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1,415 thoughts on “This Is How You Know If Your Ex Still Loves You”

  1. Mercedes

    December 4, 2013 at 9:38 pm

    My boyfriend moved out on Sat. He told me he couldn’t afford to pay half the rent and bills so he wanted to move back to his mom’s rental house. He felt he needed to better his financial situation. He intended on continuing the relationship, but I didn’t take the move-out news well and in anger I said if he left the relationship would be over. I got defensive and angry at first, but then against my better judgment told him I’d cover rent and asked if he could pay the bills. He told me yes, but it was with hesitation so I said “Maybe you should move back to the house.” He responded with “You want me to move out?” and I told him “Yes.” He got up from the couch and started packing. In the moment I was sad, angry, frustrated, etc. so I did say “Yes,” but did I really want him to leave NO. I tried to get him to talk and repeatedly asked him to stop packing. He just kept blowing me off and told me to leave him alone he was moving and there was nothing I could say to stop him.

    I sent him a text later that night saying I had packed a few things he left and that I’d like his keys back. He responded with a simple “K.” Here’s where the story gets crazy! My friend Anna and her boyfriend came over Sat. night and she told me that at her house warming party Clay and I attended in early October Clay asked for her friend’s number that he’d been talking to that night. When she said “No” he persisted and asked Anna’s boyfriend Andy for the girl’s number and asked to keep it quiet. My heart sank and I sent Clay a text saying I’d been told this info. He told me he got multiple numbers that night, that there were smart interesting people at the party and it was for nothing other than a business/networking contact. He gave me a more detailed explanation and said he texted Andy after we left the party for the girl’s number, but not to hook up. He did say he asked Andy to keep it quiet. Regardless, he NEVER should have asked for another girl’s number he or I didn’t know and definitely NOT behind my back!!! I, of course did not send the nicest texts to him that night after hearing this. He then decided to block my number for a few hours, what a douche!!!

    On Sun morning I sent him a text asking him to leave the keys at the leasing office. That afternoon he asked me to get his things ready. He also sent me text asking when I would have the lease transferred to my name only. I thought he was being very cold considering this was someone who an hour before the move-out conversation said I was the most important person in his life, his everything and that he loved me. He sent me screen shot of the nasty texts I sent. I told him the news I heard hurt me and I reacted poorly by attacking him via text. His explanation of the number request was VERY different from how Anna described it. It’s difficult to really know what happened since I didn’t hear the news directly from the friend of Anna’s or Andy.

    I sent a simple “Please know that I love you and only want the best for you,” to which he responded with “I love u too Michelle.” I told him I wish we could have worked something out. He told me he felt he tried to, but since I told him if he leaves it’s over, he assumed we took it as the relationship being over. I wrote back saying “I know it was best for you to move back to the house. You’re very important to me and I don’t want to lose you. I don’t want our relationship to be over. How do you feel?” Now here’s where it gets weird, his response to this text was the attached poem. What is he saying to me by sending that, there was no explanation included from him? Sun night I sent a text saying I wished he was with me and that I loved him; no response. I sent a text Mon morning wishing him a great day and that I loved and missed him; no response. I heard nothing from him the entire day. He finally responded to my text from Mon morning last night at 10pm with “I miss you too Michelle.” To me, a weak and shitty attempt to get a response from me…not happening!!! It’s almost a slap in the face; no I love you, just I miss you. Someone who is truly “missing you” would call or want to see you in my book.

    This is what I don’t understand; he wanted to continue the relationship. I told him I clearly don’t want to end it. Maybe it had less do to with finances and was more of an easy way to move-out and move on. What do you think? Think there’s a change he’ll come around or what’s done is done for him.

    1. admin

      December 5, 2013 at 1:31 am

      Remember you always have to question the reason your ex gave you for a breakup. Guys will lie to spare your feelings. It is something I would do and not even think twice… just b/c most of us don’t like hurting people.

  2. Kassity

    December 4, 2013 at 3:53 am

    Me and. My ex broke up 2 weeks ago because of his sister I
    messaged him on facebook and asked him if he hates me
    he said yes he was mad At me asked him why he wouldn’t
    answer and he got off facebook he messaged me 2 days
    later and he asked me what I wanted for christmas
    and he keep saying he loves me and i said it back
    and i talked to his sister and she said he isn’t mad at me
    I really want to get back together with him but I don’t
    know what to do

    1. admin

      December 5, 2013 at 1:02 am

      Have you been able to implement the no contact rule yet?

