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1,415 thoughts on “This Is How You Know If Your Ex Still Loves You”

  1. kayla

    October 30, 2013 at 2:41 am

    My ex and broke up in january of last year and we haven’t talked ever since. I came to notice that I now have feelings for him again so wat should I do to win him back!!!???!!!!

    1. admin

      October 30, 2013 at 4:19 am

      Well now may be a good time to text him.

  2. BKB

    October 29, 2013 at 2:55 pm

    My boyfriend and i were together for almost 2 years when he broke up with me. We have known each other since we were toddlers and our families have known each other a while as well. When I got into high school he immediately started texting me everyday. We have talked EVERYDAY since then. At first we were just friendly, texting and flirting, and we both knew the other was into us but it never worked out for dating purposes. When i got into my Junior year of highschool i decided that i wanted to have a relationship with him(only because i didnt want to see him with other girls, cuz it hurt me). So we started dating in October of 2011. We did everything together. At first we hung out 3 days out of the week and 1 day on the weekend. We are neighbors and we have the same friends so it was convenient. After about 6 months it started becoming an everyday all day kind of thing. When we werent together we would talk the whole time. So a year passes with this kind of a relationship. We never argued, except when he would fall under pressure with girls (never did he go all the way, but he did cheat once). I forgave him because he told me about it 5 months later. Anyways, he broke up with me a little less than a month ago. We have talked every day besides maybe 4 or 5 of the days. It is sometimes short and sweet, and sometimes its long and emotional. Last time we talked he said it was getting old because i always “try to make him feel bad.” But i really dont, i just want to know how he feels and i want him to know how i feel. I am that person who when i feel something i just say it. The first week we talked and he would always ask me if i am okay and i how i was doing. Now he does that every so often. He broke up with me saying that “i just dont feel it anymore, i dont love you like i used to” Then when i talked to him the second time about it all about 5 days after, he said he does still love me and only said that because he thought it would make me mad at him and it would be easier for me. He says he just needs to figure out for sure if i am what he really wants. I think that the whole you either are with the person you are with for the rest of your life, or your going to break up eventually thing got into his head and he just wants to be single for awhile and do this own thing. I understand that, and it is good for him that he did it. But we were so in love had had a very good relationship until the last 2 months things started changing. I dont know what to do. I am still very close to his family and love them and him the same as i did when we were together. I am lost on what to do. It is almost impossible to do the NC rule because we work together and live in the same tiny town and we both have the same friends and we have talked everyday for the past 4 years. I have come to realize that i would rather him be my friend and have to deal with my own heartbreak, than not have him in my life at all. I dont know how to go about this to make him maybe want to be back with me. I know he loves and misses me. But sometimes those things just arent enough.

    1. admin

      October 30, 2013 at 3:56 am

      In your case it looks like you will have to do a Limited contact rule.

  3. Kim

    October 29, 2013 at 2:00 am

    What does it mean when your ex boyfriend tells you when he
    Breaks up with you.” Its not about not loveing you”. Its been over a month since we have talked or seen each other although I did send him some texts that he did not responsed to. Then I sent a text after 10 days and he responsed but it was just small talk. Btw we were together for 2 years and his dad just died unexpected. Any advice?

    1. admin

      October 30, 2013 at 3:34 am

      I would do a full NC period for 30 days. Thats the best advice off the top of my head.

  4. Haley

    October 28, 2013 at 11:59 pm

    Hey Chris,
    So my boyfriend and I have been broken up for about 3 months now and during that time we did talk about getting back together but he moved to a new city for his job and just wanted to focus on his career so us getting back together didn’t happen. At this point, he initiates contact with me almost every day and we have fun, short conversations usually. I feel like things have kind of stalled, but then again I’m really trying not to push things. I might try some slight jealousy things over Facebook this next week to sort of get things with us going a little more. He has reacted in a good way to things like that before. But occasionally, he still calls me “doll” or “dear” and he only ever did that when we were together. What’s up with that? Also, any other tips you have for me to get things going more?

    1. admin

      October 29, 2013 at 3:13 am

      Doll… really? He calls you doll?

      I haven’t heard that one in a long time sorry hahaha.

      Have you ever done the NC rule?

