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1,990 thoughts on “You Want Your Ex Back After Cheating On Him…. Here’s What To Do”

  1. Tenisha

    June 9, 2014 at 2:57 pm

    So I’ve been with my boyfriend on and off for almost 5 years. 6 months into our relationship, he went on a trip and I cheated with some random guy., (let’s call him Kevin ) I had just met. I broke up with him the next day, I never told him the reason why. I continued to see kevin and when my boyfriend came back he saw us out together. So he just thought I was seeing someone else (the thought that I could possibly be having sex with him didn’t even cross his mind because he use to put me on such a high pedestal). He begged me to come back to him and a few weeks later I left Kevin and got back with my boyfriend. Now needless to say Kevin wasn’t too happy about this and I didn’t know at the time that he and my boyfriend knew each other (not well but they knew each other all the same). Not so long after getting back with my bf, Kevin met up with him and spilled his guts. I mean he told him everything. Details and all. My boyfriend was hurt, crushed and he obviously he left me. It was about 2 months before he even talked to me again. Eventually we got back together because he said that even though I really hurt him, he loved me and nothing I did would change that. He said that he was miserable without me.

    From the day that we got back together, nothing has been the same. We break up and make up frequently because his attitude towards me changes like the moon. One day he could be warm and loving and the next day he’s cold and doesn’t talk to me. He says it’s because he still has bad memories about me cheating and when things come up that reminds him of it he shuts down. Almost every time we break up I end up talking to another guy (no sex, just talking) because I feel like I need a guy perspective to try and understand him. He doesn’t believe this and thinks I’ve cheated on him every time we’ve broken up. He also holds this against me. Also I can’t go anywhere with friends without him getting upset. One time we were actually talking about getting engaged. We started ring shopping and everything but he broke it off when I went to dinner with my friends and ended up at the club afterwards.

    He says he loves me and I believe him because the majority of the time his actions show it. But I just don’t know how much longer I can go on like this. It’s been 4 years. Will he ever trust me again? Will he ever get over it?

    And the reason I cheated was because I felt like I wasn’t getting what I wanted/needed out of the relationship at the time. And I was angry that he would take a trip when he did. It would have been our first Christmas/ New Years together. It made me feel neglected because I felt like he could have taken me with him and he chose not to.

    1. admin

      June 10, 2014 at 3:26 pm

      Did you read the latest post on cheating? I think it can be super helpful to you.

  2. tammy

    June 7, 2014 at 6:26 pm

    Oh ok. Whats the title of this one?

  3. Griselda

    June 3, 2014 at 8:04 am

    i was with my ex-ex (the ex before my ex) and we had lived together for 2 years until i had to go back to my hometown to my parents, so we started a long distance relationship. he was always strict on me, e.g. I need to pick up the phone whenever he calls, can’t have / talk to any male friends, need to tell him who i’m with and where i’m going etc. i thought i could bear with it at first cox i’m kind of like the obedient type of girl. but then when we were 4 months apart i felt like i can’t do this anymore, i simply don’t have any friends i can see or talk to and my world just moves around him. i love him a lot and was willing to do anything for him but the pressure was just getting too high and i cried a lot..and it was when my ex came.
    he was so caring and always comfort me when my then-bf shout at me or threaten to break up with me.. i know it’s never an excuse but i did cheat on him. he was sad and we broke up so i got together with my ex, who was a great guy, cares a lot about me and loves me. but i just can’t feel the same way towards him as i did before (when i was with my ex-ex), and i cheated on him (texting and hanging out with a co-worker) too. i feel like a mess and we ended badly at first cox he was so mad at me..then we broke up last month peacefully. now that we haven’t contact each other for 2 weeks and i started to miss his presence and his care. do i really like him or just the feeling that someone cares about me?

    1. admin

      June 5, 2014 at 5:26 pm

      Hes completely controlling in my opinion….

    2. Griselda

      June 3, 2014 at 9:03 am

      i feel like i always fall on someone who hits on me.. that i get together with them without really knowing if i truely like them (my ex and now my co-worker). then i feel regret about what i did and ponder what would happen if i don’t break up with my exs.. is that just me being slutty?

    3. admin

      June 5, 2014 at 4:50 pm

      I don’t think it is… I think your just open minded. Though I think experience is going to teach you what you want later down the road.

