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November 13, 2013 at 4:56 pm
My ex and I have been together for 6 years. He said, he loves me but not in love with me. He started feeling this 4-5 months ago and I wasn’t aware of this. I want him back but he told me few weeks ago on a Tuesday that he wants to break up with me. On a Thursday, he confess that he likes someone else at his job. She is 9 year age difference and noticing that he’s wearing young style clothes, getting iPhone, etc. things he refused to do when he was with me bc he was old school type. I know this is a rebound relationship but I can’t get him out of my mind. He finally told his father that we were no longer together. He is a selfish person and I accept him for who he is and I didn’t need him to change but he is doing it bc of her. Do you think this relationship will last bc of age difference, he’s 42 and she’s 32 years old? I’m still living in house until I find a place. What can I do to win him back?
November 13, 2013 at 9:11 pm
No I don’t think it will last if I am being honest.
November 13, 2013 at 5:36 am
I broke it off with the guy i was seeing for the last 11 months because he was stressing me out, i have a night job and i also have other commitments that i’m obligated to from before I met him, so he became needy and if it wasn’t him telling me I’m not there, or he misses me or i’m never around he was just simply mean or negative telling me I probably should go be with someone else or that i don’t care about him. So after this started happening I became overwhelmed and told him lets see other people, not because I didnt love him but because I just needed a break. I tried asking him for breaks but he would still do what he always did. So about two weeks after that he has a new gf who he has already announced on fb and has taken to church with him *its a big thing to do that here*. I never expected that and after talking to his mom *secretly*, the new girl apparently isnt new. She’s been around from he first met me but he put her aside as far as knew to be with me and that he had even told her that if he was to marry anyone it would be me, and that this girl was just a sex thing. BUt he has made her his official gf and i dont know what to do, I love him very much and i never thought he would have moved on that fast. I dont know if to consider her a rebound because she was a around before, and he has already declared her his girl, can you help me out?
November 13, 2013 at 7:56 pm
Right now there isn’t much you can do. Just wait, and focus on YOU.
New mom
November 11, 2013 at 6:13 am
My ex and I had been dating for about 2 1/2 years with our ups and downs. He was the love of my life. He initiated the talk of marriage and spending the rest of our lives together. Spoke of how many children we would have ect. He was always very insecure about himself which caused some jealousy issues. He initiated trying to have a baby, which I often reminded him of the realities and he assured me it was what he wanted. I made sure it was what I wanted as well before committing. We broke up for about 5 months, not sure why but I feel he was afraid of being ‘tied down’ as his friends would say. He thought I had moved on so he had a one night stand with a woman twice his age. At that point I tried to move on. Not long after he wanted to come back and explained he regretted what he had done and he couldn’t stop thinking about me. I figured id try again. The relationship was perfect. After a while, I got pregnant with our planned baby. We were both very excited, life couldn’t have been better. Except that the older woman continued to try to be in his life..although he wasn’t responding. I wanted him to put a stop to it as I felt insecure. He felt I was controlling and after an argument we broke up, while I was pregnant. A mutual (very ditzy) friend of ours, (it seemed clear) that she always had her eye on him. They started dating before our baby was born, which I was not aware of. He comes around a couple times a month to see his daughter at my house which is very tense. Every time I see him he seems devastated with life (maybe just my perspective). When he seemed that he couldn’t have been happier in our relationship (to my family and his), he told me he was ‘miserable the whole time’. There is now a huge disconnect between him and his family due to this situation. He spends a lot of time at his new gf’s house and seems to be putting her before his baby. They have been together for about 5 months now. I want him around for our baby, but I don’t want to have false hope. Is this the end of our planned family?
November 11, 2013 at 6:30 pm
Thats just wrong. Putting some girl before his own child. UGH it makes me angry.
New mom
November 13, 2013 at 5:25 am
I still feel a connection when he comes over but I’m not sure if it’s just false hope. Is it possible that he’s in love with this girl already? Our daughter is only 4 months old and he’s already missed so many things. I can’t believe this girl is fine with being with him when he just got out of a very serious relationship. Just curious about which approach you think I should take…if he’s not ever coming back then I need to let him go (somehow). I am continuing on with my life and doing as many things as possible, but the constant reminder and feelings for him are ignited whenever he’s around. I find myself waiting for him…
November 13, 2013 at 7:50 pm
I don’t think so. He may think he is but wait until it falls apart and it is likely it will.
