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693 thoughts on “How To Get An On Again/Off Again Boyfriend Back”

  1. Emma

    December 4, 2017 at 5:37 pm

    Me and my ex were together for 2 and a half years. We broke up a year into our relationship and I did no contact for about 2 weeks and he came back begging to have me back. This time, we broke up because I said I didn’t think we were together for the right reasons (I didn’t mean this I was just emotional) but then he told me he had to rethink our relationship. A week later he went and got drunk with some work friends and the morning after told me it was over. This was on the 28th October. I begged at first and he blocked me, I did no contact for about 3 weeks and text him again yesterday. The conversation got sexual and he said how he missed my body… but then he told me he likes this other girl… a lot. He works with her and I think they’ll end up getting together. He also said he doesn’t feel anything for me and doesn’t love me and only wants this other girl. Do you think he means it? He’s seen me posing pics with another guy and he thought we were together but I told him we’re just friends. Do you think he’s trying to make me jealous? He also told me to go after this other guy. He knows I still love him but he seems to really like this other girl. He said he didn’t like her while we were still together and when we broke up he said there was no one else. What should I do? Do you think he might come back? I don’t want to start texting him again because it hurts too much if he doesn’t respond well. Is there a chance he’ll come back if I just carry on improving myself and staying in no contact unless he contacts me first?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      December 5, 2017 at 1:08 am


      the more you do nc, the less it works.. so, make this your last nc, do 45 days and then take it slow in building rapport after nc and check this one:
      My Boyfriend Says He Wants To Date Me and Another Girl

  2. Sandra

    November 15, 2017 at 10:23 pm

    We are going to have a discussion tomorrow And he may end the relationship (second time) because of my insecurities and jealousy. How can i up my chances to not have it end? What can i say ? Thanks!

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      November 18, 2017 at 2:17 am

      Hi Sandra,

      how did it go?

  3. Stephanie

    November 9, 2017 at 8:54 pm

    Hi Amor,

    I stared dating my ex in march. He broke up with me for a week in June, and then begged for me back. Then end of July he broke up with me again for a week, and came back begging and pleading, saying he would change blah blah. Well a week later, he ended it again and said it just wasn’t going to work. The whole month of August I contacted him once a week. We were still friends on all social media, and he still liked my pictures and what not. In September I told him I missed
    Him and didn’t get a response.
    So I went NC for 12 days and he came running back. Promised me everything, said he was miserable, and I told him things needed to change. Well, once again, two weeks later he freaked out, said he doesn’t know what he wants, but can’t put in the effort. Says he loves me but doesn’t see it happening for us. I told him I couldn’t play games anymore and this was it for me.
    We deleted each other off of social media, even though his best friend still looks at my stuff. I haven’t contacted him once since I got a happy birthday from him, and it’s been 20 days. I have not heard from him. Do you think it’s truly over or do you think he is giving it time and still thinks I’ll run back to him?
    I definitely want him back, but I want it to last this time obviously and am willing to make changes myself.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      November 12, 2017 at 11:51 pm

      Hi Stephanie,
      It’s not easy to move on and forget but it would be better to assume that he is moving on…so that you’re not going to hope and chase.. It’s better to come from a mindset of a restart.. How would you attract somebody you like that doesn’t have feelings for you? And you have to assess too if he fits your standards, if he doesn’t, then you have to move on.

  4. A.S.

    October 25, 2017 at 1:58 pm

    Hi Amor,

    We were dating each other, not friends with benefits.
    Now I just want him to back for good. What and how should I do.
    Please help me. Thank you very much.


    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 28, 2017 at 10:50 pm

      We can’t assure you that you’ll get him back “for good”. We can only help increase your chances of getting him by advising you to do the no contact rule but it’s also important to address the issue of why you think he didn’t want to be official

  5. A.S.

    October 24, 2017 at 1:48 pm

    Hi Amor,

    My boyfriend and I have dated for ten months, and this is the second time he broke up with me. The first time happened right after I asked him to be official. After breaking up for the first time, I didn’t contact him for 3 weeks, then he asked me out for a movie. After coming back, he was hot and cold to me. But one month before the second breakup, everything was amazing between us. Then two weeks ago, he told me that he loves me but is not in love with me. Now we stopped contacting each other again, however, he sometimes liked my picture on Instagram. I want him back, and I also want to make this work between him and I. What and how can i do.



