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September 8, 2015 at 5:33 pm
I broke up with my boyfriend four years ago. We were going our separate ways until he initiated contact early last year when we were in the same country. He has moved to another country and will be back early next year. We have been communicating regularly over the phone since he left, however have not progressed in our current ‘friendly’ relationship in any way. Does he want me back?
August 27, 2015 at 11:27 pm
Should I proceed with the texting as the article describes and just ignore that I still have some of his stuff? (He asked me to return it when I ended things.)
Chris Seiter
September 2, 2015 at 3:15 am
You can return his things. That does not violate the no contact rule as long as you make it quick.
August 26, 2015 at 4:45 pm
I broke up with my long-term boyfriend after he spent time alone with another young woman in a date-like setting. A few days before the break up, I ignored his texts asking me what was wrong. After ignoring his texts for a few days he texted me, assuming we were breaking up. I finally told him he had hurt me, and I broke up with him. After thirty days of no contact, I realize I would like another chance at this relationship. (He has not contacted me at all during the month.) The thing is I still have some of his belongings (which I said I would return when I was ready), and I am not sure what to do in terms of timing and how to initiate contact.
August 26, 2015 at 11:35 pm
Should I proceed with the texting as the article describes and just ignore that I still have some of his stuff? (He asked me to return it when I ended things.)
Chris Seiter
September 1, 2015 at 10:41 pm
The only time you can break no contact is to return his stuff or get your stuff.
Chris Seiter
August 26, 2015 at 10:15 pm
Read the post on using text messages to get your ex back. That should help.
August 24, 2015 at 5:32 am
please help me,i want to win back my exboyfriend ryan.i broked up with him last june 4.i still love him.please help me.please,,
Chris Seiter
August 24, 2015 at 5:23 pm
What happened?
-Time you were together
-brief situation
-why you broke up
June 11, 2015 at 1:09 am
Hi Chris,
I broke up with my ex about 4 years ago. The reasons were many and complicated but mainly distance and family issues. Now after 4 years after breaking up we’re finally both living in the same city (London) and we’re both around the same circle of friends from Uni.
He was my first love but with time we learned to be friends. He though sends me mixed signals and I don’t know how to feel about it. He said that we’re history and he’s happy to be my friend but then at any drunken occasion he tells me what an amazing time we had together and that he’ll always love me.
I’m dating someone at the moment but I still have strong feelings for him which now I’m scared to express. I love him, I always had. Breaking up with him was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I want him back but I’m afraid of jeopardize the friendship we had established.
How can I expose my feelings and getting him back without ruin everything?
I could really use some friendly advise…
Thanks a lot
Sandra Mari
October 26, 2015 at 8:58 pm
hope you are now with him?
June 8, 2015 at 11:33 am
me and this guy were causally dating but during our relationship i was always a bit hot and cold with him because i have trust issues and i had liked him before and he kinda always rejected me as such. Anyways i started to drift because another guy started to show interest in me when i left my ex it took a while but i realized it was the stupidest thing i have ever done. He was perfect he was always so good to me and i was off and on. It has been about three months now and he has a new girlfriend i haven’t seen him properly in a while and we have had a few causal conversations on text he seems really dis interested and i don’t know what to do is it too late?
May 30, 2015 at 5:57 pm
Hi Chris,
So, about 3 weeks ago now I called off my engagement after feeling like doing it for a couple months. It was the hardest decision I ever had to make, but I knew there was a lot of growth needed in both of us before a wedding could take place. He took it as a break-up, but I just wanted to call off the engagement and work on us to see if marriage was truly in the cards for us. I have some major insecurity issues due to stuff with us in the past. (no cheating) but some of the other women in his life. He’s pretty controlled by his sisters and can’t really make decisions for himself and that was one of our bigger issues. There was always a 3rd party involved with our personal stuff and that really bothered me. He also was verbally abusive when he drank. When he was sober things were perfect. So I thought walking away would be the catalyst to help him move on from the drinking phase of his life and start living life for himself and not how others want him too.