  4. tammy

    June 1, 2014 at 12:12 am

    I feel pretty pathetic being on this site, but I can tell you know what your talking about. My ex boyfriend found texts implying I was cheating 3 months ago. He left he was really hurt but he kept seeing me the whole time. Now he is hanging out with another girl. He says he doesnt know if we will ever be together again he is just taking it one day at a time. He thinks about it. In the beginning he said no we will never be together but now its I dont know. I asked if you dont know now how will you ever know. His answer was i guess if something just clicks in my head and I realize it. Is it time to move on? I cant put myself through this much longer.

    1. admin

      June 2, 2014 at 2:42 pm

      No don’t feel pathetic.

      I am literally writing something on this exact topic as we speak.

  5. Terrible GF (now Ex)

    May 30, 2014 at 9:44 am


    So my boyfriend and i just broke up after 3 and a half years. Its all because of some stupid whatsapp messages 🙁 last year I met this guy, cool guy- but as a friend only. I’ve always been honest with my bf and we had no trust issues. Told him about this guy, he’d let me go out with him etc. until this guy started liking me, at first it made me feel very uncomfortable, so tired to see less of him- still wanted to be his friend. But then he’d sending these cute messages, which i enjoyed receiving, so I played along with it. Until I couldn’t any more, so I told him to back off. Then we’d stop talking for a few months then we’d chat as friends again and then back to the messages but I just brushed them off lightly.

    At a festival, he made a move on me and I told my bf. i stopped talking to him again. Just recently we started talking again but purely work-wise, both in the same industry. He asked me to go for lunch with him one day during work and this was when I finally broke it down to this guy that I am not interested in him at all.

    Now my sex has read all these messages and he is convinced I’ve been f**king is guy for months. Which, I honestly and truly have not. He refuses to believe me! So he broke up with me. We’ve been living together for 2 years- but he’s threatening me not to move out- he’s using the lease as an excuse- our lease ends in a year??!! We sleep in separate rooms, but in the mornings he’ll still wake me up for work, or bring me tea in bed. When we’re chilling in the lounge together, he’ll talk to me decently but every once in a while he’ll throw in these hurtful comments.

    I really want to fix things, but I don’t know how. And I know I should give him space, but if I do- I’m scared I’m gonna loose him forever. What do I do? I’m so lost.

    1. admin

      May 31, 2014 at 3:49 pm

      First off, your not a terrible girlfriend. In fact, I am proud that you didn’t end up cheating on your boyfriend. To me that says that you have a lot of integrity.

      However, you did make one error. The second that you knew that this guy liked you, you shouldn’t have been his friend anymore. You should have realized that he could potentially be a cancer in your relationshp in the future (which it turned out that was what happened.)

      Speaking personally, if a girlfriend was in that situation and was still friends with him I would always wonder in the back of my mind why she is friends with someone who she knows for a fact has a crush on her. Now, imagine if you had cut off the friendship with this guy and told your boyfriend that.

      Do you realize how much more trust your boyfriend would have in you?

    2. Terrible GF (now Ex)

      June 2, 2014 at 8:06 am

      I know I should have cut him off, which I did… twice. I seriously suck at being a b* I regret not doing it sooner or properly. How can I mend this? My ex is the most stubborn person EVER! I want him to know the truth without shutting me out, when I try to talk to him. I want him to know that I love him and I could never hurt him like that. But he just won’t listen. Instead he’ll yell “I’ve got that picture in my head, of the two of you- that picture is stuck for life.” I’ve never been a “weak person” but now, I’m falling a part- I hate admitting it but its the truth. I never talk about myself or my little issues and for once I’m asking advice from friends- they’re all just saying… wait it out.. you’ll feel better. I wanna feel better but with him. Even though I know our relationship won’t be the same as it was. We’ll be able to work it out, won’t we?

  6. libb

    May 26, 2014 at 10:56 am

    I’m with a Christian who doesn’t believe in sex before marriage qwhich I find really attractive! Welive a plane ride away from each other so only saw each other once every two months for two weeks . I really want to be with this guy and might even marry him, but I got drunk and slept with an ex boyfriend. This ex took my virginity a few months before this happened. Again, I was drunk . I called my guy and told him the next morning and he hasn’t left me, but he wont show any affection anymore. Is there anything I can do to make this better?