    2. H

      October 29, 2013 at 4:16 am

      Hahaha yea I know that’s how I felt the first time he said it. But yes, I have done the NC before and it worked pretty well. I’m just kind of lost at this point because we do talk quite often I’m just not sure on what else to do to kind of give it that extra little push..

    3. admin

      October 30, 2013 at 3:41 am

      I say try it again…

    4. Haley

      November 7, 2013 at 12:41 am

      Actually a day after your last comment he messaged me some pretty deep stuff about his life and said that if he wanted to be dating he’d still be with me and that he is in no rush to having sex with anyone else….he’s also asked me to go see this new movie with him when it comes out and check out some stores together. Kind of a dramatic change than when we last talked lol

    5. admin

      November 7, 2013 at 5:48 pm

      Well what do you know!

  5. Tiffany

    October 28, 2013 at 8:10 pm

    I need a little guidance. My current ex and I have known each other for 8 years total. We went out for 6 months the first year and then he broke up with me. We stayed friends for 5 years after, then we both decided to be together again. He moved in with me in Idaho and after 2 years, I broke up with him. 6 months later, I decided that I wanted to be with him the rest of my life and that I made a mistake in letting him go. I moved back home (Hawaii) to be with him. Since I’ve been back home, he has been living with me, but he doesn’t want to be in a relationship right now with me or any one at this moment. He told me he wants to focus on his career. Sometimes he tells me that he doesn’t think he could ever be back in a relationship with me and sometimes he gives the notion to be strong and wait until he is ready. Either way it hurts me all the time because I love him so much. He cuddles with me at night, on occasion we have intercourse, we do things together all the time (lunch, dinner, movies, etc), we are always around both sides of our family, except I can’t kiss him and he doesn’t want the relationship status. I’m scared I’ll lose him from being a lover to just being friends, which is what I don’t want. Is there any way you could give me advice on how to get my ex back? I can’t really enforce the NC rule, because he lives with me and I don’t want to make the mistake of kicking him out again, because I do want him here with me. But I don’t want to be friend-zoned either. Please give me advice, I’m all ears and open to suggestions.

    1. admin

      October 29, 2013 at 2:57 am

      In this case you need to act like a respectful roommate and do Limited contact.

  6. JC

    October 28, 2013 at 3:37 pm

    My ex and I have been dating for about 2 and half years now.. we had ups and downs.. I have drinking issues and tend to be very persistent when I drink.. he’s been telling me to stop. We started talking about marrying in Spring 2014… but after he said that, he hasn’t spoken about it at all. I know he’s busy with work ( 6AM-8PM everyday), but i was upset, so I started pressuring him… past tuesday, I drnk with my friends and went off at him. He was about to go to sleep.. he said let’s stop it, let’s talk about it later, but I was so bottled up, I kept going. He tried to leave the house, but I blocked him, so we kindof got into physical. he said it was over. He said it was over so many times before and I didn’t think too much of it. Next day, he said we are done for sure pack your things and go to your house. I begged him, but he said it’s not because I had done something wrong. He said he has no reason to break up. He also said he’s not even mad anymore- He just doesn’t care. I begged him two more days after that, but his answer was the same. He ignored my phone calls all day Friday and Saturday. I went to go see him at his place on Saturday. I hugged him and held his hand, but he didn’t push me away like he did on Tuesday. But he told me to leave cuz he really really needed to take a rest…When I called yesterday ( Sunday), he answered the phone saying he was at work blah blah so I hung up. I called him this morning, he sounded ok, he told me about which restaurant he went toyetserday to eat and with whom.. he even explained wherehe went to work, blah blah and asked what I did yesterday.I am completely confused. Is he really done with me? Is he just being friendly?

    1. admin

      October 29, 2013 at 2:44 am

      I think the first thing you should do is the NC rule.

  7. Niki

    October 28, 2013 at 7:13 am

    Hi there, my boyfriend broke up with me a month ago after a 10 year relationship together, he told me he no longer felt any love in our relationship, this came as a shock to me because I disagreed I thought we were happy and content. Anyway I haven’t been able to do the NC rule because we have kids together but when hes messaged me ive kept my answers short and to the point, he messaged me last night saying he was sorry for everything that has happened and that he hoped I was ok and if I needed anything to let him know, what does this mean? Does he feel regret? Or is he just being nice? I can’t tell, he seems to be enjoying being single, house hunting and furniture shopping e.c.t im confused.

