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April 6, 2015 at 2:15 pm
Ok,so my ex boyfriends name is Tyler. We dated for 8 months and I broke up with him the day after our 8 month. And, I did this because my parents threatened to break us up or else I would have to. I want him back so much I don’t deserve him he’s amazing my parents said I could never get him back. Ok, i forgot to break up with my ex 3 months after Tyler and i dated. And, i told him about it and he was calm. What do i do to get him back? And i know i love him.
May 9, 2015 at 4:24 am
You have to listen to your hart
April 3, 2015 at 9:47 pm
Just re-read my post. Just wanna clear up that I was with him exclusively for 5 months, and non exclusively for 4 months before that.
April 3, 2015 at 3:22 am
I was seeing my “non official” boyfriend for approx. 5 months, and was only seeing him physically for about 4 months prior to agreeing on becoming exclusive. We never ended up labeling anything, but we definitely had the talk that if we’re spending time together, it’s us and only us. Around the end of December he ended up starting to stay with me quite often, turning into an everyday and every night thing. Sometimes I loved it, sometimes I didnt. But I did love him, that much I knew for sure. He wasn’t a very sexual person, something I knew because he has a medical condition in which he takes prescribed medication for and it affects his sex drive significantly. He made doctors appts for me many times to use the issue rectified but I ended up feeling very rejected when nothing worked and he was never in the mood. Last week, I heard from a friend that he was seeing someone else, something I had suspected 2 months prior to that, and even gave me the name of the other girl (same girl I had suspected) … I told him I wanted him to leave because it was too hard being with someone who won’t label what we have and who will lie about being exclusive. Now my friends, who even when what they’re saying made so much sense, are telling me they aren’t sure how accurate their information was. Him and I have remained civil and he’s been back for visits. He’s tried kissing me and I wouldn’t let him, but I finally did the other day, and he decided he doesn’t want to come back. He says it’s clearly just not meant to be, it’s hard on him but being together is too much stress on both of us. I suppose I need to be with someone with a higher sex drive to be compatible with my desires, and someone who will label what we have and start wanting to make plans with me outside of the house. Not keep it a secret to most people. But I feel like such a terrible person for accusing him when I dont have the facts. He has cheated in a previous relationship, so I was always skeptical, but he treated me like gold when we were together. I just don’t know which route to take. I miss him terribly, but he’s completely set on his ways and says he doesn’t know what else to say that won’t make me feel even worse. And it’s just done. What do I do at this point? 🙁 it’s frustrating and stressful and I’m feeling lost. In need of massive advice. Thank you
April 7, 2015 at 8:24 pm
Define “non official” for me.
March 31, 2015 at 9:10 pm
Yesterday i decided to break up a mostly awesome 8 month relationship because I saw some naked girl he screenshoted in his phone. He would never hide his phone from me or anything, which made it easier for me to check it (I only did it 3-4 times in the whole relationship). I had already seen things like this and conversations with his friends talking about what he would do to some naked girl in a picture (sexually). After seeing this it would really hurt my self-esteem because i know i do not look like those girls, and i felt he wssnt satisfied with me.. I never talk sexually or even feel attracted towards any oher guys because I was completely happy wih him. This had already happened 2 times before and we had gotten in huge fights, so when I saw he was doing it again recently i just exploded, this was at night so the next day he dropped me off at work and i broke up with him thru text, inventing some other excuse. The previous night out of anger i started deleting all our pictures and relationship everywhere. So when he saw that he did so too. We had never had never broken up and now that it actually happened I cant help but regret the decision i made :'( all because of my trust issues i lost the guy who has most respected and loved me until now. He didnt really try to save the relationship, i guess he was tired of being the one who would try to save the relationship. This just happened yesterday and im dying to talk to him and tell him im sorry, but im scared its too late and he’ll reject me.. Is it worth trying? What should i do..
April 2, 2015 at 11:20 pm
Have you attempted the no contact rule yet?
