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786 thoughts on “How To Get Over Your Ex Boyfriend”

  1. Jami

    December 3, 2016 at 8:11 pm

    We were both about to embark on something huge in each of our lives and I made the suggestion of taking a step back for each of us to acclimate to these changes so we could be together and he called it quits. That was 3 months ago. I just read this and it all makes sense. Truly it does. Instead of putting on weight I lost 50 lbs. in the last 3 months. I’ve become anti-social and don’t go out other than to work and the grocerry store really late at night. I haven’t tried the 30 day NC but I suppose I should. I want to be friends with him and we text occasionally now with me of course starting the conversation.
    I’ve emailed him asking him to come and get his things and to bring my house key with him but I get no response. One of his friends says that he thinks he isnt coming for his things because he’s leaving the door open to return at some point. He told a friend of mine he won’t reconcile pkus he already has someone else. Thoughts?.
    We both told our best friend when we got together three years ago that each of us was the one. We had both finally found our soulmate. Now its over but I’m still in love with him. My heart aches everyday. My fear is that I will be alone forever.
    He has cut himself off from everyone and everything we did together.
    At 52 I never expected to be going through this heartache. This has changed me. I don’t even know the person I am now.
    When I love I give completely of myself. After 3 years and at the age if 46 did he just think I loved him too much?
    Will I ever get over him?

    1. Maureen

      December 12, 2016 at 3:41 pm

      Hi Jami,
      I’m so sorry !!! I’m sort of in the situation, but I’m praying and God is giving me strength to get over my ex.. Please go to God and open your heart to him about your hurt and pain and he wil lead you in the direction to heal your heart.. I feel your pain and I will also pray for you:)
      God Bless

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      December 4, 2016 at 2:30 pm

      Hi Jami,

      he had to let the relationship go for the change in his life? So, because of that change, you cant get back together? There’s no way around it?

  2. Monique

    December 3, 2016 at 2:41 am

    Ok, so I’m still in middle school, so not too much of this helped, but a lot of it was logical too. We broke up about a week ago because people kept telling him to break up with me, so he did. Now he’s asked out another girl, right after he said he still likes me, and I’m crushed. I want to get back together with him really badly, but since he’s dating, I can only be his friend. I just wish he would have treated me better. I mean, he’s a really sweet guy, up until the point when he asked the other girl out, who happened to be my friend, who happened to know how crushed I was about the breakup.

    1. Faith

      December 15, 2016 at 3:41 am

      Honey, if she did that to you, she isn’t your friend and never really was. I don’t care how good of friends you were before or what she did for you. Right now I’m a high school sophomore and I am still having problems picking out good friends so relax. Maybe you just need to do a 3 month NC on both of them. Go out and get some new and better friends for yourself. After the three months think about what life is better for you. Do you love your new friends? Or were your previous friends better? One more thing, you’re in middle school. I can tell you for a fact that middle school is the worst time of your life. I promise you that high school is so much easier socially. Just get through middle school, even if you have to fake it. I did and I’m doing pretty okay.

    2. Lorelei

      December 7, 2016 at 2:12 am

      Relate oml.

    3. EBR Team Member: Amor

      December 3, 2016 at 3:40 pm

      Hi Monique,

      that means she’s not your friend.. If you really want a shot, dont be friends with him for now

  3. Bianca

    November 30, 2016 at 8:01 am

    I enjoyed reading this. I (unfortunately) have to go through with still being friends plan because we have two sons. We broke up about a week and a half ago. It was a crazy messed up relationship for five years. I fell in love with him at 15 and we only lasted a few months. I did the unhealthy things like drinking and hooking up and bugging him. We got back together on my 18th birthday. A month later i found out i was pregnant. A month after that i found out he cheated on me. We broke up and got back together a lot and he went to jail a lot. I had my first son a week after he got out of jail and he went back to jail when our son was 4 months until he was 8 months. And we got back together. Then we ended up breaking up when our son was 18 months old. And three weeks later i found out i was pregnant again. He went back to jail a month later. He got out a week before our son’s second birthday. Then almost two months later our second son was born. We did really well. He didn’t do drugs or go wild and he didn’t cheat. I thought we were doing great. We prayed for him a better job and thought our prayers were answered… It took about a month for me to realize that wasn’t the case. He was drinking and spending a lot of time with his boss and his wife. He would come home and go straight to bed. We spent maybe thirty minutes a night together. I felt alone. Then i found out he was eating dinner with them when he could have came home to his family. We got a loan for a house. I was super excited… He lied to me one night and said he was working but he really went out drinking and gambled half our money away and then almost got arrested for a p.i. i tried to make it work but then he started staying out late some more. I broke up with him. It was a quick decision. I hadn’t even thought about it. And i did act dumb and blow his phone up. And the other night i asked if we could work things out because I’m scared to be alone… He said we could try. But he is still too busy for a family… So,i know i need to just get over him. I realize I’ll never be important to him. It hurts because we do have a lot of past and our children… And I’m scared I’ll never fall in love again or i won’t ever find a good male role model for my sons… Reading this gave me hope though. So,thank you. I’m going to try my best to do the 90 day nc. I’ll update.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      November 30, 2016 at 9:06 pm