  3. Sandra

    December 3, 2013 at 5:20 pm

    Well, Blake and I started talking and all. Then we started dating Britney Went and told me somethings and I went off and since then he asks like he don’t want me and he also ack like I’m not here because He don’t text me at all anymore since all that happen with Britney and That same night me and Britney got into it to. And she unfriendly me and i blocked her. But before anything happen she was posting things about Blake saying that he was a dumb ass and that her mom called him that and he stood there.. I don’t know i want things to go back to the way it was and i don’t know how its ever going to….

  4. van

    December 3, 2013 at 12:50 pm

    my bf initiated a break up about 3 weeks ago, saying that he feels that he cannot commit to my love and problems. He does not want to hurt me and wants me to be more carefree and hence he rather break up. Like he is tired of facing not just his work. And his work is more than enough for him to handle. he doesn’t believe in himself and doesn’t see us by then like he used to, instead he see himself being alone. He doesn’t want to affect anyone else. He feels that if things go on it won’t be love anymore but sympathy. after a few msg, he asked that we take a time off for 2 weeks or so. He feels that we are drifting apart (due to his work we have very little time to meet) and that he just wanna focus on his work. He says he wants me to be happier with him as he will hinder my happiness. He has also been texting me coldly and not replying as he used to. (probably because i couldn’t really take the sudden shock and kept spamming causing him to feel more stress?) He wants me to move on without him because he doesn’t want to ruin my life as he knows that in the end he don’t want to be caught up in a relationship. He still loves me, but he don’t want to suffer longer and in the end nth comes out. He feels that he is unable to breathe under all the weight. Due to that he has been very short tempered and he doesn’t want to vent it out on me, as he feel that i do not deserve him venting on me. He feels that i deserve someone better who do not have army commitment and can be there for me. He rather be my friend so i will be less hurt (but he isn’t really talking to me like one, its feels more like he is forcing me to leave – maybe its just me) He feels that he has no future. and wants to see if after the time out he is willing to pick things up again and for e time being allow him to fully concentrate on work. He also promised that we will get back together. however, because i was unable to accept the sudden change in our relationship, i continued to contact him. like it almost feel like spamming? and 2 weeks ago, on a sun night after he said goodnight, he did not reply my text for e whole week, and at that point of time i didn’t quite understand a time out. I sent him a long text in e middle of the week and he did not reply. I sent him another on fri asking if he was avoiding me and he replied. over e weekends we talked a little. still our msg was a 10:1 in terms of my text to his replies. this went on for the next week as well, again only replying on fri and missing on sun night after he goes back to camp. on the recent sun, i asked if he still loves me or has it fade, and if he loose me, would he be happy? he replied that he still loves me, but he feels terrible for having me to wait and he would rather loose me. and initiated a break up for e second time. He wants me to move on. and said that this is part and parcel. and tweeted “Just leave me to be,I knw you care,whther you want it or not,I’m going on my own way.bye.” Idk if its too late to start the NC rule now. but we have not talked since sun. (he says there isn’t anyone else, but it just him and that he doesn’t want to commit to any r/s) what should i do?

    1. admin

      December 3, 2013 at 8:06 pm

      No I don’t think its too late.

    2. van

      December 4, 2013 at 11:30 am

      so i should apply the NC rule and see how it goes…?
      he sort of tweeted that “Just leave me to be,I knw you care,whther you want it or not,I’m going on my own way.bye.”
      “Its never the end,ppl come and go,accept it,its part and parcel,just come back stronger.” “Seriously,move on~!”

      do you think he has someone else..? or that he is just saying all these due to the pressure and stress i gave him..? (or from work..)

    3. admin

      December 5, 2013 at 1:12 am

      I think you should to be honest.

    4. van

      December 5, 2013 at 10:48 am

      should.. apply the rule? or move on?
      right now… its the 4th day of e NC rule..

    5. admin

      December 5, 2013 at 7:06 pm

      apply the rule!

    6. van

      December 13, 2013 at 1:34 am

      if he doesn’t contact even after the 30 days… should i text him? and what should i say? it has been 13 days and he has not text one bit. or mentioned anything.

    7. admin

      December 13, 2013 at 7:24 pm

      Yes, that is what I recommend actually.

    8. van

      December 3, 2013 at 12:57 pm

      he has quit smoking when we just started, but recently he told me that he has gone back to smoking. i feel that it is probably because of the stress he is going through. he is also not on very good terms with his co-workers (from what i know). I don’t know what to do…

  5. aisha

    December 3, 2013 at 12:12 am

    Hi.. i’ve been with my bf for 2 years. lasr year we broke up cause he cheated… for 9 months he ran after me proving himself and dedicating himself. i fell in love with him alot more than i thought, we got back together but i was always taking him for granted.. if i needed him he would come straight away but when he needed me i would be to busy. o treated him really bad but loved him alot too.. and now his found these friends who have influenced him to break up with me.. he doesnt answer my phone or text.. he told me he cant break up with me so he had his friends ring me up .. i really want him back and to talk to him.. i realised the mistakes i made and im ready to work on them.. but what do i do.. ive text him so much.. his even blocked me on whatsapp claming his moved on yet when i asked him if its true he would confuse me by making out shes not real.. help me please im going crazy for him

    1. admin

      December 3, 2013 at 7:40 pm

      Have you been able to implement the nc rule.

