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417 thoughts on “The Definitive Guide On Getting Your Ex Husband Back”

  1. duong

    October 27, 2015 at 1:58 am

    My husband and I married 6 years, had 2 kids 4 years old boy and 6 months old gal. He has a new exciting job, got promoted quickly to the top mgt level while he is only 30. I accept a more stable job, focus on work life balance and take care of my kids. He traveled extensively last year, this year he is too tight up with work. He constantly use devices to work, check out work group chat room, socializing, talking at events. I am the main care giver for my kids and at the same time working.

    I have helper so we still manage to get together at night when kids go to sleep. We talk on many things (life, work, changes, news); we hang out for good meals and movies. But we rarely understand and support each other emotionally. My fault is I have expectations that my spouse will take an active role in playing and guiding the kids. But he does not spend time with them. He mentioned that it takes effort to spend time with kids (he does not like kids) and when his day is hetic, he just wanted to do stuff to reduce stress and find interesting things (He is a typical aquarius). So some days, when my life is hetic and I broke down, I blamed him on spending time socializing and taking care of himself. I feel that I am not shared and taken care of. His point of view is that he already sacrifice a lot of time and his interest to take care of me and my kids. He mentioned that when I and my kids go to sleep, he spend his time alone doing things he really like. And after awhile, he find that being alone is ok.

    He broke the news to me 2 weeks ago. Bluntly, he is not in love with me anymore. He will take care of the kids (send to school and home, and play awhile in some days of the week) but that is about that. He will do his stuff after that and he expected me to understand that he is no longer like before. He is trying very hard against his nature to treat me as friend and show concern to my health. He went out often and got home late (often after mid nite – for drink, coffee, quiet time alone, etc). I was confused but tried to manage. I have to accept and I try not to blame him. But it hurt so much. When he got back last nite, I asked him what he wanted from the separation. He said he wanted time and space; he did not want me or my better one. He said I should not have expectation, should feel ok with him behaving like that, doing what he want and need to do.

    I do not want him to move out but it seems the only choice now. Having him around in the house but acting coldly wreck my emotions. I am so confused now cos he will move out in 2 days times. But he will come to pick up kids and play with them at my house. What should I do when he is around?

  2. Sabrina

    October 2, 2015 at 10:17 pm

    Hi there…

    So I am a little over 2 months into my separation and a few weeks into the divorce process. My husband and I were together for 12 years and married for 9 years. We have a 5 year old son. For a long time I struggled with intimacy issues, long story, but needless to say my husband went without sex for long periods of time. Long story short, our sex life started becoming amazing at the beginning of this year, mainly because I started doing work on myself and learning to love myself. July 25th, after we had sex, we went on a date night. Ultimately, that date night turned into my separation night. He wrote me a letter pretty much saying that he felt this was the end of our story and he hasn’t been choosing me for a long time. He left the next day, for 2 weeks, to try and figure things out. When he came home after 2 weeks, he asked for a divorce.

    Come to find out, those 2 weeks he spent seeing what would develop relationship wise with a co-worker of his who is 9 years older than him, recently divorced and has a kid of her own. Fast forward to now, he is living with her and they are in a relationship that he immediately threw out son into.

    So you’re probably wondering why I want him back after all of this….truth be told, I’m in love with him. I married him for life and I took my vows seriously. I’m in counseling and have only been communicating with him when it has to do with our son. The other day he sent me an email wondering if I was okay because he hadn’t heard from me. He also asked if in the next couple of weeks we could get together, hang out, have a few drinks or something. Under my counselor’s advisement I told my husband that at this time I couldn’t hang out with him. Was that the right thing to do?

    Is it possible to get my husband back??

    Thank you!

    1. Sabrina Dickinson

      October 6, 2015 at 8:31 pm

      No, he developed this relationship after the fact. He lost a lot of weight, she lost a lot of weight, she was going through a divorce and he was talking to her about our marital issues. They pretty much confided and leaned on each other during times when they struggled.

