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April 8, 2015 at 2:24 am
Hey Chris,
Its been a few days pass my 30 day NC period. I haven’t talked to him and he havent reached out to me either. However, my friend told me recently that he asked her out of the blue on facebook message “if i was over him already.” Maybe I’m being a little stubborn, but I want stick to the reverse psychology and wait for HIM to contact me first. However, I’m afraid he’ll completely move on if I wait too long. Do you think I should wait a little longer or should I start the “get your ex back” process?
April 6, 2015 at 1:57 pm
Hi my boyfriend suffers with bipolar n about 10 days ago had a downer these can last for days or weeks he conpletely started ignoring me i made the mistake of messaging most days just to let him know i was there with no response from him he wont answer phone n refusing to see me. The last two days hes been in contact sayin i deserve better and has had some general chit chat but then suddenly ignores me again… im thinkin of trying RP but it means no contact so what do i do if he messages me like he has last two days do i ignore him or reply?
April 5, 2015 at 6:32 am
After my ex was being extremely distant and doing things, I broke up with him December. The distance had been happening for some time and after trying to talk about it, he only continued to ignore me and it became worse. I only ‘broke up’ with him so that maybe he would apologize for being distant and want to work on us again. He took the break up and ran with it. Completely blocked and ignored me for about a month the moment I said I (falsely) wanted to call it quits. That was the last thing I saw happening and it broke my heart and hurt me more than I ever imagined. I was extremely depressed when he cut me off.
After a month goes by, he reaches out, but I’m trying to maintain my cool. He asks if I’m seeing anyone and I say no. He’s confused by this because he knows how much I like to have sex, so he asked how is it that I’m able to go this long without sex. I regret saying this now but I told him that nope, not having sex, but occasionally I have oral performed on me (occasionally really meant twice, and it did nothing to help me get over my ex). I know me telling him this was pretty extreme, but it was only an attempt to give him a taste of his own medicine because he would take pride in constantly making me jealous throughout our relationship. But immediately he became jealous; He literally told me to “fuck off” then proceeded to cut me off once again, skipping contact on my birthday and Valentine’s day. Again, extremely heartbroken on my end. So I figured that’s it forever and that I’ll never have him again.
Until one day (late February) I noticed he UNblocked me on facebook so it made me curious. Made me think he might still be in love with me or at least missed me so I decided it was an opportunity for me to reach out and tell him how I felt one last time. Before I did this I asked him if he was sleeping with anyone (so stupid), and to that he replied that that was none of my business. But I couldn’t stop thinking of the fact that he unblocked me and why, I was sure he missed me so I went ahead and poured my heart out. I didn’t beg necessarily.. but I did send quite a lengthy email explaining my feelings, telling him how much he still meant to me and that I was still very much in love with him. -Only to have the entire thing go to waste since his quick response was that he wasn’t going to read my message, that he didn’t want to talk or be friends, and to please not contact him. I was stunned. I felt like he’d really fallen out of love forever.
So we remained broken up, unblocked on facebook, no contact whatsoever. Up until about mid March, he drunk messaged me. Letting me know he was drunk, asking me for nude pics and so on, saying I’m the only one that was ever right for him in bed, etc. Immediately after the initial drunk message, he sent another email saying nevermind and that he apologized for being so drunk. When I discovered these messages.. I wanted to let them go unanswered but I couldn’t help myself. I felt like it was a win on my end actually since he slipped up while drunk and contacted me. Luckily I didn’t say much in my response, but I pretty much responded with a NO and go find yourself a porn to watch.
