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September 5, 2013 at 6:29 am
Ok so I cheated on my bf who I had been with for about 2 years and 4 months. I was out of town. Actually out of the country. I got really drunk one night and went to a club and my cousin’s bf asked me to dance. I, thinking nothing of it because he was my cousin’s bf, agreed. I thought nothing was going to happen and mid song he kisses me. I was shocked and I remember walking out of the club. I told my boyfriend the next day and he broke up with me. It’s been a month and he asked me to go to his house to talk. We talked and he kissed me. I have no clue on how to convince him to take me back. I know I messed up but how do I prove that I’m willing to try everything in my power. How can I convince him to give me another chance to prove it to him.
September 6, 2013 at 1:48 am
Question: when the guy kissed you did you have a chance to kind of say “GTF off me” or did it happen so fast you couldn’t react?
For now I would stay in NC. Also, highly recommend you check out ex boyfriend recovery PRO
jen woods
September 2, 2013 at 12:06 am
recently I have cheated on my partner of 4 years with a previous boyfriend/bestfriend. I have told my current partner everything but what now? HELP!!!
September 2, 2013 at 2:47 am
NC and give him A LOT of time.
jen woods
September 2, 2013 at 2:09 pm
whats NC?
September 3, 2013 at 2:59 am
The No Contact Rule: https://www.exboyfriendrecovery.com/the-no-contact-rule/
September 1, 2013 at 11:18 pm
So, to keep it short, my boyfriend and I have been together for a year and a half. He was wonderful, but the thing is that we were only together for 6 months then I had to move back to another state with my family because I wanted to go back to school. Basically, we have been together living apart accross the country for longer than we physically were in the same state. We would only see each other every three months.. I was losing my feelings for him because I’d never see him. Well, months before he had already bought his plane ticket to visit me and I was already feeling distant, so I didn’t tell him I planned on breaking up with him..
..one night, I made a huge mistake and was lonely, so I hung out with one of my childhood friends and end up cheating on my boyfriend! It was finally time for him to visit me and everything went amazingly. He has always been a gentleman, amazing and loving person. I took advantage of that and I all my feelings came back again… I had to tell him, because I felt guilty and It was one time.. So he broke up with me and we haven’t talked since..
I feel like it’s 10x as hard, because it isn’t as easy for me to just try to meet up with him because im 3000 miles away, but I regret it so badly and I don’t even know why I did it!
What do you think I should do?
September 2, 2013 at 2:45 am
I have a long distance relationship post coming out tomorrow so I just want to ask you to be patient and be on the look out for that.
August 27, 2013 at 2:43 am
Hi Chris,
My ex and I were together for 41/2 years before he broke up with me almost 2 years ago. He has contacted me. The last contact was a month ago. He told me he was doing fine and that he was busy with work. I was glad to hear that but him telling me he was back in town. I was a bit taken a back with that. And I haven’t heard anything else from him. I guess I am shocked that he contacted me at all cause the reason that he broke up with me is that I cheated on him. I have regreted it the moment it happen. I am still in love with him. I just don’t know what his feelings are towards me.
August 27, 2013 at 4:25 am
I think you should only contact him when you feel he is kind of over the cheating.
August 27, 2013 at 4:44 pm
How will I know if he is over it? Do you think by him contacting me that is a sign? or at least a place to start?
August 28, 2013 at 3:31 am
A place to start I would say
August 28, 2013 at 4:10 am
thank you
August 27, 2013 at 1:07 am
hey, well i cheated on my ex, we had a 26 month relationship. in the first few months my ex wouldnt want to hang out then i found out he was always hanging out with his friend and one of them was a girl he used to have a crush one, i forgave him. then he would smoke with his friends one day one of my friends saw him high & my friend asked him oh wheres your girl? he said ohh naa fuck her im going to go out with Maggie(his last crush). my friend told me the next day i didnt spoke to him that day until he told me what happened i told him what my friend told me, he beg me for my forgiveness & i firgave him but never forgot that so i cheated on him w. one of his friends, it was a kiss bascially, my ex found out but forgave me. a year and a half went by we were happy then my ex started to work btw we were 16 at that time & then he wont want to hang out or anything, so i turn to a guy friend, he was always there for me then one day that close frien kissed me cause he started catching feelings i told him no to stop im taken and i love my boyfriend but he kept on my ex found out and was mad i underdtand but i didnt kiss him, that close friend will buy flowers to me and gifts idk why i got them it was foolish but yea, that friend later stop talking to me cause i told him to bother me or i’ll call the cops, he was 19 so he did but my ex thought me and the other guy had a relationship cause we would hang out and i would cut school with him but i never did anything to him or wanted to to but i wont lie that friend kissed me but when he did i told my ex that day!!!!! but then me and my ex kept our relationship till one day he said he cant do this no more, he cant pretend no more with me, he said the past is getting to him that he wants to be happy with me but he cant so we broke up in our 26 month anniversary. . . we would hangout after the break up, one day we were close to make love but i back out, one day hebdaid lets be bf and gf for a day i went with it, when ever we will hang out we end up kissing he said he still loves me but cant trust me. we went back for a day but then broke up cause i told him im afraid to lose him so he said i think its better to break up since he still couldnt trust me, then again we hang out and he said he loves me and is trying his hardest to forget the past, he said if by the end of that month if he couldnt trust me we wont get back, on July 21,2013 he told me his answer cause he was leaving to Ecuador and said no we wont get back and he doesnt love me like before. its been a month we havent talk or anything should i give up what can i do i love this boy so much! heeams everything to me i know im just 17 but still he has been my first true relationship, he treated me like a princess. i just love him
August 27, 2013 at 4:29 am
First relationship huh!
Is he gone to ecaudor indefinitely?