Well two weeks after calling it off, I decided that I couldn’t take it anymore and I drove over to his house to apologize and say I’m sorry for it all and that I made a mistake. Well, I walked in to find a girls overnight bag, clothes, shoes, toothbrush, etc. He wasn’t home and I LOST it. I took a picture of what a saw and texted him saying “looks you’re sure having a hard time coping with this break-up” (which is what he told me a few days prior) He first response was that it was his cousin, but I saw on her BC pack that it was a girl he had been snap chatting with two days after we separated. He said “you do not know my feelings at all if you think I would be sleeping with someone” and he insisted nothing happened. His dad also called me that same day insisting that nothing happened either and how much his son loves me. His sister also texted me reiterating the same information. I later found she was a family friend and was staying there for the weekend. Still doesn’t sit right with me, but i did break up with him so he is free to do what he wants. And I would’ve known if he was talking to her before the split because he always gave me his phone and had nothing to hide.
I met up with him 5 days ago and we talked about it all. He looked me right in the eye and said nothing happened. That he too has been sick to his stomach since this all happened and couldn’t even think about being with someone else. Whether it was a truth or lie it’s out of my control and all I can do is take his words for face value. I really wanted him back an asked to give it one more shot but he wasn’t for it. In those two weeks he realized how unhappy we both were in the relationship and wants to take this time to work on himself. He said he’s not going to go looking for anyone else and that he’s going to go looking for himself and he hopes I’m a part of his future. Although, I don’t know if he was just saying that to spare me my feelings in the moment because I was emotional. Not bawling, but visibly upset. He thought if we got back together in that moment that it would b good for a week and we would go right back to how we were, and he’s not wrong. I just miss him so much and I really do want him back. We wouldn’t he to go right back to being engaged either, just a couple and start over.
I’m driving myself crazy wondering what he’s doing or who he is texting but at this point it’s none of my business unfortunately. I’m going into NC mode now and probably going home for the summer to stay with my parents (which is in another state) I feel like that is going to help me a lot to not be in the same town as him and risk running into him. It all just hurts too bad and gives me intense anxiety. I can’t help but think if he really loved me like he said ( I mean he asked to MARRY me) he would’ve fought for me and gave it one more shot. So, that is whats killing me right now. I’ve unfollowed him on social media and that has helped a little, but I want him back more than ever. I’m on that line of moving forward with my life or waiting around for something that may never happen. I know he loves me more than anything but clearly just love isn’t enough. 🙁
May 23, 2015 at 10:51 am
Ok so me and my boyfriend broke up after 5 weeks of being together and we have dated 3 times
1) 2014
2) 2015
3) 2015
He is the same size as me and is a month younger. But it’s a typical high school relationship. We are in S5 and I don’t want to lose him.. I’m worried we might be on and off.. I mean.. He calls me a queen he tells me I’m hot all the time he held me close to him all the time and when his best friend was being a dick about me.. He went up to him and knocked him out (nearly got expelled. Whoops) anyways all I want is him back.. I don’t know if he will take me back for a fourth time round. He is in all my classes and he sits at the opposite desk from me. My best friend always notices me day dreaming or looking at him during class. I love to fantasise that we are back together.
I love him
I love the way he treats me
I love the way he holds me
I love it all so much!! My ex best friend has been trying to get him though. She is a nasty girl and she dated him once but he wanted to cheat on her with me.. I told him I will break up with her for him instead and we started going out again. She thought I stole him so she tried to steal him back.. He didn’t want her and she has tried to kiss him on 4 separate occasions. I’m sick to death of her and I want him back before its to late
Chris Seiter
June 1, 2015 at 10:11 pm
Did he actually cheat though?
May 15, 2015 at 7:34 am
I broke up with him over a year ago. We talk and hang out occasionally. Breaking up was the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but I felt he needed it to mature and grow, both professionally and on a personal level. He’s grown up a lot. I’ve never stopped loving him. Has it been too long for your method to work?
Chris Seiter
May 19, 2015 at 5:34 pm
I am not sure NC will work too great. Maybe shorten it to 14 days in this case.
