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417 thoughts on “The Definitive Guide On Getting Your Ex Husband Back”

  1. Natasha

    March 4, 2014 at 10:40 pm

    I know you get A LOT of questions and comments so I will keep mine as short as possible.. My husband and I got divorced two years ago.. We hadn’t talked for about 4 months after the divorce… (Keep in mind we have no kids together and no ties… We were married for 3yrs) (both very young as I am about to be 24 in July) anyways after the 4 months we just started texting here and there asking how each other was and casual conversations.. This had gone on for a year.. Then we decided not to keep texting as it was becoming emotionally straining.. So we quit talking for 30 days.. Well I messaged him again just saying hi we started talking again for like 2 weeks then he asked me to give him one reason why i loved him… the answer was easy.. i couldn’t answer that i told him that must be the hardest question in the world to answer when you love everything about someone.. he got more in depth with me and then i told him kind of how i really felt and he blew up and told me “Oh give me a break. So up and down? You must realize by now that I still care about you. That doesn’t change the fact that I will never trust you again. I won’t talk to you because the only thing that ever goes through my head when you are in my life is manipulator manipulator manipulator. There is no way you can tell me that you ever loved anyone other than yourself when we were together. You only ever come through when it matters to you, not to others. I never spent real time with my family, I never got to spend real time with my friends, I never even got to have a real connection with you because everything I would ever say to you, you’d try to turn against me either right then or in the future. So of course its easy for me to ignore you. I don’t want you to think you can come back here and start breaking down everything that I have built since I left you.You can’t even act like you were any different with me than you were with any of your other men. You ripped them apart to. I could see it in their eyes. Somehow people can let you screw with them and still stick by your side Not me. I’m not an idiot, I just put up with you because I care about you and Jesika. I will not allow you to try to tell me that I’m up and down and that I’m running your life. I leave you alone 95% of the time, you’re the one who keeps in touch with me. Im not rude to you for any reason other than the fact that I’m tired of you running my life. Just leave it alone. All is forgiven, but we don’t need to keep talking. Why? We have nothing to talk about. The only thing I keep thinking is where are my records?It actually hurts me to say all that, but everything that cones out of your mouth just seems like a game to me. That, plus my prior experience with you, tells me nope. No way. Not that stupid. I’m gonna go with my gut/friends and families wisdom/evidence/experience on this one.” I never cheated.. I was just driven mad by love to the point of control… After he sent me this we talked it out and he became pleased with talking to me again.. Then I asked him to look at my ig.. They were just normal pics he said he looked but then he just quit talking to me all together this was 4 days ago… Do I start the 90 day no contact now or what?

    1. admin

      March 5, 2014 at 5:23 pm

      Wow, you guys were young. You got married when you were 21!

      I guess my question to you is if he is even worth trying to reconnect. Do you think you can have a successful relationship?

    2. Natasha

      March 6, 2014 at 1:16 am

      Yes we were actually 19 we broke up at 21&1/2.. We had no real reason to break up we were just really stressed out.. We were literally in tears telling each other goodbye and that we loved each other.. He lives in Oklahoma I in Texas now I am returning home to live that’s why he said the part that he hopes I’m not thinking I can just come back and break everything down he’s built… Because I was so controlling… I couldn’t handle my own emotions at the time.. I was quick to spit anger and i was rude to everyone… So I guess your next question is would I be better now… That is a simple answer to me it’s just ‘Yes’.. I’m just wondering what I should do next.. How do I make the next move in this chess game?

    3. admin

      March 7, 2014 at 6:25 am

      Ahhh… the controlling thing.

      Just an FYI the more you try to control someone the less likely you are to control them. Obviously it’s impossible to control a human being. However, ppl really resent being controlled. What you want to do is influence them.

      Take things really slow.

      Where are you at, at this very moment? What specifically are you wondering. Asking me broad stuff never works out b/c I don’t have the time to give you general things. Just ask me specific questions.

    4. Natasha

      March 7, 2014 at 9:23 am

      Well he just texted me last night out of the blue after we hadn’t talked in 3 days…. Saying just this “I’m a f****** fool for you…” I want to know how to let him know I’m so sorry and I learned my lesson… Should I give him more space or keep trying to push through? He’s a really nice guy so I don’t see him ever hating me…. Maybe he’s just as scared as I am? He plays off his emotions so much better than I am able to though…

    5. Natasha

      March 7, 2014 at 7:11 pm

      Nevermind i guess i don’t need anymore advice after that I’m a fool for you thing… this morning I got the what was the end.. Him: Lol I was joking.
      Me: Why would you do that to me lol :c
      Me: Way to ruin my day.. Thanks Jon you’re amazing.

      him: i didn’t even send that text, my girlfriend did bc I was talking about the I’m a fool for you thing we did and she got mad. Drunk. Sorry. I was trying to play it off but not trying to ruin your day.

