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1,415 thoughts on “This Is How You Know If Your Ex Still Loves You”

  1. Anonymous

    February 24, 2014 at 11:49 pm

    So my ex that I’ve dated for almost 5 years has a girlfriend now. I was with him before the Valentines and he took the girl on the date instead of me.. They started dating on Valentines… We haven’t talk at all. He blocked me on facebook but my friends told me my pictures and our couple pictures are still up. The new girlfriend is in high school, she just turned 18 last month.. My ex is 23 about to graduate college…. Do you think they’re gonna last? I love him so much. I want him to be back with me. He was my first boyfriend :((( help me guys…

    1. Crystal

      February 25, 2014 at 7:14 pm


      I am in the same boat as you and can use any advice but I’m still waiting for people to contact me. However, does he try to talk to you at all?

  2. Cass

    February 24, 2014 at 1:58 am

    I was wondering if it’s even worth getting back with my ex who I was with for 3 years. This is the first time we have broken up and I’m missing him terribly. I have been trying the no contact rule but it’s the hardest thing I have done so far. I have only texted him twice since we broke up(he seems sad when I texted him) and he seems very upset whenever I see him out in public and our mutual friends say he seems miserable without me. His mother was too involved in the relationship and he told her off and blamed me for it and that’s why we ended it/on a break. So should I even bother getting back with him? I need advice! 🙁

    1. Crystal

      February 25, 2014 at 12:51 am

      I’m still waiting for response from my post.

      However, does he text you first or do you text him?

    2. Cass

      February 27, 2014 at 5:24 am

      He hasnt sent a text first, its been me the two times we have talked. however, tonight we talked and he started the conversation first, but we ended up fighting and he said I ruined his life and he has nothing left, now Im even more hurt 🙁

    3. Crystal

      February 28, 2014 at 3:21 am

      Well the good thing is he is responding to you the bad thing is the arguing. You should ask him where the two of you stand. My ex does not talk to me at all and he’s even moved on with someone who is 8 years younger with a baby… I know how you feel but the more you bother him the more you’ll push him away let him come to you.

  3. Crystal

    February 22, 2014 at 3:08 pm

    Hello, so I’m unsure about my ex… I met him when I was 18 he was 20. Been with him for 6 years on and off… I’m 24 now he’s 26. Just last week he met a new girl at the store who was 18 with a baby and u found out bcos she called while I was leaving his house so I called her back on his phone to see what she wanted. She said she had no intentions of going out with him bcos of her baby daddy. Anywho, my ex found out and told me off and that I always get in the way when he tries to talk to someone else.. But he doesn’t see it in my pooint of view. He told me that I’m making this decision easier for him and that he’s glad I’m not making him regret his decision to end things with me for good. Just yesterday, he texted me these text messages:

    Crystal. I’ve reached my limit. I did love you. Honestly I don’t anymore. I hope you understand. I don’t want you to fight for me anymore. Nothing will change. You just need to let go. Let me be happy. Please.

    I admit I did cheat. And I’m very sorry for that. I know I’m not perfect. I know I’ve made mistakes. But I also know that I don’t want to be wiith you anymore. I don’t feel the shame way I did with you. I still care about you. If something happens to you of course I’ll be hurt. Because we’ve had something that won’t just go away. But I don’t feel it anymore

    I know you’ve always been there for me. You always caught me whenever I was falling. And maybe that’s why I liked being around you. It’s hard to. I’m a guy I’m not gonna show it the way you do. But whenever I feel hurt I remember the wrong doings.

    My question is do you think he is confused or do you think he will be coming back to me if I leave him alone… I love him and i do want him back so what do I do? I’m heartbroken.