    1. admin

      May 27, 2014 at 2:18 pm

      Well, apologize and assure him it was a mistake and a one time thing.

      But honestly… its pretty bad of you to do that.

  7. Kayla

    May 26, 2014 at 5:52 am

    Okay so I cheated on my boyfriend about a month ago. I was on a trip and me and him had been fighting. He had did some things to hurt and bother me. This guy kept hitting on me and wanting to hook up with me. I kept saying no but he wouldn’t stop. He said think of all the things your boyfriend has done to you. So I did it. When I got back he asked me about it. I said no I didn’t cheat on you. Then a month later I decided to tell him. He got up and left my house. He always told me he would love me foreve but then after I told him all the details of what happened he went completely off. He called me a dirty cheating whore and said he don’t love me anymore and he hates me. I kept texting him long paragraphs askig for a second chance. He says idk. I kept trying but he don’t care. Tonight I seen a message he sent on Facebook. It was to some girl and it said holler at me sometime. But keep it on the down low I don’t want people to know me and my girlfriend are splitting up. So immediately I freaked out cause it seems like he’s completely done. He says he just can’t give me another chance. We can never be the same. I really love him. What can I do?

    1. admin

      May 27, 2014 at 2:31 pm

      You cheated on him…

      Lets talk about that for a second. Was it just because you two were fighting a lot that you didnt feel very close to him?

    2. Kayla

      May 28, 2014 at 1:43 am

      Yes we had been fighting a lot. That same week he hung out with his cousin and a girl two days. One time it was all three in the truck and the girl sat in the middle when they were a back seat . The second time it was just him and her. He said he had to give her a ride to the car wash. It was just a five minute ride if that. But it still bothered me. A couple months before I found out he had been texting this girl for a couple of months and they hung out 3 or 4 times. I thought he cheated on me. So all of that made me do it to him. I was angry and hurt so I did it. I thought I liked the guy I cheated on him with but I really didn’t. I regret it now and it was stupid.

    3. Kayla

      May 26, 2014 at 7:19 pm

      Also he just keeps doing things to bother me and hurt me. He won’t even acknowledge that I’m trying.

  8. Ella

    May 21, 2014 at 1:02 am

    My bf and I are both 21. We went out to the bar, I didn’t have anything to eat or much sleep so I got drunk after 1 or 2 drinks. I was on the dance floor and he called me to walk over to him. I flipped him off twice then started backing up onto another guy. He came over and tried to get me off the dance floor but I stood behind one of my girls and laughed at him. All of his friends were there and all of the people we usually see around. I don’t remember any of this and feel like sh!t. All of his friends are saying I pulled a hoe move and may be an undercover hoe. I hardly ever go out and am so embarrassed that this happened. It’s hard for me to accept it because I don’t remember it but I understand that he’s upset and feels humiliated. A bunch of people were asking what happened and he told them or they heard from everyone else. When people tell him “your girl pulled a hoe move” or “your girl might be an undercover hoe”, he just goes along with it. We’ve been dating for almost a year and I can’t help but be upset that he never defends me when people say things. He says he’s too shy to say anything cause he’s put on the spot. Did I really f@!& up that bad? He decided to forgive me but I woke up and saw that I had bruises on my arms and got upset. He said it was because I was so drunk and trying to run away from him so he was holding me up against a wall. I remember him saying he’s gonna slap me and continuing to pretend to do it so I could flinch but when I brought it up, he said but did I? I’m not stupid. I feel like that sounds worse than it is. When I got upset about the bruises, he got more upset with me because I’m the one who was in the wrong for backing up and trying to grind another guy. I know I was wrong but couldn’t he have handled that better? What am I supposed to do?

    1. admin

      May 21, 2014 at 2:34 pm

      … ok, obviously if you are flipping him and him saying he is going to slap you…. do you see how this is a little troubling to hear. Thats not a how a relationship should go ever.