    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 24, 2017 at 6:19 pm

      Hi AS,

      Why are you not official? You mean you’re friends with benefits right now?

  6. San

    October 16, 2017 at 10:52 pm

    Hi Amor,my on and off boyfriend came back two weeks ago and started texting,we have been discussing but nothing like him asking me out, just simple conversations like how you.The other day i put a picture on my status that” anybody that likes me should buy me this bag.he asked fr rhe price and later send the money. I got sick few days ago and he was always checkx on me but now an well.And he hardly texts again.My question is how can i get him to ask me out again.This is actually the thurd time we brrakup and all our breakups were caused because of my rude attitude.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 17, 2017 at 12:00 pm

      Hi San,

      Do nc, stick to at least 30 days and then take it slow in building rapport after it

  7. Sofie

    October 4, 2017 at 7:37 am

    Hello, me and my ex had been together for 3 years. However we have been on and off since last November. At the begging he was blaming me for the smallest thing. My male friends, my costant travelling plans. My busy lifestyle blah blah.
    The last “off phase” was 2 months and he left the country and then came back from the airport directly to my house and promised me for tje first time to put an effort and make things work.
    2 months after we broke up again.
    This time however he was honest. He said he is intemidated by me. Our life styles are different. I am a corporate girl, he is a nightlife guy. It was always hard. But he said he is not willing to find a balance anymore. He said he could never think of a better woman by his side thats why he kept coming back. But he said that our “strong sexual connection” is not enough to keep a relationship and he can not handle the fights and all the lows and highs we constatly have.
    He said he is a night person and he does not want me to be involved in this life because it will not benefit me. While at the same time he can not pretend to have a normal life with me.
    He said he has lost himself and he focus so much on this that he does not focus on his personal goals.
    He said that he feels i am not ready to settle and that i still wanna enjoy life and he basically can not afford financially and personally to follow my lifestyle.
    Finally he made me promise that i will
    Not contact him again and that “who knows maybe one day we meet under different circumstances”.

    The problem is that i was ready to stand by him while he tried to build himself up and he was not willing. And i respect he was honest. At the same time i feel he was a soulmate to me and i am scared of walking away. And if i do and he comes back again. This mentally destroys me everytime. I dont know if this can be fixed and what should i do.

    1. Sofie

      October 5, 2017 at 5:53 pm

      I would love to apply the advice above. But i am scared that the last time he came back promising everything was the last chance i had to apply the “last chance recovery” i think that was the phase we were in but we both did not apply it correctly.
      I have done the long NC almost 2 months. Never replied to any texts or calls. But once he came back i just accepted him based on promises and did not set any rules.

      So i am scared he will
      Not come back.
      So i am not sure what i should do different to make sure he comes again and i set the rules of the “last chance recovery”.

      Should i just do the NC again. And what if this time He will not contact.

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 6, 2017 at 10:30 pm

      Take this as a restart.. Focus in improving yourself and continue doing so while slowly building rapport. Don’t think of him coming back. Think of him as somebody who has moved on that you’re going to make him attracted to you again.

    3. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 5, 2017 at 7:24 am

      Hi Sofie,

      Do you want to try the advice above?

  8. Sandra

    October 2, 2017 at 1:46 am

    We are not broken up yet, but its very very close. Basically he is jealous of my male friends. I have asked him what can i do to make you feel comfortable like 3x but he will not tell me and brushes it off and has been ignoring me for several days except for a random text here and there. This would be the second break up if it occurs. What can i do to prevent this. I have talked to him about it as much as possible but his feelings arent budging and he wont tell me what i can do to help the situation.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 2, 2017 at 8:50 pm

      HI Sandra,

      if you’ve tried communicating and he doesn’t want to, then don’t initiate.. be active in your own life.. Show him through your activities and your posts that you have a life, that it’s not revolving on waiting on someone to communicate well with you if he doesn’t want to.. You’ve tried right? It’s time you show self respect by focusing more on yourself..