      Hi Bianca,

      Don’t say that you’ll never fall in love again.. If you fell for a hard guy, what more for a good one.. Do the things you love, so, that you’ll meet the same people who love it too.

  4. Ame

    November 30, 2016 at 6:18 am

    I screwed up after no contact and I think I scared him away I had a meeting with him after our text and phone conversations went well he was even calling me baby and swetie again like he wanted to come back so I scheduled a meeting he told me I loved and missed me and that I blocked him out ( I did NCfor three weeks) and I told him i loved and missed him too.that we don’t seem to actually be done yet but he said our head knows better as in the breakup might have been the best decision. But after the meetin He completely ignores me now i don’t know what to do I have started NC again… I hope it works or is there another strategy . And when NC is over will he not just move on.? What do I do i realy want him back..

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      November 30, 2016 at 8:54 pm

      Hi Ame,
      why did you break up? And when did you break up?

  5. Peggy

    November 24, 2016 at 3:59 pm

    Read the article and it seems very helpful. I haven’t had the chance to have NC with my ex because we work together. This will be the final week or work and then I wont be around him constantly. Unfortunately, I broke one of the rules in the article and have been sleeping with him. Something I’m not proud of, especially since he has a girlfriend. Not to mention that she’s a girl he dated off and on for 7 years before he dated me.
    When I asked him why he kept sleeping with me even though he was in a relationship, his response was because I wanted it, and he wants me to be happy. But obviously what would make me happy would be to have him all to myself. There were things in our relationship that were tough. We traveled for 3 months right in the beginning, and it was hard due to different expectations. When we returned our living situation was unstable which caused a lot of stress on my end. And when I ask why he didn’t give me a chance to make things better he said he gave me tons of chances. Oh, and he compared our relationship with his past. He says that things were great, and then they went bad really fast, and thats why his back with his ex. Because it at least took them years for things to get that bad. I’m
    really stuck in this deep hole that I’ve dug myself. I want to be the strong independent badass lady I was before I got involved with him. Any advise would be great.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      November 26, 2016 at 10:08 pm

      Hi Peggy,

      Start with not sleeping with him. You’re not stuck because you have a choice, you just don’t want to choose it. I know it’s hard but that’s the start of being strong, doing the hard right choices. You can do it. Start with that.. Check this one too:
      EBR 032: What To Do If You Work With Your Ex Boyfriend

  6. Sarah

    November 19, 2016 at 1:44 am

    I screwed up after no contact and I think I scared him away. I guess I have to move on now. He completely ignores me :(

    1. Faith

      December 15, 2016 at 3:53 am

      That’s his loss.

  7. Tomato Egg TY

    November 17, 2016 at 9:35 am

    Just to provide an update and, possibly, give everyone else hope. NC gets much easier with time. I’m just 3 days shy of the third week now.

    During this time, I’ve read self improvement books, kept a journal to distract me from the urge to contact the ex, referred to him as THE ex instead of my ex, got to know new people and browsed what I should get as a reward for the 3rd week of NC.

    It’s only very difficult and impossible to keep up NC if one is not mentally ready to take the step, so we have to psyche ourselves into knowing we deserve better and we WILL get it down the road if only we don’t hold onto what no longer works.

    So yup, hang in there, everyone. It feels better and better as each week passes.