  9. Katie

    May 20, 2014 at 3:09 am

    I cheated on my ex.. We both got cheated on twice, we both promised that we would never cheat on each other we were doing so well, then I started arguing with my mom a lot and started to take the anger out on him and then the arguing began in like the 16 months we were together so my ex which who cheated on me kept reaching out to me I know dumb idea for me to reply well I did he was giving me the attention I wanted and needed.. I did get caught in the relationship texting him a few times but was nothing major but I should have listened… We hung out a few times and right lied to my ex and said I was out with friends but really jus like 4 times we hung out I was with him. We had sex but I stopped it, I thought about my bf at the time and wanted to go home! Because I know that was so wrong of me, and I was thinking of ways I could tell him I didn’t know how it was so hard 2 weeks later he found out from a friend and he called me and it wasn’t good at all. He was so done the same day he started talkin to so many girls and tweeting horrible stuff.. A week later he took me out to eat he said one last time eventually after that we never stopped talking and we have been hangin out ever since. He kept telling me to talk to other ppl to get him off my mind at first I said no then he just wouldn’t stop saying it so I tried it for a few weeks I decided I wanted to be friends with the guy and then a group of us were together at the same place and my ex happens to show up and decides he wants to fight him so we leave and I said I can’t b friends with you anymore. And for 3 months I haven’t been talking to anyone and for a month and a week so far he hasn’t been talking to anyone either and we still hang out like a couple still do couple things yesterday I jus was with him and the day before went out to eat with him and his family. And today he decides to say I’m done and it hurt me because I have been trying for 7 months straight putting up with all the girls he talked to I let him even tho it was hard and he promised me we were getting back together soon and he takes his promises serious but he says stuff like this what do I do?? I want to be with him so bad and our two year anniversary is comin up on July 7.

    1. admin

      May 20, 2014 at 9:17 pm

      How old are the two of you?

  10. jasmine benning

    May 6, 2014 at 3:58 am

    Hi i am jasmine, i cheated on my boyfriend becausebi was stupid it was a hit and run and a girl told him i cheated and i lied about it but she had proof. He said hes sooo done and i shouldnt of cheated and that its too late. I regret cheating soooo badly i love him to death and he loved me too but i really fucked up and wish i could go back in time and change whats been done. Is there anyway in the world i could be with him again?!

    1. admin

      May 6, 2014 at 7:12 pm

      What caused you to cheat?

  11. Jen

    April 30, 2014 at 10:24 am

    So I dated a guy for a year. I found out last year that he cheated on me six months earlier. We broke up but still talked and acted as if we were dating for over a year now. I was embarrassed (and scared) to fully let him back in to my life. So for that year he did everything to try and get me back. I never had the space or distance I should’ve gotten from him. I know once I found out I should’ve not talked to him but it was so hard to let him go. So now, after a year of trying feeling like he was getting no where with me, feeling like he was nothing to me, he got fed up and had sex with a girl. So yes we weren’t technically dating but we were still involved and I had not been with anyone else. So now, after he admitting this happened, I leave to Mexico a week or so later with some girlfriends. And made out with a couple guys. I tell my ex once I get back. I didn’t feel too bad because of him sleeping with the girl… And all I did was kiss the guys. So not knowing how to still let go of him even after he’s pretty much broken my heart and hurt me in every way, we still talk, hook up, and hangout a lot. I go back and forth with him telling him I need my space in order to get over what you did. It never worked cause it was so hard to not talk to each other. So after having a talk about space, I go out that weekend and drink way too much. I end up having sex with a friend. My ex first finds out we hooked up(thinking we just made out) he was upset but still looked passed it. A week has gone by and I still push for distance. The next weekend comes up and I do it again with the same guy… Really drunk. My ex finds out everything and now I feel like the guilty one. I don’t know what to do. I want to be with him so bad, there’s no doubt of feelings for him, it’s just such a messed up situation. Even though he did it to me, he can’t understand why it happened twice, when really I was too drunk and just made such a stupid mistake, not only hurting my ex but hurting myself. I do want it to work out with us but we’ve just gone through so much it seems impossible and impractical. I wanna so your suggestion of the thirty day no contact but I know he will feel like I just don’t care anymore and that I’m not trying to chase him or get him back. I know I need to heal for myself for what I did and for what he did for me in the past as well and realize whether all of this is worth it. I just know how he thinks and if I don’t talk to him for thirty days he’ll either be with other girls(which I probably deserve) or give up on us/me. I just don’t know what to do. Maybe it’s just meant to end and I just can’t let go. Ugh so now it’s been over 2 and a half years trying to workout everything and just hurting each other. I don’t know what to do

