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December 19, 2013 at 2:36 pm
Hi, so my ex and I dated for almost two years. He had a bit of trust issues and he broke up with me. We were extremely happy together and people thought we will always be together. I thought so too. He broke up with me about a month back and just after 10 days I found out he liked someone else. That person was my best friend for 17 years and she totally betrayed me and hid what they had from me. Then just after four days he broke things with her and told her it was a rebound. He talked to me then told me what he was feeling and I thought that he had feelings for me, he was very sweet and he also thought that I could improve as a person (Let me make it clear, I did not cheat on him and it was his insecurities that piled up in the end). Now, he was just sweet for like four days and moved back to my best friend who did not have any problems choosing him over me, knowing how serious I was for him. They definitely have something together now and they are about to date for sure. I am not talking to my friend and not talking to him. He told everyone he is completely over me. I am wreck and he’s moved on within a month. I couldn’t believe after how we had been. After knowing how much he loved me. Is it a rebound still?
December 19, 2013 at 7:48 pm
It ocould be. Does she have any of the signs?
December 20, 2013 at 11:40 am
Umm.. what kind of signs? Everybody is kind of shocked. Friends, family. Nobody expected this. And knowing how we were in a relationship its hard for me too, to think he could move on THAT fast. What should I do?
December 21, 2013 at 3:48 am
Nothing you can do at this point except self improvement.
December 23, 2013 at 3:53 pm
So you think there’s no chance of a relationship again? Is this not a rebound? Cause it’s happening for the second time but within a month :S
December 23, 2013 at 8:30 pm
I would’t say that.
December 19, 2013 at 5:06 pm
Also, I know they’re about to date, cause its pretty obvious now and his best friend told me as well. We were serious. He had a rebound but is he still having the rebound relationship? With the same girl?
She keeps lying to me so we don’t talk. Do you think it will bring him closer to her? What do I do? I’m so devastated and in a really bad situation. And its just been a month, I can’t seem to let it go and digest what’s going around.
December 18, 2013 at 1:26 pm
my guy and i had been together almost 4 years. the first year, he drank heavily and cheated twice (made out). After i broke up with him, he changed EVERYTHING.. quit drinking, smoking, got his ged, went to college… for 3 years we were amazing.. good communication, very happy. During the last 3 months, he made a new friend (btw my dudes personality is extrememly sweet, kind, genuine but very INFLUENCABLE). Anyways, this new friend had 2 girlfriends, and was very unemotional.. basically the cool dude every guy wants to be. My BF’s behaviours changed, he failed college and started staying there for days in a row. I became a little (not really) controlling about school and coming home. He did not like this. Eventually he broke up with me. The wierd thing is, is that for all these years he told everyone he was going to marry me, that I was the one.. he told his family. He even wore a ring himself! In one week he literally changed his perception of me to be a monster (prob with the influence of his friend)
Anyways.. a day after we broke up, he started talking to a 31 year old woman (he is 22). I met with him twice after our break up.. One time he cried his eyes out, then 3 days later when i saw him, it was like we never dated and he was completely over us…… he said this new girl has been helping him through it, that she is newly single (after 6 months). he kept talking excitedly about her, he said he tried to have sex but that she wanted to wait until he was done “grieving” although to me.. it looked like he was over me!!! Anyways, its been about 3 weeks post break up.. she is “liking” all his statuses, asks to go on dates.. so on. And he is commenting back flirtatiously. It almost seems like he is falling in love (he falls in love with everything/one easily). BUT, he is moving to a different state next week to his moms(prob to get away from everything).
My question is.. Is he falling for her? Her number is the only new girls number in his contact list. Does he miss me? How do I get him back? What the heck is going on and how did he change his mind so quick?!?!
December 18, 2013 at 6:58 pm
Well, ironically I would be shocked if they lasted. The age difference means that they are at different points of their lives.
