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March 1, 2015 at 5:14 pm
I had been with my now ex boyfriend for three years and we were at our emotional peak. Last weekend I hung out with one of my girl friends and I had sex with her. I’m not entirely sure why I did it, maybe it was because it was my first lesbian experience or maybe I was lonely and missed being touched in a loving way. I’d never betrayed him before, we’ve never even had a fight, and we’ve never struggled with trust or the strength of our love. I wanted to tell my boyfriend but he heard from someone else. When he questioned me about it, I freaked out and only told him half of the truth. The day after he broke up with me I asked for another chance. He told me “I can’t look past this as of right now.” Does that mean that he will forgive me and take me back at his side with a little time? I’m in the process of waiting for him to come around and the pain is terrible. I feel worse about lying and hurting him than the actual cheating. I love him so much and I’m terrified that I’ll never be able to make him smile again. If you were in his position, would you forgive me? Or did I seriously mess up everything and there’s no going back?
Amy Stretton
February 28, 2015 at 1:11 am
Hi this is a quick run-down of my relationship.
6 months ago my partner broke up with me after 3years because he wasn’t sure if its what he wanted. 2 months after the break up I found a rebound whom I became sexually active with. My ex told me he didn’t love me and that he wasn’t sure when or if he would ever want us to get back together again. 2.5 months after break up I slept with my ex and went away with him for his sisters birthday (strictly as friends) I could tell my ex still loved me but he always said he didn’t want to give me false hope.
I then went an slept back with the re-bound guy and we were pretty much sleeping-buddies. during this time I went back and slept with my ex multiple times.
4 months after breaking up my ex and I started getting closer and I stopped things with my rebound. My ex ended up kissing a girl all night long at NY and I found out on his fb and wasn’t happy and got up him heaps. He still didn’t know I had slept with anyone. he denied it for ages and I was upset a lot because we were on the verge of getting back together and he did this.
2 weeks ago my ex and I were in a very good place madly in-love and going to move in together. we live in a small town and I thought I had to be honest with him and tell him about the rebound guy. I did this 2 weeks ago and things went down & down quick. He was upset and I tried to tell him it happened last year and I thought being honest was the best thing to do so we had no secrets. During our break up he told me he didn’t love me and that if we slept together it was just sex and not to get my hopes up. He told me 2 weeks ago that he lied about this but of course I believed him at the time and hence I slept with someone else.
He told me a week ago that he couldn’t forgive me and that we were never going to be together ever again and he couldn’t be intermit with me as he couldn’t believe what I did and that I slept with him aswell.
I didn’t cheat on him and we were together but he thinks I did and that’s how he sees it. I don’t know what to do as I am madly in-love with him and I want to get him back! he is being very complicated as he broke up with me and hung out with girls multiple times and everything but he thinks he did nothing wrong but says I pretty much cheated on him (which is wrong).
I know your the expert and I want to know what I do how do I get him back!
I saw him 5 days after he told me he never wanted to be with me again when I rocked up at his door. We had a laugh and general conversation & also talked about this and how he can never get back with me again. EVER! he also said that he would love to have sex with me right there and then but he couldn’t do it cause he knows I have been with another man and he told me that the entire break up he thought I was his.
he is a very stubborn person and I need a miracle to occur ! PLEASE HELP ME
March 26, 2015 at 9:59 pm
This is basically what happened to me 2 days ago, and except the guy i slept with is the one that called my ex!!!!
I am sooooo miserable right now and want nothing to do with the other guy, i just want the love of my life back but he like hates me 🙁
what do i do ????
February 27, 2015 at 3:44 pm
Okay. So my (ex) boyfriend is in the Air Force and I had never dated anyone that has been in the service before. He’s 19.. And I’m 16.. We dated for almost 6 months.. Spent all summer together.. I loved his family and he loved mine. We did everything together. It was amazing. When I looked in his eyes I knew he was the one for me. When we first kissed (2 weeks after we started dating) .. I felt it.. Butterflies, fireworks, everything.. I knew he was the one right there..