  12. Renee

    April 21, 2014 at 6:57 pm

    so this is my story. We’ve been dating for close to 5 years. Ladt year around this time he broke up with me saying he was fed up. I started having fun with the next available friend who had been worrying me for abt 2 years. 3 months later me and my boyfriend got back together and everything was going smoothly till an old friend came back into my life. The friendship went to another levei ( we had sex) and at some point i thought i was in love with him. He’s head over heels for me too. My bf caught me and asked me to make a choice between him and my friend and i assured him that he was the one. Truth is deep down i still wanted to maintain what i had withe the other guy without sex. I felt he valued me more, respected me more and gave me more attention , 3 things my bf doesnt really give me. But i think despite that the number of years stil gives us a very strong bond. This was last year December. Now early this year we had an argument and i lied over some issues so he broke up with me again. Fortunately for me it had nothing to do with him.lol. Now ive been begging him and i even promised to cut him off ( the new guy) one minute he says he wants me, the next minute he says its over. I was getting very depressed and lonely and coupled with other personal problens it made me very unstable. Now here’s the problem, my new guy lives near my office so i can easily run off and spend sometime with him. Somehow my bf always finds out and he gets soo angry. Whenever he does i tell him im a woman and i have needs, he’s being unfair to me. The monent he takes me back i’ll stop. But he keeps tossing me like a yo yo, today he wants me, the next min he’s pushing me away. Today he told me he’s found a new girl who’a wonderful and doesnt sleep around like i do. Admin, pls im tired of this tom and jerry game. I want my man back. I want to love him and marry him. That had always been my plan. Ive asked the new guy to me some space , no visits but we text occasionally. Please help me. I cant watch 5 years go down the drain just like that. I’ll cut off the other guy totally but i really want my man back. i dont know what he told his friends but now they all talk like im the bad guy. the one at fault.

    1. admin

      April 22, 2014 at 4:40 pm

      That a problem… you can’t have this friend you cheated with and your boyfriend. If I was in you boyfriends position I would react the same way. Like, “why are you still friends with him?”

    2. Renee

      April 22, 2014 at 5:59 pm

      so ive cut the boy off . Ive asked him to gimme some space. Now my boyfriend says there’s this girl he’s intrrsted in now and they’ll start dating soon.He says im nit ready to change Is he rrally serious or he’s just saying it to spite me ? And secondly, if she really is in the picture how do i get my man back. Pls help me, I really, really, really want my man back

  13. Ashley

    April 20, 2014 at 12:49 am

    I’m sorry this is long but I really need help. So I’ve been dating my boyfriend for about three years. we started dating at 16 and now we are both almost 20. When we started dating we were so in love with each other and have always planned on getting married. About a year into the relationship, he cheated and had sex with another girl while on spring break. I was so in love with him so I forgave him and we continued dating. At the end of the summer following him cheating, i found out my dad had cancer and then three days later found out that my boyfriends had been cheating on me with him ex girlfriend all summer. After just getting the news about my dad, I really needed him and although I broke up with him at first, I quickly (within a day) took him back but sort of on probation. His mom knew and all his friends and everyone knew what he had done and he was so embarrassed because everyone felt so bad for me finding out about my dad and then also (not to be conceited) but I was much more attractive than any of the girls he had ever been with. After jumping through hoops for me, seeing a therapist and basically sucking up for three months we were back together publicly but I had this underlying anger towards him that I couldn’t get rid of. We broke up the following January and I slept with one of his friends after and he found out (horrible) and from January to may we had a very unhealthy crazy off and on hooking up and it was just horrible. Im may we stopped all communication and both moved on but two months later he ended things with the girl he was talking to and wanted me back. That fall we went to the same college and got back together. At christmas, I found out my dad was not going to make it so I moved home. My boyfriends was there for me the entire time and was so supportive and at my dads death bed right beside me. After the funeral I thought I needed space from him and broke up with him to be alone and deal with my fathers death. A few days later I saw the guy that i had been seeing over the summer while be and my boyfriend had been broken up and we started talking and i ended up hooking up with him twice before going back to college and then we stopped talking. After new years, my boyfriend and I got back together but I didn’t tell him what had happened. Over the last few months we have become closer and happier than we’ve ever been before and we just have become best friends and even though I’m living at home for this semester and he’s at college, we went on spring break together and have just been wonderful. Well almost 2 weeks ago he found out about what happened over christmas and was very upset. he said he needed space so I tried to give it to him but we still talked a little and i got angry that he wouldn’t forgive me after all I’ve forgiven him for. After a week, he told me he is done with me forever and was EXTREMELY angry out of nowhere saying it was a slap in the face that he was there for me through everything and that I turned to another guy. I understand this completely but I’ve never seen him this angry with me. he has deleted me from instagram, twitter, will not reply to me so i stopped texting him and blocked me on snapchat. Its only been a few days since he told me he was done forever but that night he called me yelling that i’m a slut and that he’s done (he was very angry). I love him more than anything and I want him back so bad. Do you think that if i give him time that he will come around or do you think he is done with me forever?