      They are keeping their relationship a secret due to work policies. He keeps telling me he loves me but isn’t in love with me anymore, he wants us to be the ‘best of friends’, he always tells me to call or text him anytime I need anything. I just do not understand.

    2. Chris Seiter

      October 6, 2015 at 4:16 am

      I understand your want to get him back.


      Did he develop this relationship with the coworker during the intimacy issues?

  3. Tina

    September 10, 2015 at 8:29 pm

    Hi Chris,
    I’m not sure where to start and I apologise if I waffle on or jump around.
    My husband and I have been together for 14 years. Last year, after several years of arguing on and off I cheated on him with someone from work. I didn’t think about the consequences and so eventually my husband made me sell the house we had bought together (He already owned one when we met) and so I went to live with this other person for 6 months and he bought a new house. My new relationship broke down within the first month but I only stayed there because I had nowhere else to go. In the meantime we still communicated and occasionally saw each other as “friends”. He says he wants to be friends with me.
    The issues in our relationship and marriage were mainly child related. In the sense that he had a child from a previous relationship that he didn’t want but didn’t want the child growing up not knowing it’s father. I wasn’t overly keen on having kids originally but after sufferig a miscarriage my judgement started to change. Eventually my huband said he didn’t really want anymore but that if he did have one then he didn’t want one out of wedlock. We then got married and then within the 1st year he changed his mind. when it went wrong he said ” I was the last girl for him”
    I had (and still do) hoped that we would be able to work things out and for us to get back together. Recently events have changed, in that a woman he worked with over 30 years ago has appeared and has been messaging him on facebook. He did show me the 1st couple of messages as he thought it could have been me playing a prank on him. I think they may be seeing each other now as he’s changed and seems to be unavailable a lot. He says he isn’t seing anyone but I don’t know.
    One of my other issues is that when the house was being sold we both saw solicitors about divorce. Mine made him file for divorce but I received the papers late and so they couldn’t be used although I told him I wouldn’t sign as I wanted a him back unless he 100% wanted me to sign. He never said yes or no and then it was all dropped.
    Now he says he doesn’t love me anymore and the we will never get back together. I still love him and regret evrey day the mistake I made and would dearly love to have him back in my life!
    To complicate matters, the house he originally owned, I now rent from him, although he says it half my house and I can live in it as I wish. We both have money tied up in this house. I doubt I will ever afford a mortgage and will never be able to buy it. And he wants to sell it in the next couple of years before it costs too much to maintain.
    Not sure where to start with all your advice especially the No Contact Rule you suggest. Any help and advice would be gratefully received

    1. Tina

      April 2, 2016 at 7:30 pm

      I’m still married but separated. Husband is seeing someone new. We are no closer to sorting anything.
      there is no contact unless it’s house related and then it’s via email.
      Do I carry on and if so where?

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      April 4, 2016 at 7:24 am

      sorry for the late reply tina,

      try to be productive during no contact too and be active in posting it.. build a new life of your own first..so that you can heal and you can be more emotionally stable before tryig ng to rebuild things with him.. if it doesn’t work out during that then that’s when you start move on

