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2,943 thoughts on “Signs Your Ex Is In A Rebound Relationship (The Definitive Guide)”

  1. lisa

    February 17, 2014 at 10:32 pm

    I don’t want to leave a reply, I’m looking for advice. Maybe I’m looking for comfort, I’m not sure.

    I was in a very serious relationship for 8 years with a man who called me the love of his life. He ended up being a cheater, a liar and emotionally abusive. I have no idea why I stayed as long as I did. I would break it off only for him to send flowers, cards etc. and beg me to come back that he would change, that I was the only one. After years of this I finally got to a place that I broke it off again. Instead of us repeating the pattern of getting back together – this time he was already seeing someone else. Within two months he moved her in with him. 18 months later they are engaged (I just found out yesterday) I am devastated, my heart broken. but why? He was not good to me. (some things were amazing but overall it was hell) I think that I feel like what does this girl have that I did not have in order for him to be faithful to her and marry her (mind you he asked me to marry him many times but I always declined because I needed time for him to show me he could be faithful to me) I don’t know what to do – I’m so hurt. Any advice? other than move on and get over it? I already know that part – but what does this say about ME?

    1. admin

      February 18, 2014 at 7:09 pm

      Sounds like he was not the love of your life if he did those things to you.

      Yes, I would go into NC immediately and focus on YOU. I think you kind of need to rebuild yourself a bit. It all starts with you.

  2. Brandee

    February 17, 2014 at 12:32 pm

    My bf and I broke up in mid December. We had been dating for almost 3yrs. We’ve known each other since we were kids and he was there for me when I went through my divorce 4yrs ago. He also got divoced a year after that and I was there for him. He was in a very abusive relationship where his exwife would abuse him physically, verbally, emotionally…He stayed so long because of the kids. He does have 4 children and I love all of them with all my heart. He and I have a connection that I’ve never had with anyone else. He was truly my best friend and knows me better than anyone and I know him better than anyone. He does have many issues when it comes to trusting and he’s scared to let his guard down. He and his kids moved in with me after having to sell his house and we lived together for a year and half. Things were going great, we rarely argued.

    He started feeling as if I was supporting us and felt like our home wasn’t more my home and not his. His exwife would continue to harass him and us and make him feel bad about himself and say how lucky he was to have me pay for everything, which wasn’t true. He got busier at work, as did I and things got stressful. I want to spend my life with him and he knows this. I am ready to marry and him and have been ready. We even went and looked at rings (which was his idea, not mine) but then he got scared with the whole marriage thing. I had a year of freedom after my divorce and he did not have that. We started dating right after his divorce but did take it slow in the beginning because of the 4 kids. Even though his kids knew me it was still a few months before he introduced me to them and once he did they always wanted me around. He told me back in November that he was thinking about getting his own place because he needed to feel like he could support us and just find himself so that we can have that healthy relationship that he’s never had.

    Once he moved out we still talked all the time, saw eachother, and continued the physical aspects of our relationship. At first I told him that I couldn’t do that, that if he needed space then I couldn’t act like his best friend still. He wanted to continue to hang out, talk, do things…at the time I thought that would be to hard for me because I would always be wondering if we were together or not. During this was the first time we had ever really had fights. I was very hurt by him wanting to move out. He didn’t move very many of his things out or his kids things. Just enough to get them by. Our closet was still full of all his clothes, the kids rooms full of clothes and toys, toyroom full of toys, closets full of his other belongings and a basement full of his things.

    I found out that about a month after he moved out he was talking with another girl who is his sister in laws bff and she has pushed this new girl on him. Which hurts me because I thought she and I were close. I found out he went to a hockey game with her and only found out because I saw a picture of the two of them that she had taken and made sure that I had seen which was very shady on her part. I did confront him about it and he told me it was stupid and a mistake. That it wasn’t what it looked like. Stated he understood me being upset and said he would be very hurt if I had done that to him. Keep in mind the whole time he had been talking to this girl he was still talking with me and we were talking of how to fix our relationship. He was still calling me and saying he loved me, missed me, needs me. Said how much his kids miss me and that he was always thinking of me and when the kids would bring me up it would make it that much worse. I have caught him in a couple lies when it comes to this girl. Telling me he wants nothing to do with her and doesn’t want to see or talk to her. He told me this and 2hrs later I went out to his house to give him something and she answered his door. He was not home from work yet. I was so angry and upset that he had lied to me. She was parked in his garage because she had asked if she could because it was so cold out. She had drove down from her home to come watch him play hockey. So while at his hockey game I gathered up his clothes from our closet and went and delivered them to his driveway which was filled with snow. I also placed a couple very simple but special items in a shadow box ontop of the clothes so he would know how much I was hurt by all this.

