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1,415 thoughts on “This Is How You Know If Your Ex Still Loves You”

  1. Wjsings4life1220

    March 23, 2014 at 3:56 am

    My Ex boyfriend and I started dating a year ago, Valentines Day. We are both currently 17 years old. And instantly we were both head over heels in love with each other. He was my first partner, and serious relationship. We experienced 3 break up-make ups. But this time it was bad. And whats worse is that we live sooooo close to each other and have some mutual friends. We’ve been broken up for a little over a month. My heart is still very broken. I still LOVE him with every part of being, and there hasn’t been a day that has gone by that I don’t think about him or miss him. We continuously have encounters and most times its uncomfortable and awkward mainly because of how close we use to be. And lately his emotions toward me have been Hot/Cold, and I usually ignore him when I am around him, but those are the moments when he’s trying to be flirty, talk to me or get my attention. Before, I would text him and tell him how badly he hurt me and that I still love him, most replies returned with attitudes of not caring,trying to find out why I feel this way still, or anger. I use to wonder why to, but have realized that its unconditional love feel for him. We planned to get engaged and marry after college. I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I just don’t know how get him back.

    1. admin

      March 23, 2014 at 5:00 pm

      Ok, don’t take offense to this but here is the deal.

      When men are 17 they don’t know what they want. They are immature and pretty much idiots. He may need to mature a little more. Nevertheless, what have you tried so far to get him back?

  2. maria

    March 23, 2014 at 2:44 am

    Im 22 years old. We had been broken up for the past 3 months. He said he lost his feelings towards me. But he acted he cares about me. Like trying to send me to the bus station. Carrying my bag. Accompany me while i was waiting for others. Bought me food. And doesnt want to accept the money. But i insisted and he accepted it later on. But when i tried talking about feelings. He wont talk about it. And of course he doesnt call. But we texted everyday. I am not sure what to do? I done nc for a week. But within that week he would text me. Whats your best option? My friends are telling me to move on. But i really love him. He said he lost his feelings towards me due to my attitudes. But he doesnt know since when. When i asked about his heart. He doesnt even know what to answer. But all he knew was. Breaking up is the best for us right now. Im full of hurt. Please respond.

  3. Gabrielle

    March 22, 2014 at 7:29 am

    Hey Chris!
    I need some major guidance in my situation,
    Me and my boyfriend broke up about a month ago now and we were together for 7/8 months, we were madly in love and I was his first ever girlfriend and first love (he’s 18 and I am 17) we were madly in love, like beyond comparison to anyone I can think of. He is in a band which are getting very successful and he left me saying that he hates letting me down as much as he does (band commitments and all of that) I supported him throughout and I only ever ‘complained’ about band things when it caused him to miss a significant event *i.e Valentine’s Day*
    He left me face to face and still kissed me, gave me pet names and told me he loved but his feelings are everywhere…
    I didn’t beg for him back, didn’t plead, badger him, nothing like that, I let it go… A few weeks of no contact and I see that he deleted me off of Facebook and he then started playing games… I initiated the first conversation asking how he was and about giving back each others stuff… then another while without talking, he cancelled meeting up the first time, which I let be! I then posted on Facebook how I was going on a date that following weekend and my ex contacted me pretty much straight away asking to meet up to exchange stuff and when I didn’t reply he got agitated and started constantly messaging me, begging for a reply, I finally said yes and then yet again he cancels on me last minute *turns out he was hungover, he has been drinking significantly a lot more since we broke up* I started up a basic conversation and he started bragging about how much he’s going out and how much girls are complimenting him etc
    I think he got annoyed that i wasn’t giving a reaction and he went on a massive ego trip saying how he sticks by his decision to leave me and that I should move on… he then starts saying “I’m going to block you on Facebook, I never want to see you again” (bare in mind I didn’t say anything offensive or hurtful) I replied calmly with “You need to stop over reacting but ok then :)”
    An hour later he messages me again (no he did not block me in the end…) BEGGING if he could see me the coming Wednesday, I turned it down, he then asked to see me the Friday, yet again I turned him down and now he wants to see me this coming Monday…

    I am still convinced to this very day that we are soulmates and that is why I want him back but I have no idea what to make of the situation and I desperately need some guidance…

    Thank you for reading 🙂

    1. admin

      March 22, 2014 at 6:29 pm

      Are the two of you both seniors in High School?

