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October 30, 2013 at 3:05 am
Hi Chris! I have everything in your site and i must admit i did most the things you mentioned not to do…Now i wanna slap myself…Iol
So here’s my story, I hade this EX when I was in High school, broke up and got back when we were in college then broke up again then flash forward 8yrs after he found me in FB, but he’s married and have a child…but he told me that he’s currently going through separation and will divorce his wife, he was very depressed and sad…we exchanged messages and txt everyday, i was his confidant, he told me his problems, he told me that he regret leaving me before and that I was always in his mind even though he married his wife. So i gave him another chance, we had a realationship for 3 months, first 2 months was great, a lot of good memories and full of love. on the 3rd month, things started to change, communications started to disappear and he became more distant, I felt like he just contacts me when he wants to see me and have sex. 3 weeks ago, I broke up with him, he agreed and didnt even give an explanation why he became distant. I txted him, and messaged him in FB constantly for 2 days to get answers but he just ignores me. Im so heartbroken and this was the 3rd time broke my heart, he made so many promises, that he will never leave me again and that he will marry me, when we were together I felt so much connection because weve known each other for a long time and we had a past.
now im confused if I’m considered as a rebound if we were together in the past twice (HS and College). i just started the NC thing im on my 9th day…is it still possible that he will contact me? Not sure if Im a rebound girl coz he just got separated with his wife.
October 30, 2013 at 4:21 am
Yes you are still soo early into NC!
October 30, 2013 at 4:50 am
Thank you for responding..Do you think I’m a rebound though? Him and his wife separated 4 months before we became together, I know I should’ve seen the red flag from there…But him and I had a past, he was my first love when we were in HS. Im trying to figure out if he really loved me during those 3 months , I felt his sincerity during those times, we traveled every weekends, took care of me and treated me like a queen..but at the same time, i also think that he might just used me to distract himself from his separation with his wife….On a mans perspective, can you enlighten me a bit? I know what im telling you are only bits and pieces …If I was just a rebound then I will not expect anymore, I think I will just move on peacefully. But how will that be a rebound if we were together before?? I dont know if i make sense.
October 30, 2013 at 9:20 pm
You could be a rebound….
You have to keep in mind that after a divorce a man kind of wants to be free a little bit. It is just natural.
October 31, 2013 at 12:49 am
Thanks! I guess im gonna just move on and not expect at all
October 31, 2013 at 7:27 pm
Well if you need help with that I am here!
October 29, 2013 at 9:39 pm
My boyfriend and I got on a “break” and once we, or I decided it was okay to go back to the way things were he said no and continuously kept telling me, “I need more time.” Over that, “time” he spent it with this one girl, (who has a terrible reputation). He eventually noticed I was ignoring all his games and said, “I want to try this again and get back to where we were, I can get rid of this girl easily, it’s like taking out the trash, she means NOTHING to me.” Well, days pass and we don’t really speak and I find he is with her AGAIN. So much for taking out the trash. I go off on this girl, I tell him calmly this is over for good and no more communicating or sending me suck up texts and that I’m not coming back with the baggage he has made with her. He sends me a sappy, “I made a mistake talking to this girl, I used her to cover up and rid my feelings for you and it didn’t work” REBOUND. Yet, the next morning he is bringing her to school and she’s still around. Please explain to me why he continues this act of “I’m not hurt anymore” yet he tells me is he?
October 30, 2013 at 4:12 am
Have you implemented any type of NC yet?
October 30, 2013 at 6:19 pm
Yes, I ignore him and I don’t try to communicate with him..I just don’t know how to handle being rebounded. Will he ever leave her and come back to me? He said, “I’m not with anyone, I’m not dating till I know it’s the right time.” and he’s with this girl every second now.
October 30, 2013 at 10:04 pm
I think chances are high he will leave her… but I can’t guarantee he will come back. You will have to do soething about that.
October 29, 2013 at 9:44 pm
Oh and I forgot to mention we have known each other and been best friends since 7th grade now in 12th and have been dating for 20 months..
October 28, 2013 at 5:35 pm
Its pretty sad, evrrybody writes here about their exes having rebounds and that they dont care, they want them back and they dont care about rebound’s feelings. As a rebound I am hurt… it hurts that everywhere I go I read that there is no chance for me. And I am thinking all the time if he misses me or he misses his previous ex after our relationship….
October 29, 2013 at 2:44 am
I am sorry :(.
I feel for you b/c I have been in your shoes before. But I try to help people get their exes back and when it comes to rebound someone will always get hurt.