  4. Laura

    September 7, 2015 at 5:49 am

    I have been with my husband for 7 years married for 5. We each have 1child that we brought into our marriage, and we have a 5 yr old son together. Life was good we had fights here and there. But really what couple doesn’t. 2 years of being married we had a huge argument because he constantly accused me of cheating when I was at school every other evening. He accused me of cheating on him with my brothers friend like 10 years younger. We would fight daily so in one of my rages, I picked up my kids and my things and moved in with my parents. We did not speak for about 6 months. We then started dating on and off without living together. I would stay at his place on the weekends. One day I decided to go on his phone and saw he was exchanging messages with this girl. He had tons of pictures of her in his text feeds none naked, and a message that read… I like you I like you a lot, but there is something you have to know… That’s all I read after he caught me and snatched his phone. He about cried and told me to forgive him that he did that because he heard I was talking to a good friends of mine a “male” we got past that issue and I forgave him because I love him. Back in April he wanted me to move in with him and begged me for a couple months, I was scared I didn’t know what to expect and I told him I was confused and wanted to wait and many be friends… We continued going out as a family no sex nothing just dinner and movies and time with our kids. I loved the time spent this is when I wanted to get back and he was not sure. I begged as well with no luck. Finally on July 14th he asked what I thought about moving in together. I said yes! I had already asked, he said all we need to look is for a house here arround the neighborhood where we live. I agreed, we kept going out and hanging out with the kids. We never spent time alone through this time only one night, and had sex. After two weeks of only having dinner and spending time with our children I asked if things where ok. He stated no that he didn’t like my attitude and he felt this was not going to work. So I asked then why did you want to move in? He stated he felt forced, after that he asked for his space after a few weeks I tried to talk to only get angry and rude responses asking me for more time until he finally said. Can you please leave me alone. I don’t love you, I don’t care what you do where you go or who you see. I don’t want to be with you. He threw in my face that the day we had sex he felt nothing. I have tried to talk to him and he will not respond unless it’s regarding my son, he’s also here for my daughter but he will not talk about personal things, he said he thought a divorce was best and that he would file. I said no, I will file… Somehow he found out I didn’t file for divorce no was upset, I said if your in such a hurry then you file… He said no but don’t say your doing something if your not, till this day he has not filed. But will not talk to me about us otherwise he gets aggressive. He will only speak about the kids and when he does he sounds happy calmed and speaks to me in a pleasant voice. He’s almost never home. He goes to this bar close to his friends house and he’s always drunk he added one of the cocktail waitress on Facebook and Instagram. When I asked if this was the reason he didn’t want to fix things he blocked me and my daughter off all social media and only left my dad. Stating he would not delete him and he would ask him for his privacy. I have tried numerous times to invite him out to eat and he just says no. I’m so confused and don’t know what to do. Lately I have just left him alone. we only text about the kids since I take them to school and he picks them up. I also started letting him take our son every other weekend. I really miss him and our family and I want things to go back to normal.

    1. Chris Seiter

      September 12, 2015 at 1:54 am

      You might want to check out my new site http://www.mymarriagehelper.com

      It’s ugly right now so don’t judge.

  5. Jan

    August 27, 2015 at 12:53 pm

    My husband left me about 5 weeks ago. We had a newly acquired loving relationship as I had been ill for several years and underwent surgery in December. He was also working abroad for 6 moths until My this year. He has 2 children from a previous marriage ages 15 and 19 and I have 2 aged 19 and 24. He is a great family man and loves being around them. Due to my hormone related problems I have kept myself very distant from everyone for the past few years. I love this guy with all my heart and it was only a week before he left that he still told me he loved me. He says our family value differences have torn us apart. I guess what I need to know is is this fixable in time? He is still paying the mortgage and is friendly if he comes back for clothes or to see our dogs. We were together for 11 years and married for 2.

    1. Jan

      September 2, 2015 at 5:36 pm

      He has always been a big family man and over the last few years I have been less involved in this side of our relationship due to my illness. It wasn’t just his family get togethers I missed but my own family’s as well. Since my operation I am finally getting a life back and my own family have noticed a difference in me. I love this man so much and feel that he has given up too soon. Is there such a thing as mid life crisis? This is so unlike him and he truly loved me even through all the stress of the last few years. All I want is the chance to show him how good we still could be.

    2. Chris Seiter

      September 2, 2015 at 2:58 am

      What are the differences in the family values that he’s speaking of?

  6. Kat

    August 25, 2015 at 5:24 am

    Hi Chris;
    My husband and I had been living apart while I finished school and were finally able to move in together. However, as soon as I graduated he said he wanted a divorce. He claims while I was at school I did not give him what he needed and that now the marriage is over. I feel like he is not giving this a fighting chance, obviously I love him and want to stay married. He said he plans on filing for divorce in the next few weeks and spends most nights away from home. How can I convince him to reconsider before this goes too far?

