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1,990 thoughts on “You Want Your Ex Back After Cheating On Him…. Here’s What To Do”

  1. Sweety

    October 16, 2017 at 2:18 pm

    We’ve been together for almost nine years.and next month is our wedding.he found out that I cheated on him last four years ago.and now he told me that he is afraid to love me again.and he don’t trust me anymore.He gonna call off the wedding.I don’t know what to do.but I really want him back.I regret that I cheated on him.I love him so much. I can’t lose him. Please help me

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 17, 2017 at 12:07 am

      Hi Sweety,

      Are you going to try the advice above?

  2. Nicole

    October 10, 2017 at 11:08 pm

    my Boyfriend was wasted and I walked into the bar and he told me to leave because he wanted to get with the girl next to him. After all that I broke up with him nd over time we tried to work on things. It was too hard for me to trust him and forget about it so he ended it with me just this weekend. I got drunk and texted him saying I slept with one of his friends and I snap chatted him me in bed with another guy . He blocked my number and the next day I messaged him on face book and he basically said he hates me. He believes that I didn’t actually get with his friend but he will not forgive me. If I leave him alone do you think there’s any chance of us getting back together again? Our 3 year anniversary is in 2 weeks 🙁 I can’t stop crying and I haven’t got out of bed I have no energy. This boy was my first love but I was not his so this is way harder for me . He was so romantic and sweet and loving and I pushed him away and I want him back so bac

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 11, 2017 at 10:26 am

      Hi Nicole,
      If he believes you didn’t cheat, then yes, you have a chance.. just let him be for now to cool down and go do your own thing to heal..


    October 10, 2017 at 7:51 am

    i cheated my b/friend for no reason,they is a time when i was with him and this other b/friend came at night.i tried to speak to him but he didnt listern,he ended coming inside of the house,he find my boyfriend there he chased out my boyfriend.since then my boyfriend is not talking to me i tried to apologise by sending messages but he is just quiet.what can i do to get him back?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 10, 2017 at 3:19 pm

      Hi Boitumelo,
      Do you want to try the advice above?

  4. Jenna

    September 30, 2017 at 3:39 am

    I cheated on my husband and I completely regret it. We have been together for 13 years and he moved out that night. I only tried getting in touch twice but now I have had no contact with him for over a month. I was thinking of waiting until the end of the year to reach out but I’m afraid he will move on. The guy I saw was an old high school friend and my husband accuses me of always wanting to be with him, that he was in the background but that isn’t true. I just want to know how to reinitiate contact with someone who told me they never wanted to see me again, and then told me that if I got help they might consider going to couple therapy. I’m just confused because he says one thing but his actions say another.

  5. Ashita

    September 29, 2017 at 11:34 am

    Hey..actually I’m in committed relationship from last 9 months and it’s a long distance relationship..i was totally into him but he was like let’s take a break because i could not do anything rather than thinking about him all the time..he wanted me to focus on studies and on myself but i got angry..he used to abuse me sometimes and ignore me as well..but still he cared for me a lot..and this month he asked me for a break and i was angry so i started talking to a guy on Snapchat he is in my college but then we started meeting and spending time with each other and we were attached emotionally..the third guy wanted me to break up with my bf but i didn’t..but i gave him right that i shoul give to my bf..and one day we kissed…i was really ashamed..and then i told my bf about this…he gave me chances..but i lied to him..coz i was afraid…nd now i cut off contact with the other guy..but my bf is treating me very badly…i want our relationship to be back to normal nd i want him to trust me..but he can’t..what should i do?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      September 30, 2017 at 7:31 pm

