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2,943 thoughts on “Signs Your Ex Is In A Rebound Relationship (The Definitive Guide)”

  1. Chris

    June 25, 2015 at 8:40 pm

    My ex and I were in a relationship that ended last April. My ex and I had been together for SEVEN YEARS. About 6 months after our break up (October/November last year), he already had a new partner. A mutual friend of ours told me that my ex and his new partner were engaged, I double checked myself and the first thing I saw on his Facebook page was a picture of the ring on the new partner’s finger saying “I finally said yes. I love him so much!”

    What are the chances of this being a rebound?

    1. Chris Seiter

      July 16, 2015 at 6:22 pm

      Strangely they are good…

      I mean, dont get me wrong. He could still marry her and be unhappy in marriage but just sit back and watch on the sidelines. They moved kind of fast.

  2. karyn

    June 22, 2015 at 7:21 pm

    I listen to your advice before when I went through issues with the same guy and hoping you can give more advice.. I was in a realtionship for 4 years with someone I thought to be my soulmate. We broke up since last august and I still think of him everyday. Recently I check facebook and see that he’s in a relationship with someone. I’m not completely upset that he moved on, I’m more upset and hurt that he moved on with someone so not his type at all! The things that are not attractive to him he’s dating the opposite that he likes about a woman. He could do so much better even if it’s not with me . I don’t know what he sees in that. We broke up before for 8 months and I listen to you about no contact and he came back because he realized what he lost and dating other women made him missed me but this time it’s different because he’s more open and serious with this woman . I reach out to him through message telling him I tried to forget him and date other people but my heart is still with him. His response was that at the moment he wants to focus on his life and he is happy right now and in the relationship but he will always have a spot in memories for me and wished me the best .. Not what I wanted to hear… It’s been a year and it feels fresh everyday. I was truly in love and like I said if he’s happy with someone else he could do way better than who is with now. I hoped it a phase πŸ™ I don’t know how to move on and forget him… I go to the gym , I ‘m dating, I’m trying to be positive but it’s starting to eat inside my mind …:(

    1. Chris Seiter

      July 16, 2015 at 6:18 pm

      Have you been using NC on him?

      I am assuming you are.

  3. Confused

    June 22, 2015 at 5:32 pm

    Hi Chris,
    My ex and I were together for 4 months and he ended things. About two weeks after saying he wanted to start over as friends and eventually get back to being a couple he is in a relationship with a girl (I say girl because she just turned 17 and is still in high school while he is 20). The girl herself just got out of a 2 year relationship about the same time my ex and I ended things. Right after the breakup he was talking to another woman so I don’t believe it was a premeditated thing, him getting together with the 17 year old. Already she is saying she is in love with him and they have been close friends for the past two years.
    1.) Is this a rebound relationship?
    2.) I broke NC after two weeks because he all of a sudden decided to use my Netflix again and I couldn’t access it so I told him I would appreciate it if he used his girlfriends or his best friends account as it doesn’t seem appropriate he uses mine. Do I have to restart NC?

  4. Dee

    June 18, 2015 at 10:39 pm

    I would like to purchase your ebook but I share an account with my sister. Is there anyway I can get it with a discreet title? Something generic like “Ebook”?