  9. JJ

    August 30, 2017 at 10:39 am

    Me and my ex have been on an off for a year or 2 maybe 3 im unsure but we break up he goes to like my best friend she kinda likes him then he comes back to me because ive spent a day with him and he realised what happened or that my best friend wont go out with him
    This has happened about 5 times
    A couple of days ago he broke up with me out of the blue
    I do worry alot about what hes doing when im not there or worry too much because of past relationships ive had where they have all cheated and i believe he will do the same
    I do sometimes think very down on myself
    I have trusted him before but he can break that trust
    I dont know if i should move on or try for one last chance to see if i can do things better
    I think he thinks i will always come back to him and i want to change that
    Thanks for reading

  10. Dora Nechifor

    August 29, 2017 at 2:04 am

    Hei! My ex and I broke up like 4 times every time he came back but the previous time I found someone else and we were on terms of getting back together and when he find out he said I cheated and end it but after a week he tried to sabotage my new relationship(and he succeeded) but until then he cried and begged until I needed to block him cause he went crazy up to stalking me. But after a month I got drunk and called him and after we just got back in friends with benefits situation cause I wasn’t sure about the relationship, this lasted like 3 months in this time I wanted to go in a relationship with him but he didn’t want anymore, and now I broke up with him if you can call it like this cause he was having lots of girls and he told me that I m just one of them so I shouldn’t even imagine more. I went in a no contact and after one week and so he came at my work to give back my sunglasses(lame excuse) and after on my birthday a week later he showed up again at 00.00 to give me a present and then I told him I can’t do the friendship thing with him and he said I understand and walked away, after I unfollowed him on instagram cause he s posting lots of pictures and it s really disturbing and he saw and unfollowed me and unfriended me on Facebook also. Today we met to give him back his stuff but that was just an excuse to see him and we slept together, but I told him that it was just sex and I did it cause it’s comfortable with him, and he said it s ok as long it doesn’t hurt me or ask for what it was, he s still seeing other girls and sleeping with them, one of them looks very much like me so a tease him that he can’t live without me and he didn’t reply he said just that if I think I can why I don’t do it, my question is is there any chance? And how can I make him quit the sleeping around cause he seems very determined to keep it up and he wants me to be one of those girls, but I want a relationship with him, I want to be a priority not an option. Thank you and sorry for the loooong message.

    1. Dora Nechifor

      August 29, 2017 at 2:08 am

      I think I didn’t explained well, the last 3 months we were exclusive, up until like one month ago when out of the blue he came up with this. And also I forgot to mention that he always accused me of cheating in this three months.

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      August 31, 2017 at 8:45 am

      Hi Dora,

      You cant control but you can control your actions that influences what he thinks about you.If you really want to be treated a priority dont sleep with him anymore, focus in improving yourself. Do one last nc, at least 45 days and then slowly rebuild rapport after.. If it doesn’t work, move on..

  11. san

    August 7, 2017 at 8:58 am

    Mh ex and i have been in two on and off situations which we came back now is the third we brokeup in Febraury and up till then no contact so yesterday his friend texted me(we were stil communicating) he told me he is with my boyfriend o said whi he calls my ex name i said he is not my boyfriend he laughs,after he said i should come i mean them in a snack i said i no longer go out at night his friend replies that changed girl o said yeah then he said even to come and see joel my ex i said yess i dont go out at night. I honestly dont understand if my ex stillwants me back or he just wants to be friends and my ex didnot text me rather his friend. I really need help fr dis pass 6months i have nt dated anyone bcuz i stil love him and am pretty confused.

    1. San

      August 9, 2017 at 5:03 pm

      Please are you like suggesting that when his friend text me i should not reply because i barely talk about him to his friend he is the one always bringing up his name.

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      August 10, 2017 at 4:14 pm

      I’m confused on how you think that your ex wants you back if he’s not making any move. If he’s friends are just messaging you to tease you about him, then you shouldn’t reply. And the nc is not that effect if you’re not active in improving yourself and in posting specially on sites like Facebook or Instagram because even if he’s not active on those or you blocked, once he gets curious, there has to be posts in your account that would make him think you have moved on and you’re not going to chase anymore.