August 28, 2013 at 2:01 am
i had others but i never count them cause they will only last 2 months at maximum but they were a*sholes, and no he went to visit there but i dont know when he is coming back cause we havent talk in a long time š
August 26, 2013 at 11:17 pm
I need an excuse to tell my boyfriend y I did it and I did it with his best friend but I just wasn thinking I keep telling him that but he doesn’t take that as an excuse wat do I do š
August 27, 2013 at 4:24 am
Not sure I have a great excuse for that…
August 24, 2013 at 5:14 pm
I’ve been with my guy for about 8 months. The relationship Is already complicated as he still lives with his ex and children. He’s been claiming all along that its just a money thing. That she can’t afford to pay all the bills alone and he can’t afford to maintain two households. For the most part I believe him because his actions say this story is true. He’s been pretty good to me but I feel a lot of times that my emotional needs are being met and the fact that he lives with her has created a lot of insecurities in me. He can tend to be on the controlling side as well. He asked me to get rid of my two best guy friends who I had been friends with for 20 years. To get to the point… He periodically checks my phone and he saw that I was talking and and me and Iied and said it was my sister but he made me confess that it was one of my guy bff’s. Then he checked another day and say that I had been texting with another guy from my past and i tried to lie and say it was my cousin but again confessed the truth. he was hung up on thefact that the guy said in the text I should call him later when I’m free and I said ok with a smiley face. I have next physically cheated on him and honestly have no intention or desire to but i will admit that i periodically chat with guys for attention. I tried to tell him that i needed more attention but he thinks im being needy because he works long hours. He broke up me and he said his reason was not because I got caught texting/talking to these guys but because I looked him in the face and lied and he can never leave the situation he’s in to be with someone he can’t trust. After he broke up with me he drove off then proceeded to text me all the reasons why he’s hurt for about two hours before he finally said its completely over. I Love him and I know he Loves me. I really want him back despite all of the challenges. Please Help! Thanks
August 27, 2013 at 2:53 am
Hi Rochelle!
So my first question to you is have you tried NC?
August 22, 2013 at 11:58 pm
So I cheated on my boyfriend of two years last Wednesday (08-14-2013) with one of my close guy friends. I kissed him, at first I told my boyfriend that he kissed me, but people found out and threatened me to tell him before they do. So I do tell him on Tuesday(08-20-2013) at one in the morning. He didn’t know what was going on… And I told him and he got extremely quiet and told me it was over. It’s been three days and we have talked and he told me that he doesn’t hate me, he hates what I did. I’m not sure if this is a sign for the future that maybe he will want to get back with me. Right now I’m going to give him that thirty day space. But I’m not sure about what I should do while I wait. In all honesty I lost my friends because I cheated so I don’t know what to do with myself, I want him back. I want to be who he fell in love with. I know why I cheated, I felt unappreciated but now looking back in all honesty I wasn’t I unappreciated him, he did everything he could for me. I told him that we can be friends and that I promise I will make sure he is happy regardless of us being together or not, is that dumb? What should I do? I just don’t want him to hurt as much as he does right now.
August 23, 2013 at 7:14 pm
Your best bet would be to give him some time and go into NC.
August 23, 2013 at 7:43 pm
He told me he loves me and stuff and that he wants to be there for me… I just wana know if that is a positive sign we might get back together. Like should I try and move on? I feel really bad I hurt him. I apologized to him so much before I stumbled upon this site so idk if I messed up my chances with him already. Is it dumb to write a letter to him everyday we aren’t talking and give it to him after we might get back together?
August 25, 2013 at 6:46 pm
Well, it didn’t help but I think as long as you stick to the NC rule you can kind of get in the right position to get him back.
August 29, 2013 at 3:59 pm
We talked. I spent a week not talking to him, then I had an emotional break down and we met up to talk. But he was happy to see me and we talked like nothin happened. Then when he hugged me goodbye he held onto me. Can this be a sign he still wants to be with me? He told me in a month he will tell me what he wants to do. So do you think that we may most likely get back together? He told me he will always love me and that he will be there for me no matter what, and he meant it.
August 29, 2013 at 6:04 pm
I guess that is kinda good.
August 23, 2013 at 7:45 pm
Do you think there is a chance of me and him getting back together even after everything that happened? I know he loves me and he knows I love him, he’s just hurt about what I did.
August 25, 2013 at 6:46 pm
It will take some time I think!
August 23, 2013 at 12:02 am
He actually suggested the being friends part, not me… That’d be stupid.. I cheated on you but let’s be friends?! He wants to be friends immediately though and I don’t think I can do that without showering him with love and apologies. So should I wait?
August 23, 2013 at 7:15 pm
Just go into NC. That would be your smartest bet.
August 23, 2013 at 7:14 pm
Just go into NC.
August 22, 2013 at 1:33 pm
I have a question. I cheated on my bf at the beginning of our relationship and I feel terrible about it. He found out two days ago, and while the first day he would not even touch me, yesterday we slept together. The problem is, he only knows of one time, but it happened again, and I don’t have the heart to tell him because I know that would end our relationship for ever.
We are due to move to another city in a months time, and everything is uncertain now. I really do not know what I should do. Do you think there is a chance in this working out ?
August 23, 2013 at 6:40 pm
Why did you cheat on him?
I can’t tell you what to do. However, I can tell you what I think will happen if you do. If you tell him I think he will break up with you.
August 22, 2013 at 2:17 am
My ex is a wonderful man and boyfriend. After two years, I have always imagined us moving in together, or getting married even. Unfortunately, I cheated on my ex-boyfriend about Christmastime last year, because I felt like I wasn’t being appreciated. We were very much in love, but he just wasn’t as affectionate and sexual as I am, and I couldn’t handle it (obviously).
I admitted that I had cheated, and we had lengthy conversations where I tried to patch things up with him almost immediately after I had confessed, but he was adamant about separating. After a painful conversation, we broke up in tears, but parted with a hug.