  5. Brittany

    June 17, 2015 at 1:29 pm

    Last year (August) a friend I once knew contacted me on FB. We started messaging each other for months. It was friendly. In January he told me he’s been in love with me since High school and thought about me all the time since then. He revealed that every one of his ex gf’s cheated on him so he doesn’t trust women that much. He’s an alcoholic. He was on house arrest so I went to his moms (where he was staying) to hang out with him. At first he was funny and Sweet. He tried to rush into a relationship. He even wanted to move in with me.. I had a fiancΓ© but ended it when I started having feelings for this other guy. Soon, every time I went to see him he just wanted to get me drunk and talked about sex. He also pointed out how GOOD he was in bed and how many girls he’s slept with… Definitely a turn off. He always brought up how he’s been hurt and he still “loves” all of his ex’s. What?
    I told him that I cared about him and wanted to be just friends for now. Get to know eachother better. He told me he’d wait forever for me and he’s not giving up. I went out of town for a week and thought about him the whole time. I developed strong feelings for him. When I got back, I told him I wanted to be together. He is ecstatic! When we hung out, he was drunk and very rude to me. He pointed out all of my flaws and I left. I realized I didn’t want to be treated like that. I told him lets cool down for a while then start over. He didn’t like that at all and was pissed! He begged me and said he needed me more than anything. He said I really hurt him and he doesn’t understand this at all…
    That’s when things changed. We didn’t talk for a week. I contacted him 8 days later and asked to meet at a bar so we can talk about “us” and start a relationship. He ended up standing me up. Ignored me for 2 days then finally messaged me on fb saying his car was towed and he had a bad few days. He apologized. We try to make plans for next weekend but he couldn’t say where or when… That was up to me. Grrrrr. So That Friday I tell him to call me so we can make plans. He says he will but never does. The next day he calls me saying he’s in town and wants to hang out. I say I have plans to go downtown. He says he can meet me down there. But then messages me asking if we are going to spend the night together. I told him yes. He actually shows up. We go to a bar and talk. I get a phone call and have to cancel the staying over plans we made. He’s frustrated and acts as though he has better things to do. He said I have all the power and if I wanted to be with him he wants proof by sleeping with me or changing my fb relationship status.. What? So I tell him I wanted to be with him and let’s do it. We’d have to wait on sex for another night bc I had to go. (We’ve been talking on fb for 9 months. We haven’t had sex or even kissed yet) he is very frustrated. Next day he calls me saying he’s still in town for another night and wants to hang out. We didn’t make any plans. I was taking my daughter to the park and needed my car worked on so I didn’t really have time and maybe tomorrow. Later on I tell him I can’t stop thinking about him and he said the same. He said it’s driving him crazy and wants to see me so badly…
    Later that night, he changes his relationship status to “in a relationship” and tagged some girl he just added. Then deleted me off his friends list. I couldn’t breathe. I immediately called him 3 times in a row. Then messaged him. He still hasn’t “read” it. He hasn’t wrote me back.
    For 9 months he’s been saying he’s loved me since HS (9 years) and he wants me more than anything. And he’s thought about me since I last seen him, I was his first crush/love. He even brought up getting married and having a baby with me not too long ago. He got off house arrest in May. And as far as I know he moved an hour a way in the country to live with his friend and his wife. But drives up here on weekends to stay with his mom. He is the type of guy who needs a gf.. He needs that relationship bc he’s been heart broke so many times.
    I asked him if he didn’t want to talk to me will he please just tell me so we aren’t playing games. He said he’s never felt that way so he’s never said it. But he would definitely tell me. Now he’s ignoring me..
    So… My question is, why the hell did he say all that shit that day and wanted to be with me but then turn around and get in a relationship with some other girl? Is she a rebound? And will he reappear after a while to try and get laid bc we haven’t done it yet? So many questions, it’s frustrating.

  6. Ana

    June 16, 2015 at 11:19 pm

    Pls help me. I have broken up with my boyfriend last month. We were in a relationship for 2 yrs and 1 mo. We had a bad break up and I said some horrible things to him. After a week, I said sorry to him and realized that I want him back. But he said he just wanted to explore other people and that I should just give him time and space, even just for two months. He asked me not to go anywhere and that he’ll miss me.

    The whole month after our break up I pleaded/begged/asked him to get back to our relationship. A week has passed after our break up, he is now in a relationship and he chose the ‘new girl’ over me. I asked him why he has done this to me, he said I already broke up with him. And now they are facebook official and posted a lot of pictures of them together. He hides these pictures from me on his facebook, but I can see them using my friend’s account. Why does he do that? I already know that he has a girlfriend, then why hide the pictures from me? He does not text me anymore and completely ignores me.

    I just started the ‘No Contact Rule’ this month. I have not contacted him for almost 2 weeks now. But he texted me on the 1st day of NC that he wants his money back. I ignored him because I was hurt. He shows no concern for me anymore and just asks for his money. So, I was angry. Should I reply now? or should I wait for the 30 days to reply and give his money?

    And this weekend, they went out of town for a vacation already. They haven’t even been together for a month! They went to this place where we planned to go together and exactly on our monthsary date.

    Ever since we broke up, I posted happy pictures of me hanging out with some friends and exploring life by mountain trekking and swimming. I think I am doing a good job pretending to be happy. But to be honest, I am totally hurt and don’t know if I want him back. I miss him and our good old times but his attitude now makes him so immature.

    Can you please explain what is going on? I’ve been making excuses for his actions that he is just hurt over the break up, just like me, which is why he moved on so fast and doing these things. Has he totally moved on? How can I fix this?

