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2,943 thoughts on “Signs Your Ex Is In A Rebound Relationship (The Definitive Guide)”

  1. Kayla

    January 30, 2015 at 8:46 pm

    OKAY I really need to understand this… so my ex & Boyfriend & I were together for 3 years. We were bestfriends. He did everything he could for me and I , for him. We both lost our virginties to eachother and both were never in a long term relationship before eachother. All if his previous relationships lasted like a month or 2. we broke up “officially” about a week ago . We had been a break as I am far away from him right now. We had plans to get our own place when I came back. I had noticed he was taking forever to text back and seeming 2 busy . I would always get on him about it. THEN he texted me saying he was talking to another girl. Not dating but talking. He said he didn’t want to lie about it and he realized he is not ready for a committed relationship because he is starting his career & has the rest of his life to settle down. He says he still loves me. BUT him and this girl flirt all over social media and SHE DOESNT LIVE IN THE SAME STATE AS HIM. He doesn’t even know her. He assures me it’s not serious and I’m over reacting. HELP
    Did the distance push him away? I’m afraid he will start dating this girl? Could he really like her? ( they have never met in person) is he scared of comittment? How can he give her a the intimacy and attention he stopped giving me as much ?

    1. admin

      January 31, 2015 at 3:48 pm

      Wait, he was talking to another girl while the two of you were in a relationship with each other?

    2. Kayla

      February 1, 2015 at 6:12 pm

      well no, technically not. We were on a break, we has been arguing. Do you think could actually like this girl. Mind you, they have never met & she’s one of this easy girls who post nothing but half naked pictures. I know he loves me. I think it’s me being so far away and him being so immature. He lost focus if the bigger picture ?

  2. nina

    January 30, 2015 at 12:25 pm

    me and my boyfriend were together for 2 years ; a lot of problems happend one after an other ,we fought almost every day , for stupid reasons for a month ,than he break up wih me; 🙁 we used to break up for a week nothing more but this time he is very mad, he says he hats me and he never want me back, 2 weeks after the break up he found a girl and he is datting her …. he doesn’t even know her 🙁 . he used to forgive me for every thing and me too . he loves more than any thing as much as i did , we had unforgetable two years together full of great memoirs . we used to spent every single day together ; at school out side everywhere .now every single thing reminds me oh him i miss him a lot i wonder how could he forget every thing beautiful we had .
    is it just a rebound or that’s it, all we had is really gone !!! please help me .

  3. Monika

    January 30, 2015 at 2:56 am

    Hi.. My ex and I seperated in May 2014 ( due to an affair he had a year before that). Within a month he moved on again ( different woman) that’s 10 years older than him. He at that point introduced our small kids to her. Few weeks pass and he tries to kill himself and asks me back. I of course wouldn’t and again in November he goes back to her and now lives with her. Is that a rebound?? Please I need clarification and will it last??

    1. admin

      January 30, 2015 at 4:42 pm

      He seems very unstable… Seems to me he is just looking for someone he can use to make himself feel better.

  4. Carly

    January 29, 2015 at 11:14 pm

    I sent you my long story earlier around the beginning of January. My ex and I dated for 3 years. He started dating this new girl 3 weeks after we broke up and now she is moving in with him into my old house and my parents are his landlords and they have only been together for about 4 months. My mom says sense the break up he has gained 40 lbs and drinks a lot. He also has been doing a lot of impulsive buying sense he go his new job. He bought a new truck, but he hasn’t even been at this job a year yet and he just seems to be making a lot of impulsive decisions. Plzz tell me does this sound like a rebound thing?? Like he’s trying to fill the void I left in his life?? Someone told me it’s like he’s trying to put a bandaid on the whole thing?? I just want to know that our relationship meant something to him and he’s doing these drastic things to try and cope.

    1. admin

      January 30, 2015 at 4:29 pm

      Definitely trying to fill the void and thats because he really is missing something (most likely you.)

    2. Carly

      January 30, 2015 at 7:42 pm

      Thank you so much for your help, You have no idea how hurt I have been through all of this, it’s like losing my best friend and all our dreams and goals shattered. Thank you for helping us out.