March 28, 2015 at 7:51 pm
just to let you know im 13 yrs old nd in middle school 8th grade
I am not the prettiest girl. my bottom teeth are crooked . i got pimples on my forehead(i cover them with bangs n gel n a ponytail) and im over weight.(just 5 lbs lower than koby(my ex) and im shy asf n not the best conversationalist.only around ppl im comfortable with
ok so i broke up with my “boyfriend” like last december 2014 & we got together in november so just a little over a month we were together. first i never liked this dude (hes not really attractive, hes mean asf sometimes, in the lower retarded class(adhd class) n hes overweight) ocasionally he would trip me in the halls n say stuff like “get outta here jaclyn!” but idk in a mean way or what. anyways that all started in 7th grade and nows its almost the end of 8 grade year. i didnt think it ment anythng, till my friends noticed nd startd teasin me bout him. as dares, i asked him out like 3 times n the first time hes all “aww no” but the 2nd time was “nah” 3rd was “idk” and the last time was “wait” then he sent his friend ovr to tell me he said yes. i thot he was jokin but noo. like a week or 2 we started talking nd hugging nd stuff..I STARTED TO FUCKING LIKE HIM! i was totally fucked by then. a couple weeks passd n i broke up with him. IDK WHY! i messged my frend nd say “i wanna break up with koby” shes like “why” i didnt reply nd the next day at school she asked me. i said idk nd that fucktard(my friend) brought him ovr and i broke up with him. honestly i didnt want to but idk why i didnt say “no wait lets talk bout this” since then hes been “ok” n there was even rumor he was going out with someone else :p. but my friend who is his friend (teo) said they were cuzins. nd now teo keeps telling me zhonnia (a girl) likes him..AND IDK IF I WANNA GET BACK WITH HIM. everytime i see him i start to look away. i dont want him to know tht i still like him after what i did. so i try to keep it cool n ignore him n shit. but evry once n a while he acts like he really really likes me ,gives me signs n shit and the next minute hes tryna hit on sum other girl..is he fuckn bipolar or wat. idk wht to do please help me!!!
May 9, 2015 at 4:28 am
Just let him go there’s many fish in the sea you will find someone better than him
March 29, 2015 at 2:18 pm
Get over him = https://www.exboyfriendrecovery.com/how-to-get-over-your-ex-boyfriend/
March 28, 2015 at 7:57 pm
btw the girls koby put his arm around were my exfriends (sabrina n tabitha)
and koby and that girl (the girl that was rumored he was dating) never talked to each other like ever. prob a 1 day thing. idk
kobys the kind of guy that picks on everyone and stuff, but no one ever seems to like him..
hes like hated by alot of ppl cuz hes mean
March 25, 2015 at 9:42 pm
Background: I have been knowing this guy since I was 19. It just never worked because we went to school extremely far away. I am 25 now, and one year and a half ago right before I moved closer to home we rekindled something, and it was amazing. I moved back home and we had fun together. He is seriously the person that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. We didn’t have major issues, but like all relationships we had them. He is 27.
I broke up with my ex boyfriend a couple of days ago. I found out he was lying to my about a female he was chatting with, going by her house, etc. This female, was his coworker, who is 19! They never did anything, but it was the fact that he lied to me about her. I don’t deserve to be lied to. I ended it, because I realized that I wasn’t getting the respect that I deserved. He was being deceitful. It hurts, because we were together for one year and some change, and we both were happy (I thought). We both shared the same views on cheating, and wanted the same outcome. We weren’t dating, just to date. I don’t know when that switch flipped in his head where he became insecure and seeking acceptance. But his reasoning behind this all, is he doesn’t feel that he is a like-able person, I am assuming. He says he has a hard time believing people like him. I don’t know why. I know he has struggled with his weight, because he has gained weight since we were younger but he is still an
extremely attractive man.
A few weeks prior he told me, “Someone tells you that you are beautiful every day. Someone offers to buy you lunch all the time. I don’t get that. Why do you want to be with me, I can’t offer you anything.” Was that him wanting out? I know he doesn’t like the fact that he doesn’t make anymore at the job where he is. And I make more than him. I never threw that in his face. I really love this man and believe in him. I just don’t know what happened. He hasn’t tried to call or communicate with me. And I haven’t tried to call him either. But it is so hard . Because I just want him to fix it.
I asked him “why didn’t we work.? What was it!” He responded, “I was just thinking the same thing. I am thinking it was me, it was me that ruined us.”
I don’t know what to do, because I want him in my life. I do.