New mom
November 14, 2013 at 1:17 am
I’m unsure about the commitment. He was always the one to speak of our wedding, how it was going to be, our house that we lived in and where it would be. He was also the one to mention having kids first. I never wanted to be presumptuous and assume its what he wanted. I always let him take the lead regarding our future. He was prince charming with the way he would treat. Maybe the reality of it all overwhelmed him. I feel as though he’s caught between being a kid (as his friends are a couple years younger) and a grown up.
I don’t see his new relationship lasting a long time but I know that she’s the type to dote on him and always be pleasing. She is also using my daughter as bate in regards to how they should design her room ect. I feel like she is trying to make a family with him and our baby.
My heart is filled with so much anger and resentment but i’m forcing myself to be civil with him to see where it takes me…also with hopes to make his new gf uncomfortable with he and I spending time together. Moving on is difficult with having a new baby and the constant reminder that he’s going to be around. He had always told me ‘we’re in this together, as a team’ and yet he’s not here. I just wanted the family as we had planned. I know this question isn’t realistic what so ever but just for the sake of asking, how long do you think their relationship will last?
November 14, 2013 at 7:10 pm
Impossible for me to say I wish I knew an exact number but I am just going to spitball from my experience it can last 4-6 months.
New mom
November 13, 2013 at 5:55 am
Thought I should add that I don’t contact him about anything other than regarding our daughter. Even these texts are very short. There isn’t much communication when he does come over and generally has his head down (my thoughts are that he feels guilty). I think his new relationship started when he was angry at me and had a weak moment…which was a good time for the ditzy girl to take advantage. I also feel that he’s scared of being a father (which he has told me recently).
November 13, 2013 at 8:01 pm
This is the right way to approach things.
Do you think that this was the main problem with him… commitment? Being a father?
New mom
November 11, 2013 at 6:16 am
His new relationship started no more than a month after ours ended.
November 11, 2013 at 6:29 pm
So, it can still be in rebound territory.
November 9, 2013 at 12:09 pm
So my ex and I were together for 11 months. At 11 months, he said he disnt deel that “spark” anymore so he thought it was better we took it “slow”. While taking it “slow” I discovered he was talking to another girl, taking her out to concerts etc. I confronted him about it and we decided to work thinfs out. I kept seeing her tag him on pictures claiming she loved him and they were soul mates. We would fight iver this like crazy amd he would just say he wasn’t talking to her anymore and he felt nothing for her. He claims he only went out with her because I refused to let him check my phone after he suggested we take it slow so he thought I had someone else. We kept trying to work things out and then he says he cheated on me for abiut half our relationship. With his old “fuck buddies” and random girls, he claims it was so many times he lost count. So his guilt couldn’t let him be with me (so he said). I forgave him because he said he would gain my trust back no matter what it took, yet the girl kept tagging him on pictures. Again, more fights over her. I kept finding out more and more things. I found out he took her to a nice restaurant on a sunday we didn’t spend together. I saw the charge on his debit card and he denied he had taken her until I showed him the statement. He claimed he took her to give her closure bevause he couldn’t keep hurting me andthat he wanted me amd not her. A few days after I find out they were telling each other I love you on other pictures she would tag him in. I confronted him about it again and he claims it was said before he gabe her closire and it meant nothing? That the only girl he loves is me. We were okay for about a week intil she tagged him again and he liked the picture. He thought i wouldnt see that he liked it bevause he had blocked me after our fight since i had unfollowed him on instagram. The picture claimed they were soul mates. I told him I wanted nothing toto do with jim since all he prooved to be doing is lying. He starts calling me and texting me like crazy saying he didn’t want to lose me, that I’m the love of his kife, that he’s never proposed to anyone other than me, not even his sons mother, that he doesn’t love the other girl and never did. That he only sees me having his children. While he’s