From that point on, we’re back to silence. And in attempt to not think so much about him, I pretend that I’m enjoying life and happier than ever on my social media. I do this on purpose. But I have discovered today that he’s blocked me again. I’d like to think it’s because he misses me too much, doesn’t want to see me ‘happier’ without him, etc. (By happier I mean smiling in photos) I don’t know. All I know is …I just don’t know how we got here. We act as if we’re enemies when we used to be head over heels for each other. I miss him dearly, yet he continues to block and unblock me and doesn’t contact me at all. What kind of game is he playing? I’m doing the best I can by trying to get over him and I’m doing very well actually, because I ACT like he never existed. But the truth is, this hurts me and I think about him and this everyday, all the time really. From December to now.. I’ve come a long way in how well I’m able to cope, but trust me when I say I’ve never cried so many tears in my entire life. I mean randomly breaking down in the car, in the shower, in bed. I’ve come to the conclusion that heartbreak is apart of life and if you’ve never had your heart broken then well, you just haven’t earned that stripe so to speak. Whatever makes me feel better I guess lol. I’d love to hear anyone’s thoughts, thanks for reading.
April 16, 2015 at 3:17 pm
OMG I TOTALLY can relate to you!! I’ve been through the SAME exact thing with the stupid blocking/unblocking!! I’m like, whyTF would he do that?? What does that mean?? UGH. It’s sooooo confusing!!!!
March 31, 2015 at 2:59 pm
Cool post
Us dumpees often think that contacting him is the reverse psychology (“He thinks he can just wipe me out of existence, but i’ll show him that i’ve got feelings and i still exist!) and that is where we make our huge mistake.
Because as you say: What he expects is actually that we WILL beg. Or just let him know that we are around.
(I’m on day 30 of no contact; he broke up with me by email, he has commented on my facebook, but stopped a week ago probably because i’m not answering anything. This guy is very very stubborn, he refuses to use words like ‘sorry’ or to call me on the phone, it’s a text message addict basically. Before the breakup: hundreds of texts every day about his wherabouts, many exclamation marks, a bit narcissist maybe. But otherwise cute.)
October 21, 2015 at 4:08 pm
Did he come back? My ex is the same, stubborn, he is never wrong. Its been two month and I havent heard from him. We were together for 4 years.
March 31, 2015 at 10:49 pm
The only reason I know this is b/c I have been in the dumpers position before and I certainly expected my ex to beg (and she did)
April 1, 2015 at 7:43 am
“In fact, if you want to really stick to the reverse psychology method you aren’t going to talk to him until HE contacts you first.”
is probably the best thing i can do here; it is a very stubborn guy.
Besides I have some family issues to deal with + searching for a job. So I’m gonna wait some more weeks or a month before I send any sms.
March 29, 2015 at 7:27 am
I wrote under my earlier posts previous page but I can’t see my posts
May 2, 2015 at 7:03 am
My last comment of yesterday disappeared again.
If using RP waiting for Him to contact, then from point of that contact, since my first contact not executed, does one start with buildIng attraction, priming etc, even though he contacted? I mean, HOW does one react,
In any case I am at sea with this whole thing. I did NC , did contact but I messed it up, or he did, or it got messed up…
May 1, 2015 at 4:52 pm
Crisis time. I’ve written by mail
Please see if you have time to reply.
April 19, 2015 at 8:46 am
Hi previous page thread started feb , comments of mar 28/29 disappeared
Sent mails also and comments on what he says and what he means
Need help please
March 29, 2015 at 2:04 pm
Remember, I have to approve everything.
March 29, 2015 at 9:33 pm
maybe I’m wrong but that would mean, you did not approve, ha ha!
Ok , can’t complain or be greedy , thanks for all your help, though would have liked this last step. Thanks
March 31, 2015 at 10:08 pm
Completely missed what’s going on here?
Hahah been a hectic week.
April 6, 2015 at 4:41 pm
I added comments here but they are not showing, referring to thread previous page I wrote need your help mar28 and you replied mar 29
And here I wrote re what happened follow up
Also had written you emails mar 4
And something again yesterday
Would like to hear from you.
Belated happy easter
March 29, 2015 at 9:28 pm
since the posts not showing, guess you are upset , what I wrote in my mails, that I felt hurt, and thanks for all the time you took. Guess you have to move on.
March 31, 2015 at 10:09 pm
No no no… I have just been so late to responding to everyone.
AHHH I feel like I am definitely spreading myself too thin.
March 29, 2015 at 9:25 pm
. Well earlier they used to show with red remark, awaiting moderation.
If I’m taking up too much space or time, sorry! I’m trying to be circumspect!