Neither of us contacted each other from then on, but a month or two later, I realized I still had a lot of things at his place, so on I messaged him on Facebook, asking him whether we can get together so we could exchange our things (I still have a bag of his items sitting in my room as well). But he would either not answer, or give me open ended answers, like “maybe sometime next week”, etc. so we never actually met up.
After this whole time, and having also tried to date someone else briefly, I realized that I really do miss him and everything about being with him. I can’t get conversations started on Facebook, though I know he checks it constantly. I’m not sure what to do, or what his intentions are with him still having my things. I just wish he would either just give me my things back and so we can both move on completely, or maybe give me a chance to reconcile.
What are your thoughts?
August 23, 2013 at 5:50 pm
Hes holding your things hostage. Haha that is crazy.
Ok, I think the best course for you is to start a non threatening conversation and get back on speaking terms with him. Once you do that then ask for your things.
August 24, 2013 at 12:15 am
I’ve tried several times to just say “hey, how’s it going?” on Facebook and maybe several times through text, but with no avail. I’m kind of at my wits’ end. Any suggestions?
August 25, 2013 at 6:59 pm
Lay off a little bit. Go NC for a while he isn’t ready to talk or has no interest in talking right now.
August 21, 2013 at 6:32 am
So my boyfriend and I have been dating for 7 years. I would have to say that it is a very unhealthy relationship and that jealousy gets the best of us. I was being unfair though because I told him that he could not have any other girl friends…and he told me that I couldn’t either. But I still had close guy friends. It got to a point where I told him that I wouldn’t give up my friendships for him and I told him to go ahead and talk to other girls. Thing is, he didn’t. But he was able to put up with it. But then one year things got so rocky between he and I, i felt so unappreciated and so controlled by him that I suddenly started to having feelings for one of my close guy friends. Otherwords, I cheated on him. But technicallyy not really because I did break up with him. But even so, he still begged me to get back with him. I didn’t want to because I knew that he didn’t deserve that. But he kept begging me. Even though I ignored him, he still wouldn’t stop asking me to get back with him…so eventually a few weeks later I started replying and said we could be friends…but then he started treating me more than friend. THen it came to a point where we just got back together. Idk if this whole story makes sense but it’s justt too complicated to type. But I have never loved him so much before…but now he’s contacting other girls…and he’s questioning me now why I couldn’t cut off my guy friends for him back then. And I just don’t know what to do..I feel hurt, and I know I deserve it, but I’m starting to regret that I let him back in when I shouldn’t have. He made me feel like crap…that’s why I left him for someone else…but he still wanted me back. But now that he has me back, it’s like I’m not enough.
August 22, 2013 at 2:27 am
Wow, so the two of you are back together? And your problem is that he isn’t treating you the same. I think you would have to expect this to go on for a while. It will probably take a month or two before things start getting normal again.
August 21, 2013 at 5:44 am
I wish I read this blog before attempting to get my ex back on my own! I feel like a complete fool now!! I called himm and send him many text messages and he never replied. I cheated on him because I was drunk and on top of that we were not in very good terms. what do you think I should do next. He has a really stubborn personality. so here is the situation. Me and him hadn’t talked or anything in like 2 months give o take. we just kept bumping into eachother at friends houses and what not. Then this past satuday we met at a club and since we all drank, a mutual friend of ours suggested that I should jst ride with them(in his car) to a hookah bar. At the hookah bar I told a friend of mine the situation that i was in and asked him if he could lean over and kiss me when my ex was looking (we were all outside and me and my friend were standing next to my ex’s car, since we drove dogether). So my friend said to ride with him and his friends then he’ll drop me off where my car was the following morning. So I went to my ex’s car and wanted to get my purse ten he started saing that we came together and we have to leave together. H kept on saing “elsie, we came together. get in the car!! get in the car!!” I completely refused and left with my friend. The following day Me and my ex bumped into eachother again at our friends place. It was awkward at first then we ended up talking. I innitiated the conversation though. we were just joing around. He eventually asked me if I had sex with he guy i left with(which of course i didn’t). I told him I didn’t. Does the fact that he asked me that mean that he still has feelings for me? I called him to give him my new number and then told him to text me someones number and he did. But after that he has been replying to my texts with short answers and not answering some of the questions that I ask. A group of us are going to vegas for my birthday in a month. I’m providing the tickets since I got 4 of them for free. I told him I’d give him one. Should I stop talking to him till then? Idk what to do here. I really miss him and want him back like crazy. what should be my next step now?
August 22, 2013 at 1:47 am
Wow, now that is a pretty complicated situation there. I say you stay NC (and see if he asks about them) but who broke up with who again? If he broke up with you then I say he doesn’t deserve the tickets.
As for what to do. I would like to point you towards Ex Boyfriend Recovery PRO (a lot of your questions are explained in there.)
Ummm… if you decide not to get it then I understand you can still pick my brain and I will help ya out.
August 27, 2013 at 6:18 am
I had a party yesterday and he showed up. It was really awkward at first but it became better. I found out that he is “talking” to someone new now. This morning he texted saying hi and to see how I was holding up after the party coz someone fought me. I replied and we kept going back and forth. He still hasn’t replied after my last text. It’s so frustrating coz he’s sending me mixed signals. Also thanks for your advice. It really worked. My sister ordered the book for me. I can’t wait to read it.
August 28, 2013 at 3:23 am
Sweet! Thank you and your sister ;).
And SOMEONE FOUGHT YOU? Was it like a fight club party or something? Jk jk!
Just end the conversation and don’t text him again for a while.
August 29, 2013 at 5:59 am
No, thank YOU!!!! Idk how you do it but, I can’t believe the ball is now on my side!!! It feels awesome!! Now he knows how it feels to text someone and just get ignored and feel like shit as if you never meant anything to him in the first place… Lol yeah, it was at my apt… Idk what she had, but she was like a wild cow!! People don’t like associating themselves with her coz of her behavior whether she’s drunk or not. I personally had never seen that side of her. She was nothing but nice to me for the most part. So I gave her the benefit of a doubt coz I felt sorry for her for having no friends. I guess now I know her true colors…. SMDH….