saying this, I check his instagram and n oth him and herhad out up a date claiming that’s when they had gotten tofgether. Which was about 2 weeks after we had broken up. I call him out on that and he says he did it bevause he knows he doesn’t stand a chance with me after so many lies. A few hours pass, I was ignoring him and he texrs me saying if I moved on to tell him so he can do the same. Really? He jimped into a relationship while we were fighting! He keot calling and texting. Next day he invites me to the movies and I tell jim no bevause he has a girlfriend and I’m not gong to let him treat me like the other woman since he didn’t break it off with her. Then he texrs ne again asking me to oay his cell phone line bevause he has no money. I tell him no bevause we aren’t married or even a couple. While she’s riding around in a brand new car I heloed him get and he has the nerve to ask me to pay his line so he can communixate with her? Nope. So he gets mad and starts saying how dare I leave him in debt (he left me worse, almost homeless) that he said he would change and I just abandoned him and am letting him driwn in debt. Again I repeated I wasn’t his partner so I had no reason to help him when he had a new girlfriend, to rely on her for help. So he starts saying he’s glad he got with her because she’s not a bitch like me and she diesnt jidge him, that’ they’re happily in love. I stopped replying to him and he texts ne saying “tell me its over”, “im not going to begg you, thank god I found her, she makes me happy and loves me, never text me or xall me again”. I called him to tell him to leave me alone and sure thing he answered and kept bragging about how much he loves her so I hung up on him. What should I do? I ignore him and he won’t stop calling me or texting me asking wjere I’m at or who I’m with and then he starts being rude by sending texta about him being happy and in love with her. He claims they got together september 26 but they weren’t going to rush to put officialy on social websites. until november 7. Is when we had our big fight and that’s when both if them put up that they had been together since september 26. What should I do?
November 10, 2013 at 1:09 am
NC seems to be your smartest option at this point.
November 10, 2013 at 2:05 am
Yes through my phone lol. I’m trying my hardest to have no contact with him. I’m ignoring his calls and texts and he just keeps sending rude texts, and he’s going through my instagram profile. This morning he texted me saying it was good that I moved on because he’s more than happy and in love ewith her but that I should stoo bragging about how I moved on. This just happened about 2 days ago. The last thing I want to do is get into a rebound relationship. I’m just posting quotes about keeping my head upi love him still and don’t want to lose him but I’m confused as to what to do. He claims I never tried to win him back. But I never cheated, never went out with anyone else, I stood by him faithfully while we were “taking it slow” I feel he should be the one fighting for me and if he really wanted me he wouldn’t have jumped into a relationship while we wrre trying to figure our relationship out. What do you think? I feel he wants to make me feel guilty for us breaking up when he was the one that called it off. He cheated for almost 5 months and lied about not having contact with this girl.
November 10, 2013 at 9:47 pm
He is the one that should be feeling guilty then. He is in the wrong and you are in the right. It’s as simple as that.
November 9, 2013 at 12:18 pm
P.s excuse the hundred or so typos lol its hard to write the whole story through my cell phone
November 10, 2013 at 1:09 am
Wow through your phone? I am impressed hahaha.
November 9, 2013 at 12:27 pm
I forgot to mention, while we were “taking it slow” she clearly knew we werestill seeing each other while he was also seeing her. So she would purposely tag him in pictures (of quotes or of herself, never of the both of them together) and would even tag me at times so I could see them. I would tell him and he would go look for the picture but she would delete it as soon as he would confront her about it. He wanted me to trust him after so much, the infidelities and seeing him eben tell her he loves her, yet he never blocked her so she would be unable to tag him in pictures. Yet we got into a fight over her last post and he blocked me because I unfollowed him after he liked her last picture claiming they were soul mates. Yet while we were trying to work things out and we woukd fight ocer the pictures she would post he never blocked her.
November 9, 2013 at 5:39 am
I dated a guy for nearly two years.
The break was emotional for both parties.