  8. Kay

    November 13, 2016 at 9:02 pm

    I’ve never had to do this before but I’m lost and really need help. The guy I was with we wasn’t really in a relationship more of FWB. We were that way for almost 8 months until last Wednesday we had a big fight and he broke it off. He made up a bunch of excuses that day.
    He won’t talk about it with me face to face.
    But last night when I asked texted him and asked him a question we had a mini fight because he stills wants to protect me from my ex boyfriend but won’t talk to me about fixing how things ended between us nor will he make eye contact with me.

    I don’t know what to do because he was giving me mix signals about what we were even when we said we were just FWB. Then he broke it off with a bunch of random excuses. Now he is giving me mix signals again.
    it’s messing with my head because he still wants to be friends with me
    yet he giving mix signals and flirting with other girls

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      November 15, 2016 at 4:46 pm

      Hi Kay

      first, stop being fwb. Why is he protecting you from your ex?

  9. Tomato Egg TY

    November 12, 2016 at 10:14 am

    Thanks for this. I’m planning to do the forever no contact. The first week was hell but on the 7th day, I bought a pretty dress. Today marks the 13th day. I’m going on a casual date. I’ve been out with friends and been out.

    I’ve kept up the fitness routine even after the break up, save for the first day. It gets easier with time and being away from the ex gave clarity. I’m buying a new pair of track shoes tomorrow for lasting 2 weeks.

    Life will only get better.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      November 15, 2016 at 12:40 am

      that’s so on point, life will only get better from this point on!

  10. M

    November 10, 2016 at 6:52 am

    Hi, this is a very helpful article.
    My problem is this. I want to get over my ex and I stopped talking to him 4 months ago. As for the ‘cleanse up’, I sent him an email asking to return the things I gave him and telling him that I will also do the same. I sent a very polite email and to be out of causing chaos I asked him only to post the things which include the gifts I gave him to my home address (he got married to the girl who caused our break up soon after breaking up with me so I guess it is better not to meet and get my things). But the problem is he did not reply or did not send the things. Nor did he say that he wants his things back.
    What should I do now? Should I let things be so and move on, but i also think it would be easier for me to move on when we don’t have any past memories of gifts.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      November 13, 2016 at 5:05 pm

      H M,

      if you’re only concern is you moving on then just get rid of his gifts.. He doesnt have to send your gifts back.. What matters is that you get rid of gifts that are in your possession.

  11. erika

    November 10, 2016 at 12:44 am

    Ok so i’m a baby, like really only 20 years old. My first boyfriend of 9 months broke up with me for his own reasons. No cheating it just was to much fighting. We are young and stupid things became big fights very often. Anyways we have only been broken up with for a week but i still want to have sex with him. I know that seems like a horrible idea that everyone would say dont do it. But im not concerned about moving on. Yes it will take time and yes its still so fresh and yes most people would think it wont help. But, thats who I want to have sex with right now. When I want to hook up the plan is that we would call each other. Other then that we wont be talking much or at all or seeing each other in person at least. Am i over him I dont think so, its been a week but im also very surprised im not more hurt or sad seeing as he was my first boyfriend and my first sexual partner. Maybe because im young or maybe because im a very confident and strong person but im assuming that for my personality ill be ok if we have sex. I could be totally wrong though haha. The reason I want to have sex with him and because we both know what each other likes, hes someone i can have sex with at anytime and its not weird cuz we are comfortable and know eachother, i dont have to worry about health risks ( unless he has sex with another girl and i catch something but our deal is that we will just hook up with each other, not that i can really trust that he will do that though its a risk) and lastly because i have morals i dont want to have to find someone just to be hook up buddies with someone i dont know or have to get to know. To me that is just not something im into unless i know the person well already. So i guess after giving all this information im wondering If you think i should have sex with him and be fuck buddies for how ever long it last until I dont want to do it anymore?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      November 13, 2016 at 2:48 pm

      Hi Erika,

      If you’re really sure that what you’re doing is right, you wouldnt ask right? You know, I dont want to say that it’s just hormones, or that you’re just young because you’re old enough to make decisions but if you’re asking for our opinion. We dont suggest being friends with benefits because it’s emotionally unhealthy and it’s degrading.