    1. Kat

      August 25, 2015 at 8:50 pm

      I definitely understand the principle of no contact and why it works, but I am not sure what to do since we are still sort of living together? I can definitely avoid texting, calling and seeking him out, but cannot just leave our ranch to avoid contact with him. Also, thank you so much for your help and advice!

    2. Chris Seiter

      August 25, 2015 at 9:24 pm

      The best thing for you to do is limited contact. There’s not much else you can do if you can’t move out. But be nice when you see him, just try to be out as much as possible.

    3. Kat

      August 25, 2015 at 7:09 pm

      He said that he had committed to helping me finish school, but now that I am finished and have a great job I don’t ‘need him for anything’ anymore. He is sending very mixed signals, talking as though his mind is made up but still making time to do things like go to dinner with my coworkers and go out of town for my birthday in addition to helping take care of our house, land and animals.

    4. Chris Seiter

      August 25, 2015 at 7:14 pm

      Def do no contact. Date other men during no contact but don’t tell him unless he asks.

    5. Chris Seiter

      August 25, 2015 at 4:43 pm

      I just put up a website for marriages as they are different then ex-boyfriends. (The site isn’t as appealing as this one because it’s brand new but you can read the content on there.) http://www.mymarriagehelper.com

      Why do you think he waited until you were finished school to bring up the divorce?

  7. Kristan

    August 21, 2015 at 12:05 am

    Hi Chris:
    I just found your site. I’m hoping it can help. My husband and I have been married for 10 yrs. A month ago he came home one day and said i love u but im not in love with your anymore. It came out of the blue. We have been seperating for a month. A few wks ago he asked dme to come home and I agreed but the. We sold our house so I am still with friends as we dnt have a house. We have no kids. Today, he told he he doesn’t know what he wants and he is confused. He says he loves me so much but doesn’t feel complete. Should I try your advice or is this situation just too jacked up?

    1. Chris Seiter

      August 25, 2015 at 9:14 pm

      Check out my new site http://www.mymarraigehelper.com. This should help tremendously.

  8. sheeta

    August 19, 2015 at 12:55 am

    i and my ex husband had separate for last three years ago..we never contact each other in this duration..he hates me a lot and even don’t want answer calls….even never come see or keep in touch with his daughter.

    we want him back in our life

    1. Chris Seiter

      August 19, 2015 at 1:16 am

      What happened during the breakup?

  9. sarah hanks

    July 18, 2015 at 12:53 am

    When i take a look at my life now, how perfect it is, i always wonder if five years back i was told i could have such a life, if i could ever have believed.
    Nothing seemed to be moving, my business was a failure, my life was a disappointment, my husband sent me packing, everything seemed to be working at odds against me.
    Just when i thought nothing could be done to save me, i found this site in June 4th 2015. This site changed everything for me. Gave me a fresh start,
    made me the wealthy and powerful woman i am today and above all my husband came back to me asking for forgiveness. Words can’t explain how grateful i am to this spell caster pristess iyawo, how appreciative i am to this web site for leading me to this new world i am now. I employ you all to contact her https://pristessiyawospellmiracletemple.webs.com and make your life what you could never have dreamed possible.
    Sarah Hanks