  14. Martha

    April 18, 2014 at 7:15 am

    I’ve been seeming a guy for about a year that I’ve had a “crush” on for years. He has a lot of trust issues etc and a lot of girlfriends have cheated on him in the past. We moved really slow because of this, but because I’ve had a thing for him for so long I’ve been impatiently trying to be patient. We mostly have mutual friends but he finally introduced me to another group when they had a party, and I was really nervous. I drank too much, he passed out early on a single person, deflated air mattress that I couldn’t fit on, so I stayed awake and kept partying with a few other people. I ended up making out with one of his girl friends, and he broke up with me the next morning for other reasons (I didn’t spend enough time with him that night and I slept on the couch instead of the air mattress) and took me home. It didn’t cross my mind to tell him I kissed this girl because I was so consumed with the fact that he was being incredibly ridiculous. He realized later that day, after talking to one of our mutual friends, that he was being silly and was going to apologize, but then he found out that night about the make out session. He flipped and deleted me off all social media and told our mutual friend he wants nothing to do with me. He’s mad because a) it counts as cheating, and I understand that and am coming to see it that way myself but didn’t at first because no guy I’ve dated has really counted same sex make outs as cheating, and b) I didn’t tell him, and he thinks I was trying to hide it from him. It’s been two weeks, the only contact we’ve had is when I texted him to ask if we could talk this weekend and he said he isn’t doing this in person, and I asked if I wrote him a letter if he would read it, and he said, “When I find the time”. Any advice on this unconventional cheating situation? Our mutual friend is in school for psych and she’s been talking to him about it a lot, and he seems to go back and forth between understanding and hating my guts, so I am gonna take your above advice and wait a month before giving him the letter so I have time to figure out what I want to say, and we both have time to chill out… But in the way of “figuring out why I did it”, I’m really not sure. I’m not bi, I was just “having drunk fun” I suppose and didn’t see it as cheating at the time, but my last long term boyfriend slept with another girl when he was drunk and his reason was “he was just having fun” and that killed me, so I don’t want to say that….

    1. admin

      April 18, 2014 at 3:44 pm

      Ya…. you may have messed up.

      I would count this as cheating personally (I am old fashioned though so ya…) . and this was def the reason he broke up with you I think.

  15. Chocolate

    April 17, 2014 at 10:51 pm

    I cheated on my boyfriend . The 1st time he caught mee cheating and I chose the other guy over him and I just stop talking to him bjt he accepted me back then I started talking to another guy and uploaded some pictures and he saw them and now we havent been really having good times all we do ia argue but now I Been at his house but we send slick remarks about the cheating situations but its clear we don’t wanna live each others lives . I even get jealous when he talks to other girls but I have to understand I cheated and he’s not my boyfriend tbh I don’t even know why Iccheated all I know is I want him back and dont ever wanna lose him

    1. admin

      April 18, 2014 at 3:25 pm

      I think you have to rebuild trust first.

  16. Stacey

    April 16, 2014 at 2:20 pm

    Along the same lines as everyone else commenting here, I cheated only boyfriend. On a trip overseas I kissed and flirted through text with another guy. My boyfriend found out and was (obvious) furious. So I stayed away for three weeks before I texted him. However during that three week period, I got drunk and partied. I kissed another guy and I slept with the guy from the trip. My ex found out about all of this as we attend a small college. It’s been two weeks of us trying to fix things. He said he can’t trust me because I’ll be going home for the summer which is across the states. Us talking again has also stirred up more emotions than our stress levels can take. So I told him I would stop and within ten minutes he was already calling me back. The only resolution he says he can take on right now is being friends. We tried that. Hanging with him as “friends” led to is having sex on three separate occasions. So now we aren’t taking but are still friends. I’m trying to take this time to heal from all the emotional drama. I am willing to wait for him but everyone says I should just move on. And I don’t know why I cheated on him. I think it was because since I was out of the country I felt like it wasn’t real so the consequences wouldn’t be real. What do I do?