    2. aisha

      December 3, 2013 at 9:40 pm

      Well its only been 12 last night till now i havn’t messaged him.. + his blocked me on whatsapp so theres no way i can.

    3. admin

      December 5, 2013 at 12:47 am

      Can you get ahold of him through facebook, email?

    4. aisha

      December 5, 2013 at 10:50 pm

      His with someone else.. My friends seen him holding her hand and they asked him off there whatsapp about me and he put a picture up of them both..he also uploaded images of them on istagram.. He told his sister shes not important and not the type to bring around the house or introduce her to his perants… ive made instagram i can try and get a hold of him through that?

    5. admin

      December 6, 2013 at 7:40 pm

      I guess instagram can work hahaha. I really should get one of those.

    6. aisha

      December 6, 2013 at 8:35 pm

      Haha yeh? But should i add him? Cause i don’t have him as a friend so do i send a request? i feel as if he doesnt care he keeps posting pics of a girl nd him on insta ever since my cousin has added him. it hurts.

    7. admin

      December 7, 2013 at 7:27 pm

      I would do it as long as you are not in NC.

    8. aisha

      December 8, 2013 at 2:37 am

      I got outof nc today.. i text him nd he thinks ive moved on cause i posted a pic with me nd a guy.. nd he said him posting pictures is ok but when i did it he can never take me back…. is there any easier way i csn contact you chris?

    9. aisha

      December 8, 2013 at 7:29 pm

      Okay so what do i do? he said he cant take me back once his seen me with a guy.. and ive only took a picture.. i really need him bk

    10. admin

      December 8, 2013 at 6:57 pm

      There is but I only really respond to comments.

  6. heartbroken girl

    December 1, 2013 at 10:31 pm

    So, me and my boyfriend broke up about a week ago. We had a year and a half relationship and were very happy which is why it was such a shock to me when he broke up with me. Long story short, he said he wasn’t feeling the same about me and was afraid I would’ve been hurt if he took this relationship any longer. I tried to understand telling myself that it was normal for a relationship to end up this way and that i would be fine without him. Currently, I am fine without him, not dying or anything but i really miss him, and i need him because i love him. He was a really great boyfriend and a one of a kind person so i would really like to get back with him. When we broke up he couldn’t stop telling me that he loved me and that he was sorry. He has been texting my friends that how am i doing and if they could please take care of me. Since we broke up i have texted him three times because he had some stuff in my house but no more than that. For a second, i thought we might end up together again because of what my friends were telling me he told them(things like i miss her, i dont know what to do and stuff like that). But, now i heard he went out with another girl, “just as friends” and he has being partying and smoking (something he wasn’t used to do) and flirting with a whole bunch of girls. The worst part is that he’s being avoiding me. Yes, all this in a week. So, considering i have talked to him i was wondering if i’m late for applying the NC rule, and if maybe just maybe i have a chance of winning him again. (Sorry if my english is not the greatest, I’m from latin america). Hope you can answer me and help me with this situation. btw, this site was very helpful, thankyou

    1. admin

      December 2, 2013 at 6:46 pm

      I thikn even though your a little late NC is the idea way to go here.

  7. Dee

    December 1, 2013 at 4:19 am

    Hi Chris!
    Well this is my story: My ex boyfriend & I were together for two years & a half, but we lived together only for two months . He broke up with me almost two months ago also. The relationship was very abusive on both accounts. He would get mad at me for the smallest things and to get back at me he would ignore me and leave me crying for hours and sometimes even days. There was a point where not even my words or tears wouldn’t get to him and well, I couldn’t take it anymore and I started hitting him… It went on like this for about 5 months. The break up was very bad… But the night I moved back with my mom he held my hands and he told me that he loves me so much that’s why he was doing this, but that later on he would want us to be friends and from there we will see what happens. The day of his birthday (two days later after that conversation) I called him to see if he wanted to hang out one last time (he told me to call him that day) but he wasn’t the same with me anymore… He became cold and rude with me, and he was staying over at a relatives that day so I’m more than convinced that his family brain washed him. Since then he’s talked so much crap about me… He’s told my friends that I’m “dangerous”, he’s practically blaming me for all of this even though it’s clearly his fault also, and he even told one of my co workers that we’re not gonna get back together anymore (my ex & I work at the same place). When I found out what he had said I felt so hurt, I tried talking to him about it but he told me rudely that he gets anxious when he talks to me & then left me with my words in my mouth. I decided to take some time of from work because of that incident… It’s been a month since I’ve last seen or tried to contact him. I did the 30 NC without realizing it, although he did call me twice due to my co workers (and maybe also him) wondering if I has quit my job or not.
    Well I’m finally going back to work in a few days, and I’m not going to lie, I’m quite nervous about bumping into my ex at work again. Since it’s Been a month, do you think he’s probably still upset at me? What can I do to get him talk to me again?And most importantly, in your personal opinion, do you think there’s a chance that he still loves me? I know things got real ugly between us, but our relationship wasn’t overall bad… We have many great memories together, like high school, work, etc … I feel stupid for wanting to get back with him regardless of how things got between us, but I do believe in second chances .