August 29, 2013 at 5:46 pm
It is pretty cool to kind of be in the drivers seat for a while huh?
August 22, 2013 at 11:31 pm
I think I can say it was a mutual breakup. A close friend of mine who I really trusted betrayed me and told her bf who told my ex(since they are best friends). He hid it from me and like 2 weeks later when we met up for dinner to talk about where we stand(I was suspecting he was cheating even before I cheated. I still don’t know if he did which is not even relevant) then that’s when he asked if I cheated on him and I denied it. Then like a week later I admited to it. So we just stopped talking.
August 22, 2013 at 11:42 pm
Also, was it wrong of me tricking my friend into kissing me in front of him? And did it ruin my chances of ever getting him back? Do you think he got jealous when he saw us kissing? He went as far as asking me if I slept with the guy… Does that mean that he can’t take the thought of me sleeping with another guy??
August 23, 2013 at 7:13 pm
Yes it was very wrong. I think he probably got more mad than jealous. And no he can’t take the thought of you sleeping with another guy. He is probably just furious and he has ever right to be. You are going to have to let some time go by on this one I am afraid. Stay in NC.
August 20, 2013 at 12:54 pm
I can honestly say I have never pictured myself ever cheating on my boyfriend. He is the love of my life and I can’t picture myself with anyone else in the future. We were together for 3 years but things weren’t always perfect. Basically to put it kind of shortly, he made me feel pretty s*itty the first two years of the relationship. He never had time or me, always had to go hang out with his friends or play his stupid Xbox. And when things would have turned into an argument, instead of talking things out he would just dodge me all the time until he was over it leaving me hurt, you know girls like to talk everything out. And a year and half ago he goes 8 hours away from me to a fucking trading school just because he didn’t get into the same school as me. Needless to say, he acted like a completed jerk there, never had time for me and let this girl (which I still think he cheated on me with but not admitting to it) come in between us and I allowed him to control me and not enjoy my freshman year of college (made no friends had no social life and almost flunking my classes). He got better once he came home but i was still so angry at him for putting me through so much over the first two years we’ve been together. So of course my sophomore year I became more liberated and start making friends and partying and I met a guy who was very attractive and who paid more attention to me than my ex ever did. But there was a night after the club that I went back to his room because I was upset that my ex showed up to the club that night trying to check up on me (I told him where I was going and I’ve honestly never given him a reason not to trust me before any of this happened he’s just always had trust issues) and the guy had me take another shot in his room and one thing lead to another. It was the worst time of my life the guy had the tiniest penis in the world and didn’t even kiss me and the sex was just awkward. I cut him off immediately. I didn’t want to do it in the first place but once I was in his room I felt obligated. I’m just one of those nice girls who can’t say no. I told my ex yesterday what happened and of course he broke up with me. I know he can’t be over me that fast we were in love we planned our future together š I just really want him back and I know things will never be the same but I just really want him back. It’s only been a day since we ended and I miss him like crazy. And we now go to the same school and live in the same dorm building so of course I have to deal with seeing him everyday knowing he’s not mine. :'(
August 21, 2013 at 4:31 am
Well shucks, have you tried going NC to just put you out of the situation (and give him time to calm down?)
August 21, 2013 at 6:25 pm
I did and he came to me yesterday and decided to give me another chance without me having to beg so much. Is it too soon? He made it clear that he doesn’t forgive me yet but he is giving me chance to prove that I still want this to work. š
August 22, 2013 at 3:43 am
Hahaha I wouldn’t think too much and just go with what you got here. Most women don’t get to the level you have. Congrats.
August 18, 2013 at 2:46 am
OK I didn’t cheat nor am I accusing him.I just want to know if I was wrong for what I did and is he really worth fighting for. OK so two days ago I was at his house. He was washing his hair and was under the dryer. A manager at my job who is also my friend happen to text me. I decided to call instead of texting back. The call was on his couch and was job related only thing wasn’t job related was about the him bringing my DVDs because we exchanged DVDs like a month ago. I told the night before about. But I forgot I told him at night so I mistakenly said I told him in the morning but it was really at night. So there was where he thought I was lying. Then he calls his married friend and start talking to her on speaker about exchanging DVDs and being friends just being straight immature.This argument went on for two days. He thinks im sleeping with my manager which is really not my manager he covers a whole different department. We are just friends nothing more. Only thing we did was exchanged DVDs I just need to know if I was wrong. He called me all types of names. Then came to my house and before he came. He asked I said yes. He came he was cool for a moment and then this came up again now he wants nothing to do with me. What did I do wrong all I did was try and be honest. That was all I told him everything. I didn’t have to say we exchanged DVDs but I did. I didn’t have to tell him about the text but I did. So I need to know just let things be or keep trying. I don’t want to be consider soft.
August 18, 2013 at 4:37 am
I don’t think you did anything wrong. I would go into NC if I was you! Let things setlle down a little bit.
August 18, 2013 at 1:28 pm
What’s NC..
August 19, 2013 at 3:25 am
The No Contact Rule! I talk about it a lot on this website.
August 17, 2013 at 8:39 am
Ok so my boyfriend/ex found out I cheated on him I beg for him to take me back but he said he needed time so i was willing to do that but an hour later he sends me a text I answer it then i go back to beg for his forgivness so finally he says he for gave me the first sorry but he still needs time so i stop messaging him and respecting his space but then he sends me another messages saying that i will get over him so i replay back with I’m not looking for anyone at this moment im going to do me and I’m sure you’re going to find an amazing girl Its going to hurt but I wish you the best. I was giving up on him then he sends me this I’m not looking for anyone i don’t want anyone i wanted you and i was ready forbyou so you have me there sayin sorry and how much he means to me he finally bsay that he is not saying no or yes yet. So we say goodnight then texts me the conversation goes normal and i try to avoid the whole relationship talk but some how he mentions the other guy i cheated on and why I cheated i told him that nothing is wrong with him that bhe was the perfect boyfriend then he says his feelings haven’t changed. I’m really confuse in what he is thinking and we are ever going to get back together. He sends me confuse messages I’m going crazy cuz i want him back so bad.