    He was angry with me that I did this. He has stated the whole time that he has not been with her, that they are only friends and they talk. I do feel she is a rebound because it was a month after he moved out that he started talking with her. She is 8yrs younger than he and lives 95min away. He is 36yrs old and I am 35…which makes her 28. he has said he will come and get the rest of his things out of my house but has made no attempt to do this, has made no attempt to change his mailing address. We also have a dog that we got together so there is contact over him and we are also volunteers on a service together so there is contact there as well. He is the jealous type and is very jealous when it comes to my boss to which there is a history with. I ensure him all the time he has nothing to worry about and have been very honest with him and told him that this boss has tried to use my vulnerability to get some action, which doesn’t work. I don’t tell him that to hurt him but to be honest.

    I know people talk all the time about “connections” they have with someone but in the case with my ex we were perfect. Both our families have been devistated by this. They all thought we would get married and have said how perfect we are for each other. Even one of his older ex’s stated I am perfect for him and hopes he figures his issues out and comes back. I feel like he is out trying so “sew his wild oats” since he’s never really had that. He was with his ex wife since early high school and then with me after that so he says he’s been able to do what he wants when he wants and not have to answer to anyone. I do think it’s important that he gets this out of his system now but I keep worrying that if I don’t make contact with him, he’ll forget about me. I’ve never felt so out of control in my life. I wonder if he didn’t want me to know about this other girl so that if he wants to come back he could’ve without me questioning anything…

  3. Kat

    February 16, 2014 at 2:41 pm

    Short and to the point….I was with my ex bf for 3 years we lived together. He was with his ex before me for 2 years I thought I could have been a rebound but our love grew. I broke up with him bc I didn’t feel like I was a priority. He took it hard and 2 weeks later he got back together with his ex. I ran into his best friend the other day and he said my ex was having a tough time and says he misses me a lot. My question for you is what is your experience with rebound relationships with an ex? Also after the NC period do you suggest to still contact him if he is still with his old/new gf?

  4. serena

    February 14, 2014 at 4:25 pm

    Hello, me and my exboyfriend broke up in october, we was so happy but things just changed within him that he felt we wouldn’t work in the future, we was so close like best friends and our relationship lasted 2 years, after 2 weeks of us being apart he claimed he loved me but as a friend and will be there for me, so we tried to be friends he seemed he couldn’t completely let me go. Well he started seeing someone in the december of which he didn’t tell me, he keeped it to himself its only through a friend I found out, so I texted my ex to ask he said it was only a friend but eventually admitted he is seeing her. So I wished him to be happy and he said he still wants my friendship. I love him to death but he stopped texting me and I had to initiate contact but he did reply always and said he just busy and that he still wants mt friendship. I replied to him that I want his happiness and that I’m not gonna contact him anymore and that I hope he is happy and I’m there for him, so I have now started nc and its been 4 days. I want him back so I don’t no what to do, it hurts deeply but if he is happy without me I have to let him go. I’m just confused to how he went from loving me so much to letting me go for another.. I don’t know if its a rebound as yes he meet her after only a month after we broke up from a 2 year relationship, but he sounds happy. I’m so hurt I just hope nc will help me heal and make him miss me.. Some advice would be nice.. Thank you

    1. serena

      February 15, 2014 at 12:16 pm

      Well I’m assuming its a rebound.

