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August 13, 2013 at 6:58 pm
Hi! I am 17 year old girl
Please read my long story haha
3 weeks ago I cheated on my boyfriend. I kissed another guy at a party while on vacation. We maybe kissed for 10 seconds. The guy I kissed is known to be kind of a womanizer, but I did not know that. I told the guy I had a boyfriend, but that did stop him, maybe got him more psyched on making out with me. I did not tell my boyfriend, but after 4 days he found out from someone else. We were both on vacation at the time, and could not see each other for another 1 and a half week. The first 3-4 days he called me everyday. He wanted to know what happened, asked why I did it, and we talked about other random stuff too. Then we did not talk until we came back from vacation. When I saw him he was happy to see me. We talked a little about it, but not much. He said his friends had recommended us to take a break, but that he had not decided yet. For the rest of the day everything was like normal, he said he loved me, had missed me, we had sex and it seemed like we could just forget about it. I have not seen him for 4 days now. I have text him on the purpose to ask him if he wants to hang, but he is so cold. I do not want to push him and be too clingy at this time. So I have let it passed and are now waiting for him to reach out to me. Is that wrong? Tell me what to do!
P.S. I do not know why I kissed that guy. I love my boyfriend and all that. I have been having a hard time at home this summer. My dad did not go on vacation with us, he was “working”, because my mom cheated on him once a couple of years ago and they have not worked it out yet. My dad does not know I know what the fighting is all about, and he thinks I do not sense that they are fighting. So they were fighting over the phone through the whole summer. The same week that a kissed that guy my mom told me that she can not live like this anymore, my dad is angry a lot, so she said she was moving out. Then my dad met us and pretended everything was okay, “one big happy family”… The day after I went to that party. My boyfriend know nothing about anything of this, I have not told him anything. I know that is not an excuse for cheating, but it had effected me a lot. I am not saying it is the reason why it happened.
August 14, 2013 at 2:39 am
I think that is exactly what you should do. Go NC until HE contacts you.
You two are still technically dating right?
August 17, 2013 at 12:36 pm
Tecnically yes, we are still together. Have not spoken for 6 days now though. So I should just wait until he has found out what he wants to do?
I am leaving in two weeks, to go to school abroad for 3 months. That is of course making his decision on what to do much worse.
August 18, 2013 at 4:07 am
Well, the rules are kinda blurred now since you are still together. I think you should contact him and find out where the two of you stand.
August 18, 2013 at 9:53 pm
I called him today, because it is the first day of school tomorrow after summer vacation, so it would be weird seeing him without having talked. He was very absent and rejecting when I called him. He was with two of his friends, which I could hear in the background. I said “When we met a week ago it seemed like we could work things out, but when I have tried to reach out to you the days after you have been so cold seeming like you do not want to talk to me, or not answering my texts”. He was like “nah”. Then I asked if we could meet tomorrow. His answer was that he had a hair appointment. So I asked what about another day this week, he answered “Sure. Okay, maybe I will see you at school tomorrow. Bye”. Was it wrong of me to call him? And what should I do now?
August 19, 2013 at 3:58 am
Yup, the calling was kind of too much I think. He is giving you the cold shoulder so just relax give him some time and then TXT him. He isn’t ready to talk yet and you need to respect that.
August 13, 2013 at 8:44 pm
btw I have been with my boyfriend for 5 month
August 11, 2013 at 11:06 pm
Me and my boyfriend live together…well did. Friday night I went out and got completely obliterated drunk, I can admit that I get crazy when I’m wasted and its definitely something I need to work on. It turns me into a jealous psycho when normally I am pretty laid back and chill. Anyways I went out Friday with my friends and he went out with his. Apparently I made a scene with him at the bar (which I don’t think he even did anything wrong) got mad and ended up taking somebody else home with me. Needless to say, since we live together, he walked in and saw that I was with another guy. Things at this point turned physical on my half, I apparently started hitting him. The problem is I don’t remember any of it. The next morning he got up, packed, and left without saying much and with out wanting to listen to what I had to say which I can’t blame him at all. He has texted me 3 times, once telling me how I completely embarrassed him, once asking if he could buy my laptop, and then again today saying I could come get my key. After learning exactly what I did the next day I was completely distraught. That is totally out of character for me. I am embarrassed for myself, and it kills me that I hurt him like that because I really do love him. In my mind its like nothing happened at all, even though I know I did. So the first thing I did was get on the internet and try and find out how I could mend things, thus what brought me here. I took your advice and haven’t returned his texts. I feel so cruel because there was no reason for me to do what I did, things were great between us. I know I will have to see him soon to get my key and he left some things that I know he needs- what is the best way to approach him whenever we see each other? Do you think there is any hope for me?
August 12, 2013 at 2:56 am
Hahahaha ok, I am just going to say it. You need to swear off drinking for a while if you want him back.
