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1,990 thoughts on “You Want Your Ex Back After Cheating On Him…. Here’s What To Do”

  1. Georgia

    January 21, 2014 at 1:54 pm

    Hello, Sunday evening my boyfriend called me to come over
    I did so an he asked me if I had cheated on him with three different
    Boys. I did one I had slept with one and kiss the other, the
    Third one was just a weirdo boy that wouldn’t leave me alone and never actually went near him. My boyfriend is heart broken he loves me so much but knows the right thing to do is walk away.
    This cheating situation happen last summer, me and my boyfriend were having our ups and down and I really felt like he didn’t want me no more, it was the worst thing I could of done because I love him so much his my world. I can’t let him go my love is to strong, I know I did wrong the day after the cheating happen and I new that if me and boyfriend wouldn’t pull through our rows and his lack of attention towards me then we would have to leave it but we got better and never been any happer therefore I never told him because we was so in love and we both couldn’t be happier why would I ruin that? Now his found out my heart is broken I feel lost and I hate myself to much I never wanted this to happen never!? Me and my boyfriend have been together 2 years and they were the best 2 years of my whole life, I love him and want him in my arms xxx

  2. Mandy

    January 20, 2014 at 4:44 am

    Ok here is my dilemma. I started dating my boyfriend I want back on November 1st. I was at the time living with my brother. Well my ex who is friends with my brother and I came to visit. My brother was telling me a lot of things about the new boyfriend that I later found out were not true, such as “I work with him I’ve seen his messages he is cheating on you.”. Well all that on my mind when talking to the visiting ex about his relationship issues ended badly as you can imagine. I had only been with my boyfriend for 5 days and had cheated on him. I felt horrible yet I never told him and yes I know I should have. Well we started getting closer and closer and he moved me in but he also got to be friends witj the visiting ex and moved him in as well. He also got the visiting ex a job with him. It’s been over 2 months and I fell in love with him and was going to tell him so but 3 nights ago I got a phone call from them both while they were at work. He had told him that night. Now he told me he was about to tell me he lovede to but is not sure if he does anymore. He said he don’t know if we can be together again or if he even wants to be ever again and as of now we are just roommates. He still wears the necklace I made him for Christmas and if I stay in my room he tells me I don’t have to stay back there but can come out to the livingroom where he has made his bedroom. He gave me his good heavy blanket and his actual bedroom and he tooky thin blanket and the couch. He said I can live here as long as I want to and I’m getting very mixed signals. He is obviously pissed (with every reason to be i know) and sits here at the house hardly speaking to me yet wants me to be around and not hidden in the bedroom but calls me from work for random reasons and always asks what I’m doing or how I am like he misses me. I obviously can not do the 30 day stay away or cut the other guy out since I live with both so I am desperately seeking your advice on how to win my baby back and also from what I’ve told you, do you think there is a chance he still cares? I really hope so cause I do love him which is making me feel even worse that I did exactly what all his other exs did to him even though I only did it once to their many times….which I know really makes no difference the amount I’m just .. lost and starting to ramble so I will close here and await your reply

  3. LonelyGirl

    January 19, 2014 at 11:47 am

    Hey ,so me and my boyfriend (well now ex) were dating for the past two years,and as far we had a lot of great things as well as horroble and serious fights. But we always made it through and got baxk together because we love eachother incredibly much. But two days ago,he daw that I liked pictures of a guy who is in love with me and telling everybody that. Here’s the problem,my boyfriend is super jealous. Like he says he is jealous from the mirror that I look into everyday. And that is because he lives me so much. I really got mad that he thought that I would cheat on him just by liking the pictures,so I told him that its over,since he wanted it as well. Oh,I almost forgot ,3-4 days before that I was acting so weirf and I even broke up with him for no reason,he did everything I asked for just to get me back.And he could. But he already knew about the pictures that I’ve liked ,but he kept quiet. And something else,before this fight we had a fight before that one year ago because of the same guy,and he did the same thing.Shutting down his mobile,domt talking to me,or answering. But at the end we ended up together. Ofcourse I couldnt resist myself after one day and called him he immediatly called back and I made everything worse. When he fidnt answer anymore and shut down his mobile I started texting him on whatsapp and facebook and imessage. I know that was the worst to do,I even complained about how desperate I am. And i really am. I cant live without this guy he is my everything. And although I know if I dont text him or call hil,we will get together like everytime,because thats not the first time we have been through things like this,we got even through worse. But I cant stand the fact that I cant talk to him. I miss him so much. I love him . I love him.