      Hi Ashita,

      Move on from him..it’s not right to go back to an abusive relationship

  6. Amna

    September 22, 2017 at 11:34 am

    Hey I need help actually I won’t count what u did as I cheated my boy but we were together since 2 years and main importantly v r in a long distance relationship I loved Him a lot I still love him and I always will he lives in Pakistan and I live in Malaysia we met only 4 times physically but the rest our relation wa going online hopping to b together one day what happened was that 1 month back v took a relation break cuz of family issues he told me to take a relation break so that everything will get perfect without families interactions so I got agreed 3 days back he was offline and was not shown at any social networks I was damn worried so I texted one of his freind in order to knw rather he is alright or not his freind told me yo wait and at night his freind msgd me and asked that I got a lot stuff to tell u and I got curious he was like ur boyfriend had shared a lot things and u should knw orelse things will go too late I was like ok hen tell he said not like this send me ur pics I was like ok go through my insta he said no I want pictures which no one else can see accept ur boyfriend I asked him no I can’t do this its fine I don’t want to knw anything he convinced me u have to knw it will b late and bla bla I kept on telling him I can’t I’m loyal to my boy don’t force me but he finally got me doing what he offered I did a video call and showed him what he wanted and then later he told my boyfriend about that and now my boyfriend is damn angry and not contacting me even thought I did not do that from heart I just did that in curiosity yo knw stuff abt my boyfriend I don’t know what to do I’m damn scared of loosing him norms
    Lay we had a lot problems during a these 2 years but he nvr ended supporting me but this time cuz of my silly mistake he is very angry and blocked me from all his social networks I don’t knw what to do plz help me get him back. I really love him and want him to b with me again…

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      September 27, 2017 at 5:42 pm

      Hi Anna,

      just give him time.. maybe a week to cool down..

  7. Maria

    September 12, 2017 at 6:59 pm

    I cheated on my ex with a coworker about a year ago multiple times. He found out a month ago and ended things immediately. I feel horrible for what I’ve done to him. I hate knowing IM the reason hes so broken. In the last month, we have seen eachother and been intimate and drunk together. He says he needs space and blocked me from all my social media. We still have hung out and he told me he is scared to love me again after what I did to him. We tried no contact and I lasted a full week. I’m not sure if this is hopeless or not but I spent almost 4 years with him and I’m not ready to give us up. Sure, as every couple we had our moments and fought and theres things we both want to work on but I don’t want to lose him for good.

  8. shubhanshi

    July 12, 2017 at 4:51 am

    i tried nc with him (for 1 day) but m scared if he will forget me bcz he was saying that don’t contact me so that I can over u.. he says he has no feeling for me but how can his feelings be gone in 1 week? i dont know wat to do.. plss hlp.. i said my story in previous comment..

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      July 14, 2017 at 12:18 pm

  9. shubhanshi

    July 8, 2017 at 3:59 am

    hy chris.. i am in a big problem.. i cheated on my bf but i love him a lot .. i talked to my ex while i was in a relationship with my bf.. the messages that i sent to my ex were lyk i love u, i miss u, etc but i really dont feel for my ex the messages that i sent to my ex were just because i wanted to know that if my ex still feel fr me.. i thot by sending him this fake romantic messages he will accept that he still love me.. also when i got in relationship with my bf.. i always compared my relationship with my ex and which make me to contact my ex but i have ended evrythng with my ex.. i have made my ex clear that i love my bf and those messages were fake.. one day my bf found it.. and he broke up with me.. my bf is not trusting me that i have ended everything my ex… n i did it before my bf caught me.. but he is not believing me.. what should i do? i want him back… please help…plssss

    1. shubhanshi

      July 12, 2017 at 4:53 am

      i tried nc with him (for 1 day) but m scared if he will forget me bcz he was saying that don’t contact me so that I can over u.. he says he has no feeling for me but how can his feelings be gone in 1 week? i dont know wat to do.. plss hlp

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      July 14, 2017 at 12:19 pm

    3. shubhanshi

      July 11, 2017 at 3:39 pm

      yaa i tried nc(for 1 day).. but m scared if he will forget me..because i have done a huge mistake.. n he told me to not to contact him so that he can forget me.. n i m scared if i do so.. he will forget me..n he is also saying that he has no feeling for me but how could his feelings be gone in a week? plss help… wat should i do

    4. EBR Team Member: Amor

      July 14, 2017 at 12:18 pm

    5. shubhanshi

      July 11, 2017 at 11:38 am

      i started nc but i fear that he will forget me and move on because i did a huge mistake.. he said me that don’t contact me… i can easily forget u.. n he says that he has no feeling for me.. how can his feelings be gone in 2 days? i fear if i dont contact.. i will loose him… plss help me… i literally love him a lot.. plss

    6. EBR Team Member: Amor

      July 14, 2017 at 12:18 pm

    7. EBR Team Member: Amor

      July 9, 2017 at 6:37 pm

      Hi Shubhanshi
      Are you going to do the advice above?