  12. Mary

    November 5, 2016 at 4:30 pm

    I was seeing a guy for 6 weeks, the longest I’ve seen anyone and same with him. We’ve never been in relationships before. It was all going amazingly he was talking about meeting my parents and and drunkenly said he lived me one night, to which I responded with ‘what?’ This wasn’t talked about. I cried a few days later down the phone as I was scared he was going to get bored of me as men usually do and the fact he’d been with me this long was terrifying. 4 days later he said I like you and care about you but part of me wants a relationship and he other doesn’t know what it wants. Did I scare him away? Was that just a nicer way of saying I just don’t want a relationship with you? I know it wasnt a long length of time but I am heartbroken and I must own he’s probably fine. I’ve deleted everything and we haven’t spoken. Was I just something to pass the time

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      November 6, 2016 at 11:45 pm

      Hi Mary,

      I think both of you over analyzed things.. just enjoy what is at the present moment..When did you last talked?

  13. J

    October 22, 2016 at 1:38 pm

    I was in a relationship that got serious fast even though it was short. We talked constantly and there was talk of possible marriage. We both thought at one point that we could be the one for each other. Then the doubts came. I didn’t know if i really wanted to be with him. The breakup was hard and I wanted him back at first. Now, just over a week later and I am ready to move on. I want the best for myself and I deserve the best. I am ready to do what is needed for myself and my future.

  14. Brianna

    October 12, 2016 at 4:41 am

    Hello Ex-Boyfriend Recovery Team,

    I’ll start off by telling my story and how I ended up finding this website. My ex-boyfriend and I were dating for a year and half, and things seem to be going well, or so I thought. At the end of September, he broke up with me, saying that I’m too quiet and that we just have different interests. It broke my heart so much hearing that, and it still does honestly. I delete his number, his Facebook, snapchat, anything I had with him, I just wanted gone. I haven’t talked to him since he broke-up with me, but I badly want him to contact me, in some hope that he still cares, but it’s been 18 days since the break up, and nothing. With his reasons for breaking up, I assume that he wasn’t happy with our relationship, so I figure there’s no point in trying to get him back.

    Even though I’m just trying to get over him, I have to say that I appreciate all the hard work and commitment that everyone on here have for helping us broken-hearted women. The website has definitely help me get some insight on my break up, and I’m glad that there are success stories of getting an ex back.

    I don’t have any questions or concerns, i just wanted to thank you Ex-Boyfriend Recovery Team!

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 12, 2016 at 1:49 pm

      Hi Brianna,

      Thank you! Have you checked this one too?
      How To Get Over An Ex Boyfriend When You’re Still In Love With Him

  15. Dawn

    October 10, 2016 at 7:56 pm

    So this post will be a little bit of venting as well as needing some validation that I did the right thing. My ex and I had dated for a year and a half. We were supposed to move in together and he was even talking to me about buying rings. He was completely smitten and I was as well. Then out of nowhere..two months before we were supposed to move in together, he broke up with me…saying he just “lost” his feelings. I know he wasn’t cheating. I was just completely shattered, for a month I was a mess. I found this wonderful site and decided to do the 30 days no contact. I’m not going to lie…I dont feel like it got easier. It was really hard every day. But after 24 days he contacted me. For two weeks he messaged me here and there and to be honest, I still didnt reply quick. I didn’t want him to think I had been waiting around for him to message me (but lets get real…of course I was). One night he started texting me and I kept it short and after I said goodnight I get one more text from him: “…I miss you.” I texted him that I missed him too and that it had been hard but I couldn’t make him want to be with me. Well after texting him for 20 more minutes..he shows up at my door. We talked all night and he just told me he was scared and that he ran away and his communication skills weren’t great…and that he never lost his feelings. All things I had figured by this point. Well we decided to take things very slow…but after 4 months of acting like we were together (dates, hanging out with friends, staying the night with each other, making plans, etc)…he still hadn’t decided if he wanted to “be with” me or not. We had essentially gotten back into a relationship without him committing or a label. It’s not all him. I shouldn’t have allowed myself to get into that position. Anyway. We spoke and I asked him if he was any closer than he was 4 months ago of knowing if he wanted to be with me or not…and he said “no not really.” He said he didn’t undertand why because he “freaking loves” me and said he just felt bad because I was ready for something he wasn’t.