      Me:Oh lol okay I got you.. It’s okay I was just being facetious…

      Him: Well. Hope your day is going good.
      Me::3 you too!

      Thanks for all your replys I appreciate you even listening…

    6. Natasha

      March 9, 2014 at 5:28 am

      Is there anyways you could please delete my comments? If not I understand but I’d appreciate it so much! Thanks!

    7. admin

      March 10, 2014 at 5:35 pm

      I will try to delete them 🙂

    8. Natasha

      March 10, 2014 at 7:40 pm

      Do you have any idea why someone would do something like that… Like I was just baffled he’s never been the childish type…

    9. Natasha

      March 12, 2014 at 4:40 pm

      So even if I feel like we broke up because of me.. Ive been trying long enough? (1&1/2) &Since he’s started playing games I should just leave him alone? Permenantly?

    10. admin

      March 11, 2014 at 4:39 pm

      I think maybe he just wants control of everything.

    11. Natasha

      March 10, 2014 at 1:14 am

      There’s actually more.. Now he tells me it was all a test… I didn’t get that angry.. And I wasn’t that rude.. We ended the conversation on okay terms… Then this morning he tells me he slept on it and decided he doesn’t want to talks to me anymore… And that i should know why.. and not to text him anymore.. is he still testing me? What the heck is this? Games? Or is he just hurt and confused too?

    12. admin

      March 10, 2014 at 5:51 pm

      Fine… if he wants to play a sick game like that just cut off all communication for a while.

  2. MARIA

    March 3, 2014 at 9:54 pm


    1. admin

      March 4, 2014 at 3:23 am



      Have you read this page from top to bottom yet?

  3. Terra

    March 3, 2014 at 2:46 pm

    My husband and I have been separated for over a month. I have limited my texts and calls to only when its absolutely necessary. Well I saw him at a wedding this weekend and he kissed me. He took me to a separate place to talk and told me how pretty I was and he put his arm around. I was really confused. So, I said Im confused because you said you wanted a divorce. He said I ruined the moment and ran away. Did I really mess this up by being confused and afraid? Whats my next move?

    1. admin

      March 3, 2014 at 6:56 pm

      Or your husband is a nutjob???

      How did that ruin the moment? You were just asking if there was a future. You don’t want him to just hit it and quit it.

  4. Anna

    February 22, 2014 at 11:57 pm

    Hi, so hubby of 11months, been together 3, have 19month child and 11weeks pregnant. We fight. We argue bitterly as we struggle to communicate effectively. I’m passionate and emotional. He’s the opposite. We both resent each other for bottling up our feelings so as to avoid fights and think the other doesn’t do this… Etc.
    One fight got out of hand, he got violent- not towards me but broke things in the flat. I called the police. He left the next day. All blame on me. He’s very stubborn. I have no started limited contact. I still love him. But, what happens when the worlds most stubborn man is the object of your affection?? What if after 90 days I start with the intriguing text and he simply doesn’t respond?? I guess I’m a bit scared.

    1. admin

      February 24, 2014 at 6:19 pm

      IF he doesn’t respond you just try again.

      Why 90 days though? I think 30 days is ideal.

    2. Anna

      February 25, 2014 at 11:10 am

      I thought I read 90 for LC. I caved already anyway. And he is clearly very very angry and spouting all sorts of venom and hatefulness at me. Divorce has been brought up and use of contact centres….. How do you tell if it’s worth hoping and trying or if it’s better to give up now and start healing and getting over them?? The things he says are so awful….

  5. krystal

    February 13, 2014 at 3:12 pm

    Here’s my dilemma. I am getting a divorce after only a year and half. I am not happy about it but that’s what my husband wanted. He had never cheated on me until this past October. I was out of town visiting family and he moved in with another woman while I was gone. I am still very much in love with him and he has made it clear that he still loves me. He just says that right now he doesn’t think we should be together. My question is does it sound like I have a chance to win him back?

    1. admin

      February 14, 2014 at 3:19 am

      He MOVED IN???