    1. Anony

      July 3, 2015 at 4:09 am

      This sounds so similar to the situation that I was in. I think everything works out differently and we can’t always predict what will happen. BUT, I definitely think he moved on too quickly after the relationship and it sounds like a rebound. New relationships are exciting and spontaneity usually follows along with it. It sounds like he doesn’t want you to directly see the photos but is really trying to make it known that he is with this other girl. He is hurt and depending on prior relationship statuses maybe just wants to explore his options to get that out of the way. I would DEFINITELY continue the no contact rule. That was so so so so hard for me to do, especially if he DID text me but it’s the only thing that will help at this point. It makes you less available to him and more available for yourself. Hopefully then, despite this new girl, he will start missing you and realize what he is missing. Good luck!

    2. So Confused

      June 19, 2015 at 5:22 am

      In my situation either , I don’t know what’s on his mind now, he’s doing stuffs which he didn’t like before, In my case, he’s now having a girl and I don’t like the way that the girl getting too clingy on him. ;/ holding hands, embracing his arm. I haven’t seen them in person, but my friends witnessed the two. I pretend that I don’t care but deep inside it hurts like hell.

  7. Ginny

    June 14, 2015 at 7:51 pm

    Hi Chris, I was in a relationship on and off for three years. I kept doing no contact so he could see the errors of his ways.. Everytime he would contact me and declare his love and how I was his best friend.. Then three weeks ago he tells me he is in a new relationship and is happy.. I’ve been very upset about it.. Today I get a text saying that he is single again he went from one nightmare to another.. I didn’t reply. I still love him and have been so hurt and confused..

  8. Sun

    June 9, 2015 at 6:21 pm

    Hey Chris,

    My ex and I broke up 6 months ago and he just got a new girlfriend. He met her on a dating website. After talking online for only a week she came to his place for the ‘first date’. She’s been staying there now for over a week without leaving once! I am not sure if this can be a rebound since it’s been 6 months and he’s pretty much over me, but do you think that since they rushed it so much, is it possible it’s going fizzle out quickly? I think it’s an unusual start of a relationship for the first date to stretch to a week and longer… I was his first girlfriend and this is his second relationship, so it’s not something he always does.

  9. me

    June 9, 2015 at 5:49 pm

    My ex fiance and I were together for 14 years. (on and off) We started dating in highschool. In 2013 he proposed and I was ecstatic. I couldn’t wait to be his wife. But as soon as that ring got on my finger it was like something changed. He often spent a lot of time with his friends, wouldn’t answer my phone call or text me while he was there. I never doubted where he was but it was rather annoying that he wouldn’t answer to even say he would call me later.
    This continued to happen after he proposed and I was getting sick of always being second choice especially since we were about to vow to make a commitment to ourselves. I told him that I wanted to start being his priority and that I wanted to start spending more time together. He would only call me after he hung out with his friends and usually this was late at night. We would always sleep together but for months I was only going over there around 9 or 10 after he was done with his friends (playing video games, etc.) It was very upsetting to me because I felt like we had no relationship other than sleeping together and that I was always last on his list to make plans with.
    On top of that he would never show up to any wedding things or house hunting. He would always tell me he would be there and then tell me he couldn’t get out of work (he worked for my parents and my dad would always let him go during the day and then go back to work) He blocked my number a couple of times for days at a time after I told him how upsetting this was and that I deserved to be treated better. After a couple days of not talking he would just act like nothing happened and nothing would ever get resolved. He would just ignore me and really wanted nothing to do with my life. I started playing volleyball and making new friends and he didn’t want to be a part of it, it was like we were living two separate lives.
    The last straw was when we had my sisters wedding. He got completely drunk before dinner and I just asked him to cool it off until after dinner again so that he could last all night. He left me at my sisters wedding alone. He didn’t come back until after friends and myself begged him to because it was so embarrassing. Then my sister was out of town for two weeks and I had to watch her dog in another city. My fiance and I were not living together at the time so I thought this would be the perfect time to spend some quality time together, discuss wedding things and just being together. He refused to stay with me. He didn’t want to have to drive any further to work, he barely talked to me during these two weeks and still didn’t make plans to see me on the weekends. He then blocked my phone number when he went on a guys trip. I continually tried to talk to him about how I was feeling and he would just blow it off.
    I started flirting with a guy I played volleyball with after I told my ex that this was not working for me. He didn’t believe me or even seemed to care until he realized that I was serious. I know what I did was wrong but I asked my fiance to go to counseling (he refused because he thought that it wasn’t a good sign that we needed it before we got married)
    Things went from bad to worse. It was always on and off with him. Sometimes he wanted to work on things and sometimes he didn’t. I started going on dates with someone else and still continued to date my ex until I told him I needed to be treated better and either he wanted to get back together or break up. He said that he wanted to get back together and then two days later told me he met someone and I need to stop stalking him because he finally found his soulmate.
    They have been dating and she posts things about them on facebook(which he never had when we were together). I still love him very much and I miss him everyday. I just wanted things to work out and I know my actions were wrong and I wish I could take them back but I felt like I had tried everything. I just don’t know if he has truly found his soulmate or if he is just hurt so he is hurting me. I don’t know if we could ever come back from this but I am hoping that maybe one day we could.