We had high hopes of our future together. He had said he loved me, I was the one. We were even discussing the possibility of moving in together in the new year. The connection and passion was real, even though we were both aware we had issues,
we pushed through until this one day a small problem escalated into something I cant even comprehend. We tried working it out(I think) but in the end, (I regret it)I spoke too soon and said things I didnt mean. He agreed and didnt fight to keep me and felt he simply cant make me happy. This I didnt find true, but I did challenge him a bit too much and because somethings did not pan out as I hope this year, I wasnt my best self.
Anyhow, we broke up officially just over a month ago. It was quite emotional for us. He believed that he was letting me go because he loves me and that if our love is strong that someday we will get back together. Funny and the most painful thing is, he met and moved on to another girl in two weeks. Two weeks to get over me after two years together. I lost it a bit and have been emotionally drained as he was such an important part of my life yet im humiliated. I never thought he would make me feel this way. I seriously thought he was the good guy I got lucky with. Did I really mean that little?? I cracked and text him. It took him over 10 hours to respond to my somewhat emotional text to simply confirm that its true, he’s already seeing someone. Turns out the cruel things he said was not coming from him. This girl he met only a few weeks ago, has access to his phone. He never did anything except he apparently argued with her. Then a few days later he messages a mutual friend telling her he is seeing someone. He wasnt looking love but it just found him and he thinks he is going to marry her. He is in love with this girl after a few weeks and I was just some girl he shared two years of his life with. I don’t get what girl in her right mind would even sign up for go for out a guy just got out of a serious relationship, literally. Anyway, He goes on shaming me, telling our mutual friend, he has more belongings on mine he will drop off with her (our friend) to return to me. When she told me everything. I sent him an email as I was simply unable to focus at work and was making silly mistakes. He ends up texting me messages just apologizing if he disrespected me. He tells me that he wasnt making me happy anyway and I knew I deserved better and he cried those times because he knew we wouldnt be together. I know its text messaging but it sounded so emotionless and nonchalant. It turns out he went through our friend, telling her all this to return a pair of pants and a meaningless document he had of mine. I tell him to throw the pants away but he then asks if I want a letter on a matter I dealt with (which he knows). He wanted me to bus to another end of the city to pick that up or drop it off my door??? What was the purpose? It hurts and I feel like a piece of shit for him to flush. I guess the whole basis for this comment is to get your perspective, did I mean that little? Does he seriously have no love left and a new girl in a matter of two weeks or so was able to steal his heart instantaneously? Does he seriously feel she is the one now?? Two weeks after two years. Devastated does not begin to describe how low I feel right now. I cant even talk to another man and sometimes accidentally blurt out I have a boyfriend but he is ‘in love’ again. Dont get me wrong, I want whats best for him and I do want him to be happy but we’ve only been broken up just over a month! Am I foolish and blind to not have seen this.
November 10, 2013 at 12:56 am
What have you tried so far? Any of the tips I recommend on the site?
November 7, 2013 at 10:52 pm
I know this is pretty huge question. But, how do you deal with the fact that you’re a rebound. I am absolutely devastated – He came back and told me that he loved me… but, I am just so lost at the ‘I moved on too quickly line’ and the ‘my last relationship took alot out of me’ – Devastated beyond words.
November 8, 2013 at 6:17 pm
Well, you have to kind of let time go by. Thats the only sure cure I know. Time heals.
November 7, 2013 at 10:56 pm
I feel SO used. Like I invested so much into the relationship for him to tell me that essentially, he wasn’t all there with me.
I don’t know how to move this forward – at all. I want to talk to him about it, but I am just so upset.
November 8, 2013 at 6:15 pm
My advice is simple. Don’t talk to him until you aren’t so upset. Until you can think clearly.
November 9, 2013 at 9:18 pm
Any tips on forgiveness?
November 10, 2013 at 1:24 am
Forgiveness of who?