  10. Dawn

    July 14, 2015 at 5:26 pm

    Please help we have been together for 16 years and married for almost 10 we have two beautiful children that I never thought we could have because I had fertility problems . After the children our relationship seem to stall I had postpartum depression as well as polycystic ovarian syndrome I was not able to physically please him . A few years ago he met somebody on a business trip told me he wanted to leave and marry her then he changed his mind and decided to work it out in the meantime another person started emailing and texting him he did move out and move in with the second person for six months the whole time he kept in contact with me and told me he missed me we saw each other many times a week because of the children. He suddenly moved back in telling me he wanted to try after less than a week he told me he felt nothing and wanted to go back to her and now has said he will stay from month to see if I can help him find it again I don’t know what to do but I’m tired of the cycle I don’t want to divorce and I don’t want her in my children’s lives I love my husband!! He has ptsd and bi polar but won’t get help he is fine and everyt he suddenly moved back in telling me he wanted to try after less than a week he told me he felt nothing and wanted to go back to her and now has said he will stay from month to see if I can help him find it again I don’t know what to do but I’m tired of the cycle I don’t want to divorce and I don’t want her in my children’s lives I love my husband hing is my fault

  11. Sandra

    June 15, 2015 at 11:38 pm

    Hello Everyone, My Name is Sandra from U.S.A. My life is restored for good. I want to share to the world on how Almighty Prophet Iyare Helped me reunite my marriage. To cut the long story short, after 2 years of break up with my Husband with no phone calls or email messages. when i read about great Prophet Iyare I decided to contact him in his website because I saw so many testimonies of his help in the the internet. so i contacted him for help. to my greatest surprise, 2 days after i contacted him my Husband called me and started begging for forgiveness,at first I shed tears because I was shocked! i am now a happy woman with a beautiful baby girl. all thanks to Prophet Iyare. if you need his help to get any of your problems solved just Google his name ( Prophet Iyare ) and you will get all his details you can use in contacting him, his help is assured and guaranteed.

  12. Leslie

    June 12, 2015 at 5:21 pm

    Hi. My ex husband and I would have been married for 7 years, together 9. We have now been divorced for 2 years. We have a son together and I had a daughter. We separated for a little bit and tried some counseling and got back together only to end up divorcing. I think at the time we had waited too late to get help and I was so removed from the marriage due to so many issues that I was just not sure he was sincere with anything, only telling me what I wanted to hear and waited until it was too late. Needless to say we went through a terrible divorce. So much hurt, anger, bitterness towards each other. Of course we blame each other and now being removed and on my own for this time I can look back and see that I had some part in the separation of our marriage but it’s because I didn’t voice my concerns and worries or express my needs and desires from him. I felt alone in our marriage. He was consumed with work and him and I did for the kids, this was our life. We live separate lives under one roof but he wanted to make all the decisions, wanted no part in helping or doing with us but everything went through him. And he was a very everything is “black or white” kind of guy, no happy medium….no discussion. He was always so negative, when I thought he should be so thankful for what he had and anger issues from the past that he wouldn’t or couldn’t let go of. It was exhausting and eventually I just lost myself. I begged for a husband and father to be involved with us, to be active and he had no time for that and didn’t want that…that wasn’t who he was. There were issues with family and everything just seemed so overwhelming at the time, divorce seemed like the solution. And here we are…..and here I am and as much heartache as we went through and issues we had, I would reconcile with my ex husband and make it better than before. I have changed so much and I have seen changes in him, the changes I begged for. I hope that they are true changes and for the right reasons and I try to pray for that and be positive and give him that benefit. My son deserves that. I just don’t think that my ex husband will try. I think he is content with his life now. He says it is less drama and he is happy with that but when I do see him because of our son, he looks at me in a way I can’t explain. I don’t know if I should pursue it or let it be. He has always been a person that doesn’t forgive or forget and I use to say prior to the divorce with him, if you burn him, he is done with you…no second chances. I don’t know if it is still that same man. I am not in a relationship and do not want one with anyone else and as far as him, I don’t think that he is seeing anyone either. I am very torn right now. I would love to be able to put my family back together and better.