Well September 9,2014 came around and he left for basic training ( 3 months long) it was horrible. No contact. No communication.. No letters.. I texted him every night, and every morning.. Well one night my friend, Christian came over.. And I told him we were just friends BC I was dating kyler(my ex) and he kept sayin “I know, I know” well it ended up to us kissing.. I told him he had to leave right then and there.. Well I kept that to myself for the longest time Till I felt like I had to tell someone.. So I did.. I told my “best friend” who ended up telling him.. Which I wanted to tell him when he got home in person.. But no.. Well here to find out.. Tht night she told him… He was home.. No one knew.. He was supposed to suprise me at work that night… Two hours before he was.. He broke up with me.. Then after a month or so we got back together.. And he always goes to that “friend” of mine and ahe always lied to him. Saying she saw me out pRtying a night I was at work… Now he doesn’t believe me and I just want to know what to say to him.. He’s jn California Sl I can’t meet up with him go talk(not that he would or anything) …. PLEASE HELP.
February 26, 2015 at 1:54 pm
hi chris, me and my boyfriend have been in a relationship for 2 months almost to 3. the problem started when my abusive ex made a last request to be lovely dovey with me and to see me the next day while i was still in relationship with my boyfriend. and i was dumb to agree. my boyfriend broke up with me because he took it as an affair and said there was no excuse. i love him so much and i cant bear to leave him , ive known him for 10 years and i cant let go of him . i apologized and begged him to take me back the next day but he declined and said we’re never getting back together and it was best that we both moved on . because he feels like he deserved better . but i cant , i only have see on him . i dont know how long will he hold this grudge against me but i know he tends to hold grudges for a very VERY long period of time. he has no trust in me but insist be friends . please help me. i really love him.
February 26, 2015 at 12:42 pm
Hi Chris, me and boyfriend have been in a relationship for 2 months almost to 3 . We’ve known each other since we were kids and I love him very much . Before him, I had an abusive ex and my abusive ex wanted to spend the last moments with me by talking lovey dovey and seeing him the next day and my boyfriend took me for going to have an affair on him and broke up with me . I regret my decision . I really love him and don’t want to lose him . But he has lost all trust in me and doesn’t ever want to get back in a relationship with me even in the distance future . I don’t know what to do . Please help . Id do anything to get him back . And he tends to hold grudges .
catherine binkley
February 26, 2015 at 1:29 am
a few weeks ago we broke up all because i cheated.i felt like i didn’t get enough love so i went and had sex with another dude.he told me i am not going to tell anyone.what happens between me and you is our business no one else’s.then i few days later i told him what happen because i felt really guilty wanted our relationship to be as honest as it could be.i told him then he started screaming at me then i ran away crying then he came up to me and said i love you but its over and kissed me on the forehead and walked away.then the next day i seen him crying i went over their to comfort him then our ssgt. walked into the room and said what is this this isn’t no hotel,break it up.then he tock him to his office and told him that he is weak.we stilled talked a lot after we broke up but no one wants us to get back together.also his phone is broke and he can’t get a new one at this point.and i just can’t cut him off immediately because of us going to the same school we have half of our classes together and he sits by me and have a few laughs.we still hang out a lot.i really don’t know how to handle it.i cry a lot now a days and i really think i am beating myself up over this.
March 1, 2015 at 5:59 pm
Read this,
It’s more up to date.
February 25, 2015 at 12:37 am
A few months ago had a boyfriend, I felt really lonely and felt he did not give me enough attention. So one day on a party my boyfriend wasn’t at, I french kissed three times with another guy. The guy which I kissed swore to me not to tell a WORD about the kiss because he also had a girlfriend, but he ended up telling his friends. His friends ended up telling my boyfriend (now ex boyfriend). My boyfriend initially believed it was not true. But then more and more gossip started appearing and I ended up breaking up with him before he broke up with me. We had a really big fight, but he still wasn’t sure if I had actually cheated on him. I had only told ONE friend of mine about the incident. After a couple of weeks after the breakup, he was the one who came to me to ask for forgiveness. We started talking and getting along again really well. But then I started dating another guy, so we just stopped talking. After breaking up with the guy I used to date, we started AGAIN getting along really well. But then more gossip started spreading. Every time I passed besides him, he would just say: “Liar”. I told him the gossip wasn’t true, but he said that the one and only friend I had trusted on told him about the incident. I already spoke with my friend and she said she was sorry, but I don’t know if I should just accept it and forgive, or just keep it to myself . I’m afraid that telling him the truth would cause more gossip or more people know.
I have (or had) a really nice and clean reputation, and I still want have feelings for him. Even if we don’t get back together I would like for us to still be friends. But what do I do?