  5. Carla

    January 29, 2015 at 10:57 pm


    my bf and I broke it off at the end of december. He was in contact with my since the breakup. I ignored him for 21 days and then I began to talk to him again and things were going well. He said he was sorry, he misses me everyday, and hes sad all the time without me. He contacted me everyweek on the dot and I was being sweet and nice to him. He called me one night and I couldnt answer, the next day I asked if he called and he had said it was a mistake. Either way he responded in a flirtatious way with “;)” faces. I asked him about a place he had taken me to and he may or may not have thought I was going with another guy.

    A couple days later, I saw him in public and went to say hi very happily. He was not happy to see me, I asked if he was on a date and he said yes, and the girls with him left. He then ran away from me out of no where…I asked him to wait and he says ” I dont like you” “were not together” …. those girls were my friends but I met someone else. (Later i found out that girl with him was the girl he was dating). He was very angry.

    I went home and sent a text saying he acted foolishly etc and good luck with your new GF.

    A day later he posts all over social media a picture of him and his girl saying “my favorite girl”. i was so shocked. Why would he rub it in my face? why would someone talk to me all the time trying to (what it seems win me back) and then be so angry to see me and tell me these nasty things and THEN post it on social media?

    Thank you

    1. admin

      January 30, 2015 at 4:26 pm

      He is probably trying to get a reaction out of you.

    2. carla

      January 30, 2015 at 6:05 pm

      Okay, but why would he want a reaction out of me? What is his goal and why?

    3. admin

      January 31, 2015 at 3:32 pm

      Wants a reaction = Trying to figure out if you still care in some way shape or form.

      His goal = Probably to see if you like him.

    4. carla

      February 1, 2015 at 7:15 pm

      What’s the point to see if I like him? To try to talk again later ?

      He just updated his work info to show off a new job and made the info public on Fb.

      I’ve been in NC for 1 week – if I want him to realize his mistake, what can I do?

      You rock!

    5. admin

      February 2, 2015 at 2:24 pm

      You are doing it!

      Keep the focus on you right now of the process.

    6. carla

      January 30, 2015 at 6:13 pm

      And does this girl seem like a rebound? 1 month post breakup and we dated for about a year. Or is he genuinely happy

      Thank you

    7. admin

      January 31, 2015 at 3:32 pm

      Seems like a rebound.

  6. Stacy

    January 29, 2015 at 2:24 am


    I’ve just broken up with my bf on the 1st of Jan 2015. He said he wanted a new start for the new year.

    However, after a week, my friends saw him hanging out with a girl. Is this considered a rebound?

    He did mentioned to me that they are in contact since last Sept & he doesn’t want to regret.

    1. admin

      January 29, 2015 at 2:59 pm

      Not unless he is dating that girl.

    2. Stacy

      January 31, 2015 at 5:51 am

      What should I do?

      He still replies to my messages. He told me that they are not officially together yet & his friends have not met her.

      I’m trying the no contact rule since Tuesday but he nessaged me 2 days later. But I did not respond or read his message.

      Please help me.

    3. Stacy

      February 2, 2015 at 5:16 am

      Hi Chris,

      I would like to add that we are in a 4 years plus relationship, coming 5 years if we are still together. But he mentioned to me that for the past 3 years it was full of bad memories.

      I’ve tried talking to him but he asked me to move on. & if he regrets he will chase me all over again.

      What should I do?

      I still love & miss him after this 1 month of breakup. I wake up thinking of him & he appears in my dreams too.

      Please help me.

  7. Dory

    January 28, 2015 at 8:39 pm

    Dear Chris,
    My ex and I dated off and on for over 2 years. We had our issues at times, but he was so in love with me that he getting to a point where he was obsessed (in a good way). He was head over heels for me. A few months ago we broke up again and I started dating someone new. During those 2months with the new bf the ex kept begging and pleading for another chance, but I would pay it no mind. After my relationship, which I later realized was probably a rebound myself, ended I wanted my ex back but all of the sudden he didn’t want me. He was talking to his new gf for 2 months before they finally made it Facebook official, but on Facebook their date says when they first started talking. I realized that 2weeks before that date he was still trying to win me back and 2weeks after that date was the last time we hung out and he spent the night. He was still talking to me after he had met her. He won’t talk much about her to our coworkers, he would only tell people they were talking, but now it’s on fb. He claims he is done dating me and our coworkers have asked if we would ever get back together, but he won’t talk about it. He’s very silent and just being sketchy I suppose. He also even told his bff at work that he was not sexually attracted to his new gf, that that “connection” wasn’t there and he just enjoyed hanging out with her. Due to the fact that he moved on so quickly, in my opinion, I would like confirmation that this is indeed a rebound relationship and based off of what I told you if you believe it will last. Thank you so much! I am an avid reader of your material.