  4. Help me

    January 17, 2014 at 8:58 am

    I met the guy I’m in love with in 2012 we fell head over heels but when I started dating him it was after a messy breakup with my first love so I never got the whole “experience” thing out of the way. In the first week of our relationship I was caught texting a guy inappropriate things. He forgave me and understood even though I was wrong. About a year into our relationship it started becoming routine and I felt ignored and unloved so I strayed. I eventually cheated on him and he found out through the new guys ex girlfriend. I almost basically moved in with the new guy and then soon realized he was no good for me and mind you had a baby.. I desperately wanted him back he is very sensitive and I put him through a lot he does so much for me he honestly never would have taken me back until we started talking again and he eventually said that the only way we could date again is if he sleeps with someone.. When this proposition was made I was okay with it at first.. But it’s been over six months and he still hasn’t yet he’s 22 and very shy and I’ve read convos between him and girls and he is trying to talk to them and make it happen but they don’t go for it.. We want kids and a future together but it’s taking so long and the worrying and hurt is really starting to get to me.. Please help me I know you probably are against the whole idea of him sleeping with someone to get back at me but I want him more then anything in my life my family isn’t stable and when were together things just click.. I’m desperate for advice help..

  5. Hailey

    January 15, 2014 at 9:04 pm

    Hey so my ex boyfriend and I started dating six years ago. We had rough times but we always made it through. It was almost like we were on a curve going up and down. We were each other’s firsts for pretty much everything. He is a very flirtatious guy and I’m not going to lie it did make me jealous. About four years back I had an awful suspicion about something. It ended up being nothing and I moved on. But that feeling was still there. And at this point my parents were going through rough times and my dad ended up leaving, putting me in a state of depression. My boyfriend was always there to comfort me when I needed it but most of the time just told me it would get better and change the subject. So I started talking to a close friend of his and mine. This close friend saw that I was down in the dump about my parents and made sure that I knew he was there to talk to him about it whenever I needed. It escalated quickly and I cheated. I cheated because he let me get everything out and didn’t change the subject on me. Now my ex boyfriend is an amazing guy but at that point in my life I needed him a little more than what he was giving. I didn’t like it at the time and I sure as hell don’t like it now. This happened four years ago and I kept it a secret because I knew it would ruin him and our relationship. This past November someone told my ex boyfriend about everything and he ended it. Now at this particular point in time we were not good (fighting, took a tiny break, were trying) and this person who told him had no right to but that’s another story on its own. So it’s been two months, and we have gone out together with groups of people and to parties. Our group of friends is a very close-knit group and the people in that group are my friends and his friends. It’s really hard to separate myself from him because we have all of the same friends because we were together for so long. With that being said we do keep our distance when we aren’t with a group of friends, so we don’t hangout alone or text all the time. I’ve done a lot of soul searching and self healing over the last little bit and I have changed for the better and I think that if we got back together it would be better than before. He has given me countless chances to try and better myself through our six years together and every single time I messed it up somehow. I was a very angry and mean person, I have no reason as to why, I was madly in love with this guy and I cared for him very much. I still care for him in every way possible and being with someone for six years you have like a sixth sense almost when you know what the other person is feeling just by the look on their face or their body language or by what they say and in what context, and I know that he is hurt because he has told me and I get that I can put myself in his shoes and feel what he is feeling, but deep down I know there is something still there for him, and maybe this is me trying to dig at something but I really do believe that. I read your article “How To Get Your Boyfriend Back If YOU Cheated On Him” and I agree with it and I get it, but I want to know how to get him back for my particular situation.