  4. Chantel

    February 21, 2014 at 6:08 am

    Hi so I need to know if it is worth trying to get my ex back. We were together for a year and a half And we were happy. Went away together and had fun. The things just changed and he became a bit distant. The day he left me he cried more than I did and told me that I was the best girlfriend he has ever had and he never had to worry a day in his life about me, but that I was becoming to serious and he is just not ready for that and that he doesn’t think he loves me. After the breakup he still offered to follow me home to make sure I get home safe. He also asked that we remain friends as he enjoys every moment we spend together. He has contacted me and asked how I am. And we do sometimes talk about our commom interest. His parents told me that he gets very upset when they talk about me. Lately I have heard that he is hanging out with his ex who he himself said that she is not the right choice and not at all marriage material. Nobody in his family likes her but it is as if he is fighting against them and he has always valued their opinion. Do you think that he might just be scared of commitment and that is why he is pushing me away and went back to the girl that lies and cheats on him because he knows it is a safe option?

  5. Annonymous

    February 18, 2014 at 11:02 pm

    Ok Chris I have a question. Supposing the NC works wonders and my ex texts early or in the middle stage of NC saying something like “I miss you” or even “I want you back”, would it still be best to ignore him til the 30 days are up? Or even for just a few days more?

    1. admin

      February 19, 2014 at 7:19 pm

      Actually, I am going to wait to answer your question b/c I talk about this specifically in my latest guide I am working on now.

    2. Annonymous

      February 19, 2014 at 10:21 pm


  6. Steph

    February 17, 2014 at 6:37 am

    Hey. So I am so unsure about my current situation with my ex and I would really love a guy’s perspective on it.
    We dated back in 2008 (almost 6 years ago) and it only lasted 3-4 months. We both fell for each other hard and quick and to be honest, I can’t even tell you why we even broke up. I think his friends got too involved. Anyway, he would still try and talk to me and be friends but as soon as we would hang out or be left alone together, we would get intimate. This went on for about 8 months until we both got into new relationships. We would still talk here and there and we both ended up cheating on our then current partners with each other – not once, but twice. After the second incident (Sept 2009) we stopped talking altogether and didn’t even see each other even though we lived in the same town. A little over 3 years later (Nov 2012) he pops up out of nowhere and starts talking to me again and wanting to organise catching up. I had just recently split from my boyfriend and agreed. We caught up and history just repeated itself. This went on until about April 2013. The last time we caught up with each other, he took me to go see a movie instead of the usual meet at one another’s place and get intimate. I was a little shocked to this as he just wanted to hang out and be out in public together. After that night, we didn’t talk for almost 3 months and he was moving out to his family’s farm. We only talked for a few days and then nothing, only a “happy birthday’ which was in Sept. Christmas passed, New years passed and still nothing from him until 5 weeks ago when he randomly texted my saying ‘hey ’ as if no time had passed. We talked all day and all night but it was different. He was overly nice and showed almost too much excitement for me as I told him I was heading overseas in 5 months and purposed that we catch up before I leave. He also made it clear that he didn’t have a girlfriend and ended the conversation with a kiss, which he has never done before. 3 weeks later we talked again. Same thing, overly nice and flirtatious and ended the conversation with another kiss. I have never been the one to instigate a conversation nor to catch up. When we are together though, it’s not just getting together to have sex. We get along like a house on a fire and will stay up all night and just talk. He often brings back up past memories of us and is always touching me or being affectionate.
    So does he still has feelings towards me or is using me as he knows I’ll always run back to him. Perhaps he is just lonely and bored? I have no friggan’ idea!! I still have very strong feelings towards him but at the same time, I’m not expecting anything from him. Any help would be amazing!

    1. admin

      February 17, 2014 at 7:46 pm

      Hmmm… honestly. I see some chemistry there but he has trouble committing doesn’t he?

    2. Steph

      February 17, 2014 at 11:21 pm

      When I think about, yes he does. He has never really followed through with anything. Should I just be upfront and ask him?