November 6, 2013 at 3:55 pm
Hi, my name is Nea. I just needed your opinion and advice. I recently was talking to this guy for about for months but we were friends at first when he did tell he had feelings for me . But the thing was it was another guy who liked me too. It made me in awkward place of mind. I was just keeping my options open cause I’ve been thru a lot in my past relationships & can’t get hurt again. It may felt that I wasn’t being serious with him but all I wanted to do is basically spend some time together more & not rush into thing. Am I wrong for that ? So all of sudden he just stop talking to me , and then last he just got in relationship with this girl all the time. So I feel played . Everything was going good , he’ll usually txt or call me everyday. Sometimes I feel like its my fault that I didn’t reach out to him as he felt about me. Obviously I actually think he was talking to that girl while he was dating. There’s no possible way he could have feelings for me and get into another relationship the nxt day. Like what do u think I should do?
November 6, 2013 at 5:46 pm
Are you doing a NC?
November 6, 2013 at 4:10 am
Now I’ve had contact cut off for awhile; but I recently heard from a friend who is married to one of his friends that my ex told his friend that he’s planning on having “lots of rebound relationships” in the next couple months…. I’m trying to decide if it’s a good sign for reconciliation, or bad.
It makes me feel a bit better, cos at least he’s not deciding he’s in love with these girls… And I dunno. An outside perspective would be really helpful.
November 6, 2013 at 5:27 pm
I say its good and bad. Good b/c he is rebounding but bad b/c come on dude lots of rebounds?
November 6, 2013 at 9:34 pm
That’s my thought exactly. If/when he does come back, he’ll be getting an STD test for sure. 😛
November 7, 2013 at 5:29 pm
Hahahahahaha can’t say I blame you.
November 5, 2013 at 6:45 am
I feel stupid even writing this, but I’m so, “In my head” about it, I have to get it out.
In June, my “friend,” (really a chick who used me when she was having relationship issues– which was always) went to jail. We will call her “Alice.” So, Alice broke probation that she was placed on for stabbing her ex!!! We will call the ex, “Frank”
Lol! It’s so hard for me to type… it’s so… Jerry Springer.
Anyhow, Frank and Alice have had a ridiculous relationship off and on for 4 years. She’s a dirty skank… she’s a 9.9, and somewhat of a “D lister,” but still dirty. Just so white trash, and if you walk into any given room and there are 8 guys and 2 girls, you can bet money that Alice has slept with 7 of the guys and 1 of the girls… she’ll get to the other 2 soon enough! Guaranteed!
Anyway– I swore I wouldn’t be long-winded and pathetic… even though I am.
The ex Frank and I started talking about her going to jail and all the crap that was involved with that. He came to my place one night– after we had been talking. I had been out and had quite the buzz– we started sharing stories about Alice and all the havoc she causes. I was showing him texts from her and all the CRAP she caused in my life and he happened to see a naked pic that I had sent to Alice– as her and I were working out together and I was showing off my fresh abs that were finally popping out (and her and I had messed around a few times)
Anyway, he saw it… I skipped over it… he went back to it… he said, “That really turns me on”
We had sex– for like 10 hours! Literally! Over and over until the next day! Best thing that ever happened to me! I felt guilty but we managed to find ourselves doing it a few more times. We were mutually using each other and it was all a big secret.
Then something happened… feelings got involved. I started to fall… he seemed like he was. Our seeing each other became public knowledge, we were even saying, “I miss you” and “I love you”.
It is so cyclical though– we have marathon sex, we get all lovey dovey, he picks fights (a lot– mainly jealousy and trust issues– like one time he saw my ex calling and got all bent out of shape about it), I leave, no communication on either of our parts for a week or more, then I initiate communication, I END UP APOLOGIZING and coercing, and it starts all over!
I thought this last time was different– he took me to his good buddies engagement party, I brought him to a pool party with my friends, he was referring to me as “Mommy” to his two pups– I though we had finally crossed the threshold (whatever that means) after a week of this “togetherness,” he came home after being out with one of my guy friends and told me that I was a liar– my friend had told him that we kissed like two years ago and that I had been back and forth with my ex– it’s all trivial stuff that Frank turned into something huge! So dumb! He punished me… Barely spoke to me, wouldn’t have sex with me, wouldn’t listen to reason– he can get pretty “firm” and kind of mean in all his “black and white” bullshit! I left– it’s been a week, no communication. I sent a text tonight about his Zodiac sign NOT holding grudges and asked why he wasn’t like this (I was reaching) no response!! Help me! I already know, just please confirm it and tell me to STOP!!!!