  10. Amber

    June 27, 2017 at 8:54 am

    I met my BF at the end of my relationship with my children’s father I fought my attraction for him for 6 months bf i gave in….yes I cheated on my kids dad but when he found out I broke it off and became committed to my BF which he knew I had been with my kids dad. I lived with my kids dad for 2 years in seperate rooms bc I did not have the funds to leave and he kept losing a job and felt that it would look bad to my kids to kick him out..my Bf cheated on me multiple times lying to my face… I forgave him…i then became pregnant with twins and we decided on an abortion bc it would be best for him…i then found out when I had the abortion he was talking to get another female. He then left me and went into a relationship with her. Telling me it meant nothing he cared about me and etc. He promised he would not move in and did with her. I moved out and got my own place and one night my ex my kids dad came to my home banging on my windows and etc while me and my BF were sleeping…. my BF went out there and ended up fighting him…i tried to stop it bc I thought he would kill him…he has always held that against me. I found out I was pregnant again and I ended up misscarrying. It hurt me alot. He continued to live where he was at with this female and doing things with her. Saying he loved me and was using her. He promised he would not get her pregnant bc I kept warning him she was trying and he didn’t even have the courage to tell me he did. I found out when she was 4 months on fb she was pregnant. He said he was hoping she would miscarry. He still stayed with her living there but they were no longer in a relationship. He has 3 other kids by 2 different women and he said my home was not safe due to my kids father. He had the baby on the anniversary of my misscarrage and it destroyed me. Yes he was becoming more committed to me but I was still mistrusting him. I had gone to get my daughters blanket from my ex and he shoved everything in my face. He then tried to have sex with me I fought at first then gave in. What I didn’t know is he recorded it. I regreted doing it and he tried again and I stopped him. He then was threatening not to do stuff with the kids he promised and kept asking for pics. So I sent a couple of naked pics to stop him from doing that and to smooth things over and then I stopped completely. It happens all in less than a weeks time. I regretted what I had done and I felt awful bc I love my BF and realized I needed to get over him having a baby and I did not want to lose him. I never repeated. For the next 10 months we grew as a couple becoming official to everyone. He was faithful to me opened up completely, I went to Mexico to meet his family and have a vacation. We discussed marriage which he has never wanted with anyone before even made a date. We decided to move in together. We signed a lease and were waiting to make the deposit. Then my ex contacted his mother of his child and then him saying I had been sleeping with him the entire time. He then produced screen shots of the video of us together I had no idea about and the few pics I had sent him. My bf blocked me from everything but the phone. Took me off fb, fitbit, Tumblr, Snapchat everything. He canceled our lease. He first was so mean and degrading. Then he said he would give me a chance bc he feels he owes me one. But feels he can never forgive me and is mad that he had finally got excited and now he was hurt. And let down. He doesn’t know what I can do for him to forgive me bc he has never done that before. He keeps grudges and doe snt forget and stays angry. What can I do? He is giving me a chance and talks to me everyday all day and will answer when I call. But says he can’t be around me and the feelings of sadness have gone and now he is just angry and doe snt know how to get over. He came over to even talk and he had sex with me which he said he couildnt do. He then said he didn’t want to didn’t want it but it happened. Then later said it seemed like I needed it. He cuddles when we are sleeping to get her kissing me on the forehead, he only has slept at my house 2x in the past month since it all came out. I don’t know what to do. I bought the pro thing on here but not sure if that would work in my situation. He is attractive and people are already trying to hook him up and he used to be such a player. He says he cares about me and the kids but 80% of him wants to leave and not look back and 20% says he owes me a chance. I’ve invested 5 years in him. I was faithful for 4 years and I messed up for one week and never repeated he says it doe snt matter I have been faithful for the past 10months. What can I do?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      June 29, 2017 at 4:13 pm

      It’s a toxic relationship, you should move on from him..