December 18, 2013 at 10:25 pm
He has a love for older women though.. and she has a lower.. I guess you could call it maturity. She dropped out of university, dropped out of community college, and lives with her parents. Her ex left her because she had “chemical imbalances ” whatever it is specifically, I don’t know. So it seems they have similar maturity levels. He just seems so excited about her. Does any of this make a difference? How can a guy flip a switch so quickly! For years he was in awe of me. Do you think he will come back? Btw I am also reading your other amazing articles.
December 19, 2013 at 7:12 pm
I would say wait for it… it’s not likely to last between them.
December 18, 2013 at 12:58 pm
I am curious about something
How he feels when he talks to her or hangs out with her or even flirt with her?
does it seem like love ? does he think about his ex girlfriend?
December 18, 2013 at 6:57 pm
I think he thinks about you for sure.
December 20, 2013 at 2:05 pm
I mean when he is with the rebound girl, how does he feel towards her?
December 21, 2013 at 3:50 am
He feels something but only time will tell if its real or if its just something to get you off of his mind.
December 14, 2013 at 12:33 pm
My ex did the whole lining someone up before he left me deal. I am pretty sure the groundwork was being set for that about 6 weeks or so before he left me. And he jumped right in within a couple days. It was and still is extremely hurtful to me, and I am sure I have over analyzed the whole thing way more than I should have. He is one of those who is also loves to be the white knight coming in to save the day, so I am fairly certain there is some of that going on too. I did all the crazy long emails in the beginning, telling how I felt, what a mistake it all was, how he will never find one like me…blah blah so on and so on. We didn’t really communicate for a few weeks after I finally stepped back from the emails that went between angry and no one will love you like me topics. Then he texted me the day after Thanksgiving and we started this odd texting back and forth here and there. Not every day, but mostly. And it was frequently just like what would have been normal conversations for us. I enjoyed the communication but always felt sad afterwards, because it wasn’t as if we were reconciling. I know he is dating this other girl. He knows I have gone out with someone a few times. I believe he misses what we had and misses me, but because our relationship was long distance that was a large part of his motivation to leave. He has said several times he never fell out of love with me, but with the circumstances of distance. Which I find somewhat full of BS because we had actually planned on my moving closer. I think he wanted to check out other options closer and more convenient. I decided to go no contact a few days ago, unfortunately broke it after he sent me a confusing text message about how he would be “elsewhere” over the weekend, and just wanted me to know it wasn’t what I think it is. I know I have to go into full No Contact now. I believe he is even more confused about it all than I am, and I am really trying to stop allowing myself to be hurt. I don’t really know if the relationship he is in is truly a rebound, I guess looking at how it happened it could be. At the same time, I am here and she is within 20 minutes of him and not 4 hours. Hard to compete. The only thing I have going is we really had a great friendship and lots of chemistry and love for 2 1/2 years. Unfortunately, the grass is currently greener on the other side for him. So NC it is, because I really need to take the time to step away from him and how I currently feel.