November 5, 2013 at 6:17 pm
Why do you feel stupid? You definitely shouldn’t because you aren’t. Don’t have that attitude.
I really think that you should stop reaching out to him and just do NC.
November 4, 2013 at 11:11 pm
what if you were potentially a “rebound relationship” and you want the guy back?
November 5, 2013 at 5:32 pm
Welll, hopefully you established a deep connection with him.
November 4, 2013 at 4:06 pm
So i made a mistake and now i really dont know what to do..
my ex started a relationship a few months after we broke up. During that time she was controlling and he became dependant and now theyve broken up after a year. He messaged me (i was good with the texts) then he came over to a party but we sat and chatted for hours and hours. He wants her back (and honestly i think hes an idiot and doesnt see her mean streak) and i think he may have clued in that i still love him but i never let it slip in any way. Im in a rebound relationship atm and made it pretty obvious that im probs breaking up with him (which is true). My ex said not to do it for him.. we talked about the past and then the sex came up. Apparently hes been fantasizing about us for a while and enough so that his stubborness reared and he had the guts to ask/seduce me.. it didnt work at first but then instead of kicking him out we slept together (to be honest i hadnt had great sex since we broke up and apparently neither did he)..he then said thank you.. now what do i do?! Im pretty sure i just f’d it and i have no idea where to go from here (i think i should probs break off my relationship for numerous reasons but esp cause i need to show loyalty).. i dont think he thought he was going to get anything, but still, he called me up while im in a relationship :ss and hes only been broken up with this other girl for maybe a week. Any advice? Or what do u think – slim chances?
November 4, 2013 at 6:26 pm
Its there but don’t be a rebound to him.
November 4, 2013 at 8:03 am
Hi Chris! So i stumbled upon this blog post which is so relevant to what i have experienced. Long story short, my ex and i dated for 9 months, i thought we would last, but it did not go well over the summer period because he left out of state for pre-college 6 weeks. There he met this other girl whom he allegedly dated but didn’t want to admit it. He dumped me a week before coming back home and i was of course devastated. His reasoning was that he’d rather break up now than wait when he moves away for college- he simply can’t handle the LONG DISTANCE. I found out weeks later through mutual friends that he is dating that girl he met only days after our breakup. The ironic part is that he is a LONG DISTANCE relationship with her. Can you explain the reasoning here? We both are from NM while she is from IL. He obviously is in a rebound relationship and long distance relationship with this girl and they are still going out (2 months now). They seem happy with eachother for now.. I guess…
November 4, 2013 at 6:05 pm
I guess patience is the best way to go here. Just wait it out cause the odds are not in their favor.
November 4, 2013 at 8:05 am
Do i still have a chance to approach him? and if so how should i talk to him again without making things between us worse?
November 4, 2013 at 6:06 pm
Do NC, settle things down and slowly lead into approaching him.
November 4, 2013 at 7:09 am
I was with my ex for 6 years, 3.5 months ago he left (we also have a dd of 3) due to ‘not feeling the same about me and him’ he starting ‘dating his new gf withing 2 weeks of leaving.
They are now bf / gf and he’s seems obsessed with her in respect of always messaging her, he seems to be ignoring everyone else around him including his dd and putting her first! I have a feeling if it was down to him he would prob be living with her. He sees her once during the week and spends most of the weekend with her – she too had a dd (6) it seems he’s walked out on one family unit right into another, everyone is shocked at his behaviour, me I’m devestated! We bickered but not major fights – that too was a factor he said he was not happy.
Does this sound like a rebound? They seem pretty cosy from where I stand?
November 4, 2013 at 6:03 pm
It does seem like a rebound HOWEVER only time has the ture answer.