  6. Meghan

    January 15, 2014 at 6:39 am

    I made the worst mistake of my life and now my ex is so repulsed by me he never wants to see or hear from me again. I love my ex incredibly much but when things got rough between us last summer I broke up with him. I felt so empty and lost I had no idea what to do with my life, I started seeing a guy from work and told that person I loved my ex and I just needed company, but I slept with him and continued to see him. When my ex told me he wanted me back, I leapt at the chance of working things out with him, I knew I had made a mistake ever breaking up with him. But the other guy got angry and threatened to tell my ex about what I’d done. I was so scared of not getting another chance with him I carried on seeing him to try and keep him quiet. I tried to break up with him multiple times because I knew I would only ever want my ex but the guy from the summer lost it and threatened to kill me and destroy everything in my life. Finally, five months on, when things were strong again between me and my ex I begged the other guy to please let me go and be happy. He sent pictures of us out together and messages between us to my ex.

    My ex is repulsed by me and immediately told me he never wanted to see or hear from me again and to never try and get him back because he loathed every part of me and I was a slut. He went on my facebook and made sure everyone I was friends with knew what I had done and told me I was filthy and would never be happy again.

    And I sure feel like that. Do you think my relationship is salvageable? I would give anything to rebuild his trust and love for me again.

    What should I do?

    1. Nanah

      January 19, 2014 at 1:44 am

      I’d leave both of them, if he is insulting you and is going out of his way to make your life a living hell, by including your friends in your personal life then it was a good thing you broke up with him a while ago, you should never have gotten with him again, love isn’t insulting your spouse to depression, they are both tools. as for the other guy you should be reporting him for threatening you. many red flags have been raised, its about time you eliminate them one by one, or at least all at once.

  7. Tinkerbell

    January 14, 2014 at 8:31 am


    I have been living with my boyfriend for 3 years and he recently found out that i cheated on him. It all started out as a fling with the other guy,I was at a point where my boyfriend just would not listen when i spoke out my concerns about where we were going with our relationship. He is so mecurial, one minute he is hot the next he is cold, I got tired of him taking me for granted and whenever i asked about marriage or kids he would have a thousand excuses and even throw insults in my face asking me why i never got married before with my other ex boyfriends. I was not trying to force him into marriage, but my being African the whole living together does not cut it before marriage. So when i did actually got to cheat on him it was out of frustration and i decided since we were not married im still free to look at other options and see if i get a better person (maybe someone who is actually meant for me and who will want to have a serious commitment with me). I do love my boyfriend so much and this whole situation has even made me realise that i do more than ever, I have never cheated before and this was my first time and got caught right after the first day i slept with the other guy.. I feel so embarrassed and i regret doing it, it is tearing me to pieces to see my boyfriend hurting like he is and now i need to make it up to him and get him to trust me again, I just dont know how. Thing is, we are still kinda together (if you can put it that way) as he doesnt wanna break things off, he wants to try and work things out, but right now the situation is so tense, we hardly talk. He says i need to prove to him that i have changed and will never do it again, but i do not know where to begin and what to do cos talking to him right now is like talking to a brick wall. I understand he is hurting since it has only been a month since it happened. What do i do, please help…

  8. Vida

    January 13, 2014 at 9:47 pm

    My issue is different, I cheated on my boyfriend, told him the truth solved the issues between us, then I told him he can break up with me if he wanted, but it seem that he want to be with me, I’m scared that he want me back for a whole different reasons, not that he love me, I don’t know what to believe and I don’t know what to do.

    1. admin

      January 14, 2014 at 5:36 pm

      I am completely confused.