    3. San

      August 9, 2017 at 4:54 pm

      Hi, ever since we broke up i havent posted any pictures, and my whatsapp dp is on my contacts and he is not amongt my contacts.
      His friend is the one always texting and our conversations are always straight forward like how you?,jist wanted to greet and his friend is the one always starting the conversation.
      I habe never spoken to his friend about my him. In May it was my ex bday his friend asked if i had wished him jappy bday i said he is not my bf.
      Another one of his friend when i update my status he will be like joel babes without me telling them anything.

    4. EBR Team Member: Amor

      August 9, 2017 at 2:45 pm

      How much have you changed in the past months? How many new activities have you started and how many new friends have you made?how active were you in posting? And what were the things that you talked to his friend about? Because it might look like to him that you haven’t moved on from him because you’re still talking to his friends

  12. Jayosi

    July 15, 2017 at 7:55 pm

    Hi there,
    I am definitely in this position with my ex boyfriend. Our relationship has spanned 13 years, we’ve been together twice during that time. The first time, we were off and on… I cheated. Fast forward some years, we got back together and he cheated – situation was alot worse in the sense that he started a relationship with person after it occurred. We have spoken a few times about trying to get our relationship back on track, and it seems that hurt always overcomes me and fear overcomes him. He doesn’t want to be tied to  me if I am emotional and wrapped up with the past.
    I have worked so much on my confidence and I feel like I am in a better space. I’ve tried to make it clear that I am older now/more independent and provided he is present, we should be ok. We are now on texting terms. He texted me randomly and told me that he was travelling for work – he said he was travelling to where my family is originally from. I was excited for him, although he kept his answers short.
    So far, I am keeping my head and being positive on the outside and he has said that ‘I am the only person with whom he has a ‘being able to talk about anything’ dynamic.’
    The other day he also told me about something serious that is going on within his family. I provided him with some comforting words. He didn’t text back, but I thought… ok. I messaged later about a different matter and he said something like ‘if we ever get back together’ … I continued to conversation and said ‘the future is what we make it.’ The conversation ended happily.
    But I guess now, I am nervous. In the past, this feeling has been my undoing because I get emotional when things don’t happen quickly – especially when I know he is dating other people.
    However, I feel like this time is different between us and I want it to be. We have the potential to get through this, but another part of me is scared about falling into the ‘best friend’ role. I don’t want to be trapped in the agnoy aunty role or just friends forever. Is the fact that he told me about a personal matter good? How can I stop worrying and continue building the trust/openness/connection in a romantic way?
    Thank you so much x

    1. Jayosi

      July 19, 2017 at 3:40 pm

      Thanks for writing back to me Amor.

      I’ve taken some key steps to improve my life and my spirit. For example, I have changed my diet, I go out with friends more, I’m sorting out my finances, changing jobs (which he knows about) and have erected stronger boundaries with family (I have caring responsibilities). So, I am older now (less emotional), wiser and more independent in terms of the things that I do on my own without help. I also take time out to rest – adult colouring in, meditation and reading. I am still doing those things. My desire now is to probably travel more and take breaks outside of the country.

      Here is some news… We are actually meeting today. I initiated the meeting two days ago as a ‘stop by’… he said he couldn’t and arranged for after work drinks today. I am a little nervous, but I am determined to be myself and smile lots – he even said the other day that ‘I shouldn’t lose my sense of humour.’ We’ve spoken about doing things together next year – going on holiday etc. Then I switch the conversation back to funny conversations.

      It works and it is going well/ok so far, I just seems to be difficult to disarm him and make him put his guard down. Perhaps we need to see eachother more. I am just always conscious of my dignity and putting myself out there to get hurt because maybe I am a filler.
      How can I reduce the odds?

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      July 22, 2017 at 5:10 pm

      Dont rush.. If he thinks you’re trying to get him back, he really won’t be easy to put his guard down

    3. EBR Team Member: Amor

      July 18, 2017 at 8:30 pm

      What did you mean by this “I have worked so much on my confidence and I feel like I am in a better space. I’ve tried to make it clear that I am older now/more independent and provided he is present, we should be ok. ” How are you working on yourself? Are you still currently doing it? If you don’t get him back, what’s your plan?