    1. admin

      October 29, 2013 at 2:13 am

      All of the above?

      I think there is some regret, I think at the same time he cares and he wants to be nice.

      Being single can be pretty cool for a guy but eventually you get lonely no matter what.

  8. Ruth

    October 28, 2013 at 12:52 am

    Hi, I have really enjoyed reading your articles thank you for them. My ex and I broke up last week and I’m really confused. This might be a long story but i will try and make it as quick as possible. We were together for 6 months not a very long time I know but we fell for each other right away. The problem was that he had only broken up with his long distance girlfriend 2 months before.They were together for 5 years. I didn’t realize until I was head over heels that he had some unresolved feelings for her. He says he does not love her or want to be with her but she calls all the time saying she is going to kill herself. She won’t leave him alone. He also has a lot of other personal issues going on with work and family. So last week we both decided it would be for the best if we broke up so he can focus on these things. It was too hard for me to stay with him right now. He told me that he loves me and that he has had the most intense emotional experiences of his life with me. I texted him once during the week to wish him luck in his new job. He texted me yesterday saying ” I hope you are well” We texted back and forth a little. Since then I have felt so much worse. I am going NC with him for 30 days. Do I tell him and ask him to leave me alone? I am also trying to figure out if him saying he still loves me is just an easy way for him to get out of the relationship? I am very confused and hurt right now. I know that he has a lot of stuff going on right now. But I also think that if you love someone you don’t push them away you try and figure these things out together. Right now all these thoughts are going round in head I don’t know what to believe. Thanks for listening.

    1. admin

      October 29, 2013 at 1:55 am

      Just go right into NC with no warning.

      Just take a deep breath and realize that coming to big conclusions right after a breakup usually isn’t the best idea.

  9. Chocolate lovers

    October 28, 2013 at 12:51 am

    Hi Chris!

    I broke up with my ex 2 months ago. During our relationship we were in and out of many rollercoaster rides as he has yet to sign the divorce paper with his wife. The reason he broke up with me was because we lost something along the way and he felt that he couldnt give me any future. he didnt felt happy letting go of his wife as she wasnt living any better after their separation.
    he is now living with his parent but come next year Nov, he will be staying in the same house as his wife like landlords and tenants. he said he just wants to wait till the time comes again to make another decision to sign the divorce letter. he says he is sorry that he cant commit…
    we still meet up every week cuz he wants to and we both love talking to one another. whatsapp, good morning and good night texts… (sometimes i will be the first to text, sometimes its him) and when we meet, we hold hands, hug and we still do kiss. but he is trying to fade off the kisses cuz he cannot control himself not to make out with me… whenever we meet, we do meet happily…
    im not sure, i cant bear not talking to him and im not sure if it will kill us off totally…
    i would like to wait for him.. but it will be a long wait…6 years? 😡

    1. admin

      October 29, 2013 at 1:54 am

      Well I do recommend the NC rule…

  10. Kelli

    October 27, 2013 at 6:56 am

    my ex and i dated for 5 years, we had our ups and downs obviously like every relationship but in general we got along great. Back this April he spent a week ignoring me and i was unsure why, then randomly he texted me saying he wanted to go for a walk, on this walk he broke up with me. I had asked him why and all he could say was that he just wanted to be him for a while and that he loved me but he wasn’t IN love with me. In February before we broke up we had actually gone on a trip to Cuba (it was our first trip just the two of us) for a week and it was AMAZING, so this breakup was kinda shocking. So i spent about a month with NC which was hard but i did it, then he started messaging me and we began hanging out. Our hangouts were great felt like old times, but now we have gotten to the point where we are having sex again, and if i ever mention that i don’t think we could ever be together again he gets upset which confuses me. So im really lost and confused, i don’t know if he wants me, or if he just wants sex. Any time i ask he just says stuff like “I cant help the way i feel” or “I just wasnt happy for some reason”. Im really confused and lost and any advice would be appreciated!

    1. admin

      October 27, 2013 at 10:39 pm

      I wouldn’t sleep with him at all until he commits.