    2. Sarah

      January 21, 2014 at 11:12 pm

      I told my boyfriend the truth he stayed with me six months. The moment his bestfriend told him she had feelings for me he dumped me
      And he still come to me and has sex with me but refuse to be with me bc he wants something with her

      He tells me the reason we aren’t together is because of the stuff that happen ( I never had sex with anyone but flirted and txted other people) now that he wants to try with his bestfriend he blames me

      But less than a month ago he was all but will to marry me

  9. Brianna

    January 12, 2014 at 1:57 pm

    Hi so me and my boyfriend (well my ex bf now) dated for 1yr and 7months I really love him and I miss a lot words can’t express how much I do. I did something bad that I never ever ment to do…I made a fake profile on kik and I was talking to him while we’re dating just to see if he like me and all that stuff than later he found out that was me hated me for that! I feel stupid and dumb for doing that I never ment to do this. We both have the same bestfriend and I asked her last night if he planning to go back with me and she said he never wants to go back out with me ever again after what horrible thing I did. 5nights ago he said “we’re gonna date soon baby trust me” and I said aww okay and we other issues like we use to fight every two weeks and we have trust issues. And when school started he wanted to hang out at lunch bc I had gotten a new schedule and I moved into a different lunch so we had the same lunch. We talked it felt weird and he bought me lunch and after that we walked around the school an the bell rung and he asked for hug.. It felt amazing and good to hug him again even if we were dating and than after school was over he met me by my locker and we hung after my dad came to pick me we gave each other a long and he said…I love you.. And I said it back. And than later 3 days ago like I said, I asked my friend if he’s planning to get with me again so he said no after what I made that fake kik profile I felt so stupid for doing that. Last night we arguing and he sad that he’s moving and he likes some other girl and I’m just hurt and I said I was moving in to but really in the inside I still have feelings for him and I told him I was throwing away everything he gave me The bear he got me for valentines last yr the necklace he gave me last year for Christmas our homecoming pictures and the ring he got me for this Christmas Eve and it was an expensive ring, I told him I was gonna throw it away and he didn’t even care and likes someone else and wants a gf already but he doesn’t wanna me anymore an it’s hurts a lot and I want him we had sooo many memories together we also planned that we were gonna get married butt I guess not I just want him back help me plzzz

  10. Sara

    January 12, 2014 at 5:27 am

    Me and my boyfriend were going through sso tough times.. All we did was fight and argue and my best guy friend made me feel like good when it was just me and him and one night things went a little to far (no we did not have sex ) But it was a little more then kissing. It felt like nothing but after words I felt awful.. I didn’t even tell him someone else did without my knowledge and I eventually told him everything.. We aren’t even together right now and he has a new girlfriend but says he wants to be with me and is cheating on her and I feel awfull for that but I don’t know how to stop or make anything better because he says the only thing he can think about is me and my friend.. I told him Id do anything to be back with him and he never says anything and everytime I ask about his new girlfriend he says he’ll fix it soon.. I just don’t understand or know how to deal with this. Im like dying and make myself sick thinking about us.. helppp.

    1. admin

      January 12, 2014 at 6:17 pm

      Are you going to do the NC rule?

  11. Destiny

    January 10, 2014 at 9:18 pm

    I don’t know if he even wants me back. I was with this guy, we shall call him Bob for later purposes, for almost two months. He is in a middle of a nasty divorce, military and diagnosed with PTSD, anxiety and depression, and has two kids. He was forward from the start. His ex was constantly trying to tell me he’s no good. That he was abusive and a cheater. They have 6-7 years of history together. We were together for two months before I cheated on him. That night, I knew I should have listened to him and not started drinking. Bob was uncomfortable with it. But I couldn’t exactly leave because I was with another friend. There was unexpected company and the guy was soothing my insecurities. Telling me things I wanted to hear, etc. I told him the night after it happened when he called me from the hospital.I knew I couldn’t keep it from him. I realized I ran from love, because I didn’t know how to shut the whispers coming from everyone else out. Especially, his ex. Now he’s with some other girl, claiming to be happy. Maybe he is. Maybe I’m just dead to him now.