    Please answer ASAP Chris, in some way your article has given me hope, thanks for reading!

    1. admin

      December 1, 2013 at 6:43 pm

      Have you done anything to reattract him after the 30 day NC you did?

    2. Dee

      December 2, 2013 at 6:15 pm

      Like what for example? I actually haven’t seen him yet, Friday is the big day.

  8. Cristina

    November 30, 2013 at 6:28 am

    <b<Maybe you all can help me. I had this boyfriend last year we went to homecoming and everything together everything was awesome had my first kiss with him. Then long story short a few months later we broke up and didn't talk for the rest of the school year. Over the summer couldn't stop thinking about him. Saw him at the first school dance and he's like we should talk and I'm like yeah please so Monday we hung out and were just like talking about where things went wrong and then I finally told him yeah I still liked him and he took my hand and said I still like you too. And he said he had been trying to get over me and it didn't work. Then we got in a fight and a week later weren't talking. Then back together then he's like I can't do this I can't like anyone because he's been having a lot of issues lately outside of school and stuff with family and his jobs I guess then he said he was partially attracted to this girl at his work which may be true, but I don't think he was over me. He has tried to break things off multiple times because he said he wasn't good enough for me and didn't want to hurt me or push me into things I would regret so essentially by lying to me he thought he was protecting me. Then we were texting this week after not seeing each other for about a month and I asked him complete honesty if he was over me. And then he said yeah. Then I asked him exactly what he wanted from me and to tell me the truth and I would leave him alone and he didn't reply and that was two days ago. He still hasn't said anything and IDK if he got annoyed of if he just wouldn't tell me because knowing him both are possible. Any ideas? Please I need help I'm a stupid 26 year old girl who can't possibly figure it out on my own.

    1. admin

      November 30, 2013 at 7:07 pm

      First off, your not stupid.

      Secondly, have you done the NC yet?

  9. Emilyn

    November 29, 2013 at 2:02 am

    i have a question me and my boyfriend broke up, but this isint the first time more like the 2d time we are both very stubborn we keep breaking up. Everytime we break up i give it about a month and it truly works he comes back and tells me how stupid he was for arguing with me all the time. wich is true we argue way too much and i do blame myself sometimes. Anyways this time was diffrent its like we were arguing for something so small and he just said that is it no more coming back. and he dissapeard, but he always does i’m afraid he actally meant it this time, hes a very cofusing guy very hard to read he can love me one day and hate me the next. but he’s my first love and right now he hates me but i dont know why? is that a bad sign. should i let go.

    1. admin

      November 30, 2013 at 4:07 am

      Have you been able to try a NC rule yet?

  10. Nelly

    November 29, 2013 at 1:59 am

    My ex and I broke off two months ago after a year and 8 months of being together the reason for the breakup was because he said I expected to much from him and we didn’t share nothing in common, that supposably i was changing him. well he told his friends he misses me, another cause for our breakup was negative advice from other people. He also told his friends he regrets taking those advice a month later after we broke off. Well he recently got into an arguement with his friends because of jealousy of them talking to me. Today i was nice to send him a thanksgiving message and he thought i was begging him back asking me why didn’t i delete his number. I politely said i texted him because he said to remain friends and it was a friendly text, he said i didn’t do nothing bad to him and that its cool having me as a friend. We had a good convo and he said he will talk to me some other time as he said he was gonna wash his car and said bye. I miss that guy and i still love him but our problem is that we both need to change, he needs to change his insecurities and I need to think more for myself and put myself in others shoes. Many people say to give it time that eventually he will see, but idk sometimes im confused. My best friend said that i should not contact him until he txts me after today, he said that i made his day by telling him happy thanksgiving. What should i do?

    1. admin

      November 30, 2013 at 4:05 am

      I think you should do a full NC rule meaning you only talk to him after 30 days.