      This is crazy.

      Why? Was he feeling bad about your relationship? How old was he?

    2. krystal

      February 14, 2014 at 5:09 am

      He’s 24. He said we don’t get along anymore. He said I changed after I had our son.

    3. admin

      February 14, 2014 at 6:43 pm

      Do you think that you did?

    4. krystal

      February 14, 2014 at 9:22 pm

      Probably. I had post part um depression but never got help for it. Now I am and I’m seeing a therapist. I want him back. I am trying to prove to him that I can be the person I was before but I feel like he doesn’t see that I have changed some since this happened. I don’t know how to fix all of this.

  6. janice

    February 11, 2014 at 5:01 am

    My question my me and my husband been apart for 12 months he’s a repeated cheater I made him leave this time.we have been together 13 yrs. I sometimes feel like I want him back but he has cheated so many tmes. He has ask to come back I said no that was months ago. We have no children together. At fisrt he would text me I would be rude told him he made his bed stay there. Now we text each other but he is stuck with all the nasty things I said to him. Funny he won’t talk about what he said. He said he is sorry for what he did but I heard it before. I am just pray.

    1. admin

      February 11, 2014 at 6:17 pm

      This is pretty bad. Repeated cheaters have trouble stopping. I actually recommend that women don’t try to get back with men like this.

  7. Sara

    February 9, 2014 at 4:41 pm

    Hello. I was with my man for three years at eight months we got married. He didn’t want to anyone he was married and this led into fights. In September I learnt he was cheating on me all summer. The women he was cheating on me with told me everything… He didn’t want her too. He apologized and things were getting better. I told my mom we were married he came to my house to ask my dad for my hand in marriage so we could tell my dad we were married. Then one night we got into a minor argument and he flipped out. He said he had become a man he didn’t want to become and this relationship isn’t for him. He wants to have multiple relationships because that is his nature. I love him still and want to get back together with him. If he even heard that he would be so mad because he wants nothing to do with the relationship. He wnats to be friends and we broke up a month ago. What do I do next.

    1. admin

      February 10, 2014 at 5:35 am

      I am having a lot of trouble understanding your message.

      Are you saying you were married for eight months or you got married at eight months?

  8. Jessica

    February 1, 2014 at 9:26 pm

    I feel a lot more better after reading this. I just broke it off with my partner of 13 years and we have 4 children, but never legally married. I would have love to do the NC rule but bcuz of the children it is impossible. Inside I am regreting leaving him but I couldn’t deal with his insecurities, lying, laziness and his priorities that weren’t his family. So I have to stand by my reasons. He on the other side is doing the whole blame game on me. That’s the reason why he doesn’t see the children and so forth. What I am confused about is when he does decide to come over and see the children and take them out he wants me to come along. He’ll start asking questions about what is going on. What is that all about? I try to keep my answers short and not pick up a conversation. My questions is there going to be a point where the blame game ends and he starts to really think about the reasons why this relationship ended.

    Thank you for this wonderful article and different perspective.

    1. admin

      February 2, 2014 at 6:35 pm

      Yes… looks like you will have to do some form of limited contact.

    2. Jessica

      February 4, 2014 at 6:01 pm

      Will it be a good idea to suggest it to him that we don’t talk to each other for a while. It’s only been about 2-3 weeks since I broke it off with him. But he calls everyday to check on the kids. Tries to make some type of arrangement to see them with no guarantees and attempts to offer financial assitance with the household expenses.
      I am really bothered with the fact that he isn’t making enough effort to see his kids and be there for them. This is affecting them a lot. Should I just let that be. If I tell him to just give us space will that be a bad thing to do.

  9. Melissa

    January 30, 2014 at 3:03 pm

    Me and my husband were divorced four years ago. It was my choice- lack of communication and family issues. In his words “everything unravelled very quickly and we both made mistakes”. A year and a half ago I wrote him an email. I had been feeling for a very long time that the divorce was a mistake and we should have just fought harder to work it out. I found out from him that he found someone else. Now we are going through the annulment from the church process. He’s probably going to be re-married. I have never moved on from him. I still love him. I don’t know what to do. Is there any possible chance I can get him back or have I destroyed us forever?

    1. admin

      January 30, 2014 at 6:21 pm

      Communication is relaly important in every relationship.

      Are you two still talking every day?