    I broke it off. We tried for 4 months to make it work and he had a whole month before that to think about it…so a totally of 5 months to decide if he wanted to be with me. We dated a year and a half before that so it’s not like he doesnt know me. I guess I just want to make sure I did the right thing. I feel like I deserve more than to be dragged around by someone claiming to love me and making promises of the future who can’t even decided if he wants to commit to me. I feel like he’s just afraid of committment. I’m 26. He’s 32. I asked him about it and he said “‘I’m not afraid of commitment…just afraid of committing to the wrong person.” So I asked “what if you’re afraid of committing to the right one?” I mean..that’s what committment is, right? Saying you’ll work at it even if it’s hard. His parents divorced when he was 28, so late in his life. I feel like this has a bigger impact on him than even he knows. I love him. It’s not been easy..but I need to value myself more than that. I would like to believe I deserve someone who will jump fences to be with me…not be on the fence about being with me.

    I guess my question is… I wasn’t too hasty was I? 5 months is plenty of time to know if you want to be with someone, right? Especially someone you were emotionally/physically intimate with for over a year.

    1. Dawn

      October 12, 2016 at 1:24 pm

      I know you’re right now. The same day I wrote this, I found out that night that he’s already seeing someone else. It’s been less than 2 weeks.

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 11, 2016 at 12:24 pm

      Hi Dawn,

      no you werent.. you gave him more than enough.. I think it’s time you move on

  16. Lexi

    October 6, 2016 at 4:32 pm

    So im confusing myself about my ex. We’ve been broken up since June but about 3 weeks ago we got back together and it only lasted a week because he decided it wasn’t going to work. But when this happened at first I was sad, but then the next day I felt a kind of relief. When I’m not with him and I see pictures of him on social media, I get sad and I start to think that I miss him. But then I start thinking about the times we would hangout together and I absolutely do not miss spending time with him because he was so childish and immature. Like do I miss him or not and How do I stop myself from thinking I miss him every time I see a picture of him?

    1. Jay

      October 9, 2016 at 9:14 pm

      Delete him off everything!!!!

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 9, 2016 at 1:43 pm

      Hi Lexi,

      yes you miss him.. just acknowledge the feeling and then go back in your actvities before you saw that picture..it will take time to fully move on.. dont rush it..

  17. Molly

    October 2, 2016 at 11:53 am

    I was with a man off and on for seven years. Seven years! During that time we went one year without speaking but eventually kind of, sort of got back together. The whole time we were together he was verbally and emotionally abusive. He would yell at me and/or try to make me feel stupid, I guess because it made him feel more powerful. He would yell or say mean things until I started crying and he would apologize, well not apologize but stop or try to make feel better only occasionally. Our whole relationship was about power and him trying to lord it over me. On the other hand, he knew how to make me feel blissful, like outta this world happy, and I lived for those moments but I knew the whole time our relationship wasn’t right. I knew that I shouldn’t let someone treat me that way, and that I deserved better but I think I felt, and still feel like I don’t know how to be with someone who will be good to me. In any case, in a rather drastic attempt to overhaul my life I moved out of the country. It has been an incredible experience but at times I find myself still longing for this person. I’m a bit sickened by it because I know that he’s not really what I want. My grandmother passed while I have been away and I went home for the funeral and he refused to see me. This was in February and I still feel quite crushed by it and the many other things he did to hurt me and make me feel diminished. I know I need to get over it, and most of the time I don’t think about him but when I do it’s like I’m having to start getting over him all over again. I think I’m just writing this down and sharing for catharsis but any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    1. Molly

      October 5, 2016 at 5:16 pm

      Hmmm…it depends I would say an average of 5-10. Why do you ask?

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 7, 2016 at 3:20 pm

      because that can indicate how much new things you do or experience.. but also, do you make friends? You need to make new connections.. It’s not just about moving on but having a different perspective and new memories. For moving on, it’s a process and what mostly helps is doing something that has progress. Something that makes you feel you’re growing and achieving.

    3. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 5, 2016 at 9:19 am

      Hi Molly,

      how many new people do you meet in a month?