November 3, 2013 at 10:46 pm
Hello, I am looking for advice. My boyfriend of one year broke up with me and immediately started dating another girl. When I found out about her which he told me he was dating her three weeks after we broke up, I stopped talking to him all together. I know he started dating her the same week we broke up now. It has been four months since we broke up and they are still together. I know we broke up because i was not very stable at the time and not excelling in life. We moved in with each other three months after beginning to date because of financial issues on my part. I believe this was detrimental to our relationship because we moved to quickly. In February he asked me to marry him and I thought it was too quick so I wanted to wait. He told me when we broke up that he loved me but was not in love with me anymore. I really want him back, I have been bettering myself in every way and working toward everything that I know was detrimental to our relationship and I am in a much better place. I am just curious on what you think about my situation and any way to go about getting him back would be much appreciated. Also is the relationship he is in now a rebound? or is it getting to a point that it may not be since they are still together and seem happy? I don’t want to give up but I also don’t know how to go about getting him back without interfering with his relationship which I don’t want to do. I am still friends with his sister but we don’t speak about him together anymore but she is aware of the changes to my life. He is also aware because we spoke yesterday for the first time in months. Mainly just to work out a situation to get the rest of my furniture and things from his house. We both forgave each other yesterday for everything which I believe is a great step but I don’t know if I am just being hopeful of something that really has no hope…
November 4, 2013 at 5:21 pm
How long has your total NC been with him?
November 4, 2013 at 7:50 pm
from the end of July until we spoke on Friday to discuss getting my things from his house.
November 2, 2013 at 11:50 am
Hi there,
I have completed the NC about 15-20 days ago and I still haven’t contacted him. He has a new girlfriend so I feel out of respect I shouldn’t contact him. Am I right in doing this? If not, how should I approach him?
November 2, 2013 at 7:30 pm
I dont see any harm in contacting him. As long as its friendly and non threatening.
November 2, 2013 at 8:50 pm
How should I approach the topic? I feel facebook would be the best way, but I just don’t know how to start a conversation?
November 3, 2013 at 5:14 pm
I think you can use the same rules as texting.
November 3, 2013 at 12:32 am
Just a note; I deleted him when he first broke up with me. I guess I have too much pride to re-add him.
November 3, 2013 at 5:42 pm
Hahaha not the first time I have heard that.
Looking for help - Michael
November 2, 2013 at 9:44 am
My wife and I dated for 5 years, were married in Nov 2012, had a child, Dec 2012 (still – born) – most horrific experience of my life.
She is German and the plan was to come to Canada with the child. Since everything was already planned she still came to Canada, but very shortly afterwards we both had a very hard time. She wanted another child, I said no, we both said things that we bad, I told her to back to Germany.
After she left, I realized that it was all wrong, I love her and I did want a child with her. She told me it is too late and she is now seeing someone (after only 6 weeks she started seeing someone), she now says, after 12 weeks that she wants to have children with him. She has also booked a vacation with him away for 3 weeks in January 2014.
She tells me its over, she doesn’t love me anymore and any communication with me, she is very angry. She said that if I really loved her I wouldn’t have let her go.
Now she tells me not to contact her.
We will bury our sons ashes in Dec in Germany.
She has agreed to see a therapist together in Nov 21st, even though she says its a waste of money and its over and there is no chance
Is that a good sign that she is willing to go to a therapist, part of me thinks that she is only going to tell me again that its over.
The therapist told me that my wife needs to hear what I have experienced and that my reactions were normal.
I don’t know what to do…to get her back.
I have been contacting her almost everyday….I hate it.
Is she in a rebound relationship?
November 2, 2013 at 7:32 pm
She may be in a rebound. But contacting her every day may be a little desperate on your part.
Looking for help - Michael
November 3, 2013 at 7:59 pm
I know….
I am now going to try no contact until the therapist appointment
November 2, 2013 at 4:34 am
Hahaha, thanks for the offer but I wouldn’t inflict that kind of torture on you. If only you knew what she looked like! After all, you do write about standards regarding attractiveness. ;P Although she slept with a married man at work who had a wife and new baby at home, so nothing would stop her morally! If I was any less than the woman I am I’d tell my ex this. So hard to bite my tongue!
November 2, 2013 at 7:04 pm
What she is super ugly or something?
