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April 9, 2015 at 5:38 pm
I am dealing with a situation of my own. My ex had gone on vacation and met up with an ex and they had re-kindled over vacation. When he got back he broke up with my over text message and left me with only “I don’t think we’re right for eachother and leave me alone”. I have tried contacting him but he gives the same response. Is this girl a rebound? Is it possible to get him back still?
April 8, 2015 at 10:28 pm
Hi. This is a wonderful and informative article. My ex boyfriend and I have been in an on and off again relationship for 3 years. Things changed last year when we decided to take another go at things, but in a serious light. We were in a serious and committed relationship for one year. Early this year, we started fighting a lot, and then things started getting weird and there was a lot of tension between us. I attempted breaking up with him twice this year but he didn’t want us to break up and the second time I attempted to break things off, I gave him his watch back that he had given to me on his birthday last year which he spent with me, he took the watch back but demanded that we spoke to each other about everything. He seemed as if he didn’t want to break up at all and was saying things like “after all of this, after everything, you’re just giving me this watch back”, I was really angry and tended to make decisions when I was upset. We attempted to solve things and spoke for hours and he said that he didn’t want to loose me and that I was still his girl. A few days before Valentines day, he broke up with me.. I thought he was afraid of commitment because our relationship was getting serious and he made comments like “It feels like we’re getting married tomorrow”. In the morning of Valentines day he came to see me and we spoke about our relationship and getting back together and he said that he hated the fact that I hadn’t spoken to him not once since the break-up. He spent Valentines day and night with me and a couple of our friends at my place and we ended up sleeping together that night. We spoke after that and decided to get back together but in a less serious light because that’s what he wanted and I did not want to loose him, the day after he broke up with me again and said it wouldn’t work out even if we did try. Time passed and I found out that he had been cheating on me with this new girl he is now seeing, they aren’t dating but this girl wants something serious with him and he doesn’t want anything serious.. I don’t know if he is in a rebound relationship or not, although it seems like it. He wears armbands that I bought him every single day, a week ago he gave me his handkerchief after he comforted me whilst I cried because we were speaking about what he had done to me and he was apologizing, he tells me that I mean a lot to him and he still cares and that he is battling to get over me, yet this new girl is his wallpaper on his cell phone, he has so many pictures of her on his phone and he speaks to her all the time whereby he doesn’t make the effort to speak to me, but when we do speak, we speak like friends and just normally and I don’t like that. I miss the way he used to speak to me and the things he used to say to me and it drives me crazy that he now says all of that to someone else. In the beginning when I asked him about their relationship he told me that she doesn’t mean anything to him, but now I’m starting to think that he was lying to me. I don’t think I want to get back into a serious relationship with him because he really hurt me so bad, but I don’t want him to be with this girl. I’d rather he dealt with the pain of our breakup, like I am, rather than being happy with some girl he doesn’t even know. I love him so much, but I don’t think he has never even cared for me and I feel that I was being used throughout the relationship. I’m so confused because he looks at me the way he used to look at me, but he doesn’t speak to me the way he used to, I don’t know what I want, nor do I know what he wants.
April 4, 2015 at 3:30 pm
I been with my ex boyfriend for two years and we broke up two weeks ago. We seemed so perfect for each other and we never had one argument. The two year went well as if it was a dream. But I had to move for a job.
He finally broke up with me two weeks ago. I accepted because I knew it was coming. I went on Facebook a three days after we broke up and saw photos of a new girlfriend. I feel so insecure and broken that he replaced me with someone else days after. They been posting lovely dovely comments and photos days after we broke up. They are doing all the stuff we used to do.. Which makes me feel irrelevant to him.
I creeped on her facebook and found out they were hanging out before him and I broke up. I feel really stressed that he might have lied to me and cheated on me. I don’t know how to handle all these emotions. I get anxiety attacks just thinking about moving right now because my emotional support (ex) dumped me. I’m scared I wont find love again.
April 4, 2015 at 7:11 am
after a month of being broken up my ex told me he still had feelings for me then 2 weeks later he has a new gf and 3 months on they are still together and look very happy in photos..