March 31, 2015 at 10:10 pm
No you are fine.
March 23, 2015 at 12:19 am
Hi Chris,
I’d love your thoughts on the following… the last time I spoke to my ex… when he said we could take things slowly again and I never heard from him since, I felt defeated while I was talking to him. I owned up to my side of things since I certainly wasn’t flawless especially towards the end when I felt him pulling away haha (but I never blamed him) but also said I wouldn’t take all the blame for our relationship breaking down. I told him he was an amazing person but that I was too and I wouldn’t fight for us anymore if he wasnt going to. I told him in the last month (we had barely spoken) I realized I’d be okay without him so he shouldn’t stay if he didnt want to.
Did I make things worse by saying this?
Thank you!!
March 24, 2015 at 8:26 pm
No you didn’t in my opinion.
May I ask exactly how long the two of you have been broken up for?
March 24, 2015 at 8:54 pm
so I guess that’s the confusing part haha there was no actual break up per se… he said we could take it slow and then I never heard from him again (and by then I had started reading you site and so I didn’t text him or message him!)
March 24, 2015 at 8:32 pm
thanks for your reply 🙂
we went on a “break” in February and didn’t speak for 3 weeks… then we talked and had that conversation which was the first week in March… I’m at 2 weeks of no contact today
March 15, 2015 at 7:03 pm
Hey, can someone please help me out? My boyfriend split up with me
Last Sunday, he said he dosent want any commitments, dosent have time for me ( he dosent work) all this bullshit, even though the week before we just booked our summer holiday and london for 3 weeks time? He started saying it’s been a big build up but yet last week on his birthday I was the best thing since sliced bread??? It dosent make sense, he hasn’t contacted me in a week and is ignoring all my texts, a just don’t know what to do? After he broke up with me last Sunday I went over to his house and and he gave me all my stuff back. He has broke up with me before but the fall outs only last 4/5 days max!!! This is now a week today, someone help me what do a do? I genuiwnly have text him loads and loads and called and no reply
March 18, 2015 at 6:38 pm
The first thing you want to do is start NC on him.
Have you taken that step yet?
March 10, 2015 at 10:58 am
Amy, if I had to guess… I’d say he’s probably cheating on you. Especially if he disappears more than just a couple times without being reachable. I know you’re asking for Chris’s advice. Mine is to not confront him about it, but to suddenly become busy yourself! Get a hobby, ignore him a little, be too tired for sex, etc. When he sees how independent and happy you are, he’ll be drawn back. It’s RP at its finest… Without using words. Bottom line is that if someone is cheating, you’re not going to be able to stop them. Nothing you say or scream will change their mind. Get happy within yourself and radiate a light that can’t be ignored. Good luck!
April 16, 2015 at 3:51 pm
I love your words!! Everything you just said is the God’s honest truth! You go girl!! 😉
March 2, 2015 at 7:03 pm
Hi Chris,
My boyfriend and I have been together for 6 years. These past few months have been rough. We were both previously married, he was with his ex for 13 years and I was with mine for 14 years. They were both our first and only relationship. Now I’m 33 and he’s 35. Recently he has become so cold and distant. He says it’s all financial stress. I moved over 1,800 miles to be with him and we have lived together for 3 years now. I’ve sacrificed and given up so much for him and now that I’m here he treats me like I’m nothing to him. For the first time he disappeared for about 4 hours a few days ago and when I tried to reach him he ignored my calls. After he decided to call me back, he said it was because he needed a break from everything and that he’s under a lot of stress. Mind you I have a good job and pay half or more of the bills. He was very apologetic and texted me how much he needs, loves and misses me, even though he is the one being distant. One day tried to kiss him and he turned his face away….WTF?! He totally blew me away. I am so hurt and I’ve finally established myself here with my career, our children are adjusted. His family is here and his job, he has nothing to lose at this point. I’m not sure if he’s cheating on me or if he’s bipolar. He is highly emotional and passive aggressive (yeah I can only be so lucky). Not sure what to do or how to handle the situation. We’re not talking at this point and I’m seriously considering leaving him, even though he is the only man I have ever truly loved. It is killing me inside. I feel like maybe if I was better this wouldn’t be happening. Is there any advice you can give me? Thanks in advance.