August 18, 2013 at 3:39 am
NC is essential in your position.
August 18, 2013 at 7:19 am
Ok thanks so even he texts me back I should not respond
He also move to a diffrent state 2 days after the brake up
August 19, 2013 at 3:06 am
That is the idea here!
August 17, 2013 at 1:24 am
sorry i posted this too many times. only keep the one that says ariel on it thank you!
August 16, 2013 at 6:51 am
So my boyfriend broke up with me on the night of my birthday party this past weekend because he went through my phone and found some incriminating texts. Why was he even going through my phone? I was texting my ex and I had him saved as babe on my phone which I know all sounds so terrible. But I honestly just got carried away and was a bit under the influence when I sent the texts which isn’t really a valid excuse but it is what it is. I think my mistake was seeing him the next day to apologize about it all. Everyone told me to give him space but I just couldn’t do it. I went and cried and tried to convince but obviously after that tear marathon…he wasn’t convinced. I know he’s really really hurt but after this incident happened, I could think of nothing more than how much I want to keep him in my life. Flirting and sexting with my ex was definitely not worth losing my amazing bf. Now that it’s been a couple days since I’ve last spoken to him, is it too late to implement that no contact rule? I also feel like I have no idea how to explain myself to him when I do talk to him because I honestly don’t know why I did it. I was definitely emotionally and physically satisfied. I know there’s no sure way of getting him back but I’d really appreciate the feedback.
August 17, 2013 at 2:56 am
Well first off, if the situation was reversed and he left his phone out in the open wouldn’t you take a look at it? I am betting you would so I wouldn’t fault him for going through your phone. After all, you are the “wrong party” here.
I think you didn’t do yourself any favors with the incriminating texts. However, if you are able to give him a month of space and play your cards right I think you can repair your relationship.
August 25, 2013 at 6:56 pm
Honestly, I would never check his phone. Besides that, how much space do you think is necessary for something like this? Lastly, do you really consider texting cheating or something unforgivable?
August 25, 2013 at 11:46 pm
Not texting. Something really tough is cheating by sleeping with someone else.
August 15, 2013 at 8:47 pm
My exboyfriend broke up w me once because “I drank too much” and “would put him in uncomfortable situations”. Then I looked for him after a week “to talk” but actually ended up saying i was very sad and I didn’t understand why he was so strong headed and firm regarding the situation, that I would of liked to have had the chance to talk to him about it before but, that I respected his decision and I had brought his things to give them back to him. Which made him tone things down a bit and tell me he missed me and wanted to be w me. That he hadn’t contacted me before because he tried to distract himself w work and that when he almost contacted me… He would think to himself I probably didn’t want to hear from him because “I was so mad”. I said yes, we got back together:
First week…. Amazing things were back to normal
Second week…. Distance on his part. I asked him about it and he said he was preoccupied.
Third week … I began to not be so available i tried to get my life going again (without leaning so much on him, i realized he maybe wanting an out) and see my man friends and comment about it w him. He seemed ok w it.
Fourth week….. Amazing. And he confessed that the second week he had been thinking to himself that maybe I didn’t love him because (how could I love him if I had gotten out of a 10 year relationship w someone else) and him and I had only been together for 9 months. I explained why I was in love w him and things were “fine”. He said he was going to have lunch w a friend that was a girl. I told him i loved him and gave him my blessing and told him to have an amazing time. That we would see each other after because my cousins were in town and i would love for him to meet them. i called him once at 9 and (strangely he did not respond) he called me at about 10 pm. He asked me if we could change the date w my cousins because “he was tired Nd not in the mood” isaid that was the only day they would be here and I had to go and that it would be cool if he wanted to join us (as we had agreed) but “fine” if he didn’t. So he came and we all had an amazing time. We drank a little too much (he ended up throughing up) I was more sober. He asked me where I was taking him and I told him home, he asked where I was going to stay and when I said at a motel he did not ask to come w me, but he asked me to stay at his house. I said no because he lives w his mother. The next day he calls me feeling so bad asking for forgiveness and I was pretty cool about it “we both drank no worries”. He asked me what I had done afterwards and I said “I stayed w a friend (guy)” he asked me why I hadn’t gone to my house I responded I could not get home drunk. He asked why I hadn’t stayed w him I responded because he lived w his mother and it wasn’t appropriate. I told him I was in class and I’d call him later. Called him 2 hours later telling him it would be nice to see him and he said he couldn’t because his friends had invited him to lunch. He told me two girls names one of which we already had …simple. misunderstandings about. it was obvious something was there but he seemed to always respect me except this one time in the beginning of our relationship when the texts with her were a little on the top. I hung up. He called me once I told him I didn’t want to talk and hung up. He went to the lunch (there were boys and girls from his ex job) face booked the pics and sent me a text at night”good night sweetie” I did not respond. He called me I told him I was busy and would call him back later. He called me twice at 8 I texted him “what’s up” he asked it he could call I responded “sure”. He told me things about work and said he wanted to talk because he knew I was upset. I told him I was having coffee w a friend that’s a boy that I know he doesn’t really like and I didn’t want to be rude so maybe we could talk later. I called him after he apologized and we started talking about why I had gotten mad. I told him that I was not mad w the fact he had gone w his friends. What made me mad was that he had unsettled business w me regarding the party the night before and he gave priority going w his friends. He asked me what I had done after I had left him in his house after the party to which I responded this time that I had 3 male friends that were having a get together and I had gone over there just to crash and sleep for a couple of hours. Once again he questioned me why I hadn’t gone home and why I hadn’t stayed w him to which I responded the same. He isaid that I had told him different things before and that something was not making sense and that we should talk tomorrow and he hung up ( he had never done that before). I texted him angry messages: that i was fed up etc. The next day we had a meeting from work (we only go to these 