Is it possible to get them back if they are in a rebound relationship? or do you have to let it go and wait until they have broken up
April 2, 2015 at 2:47 pm
Great article. My ex and I were together roughly 7 months with two break-ups (the second one being the final one) and multiple threats of break up or talks of break up roughly every two weeks (he’d feel like we weren’t compatible, want to cut his losses, then change his mind). The final break up was a little over a year ago. During this time my ex would try and get back together, change his mind, come back, disappear for two weeks, et cetera. It was a vicious cycle. One day he’d love me. The next day he would not.
Two months ago he tried again to get back together. He found out I had started dating again and said he was the right one for me. He even said he’d fly across the US for me (I’m in TX, he’s in MA). He never did, of course, but he was still in contact with me saying such things and how he didn’t want to be someone’s back-up, et cetera, till about the second week of January.
I just found out last week that he now has a gf. I’m confused. Is this still considered a rebound? I’m just concerned because I want to know if I should expect the same back and forth in a few months. It’s stressful and confusing when he does this and helps when I can anticipate it. Thank you.
– A
April 16, 2015 at 10:11 pm
Thanks for the reply Chris. You’re right about actions speaking louder than words. The thing that concerns me is this – the guy I’ve been dating for the past year and a half (got together about 3 months after my ex and I broke up – speaking of rebounds, haha) proposed. I’ve been afraid to announce the engagement because the last thing I want is a mean phone call or email. But I guess we shall see. I’m moving back to the East coast for my PhD and it’s just worrisome. I’m hoping this new girl of his is permanent because it means I’m off the hook.
– A
April 7, 2015 at 8:19 pm
Actions speak louder than words.
Technically it is still in that rebound area.
April 1, 2015 at 2:29 am
My Boyfriend and I broke up after 7 years. Im 26 and he is 25. I love him dearly and I miss him very much we lost our virginity to each-other. We always talked about getting married and that we didn’t want any kids and we agreed on. He doesn’t drive so I took him anywhere he needed to go. I take him to his hair appointments,work and other places that he needed to go for 7 years. Everything started with some girl and the rumors she is 18 she does not drive either. Rumors at his work place saying they would vanish on there breaks together and at party’s I confronted him for it and he said to me that people wanted to start shit and they are just friends and they aren’t alone.They also got there phones takes away at work cause when the girl would get in trouble she would texted him and cry and he would take up for her and they would both get in trouble. The girl also accused the manager of taking money out of the safe and she would texted my boyfriend about it and he would take up for her again and to find out the manager didnt steal anything cause they looked at the cameras at his job and found out the girl was lying and just wanted to start drama and they both got in trouble. I threatened the girl to back off twice and stop texting him so much and it didn’t work. He got mad at me cause he said I didn’t trust him enough and he told he that he just wanted to be friends with her but i trusted him not her. In the end he wanted to break it off first we agreed to the breakup and I told him that one day when the bullshit and drama goes away we could seek each-others affection again and he agreed. I’m very close to his family and they say that im still part of the family even-though we been broken up almost 2 months and no contact. I talk to his mom all the time and she tells me that he still does not like that girl romantically and they are just friends. She also takes selfies of herself and he likes them on her facebook page. His mom does not want him to date a 18 year old she loves me and wants me to stay with him and have a family together. I also wonder If he still thinks of me on a regular basis.I have done everything for him for 7 years. I would cook him breakfast, take him to work and pick him up. His hair and eye appointments and cook dinner for his family He still lives with his father and his brother at the apartment. His dad loved me and heard everything that was going on and said that he wants me to stay A part of his family as well. I also live with my mom and dad……yea im broke all the we couldn’t afford to get our own place. over the past 2 weeks he has been walking where he needs to go or his best guy friend would pick him up or his brother or dad. After being with someone for 7 years I cant just be friends with him. Then I came across this article on this page.
Kind of scary huh? He could already have met his targeted rebound girl while he was still in a relationship with you. Now, I think it is important to point out that if he cheated on you with this girl than I would not classify that as having anything to do with this. In fact, there are an entirely different set of questions that have to be addressed in that case.