Jeanne Vie T. Garciano
March 2, 2015 at 8:47 am
I really like what I’ve read. I begged once and after realizing how stupid I was. It’s really funny looking back what you did to get him back. This helps me a lot. Thank you and more power!
March 2, 2015 at 9:58 pm
You are very welcome Jeanne!
March 1, 2015 at 6:42 pm
Hi chris
What if my ex bf got too comfortable in the relationship that after he broke up with me he does not care if he posts pictures partying or adding girls and doing everything that really hurts me..
How to make him feel not comfortable anymore ?
March 2, 2015 at 9:18 pm
Did you try using NC on him?
He should get the hint then.
February 25, 2015 at 8:38 pm
Hi Chris,
I have a but of a situation with my ex. We were together for 7 years and very much in love, everyone could see it and we were best friends. Over the last 2 years our relationship has been on the rocks and there was on and off fighting. He told me he needed space 9 months ago and our relationship has been in limbo ever since. I have appologized sincerly for my part in things however did not come across your website until recetnly and toerated our relationship limbo. He acts as if we are still together, yet at times is very angry and tell friends/ family we are not. He says to me that he doesnt feel the relationship is over and if he ever lost me he would freak out. He still talks about marriage and children and says he would move across the world for me (if I choose to go to medical shool there). His friends/ family as well as mine believe he doesnt have any other intentions, is just still immature, but loves me deeply. I have felt he takes me for granted for some time now and was tired of the state of our relationship so I told him that I needed to move on, (in hopes he’d realize he is loosing me) and now I believe he thinks I am trying to manipulate him to get back together with me. This is the longest we have ever gone not talking. I am following your advice, focusing on mysefl, and we have been NC for 2 weeks. I am not sure if the reverse psychology will work on him, he is highly emotional (only towards me) but I also dont feel he is ever going to loose me. I want him to respect me again as he once did. I need your help
Thanks, Lauren
February 3, 2015 at 8:43 am
Hi Chris!
I emailed you: [email protected]
Please help 🙁
February 3, 2015 at 1:24 pm
Ok, remember I get a lot of mail so it may take some time.
February 4, 2015 at 3:42 am
I’ll try to be patient 🙁 Thank you Chris!
January 24, 2015 at 3:14 am
He is seeing someone right now. What to do?
January 26, 2015 at 2:47 pm
Read my page about what to do if your ex boyfrien dmoves on .
January 7, 2015 at 3:28 pm
Well the basic premise of NC is RP I think, not doing what he is expecting
So would u say NC has an inbuilt risk factor?
Hadn’t viewed it like that.
If one hasn’t broken up officially, there are just these hiccups, sporadic periods of NC, and nothing changes, should one go for an all.out breakup to shake things up?
Sort of let him go free, and if he comes back, take him with provisions?
January 19, 2015 at 3:00 pm
You shouldnt be using NC until a breakup has ocurred…
January 21, 2015 at 1:51 pm
Yes I got that, that’s why the question, should one go for an all out breakup ‘first’ then do NC?
Incidentally the hiccups Are the breakups till one of us backs off, mostly me, sometimes he.
Btw in the middle of the latest breakup!
He lost his temper, cos I didn’t text I had reached back home from some errands, and as usual accusations I was out cheating!
And the cherry , I’m an old hag, he can’t go out with me, I don’t want to give any ‘benefits’, which I withheld till he explains, apologises…
January 21, 2015 at 3:37 pm
Please? Any reaction, reply?
January 22, 2015 at 3:35 pm
I will respond to your emails.
January 23, 2015 at 2:19 pm
Thk you ever So much
Btw it was
‘You Know and God knows. If it makes u happy and easier to LEAVE me, (then) blame me, accuse me, taunt and insult me. You won’t feel guilty then.’
Reply I received was ‘Yes thank you finally m free’
January 23, 2015 at 2:27 pm
Last night a text
‘ Nice talkin to ya’
To which I replied
That was by mistake wasn’t it? You weren’t writing Me, isn’t it?