  13. Tasha

    June 9, 2015 at 3:18 am

    Hi Chris,

    I really liked your article. As I was reading I was really trying to focus on how I could apply what you are saying to my own life. My boyfriend and I were together for 3 years. We have lived together for 2 and 1/2 of those years. In that time he was a step father to my to children and last June we had a daughter of our own Autumn rose. Just recently him and my children have had a hard time getting along and I had injured myself so it put a lot of stress and responsibility on him. He decided it was to hard and couldn’t take it anymore and he moved out. But I think things had been bothering him for a few months and we hadn’t been intimate for a while and he swears he never cheated. I am sure that he didn’t. He has been moved out for two months now. We have been talking and hanging out so that he can spend time with Autumn. We even just did a 8 hour rode trip together. Laughing and remembering how much fun we used to have together. But he tells me and everyone that he loves me but he just can’t do it any more. He wants to spend time with me be really good friends but hes not coming home. I feel like he is keeping just at arms length if you know what I mean. How do I get him to reconnect with me. I have already done the step where I have evolved myself. I have lost weight, got fit, changed the few things in my life he said he would like to see change, he knows I can survive on my own. We talk all the time. We hang out. We have fun. So what do I do next?

  14. Willow

    May 17, 2015 at 5:06 pm

    My husband and I were together 13 yrs and married for 7 yrs. We have two children together and still have limited contact. We’ve been separated for a little over 3 yrs, I was the one to leave because, things had deteriorated to the point we no longer communicated and I felt unnapreciated in the relationship. We constantly argued towards the end, both having completely different viewpoints, whereas in the beginning up until we got married we worked well as a team.
    We had a pretty devastating breakup for both of us, with a lot of arguments over the children mostly. He has been with a woman for the last 12 mnths roughly? May be longer, I am still on my own, a bit scared tbh to get into another relationship.
    I’ve lost heaps of weight and got on with my life in other areas, being the main carer for our children. It’s been over three years and I still miss him terribly, I still love him. I have dated and tried to move on, but each time I do it feels like I am cheating on him as my heart still belongs to him.
    I have only recently seen him twice since nc for over 12 mnths, It brought back not all the unhappy memories but the happy ones now which is worse. We are not divorced, he hasnt pushed for one and neither have I.
    Is there any hope of reconciliation after such a long time apart and him being with someone else for a long time? We don’t speak on the phone unless it’s about the children, I had asked for this, so I could have space to move on and get over him. How would I be able to text him to implement recovery?

    1. Angel

      June 17, 2015 at 7:26 pm

      WOW nice article, i just got the phone call from my hubby as promise by Dr Kamiru i just want to share a few testimony about how my marriage got saved by Drkamiruspell@ live. com . I had a fight with my husband and he got mad at me and decided to bring in another woman, i know i did wrong and was scared of loosing him, when he brought in another woman to the house, i thought i have lost him already and that was when i had to use Drkamiruspell@ live. com and i was amazed the way the spell cast turned the table around and made my husband start chasing me and want to be with me again. am so happy now that my husband is back to me and me alone. So if you are facing any divorce issues waste no time contact him now Via email.

  15. Diana

    May 7, 2015 at 7:55 pm

    My husband of 9 years recently separated from me two months ago. About a year ago we had spoken of divorce and decided to try and make it work, but a month and a half ago out of the blue my husband said he wanted a divorce. I was blown away. We had worked on better communication, but I also knew I had gotten lazy with my weight. When I tried to ask him why, he just said he was “tired” of working so hard at the relationship and that marriage shouldn’t be this hard. I have read all over your website and cannot seem to place this type of excuse. My husband then filed for divorce the next few days later and then went away for several weeks (5) on a business trip and of course I did everything that you said not to (I hadn’t found your site yet), the crying, begging, and promising. After finding your site, I stopped the behavior, got a haircut and color, dropped a lot of weight and whitened my teeth. When he came back we talked great and had good conversation, but he would keep interjecting that he “needed to move forward” and move out…. Now he is out of town again on business and I am trying to implement your No Contact Rule (its day 4). I don’t know, I have read all your pages, and cannot determine if saving this relationship is possible and if the No Contact Rule will work at this point, I feel like the clock is ticking on the Divorce and I want to save our marriage, we were best friends to each other for 10 years…