    2. Kelli

      October 29, 2013 at 4:51 am

      now he has stopped the sleeping cause he said it felt to “relationship like”

  11. Jessica

    October 26, 2013 at 8:41 pm

    We broke with my boyfriend 2 weeks ago ,I ve started a nc rule.
    His birthday is in the beginning of November
    Should I break the rule and send him a bouquet of flowers home with simple post “I remember .happy birthday”?
    Or no?
    I feel like if I will not congrutulate him it will be the fend of us 100%
    I know he loves me and he still cares ,all his statuses about me and his mom is saying that all stuff I have him are still home.
    Help me plz
    The problem is that we broke up several times before but never that serious,and he never actually came and ask me back and fought for me
    I really miss that :/
    I want this time him to come and beg me back
    Not I come on my on like every time

    1. admin

      October 27, 2013 at 10:07 pm

      So are you doing NC or not?

    2. Jennifer

      October 30, 2013 at 7:49 pm

      Yea I am :s

  12. Erin

    October 25, 2013 at 10:47 pm

    Once I got my things from him and money he owed me we both agreed to the no contact for a while. It wasnt even a week and he called me to tell me that he still wants me to go to his uncles wedding for thanksgiving, for me to take pictures etc. Because I do a little bit of photography. I had assumed that his uncle contacted him on this matter and still wanted me to go to his wedding since we were close. So I called the uncle and he said that he didnt even know what I was talking about and that he hadnt spoken to my ex in 2 weeks. Me being embarressed called my ex out on it and he responded by saying that he had just spoken to his grandparents and they suggested it. Weird. He also asked me how I was doing and that he got a haircut by the same friend of mine that just gave me a haircut. And then said well we are breaking a rule by talking so I better go and I cant talk later because Im going to the movies. I dont know what to make of all this. Mind you he was the one who decided to break up with me and said he didnt want a relationship. We lived together for a year.

    1. admin

      October 26, 2013 at 5:45 pm

      I would still stay in NC with him.

  13. Julia Lutgen

    October 24, 2013 at 2:46 am

    alright, where to begin; how to begin. so, I met this man 6 yrs ago or so, we dated on-and-off for about 4.5 yrs. it’s now been almost two years since I broke up with him, and just over a year since I’ve spoken to him face to face, and less than 2 mo since he told me over text that I clearly moved on, and so he did the same..I currently have a son who’ll be a year Nov 2nd with the guy I met three days after the breakup in attempt to get over it… needless to say, one too many drunken nights later,I was pregnant within a month. you see, if I hadn’t of gotten pregnant, we honestly prolly woulda kept the rollercoaster ( tho VERY stressful) going. I’m still, to this day, infatuated. so much so, that I broke up with my son’s father 2 months ago, ironically like 2 days before my ex actually responded to a text. I don’t think I’ve gone more that 2-3 months, since I met him, without at least texting a simple hello. the part that’s frustrating, is he doesn’t txt back 99.6% of the time, and I text him KNOWING I’ll feel rejected, and try soo hard not to, but I really actually WANT to just have a simple, light hearted, conversation and catch up. do I constantly pursue him out of feeling challenged? do I just subconsciously love rejection? what is wrong with me. have I no dignity left? I mean, he was very unhealthy for me, mentally, but at the same time,I know there’s this amazing person inside of him. and still to this day, he makes me sick to my stomach, and if I even think I might have seen him, my heart beats through my chest and I can feel my pulse so strong that it feels like my hair follicles throughout my body are dancing to a rapid beat. I get nauseated and excited. I purposely put myself in places and situations that’ll remind me of him; I’m starting to feel like a pathetic stalker or something, it’s mind consuming, and I’ve felt this strongly about him since day 1. the connection and passion I felt was like no other. I haven’t been able to appreciate the guy I just broke up with ( my son’s father) cuz I couldn’t stop craving the feeling I had with my ex. I feel like I’d be settling if I stay with my son’s father, and I want my son to grow up recognizing true love and passion. not settling for what’s safe and convenient. Idk. do I really just need to give up? I just don’t want to. it’s like he’s this sick habit I don’t want to get rid of. or like an addiction to the adrenaline rush I get of thinking about him, or the possibility of bumping into him… on the opposing side, I gained 80# pregnant….soooo,I also know I would hide if I did see him. but when I do workout, it’s thinking of him taking me back that inspires me and motivates me. in fact, the thought of him taking me back is what inspires me to do everything that I know he’d be impressed by.. but he was always intimidated by me too. AND, I now have a criminal record since our departure from making a huge stupid mistake, and I know how against he is about hanging out with people with bad records… plus, in the time we were together, he didn’t once have me meet his family or ask me to move in… even tho his ex moved in with him, AND the girl he dated during one of our off times, not only met his parents, but also moved in( she turned out to be abusive)…. I also wonder if part of me can’t let him go cuz he was almost like a mentor to me, and really changed my life! And his parents are coincidentally from the same small town my mom is, and I just always felt we were meant to be and maybe I’m just too stubborn to accept defeat cuz I truly believe that where there’s a will, there’s a way. I’ll be honest, our relationship was pretty unhealthy, but, we’re both two Very different people now. am I just obsessed? am I stuck on the thought of him, but just cuz I fear the large void I’ll have if he’s not there for me to think of? my son’s father really wants us to get back together, but I don’t feel right, so long as I have the aching wants for my ex. maybe I just never got the time and chance to get over him being as I met my son’s father THREE days after only! then, just stayed drunk every weekend.. so, does the NC rule work in this situation, or how can I just move on so I stop feeling rejected all the time?