October 27, 2013 at 7:28 pm
I need help!! My boyfriend of a year and a half broke up with me not even a month ago and he is already seeing a new girl. I want her to be his rebound but I’m scared they might actually work out. Our relationship was great the first year he had even bought tickets for a cruise in Florida and had me pick out my dream ring. Well things started happening that mad our relationship weak. He lied to me a few times and just a couple different issues with girls no cheating but the lying really made me not trust him and so I became insecure and would question if he was telling the truth or not also worry a lot if he was cheating or not. So I pushed him away and finally he ended it saying he didn’t want to try anymore and that he had been out of the relationship for a month already and wasn’t in love with me anymore but still cared about me. So I was still living at his place trying to get stuff packed and he started hanging out with an old friend who introduced him to this new girl. Not even out of his house yet and only two weeks out of the relationship he’s already seeing someone. It broke my heart. I went to get more of my stuff last week and he asked me to stay the night that he has been lonely. He would hold my hand and call me baby its like we weren’t broken up but we were. I stayed two nights and on the third I found out he had gone out on a date with the girl the night before he had asked me to stay the night. I told him I was going to tell her what he was doing and he threw a fit. We argued and he told me he didn’t want anything to do with me. So I left didn’t talk to him for a day but still needed to get my stuff so broke down and called him he didn’t answer so I text him and said we needed to figure out when I could get my stuff. I didn’t hear from him until 2 in the morning turned out he was out on a double date with the girl and there mutual friends. I’m devastated and don’t know what to think. Is she a rebound?? This girl just seems like everything he’s looking for. She’s going to be a doctor she Christian and a virgin has a job and a nice car. I’m none of those. Are they going to last because she’s everything he’s ever wanted???
October 27, 2013 at 11:05 pm
So, your feeling intimidated from the new girl is that what you are saying?
How long have they been dating?
October 28, 2013 at 8:09 am
They have only been on maybe three dates. But he’s already holding her hand. I guess a little intimidated. I just want her to be a rebound I don’t want things to work between them. Call me selfish I don’t care I want to be the one to make him happy.
October 29, 2013 at 2:17 am
Haha hey I am selfish too so no worries there.
I don’t know if she is a rebound only time will tell there.
October 26, 2013 at 8:11 pm
Ah I keep remembering things I feel like I need to mention. Sorry. But also he told me he likes to know that I still love him and care about him and that I’m here for him because he doesn’t know if anyone will again.
October 27, 2013 at 10:04 pm
He likes the affection on your side eh!
October 26, 2013 at 8:08 pm
Oh I forgot the most important thing. We dated for almost 2 years.
October 26, 2013 at 8:04 pm
Also he has moved on quickly physically with this new girl. Another reason I think it might be a rebound.
October 26, 2013 at 7:58 pm
My boyfriend and I broke up about 3-4 weeks ago and about a week after we broke up, he started hanging out and pursuing this new girl he met at school. They aren’t officially dating just yet but, they will be in about a week and they already act like they are dating. I believe it’s a rebound after what I read here because he moved on quickly and when he talks to me tends to compare me and this girl and try’s to rub his new gf in my face and say how much better she is. He tells me he is over me but, We still talk almost everyday and he told me he still wants to be friends. But at the same time, he goes back and forth with me, sometimes he’s really nice and other times he doesn’t want anything to do with me. There have been times where he has flirted with me since the breakup and he has told me that he is afraid to see me because he thinks he might do something and end up cheating on this new girl. But at the same time, he says it’s possible that he still has feelings for me deep down but, he also might just “lust” me now, he says he isn’t sure, he’d have to see me in person to know for sure. Sometimes he says he still loves me deep down and then a couple days later he’ll say he doesn’t love me like that anymore. And other times he says he still cares about me but other times he says he doesn’t care about me. He says it depends on his mood. I don’t know. I’m confused. I’m pretty sure this is a rebound but he doesn’t believe that. But I know his family believes it. Help.
October 27, 2013 at 10:03 pm
Your doing NC correct?
October 26, 2013 at 1:54 pm
Hello Chris,
After a relationship of almost two years me and my girlfriend broke up.
The second weekend after the break up she allready had a new guy.
The best part about it is that her new partner is her best friend.
The main reason we broke up was because whe went through a difficult period, whe had arguments about nothing and there was not enough passion. At the same time she did not talk about her problems with me but with her best friend.
She pushed herself away from me right in his arms.
During vacation she went on a boyscouts camp and so did he. They grew closer during this period.
When she came back she still loved me but something was wrong. After 2 weeks of few contact between u we talked and descided to end the relationship.