December 14, 2013 at 10:36 pm
December 14, 2013 at 3:26 am
So me and my ex took a break after 9 and a half years back in april. when we met i had a 1 year old and two month old whos dad died we were 19 so we had a rocky start as he didnt want to settle down but eventually he did then in 2010 we had a baby girl and 2012 a baby boy well in april i had to take in my sisters two years old temp it caused lots of problems so he moved into his own place suppose to be temp til my sister got help and got her son back well in june after no nights spent together and i felt he was done i went on a three hour date that ended cause he called crying sying hed do whatever it took to save our family so i went home to him and we made love and everything was great for two weeks although we were still living seperately well two weeks later he meets a 23 yeat old at work no kids free as can be we are 29 he stated sleeping with her the second week she stayed a who week this was the week of 4th of july well he bounced back and forth between me and her til august i showed up to his house and she was there after he said it was over i texted him to come outside and get our kids for the night i told him i was done trying that evidentally he wanted her he said no go home im breaking it off which he did he then came home with his car loaded with stuff bout five days later he started talking to her at work again and went back to his apartment she spent the weekend with him he then ended it again and came completely home with all of his things well a week and a half later he moved out and moved a hour away to her house he stayed with her two weeks and came home stayed a week went and stayed the night with her so i made him move he moved in with a friend til the end of september then moved with her til the saturday before thanksgiving he came home. but for a month prior to coming home he had been having sex with me and telling me he wanted to fix our family butit was hard cause he did love her too but knew he had to make a decision and stick with it and he chose us so he slowly moved stuff in without her knowing then he found out she was talking to a guy behind his back saying they werent serious even though he lived with her so that gave him reason to leave plus she quit her job which was a concern cause he didnt want to have to see her everyday as it would be hard, he also then found out back in august when he came home she slept with someone with hep c and lied bout it potientially exposing him to it(thank god test were negative) but that was it that was his way out hepacked and came home well everything was great til last monday he started texting her again telling me i was nothing to worry bout he was just having problems letting go i cried everyday and begged him to stop so tuesday he said hed stop well she sent me screenshots of him messaging her saying he wanted to marry he and never felt this way bout anyone not even me after almost ten years and was infactuated with her and wanted to spend the rest of his life with her! he then packed up and left to go be with her! he text me today he was happy with his decision and was 110 percent sure he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her! 🙁 my qustion is that although hes known her for six months hes actually been with her and only her that two months but i want to know what the chances are this is just lust and the newness and that itll fade and hell want his family back?
December 14, 2013 at 10:29 pm
Have you read my latest guide?
Snow White
December 13, 2013 at 8:22 am
Ok, so the love of my life and I were together for nearly two years. We ended even though we both didn’t want to, and I initiated it because he said something he shouldn’t have. He got jealous of me being bisexual, he got very insecure and thought that I would leave him for another woman which I never would because I love him, and he was fine with my sexuality for almost the whole time we were together, how could he change his opinion all the sudden. Well, 3 months after we ended, he started playing friends with benefits with the woman he told me himself when we were together that she was manly and unattractive and ugly, plus, she smokes and that’s a pet peeve of his. He knew I would be upset about this because when we were together, for some reason even though we both didn’t know her well (a mutual coworker at the time, she started working somewhere else a month after we broke up and he was still alone). I just didn’t trust her and now I know why, intuition. Especially when after we broke up she came to me to see why I was so upset and convinced me to confide in her, and she told me to give him space and ten they started talking and started hooking up. I feel so hurt and betrayed. But deep down I feel as if he is just in a rebound because of all the things he is doing, he stopped enjoying the things he used to do and started doing things he said he’d never do, her in general and the smoking pet peeve, he thinks hickies are trashy yet showed up to work with them on his neck and shocked his friends and they gave him shit for it since he would criticize others at work for showing up with them. His friends and family were shocked that he moved on so quickly, he kept pictures of us on his Facebook even after we broke up and even after he stared hooking up with her, but as soon as I said something about it he took them down of course, and still doesn’t have any pics of her and his close buddy told me that they were just friends with benefits. Well, she has a status of single on some dating site, yet their Facebook status says in a relationship? But when I told his friend that he said so? Ever heard of friends with benefits. Plus, he stopped hanging out with his friends and would stay home all day watching movies and playing videogames and made them upset and now he either stays up doing that and not sleeping and getting cranky or spending time drinking and sleeping. The drinking is an alarming issue, his dad is a recovered alcoholic and his brother is an alcoholic. It has gotten bad, to the point to where he posts messages about drinking on Facebook and his best friend and his father called him out on it being all concerned, telling him we miss you and to come back to the light. He posted this quote on his fb of Edgar Allen Poe of becoming insane by long bouts of sanity which is actually a real letter the poet sent to a fan about drinking and he posts song and song lyrics, like mudvayne a world so cold and marilyn manson tourniquet and bring me the horizon can you feel my heart, these really dark metal and rock songs. His friends and family are alarmed, saying he is overdoing the alcohol and I am worried sick despite him hurting me by what he did, sleeping around with her. I’m not even sure if they still are it not. And he is stubborn, if you tell him not to do something, you push him further into it. So I don’t know what to do. Help please!