    1. admin

      January 29, 2015 at 2:41 pm

      Seems like it doesn’t it?

      You said you felt you were a rebound?

      I wonder if he is giong through a phase where he is just jumping from rebound to rebound.

    2. Dory

      January 29, 2015 at 9:09 pm

      Oh no no. Remember I said we broke up and I started dating someone new? Looking back I believe that guy was my rebound because my 2yr relationship wasn’t working out at the time so I tried something new that failed. With my 2yr ex I definitely didn’t feel like his rebound. He wanted to marry me, have a future, etc. Every time we were off and on I would talk to guy friends, but never had intentions of moving on. My ex didn’t like this and thought I was rebounding, but I wasn’t. Even though they were only friends he has trust issues with me, but each of us have always been faithful. Anyways yes he found his new gf 2 weeks after begging me. They’ve been talking for a few months, but he never mentioned wanting to date her. Several work friends would ask what’s going on with her and he’d say their talking, but when they’d mention me he would not talk about it. He is always trying to hide her from me. He doesn’t want people telling me about her which makes me think he doesn’t want to ruin future chances with me. Can a man truly be happy with someone they are not attracted to physically and feel no “connection” with?

  8. Monica

    January 28, 2015 at 7:08 pm

    Hi! My boyfriend and i were together for about 8months. We were really close and practically lived together for about 5 – 6 months (it all just came naturally). He broke up with me almost 5 months ago now because he didn’t love “enough” anymore. We had a really good relationship, never fought, we were best friends who had a passionate relationship. He told me he missed me about 2 months after the breakup, but i asked him if it was enough en he said no and told him i couldn’t be just friends. About 2-3 weeks after this, he met someone (so not 3 months after our breakup) and told me he would soon be official with her. 4 months after the breakup they were official. He keeps contacting me though and i caught him a couple of times trying to rub it in my face that he has someone new. Could this be a rebound? thank you

    1. admin

      January 29, 2015 at 2:31 pm

      Definietly has the signs of a rebound. Especially since he met her while he was still with you.

  9. Bryan

    January 26, 2015 at 6:27 pm

    I’ve been dating this girl for quite sometime and I love her nd
    I think she does too, the problem is that we had a
    misunderstanding which led her to start dating another guy,
    she constantly professes her love for me but I’m not
    comfortable with sharing her with someone else. I’m getting
    jealous, I’m confused on whether to tell her to stop d
    relationship with d other guy or just let her realise it herself..
    Advice please!

    1. admin

      January 27, 2015 at 2:32 pm

      Hi Bryan, I think you would really benefit from my other website, Ex Girlfriend Recovery.

  10. marlene quiroz

    January 25, 2015 at 4:32 am

    hi…my ex boyfriend and I were really good friends for 1 year and eventually got together. we were together for 2 years and 4 months and then broke up for 9 months because he kept lying. After 9 months, we got back together for another 2 years and 4 months, but the last 2 months were already kind of rocky. I kept breaking up with him because of lies but he would still beg me back and try to take me out. The relationship was already verbally abusive. Anyways, After the final time that I broke up with him, this time he didn’t beg me. A week later he posted a picture on fb with his new “girlfriend”. since it was too soon, a lot of people thought it was me on the picture. in his comments, he also trash talked about me to his friend saying “this one isn’t psycho like the last one. By the way, the last one is up for grabs”. It really hurt me because he was very controlling and jealous and possessive and didn’t let me really talk to my male friends and I never cheated on him or gave him reasons to be jealous. And for him to get a new gf a week after I broke up with him, makes me think they were already talking while he was with me. My question is, do you think he is really over me? or she his rebound girl?