1 a week), we were polite. He tried to avoid much contact w me but ended up taking me to my car and asked me about a job interview I had had etc. and never touched the fight subject and said he would call me later. He got out of the car and I called him (angry) asked if he didn’t think he owed me an apology, when we were going to talk about it etc. he explained that this week was very important for his job (it was his dream to give conferences and that was his first one ever so he said he had to prepare it). I respected it (he was right) and decided to put the fight on hold and support him. It was obvious he didn’t want to talk about it. I tried about 3 times to talk about it very much on the top (. No details) and he would “have to go” be in a hurry etc. he told me he wanted to talk about it in person but please after the conference. so that week I let him do most of the calling and supported him when he would tell me about the highlights. After 5 days we talked! We had a dinner w some friends went and he was very physically distant and we were acting happy but we knew something was wrong. When we got in the car I said “what the hell is wrong”? To which he responded… I guess we are both “fed up.” On the drive to my house he said nothing regarding the subject and basically would talk about everything but the subject. I played along until we got to my house and I snapped at him: aren’t u even going to break up w me in person? He asked me what I wanted. I said that it felt like he wanted to break up w me and it wasn’t important what I wanted anymore. He explained that “there were things about me he didn’t want for himself” “he didn’t like my friends” “I had to concentrate more on taking care of myself professionally (getting a job etc), “he felt I was weak”, and very much on the top mentioned the whole incident about the fact that he didn’t understand why I hadn’t gone home or been w him that night. I explained to him that I had been in a terrible relationship and I didn’t think that me going to sleep at a party at a friends house was wrong but if it bothered him to tell me so and we could talk about it. He explained that we weren’t 15 years old anymore for people to have to explain us anything and “people never changed”. I said crying that ok, and I was sorry if I had done something were I lead for misunderstandings and that no way shape or form had I done it to disrespect him. I simply thought that was the best solution to not having where else to sleep and being drunk. He kissed me and we started making out in the car! (I thought he had reconsidered when he saw that we were actually breaking up, just like he had the first time). When we finished he said “I need to have more self restraint” I got pissed and told him wtf? Who did he think he was to use me like that? And told him that he had to be clear:
A) was he breaking up w me because he really doesn’t want to be w me anymore
B) because he was mad.
Because “I knew I loved him”
“-you don’t love me, we don’t love each other. We can’t it hasn’t been enough time to love each other. How long have we been together? ”
– 9 months
– 3 dating and 6 boyfriend and girlfriend. That he just didn’t feel the same after we had gotten together the second time. The spark was gone. Had I not noticed? But that he wanted to stay friends maybe.
I told him, – if u want to leave leave. And got into my house so pissed off. He asked me to come out again and explained he was sorry and didn’t want me to take it that way etc. but he never said he didn’t want to break up. So I told him that I was mad that he had used me and got into my house. I called him afterwards, later that night and told him he had hurt my feelings and I hoped he was making this decision because that was what he wanted not because he was mad so neither one of us regretted it. He calmly said yes and asked me to forgive him even if “he didn’t deserve it”.
Then we had a work meeting 3 days after the break up. Because of the no contact rule I handled the things I had to see before hand w my boss and did not go to the meeting. The next week we had another meeting and he didn’t go. It has now been 2 weeks and 5 days that we haven’t talked or anything. I erased him from fb (if he is fed up, the disappearance will make him miss me and wonder … Right?).
*Weird incedent: Yesterday our boss told me to go check something w him and “took me for coffee instead of seeing him at the office” the things “he wanted to go over w me” we’re barely mentioned and he started questioning me about if me and my boyfriend had broken up… He is my boss I told him we had but gave no more info. He talked about how his girlfriend had broken up w him but how he did a lot of things to feel better etc. I just told him that of course I was sad but that there were a lot of good things going on for me and that I was feeling better. Half an hour in the conversation. He gets a phone call from the office “my exboyfriend had stopped by because they had canceled a meeting he had and he was in the area.”
I explained to my boss that I rather not see him that day “I wasn’t prepared to see him caught off guard”. So he told them to give him the message that they had arranged a meeting for Thursday (today) and that he was not expecting his visit and was in a meeting w someone else. He said he was sorry and would see him tomorrow (as they had originally agreed). He continued talking to me about his break up and I could hear certain things my exboyfriend would complain about me but didn’t read that much into it. Then, our boss tried to hit on me very subtly but did. I ignored it. It seems as if my boss will now try to avoid me and my ex getting together for meetings even if I told him I had no problem w it. Why is this?
1Do you think my ex told him he didn’t want to see me?
2Or do you think my ex was about to quit the job and explained to him that we had broken up and thought that I was upset (because I didn’t go to the first meeting) and that maybe it would be better for him to quit? And then maybe my boss told him he would try to read what my attitude was?
3 or do you think it was an excuse to hear something about me?
The next meeting is in another 5 days…
1 should I go to the meeting ? I don’t want to seem unprofessional and weak
2. Do you think he broke up w me because he was upset about me sleeping at a man friend’s house and said everything else because he was mad?
3 why hasn’t he contacted me? Is he mad? Is he trying to get over me? Is he trying to punishe me? Is he waiting for me to fall first, like I did last time?
4 does he still love me? Is he still interested but not showing it because he is mad?
5 is the no contact rule working?
6 do you think he will ask to talk to me after the meeting( remember the first time we broke up he “didn’t contact me because I was probably mad)? Or is he too much of a coward?
7 what do u think he is feeling and thinking right now?
8 I know he was very busy last week but when will he start to get ansty?
I felt we had an amazing relationship we had a lot of fun and treated each other right. I hope he was just mad and said all those things out of spite… Do you think? Will he come back? Will I have to make the first move or will he do it on his own?