December 13, 2013 at 7:39 pm
Well, youve done NC correct?
Snow White
December 13, 2013 at 8:53 pm
Yes, for a little over four months. I want to talk to him so badly, but I don’t want her to be involved or anyone else. Is like it to be just us, face to face. I just don’t get how he can do all this when it doesn’t make him happy and I keep wondering if he really wants to talk to me or me talk to him? I’m afraid of being rejected. I have no idea what to say either. But there are little signs I think of him wanting to talk? Looking at me when he thinks I’m not looking and than looking away when our eyes meet because he got caught. Sometimes opening his mouth like he wants to say something than closes it and looks away. A few days ago was my birthday and he did that too and constantly kept looking at me. I mean, after all we’ve been through, the dreams and goals we had, we talked marriage and kids one day, and the memories we made, it can’t be tossed that carelessly aside like it was nothing to him right? He also got very emotional after we had ended, the look on his face and he would choke up when he’d start to speak to his buddies than stop and get quiet. I knew he was hurting badly just as much as I was. I’m wondering, I still have some of my things left over at his place, maybe I should ask him to return them as an icebreaker? I’m just so stressed because he still has in a relationship status on his fb and still is kind of playing friends with benefits with her, so I don’t want her to know I want to talk to him. She doesn’t help his situation at all either, she is a bad influence and instigator, if she ever really cared about him she’d know he doesn’t drink like that and his family’s past with alcohol abuse.
December 14, 2013 at 9:57 pm
Well, eventually he is going to realize that she is a bad influence like you say..
Snow White
December 14, 2013 at 11:36 pm
Thanks Chris, but what should I do? Should I try to initiate a conversation first or let him come to me? I was thinking of waiting for him to come to me, especially of he is down spiraling because of me, and waiting until he finally confesses it or can’t stand it anymore and pursues talking to me. I can’t help but be worried sick over h for doing all of this, especially the drinking. He is 32 years old and has never acted like this, never been in a rebound relationship or played friends with benefits, never wet against his morals, he has always been mature.
December 15, 2013 at 7:19 pm
I would initiate the convo first.
Snow White
December 16, 2013 at 2:05 am
Thank you Chris, I appreciate your help in all of this. I’m not sure how I should initiate the conversation though. What should I say?
Snow White
December 14, 2013 at 6:50 am
Btw, I should add that we have been broken up a little over 7 months. 3 months after we ended is when he hooked up with her and we were together almost two years. It’s been a little over four months since we’ve spoken but we see each other a couple times a week since we work together. But I haven’t uttered a word to him, emailed, text messages, phone calls, Facebook, no contact whatsoever is a little over four months. And a little over a month ago, is when those two started winding down their friends with benefits relationship, barely hooking up anymore. It was strange, but during our break last month something very strange happened. One of his best buds started asking him why she was spending time in another city all the time and my ex said I don’t know and his buddy said hopefully it wasn’t another guy and than they started talking about other guy stuff. But they discussed this right infront of me and it was their tone of voice that really caught my attention as well. His buddy said it in a way like the situation was very humorous to him, very entertained. While my ex said it in a way that was completely dull, like he couldn’t care less the reason why. Ad last month she started putting herself on dating websites. Yet each of their Facebook status simply says in a relationship, not with who or anything else just simply that. They don’t post pics or videos
Snow White
December 14, 2013 at 7:06 am
They don’t post pics or videos or places they’ve been together or anything like that. When he and I were together, he posted more details, he posted that he was in a relationship with me and posted pics and videos and posted where we went when we would go on trips together. Funny thing is, he still has these posts on his Facebook, didn’t remove them. And some other strange things. See, 3 months after we ended, even after he started hooking up with her, he still kept pics of us on his Facebook and his family did on theirs as well. He didn’t even tell his family to take them down and he didn’t even tell them we were broken up. But, as soon as I made a comment about this he still kept the pictures up. It was until his best friend questioned me on why I commented on these pics that he took them down, and only after I told his friend that he should take them down because I didn’t want them on their after the audacity of him to hook up with her and thinking he could still keep those pics posted, it was hurtful, insulting, a slap to the face. But he still hast taken down some of the pics we posted and there is something odd he did with them. The rest of the pics with me in them don’t show my face, they show parts of my body. They are pics of me holding something or pointing at something, and he knows these pics are of me because he took them, but he labeled them as going to this place or sitting down at this place and eating this with someone else’s name, like he posted a pic of me sitting down at a restaurant with him and eating a banana split but you can’t see my face he just took a pic of the food to tease his best friend cuz he loves banana splits, and he posted in the title that he was with his best friend at this restaurant eating that icecream when it wasn’t him at all it was me? Wtf? That’s what he has done with the rest of the pics he took of me, posted that he was there with someone else name when he wasn’t he was with me! Wtf is up with that?