  18. Ashleigh Savage

    September 30, 2016 at 4:10 am

    My ex bf and I went through a lot. He had ended his relationship with his ex gf 6 months before him and I got together. She cheated on him with his best friend. Well I had just gotten out of a 6 month relationship with a “rebound”. He knew all about the situation and ended up inviting me to move to Texas with him. My ex and I went to high school together so we have known each other for years. Well the relationship turned into pure hell. I know I should have just left him sooner but i stayed and gave him the benefit of the doubt. Well we didn’t have a car at the time and he would always call this woman. He said she was like his second mom. Well come to find out, it was his ex’s mom. He would talk to her about him and I’s relationship, and what’s going on”; whenever I was around she would constantly talk about her daughter and all the good times they had and totally ignored me. It took him a year to finally tell her to stop and by that time, it was too late. I had had enough. I wanted to be single and i tried explaining that to him so many times but he never listened so I had to take drastic measures. I lied to him and told him I cheated on him and I want to be single and don’t want to be with him anymore and that I didn’t love him. Well he snapped. Ended up choking me and ended up getting arrested for it. I dropped all charges. During the break up I found out that I was 7 weeks pregnant. I ended up having a miscarriage.

    Well i moved back home. That’s when he would contact me. If I didn’t respond to him he would contact my mother. He said that he loved me and wanted to be with me and didn’t want anything to do with his ex and he’s sorry for everything. Then he would accuse me of being a liar and all this stuff which technically I was. I just couldn’t handle it anymore so I quit talking to him all together. Then things started to get weird. We squashed any issues and hard feelings and agreed to start over as friends. He would constantly tell me he loved me and wanted to be with me and he never felt this way about anyone ever so he knows we have something special. I believed him. Then he would go missing for weeks at a time. I finally had enough of it so I just quit talking to him. He recently came back into my life telling me how wrong he was for doing that and that he loved me with all of his heart. Then the bombshell dropped. Not only did I find out he was living with his ex, the one we had issues with, and her parents, I found out that they had sex back in December. Sex that resulted in her having a baby. He swore that the baby may not be his but I’ve heard that line before so I’m not dumb. My heart sank. Everytime I think about it my heart stops beating and i can’t stop crying. Even typing this is making me cry. I just want to know how do I forget all of that? How can I move on and be happy? I’ve been alone for almost a year and I don’t talk to any guys other than friends. I do normal activities and I get out but I can’t stop thinking about it. Especially when he messages me. I try to ignore it but I can’t. I want to yell and scream at him and make him feel the pain I feel but I know that’s not going to happen because he doesn’t see the wrong that was done. Just any advice would help me. Please. I’m literally dying inside.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 1, 2016 at 2:23 pm

      Hi Ashleigh,

      It’s not going to be fast recovery but you have to start to do new things and make new friends. You have to grow and progress. That means either taking a class or volunteering. Anything that has progress.. And I think this one can help you too:
      EBR 060: “Dating Yourself” During No Contact With Veronica Grant

  19. veronica

    September 28, 2016 at 11:56 pm

    hi my name is veronica and i just got out of a relationship with this guy and we did everything together no joke like everything……but we had so many arguments in our relationship and they will be stupid arguments you know like for example people would come up to me and tell me he was flirting with other girls and i would ask him and we would argue because he said that i didn’t believe him and we would make up we were together for a month and 7 days. i really really like him and i wouldn’t eat for a week also i wasn’t able to think right…….but here is the worse thing he had broken up with each other just last week on Monday and he just got a new girlfriend and luckily it wasn’t none of my friends it was with this other girl and every time i look at him he is always with her…..or taking pictures…..but the funny thing is that when we were together he “NEVER” wanted to take pictures with me. so that gets me so mad you know and when i tell people how i feel they say “dude move on he is not worth crying over you deserve better” i understand they are trying to help but like i just want some one to understand how i feel like im in so much pain and i tried talking to him after we broke up and i told him (this is exactly what happened)
    him: whats up you wanted to talk to me (smiling)
    me: yeah whats going on like we were into each other and next you tell me you are not into me (all sad)
    him: well i just lost feelings for you we aint the same anymore (serious)
    me: do you want to try to figure things out with me we will make it work(almost in tears)
    him: why would i try to work things out if i dont like you anymore(smiling)
    me: (silent)
    him: you know what i mean
    me: yeah i just miss you
    him: (silent/smiling)
    and he left me just standing there and then i here people saying “Isidro is already hitting on girls” how do you expect me to feel like……you know put yourself in my shoes. Im trying to get over him thats why im on this site hoping it would work and it gives me some good advice but i cant do the 3 months no contact like we still talk but its like every time we talk its not weird but i feel like im still with him and the people i hang out with or social with are his friends to so like he is always with them to and im with them 24/7 so………ive also tried moving on i like some guys myself but like there his friends to so they wont date me because they friends with him, so i dont know what to do? oh and today i always sit with my friends at lunch and he literally just sat in front of me so i left the table and then came back he was just leaving the table so i was happy so i sat down then he came back and he saw me and stayed for a little bit and then left so that made me sad. He his always constantly flirting with girls in front of me and they are my friends and my friends flirt back ugh anyways i hope you can read this and give me feedback on what i should do??…