It appaered to be verry painfull for her, and when she was allready a couple with her best friend , she told me that she still loved me, but couldn’t handle fighting for us anymore.
And that she was empty.
I truly don’t understand, she said that she didn’t fell in love with him untill we broke up.
I have the feeling that if this other guy wouldn’t have been there, we’d still be a couple.
So is this a rebound, or does her heart really belong to this new guy now?
Than you.
October 26, 2013 at 6:07 pm
Certainly sounds like a rebound but man that has to hurt.
FYI when I was 18 I was dating a girl that went on one of these young life vacations with a group of guys and girls for like two weeks. When she came back she was never the same and we broke up a few weeks later. I could tell it changed her and to this day I still hold that against that young life thing.
October 26, 2013 at 9:13 pm
Hi Chris,
The age and lack of experience may have been a determing factor.
She’s only 18 years old and i’m 20.
But i could feel that she was too young in her mind at some points. Her new boyfriend has the same age as her. Maybe it’s for the best.
But the way she replaced me after all the time and effort i put in her,this really hurts.
The fact that they are allready posting pictures on facebook with eachother and commenting that they love eachother makes it even worse.
I don’t understand how she can allready do and say that stuff.
October 27, 2013 at 10:09 pm
I feel for you.
No offense to anyone here on the site but every 18 yr old I know in my personal life is very immature. Of course, I have the maturity of a 50 year old haha.
Are you doing a NC rule?
October 28, 2013 at 6:23 pm
Yes I told her that we couldn’t have contact anymore and that we’r not going to be friends. We didn’t have contact for 3 weeks now.
Do you think the relationship with her friend will last for a long time?
Most of the time they can only see eachother in the weekends.
And she is the type of girl that needs allot of attention.
In the end i want her to be happy, but i just can’t believe that she made the right choice by giving us up like that.
October 29, 2013 at 2:48 am
I don’t think it will if they only see eachother on weekends.
October 26, 2013 at 1:47 pm
I would love to hear your opinion on this. Me and my ex broke up about a week ago – we were together and lived together for 8 months then I had to move to help my parents out, and that’s were I’ve been for the past year. ever since I left, there have been problems with trust but we still fought through it until he texted me last week to say we weren’t working out and he couldn’t trust me (I told him I was planning on moving back after three months with my parents, but that didn’t work out). I find out that he updated his Facebook two days after he told me this that’s he’s in a Relationship with a girl. I was so upset that I texted him, and he kept telling me that we could stay friends, he would never stop loving me but said he wanted to give things a try with her but that we can still be friends, he just needs his space right now. what should I do? I’ve started the nc rule and it’s been 3 days so far.
October 26, 2013 at 6:03 pm
Keep in NC at this point. Work on becoming less emotional and more logical. Best advice I can give you in a short few sentences hahaha.
October 27, 2013 at 12:08 am
do you think this girl is a rebound? do you think I have a chance at getting back with him?
October 27, 2013 at 10:12 pm
I can tell you one thing. Chances are not in their favor to make it.
October 26, 2013 at 5:40 am
I am 18 (yes very young) and my ex broke it off with me 2 months ago. I have been filling in my time with friends and partying and doing everything an 18 year old should. Trying to get over my ex who i was dating for 18 months. I found out a couple of weeks ago he has a new girlfriend and it hurt a lot, but I was more shocked than upset. It has only been 1 and a half months since our breakup and he has moved on so quickly. I plan on getting him back one day after I finish my first year of university but I don’t understand how he can move on to a new girl just like that? Is this a rebound?
October 26, 2013 at 5:57 pm
How fast did he date the new girl?
October 28, 2013 at 9:51 am
It was a month and a bit after our breakup
October 28, 2013 at 9:53 am
And I’d like to add today we walked past each other on the street and we were literally meters apart. He completely ignored me, but then again, I pretended to completely ignore him. That doesn’t mean it didn’t hurt though.
October 29, 2013 at 2:22 am
LOL ahh relationships!
October 26, 2013 at 5:04 am
My ex and I were together for 4 years (2 women, but she was more of the male figure mentally). We broke up July 2012, and first week of November 2012, she was seeing someone. Mind you, just the week before that, she has asked me out on a date, but we got into a stupid argument before we wound up going. Anyways, this relationship she started as a rebound is now coming up on a year soon, so I’m afraid that it may not be a rebound anymore. However, they have argued about me, and she still tells me that she loves me and has thought about reuniting when we have our periods of contact (usually lasting for about 2 months loosely). Well a few weeks ago, I wrote her a letter saying that I cannot just be friends and she cannot have the best of both worlds. Since she made her bed with her rebound she needs to lay in it. gave her the letter after a night out of dinner and drinks, she wanted to take me out as a thank you for helping her with a project. I know for a fact that her rebound gf had a problem with her doing that and for us being in contact period. But anyways, I have been in NC for since then. She text me a few days later asking how I was doing, but I didn’t respond. Did I do the right thing?