  7. Annonymous

    February 16, 2014 at 4:15 am

    Hey Chris, I just read this guide and I still have some conflicted feelings about how my ex might feel about me. I would like for you to tell me what u think. A few days after he told me he wanted us to be friends in the future, we agreed to stay in touch. A few days later while texting he asked me if I missed him and before I could reply he said he missed me a lot. I tried to play it off and didnt answer his question. Which he later that night re asked and I said I missed who we were together and he said he did too. However I changed the subject and he asked my why I did that and why I was acting different? This annoyed me because I was trying to just be friends and yet there he was still wanting to talk about us as a couple. Of course I dont really want us to be friends but I was so hurt with this situation that I reacted that way; nice but non girlfriend like. This sparked something in him and he asked me to go out the next night. Bad idea. I behaved like a friend the entire time making convo and keeping us busy in things other than our situation. And long story short, he did not like this. Its almost like he wanted to be friends but with the benefits of a relationship or maybe he actually did want to talk about us. After that night he became more and more distant with me. He was irrecognizable. He was completely different even from when he had asked me to be friends. I had never seen him like that. And everytime I pressed him to talk about his feelings he would deny it like he never had before and asked me to leave him alone. He was cold, distant, and definately not himself. Eventually we talked in person and he told me (after constant pressure from me), that he loves me but the fire had died out and that he needed to be alone to figure himself out. So immediately I implemented the NC rule. Today is day 5 actually and ive made no contact and neither has he. So my question is, what do you think caused that sudden change and that sudden need to tell me how he “really felt” about me? Im so confused…

    1. admin

      February 16, 2014 at 6:17 pm

      So, it is still early in NC.

      Just be patient.

    2. Annonymous

      February 17, 2014 at 1:44 am

      I will. What do you think the chances are for him to contact me again, based on the details I gave u?

    3. Judy

      February 18, 2014 at 9:55 pm

      Can I step in?. I think he’s just confused, give him time, the NC will work, I think he’s just confused because maybe he wanted to get back together when you shut him out and told him that you just want to be friends. Give it some time and everything will turn out alright, and be positive 😉

    4. Annonymous

      February 19, 2014 at 10:22 pm

      Thanks! Much appreciated 🙂

  8. Bree

    February 14, 2014 at 10:54 pm

    So on New Year’s Day this year my boyfriend of 9 months broke up with me. I was and still am completely destroyed, he was my first love, my first everything really, and we were so happy! Until the end couple of months, not that we weren’t happy when we were together, but he wasn’t. He has a lot of family stuff going on, and him and my mum have this really great friendship and he told her everything! How he was feeling and how they treat him. He was sad most of the time, which made me also sad.
    I couldn’t do anything, I was trying so hard everyday to make him smile, but talking over Facebook made it hard too. He’s an apprentice chef and works rediclous hours and I never see him. So it’s hard to find the time to see him. Anyway he got to the stage where he wouldn’t really talk. I would ask open questions to lead on to another convosation and he would just answer with one word. I would cry myself to sleep just knowing that he was going through something I just couldn’t understand. Mum has given him the names of places to help with depression but he keeps telling her depression is just a cowards excuse to get attention. When he broke up with me I couldn’t understand he would explain to me how he wants me in his life but he just couldn’t be in a relationship, it was too much for him. He said he wanted me to be happy, to move on and find someone else and if we got back together later on after time let it. I love him so much I’ve tried so hard to move on but I think about him all the time. We don’t talk anymore though. He said “if you want to talk to me you need to talk first” I just don’t understand! He means so much to me, and we had such a great thing going. He made me so happy! I couldn’t and can’t see myself with anyone else!! I just well I don’t know what to do! I miss him so much!
    However my mum keeps telling me, you need to let him to solve what he’s got going on, I don’t want my daughter in a relationship with someone who’s going through that.
    Well he got kicked out of home the other week from telling his mum that she did nothing for him. So he’s now living with other chefs.

    Im sorry if that is confusing. I just don’t know what to do.
    🙁 please help me!

    1. admin

      February 15, 2014 at 1:48 am

      Do you think you could do a no contact rule?