    1. veronica

      October 7, 2016 at 10:40 pm

      your right is best for me to keep my distance from both and i will…..thank u

    2. veronica

      October 4, 2016 at 11:46 pm

      hi yeah your probably right but I will try this 21 day no contact and see if it help hahahahaha thank you so much you were a big help……his girlfriend wanted to fight me today because he been talking crap about me to her so what do you think I should do also she thinks that I called a bitch but I didn’t so things got real ugly this morning because she thinks I called her that so I also tried talking to her but it didn’t work what should I do…???

    3. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 7, 2016 at 8:17 am

      nope..dont talk to her too..better distance yourself with her too..


      October 3, 2016 at 6:35 pm

      ok thank you I will try that because yesterday he started cussing me off because I told his girlfriend I didn’t want problems so then I cussed him out to and told him I was over him lol I think I did good but yeah I will try the 21 day no contact thank you so much amor but I don’t know about the rebound because he already started kissing her so maybe he does really like her….. but thank u

    5. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 6, 2016 at 12:38 am

      you’re welcome.. whether she’s rebound or not, what’s more important is that you will focus in youraelf from now on..

    6. veronica

      September 30, 2016 at 6:53 pm

      hi im responding to what you told me and im 16 and he started talking to her after we broke up and we have been together for a month and 7 days and i just dont know what to do i would like some advice from you if you can help and my friends told me not to talk to him for three months soooo……..also im just so hurt plz respond back

    7. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 3, 2016 at 12:53 pm

      Ah.. It looks like she’s a rebound.. I think you should just do 21 days no contact rule.. You should be active in improving yourself during and after no contact.

    8. EBR Team Member: Amor

      September 30, 2016 at 6:14 pm

      Hi Veronica,

      How old are you both and how long were you together? Did he just started talking to her after the break up? If yes, she’s probably a rebound. If he started talking and being flirty with her when you were still together, then she’s probably a grass is greener case.. Who said you would do 3 months no contact?

  20. Emma

    September 28, 2016 at 8:59 pm

    I’m after some advice. I met a guy a year ago. We were absolutely perfect for each other in every way and we told each other this. Couldn’t believe our luck. Three months went by and I fell in love with him. It was honestly the most perfect relationship I’ve ever been in. He then woke up one morning and out of the blue broke up with me. He said he needed space as he has not long got out of a 15 year relationship with a person who he met at school, married and had a child with. Two weeks later he admitted he just freaked out and he would like nothing more than for us to try again so we did. Again it was perfect. Again three months later he broke up with me. I was heartbroken again and didn’t know what to do. This then continued on and off for 6 months of meeting, spending amazing times together and him breaking it off because at this point, he said we weren’t meant to be. Two weeks later he would be back and say he wants nothing more than to be with me and we would try again, then for it to fail. In my option we met at the wrong time and he needs to be on his own to sort himself out and give him time. We haven’t spoken for two weeks now. It’s the headrest thing ever. It was more his decision than mine as he is convinced we are the problem and not the fact that we just met too soon after his previous relationship. I’ve said he needs space and time to figure what he wants and we need no contact for that as previously we have stayed in touch. Am I crazy for thinking that his intentions were right and that he does care and maybe once we have had space, one day this will work out? What’s meant to be will be right? Neither of us have ever been in such a perfect relationship (when it’s good) so surely the reason we met too soon is why it didn’t work? Or am I wrong? Would really appreciate some advice or feedback. Thank you

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      September 30, 2016 at 4:27 pm

      Hi Emma,

      Yes, more likely it’s just you met too soon. But you’ve also been on and off for many times now.. In that cases, we usually recommend 45 days.. So, try that.. Focus in improving yourself before rebuilding rapport with him again.

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