  4. Anonymous

    March 21, 2014 at 4:41 pm

    Hi I’m 18 ..Me and my ex finished about a month and a half ago after 5 years. We were one of those on off kind of relationships but we always got back within two weeks except this time. He still txts me a lot and we met up twice, but he keeps saying he dosnt wanna get back ever, and that he thinks out time is truly up. Any advice or do u think I still have a chance? Thanks 🙂

    1. admin

      March 22, 2014 at 6:17 pm

      Sure you do… only problem is that in the future is he going away for college? Will you two be seperated by distance after high school?

    2. Anonymous

      March 26, 2014 at 8:52 pm

      When we were together we have talked about the future and that we wud get an apartment together, since both our collages would be in the same city. What would you recommend would be my best move on getting him back? Thanks for replying 🙂 hope you can to this too if you get time 🙂

  5. cos

    March 20, 2014 at 10:04 am

    Hi I have a difficult question my partner of 8yrs has left me for someone much younger 4weeks ago, we have kids together and a baby due soon. He has told me that no way in hell will we get back together. Problem is he is still living in house we have and sees kids plus I’m pregnant so NC is impossible. He can’t move out yet due to financial reasons but I know they are looking for an apartment together. Most nights he stays out overnight and I know he is telling her he loves her and wants to be with her. When he is at the house we seem to get on even though he says he is tense and stressed around me, we talk and watch tv. A few times he has had a couple of beers and we have ended up kissing and being intimate, once he txt me the next day and apologised for it saying it shouldnt have happened. But the other night with no beers he offered to give me a massage as I ws in pain being pregnant, after a while he started to kiss me but I eventualky pulled away and left room…….the next morning he said it only hapoened because we were together for so long and he’s a typical red blooded male, but it won’t be happening again and we need to stop being in same room together I AM SO CONFUSED. What should I do I love him and want him back ? But this girl is still in picture and is pushing him to move out asap to live with her…could there be a chance for us getting back together?

    1. admin

      March 20, 2014 at 6:02 pm

      How long have they been dating?

  6. Sophia

    March 19, 2014 at 10:39 pm

    Hi Chris, it’s been over a month since I’ve come back to this website. After my break down, I refused to talk to my ex, never called him back and never intended to. However, one night after a month he calls me twice, which I ignored, n texted me stating that he has something important to tell me. After a couple of days, he wouldn’t answer my text, n I wouldn’t answer his calls, because I was still angry, I gave in and called him back. He explained to me that he was going to take my advice and join the military since his twin got in. To make a long story short, being that I am in the process of joining also we decided to study for the ASVAB together, he’s taking it before me. Of course my dumb self, is catching the feelings back for him, which I am hiding very well lol. However, lately I noticed that he is doing the touching thing, and trying to get close to me, for example, when we were sitting at my table he would rub his foot on mine or touch me when either of us make a joke n are laughing. He even tries to slip in “sweetie” or “babe”when we are talking. I don’t know how to feel, he hasn’t asked me anything yet, but I can’t help feeling that he is using me to help him. What’s your opinion on this?

    1. admin

      March 20, 2014 at 5:50 pm

      I think these signs are good (the pet names.)

    2. Sophia

      March 26, 2014 at 10:01 pm

      Ok si we have been in contact via text/call but I think u did something stupid. I texted him: “Listen, do me a favor n return the book to the library for me, since I probably never see you again”. .. just see what he would say, never the less it was ugnired by a question odf which library n an ok. :/ what do you think, bad move?

  7. Kiluah

    March 18, 2014 at 11:21 pm

    Me and my bf broke up 3 months ago. On two occasions he came back to me because he wanted to make friends with me however I find it hard to see him going out with other girls. He said He didn’t have a gf after me. Just recently we went out again and then he just stopped communicating. I learned he found a gf. I tried to back off but honestly I still want him back. What should I do?

  8. Gabi

    March 18, 2014 at 4:15 am

    Alright,so a couple of weeks ago my boyfriend told that he would date me for a little while longer,and then would dump me,in an EMAIL. So then I was like ok that’s not cool so I was like let’s just be done,but we can still be friends. He was cool with and I was like cool about it to. Then this last Thursday we had a dance,but I was sick and missed it. He was there and asking my friends were I was. While I was home sick I was like ok I’m so over him and now this happened.Then the next day he smiles at me and his best friend comes up to me and is like what is the status and I’m just like i don’t know. And I like him again,but at the same time I don’t, i need so advice!!:(