Anyways, here is how this usually works. Your ex is unhappy in his relationship with you, he is already planning on breaking up with you, or if he isn’t planning it yet, he is at least thinking about it. Enter a new girl into the picture. Usually, he meets her at work, begins flirting with her and you take notice. Essentially, he is lining up his rebound. Think of it like a batter on deck at a baseball game. After he/you ends the relationship he moves on to his new girl who he had lined up way ahead of time. It is a cruel practice but it is also common.
This is exactly what happened!
He started dating the girl within a month or 2 and then moved in with her and her roommates. Is He going through a rebound? And how long will it last? Sorry long post.
April 2, 2015 at 11:32 pm
It seems like a rebound to me.
I can’t guarantee it but it seems like one.
March 30, 2015 at 10:47 am
Hello, my boyfriend whom we had stayed together for 2 years broke up with me 1 and a half months ago, something that i never expected. We had a slight disagreement which led to a quarrel at night and due to that anger, we decided that we should give each other time. So,I went to my sister’s place upon my man’s request that he needed time alone too. I needed the time too but felt bad leaving my sweetheart behind. In fact, through out the journey I kept thinking about him but could not go back since he had locked the house and had gone to work.
He never picked my call from that day neither did he reply any of my messages. I missed him a lot and could start telling him that it was good that we solved the issue but he refused. After two weeks, he just sent me a message one morning telling me that we had broken up and that I should go pick my things and move on and also concentrate with my business alone. It was the hardest thing hear from him anyway. I didn’t reply the message immediately until after some three hours. I begged him a lot and cried and phone thinking that he was going to accept my plea nut he did not.
I came to find out that after three days of the official break up that he had brought in another lady and she spent with him three days. she could visit and spent with him four day in a week and now they are still together. When I learned of that I was so much hurt since I have never though of our relationship ending that soon.
Before I knew that he had another woman, I had applied the No Contact Rule for two weeks but then broke it by going to pick some of my documents from his house. Things turned worst when he heard that I was there. He refused to meet me and never allowed me pick my documents. His family and mine got concerned and each family pushed to their side.
My boyfriend and I became more than angry. I simply became angry on hearing that he always has that woman in the house that we stay in when my everything was inside. Ok, we became so abusive and each one threw dirty words to the other on phone and through messages. I felt quite guilty after going there and what came out.
I still love my man though, I do not want to show it to him at all. He still meets the new girl friend. It’s now three weeks since I was there and also three weeks since I begun a new No Contact Rule.
Two days ago he called but I didn’t pick his call. He sent a message telling me to go for what I left in his house but I didn’t reply the message.
My questions are:
1. Is he in a rebound relationship, and if true, when and how can I get him back since I still love him and we had planned a lot for our future?
2. My gay is always a proud man who never thinks of being defeated, though I loved him regardless.So, will he see me as a beggar when I initiate communication after the no contact period
Please help.
March 30, 2015 at 4:59 am
my ex and I have had a 7 month relationship that was great but he became distant so i broke it off after the holidays he came back in my life. we started hanging out until i confronted him abut leading me on after confronting him that i now longer wanted to be lead on he moves on a month later to some other chick. I texted him asking for something of mine back but he didn’t wanna give it back. all and all he’s getting deployed in sept. and he told me he didn’t want a relationship soo correct me if I’m wrong i do believe he’s trying to hurt me or make me jealous. my gut feeling tells me this girls a rebound.
March 29, 2015 at 7:11 am
My ex was a massive commit phobe, didn’t have a gf for 4 years because of his commitment issues, he had trust and jealously issues. We were together for a year, but he was jealous the whole time and broke up with me because of it. 6 weeks after we broke up he has a new girlfriend!!! I’m so confused!! They have been together for 3 months now, and she’s at events with his friends ect. Do you think they will last? I don’t get how they can be together when our whole relationship was a battle to get him to commit or even let me near his friends!!! And yet there she is in his life!!
March 29, 2015 at 2:07 pm
Long term I don’t think they will last. However, I can’t pinpoint an exact breakup date for you.