February 25, 2015 at 9:30 pm
Just like a guy he can’t help but brag to his friends about frenching a girl…
I think NC is definitely the way to go for you.
February 26, 2015 at 3:48 am
what is nc? lol
March 1, 2015 at 6:00 pm
The No Contact Rule!
February 26, 2015 at 3:54 am
My original question was: do I accept I cheated on him and apologise to him? Or just keep it to myself and wait for the gossip to pass? I don’t mean to sound rude, but I’m sorta in a crisis right now haha
February 24, 2015 at 10:18 pm
I met this guy in January of this year, (2015),we spent one night together and haven’t been apart since. In the near month we’ve spent together we’ve only spent 4 nights apart. He’s not typically my type of guy, but he makes me so happy. Everything about his scrawniness, Mr. Burns like appearance, goofy laugh having ass, puts the warmest smile on my face and I feel serious feelings for him. We both new when we started that we were both seeing other people, but we didnt really have time for the other lovers because we were rockin with each other everyday and night.He had my house keys while I was at work, he took me to run errands. We never went on a date though, he never called me his girlfriend, never any pet names…but I felt how much he liked me just by the look in his eyes, and he was always available to me when I needed him once I got off work. This past weekend, I put myself in a drunken, asshole, idiotic situation. I messed around and had sex with someone that I could give two shits about, and my guy found out. The way he found out was, IMO, nearly as bad as him walking in on me in the act. He spent the rest of the night with me but said he had NOTHING to say to me. He removed my hands from him when trying to hug him. I’ve never felt so bad. He woke up early this morning, packed up everything he always left behind when he went on to work or reload from his place, and split. I don’t know if there’s any coming back, but I want him back so bad. Since we were so new, is there a chance he’ll come back? Or will it be easier for him to never look back?
I asked him if he hated me and he said, he didn’t have to because I hate myself already. I’m hating myself right now. HATE…
February 25, 2015 at 10:44 pm
A month. I know it sounds crazy, but it was going so good.
March 2, 2015 at 11:48 am
I’m in a very similar position, almost identicle. I don’t know how to go about getting my guy back. I blacked out and kissed another guy… What do I do? It happened 3 days ago and he very adamantly cut things off. But I sent him many texts the next day and at one point he made a comment about wishing this didn’t have to happen in order for me to respond the way I did (I finally expressed how much I cared for him and how I didn’t want him to walk out of my life), but he was shaky in his responses. Sometimes I felt like I had absolutely no chance, other times he would say things like trying again now won’t work and will ruin us ever having something in the future. That’s the last thing he said… Was he just trying to get me to stop bothering him? I told him I was here to talk when he was ready and that I wouldn’t be partying so I would see him out but I wished him luck on finals of I didn’t see him. What do I do…
February 25, 2015 at 9:23 pm
Wait, you have only been with this guy for one night?
Like, that is it?
Melody J.
February 24, 2015 at 7:19 pm
I hve cheated on my boyfriend n we’re almost 2 years into our relationship.. Its a long distance relationship n at one time we couldn’t talk for a while n i cheated.. I feel so bad n i hve apologized but he cnt believe anything i say n i can understand since i lost his trust… Idk wht to do can u help?
February 24, 2015 at 9:59 pm
Well, are you still a LDR?
February 24, 2015 at 8:32 am
I’ve been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years now. I have cheated on him twice(I know I’m the bad person) I did not have sex with them. We went to dinner/ lunch & a goodbye kiss. The first time I felt completely guilty & I knew there was going to be no way he would have found out about it, but I couldn’t keep it from him. I came clean about it all he worked through the trust issues it definitely took a lot of patience & teamwork but we made it happen. The second time I cheated on him was recent this past January 2015. Now, this time I did not tell him I knew he was going to be done with me because once a cheater always a cheater, right? Well he found out on his own and I said yes to him when he asked me about it. I answered all of the questions he asked me the only question I had a hard time answering was WHY?? To be honest Idk why I feel him & I needed to much work in communicating together. After this happened he told me he wanted to work on it with me again. We tried but it felt like we were never on this same page. Him & I agreed to take 1 week apart from one another to realize if we truly miss one another or if we are okay not being together. I took this As having time with our own selves no one else. I soon come to realize he’s talking to another female & he worked out with Her. ( him and I are fitness freaks) & we always told one other if one of us were to ever workout with the opposite sex that is fAr more word than cheating. I believe he is now seeing this female I don’t know what to do or think?? Idk if he is doing it to get back at me? If he truly is over me? If he likes this girl? If he’s happy without me? I don’t know 🙁 I just know I am ready to try and work on it together. this girl just got off a relationship as well, idk if they are using each other for comfort or something more than just that?? Please write back to me. I need your honest advice. Thank you!!