  13. Natalia

    July 12, 2017 at 7:10 am

    Hey guys,
    I’m in relationship with my bf for 2 years now. In February this year he broke up with me due to fights about my jelousy and being controlling gf. I realized I should change my behaviour and I started whole strategy from your book. After no contact and texting phase, he told me it was bad decision to break up cause he realized we are made for each other and that he wants to get back together and he never wants to break up with me again and that he thought cutting me off from his life will make him feel better but was actually opposite. For the next couple of months I became better version of myself in this relationship – I stopped jelousy fights, was more supportive and understanding. He was telling me how amazing gf I am and how I am making him happy and meeting his needs. We both made huge progress and we were supposed to move in together in September (ldr, I am currently looking for job in his town). Two weeks ago, out of a sudden he stop txting me back and after two days he called me and said he wants to break up cause YEAR AGO he asked me to unfriend some guys on social media and just now he found out I didnt do it and he feels like an idiot cause in the past I was so jelous about him and in the same time I was might even flirting with those guys and he realized that when I ask him for smth he do it immediately but when he asks – I dont care and dont do it. I feel this accusation is kinda unfair and I dont agree with it. I dont remember such situation when he asked me to delete those guys, he didnt mentioned about it at all in the last year, but he said it was one of the most important things for him. He is blaming me now basing on this misunderstanding and other very old mistakes. During the call I gave him few examples of how I made a progres in all matters which were a problem during last break up, he aggred last months were great but he said he not gonna change his mind. I told him to cool off and think about it again, now after two weeks he ignores my txts. Is there any explanation of his behaviour?

    1. Natalia

      August 27, 2017 at 9:55 am

      I did 45 days of NC (it finished in this week). During that time, I was posting a lot on fb, mostly funny/interesting articles or pictures from holidays or events I took part in. He didnt contact with me or react on those posts at all. He wasn’t really active on social media until last week, when he started his own holidays in Europe and started to put ‘my story’ on snapchat and pics on instagram. He put pic from Paris with #cityoflove tag. Next day I initiate first contact with friendly txt commenting his snap in direct msg and refering to funny situation from past. He didnt respond. Then next day he went to Belgium, to the same place where I’ve been week ago! Then next few days he went to Amsterdam, where we spent vacations together last summer. I must say his actions drives me little crazy and still hurts me. I wish to unfollow him but this way, he will not see my posts anymore. We didnt get a proper closure, he never told me to not contact him, he is just ignoring me and I dont know what does it mean. Should I try again to reach to him or should I do the closure? Is there even a point in doing a proper closure?

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      August 27, 2017 at 2:15 pm

      if you want, initiate for one last time.. if he still doesn’t respond, that means you have to move on.

    3. Natalia

      August 7, 2017 at 5:37 pm

      As I mentioned in previous post, during the break up call I told him to take some time and think about his decision. Two weeks after we finally agreed to talk things through and move it forward. He called me but internet connection was so bad we couldnt hear each other, I asked him to txt me what he wanted to say but he said chat is not a good way to explain what he feels. He suggested that he will try to call again that day but well – he never did. The same night he deleted our pics from his account. I was so upset and heartbroken I decided I will never reach him again. Now, three weeks after, I’m still thinking about him and feelings we both had and I wish to establish some contact with him, but I have no idea how since he acts like this. Why do you recommend 45 days?

    4. EBR Team Member: Amor

      August 9, 2017 at 2:50 pm

      You have to be more rational and come from a standpoint that it’s ok if you dont get him back before slowly building rapport again

    5. Natalia

      July 14, 2017 at 6:11 pm

      Amor thank you for your opinion. What should I do during the nc period, how should I behave, to make him think ‘This girl was seriously loyal and caring and she respected my wants and needs, now I can see that’. I think it might be hard to get him to those conclusions while not talking to him. Do you know any tricks?