  10. Anna

    January 10, 2014 at 2:38 am

    Hey Chris-

    Day 16 of no contact 🙂 BUT, in the past I have always “cheated” broke nc early and went back to “fix” things because I couldn’t stand the discomfort. This time, I am in for 30 (at least) BUT for the girl that has always fixed things, is it worth the outreach text? My gut says it’s his turn to man up and make the effort, but not sure if I am thinking too much like a girl? Thanks for everything you do!

    1. admin

      January 11, 2014 at 1:30 am


      I think it is. Sometimes men are just too stubborn so you have to put the effort in a little bit.

  11. Diana

    December 26, 2013 at 11:29 pm

    I hope you can help me. My husband and I were together for about two years. We have a one year old son together. We recently moved and he changed a lot. He started to ignore me and get very aggravated. In addition he began working insain hours. Before the move we were planing to expand our family and it seemed like everything was going well. I love him more then life. Then one day he just said I don’t love you anymore I have been feeling like this lfor months. I don’t want to be with you, he said a lot of very hurtful words that I can’t even repeat without crying. He packed us and sent us on our way. I see him ones a week when he sees his son. And he constantly reminds me to get my stuff. He changed the locks. And doesn’t communicate in any way. I do the same. I do not reach out to him unless he does. He only reaches out when he need to see his son. It’s now been a full month. Everytime he sees me he assures me that he doesn’t love me and that it’s the right decision. He said we will have to get a divorce eventually. What does this mean? Is there any chance? What can I do? Or should I just let it go? It seems more and more hopeless. Please help.

    1. admin

      December 27, 2013 at 7:15 pm

      Any idea on why he started ignoring you all of a sudden?

      Have you gone full NC yet?

    2. Diana

      December 27, 2013 at 11:31 pm

      No clue. I would ask him if everything was ok. We don’t talk like we used to He would reply with that he is tired. And doesn’t know what’s wrong with him. One day he told me he felt emotionally numb. Tht he doesn’t want to contact anyone or talk to anyone. I offered counseling seeking help of some sort. But he refused and said everything will be ok. I kept asking him if he was ok. Then he got tired of it I guess and just said I don’t love you anymore.

      I do not reach out to him. He texts me ones in a while to get a date set up for him to see our son. Other then that there is no other contact. He parents and sibling as well as friends also have no idea what happened and keep telling him he made a huge mistake. But he is sure that he made the right choice by getting rid of us.

    3. Diana

      December 27, 2013 at 11:43 pm

      He is also 24 and I am a bit older then him. We got married young.

  12. Kat

    December 18, 2013 at 9:58 pm

    Ah! I’ve been reading your site nonstop. My husband told me he wants to divorce. I’ve been complaining about his mom, and then he just packed his things and left to her place. I NOW know I acted silly complaining that whole time and want him back. He doesn’t believe things will change. I just started minimal no contact because we do have a child. I’m on day two. After three months, I’m not sure what exactly to text him, though. And I’m just super nervous. I made every mistake you mentioned. I’m really hoping it isn’t too late. Feels like mission impossible.

    1. admin

      December 19, 2013 at 7:11 pm

      That is really tough. How bad was your complaining about his mom?

    2. Kat

      December 23, 2013 at 1:13 am

      Well, I always had an issue with her. When I got pregnant she treated me like family finally. However, that all changed recently. I was complaining about her to him for about three days or four before the split. They were silly issues now that I think of it. Example, I called her up and asked to put my husband on the phone. She didn’t. That made me upset, buuut I honestly do regret it now. I don’t know if there is another issue that I don’t know about between him and I. I know that he was stressed out from losing his job so me complaining about his mom didn’t help anyone. He saids he still loves me and always will… I’m not sure what to think.

    3. admin

      December 23, 2013 at 8:14 pm

      Give it time. Sounds like a highly charged emotional situation.

    4. Kat

      January 16, 2014 at 3:31 am

      Is it a bad idea to kiss him?

    5. admin

      January 16, 2014 at 5:55 pm

      I’d wait till I go out on a date for that.

    6. Kat

      April 12, 2014 at 12:55 am

      Update: well my husband was super mean and have been wanting a divorce. I did NC and well to keep this story short… he has been much sweeter. Problem: I don’t know if he loves me or he wants to just use me for sex. I don’t think I should hold it from him since I do love him and feel like it’ll fix our relationship, but I don’t know what to think because he doesn’t stay with me. He goes back home to his mom. What should I do? 🙁

    7. admin

      April 12, 2014 at 4:22 pm

      Well, the only way you can know for sure is to see what happens when you don’t sleep with him for a while.