Additional notes: there are members of her family that don’t even know we’ve broken up IN OVER A FRIGGIN YEAR. Also, she prefers to date women who don’t have and don’t want kids which I don’t. Yet she told me that her gf has two teenage children. So I know she must be desperately settling. What do you think? Thanks for this feed and your feedback.
October 26, 2013 at 5:56 pm
Sorry how long have you been in NC exactly again?
October 26, 2013 at 3:34 am
Does the same apply to woman? My ex and I were together for 7 years before she left. We had a very loving relationship with a lot of good memories, but with some difficult times as well especially near the end of the relationship. We were always very supportive and understanding toward each other. She broke up with me and 2 weeks later began dating a coworker and is acting extremely happy and very unlike herself. We have had no contact except to figure out financial matters. Is this a rebound?
October 26, 2013 at 5:51 pm
The same applies to women 🙂
October 25, 2013 at 10:23 pm
My ex and I broke up September 9th of this year. However, we have remained in communication. I was just told by his roomie that he’s trying to get with pretty much anyone who will let him stay with them, but is pushing for one in particular that would put him less than 100 miles from me. He and I keep talking about moving in together, but getting him here has been a problem. The ‘RR’ is nowhere near his type, and I doubt they are very compatible at all. They are just entirely too different! If he’s wanting to be with her, why does he still talk to me? How can I get him back from her?
October 26, 2013 at 5:40 pm
He still feels a connection with you that is hwy he talks to you.
October 24, 2013 at 12:34 pm
I will admit-I made a huge mistake!
I started to talk to a man about 3 months after his 2nd divorce was final. We started dating. I became pregnant. He left me to be with a woman who he found on the job and this was a person he supervised ( mind you he said he felt relationships in his career field have not worked out in the past and that’s why he dated me, but now he loves this woman.
He “strung me along” for 2 weeks before broke things off-the day of the ultrasound.
He started dating her 2 weeks prior to dumping me. He struggled to finish his dissertation when he was with his wife. He had to ask for an extension. So he has me pregnant, his new girlfriend with 2 toddler children, a doctorate degree to finish, and work. He had never had children before. I have raised 4 to teenagers already. That is NOT an easy dynamic to deal withbeen there done it. He is already talking about moving in together.
Opinion? Advise?
October 24, 2013 at 8:12 pm
He is an a** hole in my opionin. The DAY OF the ultrasound he breaks things off with you? Are you serious?
October 24, 2013 at 10:21 pm
Yes. Serious as a heart attack.
October 24, 2013 at 10:25 pm
I am REALLY struggling how to communicate and not communicate in this type of situation. He is already making plans that our daughter will be a part of their little family.
October 26, 2013 at 10:21 pm
No I don’t honestly think it will last. He does not even compare to her husband. Her and her husband are established in their careers and he is not. I think he is seeing her for what she has now pre divorce and thinking that she is a “catch”, not realizing divorce with children is so much different. Than there is him-bringing a new baby into their relationship which = debt. So many things he did not think about.
My communication with him is very bad because of lies and deciept. He is trying so hard to be my friend ( which I have rejected this idea from the first time he dangled it in my face). He
wants me to ask him to do things for me, he wants to help take my boys to and from school (when he found out at the dr appt that the stress he helped create could have dire affects on me and the baby) , he likes using the word “we” (I correct that too-there is no “we”). He wants to dictate the flow of communication. It seems he is very reactive to his bad decision making.
What types of communication would you recommend using with him?
Not quite sure how to deal with him now.
October 27, 2013 at 10:14 pm
I like texting a lot b/c it is fast enough to talk but slow enough to think.
October 26, 2013 at 1:01 am
…. I don’t see him and the new woman lasting. Do you? Is that what you are really worried about?
October 25, 2013 at 5:56 am
One more thing I just discovered. The woman he replaced me for just filed for divorce on 4 October 2013. He and her have been dating since August.
From a legal stand point this does not look good for either of them.
October 26, 2013 at 5:11 pm
Yea, also HE could be HER rebound.