    6. EBR Team Member: Amor

      July 14, 2017 at 7:35 pm

    7. EBR Team Member: Amor

      July 14, 2017 at 1:24 pm

      It looks like it was just an excuse to break up with you because he’s not ready to move in.. I think you should do at least 45 days

  14. Lauren

    July 3, 2017 at 7:02 am

    Quick summary: me and my ex were together on and off 8 months. He was scared of commitment and would freak out every time things got serious and would end it then come running back. The last time was in November and for months he wouldn’t talk to me- he would ignore any text and the few he responded to he was very mean and bitter. Recently we had a serious chat and he admitted he didn’t know what he wanted but he knew what he didn’t want what we had what we had (which was an absolute mess obviously) I know this is quite negative but he had said really mean similar stuff previously before we got back together again (we’re not meant to be together etc) since then when I’ve reached out, it’s been very positive, we’ve had a good conversation where I’ve ended it on a high & on Saturday I sent him a funny direct snapchat (of me being out and not being able to get in anywhere cos my friends were too drunk and he replied with two laughing emojis (to me this is very positive as it isn’t like he needed to have responded to it). Side note: he constantly looks at my snapchat stories & is nearly always the first to do so (I post a lot and I know he doesn’t have many people on Snapchat and he never snapchats anyone nor does anyone Snapchat him so really there is no need for him to be checking it every hour/ as much as he does) My question is where do I go from here? I want to take it slow but how to I make texting regular without it going negative and without scaring him away?

    1. Lauren

      July 6, 2017 at 11:30 am

      Thanks Amor!!

      I messaged today asking for his opinion on how to get fit in 4 weeks and he replied with a good long detailed text and I continued the conversation & asked him another question (yet to receive a reply but I did only just reply)! My question is where to go from here? Both times I’ve text I’ve asked him his opinion on something and I’ve read other articles on texting and it says to talk about a past memory but I really don’t think that is good idea and I don’t think it will get a response. What are other good topics? I’m going to leave it two days and text on Sunday

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      July 6, 2017 at 8:03 pm

      You’re welcome. List out his interests and use that as topic

    3. EBR Team Member: Amor

      July 5, 2017 at 3:59 pm

      Hi lauren,

      Check this one:
      Texting An Ex Boyfriend (The New Rules)

  15. Sharon

    June 28, 2017 at 5:26 pm

    Hi my boyfriend on and off of 3 years. Split up last summer. I didn’t contact him for a month and he got back to me saying how much of a mistake he made and wanted us to give it another shot. Reluctantly I agreed as I felt that I didn’t trust him the same any more. Any ways through time things felt normal again and seeing as it is an LDR we visited one another and it all felt real again. He talked about the future and possible marriage.

    A couple of weeks ago a bombshell hit me. He has said that he’s got an offer to go to America for a few years for work.Immediately I felt really sad because I am moving closer to him so we could have a shot at a normal relationship. He has said that if he went he would not visit me or make as much effort to contact me and that being with me would hold him back about potentially dating other women. I have offered to go there with him but he refused to entertain that thought. This is all a hypothetical idea at the moment but he turned around and has said he doesn’t feel in love with me but still loves me and wants us to be together but doesn’t know if he went to America would it survive. He goes so hot and cold from making plans with us together toctalking about America and not considering me. He has said he will love me no matter what happens. What should I do?

    In my heart of heart it feels like he wants to finish but if he doesn’t get the oppertinity he will stay with me. It doesn’t feel the same anymore. I really need advice as to how to deal with this as I am relocating on 2 weeks.

    1. Sarah

      June 30, 2017 at 4:49 pm

      hi, me and my boyfriend are in relation for 8 years. His parents do not like me at all and will never agree to our marriage. my boyfriend broke up with me every year 2-3 times and came back to me in a month. I always forgave and got back to him. Now, he again broke up and says me to get married to someone else. he says he dont want to marry me and dont want to stay together because he says we can only be happy sometime not for a long time if we are together. what shall i do? should i use NC? if so,
      1. for how many days?
      2. should i block him on whatsapp, gmail, hangouts, text messages? is this not rude? it will not make him move on?
      3. if he messages me like a friend, should i reply?
      4. if he comes back again, what should i do?

