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January 26, 2019 at 2:01 am
Hi! So I totally went the direct confrontation route in the sense of I did the 30 days no contact, re initiated contact and all was going well until I slipped up (ok, it wasnt a slip) and told him I missed him. He completely shut down. He told me he was trying his hardest to get over me and me saying that doesn’t help. I let a few weeks pass and then I popped up somewhere I knew he would be. It went great! he looked so happy to see me, we chatted, we laughed, we hugged, he probed me trying to find out who/if I was dating. we chatted some more, hugged again and went our separate ways. I don’t know what to do next. I changed my number and he doesnt have it. Should I pop up again?
Chris Seiter
January 27, 2019 at 3:21 am
Hi Yara…yeah, sometimes guy will just shut down. So why not take little steps and try to rebuild some text communications. Consider picking up my 355 page Guide “Texting Bible”.
January 25, 2019 at 8:38 pm
My ex-boyfriend and I broke up a month ago. We said that we still wanted to remain good friends and continue texting and seeing each other. However, so far every time I have asked him to hang out, he has either not responded or said he couldn’t hang out. I have also noticed that his replies to my texts have become rarer and now I have not heard from him in over a week. I have texted him several times since the last time we spoke, which seemed to be a normal conversation, and he has not responded. He did say at one point that he wasn’t going to answer every time but it seems odd that he appears to have suddenly cut all contact. Could he have blocked me or is he intentionally ignoring me? I’m not sure what to think. I know I made some mistakes after we broke up, getting emotional and sending too many texts and complaining that we weren’t talking and hanging out as much as we said we would. Is there still a chance things will get better? Thank you for any help you are able to provide.
Chris Seiter
January 25, 2019 at 10:35 pm
Hello…blocking is usually done out of impulse for various reasons that are not always logical. So it seems you would benefit from a sensible ex recovery plan. I have a heck of a Guide that can show you the way…EBR PRO….so check it out!
January 25, 2019 at 7:48 am
Hi Chris,
Thank you for posting these articles and helping out so many heartbroken people.
My ex boyfriend brokeup with me, the relation was just becoming worse due to fights. I wanted to solve it, but he brokeup all of a sudden. I acted a bit crazy for a week and did no contact for 10 days. But then he contacted me, yesterday I got to know he is with another girl now, whom I always had a doubt about and fought with him. I called him and broke down, he said I assume things and fight, that’s why I brokeup.
But I don’t. It’s true, my mutual friends have seen this, but he puts the blame on me and blocks me. And said I will make sure I have another girl, do not contact me again.
What should I do? Please help me.
Chris Seiter
January 25, 2019 at 11:14 pm
Hi Nany…looks like he is playing the blame game and being mean. I think its time to return to NC