You sent it on purpose to show me you are talking to someone.
When Will You Grow up?’
And ofcourse you are talking to someone, you who accuses Me, do you think you will sit around, it’s true you are talking, chatting to others since the beginning!
I also sent 2 mails describing narcissistic behaviour
He Is a narcissist no doubt about it!
January 30, 2015 at 10:35 pm
Hi…please can you put date of writing a post…cos sometimes you write ‘my next post’ or ‘ recent post’ or ‘ will be writing soon’ and it’s confusing…atleast to me….
Otherwise….just waiting for yr email…some strict how to’s
February 8, 2015 at 4:40 pm
Got stuck at the captcha hence diff email
‘Shot’ off emails…
Actions speak louder than words
He has No intention to apologise, explain
He feels no remorse….
March 4, 2015 at 4:51 pm
I got your reply on feb 10 that the meeting on V day was best to be ‘agree to meet and pretend nothing has happened like a light date’
Anything else? And you said I, appearing desperate.
I just want yr honest opinion, do You think I should stop trying?
March 2, 2015 at 5:46 am
Pleas I need a reply to my last post
I read somewhere one is allowed to break NC to ask for something back.
I wrote an email asking for my money.
Then another last night with the links to where I found him registered on dating sites from way back in 2008.
No reply from him.
I was out of town when he sent sms that his internet not working, neither on phone nor at home.
Very slim chance he hasn’t seen the ‘money’ mail.
But NC from his side too, he hasn’t contacted where I am, whether I’m back, he knows I was back 26th night.
Same happened when I was away over NYE , he disappeared 5 days.
Please just your frank opinion!
It’s time to let go isn’t it?
Please Do reply.
This is 57/nearly 29( Taurus) please please do reply
March 2, 2015 at 9:56 pm
I responded to you earlier.
February 25, 2015 at 9:55 am
Followed your advice to behave as in point c above
He did bring up topic himself, it’s very near when he will explain etc
Now 2 month break,earlier we met when my husband went to office, now he’s retired, at home , one month here, one month other country.
While he’s away this guy makes no effort to meet.
Am again NC since 23rd…
I would love to hear from you…what should I do? Break up totally? I Have written him that I don’t want to stay with him, sort of RP but he doesn’t take it seriously turns around and does NC on me!
February 23, 2015 at 11:35 am
He asked to come n came on 14th feb
A bar of chocolate n a red rose
Time is very near he would clear all my doubts
But he knows won’t happen 2 months
My husband here , and then going to other country for a month…
I can’t help taunting, he won’t apologise or explain
He would rather lose me than back off…..
February 11, 2015 at 3:51 pm
Thks! I Know you already mentioned you are Taurus. I even asked your birthday.
I don’t mean it in a bad way, but stubborn is stubborn.
I’m a Capricorn goat, not any less to lock horns with.
But point to ponder in context of RP. How does one remain NC and yet enforce RP?
February 16, 2015 at 9:42 pm
May 10th!
February 10, 2015 at 7:14 am
In fact, if you want to really stick to the reverse psychology method you aren’t going to talk to him until HE contacts you first. This is going to require extreme discipline from you.
So what happens to the umpteenth attempt at NC?
If u are using RP and doing NC…..what does one do?
February 8, 2015 at 4:48 pm
Not responding to my calls either
Guess it’s time to give up
February 9, 2015 at 4:38 pm
Well, you are not projecting a persona where he feels he has to work to get you.
You are displaying a more desperate persona.
January 31, 2015 at 3:49 pm
The date.
Like the date when it was written.
March 29, 2015 at 7:26 am
My posts disappear
Is this some change or am I blocked ?
March 29, 2015 at 2:04 pm
No, I took the week off on answering people to focus on writing.
March 28, 2015 at 10:31 pm
I am repeating a post of Feb10th
From yr article on RP
I had quoted u n asked a question
” “In fact, if you want to really stick to the reverse psychology method you aren’t going to talk to him until HE contacts you first. This is going to require extreme discipline from you.”