I would just talk to him normally, be pleasant, give the keys back and give him no indication you are hurt. I would apologize (sincerely though.)
Then enter into the NC rule. Give him some time.
August 11, 2013 at 11:09 pm
And what should I say when texting him about meeting up to get keys and stuff?
Cristian Hernandez
August 11, 2013 at 11:06 pm
I knwo this is for girls to get their boyfriends back but I googled some and I really didn’t find any websites as helpful as yours to get someone back.
Do you think these thigns still pretain to women?
I cheated on my girlfriend and told her after we broke up. We broke up because I wasn’t trying hard enough (not doing cute things anymore) but I loved her just as much as I did, if not more, then th day I fell in love. I still love her but she is with one of my -ex best friends now. I want to know how to get her back and if it is even possible. I have implemented the NC rule about two months ago so I think it is time I talk to her. I don’t know if she will ever take me back but we dated for 2 years and talked about moving in together and marriage. I’m 19.
Please help!
August 12, 2013 at 2:54 am
I love guys who reverse engineer the process and wind up on this site. Hahahaha.
To answer your question sections of this can work for men.
You are in a tough position here though seeing as you did technically wrong her and she has every right to be mad. Why did you cheat on her?
I do believe it is time to text her but I am thinking you should keep the first text really light. It has to be more than a “hey” or a “hi.”
Oh, another quesiton I have for you is “has she giving you any indication she still has feelings?”
Cristian Hernandez
August 12, 2013 at 4:14 am
To admin,
I was really drunk one night and I was in a fight with my girlfriend and I just kissed this other girl. We did not sleep together at all. The worst I did was sleep NEXT to her. I know it is no excuse but I think I was just fed up with her being mad at me.
We haven’t talked much since then but she has written on a blog we shared during our relationship and she wrote me this “I’m happy you’re happy”. This is because I made up a “fake” girlfriend to counter her real boyfriend because you know, I’m just that awesome.
If she is still checking my blog, then wouldn’t that say something?
August 13, 2013 at 2:11 am
LOL you are just that awesome!
Creating fake girlfriends here and there. I hope your fake girlfriend was really hot man!
While I guess what you did is cheating it isn’t full on like have sex with someone cheating. I guess that is a little better!
August 11, 2013 at 3:41 am
Hello, so my recent ex boyfriend and I have been together for 5
Months. I cheated on him last night with my other ex
Boyfriend who is now home from the Army. He blew up immediately and wants nothing to do with me. I understand the reason you say 30 days os a good amount of time to wait to get him back. But, I am not sure if he is blowing me off so harshly because he really doesn’t care about me now that I cheated or because he is trying to hurt me as bad as I have hurt him. I messed up by blowing his phone up all day and basically begging him for a second chance. I realized that was not helping at all and he basically said his goodbyes to me through text message. I really want him back and I will do anything to do so. Do you think there is any hope for me? How can I make him see (after the 30 days) that I really am the girl for him?
August 12, 2013 at 2:10 am
Well, if I was cheated on I would still be really mad. It is one of those situations where you really have to step away and let the other person calm down. However, the real question is “why did you cheat on him?” Obviously, he wasn’t giving you something you needed.
August 10, 2013 at 3:38 am
I cheated on my boyfriend. We dated for about a year just talking, he said he didn’t want to make anything official because of all his work he was doing kicking off his career with marketing, his clothing line, acting, and moving to LA. Well he moved to LA and we kept talking, once I told him I had seen other guys he was very upset for a few days as he thought we were only seeing each other (which he admits to never making clear), then I suggested us to be officially together. Bad/good idea. The relationship was fine long distance until the 6th month (when I am moving this month which will be the “7th” month to go to college 15 mins away from his apartment). I told him I cheated. I cried and cried. He knew I was depressed this summer, had a slight drug addiction I was dealing with, having problems with work/finances, having trouble figuring out if my college would still accept me(which they did) because of poor grades, my mom was diagnosed with cancer, and my dad has been verbally abusive most of my life and I’m still living at home. I became extremely depressed, had a few suicide scares, and I didn’t want him to know I was at my worst.. He only had a slight idea. Every time we talked I was hearing how great he was doing and I didn’t want to bring him down. When I told him I cheated on him, these past 4 weeks I’ve been calling, texting, everything constantly. I know I looked desperate. I almost tried to use it to my advantage but that was pointless. He said we’re done and we would maybe talk when I moved down to LA and maybe we’d get back together one day. I had some replies with texts, few phone conversations and that’s about it. Now I’m trying the thirty day rule. I just hope I haven’t broken it. The great thing is I’ve already changed my hair and yes a lot of guys have been after me and he knows this via internet. Other than that I have to just try all your great tips. I just really hope I didn’t ruin my chances, I mean I looked really desperate and would not give him room to breathe for a while.. but he also was there for me when I had some real anxiety attacks he knows I get and was telling me to breathe and calm down, just like he would if we were together. Other than that convos have been him getting angry, feelings he doesn’t want to feel. My plan is to not contact him till after I’m settled into my living place at college and have a good foundation with roommates and friends, school and still going out for fun even if we’re in the same area. Hopefully I’ll be lucky even though I looked so desperate and broke all your rules at first, I mean I still got some good responses from him but for the most part he kept telling me he needed to breathe and I couldn’t let him. But now I am… so only time can tell. What do you think though?