    8. Kat

      January 16, 2014 at 3:03 am

      Is it possible to have me as a study case? Dealing with a potential ex hubby instead of ex boyfriend should make good research, I guess? I’ll pay. I need a personal ex-trainer. :p

    9. admin

      January 16, 2014 at 5:55 pm

      Hahahah I wish I could but I have so much going on I don’t have the time.

    10. Kat

      January 16, 2014 at 2:43 am

      Apparently he is mad that I kicked him out during an argument we had about his mom. *sigh* We never fight, but we did recently and honestly I love him and I’m willing to do better. He told me his intentions on a divorce and I’m pretty much doing what I can to avoid it. I just don’t know if I’m doing the opposite of good now. I was doing NC and then I just couldn’t help but talk to him about us. Is it bad that I try to talk to him? To make him change his mind? Am I better off doing NC again? I’m in limbo here and I don’t know what to do.

  13. JC

    October 30, 2013 at 1:55 pm


    I hope I can get your help! My ex and I have been dating for over 2 and half years now… he said we would get married in Spring 2014 this September, but since his work is crazy (630AM-8PM everyday), he had no time to think about it. I got frustrated, so about a month ago, I started pushing him about the marriage. But he wouldn’t talk in detail. He has been always just too exhausted for anything. He also doesn’t like me drinking… in the past, we used to get alot of arguments and fights.. and whenever we did, he would say, let’s break up. but recently, he hasn’t said that… last Tuesday, I drank with my friend and since my ex told me to come over with my friend, I went over to ex’s house with a bottle of wine with my friend.. .my male friend and I had convo for about 2-3 hrs. My friend left and I went into his room ( we used to live together for about a year now). I doi’nt know how thathappened, but I started talking about the marriage.. he said, let’s stop it there, let’s talk about it alter. I have to sleep.. but I was so frustrated his ” let’s talk about this later”. So I kept pushing it. He got mad, he told me to elave. I didn’t. Then he trie to leave. I stopped him, so he blew up and he pushed me, I pushed him back. It was bad. Then he said it was over. I left his house crying. He called me and told me to come home and sleep and asked where I was… I went to his house and slept there… next morning, after I came to work, I called him, he said his answer was the same that it was over. It’s over not because I did something wrong, he had no reason. He said he completely ran out of his patience.. and even if we are together, I won’t be happy because he’s so twisted now. He said we could date if I wanted to but I shouldn’t hope for anything more… next day, I texted him good morning,and he texted back good morning, I am at work. Then he ignored my calls and texts on Friday and Saturday. I noticed that he was out for 4 hrs on Saturday… on Sunday, I called him, we chatted for like 5 mins… Monday morning, he even asked me what I did on Sunday, etc…. Monday evening, I texted him ” please, I won’t be asking anymore questions from you… I just need to know to calm myself down as well. if you care about me even at least a bit, please answer me.. what did you do on Saturday?”… then he responded ” I don’t have to tell you this, but i did this…. … got it? the end. Don’t contact me again.”

    I was so hurt, so haven’t contacted him at all. I talked to his best friend, he said my ex hasn’t said anything about the breakup.. only thing he mentioned about me is that ” oh, I have to fix her bathroom….. and let’s do a NYC trip just for guys next month”… he even hasn’t said anything to his brother. WHat should I do????????? THANK YOU

    1. admin

      October 30, 2013 at 9:46 pm

      Ok, first question. Are you doing a NC period?

    2. JC

      October 31, 2013 at 12:47 pm

      Yes I am- however, my mom said she would talk to him as if she doesn’t know anything.. .we used to eat dinners together and my bf really liked my mom… she said she would meet up with him and just ask him how he’s doing and stuff… He’s not financially stable- he’s working his butt off right now.

    3. admin

      October 31, 2013 at 8:05 pm

      Sorry to hear about his financial problems. For a guy that is really tough b/c society dictates that it is the guy that has to “provide” and all men feel that pressure when they get older.

    4. JC

      October 31, 2013 at 8:50 pm

      Do you think I should just forget about him and move on? Or will he come back? 🙁

    5. admin

      November 1, 2013 at 6:14 pm

      I wish I could tell you.. but I don’t know what the future holds :(.

      All I can tell you is that if you really want him back I will do my best to prepare you. But if you don’t I can help you move on as well.