  9. Nicole

    March 17, 2014 at 2:41 am


    I dated my ex for around 8 months.We had a mutual breakup due to several weeks of arguing. A few months after we broke up, I ended up moving in with him and we were roomies for 2 years. We had sex the entire time we lived together even though we weren’t dating anymore. I dated around during that time, but nothing serious came my way. He didn’t really date while we were living together. A while after I moved out I told him that I didn’t want to have sex with him anymore because it was hard for me since I had feelings for him again and I cut off communication for a couple of months. The distance seemed to make me feel better and we went back to being better friends with better boundaries when we began talking again. Unfortunately, We started having sex again several weeks ago and I am back to being confused. He has been acting unusually sweet towards me. He has been cuddling with me when we are in bed, which he never used to do. He has told me that he really enjoys spending time with me, but that I really annoy him when I text him, so I have been trying to do that less. Over the past couple of years I have put on a lot of weight & while I’m sure that plays a part, I am not sure how big of a deal it is to him. I really like him and I would really love to hear outsider’s opinions since clearly the situation is extremely dysfunctional! Feel free to ask further questions.

    Thank you so much,

  10. Sarah

    March 16, 2014 at 6:51 pm

    hey so its a long story but my boyfriend broke ups with me for the second time, but I know it was a mistake and that we could work. He contacted me three days later to give me shoes he found at his place We agreed to talk after spring break. A week later he contacts me again to say he found a shirt. I have had this time to think and realize my faults and how things could have been different but just need the chance. Do i contact him to get the item? Also what does it mean? During first break up ( we rushed into things though) we did not speak for a month and got back together 2 weeks later. this time he’s contacting me about giving items back…does it mean anything?

    1. admin

      March 20, 2014 at 6:28 pm

      It means he wants to give you some items back.

  11. Laura

    March 15, 2014 at 9:49 am

    My boyfriend of almost two years recently broke up with me(due to arguing a lot). I immediately implemented NC and made it through the 30 days. He texted me about once a week during the NC period but I made it through. After NC ended, he called me and we had a great conversation that I could tell we both enjoyed and it felt like the beginning of our relationship again. The next day we repeated this with another enjoyable conversation. After these two days however, he disappeared and blamed it on ” just being busy”. Then, not knowing what to do, I restarted NC and now have not heard from him in almost a week. I was wondering if I could get your opinion or advice on where to go from here.

  12. marlyn bacaling

    March 13, 2014 at 3:20 pm

    relate much!! this information helps me a lot!!

    i keep on asking my self..if my ex boyfriend still wannt me back..

    thanks alot!!

  13. Sunflower

    March 10, 2014 at 2:24 am

    Dear Chris,

    Among all the advices in reference to recovering a boyfriend after a break-up, I have liked yours the most.

    Would like to keep in touch with you regarding questions on these touching issues.

    Thank you!

    1. admin

      March 10, 2014 at 5:08 pm

      You can reach me through the comments

  14. cora

    March 8, 2014 at 10:41 pm

    Hi im 11 and at a dance I found out from my friend that he cheated on me while we were dating. So I started crying while leaning a against the wall. And my 2 friends told him how I was crying. And my friend told me that he said and I quet bring her over here and with a smile on his face like he is happy that he will see me face to face. And so my friends draged me over to him and they said something like go on talk to her and he said I dont know to my friends. Soooo I don’t know if it was because he was to shy to talk to me or what. Thanks

    1. admin

      March 10, 2014 at 5:24 pm

      eleven years old…..

      Is this a joke?

  15. Tash

    March 6, 2014 at 6:33 pm

    I and my man were together for five months and he broke up with me because he was having issues with work and home and too busy to actually see me..thing is I know he cares about me a lot..he says he doesn’t love me but I know he liked me a lot…I hv fallen hard for him and I feel like I can maybe get him to get back together…but do you think the thirty day NC rule is too small or just enough..please help me…we were always so happy together…I miss him…please help me get him back…I don’t feel like Ive done everything to get him back…

    1. Brooke

      March 11, 2014 at 6:10 am

      I have the same exact problem! We were going to prom and then one night on our sixth months date he starts acting like an ass. I broke it off. We decide to talk the next day. He says he doesnt love me. I gave back all his stuff and gifts at his front door the next day. I try to talk to him again 2 days later to get some answers. He says things to hurt me. I cry. When i was about to give him the letter saying why and how i loved him i decided he didn’t want it. I tried to leave. when he realized i was there to get back with him yhrough that letter he changed being a jerk, ran after me when i tried to leave,read the note later and begged for my forgiveness. We haven’t talked since. Though this was 4 days ago lol

  16. Ladyayla121

    March 4, 2014 at 4:20 pm


    My situation is complicated. He and I broke up in October but he and I still live together in a one bedroom apartment. We still sleep in the same bed and tell each other almost everything. He still talks about us like if we move he wants me to go with him, but yet he encourages me to see other people but then he gets jealous and kisses me. We have been together 7 years and I dontdon’t know if he just wants a break to figure out what he wants or what. He says I’m his family and where I am he feels at home. If so why’d he break up with me? I’m so confused. What should I do? I love him and want my life with him. He’s my everything.