  12. Beth

    January 10, 2014 at 3:00 pm

    Hi I was hoping you could help me in my very messy situation…
    My boyfriend and I have been together two years before he left me.
    He moved up north for work for 6 months for work and left me at home, during this time, he was very distant from me and we barely talked. I always feel as though I am always doing something wrong to make him upset with me and I always strive to be a better person because of it. While he was up north we did fight a lot, one time leading to us taking a break from eachother (which didnt last long). Him being away really made me feel alone, betrayed and stranded. I was angry at him when I met a new friend (not intentionally looking for a rebound, but found that this guy and I had similar interests and could be great friends). This guy is a friend of a close family friend of mine.
    During the time of talking more with this guy, I was constantly driven down the “you can do better” road and always told that “your boyfriend is probably cheating on you right now”.
    I didnt believe him at first until our mutual friend convinced me that he spoke to my boyfriend and my boyfriend told him that he did cheat on me while going out to the bars one night.
    Of course I believed him and wanted to end things with my boyfriend right away but I couldn’t. Things got heated between my new friend and I and one thing led to another. I told my boyfriend that I was going to leave him and that there was someone else. He flew home that weekend to work things out with me.
    Its been a long time coming (almost 6 months) and I thought everything was worked out. I broke all contact with the new friend, and focused on no one but my boyfriend. Just recently he brought up the issue out of the blue and asked me to tell him the truth about what happened. I told him I did sleep with the guy once (protected) and that it didn’t last because I regretted it. None the less, I cheated. and this is the first time I was completely honest. My boyfriend contacts the friend I cheated with and asked him everything. That guy made things worse by making me sound like I lied again, saying it happened many times unprotected. etc.
    So now my boyfriend does not believe a word I say — I don’t blame him but I told him not to believe the other guy either since the other guy has tried since august to tell me to leave my boyfriend and that he will wait for me and he loves me —
    Now my boyfriend who is my now ex boyfriend is leaving the province and wants nothing to do with me. He says we will never have a future together and that he will never consider our relationship again….
    I don’t even want to consider myself with anyone else, since we did do a lot of improving since August and it’s all I want in a relationship. I love this guy and I don’t want to spend my life without him…
    What can I do to win him back?

    1. admin

      January 11, 2014 at 1:56 am

      May I ask what your reasoning behind cheating on him was?

  13. Sarah

    January 9, 2014 at 1:48 pm

    What do you think? When my ex and ingot together I had just went thru a divorce,and I was only 22 who had only ever dated my highschool sweetheart. We started out just hooking up we both didn’t want more at the time. But then we started falling for each other. Of course we both pulled back and broke up several times. When we broke up I wasn’t always willing to sit around and sulk I would go out and have fun(he assumed I was cheating)
    I never actually slept with anyone but texts messages and snapchats where exchanged and my ex read them when I was asleep one night. I hung out with someone and the texts messages def portrayed that we the guy and I slept together but i could not go thru with it bc I still had feelings for my ex. All in all I will be trying to get him back bc he believes I cheated, regardless I just want him to trust me and be with me. So if that’s what he needs to believe I just want to work toward the fixing things. Up until 2weeka ago he wanted to fix things even though he knew and had accepted all of the above he wanted to work on things and be together. But now his best friend of 11years has admitted she has feelings for him and I know he has always wondered if they could be more but wouldn’t approach it bc he had before and she turned him down bc she was with someone. So the question is, do I even have a shot at fixing things if before she admitted these feelings he was ready to marry me even tho all of these issues above were on the table.

    1. admin

      January 10, 2014 at 1:50 am

      May I ask what caused you to cheat on him?

    2. Sarah

      January 10, 2014 at 3:43 pm

      I wasn’t ready for what we had I guess…I’ was 22 and had only ever been in one relationship. We talked about it, he forgave me. Last month he was ready to marry me, and now she has feelings and he is confused !?

    3. Sarah

      January 10, 2014 at 3:47 pm

      The whole screwing up on my part happened in August/September time frame November he wanted nothing more than to be with me not just for now but for forever he was talking about kids and a family with me….then he just stopped wanting it all of a sudden and blamed it on the issues of our past. When I found a texts between him and his best friend and called him out he said she had realized very recently that if they were with other people they weren’t in each other’s lives… Does this mean have lost him for good!?