August 16, 2013 at 3:24 am
Whoa that was a lot. I will just answer your eight questions.
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. All of the above
4. Yes but he is angry
5. Only time will tell.
6. There is only one way to find out.
7. Angry, hurt and confused.
8. Hopefully around week 2-4. Maybe he will be stubborn and not let on at all.
August 19, 2013 at 6:17 pm
Wow! Thank you so much!
At the end of the three week period… A friend asked me if she could contact him for a work issue. So I said yes and ONLY forwarded the messages to him.
So my friend said:
-hey I have a possible client for your ex. Could you ask him how much it would cost for him to do (a job thing) ? Or is it too indiscreet of me?
I responded
– here is his phone number so you can contact him directly
So, I copy pasted the messages to which he answered:
How are you???
Who wants this job done..?
I don’t understand : /
I waited two hours to respond
Hi. Fine thanks. This is a contact of Lore. If your interested, I hope it’s helpful š
He said:
Ok, thank you š !!
I’ll call her
I send you many hugs and a kiss!!
Hey, I also wanted to comment something to you…
Well, I know you don’t want to see me or anything but…
I have your “friends” DVD and The thesis you lent me
And I know you had already asked me for those things before : /
I was thinking we could see each other at the Foundation (where the meetings are) and give you your things.
But anyway, you tell me how you see it ok…?
Please Say hi to the dogs and your mom for me
Have a good night rest
And that was Thursday I have not responded and today is Monday.
1 what do you think the texts mean?
2 do u think he was checking to see if it was ok for him to go to the meetings? Or if I was still mad?
3 do you think it looks like my message was an excuse to talk or just a nice professional gesture to send him a possible client?
4 can you interpret from the messages that he misses me?
5 the meeting is on Thursday… If he shows … What should my attitude be? If he doesn’t can I text him something funny like “hey u left me waiting for my things LOL”?
6 if he wants to talk should I change the date he suggests like saying politely that things are on my terms?
This one was shorter š
August 20, 2013 at 4:30 am
1. It is a positive response it means he is thinking about you still.
2. Both
3. I think it does look like an excuse but he kinda dug it š
4. Yes I think he does.
5. You act confident, look gorgeous, control conversations, leave him wanting more, don’t be afraid to talk with other people and leave him out to dry from time to time.
6. If you feel that is what would make you most comfortable.
August 23, 2013 at 4:15 am
Hi! Today was our meeting! … He did not show š just first fast recap…. I sent him a text last week w a job opportunity. A friend of mine was looking for a lawyer. He responded very nicely and told me : So my friend said:
-hey I have a possible client for your ex. Could you ask him how much it would cost for him to do (a job thing) ? Or is it too indiscreet of me?
I responded
– here is his phone number so you can contact him directly
So, I copy pasted the messages to which he answered:
How are you???
Who wants this job done..?
I donāt understand : /
I waited two hours to respond
Hi. Fine thanks. This is a contact of Lore. If your interested, I hope itās helpful
He said:
Ok, thank you !!
Iāll call her
I send you many hugs and a kiss!!
Hey, I also wanted to comment something to youā¦
Well, I know you donāt want to see me or anything butā¦
I have your āfriendsā DVD and The thesis you lent me
And I know you had already asked me for those things before : /
I was thinking we could see each other at the Foundation (where the meetings are) and give you your things.
But anyway, you tell me how you see it okā¦?
Please Say hi to the dogs and your mom for me
Have a good night rest
Today, a week after we had a weekly work meeting and this is the third time he hasn’t shown. The first meeting was 3 days after the breakup and I decided I needed time so I didn’t go. The next 3 he has been absent. His texts gave me the impression he was trying to see if I would get upset for him going (I got him the job).
So, after he didn’t show I called him very breezy and not affected in a good or bad way just playing it cool and kinda joking around. (today makes it a month) the texts from a week ago don’t count … They were work related and I said nothing more. I said hey Pamplona (a mutual joke) u left me waiting for my stuff.
-what? You never responded my messages. Are u at the foundation now?
-yeah I’m here and I brought your stuff. Would you like me to leave them here so u can pick them up?
– no!!!! No! Lets do that in person. Hey but I texted you about your things and u never responded.
– well, you told me maybe we could see each other at the foundation.
-yeah but u never responded!
– well I don’t have to tell u to go to work meetings LOL
(And he went on saying I felt he didn’t want to hang up)… You sound sick.
-yeah I have a terrible cold
– I have no idea lol
– well, don’t have your drinks so cold (Mexican joke) and then another cute Mexican joke.
– I didn’t go to the meeting today because I am at a conference that’s why I didn’t go (I didn’t ask him of what or anything)
-oh ! Well talk to rodrigo (our boss) about that because I can’t get him off my back. He is constantly asking me why u didn’t show and I keep telling him to ask u. Lol
– well I have been in contact w him. Grrr what a crybaby lol
– hey so how are the dogs? (Prolonging the conversation right?)
– fine they are princesses (something we used to say all the time)
– lol good!
– hey how is the job hunting
– GREAT! I was very enthusiastic because it was genuine. Amazing ! I haven’t gotten it yet but will know by the 15 th of next month but he asked me to go to his class if I really wanted to learn tax law (the firms specialty). So yes! I am very happy!
– oh great! Yeah we’ll, we have to put a date to give us our things.
– are u sure u don’t want me to leave them at the foundation? I only have 2 books and a pair of glasses
– no no no! We should do that “very personally in person” (sweet joke) not booty call intended.
– ok
(And out of the blue he beat me to the punch I don’t know if he sensed me about to say goodbye)
– hey! Well, I have to go but let’s set a date to give us our things.
-yeah! Sure!