    2. Nelly

      November 30, 2013 at 4:45 am

      But i did contact him after more than 30 days I didn’t text nor call him, his friends would always tell me he misses me. But he gets advised by his sister and he listens to her. He won’t listen to his heart, hes a very proud stubborn guy. He thinks if we end up back together im going to have trust issues with him and thats not the case

    3. admin

      November 30, 2013 at 6:56 pm

      I guess you are going to have to work to reassure him that the trust issues won’t happen again.

    4. Nelly

      November 30, 2013 at 9:02 pm

      I don’t wanna loose him, is the first step talking as friends after the NC?

    5. admin

      December 1, 2013 at 6:15 pm

      Pretty much but make sure you are prepared by reading this site.

    6. Nelly

      November 30, 2013 at 4:48 am

      He told me he won’t get with nobody soon and he doesn’t wanna be in a relationship but he always brings me up with his friends, he even told one of them that we broke up because i wanted to change him when hes friend didn’t even ask him about me. I know how he is hes not much of a relationship guy before me he just had flings with girls. I was his first serious relationship and his first love also heartbreak. I want us to work it out, im not perfect but neither is he, if only we worked out our differences

    7. Nelly

      November 30, 2013 at 5:10 am

      Btw he checks out my facebook page through his sisters facebook, and thats were he got mad at his friends and started an arguement cus he found out i made a bonfire and invited them but see if he didn’t care why would he get mad? when we had the small convo he asked how i was and if i was still going to school. It made me sad to know that he deleted my number when i sent him the thanksgiving message. I’m liking the new me but How can he know that i changed?

    8. Nelly

      November 29, 2013 at 2:06 am

      Hes a really great guy but he wasn’t as he used to be last year, last year he was more affectionate, since i told him to be more affectionate he thinks i want him to be romantic which wasn’t the case. People tell him that i will never change but i realized alot of things these past two months. Hes also very insecure he asks ppl for advice when he wants to make a decision. were both 23 years old, i know he still cares but idk if he still loves me 🙁

  11. Amanda

    November 27, 2013 at 9:46 pm

    Hi. Me and my boyfriend broke up about 6 weeks ago after 4 and a half years. We shared a flat so still lived together for 4 weeks, he said it was easier that way. Now hes moved 40 miles away where he works. During the 4 weeks he was texting this girl and went to the cinema with her once. He says he doesn’t want another relationship and just wants to think about himself and his work life. He moved a week ago and before he went said maybe space is what we need. And if he realise he misses me he will ask to come home. He contacts me everyday and phones daily. I didnt reply for 1 day and he sent about 8 messages saying he was worried and couldnt understand why I wasnt replying, and then said he guessed I wanted him gone for good and said goodbye. I reply straight away and now we’re talking again. I ask him to come and see me but he says no. I am 100% confused if he still feels anything and wants to come back to me. Any ideas and what do I do next?

    1. admin

      November 28, 2013 at 5:29 am

      Have you tried getting that date yet?

  12. DubstepGal

    November 27, 2013 at 4:23 am

    Hey, I have a very confusing problem. My ex of one year dumped me about 6 months ago. He had broken things off because he felt that he wasn’t mature enough for me and didn’t want a serious relationship. I am 17 he is 16. Yup…younger guy. Here’s the twisted part. When we were together and thing were very well my mom and my sister and I lost our house so my mom and his dad (being friends) we moved in with them for a while. We are still living together now and things were a little awkward for us at first but now it’s not awkward at all. His parents and my parents are divorced so he isn’t there all the time but when he is there, he constantly tries to find me and hang with me. He puts his arm around me, tickles me, when I’m sick he makes me feel better, when I’m sad he sings to me, he lets me wear his sweater and hat. He is so sweet to me. Then other times he is a jerk and makes fun of me and “punches” me (playfully, but still hard) I’m so confused. I have tried for 6 long months to get over him, but I seriously can’t. I love him too much but I play it off like I don’t care for him at all. Also, whenever I show interest in a guy he gets so jealous and tells me that he could beat them up. Then he blabs about girls in his school that he likes. I can’t handle when he does that. It kills me. I’ve already done the No Contact rule for 3 months. Does he like me again? What should I think? Should I try to get him back? I’m so helpless when it comes to him.

    1. admin

      November 27, 2013 at 8:00 pm

      Well Dubstep hahahah how is your communication with him?

  13. Brittany

    November 26, 2013 at 6:15 am

    My ex and it have been broken up for almost 2 months. We ended on good terms he broke up with me saying that he needed to be true to his emotions and he didn’t want to hurt me continuing the relationship. We agreed to continue to be close later down the road. I’m still heart broken. We started off with very minimal contact. Then recently we started texting. And he would too be the one to sometimes start the convo (good sign right?) our convos are normal like they used to be. I miss him so I’m always the one to ask to hang out. He never declines to have lunch dinner or whatever. But I think us talking more makes me miss him more which pushes me to continue to initiate us hanging out. Lately he’ll shoot back a “lets hang tomorrow”. I know I prob should stop forcing us to hang our huh? I guess I can’t expect anything since we aren’t dating. Should I just stop trying with him? Do you think he’ll eventually
    Come around and want to hang out more? I don’t know how to become closer with your ex. I know that sounds stupid.