    1. MaryLauren

      March 5, 2014 at 3:48 pm

      To be fair, it seems like he doesnt want to leave you because if he didnt want you he’d move out and wouldnt want to sleep in the same bed, you were together for 7 years thats a long time! Maybe its just he needed to be apart, from what i see it seems he loves you, an he still shows jealousy x

  17. MaryLauren

    March 4, 2014 at 4:16 pm

    Me and my ex broke up about a month ago he said he doesnt want anything to do with me i wanted to write to him but i left him to it he blocked me on facebook and 3 days later unblocked me then 2 weeks later added me on facebook and blackberry messenger, i asked why he said he just wanted to sort it out i said sort what out and he replied “i was in the wrong and i shouldnt havr took things too quick, i want our relationship but i want to take it slow” could this mean he loves/misses me? 🙂 please reply!!

  18. KeyKey

    March 3, 2014 at 7:20 pm

    Hi Chris. I really need your help. Me and my ex dated for 11 months and my mom made me break up with him because she thinks he’s not good enough for me (we are both 18 by the way). And this is killing me. She is being an asshole and I have to suffer for it! I wish that I had saw this site before I made these common mistakes (calling and texting too much right after the breakup). I’m a week into the contact rule and I’m tryna get through this but I’m scared that he is so angry that he doesn’t want to talk to me anymore or is tryna move on and forget about me. I want to at least get him to hear me out and let me explain the breakup and what it means for the both of us. I really want to be with him for the rest of my life but how do I let him know that but at the same time know that we have to take some time apart to get ourselves together and move out of my moms’ homes in order to do so if he won’t even talk to me?

    1. admin

      March 4, 2014 at 3:15 am

      Whoa now.

      Going to war with the mom is not going to be a winning strategy. True she should mind her own business but that kind of frictino never ends well.

  19. Haley

    March 2, 2014 at 11:14 pm

    OK so my boyfriend of 2 years recently broke up with me pretty much with no explanation other then saying we fought all the time, but this is by far not true. Im 31 and he just turned 33. Its been 4 months but just recently implicated the NCR due to having my dog staying over at his house until I had a place of my own and have almost complete it just shy 4 days when he randomly showed up at a friends house I was hanging out at. However I did not talk to him or make eye contact. He has only had one other serious relationship his whole life and that was in high school. I think he also might suffer a little from the peter pan syndrome. We lived together about 1 1/2 year before he purchase his 1st real house… I decorated and moved all the rest of my belongings in from storage and helped with everything cleaning, picking up the yard etc as i have always done. He has had a rough child hood with emotional detachment from his mother until recently after his dad died his mother turned around and now it seems thats the only person he trusts. Our relationship was perfect until about May 2013 We moved into our new house August of 2013 and we broke up November 2013. In around July 2013 we had had a fight and thats when he tells me he had talked to his mom about marriage. I thought that was a good sign so I told myself I would improve and no fights from then on. He has a huge communication issues and dose not know how to communicate effectively and sometimes it seems he is stuck in high school and plays games. After the break up I tried to get back together I tried to talk to him, I tried to be his friend.. nothing there were no issues of cheating or anything. Weeks and days would go by from time to time we would see each other or run into each other and I get mixed signals like texts me randomly about my dog when he knew the answer, talk about me to other friends, ask for address to a party he knew I was going but told another friend he was not going. I even asked him to lunch one day just trying to be a friend and he automatically assumed I wanted to get back together. We have a lot of friends mutually at the beginning he started telling his friends not to invite me places . But that only worked with his immediate best friend who was married to my best friend which has been a huge stain I feel as though our friendship is in jeopardy. Within the last month of the NCR he started asking about me and what I was doing and wanted to know about the baby ( my brother just had a kid) I had also noticed a while back that he had un friend me from Facebook probably a month before NCR and he stated to a friend that he did not un freind me ? He had somehow thought I got a new boyfriend and started commenting on it to friends. So anyways I have made it a point as the NCR to not see or contact or text etc well I have been laying low for well over 2 months I had met a friend and was hanging out and was well assured he would not show up. Well he did along with his best friend and my best friend who was mad because he accused her of inviting me and our other friends have told him numerous times that Im welcome anytime. They were not even invited though Im not certain of any of this because he never said anything to me. Never yelled or cursed at me IDK what to do its like Im in high school. I just don’t know if he feel stupid for breaking up with me and has to much pride or if he has commitment issues. I also think he might also think Im obsessed with him, he told a male friend recently when I have not even seen him in 2 months that he wished I would bring a guy so I would not fallow him around? I finally told my friend that he needs to grow up its been 4 months