    2. Bree

      February 15, 2014 at 2:09 am

      Yes I’m sure I could

  9. Hayley

    February 10, 2014 at 12:32 am

    So here’s my story and I would greatly appreciate it if you would tell me what you think is going on or what I can do to get over him. This is just driving me crazy, lol. In January of 2012 I had just broken up with my boyfriend of 5 years. We were each other’s first loves so I guess I felt like I had to make it work even though the last 3 months of our relationship in my mind was already over. We just grew apart from each other so we both agreed to call it quits. A month later in February, I met another man. I didn’t want a relationship at first with him because I just broke up with someone I was with for 5 years and I needed time to be single. As we started talking more and more I realized that we had a lot in common. He too was with someone for 6 years on and off and they decided to call it quits because of similar reasons. They always fought and their relationship was toxic so he told me. He also is the same zodiac sign as me so I figured out he was just like me, only a male version, haha. We started dating finally for 5 months and in that time frame he told me he loved me, asked me to move in with him when he bought his new house, asked me to marry him and wanted to start a life with me. He said I was his soul mate and I felt it too! I just couldn’t believe it was so sudden though. Things were just perfect so I thought. He was the man of my dreams. One day out of nowhere, he decides to tell me he’s been thinking about his ex lately and thought that he should give her another chance since they have so much history together. I was devastated. All I could think about was how could he still love her after their relationship was toxic and all their mutual friends told them they shouldn’t be together anymore either. All of them told him they think he should stay with me because I am a good catch and he’s going to regret it later. We broke up and I let him go. I didn’t contact him or talked to any of our mutual friends about him. I acted like I didn’t care even though I was so torn up about it inside. He was all I ever thought about. That was in May of 2012. Exactly nine days later, he called me out of the blue and wanted to meet up to talk. I agreed and he wanted back in my life. He said he thought he could make it work with his ex but he just couldn’t. He said he couldn’t stop thinking about me and that he was making the biggest mistake of his life. SO I agreed out of stupidity and dumb and in love still took him back. Things were great for the next 2 months again!! I was happy again until I found out he wouldn’t let me back into his house and started acted weird and that’s when I knew he was still seeing her. I confronted him about it and I was right. He admitted to still trying to make it work with her and me!!! I was so angry I gave him an ultimatum. I said you can’t have your cake and eat it too. I said you want to still marry me then that’s fine start a life with me. If your not sure and you still want to be with her then be with her. He said he didn’t want to lose me but he felt bad about her. He then chose her after all. I found out a month later after I moved away because it was so painful he married her a month later after we broke up, moved in the house that was meant for us two and had a kid with her 9 months after that. I felt like that was just a slap in the face to me. I was so sad, still am. Pathetic I know it’s been a year and a half. Now it’s February of 2014 I moved away and have a new man that I’ve been dating for about 7 months now. I care about him and I am happy with him but I always think about my ex especially since our mutual friends said he’s been asking about me and that his wife treats him like shit now. I couldn’t say it better myself the ol’ saying I told you so. Why though?? why does it have to happen when I’m happy and trying to move on. I still love him, I think I always will but when I’m alone I think about him and I get all upset and it’s driving me crazy. I don’t know what to do. I know it isn’t fair to my new man that loves me now and wants to mend my broken heart that I can’t get over my ex. I have no choice but to because he started a life with someone else and thinks he still made a mistake. I don’t get it. Help me!!

    1. marsha

      February 11, 2014 at 3:30 am

      i’m sorry to say this. but you may want to read all of the article in this site so you’ll have the answer.
      i understand completely the problem in your story. But you may wants to figure out yourself.