March 30, 2015 at 6:48 am
I hope they don’t last. I now know why my efforts to get him back didn’t work and why he blocked me. Thanks for all your help Chris. I don’t plan on trying to get him back any longer. I’m hotter than his girlfriend. One day he will want me back, because I plan on being the ungettable girl.. and he doesn’t stand a chance. The best revenge is success.. and that’s exactly what I will do.
March 28, 2015 at 2:12 pm
My ex and I were together 7 years. He broke it off because the sparkle had gone and because of distance. We have a lot of happy memories and we were best friends.
A month after he started dating someone else and he was convinced she was the one and he was crazy in love. It lasted 5 months and didn’t end well. He broke it off. 5 months after that he started dating another woman (a nice one this time). She is a lot like me in some ways. Lots of romance and sparkle right now but they don’t share the common interests we had and she is not as smart as me.
I think he keeps searching for romance and when it goes he thinks the relationship has failed. All he needs to do is realise that at this point the relationship grows.
I am too hurt to have anything to do with him now as I thought he may have come back to me after the first rebound ended as we were talking about it.
So I want as little to do with him as possible.
March 29, 2015 at 2:26 pm
He seems to jump in and out of relationships a lot.
Evelyn Georgia
March 27, 2015 at 5:27 pm
It’s been a month since my almost five years relationship broke apart. Our problem is mostly about long relationship distance relationship that he just afraid of losing me. But just one week after our breakup, he get together with one of my close friend (which he said they are sister before). I start to confused of what I should do to get him back. My friends said if I am really important to him, he will come and look for me. I tried to think at positive way that he will be back but I failed. I back to contact him like before and we chat like before. However, I cannot accept the fact that he got girlfriend already and still saying he miss me and care about me. I am so disappointed so I decide to go with my instinct that he will come back to me. After one month of breakup, I still in love with him. 🙁
March 29, 2015 at 2:39 pm
Well accept it because its reality.
I know its sad and disappointing but you need to accept it.
April 3, 2015 at 5:37 pm
Do you think this is a rebound relationship? Because I just within a week then he went with others girl.
March 27, 2015 at 8:13 am
I met a man on a dating site. I was 42 and he was 50. We became best friends for 6 months. We told each other everything. I even told him he was still in love with his ex wife but he said he wasn’t. But he was, but he would never would do anything to see if she wanted him back. So 6 months into the friendship /relationship I asked him if he would mind messing around but no kissing no sex just to see if I would feel guilty like I did with my last boyfriend. At first he said he didn’t think he would want to and I said it’s no big deal and that was fine. But a few days later he said he would. So we did and he listened to the rules. That night I told him for some reason I felt safe with him and just completely trusted him. But he goes home and when I wake up I called him and told him I didn’t feel a bit guilty or bad. But he said he felt very guilty. I asked how could he feel that way when he was with a woman 3 weeks prior and he had sex with her, he said he didn’t know he just did. And said he didn’t want to it anymore, and I said no big deal. Then 3 weeks later he asks me to come to his house to help him out. For some reason my gut said not to go but I couldn’t understand why I was getting this feeling. But let’s just say I should have listened to my gut. He took something that wasn’t his to take. But he looked disgusted with self for what he had done. So I put my hand on his back and told him it will be OK and left. People ask me how can I forgive him, but it’s because I honestly truly believed he was disgusted with what he had done and was sorry. He still called me every day and every night and aprox 3 weeks go by and this is the first time we have seen each other since the other happened. But he held me and kissed me like he truly loved me. There was no sex but it lasted for hours and he stayed the night and held me. Then things kept progressing and we were together every weekend and some days through the week. He told me he was having feelings for me he didnt want to have. Then last year his ex wife stayed with him 3 months during the summer until the house she bought was remodeled. I was there for a couple days right before she stayed. But I told him that if he wanted her he needed to try to make it work with her. And I would not be with him. But he still called me every night like clock work. Text me when she wasn’t around. I told him he needs to see if she wants him back and how can he do that if he is still calling me and texting me everyday. So he tried to lay on the bed and watch TV with her and