  5. Sonya

    February 14, 2014 at 3:51 pm

    Wow I’m so glad I found this website. But anyways, sorry if this is a little long.. I dated a guy for about a year, things were going so great and we made so many happy memories together. But then (2 weeks before we broke up), he started to get really depressed. I tried asking him what was wrong but he said he had no idea, that it just kind of *happened*. He didn’t have money for medication or therapy so he just kind of remained like that. I tried helping him, attempting to make him happy again but nothing was working. So one day, he asked if he could take me home from school and I said yes. We talked and he said he didn’t want to be the reason I couldn’t be happy anymore, and it all just ended. I’ve been depressed for about a month now, breaking down all the time. Believing it was all my fault. Just 2 days after the breakup, we stopped all contact completely. I wanted to talk but I didn’t think he wouldn’t respond bc he might think I was desperate. We also have a class together and he doesn’t even look at me or talk to me :/ then a couple weeks after the break up, he starts to smile and laugh again, just not towards me. So I thought he’s moved on. It kind of hurts to be honest, to not really see him hurt at all while I’m over here breaking down over my first love. But maybe it’s just his way of coping or something, idk. Just wish he’d talk to me. But anyways, about 3 weeks after the breakup, he posts a “woman crush wednesday” on this whole other girl, and eventually he turned it into a “woman crush everyday” for her. That kind of hurt. Maybe it’s a rebound or maybe he’s moved on, not exactly sure. All I’m trying to figure out here is does he want me back, bc it’s kind of hard to tell. And also if this new girl could turn into a rebound or if he’s suddenly moved on. Much is appreciated 🙂

    1. admin

      February 14, 2014 at 6:58 pm

      The new girl are you sure its a rebound?

    2. Sonya

      February 15, 2014 at 7:11 pm

      not quite sure, they flirt a lot so maybe. plus it was only a few weeks after we broke up

  6. venus

    February 12, 2014 at 12:39 pm

    i have been with my bf for almost 5 years, and during that period, i have cheated on him twice. but i am so regret and guilty now and i really want him back.

    we just broke up two days ago, i tried not to find him but i failed and he felt annoyed by me. he said he is going to date with other girls.

    should i remove our profile picture of whatsapp or just stay? should i block his whatsapp and facebook?

    thank you so much!!

    1. admin

      February 12, 2014 at 7:43 pm

      Why did you cheat on him?

  7. rose

    February 10, 2014 at 10:16 pm

    hey there, i am wondering if my ex is in a rebound. i left him last february because i cheated on him and even though he forgave me i couldn´t handle the situation and left. we stayed in deep touch till may with him struggeling to get me back. during summer he had a lot of diffrent woman. we still kept contact, but since august i recognized that he slowly drifted away. anyway we met a lot, talked and even had sex. last time we met in october, when he told me he felt in love with another woman. still we had contact and he said that he don´t wanna miss me and touch me whenever we meet. still: knowing him with another girl made me crazy. from now on it was me struggeling to get him back (childish story, i know…:-( but he said he wants to give the girl a try and that he likes saying “no” to me and that he is over me and afraid of me using him again (as i did within the last year). i am desperate for help. (i am in no contact for 8 weeks since today, when i texted him good luck for his theatre-programm which started today) he answerd quikly “thank you. hope you doing well and enjoy your time” rebound? any chance of getting him back? (he might have very deep feelings but also bad memories and pain..)

    1. rose

      February 11, 2014 at 8:50 pm

      anybody any suggestions?

  8. Shaleena

    February 9, 2014 at 12:30 pm

    Hi, I dated my ex for about 6 months and we both lost it to each other. I broke it off with him because I told him I didn’t love him anymore and he was really upset. I wanted a change or a break but I realised a couple of months later I loved him deeply and couldn’t stop thinking about him even when I had a boyfriend. We split in October and I started missing him in December but he had already moved on to a girl who he met through his mate. I love him deeply and we’ve spoken about his new girl and our relationship. He says he loves her because her personality is amazing and they seem like they will last Because he doesn’t want a relationship for fun he wants to get married in the end. I miss him and can’t stop crying over him , and he’s told me that she’s great and he’s moved on. Is she a rebound relationship or not? Whenever we speak I instigate the convo but we joke around and we have facetimed once but I don’t know what to do. I can’t move on. Help!

    1. admin

      February 10, 2014 at 5:33 am

      Have you been able to advance the attraction when you text? Are you able to get a date?