    6. JC

      October 31, 2013 at 10:39 pm

      I bouguht the ex boyfriend recovery book. I am not sure if it’s even worth trying though. He seems to be working his butt off and don’t even care abuot me or think about me. Should I continue doing NC or should I at least contact him to see how he’s diong and tell him I am sorry for not being understanding and making him do whatever I wanted him to do?

    7. admin

      November 1, 2013 at 6:22 pm

      Thanks for the purchase.

      Its only worth trying if you deem it worth trying.

      I do think you should continue NC at this point.

    8. JC

      November 1, 2013 at 5:46 pm

      Nevermind. I txted him today, and he txted me back right away. My mom and my ex has a good relationship.. she said she would just have dinner with him and ask him if everything’s going ok… I am just going to apologize because I did something wrong. I hope it works out fine.

    9. admin

      November 2, 2013 at 6:18 pm

      Trust your gut! Keep us updated.

  14. jessa

    October 11, 2013 at 12:30 pm

    I put this on another thread about ex boyfriends, but now I see that there is one for ex husbands!! So this is the place….

    Hi there,
    Ok, I broke up with my husband in July this year, and I asked him to leave the house. I did not contact him for two months, I focused on friends, work, flirting, etc. because I wanted to reevaluate our relationship. We got married in December in Vegas and afterward I got very depressed, we were not getting along. Two months after our breakup , he started to contact me again, and I remembered why I loved him. I made an effort to talk to him, but he was like a stone wall and says he doesn’t want to be with me. Since then, one month ago, I have been after him like crazzzzzzzy. I called him, sent roses, cried in front of friends, etc. I am so embarrassed and now he doesn’t even want to see or speak to me. He specifically asked me not to contact him for the next month so he can see, but he is interested in divorce. Today I am taking my first steps and I blocked him on Facebook to start the no contact rule. Maybe it’s extreme, but I can’t stand seeing his ‘married’ status anymore.
    One thing to add is that I was the ungettable girl for him for the past 5 years, which is why he married me, but once he got his trophy and I got my goal we lost sight of everything and didn’t work as a couple.
    I am pretty much the ungettable girl in all respects. There are men who are always trying to be with me even after I reject them for years. I am beautiful, intelligent, fun to be with, exciting, and I read the Rules a million times.
    How can the ungettable girl get the ungettable man back in her life??
    I don’t want a divorce and even though I broke up with him he’s been the most wonderful guy in my life and he worked hard to get me. It’s also hard to imagine that we are broken up when no divorce action has even started to go into effect.
    Now I act like a doormat.
    Other than no contact what is there to do??
    How do I regain my class and dignity in his eyes?

    1. admin

      October 15, 2013 at 1:13 am

      Ok, before anything. I want to say all the stuff you are asking about the ungettable girl will be discussed in this weeks new guide. I am going to have it out by Wednesday.

      Right now NC is pretty much your only play I think.

    2. Jessa

      October 20, 2013 at 8:14 am

      Hey thanks for the reply and the UG post. Yep, I qualify in all departments in that. Guys get googly eyed over me all the time. I have guys who have me pinned as their dream girl for years. now that I’m single-ish, even his friends are making passes at me in front of him., ummm, how can this work with my ex when he tells me he’s over me? I am conflicted because I am avoiding dating to keep my reputation and not lead anyone on, but having my ex reject me is making me feel so bad.
      I’m in NC, but only for the past 3 1/2 days. It is easier to not have that contact.

    3. admin

      October 20, 2013 at 9:01 pm

      Ohhh… so your the one we do the googly eyes at!

      Hey, 3 days is very very early. Just be patient at this point.

    4. Jessa

      October 26, 2013 at 7:31 am

      8 days and I’m exhausted. Getting a lot more done in my personal life, but just more sad and scared about the situation.

    5. admin

      October 26, 2013 at 5:59 pm

      Make sure you work on becoming less emotional and more logical forgot to mention that during the NC!

    6. Jessa

      October 31, 2013 at 4:04 pm

      Thanks, it’s been working. 2 weeks now.

    7. Jessa

      November 15, 2013 at 3:08 pm

      It’s been a month so far…. Waiting, waiting

    8. Jessa

      November 18, 2013 at 7:35 am

      hey! So I’m meeting with him on Tuesday….

    9. Jessa

      November 19, 2013 at 7:57 pm

      There was a kiss! We will see what’s next and I will keep updating.

    10. Jessa

      October 21, 2013 at 3:40 pm

      Yeah, 4 days in and I’m feeling a whole lot better! Thanks.