she grabbed a pillow and blanket and went on the couch. Then about a month later she has a guy at his house at 1:30am then comes back in the house and tells him he is a stalker then packs a small bag and leaves. Well then we get back together and things start where they finished. Together every weekend. He introduced me to his parents but I think that is because I was tired of being a secret and he knew I was serious. One night he tells me that he is addicted to me and said that he has tried to fight it for a long time but no matter how much he faught it, it still one. I woke up with looking at me sleeping touching my face and my hair, woke up touching my hand and fingers. Yes we had our issues like everyone does. But the last day we were together he said something that was very bad and I’m not going to even say what it is. But I told him I was done. He started to cry and beged mrgive him and that he don’t know why he says such stupid things. He just cried for like 10-15 mins and begged me and I left. Well I figured what did I have to loose after what he said to me so I went and talked to his ex wife. Yes stupid mistake. But the second thing she said to me was, so your the secret. I never said anything when she said that but she said she wanted nothing get to do with him and that is why she got up from the bed and went into the living room. But she said over and over she didn’t want anything to do with him. But when I show her a video of how much my little dog loved him and how happy he was that is when I seen a change in her. She started getting up set and said she had to go. Well fast forward, she does something stupid and I know she did it for attention. So she won. He goes back to her. Even after he said he would still be in my life and my little dogs life. He texted me the night she did something stupid and said if I truly care to call. So I did and we talked for 2 hours. He tried to talk to me like we always have talked but I couldn’t do it from earlier on how bad he talked to me. But he said he was so angry with me. But that he did care about me and loved me. A do said you do know that don’t you and I said no. But that is because of how he treated me earlier that day. But he told me he would let me know how his ex wife was and we would talk over the weekend. The next day he said she was OK, they were still in love and were going to try to make it work and told me good bye and I haven’t heard from him since. So what I’m wondering could an ex wife be a rebound. We were together a year and a half. Yes they were married for aprox 15 yrs but divorced for over two years when we got together and he had a couple one night stands and was with one woman 2 weeks before he was done with her, but this all happened before me. Except for the woman that he was with 3 weeks before me. I do truly love him. And there are things that is in this relationship that there is no way I could write it all down. But again can an ex wife be a rebound relationship? If she truly wanted him because she still was in love with him then I would think it would have been when she stayed at his house for three months but made an excuse because she was sitting in a stalkers car for 20 mins then packs a small bag and leaves. I my self from seeing how she reacted in seeing him happy really got to her. It made her mad that he was actually happy. I dont know what to do. Maybe I should move on but where I do love him I can’t get my self to go out with other men. I’m trying but I still think of him. Please help…. I would greatly appreciate it. A very confused what ever I am….. One other thing, I do know that his mom told me nothing is different Now as it is the same when they were married before and she said she didn’t see it lasting. They don’t do anything together. She’s always out doing her thing and he’s home when they have there days off. And they don’t even hardly see each other. She works 1st, be works second and the weekends she leaves and does her thing. Do you think she only made a big drama scene to get him back because she don’t want to see him happy? When I talked to her he was everything but a good man and she said this about him when they were married. I just wish I had closure especially after he was going get to be in my life then the next day he not. Please help….
March 29, 2015 at 3:11 am
Could you please reply and try to help me understand. It really suck’s when a man has your heart and how bad it actually hurts when they do this kind of stuff. I wish I was like men that could just go out and get under someone to get over him. I dont know if that is true, just what I have been told. But it it was true then I wish I had it in me to do it. Tired of feeling this pain…..
March 29, 2015 at 2:08 pm
What have you been doing to take care of yourself?
That should always be priority number one.
March 31, 2015 at 6:56 am
you didnt answer my question. could and ex wife be a rebound relationship being she was in his bed 5 days after i was in his bed. i hope she washed the sheets. lol sorry had to go there…..
March 31, 2015 at 10:39 pm
I think it can be yes.