  9. Blueandbroken

    February 7, 2014 at 3:02 pm

    I was in a serious, committed 6 year long relationship with my BF. We were very happy and did not fight very often. We started dating and after a few month he decided he wanted to go to college out of state. He asked me to join him, so I did. We lived together the first year and a half of our relationship. Then we both moved back home and I started school in our hometown and he went off to a university an hour and a half away. I was visiting him every weekend, 4 out of 7 days a week I was with him. This lasted 2 years. Then he graduated and I had also achieved my goal with school and acquired a license to do hair. He decided he wanted to go to a 2 year porfolio school in the city. I always supported his dream to become someone great because he truly was great at what he did and worked so hard for it. I thought we made it this far long distance we can do it again. So he starts school in the city and I stay in our hometown bc I got a great job. Later I quit that job and tell him I want to mo e closer to him and he talks me out of it bc I would be distracting. So I respect his desition. School was alway very very important to him and I thought I was too. So I move to another town. An hour and a half away from him. Same distance as before. I end up getting 2 great jobs there and for the first year of this it’s pretty good. We are both sooo busy do we start seeing each other less and less. I started to feel very alone in our relationship and I try to explain this to him but he was good at saying things to make me feel better but then never acting on any of it. He became so involved with school that there wasn’t much time for me. I would offer to come see him and he would get excited then when it would come time for me to head his way he would get all stressed bc he had a million things to do for school and I would make it harder for him to accomplish those things if I was there. So most of the time I would say never mind I dont want to stress you out. The last year was the hardest. We had a plan we were working toward and plans to get married after he finished. He took a job on the other side of the country and we were so excited! But I couldn’t shake the feeling of distance between us. We were still very much in love but I was not happy with our relationship. I had spent so much time alone in it. I had an emotional brake down and broke up with him a few weeks before he finished school. It was very sad for both of us but I couldn’t get him to understand how lonely I had been feeling, he would say he cared but I didn’t feel it. So then about 3 weeks without talking he calls me and tells me he is getting engaged to someone. I was beyond devastated. I could not believe it. I thought we had such a strong connection and such deep love for each other. I thought we just needed some time apart to remember how much we loved each other. But he proposed to someone else instead. I am 100% sure he never cheated. But the pain from our brake up drove him to the arms of someone else. They had been in school together for a year. I thought it was just a rebound thing and he would come to his senses but he hasn’t. It’s been 3 months now and he claims to love her. He says he loves me, cares about me he’s sorry he hurt me but we have to live with our choices.( he’s very dramatic) I told him I wanted him back, I never wanted to lose him, but he won’t take me back. No one cheated or lied and we don’t hate each other. We had a wonderful loving relationship but when I needed him he wasn’t there bc school was so important, it became more important than me. I told him I would get in a car and drive to the other side ofthe country to be with him, I would fight for us bc we were worth it. He told me no he moved on he loves her and I should move on too. But I don’t believe him. 6 years together so in love and as soon as things get hard he bails and find something else in a matter of weeks and not only that but he’s engaged to her. It’s like he just replaced me. Bought her a ring with the money he saved to buy my ring and proposed to her the same night he planned to propose to me. It is so heartbreaking I can hardly live my life right now. I still love him and I think he is being stubborn and dramatic. I don’t know what to do. If I should keep hope for us like I want to or if he’s seriously in love with her then I will do my best to deal and move on. I don’t want to though. I want him back. His family always supports him and everything he does do they are supporting this, hesitantly. I am very close with them and they tell me he’s happy and seems to really love her. They are supportive of me too and want us both to be happy. Sometimes I think they are in denile about this too. But how can you be so in live with someone for 6 years then get engaged 3 weeks after a breakup. This other girl was his support from our breakup she was there for him when he was sad about me. She is also very young. She was 20 when he proposed and turn 21 a few weeks later. He is 27. I am 26. I think her age is why she was so quick to say yes to a broken hearted man. She has no idea. She also contacted me via FB and acted as tho she knew me and all about our 6 year long relationship. It was very irritating but I ignored it. But from her message I gathered just how insecure she was and immature. I was in fact this mans first love. I still think we can fix this and be happy together, I still love him very much and think he is just ignoring the true feeling about me. At least I hope. What do I do?