Rose Marie
March 17, 2015 at 4:41 am
I broke up with my ex a few days ago over a stupid fight and I really regret it. He said he has already come to terms with it and never wants to get back together. I understand the no contact rule but he REALLY wants to be friends, I don’t want him to think I’m mean and say no to him. Is there any way we can remain friends while I still work on getting him back ?
March 18, 2015 at 8:42 pm
You can still be friends with him after the NC rule.
Rose Marie
March 19, 2015 at 3:52 pm
Yes, but what if he thinks I’m a bitch for ignoring him ?
March 13, 2015 at 12:37 am
I was casually dating this guy from November 2014 to 3 weeks ago, not long I know. We never fought, argued and got along better than anyone I’ve ever dated before. But like I said it was casual, non exclusive. He has been separated from his wife for nearly a year with a divorce to be final next month. He was married for 15 yrs and with her 5 yrs prior to that. His entire adult life until now. He hadn’t really had the whole sow your wild oats thing before her. So he didn’t want to jump in with someone so quickly, which I understand.
But though we got along, I knew he was still actively looking around on dating sites. But so did I, though my focus was always on him. I always let him ask me out, I was told by my last boyfriend that I was clingy and too eager, so I haven’t been too pushy with this guy. We saw each other every weekend and sometimes during week.
So my breaking point was on Valentine’s day, he called last minute and asked me out and honestly in hind site I should’ve said no but I didn’t want to be alone that day. So I go over, he looks upset and I’m thinking it’s stress from his ex wife, but he tells me There’s someone else and She was supposed to be there that night but She never got back to him and so Hey I’ll call my back up girl. The other woman starts blowing up his phone pissed that he’s with someone else and She even comes to his house many times that night harassing us. I should have left, but the situation made me drink too much. And ended up crashing there. But the situation made us really talk about us…. again though he said he was not ready for commitment yet. He thinks we’re very compatible, we get along, I make him Happy etc. A week later, I see him again, the last time, and the chemistry just seemed off, tension almost. I stayed over night, and when I left he hugged me so tight and kissed me just right and tells me I’ll see you soon beautiful.
There days later and after much thought, I text him to call me, and I broke it off, because my heart Can’t handle knowing he’s dating around. We remain friends though.
Two weeks go by, no contact, but on Thursday last week he calls to wish me a Happy Birthday, but not much else but a I hope you’re well.
Now it’s 3 + weeks gone by, it’s so hard for me and I miss him so much, but feel like I Can’t reach out to say anything. Should I let him do his thing like I’ve been doing? I’m not waiting around, I’ve tried to start dating again, but he’s always on my mind even when keeping busy. I need advice, Thank you for reading!
March 13, 2015 at 8:59 pm
How much do you want him back really?
March 13, 2015 at 10:38 pm
I want to give it a shot, generally there was amazing chemistry between us. We connected on so many levels. This whole thing with him wanting to sow his wild oats thing kind of hurts, but he was married for all that time. Idk. I do miss him and would eventually like to try again.
March 14, 2015 at 9:25 pm
So I saw him yesterday evening, after almost a month of not seeing each other. In a weak moment,I text him seeing if we could meet up. I missed him.
Things were great when we met up, grabbed dinner had great conversation, it was like no time had passed.
But later at his place though being with him was wonderful, when I left in the morning I didn’t feel as good about my decision to go over there.
He said several things that made me think…
1) he would be jealous if he knew,I was going out with someone else, even just a date.
2) He asked me if I wanted a baby, which is strange, because he had always said he didn’t want Kids at his age(he and his ex don’t have any). I told him I was open to the idea, he says great and smiles).
3) and when I left he said see you around, not I’ll see you soon.
I am at a loss with this….total case of not knowing what he wants or just keeping options open.
I like him, but I think for now I will be letting him make the moves.