    1. admin

      November 26, 2013 at 8:11 pm

      Do you want to stop?

    2. Brittany

      November 27, 2013 at 3:44 am

      No. But if I stop trying to hang out I don’t want him
      To think I stopped caring, but if I keep trying I don’t want to sound pushy all the time. Do You think he will eventually come
      Around and want to mend things?

    3. admin

      November 27, 2013 at 7:53 pm

      I think eventually he will yes.

    4. Brittany

      November 27, 2013 at 12:34 am

      No I don’t. I feel like if I back off and stop trying to hang out he’ll think
      I’m giving up. But if I keep trying to hang out I don’t want to be too pushy. Do guys usually come around and end up wanting to mend things with their ex’s?

    5. admin

      November 27, 2013 at 7:41 pm

      Back off… just trust me on this haha.

    6. Brittany

      November 26, 2013 at 9:33 pm

      No I don’t. I still have hope that one day we’ll be back together. I just don’t know what to do. Afraid if I stop trying he’ll think I don’t care anymore but if I keep trying to hang out and stuff I feel like he’ll think I’m too pushy.

    7. admin

      November 27, 2013 at 7:23 pm

      Well the key is to make him think that hanging out is HIS idea.

  14. chelsea

    November 26, 2013 at 5:31 am

    what happens when the 30 days passes do you just keep going until they contact you?

    1. admin

      November 26, 2013 at 8:03 pm

      No you contact them.

  15. ash

    November 25, 2013 at 6:22 pm


    My boyfriend broke up with me today. I know it’s really soon but I’m really confused. On Saturday we where happy and joking. Then yesterday he tells me he has had enough. We have been arguing a lot as he works at sea. But this last week has been very confusing as the other day he told me he loved me and now he had broken up wit me. I want some advice on getting him back and understanding what he is feeling. I’m going to go with the nc rule for as long as I can. I really love him and want to be with him. Please help

    1. admin

      November 26, 2013 at 6:32 pm

      Have you read my long distance post

  16. Anya

    November 25, 2013 at 6:13 pm

    He used to write the long messages before Thursday when things went weird

    1. Anya

      November 25, 2013 at 6:13 pm


  17. Anya

    November 25, 2013 at 6:10 pm

    Hey I’m Anya mine is really weird =
    We have been together nearly 2 years he was younger then me & we met at work. It was like at first sight for both of us! The first year was grate because he was younger he was still In 6th form but now he goes to Nottingham uni which is like 400miles away from me it was working out okay just before he left he wrote me a letter saying he wants to marry me & how I am the only girl for him it was amazing. Just Thursday just gone he went out with his friends & 2 girls from his building went so I was a worried because he hadn’t even told me he had lied to me before about talking to some girls he was seeing before me. So I was worried now after that things started to get weird like once a week aleast he would send me a lovely long message about how we will have a great life & a perfect family then after the Thursday every time i said I miss you can’t wait to see you he would just put ‘me to’ then I asked him he then left me on Saturday when I was at work on the phone soo.. Well since then I’ve tried to talk to him & get a real reason because his leaving reason was that whenever we are together we are amazing & when we are not I turn into a crazy bitch =[ I didn’t really think that was a good reason but now he is ignoring me & won’t talk to me I will use that no contact rule now but he has came most of my stuff execpt my starscream pjs which he wore all the time because he missed me but he gave me back the vday card I have him last year that he loved! I know there is no one else he told me & his best friend & bother told me too. He comes back home for Christmas in 3 weeks will he want me back does he just need space or is he gone for good? Just he kept my pjs so they would remind him of me! I’m so confused

    1. admin

      November 25, 2013 at 8:51 pm

      Give him space at this point.

  18. me

    November 25, 2013 at 4:38 am

    Okay so I’m in a tough situation and I am not sure if what I think I should do is the right decision. My boyfriend just broke up with me and says he wants to think about things and have me prove to him that I have changed before he can get back with me. Now even though we have had a very rocky relationship we still have tried numerous times to fix the issues. He still lives with me or technically I still live with him and he’s basically trying things out this way. He says he doesn’t believe ill change so by me still living with him I’m able to show him ill change without us being together or acting in any sort of sexual way toward each other. Is it wrong that I’m allowing this to go on. I’m focused on whether I should stick around in these terms?