October 23, 2013 at 10:39 pm
I know I should not ever want him back but I am really struggling with this. Why is going back and forth between myself and her, do you think he feels anything for her or is it just what she is providing him drug wise? She is a diagnosed bi polar with borderline personality disorder, I believe whole heartedly that he is undiagnosed BPD, he jumps from bed to bed with no regard for the feelings of others. I am lost, I texted him 2 weeks after the breakup to have him return my daughters belongings but have not heard anything for 3 days?? What is up with that?? I was pleasant and told him not to rush, but yeah nothing replied? Is he rebounding or is the fact he went back to her a sign he really wants her?
October 24, 2013 at 7:29 pm
Right now I would say its a rebound..
October 23, 2013 at 4:58 pm
It may be possible I was his rebound girl and our relationship lasted about about 4 months, when we first broke up……. Or I should say when he stopped calling me I called and texte like crazy. For the last 7 days I have been doing the NC and he called me after 5 days of NC. Am I wasting my time or is it possible i could turn my possible rebound into a real relationship?? Please help I don’t know what to do I really care about him and want him back in my life. If it helps the last time he messages me he said we need a break and he hopes we can pick back up in the future
October 23, 2013 at 10:31 pm
No I think you have a legit shot.
Though do be under the mindset that if everything doesn’t work out you will be ok.
What are you doing during your NC period?
October 24, 2013 at 1:40 am
Well I have been working out, and catching up on reading…… I have another question if it isn’t too much, tonight he messages me on what’s app so it felt awkward not to answer, do you know he had the nerve to ask me if I want to come to his house. Was very disappointed he tried to make a booty call I have now blocked him on what’s app and will be starting the NC as of today. I hope I am doing the right thing, we both want the same thing in the future….. Oh well it will be his loss either way he just helped me to stick to the NC he needs to be taking me out on dates and trying to win me back the nerve of him to think I would be his booty call
October 24, 2013 at 7:41 pm
What are you reading?
Did you end up answering?
October 23, 2013 at 8:42 am
Hi! I already have a course of action planned out; namely 30 days nc. BUT I would like your “professional” opinion on something…
I dated my ex for 3 years. One month ago, he dumped me, saying he “didn’t feel the same way about me”. Now he’s dating a girl he works with. I think maybe he had her lined up before he dumped me; he claimed during the break-up to have been thinking about doing it for two weeks, which lines up with the time frame of him beginning to work with her.
I guess what I’m wondering is… How likely is it that this relationship is just a rebound?
October 23, 2013 at 10:09 pm
Hahha professional. I wouldn’t say I am professional. I just know a thing or two about men!
Only time will tell. Right now it does seem reboundish but if he is with her for more than 6 months it is probably becoming something more…
October 23, 2013 at 11:58 pm
Well, that’s definitely a LOT of time to wait, considering they’ve only been officially together for 2 days now… Haha. I have a very hard time with patience.
October 24, 2013 at 7:32 pm
I hear you… BUT patience is really a virtue when it comes to this thing.
October 25, 2013 at 6:58 pm
One more question. What is your stance on how soon people say “love”. I’m almost positive that the girl is saying it already; she posted it on facebook, saying she “loves him so much!” before they even started officially dating. Is that a warning sign?
October 26, 2013 at 5:32 pm
I am serious about that word in a relationship. I only say it if I truly truly feel it. If you say it too soon things tend to go sour.
Also, a girl who says she loves you (too soon) is a “psycho” sign in my opinion hahahaha.
October 23, 2013 at 2:35 am
Hi can you confirm if am correct pls
18 yrs together split 8 weeks
He got new girl 3weeks ago so he says could of been planned well still with me
2 teenage kids lots and lots of happy memories
Rebound ???
October 23, 2013 at 8:43 pm
She could be a rebound definitely!
October 23, 2013 at 9:32 pm
What should my next move be ? I have done the CN for the previous 35days
October 24, 2013 at 7:23 pm
Well, now you should probably text him haha.
October 22, 2013 at 11:38 pm
I was with my partner almost 4 years, we had a turbulent relationship with many ups and downs. 6 months ago we split and he left me for another lady, I was broken we did no contact and 2 months later he came back and we set straight off to where we last were in the relationship, living together the day after she moved out. Four months pass, we again had ups and downs, he has a drug problem and she was his dealer. He finally admitted having a drug issue but did not want to give it up, he said it made him feel numb about what we both did during our brief split, we both saw others. He wanted me to engage in the drugs and when I did not agree the relationship abruptly ended and he went back to the same drug dealing woman. Is this a rebound? What are the chances he will try again with me?
October 23, 2013 at 8:25 pm
Drug dealing woman… ewww.
Why do you want him back?
Also do NC!