past relationships into a new one. He’s really a great guy and it kills me that if I had realized all the things I know now before we broke up, we could’ve possibly been together still. He’s literally told me everything I needed to do to salvage this relationship and I never listened. He told me that he wants me to be confident and actually get mad at him. (I’d never ignore him, yell at him a bit & just get over it) basically he wanted me to be his Beyonce & trust me I want to be that girl too. I depended on him to much, I was too needy, I was a b****, I was crazy, everything. He has told me that there is a chance that we could get back together but for the time being he wants to be alone. Earlier today I asked him if he wanted to hang out, he declined and gave me some excuse. Oh, I also have trust issues. Can ya tell? I literally don’t know what to do with myself. Help me get him back ):

    1. admin

      July 2, 2013 at 3:36 am

      Hahaha this is probably the greatest comment in the history of this site!

      I love how you point out all your problems and then basically say you know what you did was wrong but couldn’t stop yourself. Don’t worry, I am not making fun of you I just know exactly what you are talking about. There was a girl with a crush on me that did some of the stuff you mentioned above and it really creeped me out.

      Alright, definiely go no contact for 30 days. You are going to have to show him that you have changed. That means that even if he texts you during those thirty days DO NOT RESPOND. The temptation for you will definitely be there but do not respond.

      That is the first step for now just focus on that.

    2. Iza

      July 4, 2013 at 2:36 am

      It’s not that I’m actually crazy, it’s that my only serious relationships were also my first two ones and my first boyfriend is a complete physcopath, such a horrible relationship. He once climbed to my second floor apartment and almost broke my glass sliding door because I hung up the phone without saying bye. My second one kind of played me and was a complete bum so besides this one that I’m currently trying to get back, I really never knew what a normal healthy relationship was supposed to be like. I’m scared that if I do go the full 30 days he will be already talking to someone by then. I want him to miss me but not forget about me /: I saw him yesterday and he said he liked who I was becoming. ( I got two new jobs and when I saw him I acted completely different. I was smiling and making jokes) and still he said he was open to the idea of us being together again. Just not as soon as I would like.

    3. admin

      July 4, 2013 at 4:21 am

      Hi Iza,

      Your fear of him forgetting you is very common. I hear this all the time but I can tell you that he is not going to forget you in one full month trust me. I haven’t forgotten my girlfriend from five years ago hahaha. So, stay strong with the no contact rule and if he likes who you are becoming then that is a really good sign.

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