December 11, 2013 at 10:38 pm
Broken up for a month we dated/ lived together for 3 years .. Look at and tried on engagement rings..ex now has new girlfriend officially on FB 1week after breakup..they are still together.. But he texts me every 2 days to say hi.. He said he does nt love her.. I can’t seem to cut him off!! He was my BFF soo in love were attached to the hip! Family /friends think it’s cold feet! I agree..is there a chance he will come back?? Am I against the clock here with his much younger gf??
December 12, 2013 at 2:05 am
Have you read my latest guide?
December 11, 2013 at 4:45 am
So, met this boy 2 years ago. Liked him a lot but he wasnt that into me. I was going through a phase..kinda party girl. So, we stopped talking. He got a girlfriend. Anyways after life hit me – grew up and got a job 🙂 then this summer my friend told me that he was trying to get a hold of me…my thought was like what?! Thought he was mad In love with that girl…well they dated and lived together for almost two years..he broke up with her in January then started talking to me in may…became official in july. Its almost been 6 months. We havent had sex which is very ddifferent for him because he is use to doing that in every relationship. He said with me ..its not about that ..that he wanted me like he did two years but messed it up. Anyways would you still consider this a rebound at least in his side? I asked him like two weeks into it when we started talking again …and he said no. Anyways maybe im being paranoid …any advice would help 🙂
December 12, 2013 at 1:43 am
Have you read my latest guide yet?
December 11, 2013 at 1:31 am
Me and my now ex fiance broke up two weeks ago but were trying to work things out for two weeks before, we dated for two and a half years and have two babies, we had our ups lots of memories but vary stressful after our youngest, and he said he didnt love me the same and left, so it hasnt been a week yet and hes told this girl he wants to be with her and is done. Is it a rebound?
December 12, 2013 at 1:32 am
It could be!
Have you read my latest guide?
December 29, 2013 at 8:26 pm
Yes , but it hasnt given me alot of answers 🙁 as he doesnt seem to behave like alot of this stuff.. He says their seeing eachother wev been over about a month , but he still wants to do “family things” , and he says him and new girl are “taking it slow” so it isnt a rebound :(, but i know they dont see eachother all that much, but some days he contacts me constantly, and some i dont hear from him at all :(. What is your opinion?
December 30, 2013 at 8:15 pm
Sounds like she is a rebound.
January 3, 2014 at 8:36 pm
Chris please i am in desperate need of help! He ended up showing up and we were talking saying how he missed us everyday, and he realized she was a rebound, and hed leave her right away and he messaged her infront of me breaking it off. He was telling me not to worry he was sure and we were guna start fresh and slow. I was so happy! He even was telling his sister how he liked this other girl but it was like a nagging need to be with me. Then the next day full 360! He was acting distant she had been guilting him all night and he said he felt horrible for leading her on. He ends up telling me hes in love with her! And not me just hes insanely sexually attracted to me and he wants to live with our boys. Then he says theirs a reason i chose u blah blah blah. Then hes crying at night cuz he loves her but when hes without us he misses the family, but when hes with us hes not happy cuz he doesnt love me and misses her! I dont know what to do i dont want to loose this chance but i feel like hes already got his foot out the door again 🙁 any advice or opinions? Again we have two sons 2 and 7 months , wev been split a month, and we are 21 and 22 years old
January 4, 2014 at 10:54 pm
December 30, 2013 at 12:31 am
And! He felt the need to tell me about the sexual shit they did, and how she doesnt lower his self confidence like i did, and she likes how it is and shit! Wtf is that why would he tell me that? Like it was a joke. And then hes telling me i should get out there :s.. Does this meen hes already over me?