  15. Crystal

    October 10, 2013 at 7:46 pm

    Actually, my ex has since said that he has no interest in dating me as he wants us to be just friends. Yet, every time that we try to hang out, he’s all over me. I’m guessing he thinks we can have a friends with benefits relationship, but I’m not up for that. That kind of thing never ends well. What is it about me that attracts this type of man? It’s not like I seek out bad boys, they just seem to be the only ones that approach me and show interest.

    1. admin

      October 11, 2013 at 5:49 pm

      I can tell you why women are attracted to “bad boys.” As women you are always searching for an alpha male. Unfortunately, most alpha males are kind of jerks. Hence, you have the predicament of dating a jerk.

      Just my two cents.

    2. Crystal

      October 11, 2013 at 7:53 pm

      Alpha males (jerks) tend to have high confidence and have no problem asking me out, whereas other men find me somewhat intimidating because I’m quiet until I get to know you. Maybe I need to work on being more approachable. But hey, my poor taste in men does have perks. I always have a stripper that I can call for entertainment puposes! J/k, LOL!

    3. admin

      October 13, 2013 at 8:07 pm


      I have to say that if you are an attractive woman you will be approachable by guys. It is one of the distnct advantages that being good looking has. Of course, after the initial looks are looked past it is all about your personality and a quiet demeanor can be taken as “oh, she doesn’t like me.”

    4. Crystal

      October 17, 2013 at 5:50 pm

      I don’t go many places to really put myself out there, and I have been married so long, I’m completely out of practice flirting. I tell you what though, I got dressed up and went out with some friends the other night, and several pics were posted on FaceBook. I have gotten asked out more this week than I have in my entire life! LOL but now the problem is that the guys asking me out keep going on and on about how I look instead of trying to get to know me. I think I’m just going to become a nun…=)

    5. admin

      October 18, 2013 at 5:56 pm

      I have a tip for you on flirting…

      Look really really really really really pretty! The rest will take care of itself 😉

  16. Delia

    October 9, 2013 at 8:40 pm

    Hi Chris. Thanks for allthe useful info on this site!

    Here’s the situation…my boyfriend and I broke up about a month ago after a 9 month relationship. We were deeply in love and often talked about getting married. I was very busy with work and he did not feel like a priority because we only saw each other about 6-8 times a month. I continued to ask him to be patient as I knew things with work would get better, but I guess he was at the end of his rope. We were in contact via text daily…mostly amicable with very little arguing. He kept saying he needed time and didn’t think he could let go of the past or that’s things with my work would truly change. We met up 2 days ago and he still said he needed time. The conversation was very calm and productive and I made it a point to manage my emotions. No one was dominating the conversation and it was very natural. I do thnk he may have met someone else b/c it shouldn’t take an entire month to decide if he can get over the past(it’s not like i cheated or anything that offensive). i didn’t bring this up in our coversation since i have no proof. Because of the amount of pain I went through over the last month waiting for his decision, I had to tell him that I could no longer keep waiting in limbo and that we should move on with our lives. This was not an ultimatum, but a necessity for us. He said he loved me and didn’t want to let go or lose me but could not make the commitment to us just yet. While I feel good about making the decision to move forward, I still love and miss him deeply.
    My question is this…how likely is it that he will contact me to potentially get back together even after he said he will respect my space and needs. I feel that no matter what he wants he will not contact me again since I essentially drew a line in the sand. I really want to be with him, but certainly won’t initiate any additional contact from this point, unless you advise otherwise. Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks!

    1. admin

      October 10, 2013 at 1:55 am

      It is less likely now that he said he will respect your space/needs. However, that doesn’t prevent you from reaching out to him when YOU feel ready.

    2. Delia

      October 9, 2013 at 8:54 pm

      Ugg…sorry. Wrong thread since he’s not my ex-husband. Would still love advise. 🙂

  17. Crystal

    October 7, 2013 at 2:23 pm

    Batman is pretty awesome, but Superman can fly! Well, my life is suddenly getting even more complicated. So, the ex that got back in contact with me has a girlfriend, but he kept wanting to hang out with me. Well, stupid me, decides to hang out with him even though I knew it wasn’t a good idea. We’ve always had crazy physical chemistry, and that apparently hasn’t changed as one thing led to another. Well, guess what, I haven’t heard from him since! I am so making a mess of things!