February 24, 2015 at 9:47 pm
You didn’t sleep with the most recent cheat, right?
Just a kiss and thats as far as it went?
February 24, 2015 at 10:46 pm
Yes just a kiss, wasn’t even a make out. But I understand that cheating is still cheating no matter what
February 25, 2015 at 9:23 pm
Yes it is.
However, that is a lot easier to recover from than if you had slept with him.
February 26, 2015 at 2:52 am
Exactly but he said he has moved on and I don’t know what to do??
February 24, 2015 at 3:57 am
Okay… so my bf and i have an amazing relationship. We communicate all the time, we know each other’s dirty little secrets, we grew up together but we used to be frenemies. last year in march we finally got together and t was amazing. He is totally in love with me, and i him. Ive a bit of a drinking problem…. the onlyyy problem he has with me and i tend to act totallly out of character and simply looney when i get blackout drunk. Soooo over the valentines weekend he lost his money to take us out on a date and went home by him. In my country we have carnival for two days and its a national holiday so i stayed by him and i basically drank my fill. I cheated on him unknowingly with his brother and his family knows (one of his uncles saw) and im totalllly disgusted with myself because 1. i cheated on the best bf i ever had 2. It was with his brother which is totally gross. I dont even like his bro like that and 3. His family knows and ive known them since i was a little girl. I feel absolutely embarassed, more so for him. He isnt angry with me thoughcuz he says he knows im a really good person and i never dis it intentionally and i was drunk out my mind, he totally hates his brother though and he is just really hurt. He contacts me still every single day and we r still really god except we r not together and he says he still loves me and wants to be together but he cant be with me cause of his family. I dont know what to do. I mean his mother doesnt know… its only his aunt and like three of his uncles. we were supposed to move in together this year… he is really good with my daughter and i jus dont know what to do. He even said he is gonna move out from there because he feels totally embarassed. How canni get him back. This is beyond effed up and idk what to do. Ive been hating myself for this. I shld have just stopped drinking. Lost the best thing to ever happen to me besides my daughter. Smdh. Need advice plzzzz. Much appreciated. thank you ☺
February 24, 2015 at 9:36 pm
What kind of cheating are we dealing with here?
Just a kiss or more?
February 24, 2015 at 3:58 am
Oh ps. During that period we had broken up due to a stupid fight but it was like for only two days
February 23, 2015 at 9:50 am
I have a boyfriend for almost 2 years. Then he cheated. He cheated on me. Like twice. He had an affair with someone he promised me he will not having an affair whatever happens. Then they had an affair. Last year of Summer. And then I know nothing about it. But we always break up and get back. Because of some stupid fights. I always run after him. I love him so much. Last year, December, we broke up. And told him that I wouldn’t chase for him anymore. I told him that I’m so tired of everything. That I don’t wanna fight for him anymore. But 3 days after that break up, I found him that he had sex with someone. But he didn’t admit it at first. He denied it. Until I ask the girl by myself. And then I cried. Everyday. And still want him back. But he kick me down. And told me that it was my fault why he cheated. And after that I decided to moved on. And I was weak. And angry. I didn’t know what to do. Then I had sex with his friend. But he didn’t know anything about it. My guts can’t take it anymore. So I admitted it by myself. That I took revenged. And now he won’t forgive me. What should I do? I love him so much. And I really want him back. PS: we are live in partners!
February 23, 2015 at 9:44 pm
You want him back?
Didn’t you say you couldn’t take it anymore?
February 24, 2015 at 7:36 am
Yes. But I realize that I still love him. I really want him back. What should I do to get him back? 🙁
February 24, 2015 at 9:44 pm
Well, you should definitely read this article and I wrote another one similar to this that you should devour.