March 12, 2015 at 2:02 am
About a month ago I found out my boyfriend of 4 months has been cheating on me. I was so confused, we have been doing so well and we were really close, I didn’t understand what made him do it. Before we started dating, we were close friends for 3 years, we told each other everything and we used to tell people that we were going to get married some day, at the time it was all a joke, I had no intention of being more then friends but he did. Anyways we got together and it was the best couple of months of my life. Then, I found out he cheated on me, he begged me for forgiveness and he said he didn’t really have a reason, he was just stupid! So we got back together 3 days after I found out. The first week we were okay, but the second week turned to chaos, I started feeling insecure, every girl that called him, texted him or took a picture with him made me cringed, I will throw tantrums and break up with him, then call him back and all he would just say is “did you get over your little tantrums?” We stopped having real conversations, it seem like he would always cut our phone calls short and tell me I talk too much, so I started picking fights with him because that’s the only way I can get his attention if we’re not having seX. all he did was apologized but he never really made the effort of making it up to me, I didn’t make him fight for me, he stop spending time with and stop calling as often as he used to. HE cheated and when I forgave him it’s like I shot myself in the foot, because he completely changed, and I have been trying to show him that I have forgiven him by sending him cute messages in the middle of the night that he can read in the morning (he’s never done anything like this, his never even called me beautiful or complimented my new hairstyles or any effort i make for him) and we can move forward but he started acting as if I cheated or I have done something wrong, so I retaliated by constantly reminding him that he cheated. Anyways his been paying me no attention, unless we’re talking about sex, he doesn’t listen to anything else I have to say. So I decided to dump him on text after I called him to confine in him and he just completely disregarded my feelings and told me his going back to sleep. I text him and told him that it’s over and that I was not over him cheating on him. it’s been in days and he has not replied, probably because i also told him i was over him and hated him(lies), he wouId already called back by now to stop me from leaving but he hasn’t. I was only breaking up with as cry for attention and affection. Though we fought so much leading to the break up, we were always great and he made me so happy in a way no other man has ever before. I feel bad because I Forgave him for cheating then dumped him After I told him he was forguven. He probably thinks I’m just crazy. What do I do? Even though I initiated the break up, I don’t want to be the one that crawls back because I will be condoning the way he’s been treating me lately, I don’t want to feel neglected again but I want him to want back so badly that he would do any
July 21, 2015 at 10:14 am
Chris 57/29 u know this is Exactly what happened to me! I’m waiting since 6 years but it never goes beyond sorry? And any accusations regarding the cheating backfire suddenly I’m the one that cheated. Please can you help de ither this
Is there any last ditch attempt I can make? A checklist?
March 13, 2015 at 7:56 pm
I think he should ask you out so you should rebuild attraction and get him on the hook.
February 22, 2015 at 2:49 pm
I started dating my boyfriend in jan 2013 but he would get really drunk and black out and keep me up all night saying that I was holding him back and he’d claim he killed men and stole drugs from them because he used to be a heroin addict and that was the last time I would ever see him but the next day be truly sorry that he said any of that and he didn’t mean it. Finally he promised me he would stop drinking because I told him I’d leave him. Then one night I pick him up from work and he smells like beer. I can taste it on his mouth. I ended it that night because I finally got the truth out when I tjreatened to have his urine tested for ets. I asked him to leave but I didn’t want to break up. We ended it because he wanted to be “free”. About four months later we started seeing each other then he got a DUI and I bailed him out. He was kicked out of his parents so he came to live with me. I asked him over several occasions if he’d seen anyone or kissed anyone when we were broken up. He told me no. I found out through a mutual friend he had kissed another girl he would still text while we got back together. I asked him to leave. We were over for a week and then I forgave him on the condition that he stop talking to her. Anyway one night he got so drunk he kept crying her name “Ashley” and I was thinking whyyyyyy? But then he said “not that Ashley. The one who OD.’d and died and he helped dispose of her body for free drugs. He didn’t talk about it again and when I confronted his good friend he said to not believe anything and that he’s always trying to make stuff up. Anyway so now I have severe trust issues with him especially after he physically grabbed me during one of his drunken rages and threw me across my couch (I had to call his friend and my friend and leave the comfort of my own home) and I asked him if he truly loved me to let go of his ex Ashley because she’s engaged by deleting her off facebook since they never talk anyway and to stop talking to this girl that he got really drunk with and claims “nothing happened” but doesn’t remember the night. He would not do this simple thing for me and instead left my house. I wish I hadn’t done any of this but I think by putting my story out there someone will convince me I’m in the right and I did the right thing or that I was being ridiculous for asking him to delete two girls off his facebook.