    4. Sarah

      January 15, 2014 at 10:27 pm

      Update he talked to me this week…he says he thinks we are still broken and waking away from me isn’t easy. He loves me and he just don’t think we will work but keeps asking to see me! Then he tells me he is going to his friends wedding party with the chick he has feelings for… Does this mean I should just let him go??? Or keep fighting?

  14. Christina

    January 8, 2014 at 8:42 pm

    Hi so I have a pretty complicated situation. I have been with my boyfriend, well ex now, for about 3years on and off in a long distance relationship. Which is complicated on it’s own. He lives in Hawaii and I live in New York. I had cheated on him once with my old best friend of 8years. It was a stupid drunken kiss that lasted two seconds before I called him and told him everything. We ended up getting back together, but it obviously caused a lot of trust issues. When I went out on weekends it was always a fight and I was too stubborn to stop going out when he lived 8000 miles away. We always worked through the issues but it became the reason we became one of those on again off again couples.When we saw each other (every three months) it was amazing. Once we were apart again the issues started. Finally we set a date for me to move out to Hawaii at the end of the summer. We were technically broken up for months because he refused to date long distance anymore. Getting closer to the time I was supposed to move, my ex ex came back into the picture. And simultaneously me and my current ex were in a horrible place. Things happened and I was seeing my ex for about three months without my current ex knowing. At the time I reasoned it with myself that we weren’t together and he wouldn’t be with me so why should I care. Every time we spoke he yelled at me for this reason or that.. we stopped LIKING each other, let alone love. Long story short I moved out there & in the beginning things were rocky but got better. I felt again, finally, after months and months he was the right guy for me. Then the truth came out and we broke up. I didn’t move out of our Hawaii apartment for another 6months as per his request. We maintained a healthy relationship friend wise for the sake of living g together, however I have never been so broken hearted in all my life. I remained persistent and did everything for him. From making him dinner to packing him lunch. He was the only person I hung out with even though we were broken up. I thought that if tried to move the moon for him he’d realize it was a horrible decision that was made from a dark place. He didn’t. He says there is no way he can trust me again. He is currently home in NY visiting family and I’ve seen him almost every night. He says he doesn’t know what the future holds but any chance of us being together is way way in the future if there’s any chance at all. I understand that and I’m willing to wait this out, I’m in it for the long run. He’s leaving tomorrow morning to go back to Hawaii. I won’t see him for a very long time. I have had such a heavy heart since I did this stupid thing.I just want him back. Any advice would be much appreciated.

    1. admin

      January 10, 2014 at 1:14 am

      Are you guys still long distance?

  15. Deniz

    January 8, 2014 at 8:34 pm

    Now i have had a good look at the website and it has very usual information. I met my partner on a summer holiday 2 years ago, i’m from uk he is from australia, we spent 3 weeks together traveling around and feel in love immediately, stay apart for 6 months and then i moved to australia. Things were good at all times but we had many issues usually with other stuff. We both didn’t have a career so it was hard to live with him and his parents, he was constantly checking on me and was very insecure and jelous at the start. 6 months down the line, i started to do the same and thats when all our problems started. we started to fight a lot and he started to hide his phone from me. we had a break and i came back to uk to visit family, he ended up missing me and followed me to uk, then i returned back to australia, my visa was running low and we didn’t have the money to apply for partnership visa. his parents offered but he was acting very strange, he has failed his uni 2 years in a row because of a our relationship problems and i had to return to uk to support family with some problems. i kept checking on him while i was here and found out he actually cheated on me and his been feeling sick and guilty ever since, and he has clinical depression and can’t handle stress very well, he shuts down and runs away from problems. after i spoke to him i didn’t get rude or nasty as i have made mistakes and its partly my fault but i still know he loves me, he just doesn’t want to be in a relationship atm. i’m doing the 45 day NO contact, to heal my soul. i know we had a good relationship and recently sent him a DVD of all our holidays. he still haven’t received it as we broke up few days ago. I just need to give him time to think and realize what he lost and he needs to show me he can commit with his action. BUT i have one issue, i need to return to OZ in about 6 months i can’t enter the country without him helping me, how do i bring this up after 45 days. if anyone can help me and give some advice send me a message.