February 26, 2015 at 5:34 pm
He said that there are no chance anymore. But I can tell that he’s just really hurt that’s why he can say it. He said goodbye to me but tells me he’s really hurt and still love me. Maybe I should just give him a time to move on to what happened. I know he loves me so much. He’s been sweet these past few days. And he tried to forget everything happened. But then I decide to go home to my parents. So we’re miles away now. I think he feels really lonely now. That’s why he texted me and says that he’s still hurts. But tells me he love me so much. Do you think I just give him time to move on from what happen?
February 23, 2015 at 12:51 am
I had broken up with my boyfriend for lack of attention. During the month break up I had sex with another guy. After the action I realized I was still in love with my ex. So I called him up and I was honest and told him. He said he forgave me. 5 months later he breaks up with me. Because he realizes that he can’t forget the fact that I was with someone else. I really don’t know what to do. I changed I cut everyone off. Just to prove him that he is all I needed and to make up for my mistake.
February 23, 2015 at 9:34 pm
You technically didn’t cheat…
He just couldn’t forgive you… It’s an internal problem within him. You did everything right I think.
March 23, 2015 at 9:23 am
I study psychology and i can tell you that you are 100% wrong, admin you have no clue about true men, you are 1 of those guys that are not the best for women, you seem to know some but people are different and if your ways were to work then you would hear by now many success, if you break up with someone then you sleep with someone else then going back to your partner then is cheat and is only excuse that you made a breakup as excuse to cheat and you lied to yourself to make yourself feel better, admin you have no clue, i used to be a model around girls all the time, i saw all kinds of women and men, admin you are smart person but you have long way to go, if a woman cheat the man will obviously cheat someday and have a great excuse, is pointless to be back with a cheater, i had 1 girlfriend that cheated on me and i left her and no matter what she did nothing helped her, i wont forgive cheating sluts and i wont have any pity for them, cheaters are big sinners with no heart, they are humans so yes they have heart but what i meant is that they are corrupted and they unworthy for a great men, great men deserve great women same opposite, deal with it, if you cheat then is your fault so don’t cry like a baby for your mistakes, just move on and don’t cheat on your next partner.
March 24, 2015 at 8:47 pm
I think you should hop on over to Ex Girlfriend Recovery I think you can benefit more from that 😉 .
No I am just messing with you Moses.
I am really sorry you got cheated on but doesn’t everyone deserve a second chance?
Anyways, I respect your opinion and if you have any more beef with this site please direct it at me personally and not at the women looking for guidance and a way to repair their relationships.
Thank You,
Chris Seiter
February 22, 2015 at 11:51 pm
I’ve been with my boyfriend for over 8 year and recently i cheated on him and he found out and broke off the relationship i know i;ve cheated and i admitted i’m wrong and regret doing it but now he refuse to talk to me he wouldn’t even listen to me for almost 2 months now. I love him so much and i need him back in my life because i;m so depress and miserable. He has cheated on me on several occasions and i forgive him so why is it so hard for him to forgive me? he said what we had is over and done but i need him back i have to get him back or i’ll go crazy. what should i do? i need help.
February 23, 2015 at 9:33 pm
Why cheat?
8 years together is such a good run.
What pushed you to cheat?
February 27, 2015 at 12:26 pm
i cheated because i wasn’t getting enough attention from him
March 1, 2015 at 6:44 pm
Ok, here is another question now.
Would you cheat again if you got him back and he wasn’t giving you attention again?
February 22, 2015 at 4:20 pm
“DO not apologize”. Sure. That’s the best way to piss of the person you cheated on even more.
February 22, 2015 at 5:35 pm
No, you do apologize but not at this very moment.
February 21, 2015 at 9:40 pm
So me and my boyfriend of almost 2 years, had a “break” of 2/3 weeks, during that “break” I had sex with another guy out of some sort of spite, but we got back together 1 week after me having another guy. We were great, but he had no idea, 3 months later he found out from people telling him about it, I denied it at first, but then finally admitted to it. We kept in contact, constantly fighting and disrespecting, but i want him back. I don’t know anymore, we fight everyday and he still brings it up, he told me he would forgive me and forget about it but he brings it up everyday.. what should i do?
February 22, 2015 at 5:20 pm
I think you need to cut that other person out of your life completely and continually show your boyfriend that he is the one for you.
February 20, 2015 at 9:44 am
during NC period will it be better for me to post photos with other guys and go out with other guys to tell him if im happy and im out with others or better make myself look depressed as if i still want him
February 20, 2015 at 11:58 pm
No stay away from other guys on Facebook but make yourself look super happy.