December 9, 2013 at 3:23 pm
I posted on a different page of yours, and I did limited contact for about a month starting 3 months after I left him and a week after him and his new gf became’ official’. He did not contact me during this time, but after the month was up I invited him over for lunch and he didn’t respond to my text, but did show up at my house. We had a pretty positive interaction for about a half hour, but then he got up to leave abruptly and I asked him if him coming over meant we were ‘talking’ again and he seemed to get a little sad and said “no”. I made the mistake of pressing him a hot more about why he had cone over then, and he just got more sad and left (while looking back at me as he drove away). I have sent 1-2 initial texts per week for 2 weeks since and I usually get a rapid neutral response or sometimes nothing. If I don’t get a response I wait a few days before sending another one.
I am starting to feel a bit of anxiety popping up again though, because he is going on 6 weeks with the new gf with no signs of reconsidering our relationship. Could it still be a rebound if he waited 3 months to ask her out? We were together for almost 10 years (since high school). Any other general advice on how I should proceed from here?
December 12, 2013 at 4:50 am
Really? No comments?
December 12, 2013 at 7:14 pm
Sorry no comments?
Am I missing something?
December 9, 2013 at 12:02 pm
Does a rebound relationship stop being a rebound when the whole “Facebook official” status comes into play? (Background: dated for 2 and a half years, friends for a long time before that, we shared good memories even though we had a ugly fight at the end, used NC for 2 months, he is “officially ” in a relationship 3 months after our breakup)
December 9, 2013 at 7:47 pm
No not at all plenty of rebounds are offical on Facebook.
December 9, 2013 at 5:12 am
mY ex bf dumped me about 2 months ago I messaged him after 50 days NC (which I went into right after the BU) nd never got a reply I found out a week ago he is seeing someone else on a regular basis nd im heartbroken nd dont kno what to do is this a rebound? what should I do? Plz help!
December 9, 2013 at 7:25 pm
Have you read my new guide?
December 9, 2013 at 8:27 pm
New guide? Link please!
December 10, 2013 at 6:40 pm
December 9, 2013 at 2:23 am
Hi, so my boyfriend and I broke up about 2 weeks ago now. We had dated for 15 months, and were getting each other promise rings for Christmas. So on November 22nd we went out for dinner and a movie since it was our anniversary, and then the next night we had a great night again, and we stayed at his house until about 2am, were watching movies, having tickle fights and just having a good night when suddenly as he dropped me off at my house, he broke up with me but didnt give me a reason. He still won’t give anyone a reason which makes me feel like he doesn’t have one. But, he said that we would talk about it in a month, and we both agreed on that. But then the next day, on Monday, he was kissing another girl and went out for lunch with her, and had put her in the place of me since they were doing everything we did on a daily basis. And then 4 days later, they started dating. So clearly this is a rebound but I dont get why when i walk past him in the halls, he moves closer to me, because there’s no reason to make me jealous and im not jealous, so it doesn’t make sense. But this is not like him at all, he’s usually the sweetest person ever and has never been the type of person to rebound before. So i don’t understand why he has to go through this phase now. I know that when the rebound ends he will realize he misses me, and many people say I shouldnt take him back, but i will because i love him. I just don’t know how long this rebound will last, and it sucks that’s its through the holidays! Any advice?
December 9, 2013 at 7:23 pm
Have you read my new guide yet?