May 12, 2015 at 11:19 am
I broke up with my boyfriend a few months ago, I still love him but I don’t see there is a future for us with the way behaves towards me. After a few weeks I decided to cut off all contact with him. He continued to text, call and leave me messages, he even showed up at my house for my family to tell him that I thought it was best not to see him. A month of no contact from him and then he emailed me (he said he had deleted my number) to say that he knows he shouldn’t contact me but he really wished he could cuddle me. I was feeling weak and so I responded to say that I would like that too. He then bombarded me with messages to say he wanted me back/had changed etc etc. He was trying to force me to make a decision about getting back together and so then I told him I could do it. I haven’t heard from him since. It really hurts, I miss him and I do still love him and I am contemplating trying to give it another try with him. All my friends and family think I am crazy and/or selfish and I only want him back to try and make myself feel better. I really don’t know what to do.
May 23, 2015 at 10:36 am
Go with what your heart says. Think before you do anything cause it might be a mistake 🙂
Chris Seiter
May 12, 2015 at 1:26 pm
Have you read my article on disapproving friends or family?
May 11, 2015 at 4:30 pm
Okay so, my ex and I dated for a year and a half, he was in the Marines and everything was wonderful. I’d never been so happy and thinking back now I haven’t been that happy since we broke up. We broke up when he was deployed to Japan (I know I’m awful I’m sorry!) we were fine for the first half of the deployment, but then he started being angry ALL the time, taking all of his anger out on me, and telling me that I wasn’t trying anymore. Meanwhile I’m back here at home trying my very hardest to make him feel better and fix things but he would just shoot me down whenever I tried, so when he told me I wasn’t trying it really hurt. I was so hurt and broken and resentful for him making me feel that way, I just couldn’t do it anymore. I felt trapped between a rock and a hard place. I broke up with him and he tried to convince me otherwise, but at that point I was so beyond being talked to because he hadn’t listened to me leading up to it. It’s now been almost 2 years since we broke up (I came to a complete realization a year ago that I messed up big time and my heart is just all sorts of twisted now) and I don’t know how to get a second chance. I want one more than anything else in the world. But when we broke up he walled off his heart, and I don’t know if he’d give me that second chance anymore… We still talk, and we get along, he knows I still love him, I just really need another chance.
Please help
May 9, 2015 at 4:29 am
There’s more people like him get over it
May 8, 2015 at 2:11 pm
About a month ago I broke up with my boyfriend by telling him I was going to leave him for one of my exes…. It was the most stupid thing I have ever done. Still to this day I have no idea why I said it. Right after the words came out of my mouth I tried to take them back. I never wanted to leave, I’m madly in love with him. We had been dating just over a year and a half. He said awful things to me which I can understand because he was really hurt and upset. So right after we broke up I went and hungout with my best friend and got drunk at a bar. I was bawling and just couldn’t stop thinking about what I had done and that I lost him. And that I wanted him back bad. I need him. I kept drinking more and more that night to try to forget everything. And then I ended up sleeping with a guy I didn’t really know. A couple days later my ex asked if I wanted to sleep with him…… I was so utterly confused but of course I said yes. And I loved it. He asked me if I had been with someone else and I didn’t say anything. Later when I was home he texted me asking again. I told him the truth and that sleeping with that guy meant absolutely nothing to me. And I told him that I love him more than anything and I did it because I thought we were done forever and (bad excuse) because I was wasted. He was so pissed and told me horrible things again. I know I deserved to be told the things he said. All I want is to have him back. We both still love each other and we still talk, trying to work things out kind of, I mean I’m trying but sometimes I wonder if he really is too. He has even asked if I would mind if he moved back in and I told him nothing would make me happier. We had slept together a second time and after that was when we started talking again. I don’t know how I could have been such a horrible person to him when he has been nothing but faithful to me. All I want is for him to come home, and I just want us to spend our lives together. I promised him I would love him forever and I will never break that promise. I can’t go a day without crying and hating myself. I can’t even go a night at work without crying. He is my everything. My life. My joy. My reason to wake up in the morning. My ray of sun light. My lover. My man. My booty(his nickname). I want to be in his arms again and never leave. I love him with all of my heart. He’s the best person I’ve ever had in my life. I just don’t want to completely lose him… I’m an awful person for what I did and I admit that. I wish I was able to erase the pain I caused him. I want to hold him and make everything okay again. He truly is amazingly wonderful.