    1. admin

      November 25, 2013 at 8:02 pm

      No I think its a smart way to approach things…

    2. me

      November 26, 2013 at 12:36 am

      Thank you for the advice how should I act toward him I mean being in the same household and being broken up is hard to know how to approach him do I just act nice and see where the relationship goes?

    3. admin

      November 26, 2013 at 7:29 pm

      Basically be like a respetful roommate.

    4. me

      November 26, 2013 at 10:20 pm

      Well so far I’m assuming its working … I said before that there is no physical contact but he still kisses me and acts like I’m with him is he just testing me to see if ill stay with a good attitude and no arguments and then take me back? Or is he no longer into me? That might seem like a dumb question but guys r confusing so I dk.

    5. admin

      November 27, 2013 at 7:29 pm

      I think itll take more than that to get him to take you back..

  19. jazz

    November 22, 2013 at 7:41 am

    my case is little bit complicated. my ex is brother of my sister-in-law. we both lived in the same house.when we were in relationship my ex was very happy with me.we were like the parfect couple. he used to take care of me a lot. we were together for 2nd a half month then due to got aa job far away from our city went away. then we did’nt got i n touch for 2 months.when he returned he started avoiding me.when i asked the reason he said my family will not like our relationship,so we should stay apart, then i asked him to be just friends and he refused.then i said do whatever he likes. he suddenly repliede wan yhat he want to sleep with me but i refused.then he said he never loved me and he love someone else. I ended the conversation saying i hate him. then i toally cut off with him, started ignoring him like he was nowere in my life . then he
    tried to contact me but i just ignored him. after 15 days i texted him he was joking that day but he said it was truth. then he said what was my answer for that days question(whether i want to sleep with him). i again refused and asked him if he don’t love me then there is no need to talk to me.from day am ignoring him like not even lokking at him.bt from deep inside am dying to talk to him. bt i didn’t umderstand his behaviour. i don’t knw what to do now.:-(

    1. admin

      November 22, 2013 at 8:01 pm

      Well what have you done so far? Any type of NC?

    2. jazz

      November 22, 2013 at 9:18 pm

      yes i have ignored him fully for 15 days and in between he tried to talk to me. but when i text him after 15 days, first he didn’t replied but replied to second msg. but he said whatever he said ealirr was the truth(that he love someone else but still want to be with me like physically). I didn’t get what he want to say.whether he love me or not. i thought he cheated me so i asked him not even try to talk to me, he said ok. now i want to if he love me or cheared me.

    3. admin

      November 23, 2013 at 7:10 pm

      What makes you think he cheated on you?

    4. jazz

      November 24, 2013 at 8:51 am

      he said that he love someone else not me but he want to sex with me.what does it mean??? I wonder if he don’t love me then what is he doing with me???

    5. admin

      November 24, 2013 at 8:02 pm

      It means he just wants to use you.. he is a jerk.

    6. jazz

      November 24, 2013 at 8:12 pm

      yah he is. sometimes his words don’t match with his actions thats why i feel he is hiding something. i don’t found him wrong becoz i love him soo much but now i think i should stay away frm him.
      thanx for ur advice
      u are doing gud job.
      god bless u.

    7. admin

      November 25, 2013 at 7:14 pm

      Thank you and good luck!

  20. Cloey

    November 20, 2013 at 7:42 pm

    Hey, well,
    My ex broke up with me because he was depressed and needed space to sort his head out and i was in the wrong a bit with some things i did,
    We were going out 1 years and 4 months, but before we were close friends for a year or 2. Like whenever we were both single we would kiss and stuff, very close, he said he loved me back them.
    After he broke up with me i went to his house to talk about it, we both acted like normal and had a good time, he didnt give me a definite yes to getting back together.
    He texted me the day after and the day after just asking if i was okay and stuff, an he said his love for me would never go away and we told eachother we loved eachother.
    In the mmo we play on we always chat about the game and stuff, and other things.
    I mentioned no contact to him and he said it wouldn’t work because for him it would have the opposite effect, he’d loose his feelings for me that way. Its been 2 weeks and hes texts me a few times and i asked if he wanted to meet up sometime and he said maybe,
    So yeah, it’s really confusing
    He told me today that hes sorting everything out right now, which i think means the psychiatrist
    Hes flirting with girls on Facebook though,
    My friend thinks he is trying to distance himself but my other friend thinks w just needs to sort himself out because he has alot of stressful things happening.
    Waaaah please helps:c

    1. admin

      November 21, 2013 at 6:09 pm

      Well maybe you can do a hybrid. Give him a little space and then come back and try to sort things out VERY SLOWLY.