  10. Shayla M

    February 7, 2014 at 9:58 am

    I tried emailing you but I got no response so I figured I’d try to contact you this way. 🙂
    So I’m trying to figure out if I was in a rebound relationship and if it’s even worth trying to get my ex back. Here’s my story:
    Last summer I started dating a fellow coworker that I had gotten to know over the previous year. At the beginning of our relationship he confessed that he had gotten drunk and had a one night stand a few months beforehand with another coworker which resulted in unreturned feelings (she chose another guy over him). I assumed he had come to terms with the outcome of the situation; he didn’t sound bitter and him and the girl managed to salvage their friendship. We went on to date for six months and it was almost an effortless relationship – we seemed perfect for one another and even began making plans for the future. However, my first night back from Christmas break (and my first time seeing him in three weeks – we both went to visit family for the holidays) he abruptly tells me that he has feelings for the same girl (she had recently gotten out of a relationship that ended up being abusive) and he wasn’t sure that we should be together. We officially broke up the next day. Not even two weeks later he’s dating the new girl.
    I’ve been in NC since this all occurred; I’ve deleted him from social media sites, returned his things from my house, etc. He’s tried talking to me on more than one occasion (face to face and via text), stares at me when I do run into him (I don’t acknowledge his prescence at all), and gets jealous when I hang out with a mutual male friend.
    What do you think?

    1. Shayla M

      February 9, 2014 at 6:18 am

      One of my friends who still works there told me that whenever I come in to see them he always throws miniature temper tantrums when I leave (as I said before I don’t acknowledge him at all…and I also want to say that my visits are purely random so I never know if he’s working or not.). She also told me just the other day that he cried over me because I won’t talk to him.
      I reeeeeally need your opinion on how to handle this.

  11. Adriana

    February 6, 2014 at 9:53 pm

    Sorry to post another comment I had sent my first without knowledge but yes last Monday he had gone onto my page and he basically stalks my instagram because I leave it public and I had posted 2 pictures he had liked. One of them was a song and the other was a photo of me saying “she couldn’t beat me even on her best days.” He then liked it and a few hours later he was with her and I find out he blocked me and unliked my pictures although I snapshot what he did. Do you think he still stalks my instagram and actually cares?..

    1. admin

      February 7, 2014 at 6:29 pm

      I bet he glances at it every now and then.

  12. Adriana

    February 6, 2014 at 9:48 pm

    I am so glad that there is a website made for this’ especially coming from a guy because you know all about the guys mind. Anyways, me & my ex had dated until 10 months then broke off supposably because he always had to “beg and cry” for me but it was never that serious because I didn’t leave him at all. We had just made a year the 4th and after we broke up, (December 15), the 29 we had gotten into a big argument and his friend had been following me on instagram to stalk me and send him my pictures. I had posted a picture of “oh that’s my replacement?” Silly thing to do I know but I had found out he had started talking to his ex again after we broke up. I was hurt and we had gotten into a big feud. They’re with each other now but I had recently found out his instagram password and it’s a horrible thing to stalk and worry but I just want to know what he was up to. He posts no pictures with her or of her, isn’t as into their relationship as when we were together and he likes a lot of pictures that reminds him of me. Ex. (Love quotes, etc.) he barely even likes her pictures. I had begged and cried for him back which is horrible because I now know I should have done the NC rule but I realized I really liked him. We had last spoken January 23 and he still responds quickly like before although he talks to me like with anger and no care. I want to know if he even still likes his ex or is just rebounding and if he will even want me back.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    1. admin

      February 7, 2014 at 6:29 pm

      How long has he been dating the rebound?

    2. Adriana

      February 7, 2014 at 9:00 pm

      He’s started dating her a few days after we broke up (December 15), and he is currently with her..

    3. admin

      February 8, 2014 at 4:19 am

      Seems like a rebound to me. Did he know her while you two were dating?

    4. Adriana

      February 8, 2014 at 8:37 pm

      Well he used to tell me that she was a bitch and she “destroyed his heart.” He always told me I was always a different girl and worth a lot. I did a lot for him no other girl ever did for him. She was his ex and they didn’t last long together. I was his longest relationship 10 months.. Now when he talks to me it’s like he’s so angry and hurt.. Because we would have a few arguments and he always had to “beg” but he knew I wouldn’t ever leave him & I’d make up for it. I was the best girlfriend he ever had. Now he talks and treats me like he doesn’t care. I tried apologizing and begging and it’s like he wants to deep down accept it but he can’t. Unless his ex is telling him things.. I just feel he isn’t really happy with her or with the breakup.. I just want him back I miss him so much.. I wonder if he feels the same.. Do you think he’ll want me back? Also do you think he looks at my instagram a lot?.. I caught him like two of my photos before his ex-girlfriend made him block me and unlike my photos.. He was really obsessed with me when we dated.. I don’t know what to do anymore..