  11. Jessica

    June 23, 2017 at 5:23 am

    Hi, I kissed another guy while I was out one night very drunk, I do not remember it at all and it meant absolutely nothing and I would take it back if I could. My boyfriend broke up with me but we got back together after a few days. He then broke up with me again, while we weren’t together he told me he didn’t want me to drink or go out anymore so I didn’t but then him and his friend came over and he kept trying to make me drink so I just did to make him happy. We ended up not partying and just going to bed together and he kept telling me he loved me. The next night we both went out and had an argument over text and he smashed his phone but then messaged me off my laptop telling em he was at mine and that he wants me to go back as well so I did when I got back to mine we got back together again and everything was fine for a week and then he broke up with me again. He told me he loves me and misses me but I found out that night that he was saying that to me he was with another girl kissing her and dancing with her (his friend recorded it and posted it online). I got upset when I found out so I went out with my friends and stupidly kissed another boy. The next day my ex denied even kissing another girl even though it had been recorded and made me feel horrible for kissing somebody else he then told me he doesn’t see us being together right now but maybe in the future and told me he is still in love with me and wishes he could speak to me everyday but he just can’t. I was upset and begged him to stay but he just said as hard it is for him he just can’t. I then thought about it over night and messaged him telling him I agree with him and that we shouldn’t be together and when he responded I didn’t reply. He then blocked me but unblocked me after about three days. I haven’t spoken to him since (it has been 19 days) he wished me a happy birthday and that he hopes I had a great day but I did not reply (I hope that was the right thing to do) I still want him back and have been improving myself I haven’t been drinking and I have started yoga and exercising and I’m feeling a lot better about myself. I know I can live without him but I do believe he is my soulmate and want nothing more than to get him back. Do you think that what I have been doing is going to make my chances of us getting back together higher ?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      June 23, 2017 at 9:32 pm

      It looks like you’re doing everything right as much as you can, just don’t stop improving yourself even after nc, while slowly building rapport. So, yes, you have a higher chance if you keep doing that.

  12. Mirem

    June 19, 2017 at 6:05 am

    I’ve been broken up with my ex for over a year now and we were good friends. We always figured we’d one day get back together (we broke up cause I felt he wasn’t driven enough in life) and we often told each other we still love each other (two nights ago was the last time we said it).
    To handle the breakup (cause initially we didn’t speak at all and I was crushed even though I ended things) I rebounded a few times. I’d End each rebound relationship when my feelings would start and find another one (I’m a virgin so no sex but making out was present). It was how i coped but it meant i never got over him.
    My last rebound however, was a friend of his (2 months ago). I caught feelings (i think i fell hard but i initiated a one year Nc cause i dont ever want him back in my life even if he wasn’t a bad guy. Maybe we will be friends in 2018) and we ended things (He even got a gf a few days after. That stung but there ya go). My ex found out today and said that was unforgivable (He knew about my other rebounds and didn’t care)… he said I lied to him (I think he thinks our fling is still going on) cause he’d asked once and I DID lie cause I knew it would hurt him (though at the time it was already over with the rebound).
    I want my ex back (officially, even if he isn’t driven careerwise) but the situation is not very… standard.
    I apologized (that IS his friend and it was wrong of me) and NC begins tomorrow.
    I need to know if the correct plan is the one meant for a situation where I cheated because I think that’s how it feels to him.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      June 22, 2017 at 2:39 pm

      Yup you’re right..approach it like that

  13. Lucy

    June 5, 2017 at 11:43 am

    I Cheated on my boyfriend, and ryt now he is so mad at me, he calls me all kind of names and am hurting so much.