– take care
1. Was his “take care a way of letting me know consciously or unconsciously that we weren’t going to talk soon. (Maybe he was dragging me along with the whole… Lets do it in person and has no intention of actually doing it. But then again he was the one that used the things as an excuse in the texts. And I was willing very breezinly to leave them at the foundation)if he didn’t want to see me it would have been easier to say yes. Leave them. Great.
2. I know him asking me random things to try and prolong the conversation is a good thing but how do I know he’s not doing it just because he cares for me as a friend? He did ask me if we could stay friends. I want to make sure he asks because he misses me and not because he only cares as a friend.
3 is the fact that he didn’t set a specific date a bad thing? Maybe he doesn’t really need to want to see me so bad? It’s already been a month!
4 if he doesn’t show to next weeks meeting do u think he just really doesn’t care enough to open up his schedule to meet w me there and see each other?
5 I realize I have let him know w this phone call that I am very chill about the situation now. I was very cool and friendly and very (hey I have ur stuff do u want me to drop them off as if I didn’t care seeing him or not for the stuff. As if I would willingly give up the “things back excuse to see him” ) right?
6 do u think this attitude will make him wonder why I am so chill now?
7 will this make him move faster?
8. I guess I have to wait for him to make the next decision and move to call or text, but does it sound like he will? I kinda worried me how he said … Take care at the end.
9. How long do u think it will take him to contact me?
10. Last but most important! …. Do u see any signs that he misses me? Or is he doing fine and glad to hear my voice but doesn’t really lose any sleep over the situation?
11 will he be thinking about that phone call for a couple of days?
12 will it make him wonder if I am over him? Or will he just say….
Gnat call?
13 do u think that phone call sounded like and excuse?
Thank u so much. I want to thank u again because u are the only person I talk to about this. I hate other people knowing my business.
August 23, 2013 at 7:31 pm
Whoa…. that was long!
1. I think he just said take care as a way of saying “see ya.” It is just a phrase I wouldn’t read too much into it.
2. I think he was just making conversation and testing out where you are at.
3. I am indifferent about it.
4. I would say yes.
5. Yup
6. Yup
7. Eh, I honestly don’t know. It may it may not I am on the fence with this one.
8. Haha I would say that to an ex not even meaning anything.
9. No clue, wait a week and see what happens.
10. I think there is a part of him that misses you definitely. That doesn’t mean you will get him back but it is a good sign.
11. Hard to say but I think he will.
13. I don’t think it did.
Hey, if you are interested in Ex Boyfriend Recovery PRO I can give you a discount. I am pretty sure you deserve one. Just email me if you are interested.
August 20, 2013 at 4:53 am
Wow! Thanks ur amazing š
August 19, 2013 at 6:19 pm
Or do u think he is fine and doesnt miss me and jjust really wants to give me my things back?
August 15, 2013 at 9:05 am
I cheated on my boyfriend.
i already made up my mind and right now im applying the NCR with my ex boyfriend (the one that i want to get back with)
but sometimes i still make contact with my other ex boyfriend (the other guy that i cheated with) just talking about works (same work place) which in the end turned into personal conversation.
do u think it is ok?
p/s: now im in process to change my job, phone no etc.
August 16, 2013 at 2:08 am
Well, let me put it this way. If I found out my ex girlfriend was speaking to the guy she cheated on me with then I would assume that they were sleeping together no matter what. It would make me really angry.
August 14, 2013 at 2:18 pm
Two nights ago I got very drunk at my best friendās house with two other girlfriends. We are all 17/18 years old. Weād arranged to have a group of four boys to come over and join us for drinks. One of the guys coming was someone Iād met once before 6 months ago and ever since then we would message each other on fb once in a while. Heād even said we should go out for drinks once I come back from being on holiday. Iād decided against this later once things started getting more serious with a guy Iād begun dating named Harry. The only problem with him was that he was going to start going to uni not in my city. Whenever I ever tried mentioning this he would always tell me not to talk about it which I assumed meant he wasnāt sure what to do about our situation. He had begun calling me his girlfriend yet hadnāt asked me out which confused me a little. Iād refer to him as āmy sort of boyfriendā. I guess I was confused over whether he wanted it to carry on after the summer was over. Anyway I drank way too much at my friendās house and by the time the guys got there I was pretty drunk. I ended up kissing the guy who in the past Iād been talking to on fb. I hardly slept that night and in the morning I was freaking out so much. I didnāt know whether to tell Harry the truth or just not to tell him. I know heās been hurt by girls before and finds it hard to open himself up to one after being previously hurt. I decided the best thing would be to tell him the truth. So that night I ended up going to his friendās house as he was having people over but I knew that wouldnāt be the appropriate place to tell him with people around. We left his friendās house at 3am and at the bus stop Iād begun thinking how I had to tell him and he realised I wasnāt acting myself. He asked what was wrong and said he wouldnāt be upset. When he found out though he was so upset and angry. I got on his bus because I needed to apologise to him and let him know how much I like him. I was completely exhausted from the night before so Iām sure didnāt express my emotions in the best way possible but I followed him off the bus. He kept saying he didnāt understand why Iād do that to him and that heād never ever do something like that to me. Iād met his mother and then he dropped the big one. He said he was planning on staying with me while he was at uni which is something heād never told me yet maybe just recently decided. I like him so much and am willing to fight for this. He did break up with me though and kept telling me to fu*k off and told me to have a good life. I know how hard it will be to ever trust me again but it was going so well with us. We both would always be talking to our friends about each other and we would miss each other when we were away. I have a month and two weeks before heās going off to uni and I really want to get him back. Could you give me advice please!!! It would be very much appreciated.
August 15, 2013 at 3:15 am
Putting a time frame on things is never a good idea. That is the problem with situations like yours. You cheated on your boyfriend and that really really hurts a guys pride. I am glad you see that it is wrong. The only thing in your case that can help is time. You want to give him time and you time. The NC rule is great for this. Maybe you can shorten yours though since the university business is coming up. After that you follow the steps on this site and it will improve your chances of getting him back.