June 13, 2015 at 12:13 pm
So u good I have a boy frann he was cheating with me and when he asked her out she said he’s but she said she don’t like him Thats doesn’t make any since but I wonder can I get him back
May 23, 2015 at 10:43 am
Aw that’s heart breaking to hear! I hope he does come back to you, but if he doesn’t take you back after a third time of trying maybe he’s not worth it, but you can go 1 way or another
1) you can try Three times and if all fails try to find someone else (very difficult)
2) Try Try Again!
Never give up!
May 6, 2015 at 5:12 pm
Hello Chris,
So I broke up with my boyfriend, about 7 months ago. We were together for almost a year, and living together. The environment we were living in caused us a lot of stress and fighting. I became so tired of the fighting an that fact that I felt he wasnt doing his fair share of paying our bills. I moved out and I told him I wanted to take a 6 month break and then reavluate things after. I tried to stay strong and keep my distance in that time, and for the most part I did. Even though I missed him terribly. An all 5 1/2 months he begged for the break to end and us to get back together. Once in a while I would slip up and go see him and we would sleep together, or if he was hurt or needed help I was there. Untill the last 2 weeks of our 6 month break. He called an told me he got hurt and he needed me. My friends persuaded me not to go. I didnt, the next day I find out he moved back home about 600 miles away to heal. The 6 month marker had came 2 weeks later. I drove down to go to a music festival that I knew he planned to be at as well. I was working the event and before I could even see my ex, my friend came up and told me my ex and his ex seem to have gotten together. My heart sank!!! After my shift I went to look gor my ex. I found him and he swung me around in his arms. We hung out the whole night, he told me he loved me, and that he stocks my facebook all the time. That since he has been living back home he been hanging out with this girl ( which he made seem as his friend) he told me thatshe gets upset cause all he does is talk about me. I was happy our love didnt seem to fade.
A few days later I went to his moms house were he is staying to talk about our 6 month marker and that I wanna try things again. I come over to find that hehas been ssleeping with this girl he has been hanging out with the last 2 weeks he has been gone back home. I got very upset, but wanted to talk and so we hang out for two days.. he told me she wasnt his girl friend and he could never date her. That he didnt want any girlfriend but to work on him self. We had so much fun with eachother those two days. We went to the beach, and played around like the good old times, we could still read each others minds and finnish eachothers sentences. I spent the night at his house with him for those two days.. we slept together multiple times and we started twlling each other we love each other. Right before I had to drive 600 miles back home. He told me he is scared to be together again but that we have so much love for each other so We made a plan to get back together and move back in together. He kissed me good bye. Hour later he messaged me and said ” babe it was so good to see you, I miss you already”. He told me that he needs to tell hos mom he is leaving and wait to get his phone in the mail and then he will head my way. Three hours later he messages me, he says that we are not gonna get back together and that he is not gonna move back in with me, and that he has to give this girl h has been seeing the last two weeks a chance at a relationship. It creeps me out too because she is the same age as me and born on the exact same day as me. I feel he is just scared we are gonna have problems again. I understand cause I am too, however I have learned a lot from pur break and I know our problems and how we can communicate better, and a lot of it was his sobriety and unwilling to have a job. I feel he has grown up and made those improvements and I think we deserve a second chance. It hurts me that he would share his improvements we worked on together with someone else.. after almost 6 months of telling me he would do everything to prove to me he can treat me better and be a better man. After our whole break wanna each other back. I feel it is my fault that if I was just there for him when he for hurt, we would be back together again. He told me that moment he thought I had given up. I wish I ened our break early.
I also made a hug jealous mistake of messaging his new gf. And telling her that the same night he asked her out, he an I slept together and made a plan to get back together… cause if I were here that would be a red flag to me. To me they are in a rebound relationship. Ever since making that jealous contact with him and her. I have kept distance for almost a whole month. Im hopeing to win him over. Do you think I have any hope?.. I cant stop thinking about him, or dreaming about him. I miss him so much, an love him so much. I dont know if im wasting my time. I feel I need to give this my all. The last month an half I have gone on other dates, iv tried to move on with other men, an it doesnt feel right. If its months from now or even a year or two he has my heart and he is the only man I wanna be with. I wanna do everything I can to get him back. If it doesnt work I will just hope the future will be different, an till then just focus on myself, bettering myself and being single.