March 24, 2015 at 8:49 pm
I have been with my husband 18 years,he walked out beginning of November,for 6 weeks,during this time we texted each ,and both wanted to make it work,I kept asking when he was coming back home,kept saying new year,then Xmas,he couldn’t make his mind up,he came back 16 the December,he wanted to renew our wedding vows,book holiday abroad,he went out drinking on the 20th December,with his mates,so he says,then things changed,he was vile to me and the children,shouting at them,he made me feel I wasn’t good enough for him,making me feel suicidal,he wouldn’t talk to me,picking fights and saying do you want me to leave,my reply was no,anyway he left boxing day,no explanation ran out with suitcases,we didn’t speak for a month,but has since started talking to me,when he picks children up,beginning of February ,I asked if it was definitely over he said yes we have nothing in common only the children,valentines day I asked if he was with someone,said he was friends with someone,only just met her,I know he’s been lying to me,since beginning of march he has been very depressed and suicidal,keeps texting apologizing to all of us,saying he’s a failure over and over again,I know he’s very stressed with work,I said you should be happy now,you live nearer work,new girlfriend,he said nope,he pulls faces when I asked about her,saying its not working,I said dump her,he texted saying I’m glad you care I care about you,I don’t know what’s going on his head
March 31, 2015 at 6:54 pm
I would recommend that you check out my ex husband guide.
March 23, 2015 at 5:36 pm
My ex boyfriend and I broke up 2 months ago, (during a 5 month long distance period!) it was a mutual split and we agreed we still loved each other but the distance had taken its toll and neither of us could make the other happy with being apart but we agreed if it was right for both of us we would give it another ago when (IF!) we were back in the same country.
We had been together 1.5yrs and despite the split he still texted me almost every day telling me never to forget I will always be loved by him even if we both have moved on and even if we are happy with other people I will always be his best friend.
Now he has a new girlfriend, he got together with her and she moved with with him (she had nowhere to live) within 3 weeks of us breaking up, which he kept secret from me until I accidently found out via a picture his brother posted on facebook, but he still messages me and has told me he hides in the bathroom to text and waits until she is asleep to talk to me.
Pretty much all of our mutual friends have told me he is having a rebound as its still his way of handling the pain of our distance and now break up and when I return (4 weeks) he’ll immediatly want me back.
Even he has suggested to me he is having a rebound….is this the case?
March 30, 2015 at 5:34 pm
Anyone? Admin? Advice?
March 23, 2015 at 4:49 am
okay. my ex and i were dating for almost two years. we went through a loooot together so i know he cant forget me that quickly. he broke up with me the 10th of this month, but he seems to already be in a “flirtationship” (posting “funny” sexual convos theyre having w/ each other publicly..) with a girl i was wary about before we broke up. but they call each other “babe” and the new girl “claims” that he’s hers. i feel pissed because she was trying to be really friendly with me and him before the breakup, and magically she’s all over him and with him now. what should i do?
March 24, 2015 at 8:49 pm
The new girl seems territorial.
March 21, 2015 at 2:22 pm
I was with my ex for 9 years. 6 years ago he met a young lady at his job which resulted in him and I breaking up for a short while but he came back to me after she left for school. Fast forward to last year he received an email from her and they reconnected. For two months they were in constant contact until they decided to meet up and he claimed he fell in love with her all over again. He moved out the following day and they were together two weeks later.
His reason for leaving was that I wasn’t paying him enough attention when he was here. It’s now been 8 months and they’ve split up maybe twice since they started seeing each other but they’re currently together now. They don’t live together because she lives with her Father (25yrs old) and he lives with his Mother (33yrs old). I don’t think it’s a rebound since they have a bit of history but I don’t feel like the relationship is going to last.
March 19, 2015 at 5:34 pm
Me and my ex broke up 2 and a half months ago and I have just found out that he is with someone else. We were together for nearly 3 years and are eachothers first loves so this is very hard to hear especially because when he ended things he said we were too young and he needs to be on his own and doesn’t want to be tied down to anything serious. So I question whether he actually meant any of this? I haven’t spoken to him for a month and haven’t seen him for nearly 2. I just need some professional opinion as to whether this is a rebound relationship?
March 22, 2015 at 3:43 pm
I am leaning towards yes only because you were together with him for so long.