  16. Diana

    May 1, 2015 at 4:35 pm

    Hello Chris,
    My husband I are were married 9 years. We have fought off and on, but last year he suggested divorce but we talked it out and decided to try and make it work. I thought we were doing real well, no arguing, etc. but work has been really stressful on him lately so I stayed super supportive. Then a month ago he stated he wanted a divorce and asked me to file right away. He mentioned that he was “tired” of trying to make it work and that marriage shouldn’t be this hard.
    I am not sure what to do, at first I did the whole don’t leave, lets work it out, but he didn’t want to hear it and even filed for divorce a week later. Since finding your website, I have read everything and am currently doing the no contact rule, but also limited because we do live in the same house, so I only stick to subjects relating to bills, etc.
    I am also focusing on myself, lost 15 lbs, got my teeth whitened, got a new hairstyle, but when he sees me he hasn’t said anything at all…..
    I just worry that it is too late after all the mistakes I made in the initial breakup and that the NC rule won’t work for me, he just doesn’t seem interested at all or seem to care…..

  17. Juanita

    April 27, 2015 at 8:21 pm

    Chris, thank you for the great read. I do have a question …

    My husband and I have been together for 14 year, married 12. We have 2 daughters age 7 and 10. I recently caught him emotionally cheating on me with a colleague at work. He says it is nothing and he insists there has been nothing physical and it’s just a friendship. Well this whole catching him led to a spiral of how unhappy he was in the marriage and he has officially decided he wants to separate. However, we cannot actually physically separate until we sell our house, which we are in the process of doing. He tells me he still loves me but not in a romantic/emotional way and would do whatever he can do to make sure I am taken care of but he still insists that a separation is necessary and he foresees us getting a divorce, soon thereafter. At this point I know the separation is inevitable but I want to win him back. I have admitted to all my wrong doings in the marriage, as as he but now I will do whatever it takes to win him back. I know in there somewhere there is a glimmer of hope we can reconcile. What are your suggestions? Obviously the NC rule right now is a little tough because we do see each other.

    Thank you.