      Remember, he spend 6years together with her. He must be in love with her from first start but things dosn’t work well, am i correct?
      you may want to read chris’ theory about rebound, is he move on, or the theory of man’s mind that chris write.
      i hope this help you. 🙂

    2. Danielle

      February 10, 2014 at 3:11 pm

      I’m sorry to say this… BUT GET OVER HIM. You were a second choice. When he and his ex broke up, he chose you. and then he got back again with her and married her. Now she’s treating him like shit, so he wants to get back to you. You are his second choice. You are an option. DON’T BE AN OPTION. BE THE PRIORITY. You may love him, but you deserve WAY better. I know it hurts. but you know what you’re gonna do? you’re gonna hold your head up, you’re gonna show him you’re better than him and you don’t need him in your life anymore. After everything that he has done… you don’t need someone like him. He made the biggest mistake of his life letting you go. But if he hadn’t, you wouldn’t have met a wonderful man. Love him. He will heal you. Be contented. Don’t come back to the person who treated you like shit. you don’t deserve it. I’m really sorry if I said a lot of harsh words. But I just wanted to tell you that you are beautiful and you don’t need a man who make you an option. You deserve better.

  10. Maria

    February 9, 2014 at 7:26 pm

    I broke up with my boyrfriend and I did that no contact thing and deleted him off everything but when we used to go out we used to skype and I after like a week or two I went on my skype and I wrote a message on my status saying ‘miss you’ to see if he sees or says anything and a couple days later I got a message from him saying who so you miss, is he still interested? or is he just curios
    And also like a day before he messages me I got a video call from him but I wasn’t logged in at the time so I missed it, does he still want me?

  11. Sara

    February 4, 2014 at 6:53 pm

    Me and my ex broke up okay, and it was the end of summer, while after we broke up I blocked him on Facebook, than weeks later I broke down and unblocked him,he adds me back as a friend we had little convo, but not really interesting he had a new gf, a girl called him and said I cheated on him,he blocks me on Facebook,weeks later I see he unblocked me, I added him, he did not confirm quickly and then I sent him a message saying what the girl called up and said was not true, and I did not want him back and all this other stuff, while he confirms my friend request, and that was that, and like two hours later he gf made him un friend me, while weeks go past him and his gf break up and he sees me under a comment of my good friend and he comments and says I see my exs all the time. Lol:) then later that night he adds me as a friend back on Facebook, I did not break down and message him because I have had it, than a day later and I see him the first time I seen him since our break up, and we just had this stare then look away kinda thing. Now he comments on some of my Facebook stuff, like when I answered these questions on Facebook about my past relationships and just stupid stuff, I’m just confused with the mind games, he already has a new gf.?

    1. admin

      February 5, 2014 at 6:30 pm

      Have you ever attempted NC throughout this whole thing?

  12. brittany

    February 4, 2014 at 2:30 am

    i still like my ex but he has a gf and he told me when we broke up that he still liked me a lil yet he talks a lot of trash about me saying I’m a thotidk what to do so helpppp met o and he now has a gf but I’m confused as to what to do

    1. admin

      February 4, 2014 at 5:43 pm

      Are you doing the NC rule?

    2. brittany

      February 4, 2014 at 2:33 am

      when i broke up with him he said he likes the other girl but he likes me more but i was the stupid one to break up with him and i still like him help

  13. Zoe

    January 30, 2014 at 12:44 am

    I forgot to mention that I found his profile on a dating website shortly after the breakup.

  14. Zoe

    January 30, 2014 at 12:43 am

    My boyfriend broke up with me two days after we both went through a very sad and traumatic event. I was already sad but after he broke up with me I was devastated. I immediately started no contact. A few days after he broke up with me he sent break up flowers to my job which I threw away. A few weeks later he called me but I had his number blocked. I don’ understand what he is doing. Any ideas?

    1. admin

      January 30, 2014 at 6:01 pm

      How long have you been in NC for?

  15. Kae

    January 28, 2014 at 3:15 am

    Hi I’ve been in nz for 2 weeks now an last week with my own eyes my ex choosing this chick over me an our kids so I left. Then he txted me saying he was sorry an that he does love me. Then the day after that he turned up telling me to my face he does love me an that even though I wasn’t around I was still there for him then he also said that he txted the chick saying that he wanted to be with us and she told him that she wasn’t going to make that easy for him then he tells me that our kids are his heart an that I’m his soul and now we haven’t seen him for a week. What’s sad is that our kids look so lost watching there dad come and go and that’s what hurts me the most. Help me please I will always have feelings for him but all I want is for him to be with us.