  16. Kailey

    January 8, 2014 at 2:48 am

    I didn’t really cheat on my boyfriend. It happened when we were taking a break. I hung out with some guys while we were taking a break and we got a little drunk and things happened. My ex boyfriend can’t even talk to me because he is so broken. What do I do? How can I fix this and get his trust back? I love him more than anything and I don’t know how I done this to him.

  17. Tinka

    January 7, 2014 at 4:28 pm

    Okay so this is what happened. I started getting friendly with a new guy a few days before I broke up with my ex. I love my ex. But I was having emotional issues and he was not being very understanding. Also, I was hearing rumours about him from others saying that he was cheating on me and blah blah. In the end, I ended up getting close to this new guy. And much later, I broke it off with my ex because I found messages from girls all over his fb and such and I thought he was cheating on me. He gave me a hard time, but let me end it.
    That was six months ago. After that, I had a relationship with the new guy. It didn’t work out. I kept missing my ex. I realised that I love him so much still. I always loved him, I just suspected that he was cheating on me. Now, we don’t get to meet since we both live too far. He texted me a couple of times yesterday and the day before. He said he has a new girlfriend. Or rather, that he has gone back to one of his exes. And then he says he has a feeling that he will never marry.

    Today, he texted me a lot, directly and asked me what I did with the new guy after I broke up with him and why I got fooled by the new guy and why I went after him. My ex told me he doesn’t really want to text me because he knows that I slept with the other guy. Though we kind of slept together, nothing major happened, but I know my ex wont’ believe me. He said he feels sorry for me. He said he’ll text me when I can. Does it seem that there is a chance that he will want me back? I want him back. I am very sorry that I dumped him in the first place. I didn’t tell him that though. I have a feeling that he still cares about me. What can I do to get him back? Will I ever be able to? 🙁 I love him a lot. Should I keep on texting him or would that be a pain to him? Or should I keep quiet and let him text me? Please help me. I’m so lost.

    1. Tinka

      January 7, 2014 at 4:30 pm

      He has also blocked me from Facebook. We just contacted each other via texts. He blocked me just a few days ago though.

  18. lemon

    January 7, 2014 at 3:58 pm

    hi chris, i know it sounds complicated but this is what happened.

    i have this 1 yr, 8 months relationship. i’m 22 and the guy’s 28, he’s really mature enough for me and we live together. honestly, he’s really not that attractive, and not to mention i’m so far the hottest girl in the office (we work together) that’s why he’s quite paranoid that a lot of guys are gonna flirt with me.

    during our 1 yr of staying in ghe same house together, we’re so happy.. i love him so much. he does all the chores for me, he wants me to just lay in the sofa, watch movie while him doin’ all the household chores. my friends even look up to him and they say he os the sweetest guy who ever lived. everything was really perfect.

    he cooks for me, and before i really don’t eat rice however he cooks reallh good so i started to lear eating a lot.. so i gained weight and meat. uhmpfh.. so he always tells me to eat too much as i am gettin’ chubbier each day, and he doesn’t want that to happen. but i really loved eating then, i’m not listening to him and i get hysterical everytime he’ll ask me to stop eating. i punch him, kick him or even throw bad words towards him 🙁

    this happens a lot already and after how many months his patience became so low, if before he just cries if i hurt him physically but aftr that he is now fightin’ back. he puches me in the tummy, slap me etc. :(( then one time came, i really can’t take it and i called the police, he was detained two times in the police station (may 2013 and july 2013) may 2013 – he was detained because he just defended himself as i was the one initiated the fight. aug 2013 – he was detained because he was paranoid and thought i was cheating on him as i came home late aftr playin’ table tennis with my officemates. -.- before i entered our house, he pulled my hair, punch me in the tummy and kicked me in the ribs.. neigbbors were able to see what happened and they didn’t do anything bout it. :'((

    i still forgave him aftr all of these.. but i decided to live separately. i rented an apartmnt but he still always goes there as he thought i’m bringin’ someone else on my apartmnt.