August 11, 2013 at 2:58 am
I am really glad you recognize that being desperate is a turnoff.
I think the only thing that can help in your case is to give him time. It will take a lot of discipline but I think you should give it a try if you really believe in your relationship.
August 7, 2013 at 5:54 am
Almost 3 months ago, my boyfriend of 6 years found out I cheated on him almost a year before. Not trying to make excuses, I was going through a hard time then, dealing with depression and my dad being in and out of rehab and I made some bad decisions. I regretted it immediately and just didn’t want to tell him, which was a huge mistake. He was devastated when he found out, but at the same time he wanted to make things work and made it very clear. I did also, but I was also trying to still deal with my depression and it was hard to put my all into making things right with him. He knew this and said he understood and still wanted to make things work. 3 months later, he found out another thing I lied about, me getting accepted into grad school and hour away from him (I didn’t tell him bc I wasn’t sure if I wanted to go at the time). After that, he was hurt even more that I could still lie to him after everything, but even still he said we could make it work somehow. He did say though that he needed some space to think about things. We still hung out and talked for 2 weeks after that, and then suddenly we didn’t talk for 3 days. I texting him a nice text with no response. I basically went “crazy” and called and texted a million times wanting an explanation for why he was ignoring me but he ended up blocking my number. I want things to work out with him so bad and always thought we would get married…is it too late to get him back? I feel like I’ve ruined any chance by calling and texting so much, but I just didn’t understand the sudden change of heart. He has always been so good at telling me why he’s upset or angry I just didn’t know what to do. Please tell me what I can do at this point to fix things!
August 8, 2013 at 1:57 am
Well, it’s not great that you called and texted too much b/c now he perceives you as desperate and that is not an attractive quality.
What do you think about trying out No Contact for 30 days and evolving during that time?
August 7, 2013 at 6:01 am
Needed to add that it really just isn’t like him to ignore me. He has always been so in love with me and I’ve never questioned it ever. Even after I cheated he said he still wants to be with me forever but I just needed to try to fix things with myself to make things work. I feel like those 3 days he maybe found someone else? But I don’t understand how he could after loving me so much for over 6 years. I wish I had started with the NC rule, but I didn’t. I even emailed him a couple times after he blocked my number. And I feel like that has ruined any chance I have.
August 5, 2013 at 7:10 pm
It was not my intention to hurt him like that but he felt hurt. This has been so hard for me to del with .
August 5, 2013 at 7:04 pm
Well he thinks I cheated but I didn’t in his mind . I was with him for 4 years and it been a month since we broke up we have a son together . I did not cheat on him a couple of time I asked advice from a male friend and he got up set with me. He says he loves me but is not in love with me due to me talking with male friends. It sent him off . Since we broke up he was Intimate 4 times . But he says he wants to be alone . But I want to be with him but he doent want the same thing . Iam very in love with him. I need help
August 5, 2013 at 5:31 pm
So me and my boyfriend have known each other since Freshman year and that is when we started talking too. A year into it, we finally got really serious and shortly after we fell in love. After that, school got in the way especially for me and things have been rough. He’s really overprotective of me and a very stubborn guy, he doesn’t forgive easily. Though I have messed up a couple of times, he still kept me no matter what. We were each others first and I know he loves me alot, especially when things were good. But I messed up big time, and I don’t know how to express my sadness I cannot believe how I out of all people can do such a thing. I cheated on him. And it was a mess. I didn’t have sex with the guy, I just cuddled and held his hand. I think I did it because I felt like my boyfriend (now my ex) didn’t give me enough attention. I did everything I , I stayed and I fought for him, and after a while he took me back. I thought things were going to get better, but 2 months after I cheated on him, he asked for a break and then this break turned into a break up. He tells me he will always love me and that he wants me to leave room for him so just in case he wants to come back. I cried alot and I made a mistake by trying to reason with him and beg to get him back. It was until today that I found this website…even after countless hours and days doing everything I’m not supposed to do, is there still a chance, if I implement the NC rule today? He keeps on telling me to stop talking to him and that he will easily find someone better then me and someone who won’t cheat on him and it really hurts. I’ve seen him a couple of times after the break up and when we were together it feels like nothing has changed but afterwards he still wants space. He says he doesnt know if he wants to be with me or not. He wants me to leave him alone and let him meet other firls before he makes his decision on coming back to me. He still loves and cares for me and he tells me he will always be here for me. But he keeps on blocking me out.Yet when I emphasize that I’m going out and all this stuff he starts questioning me like he still cares. Like saying why? And what are you doing? On the other hand he is extremely stubborn as I mentioned earlier and it seems like he has no none in his body to forgive me. He says it’s not the same since I cheated on him. I honestly don’t even know if he will ever forgive me. He holds grudges forever And he tells me he doesn’t want to be with someone that cheated on him yet he might want to get back together with me. It’s just so confusing and I don’t know where to start or what to do.