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      June 30, 2017 at 5:13 pm

      If he brokes up with you because he will never get married to you, you need to move on

    3. EBR Team Member: Amor

      June 30, 2017 at 10:58 am

      If the person doesn’t want to make an effort for you, dont push it. Dont invest if the other person doesn’t want to do the same for you

  16. John

    June 12, 2017 at 3:22 pm

    Hi Chris (or Amor), I am a man, and I’m in an ON Again / OFF Again relationship very similar to the one described in this article. We just broke up for the second time. She has broke up with me all the times. I didn’t absolutely beg her and started no contact immediately after. Since the break up she texted me twice. I ignored the messages keeping NC.

    I have a question for you… Since we are here, maybe this kind of relationship is more typical when men break up with girls? The advice in this article is okay also for an ex girlfriend or generally speaking different rules apply? Just to say I am really in doubt about the “Last chance” proposal. I have the doubt this is more a girly approach than one an Alpha male would apply. Of course if I am able to get her back again, I understood the real matter is to make the relationship one that this time will last. I think that this different perspective with the female – male roles reversed in this particular case may help also the girls. Thanks in advance for your response

    1. Chris seiter

      July 1, 2017 at 8:08 am

      hello Sarah, contact my private mail for more advice and solution
      Chris Seiter

    2. John

      June 19, 2017 at 9:23 am

      Many thanks Amor!

    3. EBR Team Member: Amor

      June 22, 2017 at 2:40 pm

      You’re welcome!

    4. John

      June 16, 2017 at 10:49 am

      There’s no such article on the ex girlfriend recovery about ON and OFF relationships 🙁

      Really is this article useful also from a male perspective? The last chance proposal is a good idea also from a male point of view? I am sure women are interested in getting a proper answer on this matter. Thanks 🙂

    5. EBR Team Member: Amor

      June 17, 2017 at 8:12 pm

      yes, you can try the advice above and yep, you can do the last chance recovery 🙂 .. check the links below for other insights too.


      How To Make Your Ex Girlfriend Commit To You

    6. EBR Team Member: Amor

      June 14, 2017 at 10:50 am

      hi john,
      Check this one


  17. Gelli

    May 30, 2017 at 4:12 am

    My (ex) boyfriend broke up with me a while ago because he said he didn’t love me anymore. And after just one week of no contact, he wanted to come back to me and I agreed (stupid, I know). A few days later, he reverted back and broke up with me again, saying coming back was a mistake on his part. He said that he came back not because he loves me but because he got pressured by his parents who are very supportive of our relationship. I got pissed, of course, but didn’t show it. Instead, I pretended to agree and said that I was also having second thoughts about us, anyway. And started talking to him about how we’re better off friends than lovers because our relationship were menat to be doomed from the beginning anyway (although he said that being friends the way we were before is far from happening especially when one of us finds a partner in the future). Was what I did, wrong? Is there a chance of getting back together even if he says he doesn’t love me anymore?

    1. Gelli

      May 30, 2017 at 4:23 am

      I believe it is also important to say that we’ve broken up twice before the last. And all of these were because he said he didn’t know if he really loves me or not. We’ve only been together for a bit more than a year and we rarely fight. Both of us enjoy each other’s company and there are things and sides of us that only both of us know. But then I guess it became “too good to be true” (his own words). And we became “more like best friends than lovers”, although our relationship was also a bit physical- which he was also bothered about because we’re both Christians who serve in the church.

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      May 30, 2017 at 6:55 pm

      stick to at least 30 days this time.. and check this one:
      How To Make Your Ex Boyfriend Regret Letting You Go

  18. Sandy

    May 14, 2017 at 7:00 am

    Hi Amor,
    So my ex boyfriend and I breakup on d 1st of February I send my friend to text him on the 22yh and he replied telling her we cannot speak about her because I don’t know you as her friend .So the next day I text and he doesn’t reply since then I haven’t text again and he too it’s been three months 10days now and I can’t seem to move on anytime I go on dates with new guys I realize I don’t like them and that I still love my ex. I changed my name on Facebook and his friend asked if I joined our names together I said no I didn’t join. I am really confused I really want to move on but again I love him this is our third time breaking up the first time we came back after 9months and can you imagine I never dated anyone during that period of time till he came back in my mind I want to move on but my heart isn’t letting me.Its been three months but I still cry almost everyday blaming myself for the breakup….Please help me.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      May 14, 2017 at 4:41 pm

      aside from dating, what were the changes you made and how active were you in posting? were they public posts?