  10. Shannon

    June 9, 2015 at 7:33 am


    I am, unfortunately, in one of those situations where he lined her up ahead of time. He broke things off with me before he “cheated,” but he was with her on a consistent basis basically a day or two after he left me. He has even described her to me as a “distraction,” “something to keep the tears away,” “I don’t have a ‘girlfriend’,” “believe me, I’m very much alone, and everything I tell her is a lie,” “not all of us deal with pain as healthfully as you.” He even mentioned that he expected the distraction might work a few months, and then it would stop working and he would miss me. He says he that, if by some small chance we could still work out, he does not want to close that door, and he doesn’t want to damage my trust any more than it has already been. Talk about frustrating. I want to shake him and yell, “THEN WHY?”

    It’s confusing and hurtful, but I am well aware that she is a rebound. It doesn’t help that she’s the person he ended up choosing me over (they had gone on a few dates while he was playing the field, and after one date with me he pretty much stopped playing the field. She didn’t take the rejection well). It also doesn’t help that she’s this very successful business woman involved in a million charities and making a name for herself. We were together 1.5 years and had an intensely strong emotional, loving, and best friend sort of connection. It wasn’t a bad relationship. In fact, it was a wonderful relationship. I have 1.5 more weeks of “no contact” left to go. I just don’t know how I’m supposed to handle that if he’s still in a rebound. How does that change the post-NC protocol? I can’t really check up on how their “relationship” is doing, other than to ask him point blank, which is pretty counterproductive.

    Also, you said that the “set yourself up for a rebound” thing is pretty common… but I just can’t wrap my mind around whether that makes him a total jerk, or just a normal man preparing himself for dealing with a world of pain in an unhealthy way.

  11. Destinee

    June 7, 2015 at 5:13 pm

    My boyfriend and I broke last April 27, We were together for 2 years and 5 months. I was really hurt and i begged and pleaded. for almost 3 weeks. then i got tired. And after almost 2 weeks. He pmed me told me that he’s seeing other girl. And I told him it’s to early. But one of my friends told me he saw him with the girl holding hands, Is it a rebound? Since we broke up it’s been more than 1 month. πŸ™ is he really over me?

  12. So Confused

    June 6, 2015 at 12:48 pm

    Hi Chris , the EX-pert I hope you could help me just by answering this comment . I’m confused if his so called “best friend” is a candidate for “rebound girl”.and yes his best friend is a girl ( from that I felt something weird about it. πŸ™ )

    My Ex and I broke up 2months ago, (for the second time around) our relationship lasted for almost 3 years . On 1st break up , I saved our relationship from heartbreak by simple conversation. Because I know our relationship is leading something serious and I know its worth a second try. I told him that “As long as you are happy after this I won’t mind. Is this really what you want?” and he emotionally nod “no”. And we get back together. but I messed up after 1month, it was the night when I tried to surprise him.
    After that he said he needed space. And I respect his decision about it. I decided to contact him after a month thinking that maybe he had cooled down his temper. I couldn’t stop thinking about him day and night. Until one day his mother messaged me on Facebook saying that they miss me . (because he ‘s still living with his parents) and I replied that I missed them too.
    His mother called to me and told me that he introduced a new girl and told them that she is his “best friend”. His mother said that it is suspicious that he is having a best friend which is a girl. (come on. do you have to introduce her in a family member like that?) and told me that she’s rude etc..
    I need your help Chris . Will this “best friend ” of his will lead to a rebound? Thank you and more power to this website. I also want to help you think about the topics to be discussed here too πŸ™‚

  13. Liz

    June 2, 2015 at 4:16 pm

    Hi Chris, hoping you may be able to help me out. My ex is definitely in a rebound, he told me that he’s in his “relationship” to try to move on because of how much I hurt him. Here’s our story:
    He has a new GF after our 5 year relationship
    My ex and I were together 5 years and lived together the entire time, he even proposed on our 3 year anniversary but I have bad OCD and anxiety that interfered with my ability to commit. We ended our relationship because of my issues 4 months ago. I want him back but he is dating a new woman for 2.5 months.