  18. Celina

    April 26, 2015 at 11:10 am

    So my common law husband and I were together for almost 13 yrs, we got pregnant with our son after only dating for 4 months and then 18mo this later we got pregnant with our daughter. Now over the years I got my nursing degree, raised two beautiful children and worked full time while my husband didn’t put the effort or time in like I did. I forgave him, encouraged him, loved him to be more productive. He couldn’t hold a job more than a year, he did actively participate in activities with our children and he just laid on the couch not being helpful around the house. As the years gave way I always encouraged him to do more (not aggressively) then in 2009 I was in a horrific MVA and suffered traumatic Injuries to my back and neck, our lack lustre sex life died. I was tired, hurting and fed up without him ever putting any effort into being a good husband, father and man. So I snapped and demanded a separation. I moved my kids and myself out and went through the tons of therapy to recover and I had to get a different career. I expected my now ex husband to collapse and sink since I wasn’t there to hold him up (I personally hoped he would smarten up) it’s been almost 4 years since this happened and right after I left him he got an amazing job with get pay, he’s been holding the job steady this whole time (he tells me he finally found his niche) and I was happy but angry at him because he couldn’t do that when we were together for the kids or me. Then he lost weight, went out and started to socialize ( he never took me anywhere and he never wanted to go out with me, so I always went with friends during our marriage) over the first 2 years he begged me to return to him but I was done. Then these last two years we came to a friendly understanding, we talked as friends and we were settled. (Our kids now are teenagers) then I smashed my knee at my current job and had been laid up for the last 5 months and wcb made me attend counselling for depression while there my therapist opened my eyes to numerous realities of my life about my mother, my parents divorce, my childhood, my kids and then my ex. I had an apipheny, I still love my ex and I wanted him back. My mother would kill me if she knew, she couldn’t stand him the entire time we were together, she saw his laziness, lack of commitment and my frustrations with him. But since our time away from each other he’s grown, I hope I’ve grown and now I want my ex back. So anyways I freaked out when I came to this conclusion, it’s been so long can we overcome all the old stuff? But I had to try so I had to be absolutely certain this was my true feeling. It tore me up, I couldn’t sleep for a week, I started to smoke due to the stress, my heart hurt and the knots in my stomach were terrible. But then I asked my ex (Jamie) to coffee and to talk. We went somewhere secluded and I spewed verbal vomit everywhere, telling him everything I’ve been feeling and if there was a chance to get back together. He started to shake and smoke like a chimney and is he’s always loved me but he’s afraid I was playing games. He asked for some time to think everything over and I said yes. I dropped him off at his place (our teenage son currently lives with him) and I left him alone. A few days later he called and we talked about our daughter and other mundane things then he said, I willing to try. My heart screamed with joy but then the nerves kicked in. And I only wanting him back because I don’t want him to be with anyone else. ( I did see a random girl we both know send him texts and he was quick to hide them from me weeks ago, before i started all this) and I know surfs those local hookup sites, not sure if he’s been with other women, I can’t be mad at him if he has it has been almost 4 yrs separated and 5 years since we had sex due to my injuries. Anyways, we agreed to take it slow, rediscover our relationship, try not to repeat our past mistakes, plus we have to keep it extremely secret from my mother. (She currently lives with me but she will be moving out in a few months) I’m a grown woman and I want my ex back. So then yesterday he asked me after my therapy session was over if I wanted to come over to his place to snuggle, I did and we hooked up it was the most amazing sex we’ve had in almost 15 years. I teased him this isn’t taking it slow but then we repeated the fun again today. I’m trying to stay realistic and praying he’s not leading me on just to get laid, in some form of revenge for leaving him. It fun to sneak around but it can’t last and I really want things to work out. Our kids would be shocked but oh so happy for mom and dad to get back together. Anyways after reading my life story my questions are: do you think we have a chance after 4 yrs separated? Should I ask him out right if he’s been with other women or do I just don’t? How slow should we go? (I was thinking we should take 6-8 months, like dating before we move in) should we stop having amazing sex since we just started to reignite our relationship? Do you think he’s only stringing me along? because I put my feeling right out there on the table. He could easy crush me.

  19. blindsided

    April 23, 2015 at 4:30 am

    I have been married for 8 years. Our marriage hasn’t been perfect. Who’s has? We both work. We have a 6 year old. I didn’t make him feel important I’m sure. I find he’s been seeing/talking to his first love (17 years ago) for 5 months! He was his space to clear his head & to figure out what he wants? He says he loves me & always will. Sad thing is I know he loves me deeply & I love him with every breath I have! He says he misses me but some of the things he doesn’t miss! Where do I start from here????

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 23, 2015 at 1:03 pm

      So, he hasn’t left you yet?

      Is he cheating with her physically or is this more of an emotional connection?

  20. Narelle

    April 9, 2015 at 5:33 am

    My husband and I have been married for over 20 years, together for 23, and we have 5 children together aged 17 down to 4, we have been having trouble for at least 3 years, we separated for a short time 2 years ago, and just 10 weeks ago he told me he couldn’t do it anymore, and that he doesn’t love me anymore.

    He has been diagnosed as suffering with depression, and blames me for all his troubles, I know what I did to help with the breakdown of our marriage, we both just did the typical thing, and got lazy, I stopped caring about myself, and became very needy

    I have been doing all the wrong things over the last 10 weeks acting very needy and desperate, he has been extremely understanding given my carrying on, and he is always willing to take my calls.

    It’s very hard to do no contact as we have 5 children and we want to make this as easy for the children as possible. I Don’t know how to do this and do no contact

    We do chat each night after he rings to speak to the children, it is light hearted generally talking about things that have happened in the news, and also tv shows we both enjoy watching. Do I need to stop this, also he comes in for coffee when he picks up, and drops off the kids.

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