  11. Courtney

    January 25, 2015 at 3:08 am

    Hey Chris,
    My ex and I have been together for almost two years, but I broke up with him a few days ago because I found out he kissed another girl while we were in a relationship, at the time he was living with me and when I found this out I immediately told him to pack his bags and leave (this is the 2nd time he’s been unfaithful.) But I decided I wanted to forgive him and make the relationship work, so I begged and cried for him to come back the next day so we could talk and try and work on things. He said he was really upset and hurt with the way I treated him when I found out about this other girl and now he needed to think whether he even wanted the relationship to work in the first place. (HE CHEATED ON ME, BUT HE NEEDS TO DECIDE IF HE WANTS THIS WORK?! Seriously?) So to make him jealous in a way I went out to the movies with another guy, since I learned he was hanging out with her since we’ve been broken up and I made sure my ex knew about this, well my ex told me that I ruined any chance of us getting back together when I did that, and he said that for now he was done with me for good. He said he still wants to be in my life and be my friend but as for a relationship he does not want that with me right now, so of course I was devastated because I wanted to forgive him so I begged and cried some more, and blew up his phone when he wouldn’t answer me. (I know, I know I shouldn’t have.) Since then I decided I was not going to contact him anymore and focus on myself. Its been a few days now and I was feeling fine, until I went on instagram and saw that my ex uploaded a photo of him and the girl he cheated on me with. Obviously he has moved on and made his choice. So my question is, do you think it is even possible to still get him back? Should I delete my ex off instagram and twitter if I’m going to do the NC rule? He told me himself when I broke up with him that he will always love me and care about me, and he even said mean things about the girl he cheated on me with, yet he is hanging out with her and possibly dating her? Why would he say bad things about her to me, and then continue to talk and see her? I’m very very confused. If you could please just answer my questions and give me your own advice on what I should do? Thank you for your help!

    1. admin

      January 26, 2015 at 3:38 pm

      Ok first off its bizarre to me tha tyou begged for him back when he was the one who cheated.

      Definitely jump into the NC rule.

  12. Carly

    January 23, 2015 at 1:30 am

    Firstly I’m so sorry this is so long, but I really want you to know the whole story cuz I feel the details are very different from others. My ex and I were together for three years. Before me he was a player and his longest relationship was 6 months. He’s 23 and I’m 22. He’s a total manly guy and always acts really tough. But sense we were together he softened up and he even says I saved his life. I have helped him in every way I possibly could. He got a DUI and I got him out of jail. He couldn’t get a job, so I got my mom to give him one at her work. While our relationship was very good and full of great memories, the last 6 months of it were really hard. We both lived together in a house we rented from parents. Anyway my dad was very sick and it was giving me a lot of anxiety and I was having panic attacks and I didn’t want to go anywhere and I spent a lot of time at my parents. During this time he also got a new job we called a “big boy” job cuz it’s a corporate job. We were both busy with school and working plus I had all this going on in my life and we just kind of became disconnected. Finally he broke up with me a day after my bday. He told me I didn’t appreciate him enough and I took him for granted abusively neglectful. I was heartbroken and we were both crying and it was a mess but there was no yelling just very emotional. So I moved out and went to live with my parents. We hadn’t spoken for three weeks when he came over to my parents to pay his rent check. He told my mom he couldn’t get me out of his head but he was so angry at me. When I got there he said he was going to go meet other people but he still thought I could be the girl he married. He was going to move out of the house sense it’s my parents and my family previously lived in it sense I was 2. But I told him I would just stay with my parents and he could have it becuase I loved him and knew how stressful a move would be with a new job. Come to find out, the next day he had just entered into a relationship with a new girl on Facebook the day he came over to our house to talk. I was devastated it had only been 3 weeks. Fast forward to now, it has been four months and no contact. He is still contact with my parents obviously becuase they are his landlords. He is also still dating the same girl for about three months. After I moved out he moved two of his guy friends in the house for rent purposes and now he has told my mom he’s moving in a girl to split the rent even more, and I’m pretty sure it’s his gf. I feel like three months is way too soon to move in with someone. We didn’t even move in together until after a year. My mom thinks he was already talking to this girl before we broke up and left me for her and now she’s moving into my old house that I lived in all my life but I loved him so much that I stupidly let him stay in it. Is this a rebound and if so do people really move in with their rebounds that fast? Or did he really leave me for her?? Please help me I really need some solid answers and advice I miss him so much and am so hurt. I could never do this to him.