February 21, 2015 at 3:57 am
okay so i just started my NC yesterday, my boyfriend is going back to singapore after his ldr vacation when he found out that i cheated. everyday we would call at night even if he ignores me the whole day. last night he went billiard instead of going to my house and i got a bit mad so i figured i would start my NC since that day. the night he was like spamming me on whatsapp saying “do you wanna call? its the last day.im going home soon” “if you dont wanna call ill sleep immediately “last chance.” “okay im going to sleep.” and i didnt respond, he saw me online on whatsapp but i didnt respond at all. so he called me and i hang up twice. then he said “okay if you dont wanna call” “goodnight” “im sorry if i disturbed you with someother guy” and i didnt respond. i was trying to do NC on him. today i checked his whatsapp, line, instagram, he blocked me everywhere. what should i do chris pls help. how would i message him back at the end of the NC.
February 20, 2015 at 8:13 am
Okay so about a month ago now I was drunk at a party and this guy totally took advantage of me and we needed up kissing 3 times till I couldn’t do it abynore and left, I told my boyfriend straight away, he thought about it for a couple of days while I begged and begged, but he told me it would never be the same, we saw Eachother one day as friends but I starting crying and it was so awakward, I kept trying to be friends with him talking occasionally begging but he said he didn’t love me anynore, I tried being his friend but he said he dosnt want to talk to me that much and he dosnt want to see me after that really awkward time, and we had been fighting, to make matters worse I was really drubk and depressed about a a week after the breakup and my male Friend and I did shit together,that’s when my ex would be really blunt and say things like never ever can get back together even though I really am regretful for everything, now after about a month if trying to get back together I’m trying the no contact plan. But should I just give up:( cause I fucked up so much 🙁
February 20, 2015 at 11:56 pm
How did the guy take advantage of you out of curiosity?
February 21, 2015 at 2:37 am
He knew I was very drunk, and he knows that I give in easily and kept trying to kiss me and finally did
February 22, 2015 at 4:33 pm
Can you see how thats not an easy thing for your ex to process?
February 20, 2015 at 3:57 am
I met this guy two years ago and I have never felt so comfortable in a relationship as I was with him. The thing is, he told me at the beginning that his prophet ( he belongs to some church) told him that I was not “the one”. I was already hooked on him and I stayed despite everything, hoping with time he will change his mind. Two years after we started, nothing had changed, he had the same speech. The sad part is my love for him had grew so deep. I started to want more, I wanted to meet his family, his friends, I wanted our relationship to move to the next level. He kept bringing up what his prophet had said. I felt very unsecured, thinking any day he would come home and tell me he found “the one “. I have no doubt he cared for me, yet I was not feeling secured into the relationship. I was introduced by a friend of mine , to a man, who said was looking for a serious relationship, which eventually would lead to marriage. I came to my boyfriend and told him about this encounter. He got upset, but told me that I should not be looking for another man, since I already had my man, HIM. He asked me if anything had happened with this man, and I said no, it was the truth. He asked me to stop talking to this man, and I told him I would. We kept on living our relationship, however, nothing had changed, my boo still was talking about committing with me. One morning, out of the blue, I packed my stuff and went to that man’s house, and stayed there for five days. During those five days, I came to find out he was not serious, he was trying to be with me for some calculated reasons. Before I left to there, I sent a text message to my boyfriend explaining him that I was going to see that man, that I am looking for something that he keeps telling me he would never give me, that I did not want to be his hidden, unknown girlfriend forever, that I needed more. While there, my boyfriend hit me on Facebook and asked me to come back, that everything would be ok. I shortened my trip and returned home. The first day I came back, he tried to have sex with me, but I could stand myself since I had had sex with the other guy. He asked me if I had slept with him, and I told him the truth. I told him to give me some time, that I did not wanna talk about it for I was ashamed of what i did, I felt dirty before him. We went on as if nothing had ever happened, but I could feel if was not at ease. A month later, my boyfriend’s brother posted a picture where I could see my boyfriend holding another female and I flipped out. I called him asking him about it, and he basically went off at me. I told him that I would stop bugging him, and i hung up. I did not hear from him for a week, and I was going insane without him. I sent him an email, asking him to tell me if he had met someone else, and where we were at. He did not respond to it. I could not sleep, eat and at work could not focus. I started to drink Zzz quill out of the bottle in order to go to sleep.