March 22, 2015 at 10:59 pm
Me and my ex broke up 3 months ago, we were together for 4 years and he was my first love we had a really amazing relationship and it ended because he was at university and we hardly ever see each other. He is in a relationship now with a girl very quickly after we broke up we have been talking a bit but he seems not untreated. Do you think we have a chance ? Also is she a rebound?
Gabi S
March 19, 2015 at 1:23 am
well my boyfriend was in a relationship with this girl for three years they broke up and they had a bad relationship he physically cheated on her and they had a kid together there relationship was all messed up, well two weeks later he got with me and we dated five months we have great memories he told me he wanted to marry me and always wanted to make it to the end, well we broke up and he started talking to a girl 4 days later and then wcw her but blocked me so i couldnt see it but someone sent it to me and i got so mad i went off and he said that he told me he just wanted to be friens and we werent dating so he did nothing wrong. im confused if i was his rebound from his other ex and now is this girl his rebound to me. and this girl just got out of jail and does drugs and hes not into that all he told me he would break up with me if i smoked weed should i start the nc thing and see what happens and how long to do it for since we just got into a big fight his mom is not to happy im the only girl she approved of she didnt like his ex and ik she wont like this girl she adored me and was very upset we broke up PLEASSSSSE HELP
March 9, 2015 at 10:36 am
My partner has ended our relationship, do all of these no contact rules etc work when he is suffering with depression or should I have to handle things in a different way?
March 13, 2015 at 4:02 pm
Yup, it can be effective.
March 5, 2015 at 3:52 pm
My boyfriend and I have been dating over a year and during the last 3 months of our relationship we were on and off. we fight but then we patch up. He started seeing someone within 10 days after our break up. when i went back to tell him how much i love him and missed him he told me that he has a girlfriend and he is happy now. she is a type of person whom he usually doesn’t go out with. i am a little chubby and she is thin and fair but the memories we have are a lot. he said he still wants me to be his side and asks me to move on. It took him more than 3 months to even to talk about commitment but within 15 days they are talking about getting married and how to convince their parents. I still am not able to get over him. should i still continue to wait or let him be happy with his new girlfriend. i really do not want to loose him. i am confused. how could someone get over someone so quick?
March 8, 2015 at 1:48 pm
Hi Wincy. From a mans point of view and what I can tell is that you still love your ex, but what about his feelings for you? The best way to get over him is to wish him luck, because once you do that then you’re freeing him from bondage. He wants you to move on (which is very hard in general) and you should do just that. The rules are simple, whoever gets into a new relationship first wins. He played the game right by moving on emotionally while you’re left feeling bummed out. Don’t get this confused because she may be a rebound. The fact that your say you’re a little chubby has nothing to do with his decision to get with a much slimmer person. What this does show are your insecurities, so how appealing do you think you must look to your ex when you say these things about yourself? Would you want someone back who complains about how they look? I think not. So let’s look at the bright side of things. Not being with him gives you opportunity to find Mr. Right while he’s stuck in a relationship that might not even last. Who’s to say that this new person isn’t a rebound or not? Chances are that he’s just going through the motions. Relationships need trial in order to work out, communication, trust, honestly, loyalty, love, patience, sacrifice, and negotiation. If he just jumped into this thing without considering the package that comes with this new girl, then it will fail. Marriage so soon? You should be laughing instead of being worried you’ll never get him back. Consider this. If the two of you had a bad breakup and the whole relationship was bad, then he will more than likely try to make it work out with this person rather than going back to you. Just know that all relationships take work from both sides, when one person stops trying then it’s over anyways and there’s nothing you can do about it… except to move on. Do yourself a favor and casually date many, many men. Why? It gives you something to do and it will take your mind off of him. Do nothing serious, hang out, laugh, and have fun. The worst thing you can do is wait for someone. If he comes back and you find that you’re happy in someone new, or you really do miss him then consider everything first before giving it another go. The best thing you can do is leave him alone, let him do whatever while you move on. Chalk this up to experience and learn from it. Be happy with yourself because there really was a point in your life when you were easily happy without him. Best endeavors to you.
March 5, 2015 at 3:54 pm
and they both live in different cities and i live in the same city as him.