    I know i have terribly hurt him because he really loved me though he rarely admitted it to me.

    Am now regrating what i did, am trying to talk to him but he doesn’t want to talk to me..he is asking for sometime to heal and also find a girl who will love him.

    Am scared of giving him time to heal and maybe end up moving on.

    Am so scared of losing him

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      June 7, 2017 at 5:05 pm

      Hi lucy,

      are you going to try the advice above?

  14. Jessica

    April 26, 2017 at 9:08 pm

    I really need advice please.
    My boyfriend and I of 6yrs recently broke up because I cheated on him due to our lack of communication, which now I realize. He is extremely mad and said that he loves me but doesn’t know how to get passed it. He said he needed time to just do him. I didn’t listen & kept trying to talk to him and he said I was making him bitter towards me. So I stepped back & would text him a “hi, hope you’re doing well. I love you & miss you” every now & then. But then I found out that after a few weeks of us breaking up, he started dating an older woman. I flipped out & now he’s really mad. I’m not sure what to do. I know he still loves me but is just very mad & hurt right now. I’m concerned that he might move on but then again the woman is everything that he said he would never date, much older with kids. I’m hoping it’s a rebound, but I’m still scared. What should I do? Before this happened, we were talking about getting married and having kids.
    Also, I’ve completely cut that other guy out of my life.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 29, 2017 at 10:30 pm

      that’s good that you’ve cut contact with the other guy.. are you going to do the other advice above?

  15. Jessica

    April 26, 2017 at 9:05 pm

    I really need advice please.
    My boyfriend and I of 6yrs recently broke up because I cheated on him due to our lack of communication, which now I realize. He is extremely mad and said that he loves me but doesn’t know how to get passed it. He said he needed time to just do him. I didn’t listen & kept trying to talk to him and he said I was making him bitter towards me. So I stepped back & would text him a “hi, hope you’re doing well. I love you & miss you” every now & then. But then I found out that after a few weeks of us breaking up, he started dating an older woman. I flipped out & now he’s really mad. I’m not sure what to do. I know he still loves me but is just very mad & hurt right now. I’m concerned that he might move on but then again the woman is everything that he said he would never date, much older with kids. I’m hoping it’s a rebound, but I’m still scared. What should I do? Before this happened, we were talking about getting married and having kids.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 29, 2017 at 10:30 pm

      that’s good that you’ve cut contact with the other guy.. are you going to do the other advice above?

  16. Amanda

    April 26, 2017 at 3:45 pm

    Hello….i just got over a bad breakup with my fiancee we’ve been together 7 years…i cheated on him I’m twice…words can’t describe how I feel about it pretty disgusted and terrible…we have a little girl together. Nobody can take back a mistake like this but he hasn’t talked to me and won’t even if I ask about our little girl…i know he’s hurting badly because of what I did and Its killing me inside and I don’t what to do but to just back off…theres a past where he’s treated me badly mentally and physically. But I guess what pushed me to cheat he never done anything with me or hardly paid attention to me and it just went from there…i love him more than anything and I want my family back I’ll do whatever it takes I’m tore up about what I have done and going to doctor about all this because I can’t sleep I can’t hardly eat my insides are hurting but I can’t begin to know how he feels I want to take his pain away but I want to want me again and trust me. I’m a good girl I’ve just slipped up and made a terrible mistake and I can’t forgive myself….please help me 🙁

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 29, 2017 at 10:26 pm

      do you want to try advice above?