    1. admin

      October 24, 2013 at 7:48 pm

      NC rule can work for both getting over someone and getting them back. IT is kind of like a hybrid.

  14. Ashley

    October 24, 2013 at 12:47 am

    Hi. Me and my ex have been broken up for about three months now. There is a lot of history between us so let’s start from the beginning we met in highschool and right out of high school moved in together we were great for abOut a year. Then randomly he broke up with me I was young and devastated and threaten to take my own life if he didn’t stay I know stupid! We’ll after a week he came back and we were good for about six months then he broke up with me randomly again said I didn’t care about him or treat him right . Two week later we got back together. Then fast forward a year were on the verge of buying our first house he breaks up with me again says all the same crap. Normally at this point I should have just let him go but he is my first love the only boyfriend iv been with and we had just bought a house so two week later I took him back again. Now present day we are in fact broken up again his choice like always. Also like always when we break up we always stay in touch and do things we shouldn’t do and I think that’s what led to use getting back together the other times. We’ll this time for about a month after the break up it was the same thing but this time he said he wanted space but yet to hook up occasionally. I wasn’t having that he messed with my mind for a month said one minute he was just done with us the next we can be friends then no then maybe in a few months we can reevaluate everything. We’ll I went a little crazy mind you I’m only 23 he’s about to be 22 and I blew up his phone and every other clingy crazy thing you can think of I did it. It came to the point where he blocked my number ok. We’ll I blocked his number too and the only way to get thru a blocked is to *67 so that’s what we both would do when we had to ask each other something about a bill bc mind you we had a house together and a zillion bills. The funny thing is he acted like he didn’t block my number and had no idea what I was talking about and asked why I never received his text I said bc I blocked you he says wow mature. I’m like seriously you blocked me he says he didn’t don’t get what his need for lying is. We’ll long story short we hardly speak now I told him I was talking to someone and now I find out he went on a date with a girl he knew in highschool. Here’s the kicker she has a one year old baby like seriously what is the kid thinking! Are we really over forever this time. It’s never gotten this bad he messages my family saying horrible things about me said he realized he would of been happier these whole six years with someone else. Now he’s with someone else and doesn’t talk to me at all.

    1. admin

      October 24, 2013 at 7:37 pm

      Have you started a NC rule yet?

  15. Irene60

    October 23, 2013 at 10:16 am

    Hi my ex still keeps in contact after 11 years and no I don’t call him or text so don’t understand why ??? He still uses our pets names when he gives me a birthday card or xmas card .

    1. admin

      October 23, 2013 at 10:10 pm

      It means that he still thinks about you and no girl has probably lived up to the bar you set.

  16. nonny

    October 23, 2013 at 8:24 am

    I separated with my boyfriend 6 years back and I have move on in life. I am married with 2 handsome boys, I love my family tomuch, but I can’t get over my ex I still love him a lot, I even sometime try to send him emails, he fights me overtime when he replied, he said he want nothing to do with me but I love him, some people say the reason he does not want to be friend with me is because his hiding his feelings I’m confused please help

    1. admin

      October 23, 2013 at 10:08 pm

      I am confused. Are you talking about your ex husband. Does he want a divorce?