So what happens to the umpteenth attempt at NC?
If u are using RP and doing NC…..what does one do?”
Then Feb 25 th
“would love to hear from you…what should I do? Break up totally? I Have written him that I don’t want to stay with him, sort of RP but he doesn’t take it seriously turns around and does NC on me!”
I am in my other country with my husband
I did not inform I have reached , he texted, I replied I would not be contacting till I get explanations, no reaction ( he earlier mentioned he would explain, he knows he has to,
he texted me to call I didn’t.
He sent message re new job, I sent an e.card which he couldn’t open so I sent him link again by mail.
No text, no call, no viber!
He was offline viber since 16 th Mar.
Today I get a ‘victim’ message
He asked me to call , I didn’t, ergo ‘ the end’ it had to end whether he broke off or I!
I am NC since 16th Mar
I am Scared
I have told him I won’t contact
No official Breakup
I am confused re RP
Am I right doing NC?
I am Not going to contact him , he will have todo that.
Please can you tell me, should I reiterate a break up?
My post of Feb 25 th which I quoted above
Please help! WHAT SHOULD I DO?,I have lost my mind
He is writhing I know cos im with my husband at present….HELP
February 10, 2015 at 3:19 am
If He contacts and asks to meet, and I reitaerate what I requre in the form of epplanations, remorse etc, as a prerequisite, how do I avoid being desperate?
Either I refuse, or i state my position!
And Then, I know, control, but there is this volcano of rage, he Knows he has to explain , apologise, he does feel some measure of remorse, but my God, this is foolish, he is So Stubborn, Taurus the Bull, and has so much ego, that he doesn’t mind losing me, just to not have to bend down
Please beyond NC a ,checklist
What do I do if he messages and asks to meet,
Should I
a)not respond ie NC
b) state my requests/demands Again by text as a condition for meeting
c) agree to meet and pretend nothing has happened like a light date
d) agree to meet and have a full blown out fight
Please just a word
A,b,c or d?
I am waiting since June for the explanations
He has time but he won’t do it
February 10, 2015 at 4:00 pm
Hey now…
I am a Taurus…
Be nice 🙂 .
I would say at this point C.
February 8, 2015 at 3:12 pm
I misunderstood his intention
He had asked
If I was going to meet and /or talk
It’s a grammar thing in our language
(Are u going to ) meet, talk. Let me know if not
And I understood it as (I want to) meet, talk and shit of those mails
And wrote more stuff early morning
Get a reply he will re erst n btw his family going to ‘see’ a match for him(arranged marriage) so he threw the bait n naturally I got hooked
Rest of the day nothing
I sent few messages when the wedding is even called, even though I wrote he’s not responding so that I call, and he says he hasn’t got around to reading my mails
Shows how much he cares…..
Am I mad or am I mad?
February 7, 2015 at 2:53 pm
Had managed 3 NC days
Then he wrote today he wants to meet and talk
And I should tell him yes or no
I mean this is what I’ve been telling him..
Anyway i forwarded 3 mails I had written earlier
My BP just shot up
I should have not responded
But he wants to get away without the apologies n remorse
Just sweep it under the carpet
But I’m Not going to let that happen
Btw Age gap
You forgot what is popularly known as the cougar category
As if only older men have the right to look for love not older women
And old man, younger girl
But other way round?
February 1, 2015 at 8:00 am
Yes please the date when the post was written
Cos yr comments say writing something soon, or my last post or next post,
And the order in which the posts listed should theoretically point to last or next post, bit I’m sure I must have had a reason why I suggested this but only God knows what, I can’t remember for the life of me
I don’t know but I feel dating a post may be helpful
Thanks Regards
February 2, 2015 at 2:04 pm
Gotcha, Gotcha!
I am thinking of redesigning the website this year so I may do that (the dating) at that point.
January 30, 2015 at 10:39 pm
Very LC.