October 31, 2013 at 3:39 pm
Hello my name is Amanda my BF broke up with me 3months ago after being together for 2yrs. He said he loved me but he needed to focus on his career. I was devastated! We have not talked at all for 3months. He contacted me last week out of the blue to tell me he still loves me and would like to see me, however see me someplace private because he’s he a new relationship! Can you believe it? I was hurt all over again. I told him no I didn’t want to see him and he needs to focus on her and leave me alone. He pleaded with me. He says he misses me so, however he’s not saying he wants to let her go. I know he is in a rebound relationship, however I have decided to ignore him until he proves that he is sincere because I feel right now he’s just looking for closure. What do you think?
October 31, 2013 at 8:28 pm
Have you started a NC yet?
November 1, 2013 at 3:05 am
Yes I started the NC and he’s been calling and texting today asking why am I ignoring him. I still haven’t responded. What do you think?
November 1, 2013 at 6:33 pm
Still ignore him. Turn off your phone if you have to. And I have a post coming up that I feel you are going to be very interested in.
November 1, 2013 at 10:10 pm
Ok I will continue to ignore his calls and texts. Thanks for the great advice and please let me know when you have the new post up for me to read.
November 2, 2013 at 6:30 pm
Hopefully within the next two days.
November 5, 2013 at 2:59 pm
Hi just checking to see if you posted yet?
November 6, 2013 at 11:21 pm
Hi is this the post about the Male mind during no contact? Also I received a text from him saying that he loves and misses me. He also said why I am ignoring him? He then said ok I just wanted you to know. What do I do as I haven’t responded yet? Is he being sincere and want to reconcile?
November 7, 2013 at 5:44 pm
No this is the post about male mind: https://www.exboyfriendrecovery.com/the-male-mind-during-the-no-contact-rule/
November 5, 2013 at 6:37 pm
The new guide? It should be there.
October 31, 2013 at 3:13 pm
Hello. I’d like some help with this situation..if you’ve got some.
I dated my ex boyfriend for 3 years. We had some really lovely times. In the last year, things got rocky, he kissed another girl, and I eventually decided to break up with him 4 months ago, and started dating someone else (A rebound for me, but I didn’t realize it at the time.)
This crushed my ex. He was desperate, wrote so many emails, messages, etc. I didn’t believe him. So I didn’t take him back.
Two months ago he went to college, and met a girl there. She has a bf already, and doesn’t seem that incredibly interested in him, but whatever the case, he’s into her.
I defriended him on Facebook, but every few days he’ll message me just to talk about stuff. Stuff we like together, like music.
A week ago I messaged him about a good time we had once, and how it made me laugh, and he just said “Look, I don’t want to remember the good times and want them back, because they aren’t coming back. I have zero romantic feelings for you now. I like this new girl and I want to get her. We can be friends, but that’s it.”
This really broke my heart. Is he actually completely over me? Would NC even be effective if he doesn’t really care? Help me out :/
October 31, 2013 at 8:21 pm
I think it can be. Especially if you two were in constant contact.
November 2, 2013 at 6:30 am
OK, well, tomorrow we are both going to an event together. what should I do when I see him? its been months since I’ve seen him. what do I do/say? heeeeelp!
November 2, 2013 at 7:19 pm
Are you going together or are you just going to be going to the same event.
November 3, 2013 at 5:08 am
We went together. He confessed that he did miss me, and was really happy to see me…but it kind of threw a wrench in his plans cause he thought he was over me, and isn’t sure what to do now,
what now for me?
November 3, 2013 at 6:04 pm
Play it cool for a while and see if he reaches out if not reach out again.
October 31, 2013 at 7:15 pm
Also, as we were talking last night I mentioned a band we used to like. Turns out he had literally just posted a song by them on his Facebook. Could be coincidental, but the lyrics are basically saying let’s forget everything that happened, because you cannot miss what you’ve forgotten.
November 1, 2013 at 6:04 pm
Maybe he just liked the song?
October 31, 2013 at 11:09 am
Hmm, I have sent you an email 4 days ago on [email protected] …
October 31, 2013 at 7:52 pm
What was the email entitled? Just asking so I can go find it in the craziness of emails I get hahahahaa.
November 4, 2013 at 12:13 pm