February 18, 2015 at 2:11 am
i broke up with my bf i love him so much i wasnt thinking i acted stupid i want to tell him but every time i get near him i freak out and get super shy i get nervous often and i want to talk to him freely
February 22, 2015 at 2:56 pm
My bff had a bf . I was the only one who know about this relationship I got really closer to him than before. We sit together to talk about his problem with mu bff. I felt like i love him. When they finally broke up after a month he told me i love you i didn’t believe this but at last he became my bf. Nobody know anything about this relationship also my bff didn’t know .when she finally discovered she got mad at two of us and she made me and my bf hate each other finally we broke up bec of her. Now i want him i need him but i dont know how to become friends again. Can you plz advice me and tell my what to do bec i dony have any ideas?!
February 18, 2015 at 9:47 pm
Why did you break up with him?
February 16, 2015 at 2:11 pm
I broke up with my bf coz he changed a llot.He treated me diffrently but he said he is just sstress.I found out that the nigjt he went ou..he went to a bar where a bar girl he likes works there.IsI called him but he didnt pick up the call and after so many calls i did.he pick it up and just letting me know that he is just havung fun with his bro but with the girl also and the next day he kept tellibg his family that he going to get the girl to be his gf and dunped me once again.He dumped me already..i sent him messgaes but he said he was busy but got time to comment in all the pix of the girl in his fbfb.I asked him and he got angry.from then he changed and keep blaming me for evrything..I love him but he didnt respect me..I was hurt for the 2nd time but still love him..dnt know if i can accept him once more.
February 18, 2015 at 2:13 am
dont let him treat you like that get a guy make him jealous if he doesnt love you you shouldnt either dont let him push you around and hurt you you deserve better then that jerk
February 11, 2015 at 9:50 pm
ok so I broke up with him after 8 months over a heated row on the 6th feb , he has suffered two deaths in his family and said I haven’t been there for him,i said id tried my best and he wouldn’t open up to me, it ended with him kicking me out(not in his usual manner)and me left rather foolishly on the street. Im inclined to think this humiliation is what drove me to send the text saying when can I get my stuff?ect..its over. we have only had this sort of argument once before, again me initiating we should split, like the rash idiot I am,i love him wholeheartedly so decided to leave him alone all day on the 7th of feb,the the 8th arrived I couldn’t help myself I text him telling him I was sorry, I love him and im sure it was just the tensions of me starting a new job and him going through a worse period, he kept replying with daft short answers. he told me he loved me, but doesn’t know what he wants, all I can think is ive broken is trust. the last bit of contact I had with him was Monday 9th feb,what I wanted to ask was can I still use the NC Rule even though I did contact him soon after the split? I have not text him for 2 days so far is it worth continuing, any help would be super thankyou
February 16, 2015 at 9:54 pm
I think he is just lashing out over his personal situation. He is kind of taking it out on you.
February 17, 2015 at 11:24 am
Thank you for the swift reply, after 6 days of NC he rang me last night, he had text once previously asking if I was ok.(I later found he had text me through viber but id blocked him) I panicked and answered, I feel bad . He said he missed me and he was still in love with me , apologised for his actions, said he was glad I answered and thought I was ignoring him (which yeah I was) i accepted his apologies and rightfully asked how he had been coping. I tried to make the conversation brisk. I am still very much in love with him but dare not tell him. At the end of the conversation he asked me to text him with what I wanted, I said he is aware how I feel its upto him to text (by now I feel like a child). ended the conversation cordially. then 16 minutes later he sent me a text saying ” sorry if you didn’t want to hear from me, I just wanted to hear your voice and know your ok. what do you do when you cant stop thinking about somebody? your mind flicks to happy memories then to feeling sick at the thought of losing them, I have been angry with you but I never ever resent you. I’m glad you don’t hate me. you deserve everything you want so the balls in your court, my actual love.” I think he is confused and lonely, but I don’t want to lose him. I did not reply. he knows I would get back with him surely? when I split up with him I was the text gnat for two days after telling him I was sorry. then I found your site and decided on NC. Do I reply or proceed. what if I make it unfixable. I’m sorry if this was so long.