He sends about a message in 36 hours
I do respond, very drily, he is making no attempt to plan and come n explain, apologise, anything, just a sporadic ‘im missing you generic sort of text
February 1, 2015 at 8:05 am
I think it might have been recent post , which doesn’t really mean immediately preceding the one a person is reading and could be confusing like its’ have you read LDR or Grass is Greener
But if you write I mentioned in my recent post or will be writing soon, it doesn’t really mean the post immediately before or after, and it might be a topic which could be another straw to grasp.
Btw yrmail re suggesting topics for you to write, I had replied….
January 21, 2015 at 3:37 pm
I also sent emails….
January 22, 2015 at 9:26 am
The cheating accusations…
I wrote a text
‘You Know and God knows. If it makes u happy and easier to blame me, (then) blame me, accuse me, taunt and insult me. You won’t feel guilty then.’
Reply I received was ‘Yes thank you finally m free’
I wrote couple of texts after that ‘free man…’ ‘Celebrating your freedom’
Got no reply, tried calling next evening, he wouldn’t pick up, dialled his sister and asked to speak to him, he said tell her I’ll call later.
Nothing since 2 days today….
March 28, 2015 at 10:53 pm
My post of Jan 7
Still need an answer
Please HELP
“If one hasn’t broken up officially, there are just these hiccups, sporadic periods of NC, and nothing changes, should one go for an all.out breakup to shake things up?
Sort of let him go free, and if he comes back, take him with provisions?”
December 1, 2014 at 7:55 pm
Bf and I had a complicated relationship (for 10 years) with its challenges which we knew going in and worked around. At year 9+ we broke up for 5 mos with NC, then tried again..but something had changed for us, emotionally. Nonetheless, we took baby steps moving forward but what drew us together was permanently altered and trust was impaired. He always had EXCUSES for breaking dates, disappointing me, saying he’d change and do better but same old, same old…and I was done again by years end 11 mths later.
I am 54days now NC with him…since October has sent 5 emails, the longest heartfelt one today (long email)….I still HOLD steadfast and strong…..NC….this broken heart needs distance and time to trust again.
I have seen every reaction of man from him in 54 days…the writer is bang on with men and NC….so this begs the question….do I want him back as is?
Hell NO….actions are louder than words….grow a pair and wake up!
December 2, 2014 at 2:48 pm
Hahahahahaha Love it.
October 16, 2014 at 3:39 pm
Hey I sent you an email with my situation please read I would be really grateful to here ur advice xx
October 27, 2014 at 2:51 pm
Ill do my best to get to it!
September 4, 2014 at 7:58 pm
Hey! Today I left you a message here: [email protected]
Please take a look :C
September 5, 2014 at 12:22 pm
Anne Marie
September 1, 2014 at 8:18 pm
hey chris, i’ve just sent you an email if you could kindly help me out! thanks
September 2, 2014 at 1:34 pm
An email to what email?
Anne Marie
September 2, 2014 at 2:52 pm
to this e-mail address about my ex bf if you could help me out [email protected]
September 3, 2014 at 2:19 pm
Ill take a look!
What was the date you emailed?
Anne Marie
September 3, 2014 at 3:15 pm
september 1st
Anne Marie
September 4, 2014 at 3:38 pm
my 3 year fiancee decided to end it with me. all he said is that he lost the love but he still tells me that im the best he ever and ever will have! he also tells me that there’s no chance of us ever getting back together. When i told him that i might as well stop talking to him he paniked and said that he stills wants me in his life and still wants to take care of me.
he said that we can still meet up when he comes back home to Malta because he is working in Scotland at the moment
so right now we chat a lot by facebook
another thing is that i’ve known him for years and he knows me inside out and he’s my bestest friend and the person i feel most comfortable with… he stills tells me about his problems even though he broke up with me
can you please help me??? because im sure he’s the one for me
September 5, 2014 at 12:02 pm
Fiance is a big deal so I definitely think NC can help you.
Anne Marie
September 5, 2014 at 4:19 pm
even though he keeps saying that we can never ever be together again?
Anne Marie
September 5, 2014 at 4:23 pm
and for how long?
August 19, 2014 at 1:58 am
Do you have an email to write to?
August 19, 2014 at 2:33 pm
[email protected]