August 6, 2013 at 3:28 am
He is really hurt that you cheated on him that is understandable. Give him some time to work through this. His feelings for you are still there but you might be better off doing the NC just to let him come down to earth a little bit.
August 4, 2013 at 7:51 pm
My boyfriend (now ex) have been dating for over 7 years. I cheated on him because I felt I was being ignored by him and I’ve tried talking to him about my feelings and he wouldn’t listen and that led to me cheating on him. We broke up about 4 days ago. It is the hugest mistake I’ve made. I’m going to try the NC rule but I don’t have his number because I had to cancel his phone line. So I would have to email him. He told me he would contact me when he is ready, but I’m afraid that he won’t. I want him back so bad. And it hurts me that I’ve hurt him.
August 5, 2013 at 3:37 am
Email isn’t ideal but in your case I think its what will have to do.
August 5, 2013 at 6:55 pm
Should I try to NC rule or should I just wait out and let him contact me like he said he would?
August 6, 2013 at 3:29 am
Hmm….. I am a believer in the NC rule.
August 3, 2013 at 5:44 pm
I cheated on my boyfriend of over a year, we had moved several times in the year and we gave up everything to start new careers. I was scared and super insecure. I cheated on him a couple times..I feel horrible. I was very emotionally distraught and I wasn’t in a good place when I did it I couldn’t see that he was really trying with me. I thought he had stopped caring. Now he lives in NY and I am moving to Florida. I want to get him back but I know I hurt him so much. I can’t stop thinking about and he’s literally been in every dream of mine for the last month. Going crazy! Help!
August 4, 2013 at 3:15 am
The moving thing can hurt you. But have you tried the NC rule yet?
August 2, 2013 at 2:52 am
I cheated on my boyfriend because I felt neglected like he dident want to make time for me. Then the next day he broke up with me(not knowing I cheated) and told me he wanted to be friends? .. Then after that I had to confess I cheated and I did and he was really angry told me to give him time and after time he found a new girl but told her he still loves me what is going on?
August 3, 2013 at 2:43 am
He still has feelings for you but is really hurt you cheated on him so he is caught in limbo.
August 2, 2013 at 2:58 am
And how do i make him drop this f$#% buddy girl of his for me. How do I make him come back to me. I know he loves me but he acts like he hates me.. He wanted to hangout awhile but then he started ignoring me so what should I do?
August 3, 2013 at 2:44 am
Have you tried the NC rule yet?
July 29, 2013 at 5:18 pm
Me and this guy were off and on for over a year. We dated January 14,2012 we broke up for 8 months and decided to get back together July 27,2012 we broke up August 17 because I cheated on him at a football game with my ex boyfriend. I had lost my grandmother the day before and my mind wasn’t where it should have been. From then on we have went our separate ways. We’ve both dated other people. He is currently in another relationship. We haven’t really talked for 3 months. He messaged me a few months ago and told me he still loved me, but he couldn’t leave his new girlfriend. I’ve done everything to win him back. I’ll do anything to have him back. I just need him to trust me again. PLEASE HELP.
July 30, 2013 at 2:05 am
Ask him out for a one on one hang out.
July 30, 2013 at 2:05 am
Well, the fact is that he is still with the new girlfriend. I think what you need to do is work on creating a bit of attraction within him. Do not cheat with him on the new girl because that is bad karma. However, you are going to have to create enough attraction without cheating so that he wants you back so badly.
July 27, 2013 at 9:29 pm
I cheated on my boyfriend the first week we were dating and kept it a secret from him for 3 months. When I finally decided to tell him he decided to give me a second chance to prove to him that its worth it. I haven’t cheated or ever even thought about cheating on him after I did. Its only been two weeks since I told him and he’s still very upset which I understand. We are long distance and seeing each other in two weeks. I just want to be able to gain his trust back and Im not really sure how to do that long distance. I really want to be with him and I really want to work this out. How do I work this out with him? and how do i get him to trust me?? Help! Help!
Thank you!
July 28, 2013 at 4:30 am
Hi Lauen,
I think you would do well by surprising him in person! Only if you are still dating though.