February 17, 2015 at 1:17 pm
DAM . I shouldn’t of answered the phone. in turn I’ve answered my own question. going to have to go back into NC.
February 18, 2015 at 9:14 pm
It’s ok, these things happen.
February 20, 2015 at 2:52 pm
oh dear he turned up on my doorstep (honestly he’s not the stalker type)I was determined to do NC again, but he said he wants to make a go of things and this was kinda unavoidable. What I wanted to ask is how I can release the scared feelings I have, I mean sure I wanted him back but I also wanted to have time for both of us to calm down. it seemed the responsible thing to do. I still hold a slight grudge from the fall out(I know I need to work on this), he must too, I really love this man, I don’t want my fears to consume me, I sound crazy. but is it too soon to jump back into the relationship? I don’t want to mess these things up. Also im finding it hard to converse with him something I have never struggled with before.
February 20, 2015 at 11:59 pm
Hey now technically you got him back if he wanted to make another go of things!
February 23, 2015 at 2:59 pm
Thank you for all these articles, reading them really helped me realise how I can cope in a unsavoury situation. very insightful if I hadn’t come across this sight I doubt I would of got him back. Now its up to me to makes some changes for myself and my man, its a long road but its worth it .
again thank you
February 1, 2015 at 1:26 pm
Never break up with anyone who treats you and your family well. You may feel scared or frustrated,but loving someone goes so far beyond feelings. It is a decisive action people take every day. There will always be challenges, but those challenges can be overcome. The point of a relationship amd marriage are to cultivate loving characteristics in your person. God srrives with everyone willing to do as He says in their relationships. Evaluate carefully, and be wise, but do not give in to fear that a relationship won’t give you what you want. My best friend was lost because I broke up with him. God does have a plan for your lives if you are willing to follow. It is not perfection, it is to become more like Him. I broke up on the grounds that we were largley incompatible. Maybe that was true – I will never know what it would have been like now. The point is this: our job here is to love and be wise. There are always new beginnings no matter what. No matter our decisions, and even our missteps in ignorance can be used dor restoration.
February 2, 2015 at 2:11 pm
Wow, very touching words Abigail!
Thanks for sharing!
January 29, 2015 at 1:55 pm
Broke up with my boyfriend on Christmas Eve via text. Sounds awful, but our relationship was always surrounding him and what was convenient for him. He was supposed to let me know that day if he was coming to my family’s dinner or not since he wasn’t sure what his family was doing. He wasn’t responding to my phone calls or texts but then posted on Facebook he was at his female friends house (she’s just a friend I know her) problem was our communication has always been our main problem and this was my cracking point. I couldn’t keep bringing it up and I didn’t feel like a priority to him. We started off well, friends who biked together and had mutual friends, he kept pursuing me even after I turned him down. Only 5 mths in and he seemed to just not care anymore. He would go 3-4 days no contact, but would make plans to see me on the weekends. I just wanted a “hey how’s your day going?” during the week. When we talked about it he said he would change but he didn’t. He didn’t fight for me when I broke up with me just said I was wrong for feeling the way I did. Three days later I apologized for breaking up over text and if he wanted to work on it I wanted to. He declined and said he was over me. It’s been 34 days of no contact. During no contact I deleted fb (we have mutual friends so he was showing up partying all on my feed). However, I would notice he was still checking my snapchats, which I never looked at his, and he would catch up with me in traffic on our way to work (his work is next to mine). I miss him and I was his first gf and everyone always gave him crap bc I was “too pretty for him” I always told people they were rude but it was said a lot. I know it was something that bothered him. Idk if I should reach out to him or accept that he’s probably moved on? What’s my move now? Thanks in advance for any help!
January 29, 2015 at 2:08 pm
33 days no contact* feels longer tho hah
February 1, 2015 at 5:31 am
Well I got a snapchat from his best friend. It was a picture of him and his best friend with the text “boob pic?” So I went off on my ex and when I told him what his friend wrote he said “lol nice” I texted him and said” not really. If you hate me fine, but I thought that was really disrespectful and it really sucks that you’re ok with it.” Im so pissed and can’t believe he would treat me like this?!?