  17. Jenny

    April 19, 2017 at 12:13 pm

    I dated a guy for 3 years and most of the time we were in the long distance relationship. I cheated on him for a year but I and that guy were friends at first and then well, I made a mistake while my ex was away. (It was on and off) Before me and my ex reunited, I made sure that me and that guy were friends and I didn’t do anything with that guy since my ex came back. But me and my ex had a fight from time to time and broke up for other reasons. my ex mentioned about being friends and fwb but I said no. So we were taking a few weeks not contacting each other at all. but after a while he found out about that I cheated on with that guy and that the guy I cheated on with was a player. (at that time, me and that guy were just friends since i broke up with him as well before my ex came back). my ex was so mad but didn’t want me to be back with such a bad guy saying that he would be there as my friend when I need him. he said he doesn’t want to be in the relationship with me even though we were serious.. like we know each other’s family, friends and even cousins. we are chatting now as friends… (and he said he has the right to hang out with other girls.. since he is single now) do you think there is any chances that we can be back together?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 25, 2017 at 10:02 pm

      you have to cut ties with the other guy and try the no contact rule

  18. Dcoy

    April 13, 2017 at 9:46 pm

    Can someone help me please

    1. Dcoy

      April 13, 2017 at 9:48 pm

      Like serious help?

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 16, 2017 at 7:08 am

      how may we help you Dcoy?

  19. Monika

    April 1, 2017 at 4:16 am

    Hi, i have cheated my bf of 8 years for another guy because my bf didn’t gave me time i felt ignored n alone so i got company of this another guy who has no interest in my but i cant confess all this things to my bf because he is so strict he will mai dead while i will b alive i don’t want to share this all things with him but i want to forget all this what i have did to him he become a habit of mine now i have broken all those things with him i just want to start everything fresh with my bf without confessing what i did because he will leave me n i cant live without him please advice

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 2, 2017 at 5:00 pm

      Hi Monika,

      do you want to follow the advice above?

  20. Sarah

    April 1, 2017 at 1:28 am

    I was dating my ex boyfriend for 4 months and I cheated on him by sending another ex a nude. My ex boyfriend knew I was talking to my pervious ex and warned me it was either all him or he’d end it. When he found out I cheated he was devastated and I tried to convince him to take me back but he just wanted to be friends. We remained friends for about a month and he’d flirt with me sometimes but then change his mind later and then he’d flirt again other days. We’d still hold hands and hug sometimes and people thought we were back together but we were just friends. He would also still tell me he loves me and stuff like that. However one week before he got his new girlfriend he said he didn’t want to flirt anymore saying it’ll just be harder to move on and he also thought I was wanting attention from other guys and didn’t want to be part of that. So then he wins this school competition and was really happy I went to see him perform and was saying I was a very important person to him. So this girl asks me at that night if I was still with him and I’m like no we’re just friends. And this was on a Friday. So on Monday I wanted to hang out with my ex at lunch because he no longer had dance practice and he’s like I’m hanging out with someone else tho. And I was like a girl? And he’s like yes Im talking to someone I’m sorry. He did tell me over text he was really into her and he always wanted to hang out with her. I found this strange because when I was telling him about his one guy he got mad and told the guy I was his girl so he’d fuck off. He said he was protecting me from him. But anyways my ex boyfriend is now with this girl and said he no longer has feelings for me anymore. I find it really strange how fast he got into this relationship like they literally talked for one week at school and now they’re a couple. Like when we got together it took us at least 2-3 weeks of talking. To me it seems like he really rushed into it. And the girl is like the total opposite of me. I don’t mean to be rude but she’s like a hoe. Like she really doesn’t seem like she’d have much in common with him. I’m trying not to let him know I’m mad about him being with someone else because I don’t want to ruin my chances of getting him back. However I did ask about the girl to her friends and she found out and told me to stop and said if I have something to say ask her instead. Also she said it was none of my business and said she really likes my ex boyfriend and cares about him as well. My ex boyfriend also told me to stop asking questions. I mean he’s not like mad at me we’re still cool it’s just been hard to not text him. I really don’t know what to do I just want him back so bad and it kills me seeing them together and even thinking ab him doing stuff he did with me with her. And I truly believe we really loved each other before I cheated. We did so many things together and he told me I was the first girl he ever said I love you to and he would tell me everyday and I know he meant it. I just don’t understand how could he move on so fast.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 2, 2017 at 3:29 pm

      Hi Sarah,

      do you want to try the advice above?

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