    He cries every time we talk in person and on the phone, he thought we were over permanently when I ended things and says now that I’m showing interest he is “lost and confused” … He says he needs time, that I’m his best friend, he loves me and our dog and that we were a family, he also says that I am “the one who got away” … He told me a few weeks ago that he thinks about coming back to me some days but would be “risking it all” since I hurt him in the past. He said he would feel like a massochist coming back since i distanced myself from him for the end of our relationship and wasn’t loving or nice.

    He responds positively to contact and said he’s open to the possibility of us getting back together in the future yet he is choosing the new girlfriend over me right now. We have seen each other 5 times in the last 2 months, the last time 2 weeks ago when I visited him after knee surgery he cried when I walked out the door, hugged me and our dog and said “I love you girls”.

    I am in therapy for my ROCD which I was just diagnosed with.. OCD where you fixate on whether your partner is the one. My therapist is sure this is why our relationship went south. I am working on myself every day to show him as he said he needs to see me happy and confident if we can ever get back together and he needs to be sure I’ll never hurt him again. Yet he is still with this new girl! Something I’m really confused about!

    How can I make progress even if he is seeing someone new ? Do we have a chance? Any insight is appreciated.

    1. Chris Seiter

      June 3, 2015 at 5:00 pm

      You should hop on over to my,

      “how to get him back if he has a new girlfriend page.”

  14. Leah

    June 2, 2015 at 3:38 am


    I’m happened upon your rebound page and found it very insightful. My situation is more then a boyfriend/ girlfriend brake up unfortunately. I’ve been married to my husband for 5 years and we dated for 5 years prior to that. We were each other’s first and only until the day I found out he had slept with another women. There’s no words to describe the horror of finding out. He said he wasn’t happy and was moving on and it had nothing to do with her he said. I did everything I could to save our marriage but he told be he needed to divorce me so he can see if he really loved me and we could maybe get back together later down the road. I moved out of our house to let him be on his own for awhile. He filed for divorce 3 months after I found out about his affair. I later found out the other women moved in our house right after I left and she was pregnant with his baby. She also has 2 little girls by another man and is 5 years younger then his 29 years. I’m so devasted that this women just completely replaced me and took what wasn’t her right to have and I’m finding it really hard to let go of the betrayal and our long history together and trying to figure out how he just moved on like I never existed!?!?? Could this relationship possibly last!??

    1. Chris Seiter

      June 2, 2015 at 3:57 pm

      Depends on a lot of factors.

      The good news is that it definitely does sound like a rebound to me.

  15. Corinne

    May 29, 2015 at 9:55 am

    Hi Chris

    I was with my ex together for 2.5 year and we lived together for 2 years. We never had major problems. We really always had a good time and were never separated more than 5 days in the relationship. In the last month he changed a lot he went out more often, was sourrounded by more woman and had new friends. In this time period he did not cared much about me. He also told me that one girl said to him that she really likes him, and he finds her intresting.
    When he broke up he told me that he still loves me that he could imagine to marry me one day, just now he wants to be free and he hopes that we will find our ways back together.
    After the break up, we heard from each other every 7 days. But he is enjoying his single live. Although he told to a friend of his that his not sure if he did the right decision in leaving me.
    Now 7 weeks passed and I heard that his spending much time with this girl I told you before. They have a physical relationship.
    When he once was with her in the apartement and I appeared I told him that I don’t want to see him anymore nor hear anything from him.
    Is he in a rebound relationship. Did I scared him off for good with this sentence?