I tried to convince myself that maybe I was better of without him, but it was not helping. I was sinking, disappearing under my uniform, loosing weight, loosing my mind. I finally picked up my home phone and called him. I have to specify that he did not know my home phone’s number. He picked up. I asked him what was up. He said he could not do it anymore, that He couldn’t trust me anymore, that he could go pass the fact that after he asked me the first time to start talking to that man, I still did and I slept with him. He said we would always be friends, but we couldn’t be lovers anymore, that I hurt him really bad. I had him about the lady, and he just said to me that it was some acquaintance. The picture had been removed from his Facebook and his brother’s Facebook. What he did not know, and me knowing him, I saved that picture on my computer the day I saw it. I asked him why he was making that decision now, almost a month after I slept with that man. Why now? He said I never allowed him to vent it out, that we never talked about it, that he’s had it on his mind all along. We had slept together countless time after that happened. Basically he was ending our relation. I called out that day, could not contain myself, could not be around anyone. I begged him not to leave me, I told him that he was the one that I love. The same day, one of my friend got worried and came to see me, then ended up calling him, asking him to come and check on me, that I was in a bad shape. She said to him she feared I could harm myself. He called me that night and said he was coming over to my placed. I did not know how to take it. He came, never mentioned it, I busted crying, telling him how sorry I was, telling him that if I could change what had happened, I would, asking him to forgive me. He said it was ok. We had sex that night. The next day he went to work, and I have been the one bending my chin, calling him, trying to talk to him since. He is so distant, so cold. This whole thing made me realize how deep I had felt in love with that man. Today I still don,t know where we stand, what that last night meant. I love him to the moon and back, and I would like to have my man back. I am hurting to the core right now, still drugging myself with Benadryl or zzzzquill so I can sleep. I need him. What makes it more difficult is that we live in the same apartment complex. Every time I step out, i look to see if he is home, Please help me, what should I do, and how should I go by it? Sorry for the length of the story, but it felt good to open up to you guys.
Thank you.
February 20, 2015 at 11:51 pm
I wish you had pulled a little NC on him after you two had sex… you might have had a completely different outcome.
February 21, 2015 at 1:17 am
So what should I do now ? It is too late for the NC ?
February 22, 2015 at 4:28 pm
Nope its a perfect time for NC.
February 20, 2015 at 2:26 am
So I cheated on my boyfriend of almost 2 years. The worst part about it is that I remember NONE of it. There were some people over at his place hanging out and we were drinking, he had given me a xanax bc sometimes I take one after work to relax. He ended up going to bed early because he had work the next day and when I woke the next morning, I remembered NOTHING. Later that night he texts me saying to never text or call him again and he has a video of me making out with a guy at his house which is awful I know. I guess the xanax and alcohol made me forget everything completely and turned me into a whole different person but I would never intentionally do that to him because I love him so so so much. I contacted the guy I kissed and he told me that my ex boyfriends roommate and friends were egging it on and all of this other stuff. My ex also told me that they said I was telling this guy I wanted to hook up (I suppose in a more sexual way). I am ashamed and disgusted. All of his friends are telling him to never take me back. Everyone is calling me a whore and slut and I hate myself bc I didn’t intentionally do this and I hardly know the guy I made out with. My ex will respond to me on some days just telling me he needs space and he is very hurt, then he will be angry other days and now he is completely ignoring me all together. I also found out that he was with another girl last night which breaks my heart but I haven’t contacted him in two days. I don’t know what else to do, especially when all of his friends are steering him in the direction of moving on.
February 20, 2015 at 11:50 pm
Man that is rough… Well, you have some work ahead of you.
Don’t try to get him back right away. You need to let some time go by before you make an attempt and NC is perfect for that.
February 23, 2015 at 2:06 am
I don’t know if there is any hope for us anymore. Today it just so happened that me and my friend got beside him in traffic, he was with another girl and driving her car. It was apparent that she had spent the night with him last night. I feel absolutely disgusted and he knows that i saw him. I did not text or call him but it is taking everything in me to not say anything. Has he already moved on? And is it too late to want things to work for us if he is already sleeping with other people? Im very hurt and confused. I did what i did while intoxicated and unaware but he is fully aware of the decisions he is making