    5. admin

      February 9, 2014 at 4:49 am

      So, you only lasted 11 days?

    6. Adriana

      February 9, 2014 at 12:32 pm

      No we were together for 10 months.

    7. Adriana

      February 8, 2014 at 8:38 pm

      Plus he always felt insecure and thought I deserved better..

  13. maham

    February 6, 2014 at 12:12 pm

    I was in a relationship with a guy for three years,we dated and enjoyed every moment of our relationship,we loved we fought but we were friends and lovers.He said he want to marry me but his family is not agree upon this marriage, so after three years i used no contact rule and during this he married his rebound. I contacted him after his marriage because i still love him i called him and he said he still miss me and love me but his family is strong and he could not take any step. I want him back in any way what should i do?please help me

  14. Kate

    February 5, 2014 at 2:09 pm

    My ex had almost a 1 yr relationship with his ex and they broke up. My ex and I dated for almost 6 mos and we both had passionate memories. it was like we’re two people madly inlove with each other. Then one day, I called his ex “ugly” because I was jealous, he got angry then later on he broke up with me. The day after we broke up, I heard news that he was starting to court his ex again, then after few weeks, I heard they were in a relationship! Shit it hurts! He was my first and all. I was startin to feel like I was just a rebound. And I dunno what the heck to do!? Could you pkease help me or just give me advice?

  15. Anonymous

    February 5, 2014 at 12:08 am

    I will be running into my ex at a party soon. I will embody everything that you have taught girls like me on this website, which we and especially I are so thankful for. Don’t worry Chris, I plan to look smoking hot. I have a new job, hair style, I feel confident and self assured. He may be bringing his rebound. How should I react to this? He seems happy with her, I’m not going to lie but my interpretation is via his Facebook. But deep down I know that she is just a rebound. I will compose myself and hopefully won’t call her controlling and manipulative. One of the reasons we broke up was because he didn’t think my heart was 100% in it, which is untrue. I have anxiety issues within any relationship that can make me withdrawn. Should I tell him that I love and miss him? I completed NC but it wasn’t too successful, she made him cancel our meet up and then he went away for business. They’ve been going out for 2 months, we a year and a half. Thanks!…

    1. admin

      February 5, 2014 at 6:46 pm

      Hahaha I laughed when you said you planned to look smoking hot.

      I wouldn’t tell him all that stuff until you have him properly primed.

  16. Caleb

    February 4, 2014 at 2:03 am

    My ex has blocked me on FB and she says she hates me now. We broke up 2 weeks agoa and she started dating someone 3 days afterwards. I initiated no contact but she said she wanted to be friends. I contacted her friends and she said that I crossed the line and she doesn’t wanna be friends now. She said she is in love with her bf to infinity and beyond. They’ve only been dating for like 2 weeks max. is there a chance that I can get with her?

    1. admin

      February 4, 2014 at 5:43 pm

      To infinity and beyond? haha is she some Toy Story fan or something?

      There is always a chance but are you sure you want this girl?

  17. Phoenix

    February 4, 2014 at 12:51 am

    Hi Chris,
    The article was helpful. My ex isn’t a boyfriend but my husband of 15 years. We broke up in May and I found out he had already dated a women while he was out of town. That ended within a few weeks. Then he went on the prowl and dated until he had another girlfriend, telling me she didn’t mean anything, but he wanted to have someone to hang out with. That lasted 2 or 3 months. Then another girlfriend almost immediately after that. They have been on and off for 4 or 5 months now. She keeps breaking it off with him because he makes no efforts towards our divorce. Neither of us has filed anything. Although we have both talked about it a lot. One other piece – he has cheated on me a couple of times over several years.

    So my question. My ex has wanted to talk to me about the women he has dated. He has also made sure I know when he is single again. He has made moves towards me like calling me in emergencies, only to pull away if I respond positively. He has offered many times to help with my car repairs.