Thank you for much for your time and any advice you might have!
– Karina
April 30, 2015 at 3:55 am
Hi my name is Caitlin. Ok, so it all started out when I saw this really cute boy named Thomas. After a few weeks, I got my friends to ask him out for me. He said yes. I was stupid to break up with him suet about six months. So, I asked him out again and he said yes. He would always open the door for me and he was so sweet. But I felt like I needed some space. I told him I was breaking up with him AGAIN. Now he hates me. I got my brother to ask him if he still liked me. He said no. He won’t even talk to me. Will you please help me get him back?
April 13, 2015 at 11:33 pm
I got back with my ex boyfriend about 6 months ago. He broke up with me last summer because he knew I wanted to be married at some point in my life. As he stated I cant give you what you want so he broke up with me last summer. About 6 months ago he contacts me we talk and went out to dinner. He told me he was wrong for leaving me and that he wanted to marry me. To please give him one more chance which I did. For a few months he would ask what kind of ring do you want? Me in response was bubble gum machine is good with me. Im not a material girl at all. He would state things like we will be engaged soon . I heared this for a few months. Then it came to not hearing it at all. It really hurt me. I asked him about why he stopped talking about it and when is it going to happen? His response was ” you dont need to know everything” I felt used.. I then began to push myself away do to the fact he hurt my really bad before and it seemed It was going to happen again. To promise me a ring “soon” for months to nothing. A part of me still holds anger for him walking out on me last summer. I gave it my best shot to trust in his words this time. As they have just been words no proof behind them. He is comfy with the way things are.. Me here him there. Him staying with me almost everynight etc, He is a very stubborn man that veiws his side only He states its hard for him to see peoples views but his own. When we fight he will not contact me for days or weeks. I blew up a few days ago and told him I missed the attention that we were lacking and I wanted things to be like they were when we got back together. Mind you Im not bashing him as he was better with alot of things. Im the one that pushed this time. In the heat of the argument he said I was crazy I needed help etc. All because I felt like other things came before me such as his phone or his house . I told him that it wasnt funny and to stop thinking it was . So I told him to leave. Leave my key as well.. Before he walked out I did ask him to stay heck I can say I begged.. His response was Im giving you what you want so he walked out. I felt bad about it as I did text and asked if he would come back. His response was ” Im ***** mad Im going home. I then called left a message to call me please.. Still nothing. I sent a message and said I was sorry and to please call me,… Nothing at all from him. I understand I upset him. I know I messed up. I should of never told him to leave. To be honest he did not treat me bad he did pay attention to me when he was around and most of the time he would come on to me first whether it was a kiss hug text anything . I held alot of hope and trust in his words about engagement marrage etc. When none of that happend I started to give up. Im not sure what to do yes I messed up by telling him to leave. I really didnt want him too as I did tell him as he walked out the door. Im just not to sure if he will ever speak to me again. I know no contact is a start and I have not tried to contact him sence the text above I stated. I think in my heart I convienced myself that if he really wanted to be engaged to me like he said when we got back together that he would of by now . To speak those words ment so much to me but even 6 months later I gave up hope on it. Thats when I turned as a whatever person. I do love him but kind of dislike him too . Im not sure what to do. Maybe I was just wishing on the dream of spending the rest of my life with him that I was told I was going to have. He is the type of person that if he feels he has done nothing wrong he will not try to view others sides at all. Its pretty disturbing. As Im different and will listen and view his point…
April 12, 2015 at 4:38 pm
Hey Chris. Okay so here’s the thing;
Last year in February we were together for a year. I got in a relationship with this really amazing guy, everything was going smoothly, my parents liked him but shortly after things turned bitter. My mum started to say things about my boyfriend at first they wouldn’t be that important they would just be little digs, like this one time because he was slow at replying she said to me ‘That doesn’t look good does it? You not hearing from him yet.’ And things like that but it they got worse..she even said to me that he liked one of my friends one time who he had only just met when me and him came home from a concert with one of my friends (who was a girl) of course I told him what had been said (it wasn’t right to keep it from him) and he told me straight away that what she said was rubbish! My dad and family got along really well with him, and my dad even saw him as his own son. Me and him broke up this week (Monday) due to her, she would always manipulate me and try to put doubts in my head. Basically me and him couldn’t cope with the grief she was giving us and we could never get a break from her, she pushed us in a corner and we broke up. On that day she was smug as hell about it. She said ‘I knew this would happen.’ And made it seem a joke. Of course she was smug because it was her fault. He sent me a text saying he couldn’t do it because she would never change. But they say fight for what you love right? So I am. She took my happiness away with him and I want it back. I just want him back so much you have no idea. If you can help me get him back you would be one hell of a lifesaver. I can’t live without him..he’s everything to me. Please help.