    1. admin

      March 3, 2014 at 6:22 pm

      Yup, you might have to stick to NC for a while.

    2. Haley

      March 3, 2014 at 11:39 pm

      Its kinda hard being in your 30’s to make new friends … since we have mutual friends you think I should just do what I’m doing and act like nothing is wrong and don’t talk or make I contact if we end up at the same place. I think what it really is ..is that Im happy laughing and carrying on and he jealous cause now Im not with him idk.

  20. Caroline

    February 28, 2014 at 12:49 am

    HI! I AM IN DESPERATE NEED OF HELP! I met my ex-boyfriend at work when I was 16 and he was 20. We were only friends and we were both seeing other people. It was my senior year and we started talking more. We started talking on twitter a lot but since I was only 17 at the time we never hung out or texted. I turned 18 and he gave me his number and we started talking. About three weeks later he asked me to hang out. We fell for each other very fast and everything was fine. We fought often but that was due to misunderstandings and the large age gap. I did not want to date him at first because I was leaving for college in the middle of august and we just started becoming serious in the middle of april. He was everything I could hope for in a boy friend and after about three weeks he convinced me. We started dating and I had the summer of my life. He was my first partner and my first real adult relationship. I went to college two hours away from home and it was so hard. We went from constantly seeing each other to seeing each other once every two or three weeks. After I left for school jealousy soared sky high, and I became a little depressed. Our relationship was going downhill and neither one of us knew how to fix it, but we did not want to give up hope. We broke up and got back together at the beginning of November. When we broke up I felt numb and I was experiencing something I had never felt before because normally breakups did not affect me. We still talked every day and we got back together after about a week of being broken up. About a week later he told me he couldnt do it anymore and that he needed to figure himself out and that he felt like I was forcing him to be with me. Now that I look back, I kind of was, because I did not want to be broken up. We said we were going to take a break. but neither one of us were in the position to take a “break”. The break did not last long and we were broken up officially once again. When I came home for thanksgiving we hooked up. It was not the same as it had been before, it was very awkward and when i dropped him off at his car we didn’t hug or kiss or anything. he told me he would text me later and to tell him when I made it back to college safely. Hooking up made me even more confused and I wanted to talk about it and he said we never should have hung out because now everything is messed up even more and that he still felt numb. I came home for a month over winter break and once again we tried to hang out. We did not hook up but it was awkward and almost forced. At this point we still talked almost everyday but I feel like he was talking to me just to be the good guy not because he wanted to. At one point before break he told me he felt like he had to talk to me. I started hanging out with other guys and he started hanging out with other girls. He told my friend at work he had a great time with another girl and it was the most fun he’d had in a long time. I didnt talk to him for the last two weeks of my winter break and I left back for college. I sent him a drunk text on new years about how I feel like we cant be friends and all of this stuff and he replied in a very mean manner. I was embarrassed and did not text him back. We hadnt talked basically since new years and he text me my boss wanting me to get him something. We had small talk and he stopped texting me back. then last week he messaged me. He told me that he got a new phone and lost my number and told me about something work related. I commented on how i did not like the word restraint on the social network and he told me to text him so he could have my number again. we texted for a few days and then that died down. we sent a few short messages over the last few days. I asked if he thinks we could be friends again and he said he doesnt see why not and asked if he thought I could I said yes and he said well that answers your question. I still want to be with him. I still love him. Do you think it could ever work again? He has all of the power and he knows he has all of the power. I do not want to ask him because I do not want him to think I am forcing him but it is killing me. We have been broken up for about six months now. Is it to late?

    1. admin

      February 28, 2014 at 10:43 pm

      Have you tried anything like a no contact rule on him before?

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