    Anyway, so a couple of days ago, he let me know via email, that he is no longer with his girlfriend. When I saw him a few days later I told him I was sorry to hear about that. He shrugged his shoulders, saying this is the 3rd time she has done this, that he had gotten mad at her when she was pressuring him about our divorce and told her she just didn’t need to be there when he got back. (She waited for him). Then he went onto tell me how had ‘more in common with this woman, or so I thought” and that he was happy with her. At one point I said ‘it sounds like you want to get back together with this woman He said yes, wouldn’t you want to get back together with your boyfriend if you broke up. I said maybe. Then I asked ‘but you didn’t want to get back together when we broke up.’ And he gave a little head shake no. Then he asked me how my car was doing….

    He confuses the heck out of me. Why does he want to talk to me about his girlfriends and dating? Am I wrong to think he has conflicted feelings about moving on because he keeps telling me when he’s single, offers to help me and is friendlier when he’s in single mode again? In December he told me he always loved me but then told me he didn’t want to reconcile. He even sent me a text that I am sure he edited over and over which said “yes I loved you. I want to spend my life with you.”

    I’m pretty sure he’s in rebound relationships, but want to know if I am thinking wrong about him here.


    1. admin

      February 4, 2014 at 5:39 pm

      Have you read my ex husband page?

    2. Phoenix

      February 5, 2014 at 5:25 am

      No I haven’t. I found you on a google search. I will look for it. Thank you.

    3. admin

      February 5, 2014 at 6:53 pm

      Yes, just explore all the posts on the sidebar and you will find it.

  18. katie

    February 3, 2014 at 6:06 pm

    I have a very difficult situation with my ex husband. I told my boyfriend of 1.5 years that I needed some space to figure out how to deal with things, not him but my ex husband. We never fought and we had the greatest relationship but I just felt really stressed because of my ex husbands constant drama and didn’t want to take things out on my boyfriend. I told him clearly how I felt so he knew I didn’t want it to be over and I still wanted to stay in contact just needed some space/time. His phone is on my family account and with in an hour of this conversation he has called his ex ( he dated her for maybe 6months before) and is now (3 weeks) “talking”/ “seeing” her. He says he didn’t walk away I did. I do not want to loose him but I also don’t want to be stupid. My family and friends are shocked by this as well, we never expected this out of him. He has asked for his clothes/things back too. He says that he was by my side through it all and I walked away not him. Any advice? What do I do now?

    1. admin

      February 4, 2014 at 5:28 pm

      Have you read my guide about getting an ex husband back?

    2. katie

      February 5, 2014 at 1:56 pm

      No I haven’t read that, I will look into that. Thanks for your help.

    3. katie

      February 5, 2014 at 2:04 pm

      Hold on, I want to make sure I am clear. It is not my crazy ex husband I want back it is my ex boyfriend. My ex husband caused us so much drama, at least I thought because of my relationship but I realize now that he will do that even if I am not with my boyfriend. I also realized that I had to learn to handle his drama/stress and not take it out on my boyfriend or kids or let my ex husband dictate my happiness. I wish I never broke up with my boyfriend and I just hope I haven’t lost him.

  19. Brittany

    February 2, 2014 at 8:22 am

    I’m just curious what one should do if you hear of an ex starting to fight with their rebound before your month of no contact is up. In my case, i’m five days shy of my month and I caught wind of my ex and his rebound fighting because the rebound girl was upset over something he has been doing/the way he’s been acting towards her.
    Granted, I haven’t heard it’s officially over, but it’s getting “rocky”. (For them, it’s been about three weeks?)
    It’s very tempting to want to try and contact, because it seems like a window of opportunity, but at the same time, I’m sooo close to meeting my one month!

    1. admin

      February 2, 2014 at 6:54 pm

      Nothing let it unfold on its own. Let them fight on their own.

    2. Brittany

      February 2, 2014 at 7:41 pm

      So, when my month is up (which is five days) should I still initiate contact, or should I wait until things officially end with them?

    3. Brittany

      February 2, 2014 at 8:25 am

      Oh, and they aren’t officially “boyfriend and girlfriend”. It’s just been a consistent thing.

  20. Heartbroken

    February 1, 2014 at 12:07 pm

    My ex is rebounding with a very clingy girl. Honestly, what do guys think about clingy girls? Do you have experience with this sort of girl? Thank you!

    1. admin

      February 1, 2014 at 7:17 pm

      Clingy is a little nice at first but eventually it gets really annoying.

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