    1. admin

      January 23, 2015 at 4:25 pm

      Usually people who move that fast flame out fast.

      Thats a general rule. Now, there are always exceptions to that rule but those are rare.

    2. Carly

      January 23, 2015 at 4:39 pm

      Do you think he even hurts at all about our breakup?? I mean he just seems like a total different person, because not in a million years would he move that fast with someone. I just feel like we are still connected in some way but maybe that’s me being hopeful. Should I continue to just let them be and hope they end soon??

  13. Julie

    January 8, 2015 at 9:34 am

    My ex and I dated for 5 years and we broke up 4 months ago. I have moved on (rebound or not) with someone I have known and previously dated almost a decade ago, but we’re not in a serious labelled relationship and it’s not something I have been flaunting online. My ex, however started seeing or posting about his new girlfriend on social media over the passed 3 months. He has already taken her to visit his parent for Christmas and posted family photos on facebook. The guy is hashtagging #bestgirlfriend #loveher #wifey crap on instagram and taking her to places we went to while we were together. Just to put things into perspective, my ex is over 30 and he acted devestate when we split. I was already emotionally withdrawn from our relationship before it ended. I’m not sure whether to feel second hand embarrassment or annoyed that he is blatantly trying to seek attention… :s

  14. TANYA

    December 27, 2014 at 10:16 pm

    Hi Chris,
    I have a question, please.
    Been together for 5 years,had great time together (4 together and 1 distance with daily contact and meeting one weekend every month).
    The reason for the break up its more to do with us being in distance relation for the past year, he turned so jealous, annoyed and thinks that i am leaving him for someone else, arguing every time we speak, i decided to go no contact since October for 30 days, text him he did not respond.. i decided to get one of our friend involved, asked him about my ex, his answer was, you made him suffer, you left him for someone else (referring to no contact period) and he added, that my ex is in a relationship and he is planning to marry this new girl !!!
    My question: do you think my ex knows this girl for long enough to marry her, I mean before the break up? I dont know what he was up to, because i am in different city since January 2014. is this relation still classed as a rebound even he proposed to her?
    Please reply. Thanks Chris.

    1. admin

      December 29, 2014 at 2:44 pm

      It seems kind of fast doesn’t it?

      Actions speak louder than words is always my theory.

    2. TANYA

      December 29, 2014 at 5:06 pm

      Yep ! but still I dont understand the way how he is going fast ! do you think he is serious about this new relation or he wants prove to himself that he moved on? this is crazy ..can we class this one as rebound ?

  15. Leslie

    December 23, 2014 at 10:51 pm

    Hey, so me and my ex dated for a year and a half, we ended things late August but we was still in contact and sleeping together till late October, I have found out that he is now dating someone new, this girl is nothing like him, as me and him was very much alike. We haven’t talked since October but he would still do small discrete things that let me know he was still keeping tabs on me to an extent, me and my ex’s family was and still are very close and he was with mine. Me and my ex had so many good memories together and he had bought me a promise ring and one night after our breakup he sent me a txt saying how he had planned on proposing to me this Christmas which would have been our two years… I just want to know if this girl is actually someone to worry about or if she’s just a rebound

    1. admin

      December 29, 2014 at 2:26 pm

      Was he sleeping with you while seeing this new girl?

  16. Elle

    December 23, 2014 at 4:35 am

    My ex-husband & I were married for 9 years. We each had a child before getting together & then had 2 together. He was separated but still married when we started dating. He told me he was divorced already when we first met and I only found out by accident that neither had even filed. By then he had proposed and I accrpted.

    Fast forward 11 years. Out of the blue he came to me & told me he didn’t know if he loved me anymore & was very unhappy. But he is willing to TRY if I changed. We had gone house hunting a few weeks before & on vacation a week prior. (Very telltale signs of a midlife crisis) We started divorce proceedings. 4 months later he has a meet a new lady & now 9 months later they’re still togethet and according to him deeply in love. He’s introduced her to his family & friends and loves posting pictures of them on facebook. She’s 10 years younger with 4 small children by different fathers. He’s taken on the father role for her youngest baby who was only a month old when they started dating. He even admits she not his type but they connect on a deep level. They’ve broken up at least once in their 9 month relationship.