December 8, 2013 at 4:17 am
So my ex and i broke up in late september. I walked in on him hooking up with someone 5 days later. A girl in his class that he has class with 4 days a week. Around 2 weeks later i stupidly started hanging out with him. He kept telling me that he had no feelings for this girl, they just hung out sometimes. We hungout in this situation for around a month. Last week he said he was done dragging this out and that we just shouldnt talk anymore. We go to the same college and ive seen him take her home after school 4 days in a row, and he was with her all weekend. So it’s clear they are going to start a relationship now. Does this count as a rebound even though he waited a good two months to start hanging out with her regularly? Or did he just meet her while he was with me and leave me to see if the grass was greener on the other side
December 8, 2013 at 6:59 pm
Have you implemented the NC yet?
December 9, 2013 at 4:59 pm
I started it two days ago. I find it interesting that she looks and acts just like me, he’s taking her the to same places we went to. I can see clearly that he is definitely taking this opportunity to completely replace me. If I do no contact for a month do you think your texting plan will work?
December 9, 2013 at 5:00 pm
And I’m worried that if I do not contact he will completely forget about me and move deeper into this new relationship
December 8, 2013 at 4:18 am
we were friends/dating for a year, and then in a serious relationship for a year.
December 5, 2013 at 4:03 pm
Hi Chris, was in long distance relation with my bf whom I know for 8 years we visited each other a few times since last year. my bf broke up with me recently one month before I came visit him again. Just found out He broke up with me on text message on the same day he called his new girl.when I visit him again Found out that he started seeing divorced woman with kids from hometown whom his family knows well. but he stil let me stay at his place for a few months this time. I m still at his place but don’t want him back anymore. and find him text his new girl everyday sometimes in front of me. His new gf sometimes send card and gift to his house.
Is this a rebound relationship for him.
December 5, 2013 at 7:09 pm
Have you read my guide on LDR’s?
December 5, 2013 at 8:56 am
Hi, I’m glad I came to this website. I can see many people facing similar issues to me.
I was with my ex for 7 years , first love. I thought it was special. At fir te is very needy and jealous, then he had a crush on another girl , tey had study “date” once. Then he choose not to do anything and stay with me. His first time emotional “cheating”. I forgave him. A couple ears after he started online flirting on mmrpg and other girls I randomly meet. He tells his friend and me, it’s just harmless fun to spice up life and not looking to commit serious relationship with. Last year we still talked about marriage. But I don’t want to put up with his thirst for other girls and became needy and very irritable. Last week on Wedneday 2 am he texted me to move on, then called crying says he did something mean to to / or leaving and says we have too many issues never going back. I asked him to meet, telling him I don’t wanna leave and we can work out. He chickened out saying he is emotional and doesn’t wanna meet me. I went to see him and he says no chance, I didn’t cry and I was calm. He said he thought I was gonna be proud and just accept the break up. I started no contact for a week until today. When I found out the second day he broke up with me and is going out with another girl already from our mutual friends. He brought her home and showed his mum. His mum says the new girl is a lot better than me. I’m heartbroken. I initially wanted to try and save the relationship by going be then slowly talk. I was slowly recovering already during NC period already.Now I’m very upset…. Second day! He must’ve been flirting and lining her up already before. 7 years….is worthless to him? I don’t think I’m going to try hard to get him back anymore. I’m lost. What should I do
December 5, 2013 at 7:02 pm
Not at all..
Actually I dont want to say much more b/c I have a new guide coming out that is going to be really special.
December 5, 2013 at 11:33 pm
Is it the when to give up article or a different one? Thanks
December 6, 2013 at 7:40 pm
December 8, 2013 at 9:52 am
Sorry, I was meant to say, what is the name of the article that you will be posting? Is it the article called “When Should You Stop Trying To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back?” or a new article?
December 8, 2013 at 7:10 pm
New, its over how to get a guy back if he has a new girlfriend. I haven’t posted it yet.
December 9, 2013 at 9:36 am
hi, thanks. I have read the article. It is very good. I think my situation is also the “grass is greener” syndrome. Do you have any information on that?
December 9, 2013 at 7:41 pm
I think I may have to write about that grass is greener syndrome.