  16. Tme1284

    May 28, 2015 at 10:00 pm

    Hi Chris,

    I read your post, and it definitely hit home for me. My situation is a little like this…My ex boyfriend and I dated for 8 years and lived together that time period. We had a 13 year history as we had been seeing each other on and off before that. We had been through our fair share of trials and tribulations, but overcome each. The breakup came when we finally talked about where our relationship was going. We wanted the same things, just on different time schedules. There are no bitter feelings in my end, and he claims to have none as well.
    However, after only a month or two of him moving out, I have heard he is in a new relationship and is in the process of introducing this person to his family. I keep in contact with his family regularly, and they are all very surprised by this. He hasn’t even personally addressed our breakup with them. He is doing things very out of character for him. And when asked by me if he still cares for me or has completely moved on and closed his heart to me, he replies by saying he will always love me and will not say that it is over for good. But, I am so confused with the whole introducing the new girl to his family thing.
    I very much want this to work out and am trying to stay positive and give him some time. I am trying to believe that it may take this new relationship to make him realize what we had and that we can work on it. Do you have any advice? I think this is a rebound relationship, but some of his signals are confusing to me. I am having a really hard time and haven’t even remotely moved on. It has only been 3 months since he moved out. Any thoughts on what I should do or what this means for his new relationship or a potential for him and I to reunite in the future?

  17. Lena

    May 18, 2015 at 7:39 pm

    Hey Chris,

    I am wondering if I might be the rebound for my ex.
    I don’t know how soon before we started seeing each other his ex broke up with him,
    but I know he still had feelings for her 5 months into dating me – he told me that in heat of a fight.
    We were an LDR we were seeing each other for a year.
    At first we were more friends with benefits kinda thing, but then we had a talk where I wanted to stop because I started having feelings for him. He said he wants a relationship with me. Then 4 months after that, he breaks up with me saying he never intended to fall in love with me.

    If I was a rebound – do I have a chance of getting him back?
    Or if he wasn’t in love with me (although his actions would totally prove otherwise) do I keep trying to win him back and commit?

  18. Hazel

    May 18, 2015 at 2:42 am

    My ex and I were together for a year and a half. He broke up with me because he felt that the relationship wasn’t working out. He started dating his “best friend” two months later. I have always had my doubts about them when we were together but he insisted that they were just good friends. Now he says that it is because she understands him better and gives him advice. He agreed with me that he had been emotionally cheating. Do you think they will last or is she just a rebound?

  19. Sally

    May 10, 2015 at 11:11 pm

    Heya Chris!

    My ex and I talked for a few months after our break up (mutual). During these months I had mixed success, but towards the end he seemed determined we can’t be together ever again. Did NC twice for two weeks because I was weak and started talking to him again…

    Three weeks ago, we had an argument where he twisted my words into complete evil, despite it not being offensive. It was very hurtful. I got fed up with his daily cold and mean behavior and after that convo I went strict no contact with no warning. Still in NC since then.

    Few days after I stopped talking to him, he posted on his Twitter ‘Will I ever find you?’ and also that he’s very depressed. It’s not like him to post things like this, also he always said how he’s not actively looking for anyone and if it happens then it happens and that he actually doesn’t have time to date, etc… This tweet got me thinking that me not giving him daily dose of attention hit him and now he’s feeling lonely, because I was always there for him when he needed me to a point where I kind of was a doormat sadly. Few days after that tweet he posted another one that said ‘That feeling when you fall for someone’. I can’t help it but think he really tried hard to replace me now that I have stopped talking to him definitely. But why does he post it on social media like this? He’s just not that kind of a person. Part of me thinks he’s trying to bait me into some kind of contact and made it up, since it seemed like he’s now looking for someone to fill the void.

    If it’s true and not just some made up bait, is it correct to assume it would be a rebound, if they started dating? It’s been months since we broke up, which leads me to think it might not be a rebound, but he admitted to feelings to me not too long ago, but isn’t interested in a relationship anymore, because he thinks we are incompatible. I’d also like to mention that I was his very first girlfriend and we were together for over a year and also that this new person is most likely a guy, because he’s bisexual and inclines towards guys.

    Could you please let me know what do you think about this? Do you think this might be a rebound to help him feel better?

    Thanks in advance for your reply!

  20. Confused

    May 8, 2015 at 4:32 pm

    Ok quick question. My ex left me 3 weeks ago and immediately started spending every single day around a new girl. She, for many reasons, is entirely incompatible with him and I know she is a rebound. However he claims they aren’t together around anyone who asks. They spend all of their free time together from what I hear and he.does things like take her to dinner and go see her on her lunch break. I’m currently still in no contact and sticking to it. I slipped up once but haven’t spoken to him since. He also refused to give my things back in that conversation. So my question is, if he isn’t admitting to being involved with this girl, do I contact him as planned at the end of NC or wait until this girl isn’t around so much?

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