    I’m baffled if it’s a rebound or not considering the similarities between how we got together. And our divorce was just finalized a few months ago. Although he filed for divorce he wouldn’t sign the papers for 7 months. Please help me with a makes prospective on WTF is going on….

    1. admin

      December 23, 2014 at 3:24 pm

      The problem lies with is inability to commit long term.

      Was your relationship with him plagued with problems?

  17. mary

    December 22, 2014 at 6:37 pm

    I was with my ex 10 years and we have a child together. We were engaged to be married and 4 months before the wedding he broke up with me. We’ve been broken up 4 months now. About 3 weeks after the Break up he told me that he was pursuing his friend of 16 years. He said that he knows her and she’s a safe bet and he doesn’t want to waste his time looking for someone else when he knows that she’ll be a good woman to him. We had alot of issues in our relationship. Trust and infidelity were factors in the past but the trust issues were always there on both our ends. This woman is the complete opposite of who he would normally date. The fact that we have a kid together doesn’t make a difference because he left but he’s still a great dad and involved in our Childs life. I was wondering if this woman is a rebound. I’m so confused because I do love him and want to be with him still. We have 10 years of history. Since the break up he hasn’t taken any responsibility for his role in the demise of the relationship and completely blames me. He’s trying to get away Scott free and says that he loves me, will always love me but can’t be with me. Are my chances at reconciliation doomed?

    1. admin

      December 23, 2014 at 3:09 pm

      10 years…


      Was this friend of 16 years a constant problem for you guys in your relationship?

    2. mary

      December 23, 2014 at 8:26 pm

      No she wasn’t. She’s always been around because we all go to services at the same church but different times, but like I said he has never remotely been interested in her. He told me that he’s pursuing her because he knows that she will treat him right. She has always liked him though but he was with me and countless others and never paid her any attention. Now she feels as if she hit the jackpot with him. She’s the opposite of who’d he date or talk to. Its confusing me to not know if she’s a rebound or because they know so much about each other and have been around each other so long if it will go the distance

    3. admin

      December 29, 2014 at 2:25 pm

      Youd be surprised at how often I hear situations like yours. You know, the guy who dates the girl youd never think hed date.

      Very typical of a rebound.

  18. Jessica

    December 11, 2014 at 1:02 am

    Was with my ex for 14 years. We had 3 children together. He helped me raise 1 child from previous relationship. We had been having the usual problems couples have. Finances, parenting etc. I had talked to him about splitting up before because I started to feel like he wasn’t as committed . My child from previous relationship wanted to meet bio dad. I was ok with that but he wasn’t he took it as a threat and started acting weird (too nice, too jealous etc. We had plans to buy a house in 2015. In Jan he just asked one day if I had been serious about separating. I told him if he can make the changes necessary I was open to work it out. He said that he wasn’t open to change his way of thinking. After that he started disappearing and eventually stopped coming home and said he was done. So I found he had been flirting with a coworker since Dec 2013 and they ended hooking up the day after we had our break up talk. He got her pregnant. He said he wanted to work things out because she was rebound. But since I said I couldn’t get pass what he did so he ended up staying with her. If she was a rebound why is he still with her.
    This has cause a lot of pain for the family and he has been exile, he only has me and the children but even we are reluctant to have any type of relationship with him.

    1. admin

      December 15, 2014 at 5:15 am

      Question, were you married to him?

      You mentioned separating which is something married often do.

  19. Taylor

    December 10, 2014 at 11:01 pm

    7 months. He told me he loved me 2 months in the relationship. He wanted to rush things and I didn’t, i wanted to take it slow and I was the Bad guy for it.

  20. Patty

    December 10, 2014 at 4:11 am

    I moved out from my apartment with my boyfriend of 3 years in July. We officially parted ways in August. He started dating a girl who looks very simalar to me just a few weeks after that. I know this because he decided to tell me on thanksgiving. Rebound?

    1. Patty

      December 11, 2014 at 3:22 pm


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