December 5, 2013 at 7:30 am
I went out with the boy for almost 2 years, we were eachothers first loves and first everything!
He one day broke it off because he said he has issues and that he couldn’t be in a relationship anymore.. He just gave up on such a good relationship, we had 100000x more good things then bad!
It has now been a bit over 4 months and he already has a new girl, they have literally known eachother for a week and a half, they don’t know eachother and weren’t even friends before, they formed because they hooked up at a party and now after a week of knowing eachother they’re all over eachother
Him and I were good friends and then we took it very slow when we first went out, it took us 2 months to even hook up because all we did was spend time with eachother and get to know eachother.
He is different now and the girl he hooked up with, he best mate really really liked her, she is so beautiful but she has nothing in common with him, he is just all over her and its so weird because they don’t know eachother…
December 5, 2013 at 6:57 pm
Have you tried the no contact rule yet?
December 5, 2013 at 9:42 pm
Yeah I haven’t spoken to him
December 7, 2013 at 1:40 am
I’m just confused as to what is happening I guess
December 5, 2013 at 7:33 am
I still love him so dearly and I am so afraid he will forget about me, I see him everyday! It’s horrible
December 5, 2013 at 1:33 am
I was with my ex boyfriend for 14 yrs, we have a 9 yrs old son together. I broke up with him on Oct 11 because of his cheating and lying. About a week and a half later he started talking to his 1st baby mama. Mind you he has not been involved in her or the child’s life for 14 yrs. ( nothing to do with me)she had gotten pregnant and she decided to have the child and move on with her life. She was 14 and he was 16. I met him at 16 and we have bee together ever since. He said he contacted her for the son because he wanted to now be involved I his life. But it’s been all about them. They are together every day. She goes to his house every day, they kiss, hug and everything else, he takes her out, they basically do all couples things. From my view they seem to be getting pretty serious. I asked him if she was his gf and he keeps saying it’s not official yet but from the way it’s going it’s basically there. So he’s open to a relationship that quick.
Is this foreal? Did he move on that quick from me? Is this a rebound or serious? Because this is not someone new.
December 5, 2013 at 6:34 pm
I have a new guide coming out that can be especially helpful to you. But you will have to wait a few days.
December 12, 2013 at 4:59 pm
Did u have an answer for this? Or did u ever write the post pertaining to my situation?
December 12, 2013 at 7:40 pm
Have you read my latest guide?
December 5, 2013 at 1:17 am
I was with my ex boyfriend for 14yrs we have a 9 yr old son together. I broke up with him on Oct 11 and about a week and a half later he started seeing his 1st baby mama. Mind you he has not been involved in her or the child’s life for 14yrs. She got pregnant and she decided to have the child and move on with life. She was 14 and he was 16. I met him at 16 and we have been together ever since. He said he contacted her for the son but it’s been all about them.
They are together every day, she goes to his house every day, they hug, kiss they go out and are basically doing couples things. Is this foreal? Did he move on that quick from me? Is she a rebound or is it that serious between them. Because he’s going back to someone previous.
December 5, 2013 at 6:31 pm
I may have something super helpful comiing up for you. It is going to take a few days b/c I am working on it but it will be coming up.
December 4, 2013 at 5:03 pm
I was with my ex boyfriend for 14yrs we have a 9 yr old son together. I broke up with him on Oct 11 and about a week and a half later he started seeing his 1st baby mama. Mind you he has not been involved in her or the child’s life for 14yrs. She got pregnant and she decided to have the child and move on with life. She was 14 and he was 16. I met him at 16 and we have been together ever since. He said he contacted her for the son but it’s been all about them.
They are together every day, they go out and are basically a couple. Is this foreal? Did he move I that quick from me? Is she a rebound or is that serious? Because he’s going back to someone previous.
December 5, 2013 at 1:23 am
I may have something coming up for you! Just wait 3-5 days and I will post a new guide around your situation.
December 5, 2013 at 1:35 am
Oh ok, u don’t have any input for me today with ur opinion lol