  19. Sandy

    May 13, 2017 at 5:02 pm

    Hi Amor,
    So my boyfriend of 3years called it quit three months ago and right now am still blocked on his WhatsApp.I tried moving on but when I go on dates with other guys I don’t like them or I realize I am still in love with my ex. We have not communicated fr 3months now but am still finding it hard to move on.Worst of all I changed my Facebook name and his friend asked if I joined both our names I just want to be the happy girl.i forgot to add one month after we broke up my friend texted him and said she wants them to discuss about me he said”I cannot discuss about her to you because I don’t know you” the next day I texted and up to date no reply.This is the third time we have broken up.

    1. Sandy

      May 14, 2017 at 3:13 pm

      Hi amor,
      Yes they were some changes like I have a new job now and am sure he knows cause I told his friend.With posting I haven’t posted any pictures after our breakup and on WhatsApp I changed my Profile picture visibility to My Contact don’t know if it was okay to do that. Moreover we not still friends on Facebook. Please more tips

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      May 14, 2017 at 5:04 pm

      that’s not enough to convey that you really moved on.. not enough for other people to notice or tell him indirectly that they’ve seen you’ve really changed or what.. and from your comment, it was not enough to make you less emotional..but that’s a good start.. You have to do the works first, it takes a lot of work.. dating around is not the solution..It’s your mindset.. Do new things, make new friends, be active in posting because that’s your indirect way of showing to him that you’re not going to chase anymore because you have your own life.
      And if it doesn’t work out, it will hurt but you’re not the same person anymore, so you’ll move on and keep on growing. Moving on doesn’t mean not feeling the hurt. It just means you choose a path that even if it hurts you continue on it because the other path is not respecting yourself and not helping you in life..

    3. EBR Team Member: Amor

      May 14, 2017 at 2:21 pm

      aside from dating, what were the changes you made and how active were you in posting? were they public posts?

  20. Tati

    April 29, 2017 at 2:39 pm

    Hi. My ex and I dated for 1 year and 1 month and broke up ~6 times during this period. He was always the one leaving, at first saying i was too needy and moody, then because he didn’t feel ready to commit and then because i didn’t listen to him when he told me to stop doing something he didn’t like. The “off” periods would last a week maximum, but this time it’s been 4 weeks, and he has me blocked on Facebook and unfollowed/unfriended on other stuff. Last time i saw him was 3 weeks ago (one week after the break-up). He said he blocked my number and that for 5 months he got tired of me but didn’t leave because he didn’t want to hurt me. Now the only time i see him is when we cross in the school’s corridors. i’m trying to work on myself, seeing my psychatrist again for my anxiety and depression (i stopped a while after we started dating). a friend came to me this week and said he came to her asking how i was, if i had said anything, to which she replied “she’s fine, she doesn’t talk much about you but when she does she’s very sad, she misses you” and he flipped saying “i hate when she does that. i left 5 times and nothing has changed, i don’t see why i would come back once again”. now he’s telling all his friends he’s looking for a new girlfriend and how annoying i was (we have common friends so i sometimes hear about stuff).
    My problem right now is that everyone at school is talking about us, some people are pestering him on how “he should go back to me because i love him” and all and the other “side” (his friends) are all saying “she’s stupid and a pain in the ass he did good to finally end things”. I’m really annoyed with all this and it feels like even if i do NC, people will ruin my chances. Plus the people “on my side” are sometimes talking to him and it’s really annoying him. I don’t know what to do… He hates me a lot for all this trouble i give him even after breaking-up. I tried to talk to the persons who were bothering him but i feel like it was too much for him to think of coming back later. What should i do? It feels like he moved on for good.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 30, 2017 at 12:15 pm

      you can’t control other people. so, the best you can do is look like you’re moving on and you don’t care about what they say.. let your improvements be more compelling than what they say.

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