~Heartbroken, upset and confused by not knowing what else to do..
April 11, 2015 at 6:37 pm
Hey Chris. Okay so here’s the thing;
Last year in February I got in a relationship with this really amazing guy, everything was going smoothly, my parents liked him but shortly after things turned bitter. My mum started to say things about my boyfriend at first they wouldn’t be that important they would just be little digs, like this one time because he was slow at replying she said to me ‘That doesn’t look good does it? You not hearing from him yet.’ And things like that but it they got worse..she even said to me that he liked one of my friends one time who he had only just met when me and him came home from a concert with one of my friends (who was a girl) of course I told him what had been said (it wasn’t right to keep it from him) and he told me straight away that what she said was rubbish! My dad and family got along really well with him, and my dad even saw him as his own son. Me and him broke up this week (Monday) due to her, she would always manipulate me and try to put doubts in my head. Basically me and him couldn’t cope with the grief she was giving us and we could never get a break from her, she pushed us in a corner and we broke up. On that day she was smug as hell about it. She said ‘I knew this would happen.’ And made it seem a joke. Of course she was smug because it was her fault. He sent me a text saying he couldn’t do it because she would never change. But they say fight for what you love right? So I am. She took my happiness away with him and I want it back. I just want him back so much you have no idea. If you can help me get him back you would be one hell of a lifesaver. I can’t live without him..he’s everything to me. Please help.
~Heartbroken, upset and confused by not knowing what else to do..
April 11, 2015 at 1:15 am
So I’m heading towards the end of my grade but at the beginning of the year I dated this guy and then we broke up and I want him back and then my best friend that was his ex girlfriend likes him too so now I don’t know what to do becuase we dated so did they but I really want him back and she dated him longer than we dated because she even liked him during our relationship but I didn’t know that till the ending of our relationship when I broke up with him because we had a huge fight because I thought he was cheating on me with her cause she would get all flirty and crap but I want him back
May 9, 2015 at 4:21 am
I know how you feel I’m dealing with something like that to
April 6, 2015 at 4:17 pm
here it goes…
I met an awesome guy in December on a dating site named A.(keeping it discreet) he and I had so much in common, the sex was amazing, etc. I fell in love with him but never said anything, but he told me,”I love you” first just after a month of dating. Things were great! I also knew, him being a marine, he was going to be stationed somewhere else and I had already gotten over that. He told me he would only be stationed 3 hours away. I was happy but I knew if he didn’t want a long distance relationship it wouldn’t work. To my surprise, he wanted me to meet his parents and on top of that think about moving down with him. I thought about it for a week and told him yes. After that, things got off… He was pulling away to the point where I barely heard from him. Finally he told me that he was afraid of things not working out if I did move down there and that we were going too fast. He said he wanted to be friends if things didn’t work out and was crying! Which was crazy because I never initiated any of the relationship stuff because I wanted him to chase me. So couple of weeks went by, I never saw him. I would try to text him, he barely texted back. Then one day I couldn’t do it anymore. I called 3 times to break it off, so I ended up texting him… He said he was sorry for hurting me. Days later I asked if he and I could talk so we could have some closure. He said he would… And never called. Of course that upset me and I think I was harsh.. Now Im starting to feel horrible and I want him back. I thought deleting everything that reminded me of him including his facebook would help but… I can’t stop thinking of him. I miss him and want another chance… I’m in the middle of the NC phase btw