    2. Cloey

      November 22, 2013 at 8:04 pm

      Well i guess, he messaged me today asking how i was and i said i was good an he was like yayyy :3
      His best friend thinks because hes getting loads of female attention and doing things he couldn’t in the relationship, after a short while, he will want to come back

    3. admin

      November 23, 2013 at 7:00 pm

      Well hopefully his best friend is right but I wouldn’t sit around waiting for him to come back. I woudl do something proactive in the meantime.

    4. Cloey

      November 24, 2013 at 1:41 pm

      I know, I have been.
      I seen him yesterday at a friends birthday and he hardly talked to me and was constantly texting his girl hes been talking to constantly all week, and they’ve gotten really close, and i know she likes him so im not sure whats going to happen, i mean after the birthday he sent me a message saying sorry it was awkward he was really nervous, night night sweet dreams, and today talked to me a bit on our mmo game.
      Its only been 2 weeks and 2 days but im just confused

    5. admin

      November 24, 2013 at 8:20 pm

      MMO game? Which one?

      Just hang in there it is still soo early.

    6. Cloey

      November 24, 2013 at 9:49 pm

      It’s on apple products, its called Celtic heroes
      Hes getting soooooo much attention from girls on social networking sites. Which he is obviously loving but i knew there is still a chance so im hanging in there.
      So obviously NC wont work cause he said it would have the opposite effect so im kinda unsure what to do

    7. admin

      November 25, 2013 at 7:30 pm

      Never heard of celtic heros before. Whats it like?

      Attention from girls doesn’t mean dates necessarily (trust me hahahahahaha)

      Maybe you can do a limited contact.

    8. Cloey

      November 26, 2013 at 1:11 am

      Its 3D, the graphics aren’t amazing ass HD but they aren’t crappy pixelated either, but they are what make it nice to play.
      Well its fun you can quest and join clans and bosses and stuff, there’s events like Halloween etc.
      You can get fasion items for your character
      Like a fairy charm or like a reaper or something, and it has novelty weapons like brooms, staffs with a dragon or serpent head, sleigh, flying carpet, cloud xD
      I hate to say it but even though hes 20 now back in the day he had alot of girlfriends and lots of girls likes him. Hes being sooo flirty with like, everyone
      Since he said he was nervous it gave me hope but im scared this girl could become a problem even though im sure he doesn’t want a relationship right now,
      And I’ve only been talking to him every few days which is when he talks to me first, so agh :3

    9. Cloey

      November 28, 2013 at 10:09 am

      Do you have a kik or something because its really annoying to talk on here xD
      But im soooo confused :c
      Firstly tht girl ive mentioned hes been flirting with he alot to the point she writes statuses like aw cant get this smile off my face and stuff, making me feel like shit.
      On the other hand my friend and also his friend was walking home with him yesterday and my friend asked him what the chances are of use getting back together because he wants to see me smile again,
      And he said he isn’t ready for anything right now but there is more than a chance.
      So that made me happy,
      But its just this girl making me worry :/
      Im not sure if this is what hes doing but i remember last year i said to him you used to flirt with so many people when you were single i thought you were a man whore or something and he said i flirted with alot of girls because i was lonely and people flirting back with me made me feel like someoke cared and i didnt feel as lonely
      So i think thats a good theory for why hes so wild right now because if he feels fully alone his depression may get bad?
      Baaaah please continue giving me your wisdom

    10. admin

      November 29, 2013 at 1:48 am

      Well I do have KIK but the thing is I don’t really give out my number.. I try to keep this website and my personal life seperated as much as possible because when the two bleed together… it’s just not good. But if you friend me on Facebook we can private message!

    11. Cloey

      November 27, 2013 at 3:52 pm

      I just found out that apparently he felt that i was being intrusive at the friends birthday party, gah

    12. Cloey

      November 26, 2013 at 7:45 pm

      I dunno, its not from an ariel view its like a call of duty view kind of :3
      I am being patient but the thing is
      He has had rebounds in the past before and there’s a chance he could do it,
      I mean, he likes using emoticons for what he feels and he put a load of shy faces on his status today which inknow something must have happened..
      But hes the one who broke up with me but if he gets a rebound it wouldn’t make any sense because he knows it would make me hate him and meet speak to him again,
      I know hes talking to that other girl alot and they’re getting closer and closer idk whats going to happen because he said he was going to stay single for a while.
      Well i see him tomrrow his band is at a local pub for a gig so im going to see what happens, so by the time you next reply and its my turn to reply i will have news c:

    13. admin

      November 27, 2013 at 7:10 pm

      Interesting first person type of view.

      Sorry this is being so hard for you…

    14. admin

      November 26, 2013 at 7:37 pm

      Hmm.. sounds like a cheaper version of WOW. I used to play that game about 6 years ago but unfortuantely no time for video games anymore :(.

      Just be patient with it right now

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