  17. Celeste

    April 15, 2014 at 12:39 pm

    I didn’t exactly cheat on my ex. We have been together for 5 years and he was constantly stepping out on me. One time he lied to me and I just had enough and broke up w him. When I did that I smelled w someone else and fast. I finally told him the truth about it a year later and he left me And our 2 kids (still involved w the kids just not living w us anymore) he had made a big change in his life being honest and faithful but he’s hurt over what I did and said he couldn’t stay w me anymore. My question is , is it wrong I don’t feel guilty ? I mean I was single and tired of being lied to and cheated on all these years. I hate to see him hurt but I don’t feel I berated him

    1. admin

      April 15, 2014 at 4:23 pm

      You smelled with someone else fast?

  18. Crystal

    April 15, 2014 at 12:05 pm

    I cheated on my boyfriend that I’ve been dating for almost 8 months. I’m giving him his space and waiting the recommended time of 30 days. When I reach out to him what do I even say to try to get him to talk to me?

    1. admin

      April 15, 2014 at 4:22 pm

      Why did you cheat?

  19. vidu

    April 15, 2014 at 7:49 am

    hi, I really need some help. Me and my boyfriend were doing great before I found out last year that I was expecting a baby, when I found out that I was pregnant just a week before he had moved to some other city because he found a job there. He didn’t want the baby at all. So, he asked me to get an abortion. I tried to convince him but he was not ready to listen at all. I had no means to have this baby without his help. So I decided to get an abortion. He was away, I had to do every thing on my own. I felt really bad after this situation I could just not love him like before. I lost my trust on him, was really heartbroken. We were both living away from each other. Every time I tried to talk to him about this, he would ignore me or change the topic. I didn’t know what to do? I was depressed, lonely and very miserable. We started having fights and ultimately we started talking less with each other. I had decided that I want move on, and not be with him. So, I met this really nice guy and we started dating. I never told my boyfriend about this guy until few months back. I finally told him that i have moved on. He seemed okay with everything, until just recently when he found out that me and this guy that i just started dating have been really close and intimate with each other. He came to know about this because he just recently came to visit me and saw a picture in my phone. Ever since then, he has been blaming me for cheating. It seemed that he feeling really bad. After he saw the picture he felt bad and i saw some tears in his eyes. I tried to talk to him but it didn’t work out. He told me that he wanted a future with me,but I don’t what to do? I really cared about him but he broke my heart, and he wasn’t there when i really needed him. Now I have been feeling guilty and questioning myself that did I do anything wrong. Did I break his heart and if so, then what about the things he made me do, isn’t he responsible for my actions? Really need some help right now??

    1. admin

      April 15, 2014 at 4:21 pm

      Did you cheat though? I mean if you broke up it isn’t cheating ot move on to someone else is it?

    2. vidu

      April 15, 2014 at 6:24 pm

      I broke up with him later, after I started dating another guy.

  20. Lynn

    April 15, 2014 at 12:32 am

    I cheated on my boyfriend today. But he has ignored me for 2-3 weeks before i cheated. I ws talking with a friend at his house about how upset I was and said how I thought he was losing interest and going to break up with me. This ‘friend’ convinced me that the relationsip was already over and that hurt me. Really badly.My friend went in for a kiss and i said no, because I’m not like that. I’ve been cheated on and it’s not nice, it’s horrific. I haven’t told my boyfriend yet but i said we should go on a break and i will tell him while on that break. It is honestly the one thing I regret most in my life. I hate the fact that I done that to nother person. It disgusts me. I want to make things right. I want to be with my boyfriend but I don’t know how he will react or what i should say to him to try fix this? help please

    1. admin

      April 15, 2014 at 4:15 pm

      If he was ignoring you why didn’t you just break up with him. If he fell off the map for 2-3 weeks that is really really bad.

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