    he is now callin’ me bitch as he caught a lot of guys textin’ me, he’s paranoid all the time and is too possesive with me. callin’ me names i
    don’t deserve to be called to.

    he’s pushin’ me away but doesn’t want us to break up. now came this time dec 12, 2013, i hung out my one of my bestfriends, he introduced me to his cousin.. (his cousin was hot). we drunk, talked about our lives, i shared him how depressed i am with my boyfriend. the guy feel for me.

    we got drunk and he went with me on my aprtment, he lied on my bed half naked and i was still wearin’ my shorts but i was topless as i was about to go to the shower. but the guy asked me to lay with him and pulled me over, i told him not to as i have a bf, bug he said it’s alryt. he never realy kissed bu i was shocked as my bedroom door went open and my BF was standin’ there holdin a knife as tgat was what he used to open the doorknob, he was yellin’ to ghis guy laying in my bed… i short he caught me half naked with anoyher guy in my bed. i do not know what to do, i cried so hard and they fought. very LONG STORY -.- I think u know what happened aftr that.

    my bf cried so hard and told me how evil i am for doin that to him. seeing the only girl he loved in bed half naked with another guy. 🙁 my heart was crushed i dunno what to say, everything i explain to him doesn’t mean anymore as he is no longer believing in me. we broke up and my whole world crashed into pieces. i’m not used of livin’ without him

    he was callin me everyday cryin’ and drunk askin me y d hell i did that to him, but eveytime i reason out he will not believe me.

    we actually broke up but up to date he’s still wants to be with me everyday, paranoid and always checkin’ my phone as he thought i have someone new. he doesn’t want me to be out of his sight, checks me in the office every now and then. i don’t understand what he still wants. EVERYTHING IS SO COMPLICATED NOW. I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT OUR STATUS is.

    i love him so much , i don’t wanna lose him ;((( but i judt don’t understand because eveytime i ask him whether we still have a chance or not, he would say there’s no chance anymore.. but he’s still here checking every move i take and paranoid. i don’t know what to do :(((

  19. Madea Bill

    January 7, 2014 at 8:51 am

    I have been with my boyfriend for 1 year, and I didn’t cheat but i was talking to this other guy who i met at the restaurant close to my office. the guy is rich, he used his money to get but it didn’t work. He offered me a ticket to Brazil and i accepted it. the guy knew i was in a relationship but he didn’t care. when i came back i told him i cant be with him because i love my boyfriend but what he did was finding close friends of my boyfriend and told them everything. when my boyfriend asked me if i knew the guy i denied. but my boyfriend had all the proofs and still i denied because i knew if i told him the truth he will break with me.
    its been three months now since we started fighting, he blocked me everywhere, i cant call him, text him.. and now he’s busy talking to his ex and meeting up for drinks.. i also hear he’s been seen around with a new girl.
    we are in fight but we do meet sometimes and even spend the nights together and he says we are no together. i once asked him if he has new girl but he never said yes to me. he said he cant stop loving me but we are not together.
    i really want him back and he doesn’t want even to talk to me. and i’m confused i don’t know whether is over or no. its a fight or a break up.
    what should i do now?

  20. Felli

    January 6, 2014 at 3:08 am

    Hi Chris, i really need your help. I had a 5 years relationship (and living together) before we broke up because i cheated on him. The reason why i did that mistake was because sometimes i felt not appreciated by him and like theres something missing in our relationship, but i dont know what it is. But i do love him and i know he loves me too. So after i broke up (bad and nasty broke up) we agreed to have 3 months NC in order to heal ourselves first. But after 3 months, i tried to contact him again. But no response at all. Even when our dog is sick, and i tried to let him know about it, he didnt response even one word to my text. The next thing i know is i heard that he’s now close with one of a friend of mine. And now it’s almost 1 year since the incident happen, i still want him, but he already date another girl.(a friend of mine) What should i do? can i still get him back?

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