  16. Kaylee

    January 27, 2014 at 10:34 pm

    So I was in ok contact with my ex but we are in a bike club together and we had a meeting last night. He made it a point to tell me he doesn’t care about me whih hurts and idk if he means it. Then we got to talkig and I told him I was over us and had moved on but it is a lie and then we slept together. I know I shouldn’t have because now I’m even more sad and I feel like it could hurt getting him back for good. I told him I didn’t want him to think I didn’t have any self respect because I do. I just missed everythkng but thought it wouldn’t hurt. What do I do and does he still care after he said he didn’t by sleeping with me?

    1. admin

      January 28, 2014 at 6:14 pm

      Like motorcycle club?

      Like sons of anarchy? Minus all the guns and deaths haha.

      Are you going to try the no contact rule?

    2. Kaylee

      January 28, 2014 at 7:11 pm

      Yes motorcycle club. NO bad stuff tho lol! Yes I am gonna no contact again! But I feel like he is gonna think I’m not worth anything since we slept together. He said he doesn’t care about me but I feel like all he is remembering are the bad things. When we first got together 3 years ago I made him wait to hve sex just because I knew I could. Now I go and do this because I miss him so much. Do U think he really cares even tho he sad he didn’t and then that happened and what am i gonna do now.

    3. admin

      January 29, 2014 at 6:38 pm

      Awesome hahaha.

      First time anyone from an MC has contacted me here so I am all giddy haha.

      It seems to me like you are pressing too much. It kind of ties into the push/pull law.

      The more you push the more he will pull away.

    4. Kaylee

      January 29, 2014 at 7:51 pm

      So do u think he knows that I still really do care even tho I said I didn’t care and had moved on? And then we sleep together. Do u think he still cares? He even said idk if we should do this.
      I have a lot more self respect than that and I don’t want that to be the only time he contacts me. So now I go no contact but I’m hurting even worse because I felt like I was getting ahead by no contact for some time and then I figured feelings wouldn’t get on way. I just want him to remember all the good times and want me back even tho he says he doesn’t care and pointed out all the bad stuff. I know I can’t sleep with him. Do u think there is still a chance if I go back to no contact! I love him so much. I don’t want to lose him for good

    5. Kaylee

      January 29, 2014 at 8:22 pm

      And he even made it a point to say he wasn’t interested or looking for anyoneD

  17. Miss Heartbroken

    January 27, 2014 at 5:22 pm

    Hey Chris. I liked this guy for ages and i didn’t tell him that i liked him and then a year later(now), i’ve been with different guys and i realised i still have feelings for him and we’ve been really close and we’ve been a bit touchy and he told me he used to have feelings for me (when i liked him). And we were sending notes to each other and he said that I’ve had a touchy relationships with other girls and he said he didn’t just want my body, he wanted everything from me. Then i told him how i felt and then he asked me out and i said yes. 4 days later he dumps ne because he thinks we’re moving to fast and he also said maybe we should go out when we like each other at the same time (i was thinking, WHAT?) so i asked, why did u ask me put in the first place if u didn’t like me and he said because he didn’t want to ruin what was going on between us. WHAT DO I DO??? thanks…