January 27, 2015 at 4:56 am
Okkay I want my ex boyfriend back..I broke up with him 2 times nd I feel stupid ….but I asked him does he still have feelings for me nd he said “nope not anymore”
During our realtionship: he’s other ex gf will talk nd flirt with him and worse they hugged and he will always ignored me but when his ex was there he will flirt with her etc.
Why I broke up with him: I thought he was cheating on Me nd my friends will convince me he wasent worth it nd like a dumbass I will listen to them
January 27, 2015 at 3:06 pm
What made you think he was cheating?
January 27, 2015 at 11:55 pm
People told me that they saw him hug his ex. Also his bestfriend told me that he would always ignore my texts nd text his ex instead..and him and his ex will walk home all the time
January 27, 2015 at 12:15 am
Hi I am still in love with my ex who is the father to our 2 children (one being an angel baby) we were together just shy of 6 years and we have been separated 6-7 months now and been living apart for 4 months. I broke up with him as he wasn’t making me happy for a long while but I thought he would get better after having our 2nd baby and I left it a number of months after for incase it was my hormones, but there was no change. I never stopped really being attracted to him and we had been through so much all good and bad in those years. I thought it would be better for our little one if we were parted but it seems as though I was wrong as he isn’t there as much as he should be for our child and picks friends and some new girl over her and texts this new girl during our child’s time with him. I know it doesn’t sound great but he used to be very nice, loving and caring and it makes me feel so happy inside when I do see him bonding with our child and giving his full attention to them. I was young when I got with him (last days being 15) and he has been the only guy I’ve ever felt as though I had wanted to marry. (Sorry for the long post)
January 27, 2015 at 2:57 pm
How old are the two of you now?
January 23, 2015 at 10:50 am
My reason for breaking up with my bf is distance even though I still love him. He is my first love/first proper bf and I now attend a University located 5.5/6 hours away. When I come home I have to visit him and my family(which is a lot of people) and I find it difficult to have time for everyone as I’m only up for two nights. I am 18, he is 19. We have been together for a year and a half. I broke up with him 4 days ago and they have had to be one of the hardest couple of days ever! I started college a couple of months ago and thought we could work it out. We did for three months until he started getting friendly with girls and he is a sweet guy he wouldn’t do anything but I still was jealous and everything. I went a little crazy. Is distance a good reason?
January 21, 2015 at 3:20 am
I broke up with my bf after 5 yrs because , i said i wanted our relationship to move forward. he said he will never marry me or move in together. Im the only girlfriend he has ever had in his life. He is 50. He says he loves me tho. Im in nc for 18 days now on day 13 he tricked me into calling him by telling me he wanted to talk.turned out he just wanted to know what i was up to and asked if we could b friends . I told him no and not to contact me again . I havent heard from him since. So does nc work on the most stubborn man ever ? And exactly when and how do i break nc? He is a commitment phobe
January 21, 2015 at 3:16 pm
It can.
However, in the ideal situation you don’t tell him to never contact you again. You simply just enter NC without any explanation.
January 8, 2015 at 8:29 am
We broke up because i thought he would and he is cheating on me (he denied either, so unsure). He said he can’t go on as he thinks i don’t trust him (he cheated on me once, dumped me and later apologised and wanted me back and i gave him 2nd chance).
History: Lately he was distancing himself with me, changed phone passwords, Skyping another girl and messaging her all day. I believe he wanted to me to break up with him as one time he dumped me, I went NC for 2 weeks and he told me he wanted me back (i gave him 2nd chance) and I think he wants to see other girls.
Out of fear of losing him, I suggested we take a break and meanwhile be ‘friends’, to which he promptly agreed. But 2 days into ‘being friends’ he already started flirting with other girls and asked me to hook him up with any girlfriends i had.
It hurt me a lot, as i still loved him – So yesterday onwards i went NC. He messaged me ‘Hey all OK?’ and called me one time – i did not respond to either.
I do want him back. I don’t know if he was cheating on me (as i assumed). I love him. What do i do now?? Do i continue my NC or drop him a message that ‘ I cant be friends because i still love him. But since he wanted to ended it with me and wanted to move on (see other girls) – I will honor that and let him go’.
Please help!
January 19, 2015 at 3:06 pm
Ok, what made you think he was cheating. Just the skyping and stuff?