    1. admin

      October 8, 2013 at 1:59 am

      Superman is awesome don’t get me wrong BUT Batman beat up superman in the comic books haha.

      Sounds like he used you to me. Your ex doesn’t treat women very nicely does he?

    2. Crystal

      October 8, 2013 at 3:46 am

      Lol, I am a X-Men fan. Mutants are awesome! He is definitely a player, and I know it. Somehow, he still manages to say all the right things and pull me in. And…he is a part time stripper with an amazing body, which doesn’t help either! I definitely know how to pick them! Seriously, I shouldn’t be allowed to date!

    3. admin

      October 9, 2013 at 1:45 am

      X-Men is cool! I liked gambit as a kid.

      Part time stripper? Magic mike? Lol jkjk

    4. Crystal

      October 9, 2013 at 4:02 am

      Gambit & Rogue are my favorites! Lol, I wasn’t kidding about the stripper thing! He thinks he’s magic mike that’s for sure!

    5. admin

      October 10, 2013 at 12:28 am

      Hahaha thats hilarious. So you really ARE dating a stripper.

  18. Mindy13

    October 4, 2013 at 1:43 am

    HI Chris Thank you for your valuable post. Your articles are great.God bless you. I am going through a situation and hope you can provide me a honest opinion. If a guy feels attracted to a woman and flirts with her while being in a long term relationship with other woman. Does that mean the guy lost love for his girl friend and which made him attracted to other woman.? Do you believe the fact that if you are in love with someone then you can’t have a crush or feel attracted to any other woman? I met a guy who is showing interest towards me and wants to take me out for dinner , and constantly flirting but he has a girl friend for long years. I am not sure if this is because he doesn’t love his gf anymore?

    1. admin

      October 4, 2013 at 9:40 pm

      I would say he is probably getting bored with the new girlfriend.

  19. Crystal

    October 2, 2013 at 2:58 pm

    So, I had something interesting happen today. My ex boyfriend, the one that I was trying to get over when I first started dating my husband, sent me a friend request on FaceBook. That relationship ended 8 years ago because he was cheating on me, and when I found out, I cut him out of my life. About a year after the breakup, I ran into a mutual friend that said he regretted breaking up with me and it was the worst mistake of his life, but by then I was happily married. He later married the girl that he cheated on me with. For the past probably 4 years, he’s been sending me friend requests (about once per year), and I deny each one LOL. I told him from the beginning that out of respect for our spouses, I didn’t want to be friends. He has since gotten divorced. Anyway, I finally accepted his friend request, and I immediately got a message asking me to hang out. Funny how when he had me, he didn’t want me, but eight years later, I seem to be on his mind…

    1. admin

      October 3, 2013 at 1:25 am

      Yup, I still think about exes from five years ago hahaha.

    2. Crystal

      October 3, 2013 at 2:58 am

      Men! Sometimes, I wonder what goes on in your heads! You’re fun to talk to! So how many women hit on you if they don’t get their man back? Lol

    3. admin

      October 4, 2013 at 12:08 am

      32 per day…

      No jk jk!

      Actually not as many as you’d think.

    4. Crystal

      October 4, 2013 at 1:28 am

      Haha! You’re like a heartbroken woman’s superhero. It’s pretty genius lol.

    5. admin

      October 4, 2013 at 9:39 pm

      Hahaha ;).

      If I had to chose one superhero I would choose batman. Sure, he doesn’t have any superpowers but he is a total bad*ss. Besides he is filthy rich and clark kent is a reporter hahaha.

  20. Crystal

    September 30, 2013 at 1:45 am

    One thing I can control is exercise, and I plan to look sexier than ever when I have to sign those papers! Lol! 😉

    1. admin

      October 1, 2013 at 1:34 am

      Then lets start there. Do you have a membership to a gym?

    2. Crystal

      October 1, 2013 at 3:41 am

      No gym membership, but I started walking/jogging & doing P90X. I’m also trying to eat healthier. I have thought about joining a gym later on as a way to meet people though.

    3. admin

      October 1, 2013 at 11:55 pm

      Yes joining a gym is a decent way to meet people. However, P90X should definitely do the trick. You might also want to check out GSP Rush Fit.

    4. Crystal

      October 2, 2013 at 12:24 am

      Thanks, I’ll have to check that out! I tell ya, I am feeling my P90x workouts! Guess that means it’s working!

    5. admin

      October 3, 2013 at 12:07 am

      No pain no gain right? Haha

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