  18. Lilly

    January 25, 2014 at 7:22 pm

    Me and my ex bf been together for 3 yrs. Last month he broke up with me for another woman. She’s 38 with a 10 yr relationship with 3 kids. After that he started contacting me wanting to see me, telling me that he loves me, miss me and thought he could be with someone else but he couldn’t. He said he was thinking about me when he was with her. When ever he needed something he would call me. We decided to work things out but take things slow. I told him that I wanted him to stop talking to the girl so I can be able to focus on us..He refused to. Then he started acting distant and showed less Love. I told him and he said he it’s because he was more focused on himself then the relationship. Few days later he told me he didn’t want to be bothered with me. I asked him why he said because he needs space. But I was giving him plenty of space. So once he said that I new he was trying to go back to the same girl. Turns out he begged her for another chance telling her he loves her and wants to be with her but she said no. i asked him about it but I got mar because he denied it. The other day I sent him a message telling him i had a surprise for him. He called and we spoke on the phone for 45 minutes. Something we haven’t done in a while since the break up. He told me that he’ll always love me and that he’ll always come back to me. He also told me that he wants to explore and that he wants me to explore also, but want me to wait for him so when he get his apartment and get another job, we can be together and have kids like we always talked about. He said he wants us to get situated first then we can be together and work on the relationship. But I said “what if you find someone that you want to be with, where does that leave me?. Then I’m going to be stuck because I waited here for you and you just left me, what if you stop loving me?”. He said “don’t worry about that. who said ima stop loving you? At the end of the day ima always come to you and ima always love you”. I told him that I hope he isn’t playing games with me. He said he knows he hasn’t been showing me he loves me but he said he’s gonna change that. He’s been calling to check on me and still says he loves me. But after we hung up the phone, I sent him 2 pictures of myself in new my panties because he used to always like that.then he ended up blocking me on Facebook and it’s been 3 days since we’ve talked and I regret it now. He gives me a lot of reasons why he left me so I don’t know the real reason why he did. People tell me to leave him alone because what he did isn’t love. But I tried talking to other guys dating meeting up I just can’t do it. I miss him everyday and I want to see him. I’m afraid he’s gone forever but I don’t wanna give up the only chance I have of getting him back. But if he loves me why isn’t he with me? How do I know I’m not just someone who he needs to be there just in case things don’t work out with someone else? U did everything for him, anything for him, I was always there even after the break up I was there. When he called me in the middle of the night crying. I was there. I don’t understand what he’s doing or why he’s doing it. I want him back but I cant afford to pay for these books. But I did try to contact him less and change up a little bit. But how will he know if he blocked me on Facebook? It’s a lot more to this situation, but please help me. Do I have a chance at getting him back? I don’t think he’s dating anyone now but he could be looking. Please I need advice because I Love him to death and deep down I know he probably still does to. Maybe he got bored because I didn’t drink or smoke and I wasn’t a party person because I didn’t know how to dance. But I was going to try. I have a lot to say.. but I need professional help please! I don’t want to give up just yet. But from what I told you, should I?

  19. becky

    January 23, 2014 at 1:00 am

    Hi i am looking for some advise. First let me say that I found this website very helpful. My BF broke off with me after 3 months .We had a wonderful relationship. Our children got on famously and we never had a bad word between us.. in fact he said I was his perfect woman WHEN HE BROKE UP WITH ME but he wasnt ready to remarry or live with anyone yet .. i was like what?? I had never even mentioned that word! he said he was getting pressure by his family as they were all teasing him about me and asking him.. when is the date?? ..but i got that too from my friends and it was all in good fun.. i never took those comments about marriage seriously. As he was breaking up with me we were lying in bed .. he was holding me and kissing me and playing with my hair and just held me as I cried my eyes out.. is that a normal way a guy breaks up with someone?? he has been calling my friends to make sure I am ok..and we have had a few texts.. as he has to come to pick up some stuff.. question: he told me he will pick up his stuff twice now but doesnt come.. why is that?? why isnt he coming to get his stuff?? its not personal belongings and if he doesnt want them i can just throw them out .So why cant he just tell me to throw them instead of telling me twice he is coming to get them and then not show up?? he says he wants to be friends but is he avoiding me? i dont know what to think.. anyway I am enforcing the NC rule .. god is it hard! opinions please.. i so want him back!

    1. admin

      January 24, 2014 at 4:50 am

      Oh, it will be hard… Trust me on that.

      However, it will be worth it if you see it through.

  20. Briana

    January 20, 2014 at 1:30 am

    So I had a boyfriend and I dumped him I had deep feelings for him though I was going to ask him out again but then I found out he was going out with another girl I was so mad and I’m trying to get him to ask me out before valentines day and that’s not working out so well please help please!?

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