      Or are you married but still thinking about your ex?

  17. Beau

    October 23, 2013 at 3:45 am

    Warning: I type long.
    My ex and I were in a long distance relationship for about 4 years; meeting up physically was not the easiest due to visa and money issues. I eventually broke it off a while after a visit to him. Reasons being, trying to get some communication going was tough. Plus, on my last visit I’d found out that he had broken up with someone local (I read an email). Over the years since (5 years), communication was very sparse between us. I tried to keep my distance (I un-friended from Facebook, deleted numbers, stayed away). He’d contacted a couple of times, but I didn’t feel I could trust enough, but was still happy at The sound of his voice.
    Recently (over the last 18 months), we started communicating again – more platonically, but there was some sub-text coming through his conversations. It wasn’t a constant thing. And although I never asked whether he was seeing someone, he wanted to know whether I was happy, etc. To be homes I still had some trust issues going on, as well as other things. Besides, I felt he wanted me, he only had to say it.
    We are still international, but have a few friends in common. I had to visit one friend in June for a festival and he’d told me, my ex had also planned on coming. Eventually, neither of us went due to friend’s own schedule. A few months later, this friend told me about a conversation my ex had with another friend, where he apparently was in tears over me and the difficult position he’d found himself in (with other ex/current girlfriend from top of story). He never said anything to me.
    I went on holiday in August and realised, I’d been lying to myself in saying I was over him.
    A couple of weeks ago, he got engaged to said girl previously mentioned. I was in tears and devastated. Mutual friend above suggested I go out to him, and talk to him face to face.
    I thought it was a good idea; maybe seeing/talking to him would make me realise it was all a fantasy or maybe it was real, but then I might know for sure.
    I told him I wanted to come out for a visit, he seemed a little evasive but never said yes/no. Eventually, he said to let him know when I wanted to come out. He never commented on The dates I proposed, so I picked one and told him I’d booked my flight (I hadn’t). His response was a little shocked, but that he hadn’t checked his schedule. I decided it wasn’t going to happen, I was already feeling rejected and embarrassed. A couple of days later, he emailed me asking me to call him with a new number (he’d changed the number I had or blocked me)
    I Just got off the phone with him; basically his fiancée read his emails and they had a fight. Now, he doesn’t think it’s a good idea for either of us to meet right now – maybe in a couple of years. He said whilst he did love me, he thought I was happy in the relationship I was in. He asked why I never said anything to him then. He wondered why I picked now, since he moved to another country 18months ago, to visit. He said when we were dating, he’d had thoughts of marriage, and after, but he didn’t feel financially and professionally ready to step up to me. He’s not getting any younger and now wants to start settling down. He’s made a decision and is moving on. I haven’t still told him, I think I’m still in love with him and had realised that a month ago, but didn’t have the courage or time to say anything.
    It took me a few years to try to get over him, but it apparently didn’t work. Logically, I should do that now too. I want to stop making a fool of myself. I don’t know if there is anything there for me. Should I give up, pursue this talk (since my last visit to him, we never physically met – we broke up on The phone), and how do I move on from this. Not too long ago, he was in love and torn over me, he would say how he was making sure that when he met my parents, he’d be worthy or when I was babysitting, how he’d hoped I hadn’t had a kid with someone else to now, nothing apparently.
    How do I navigate these muddy waters I’ve created for myself.

    1. admin

      October 23, 2013 at 9:57 pm

      Slow things down for me. Are you saying he is engaged to someone else?

    2. Beau

      October 24, 2013 at 10:42 pm

      Yes, he recently got engaged to the on/off girl friend he cheated on me with.
      What’s confusing is, he’s said to people he loved me and was in tears about me but didn’t think I was ready to settle, so went for the girl who seemed to be ready to settle. This was all news to me.

    3. admin

      October 26, 2013 at 1:06 am

      Maybe you should just let him go?

    4. Beau

      October 26, 2013 at 9:31 am

      Yup. Got to that very same conclusion a few days ago. It’s a tough road, but I now know I’ll be ok. So, I’m forging ahead!

    5. admin

      October 26, 2013 at 5:59 pm

      Your amazing! Don’t let anyone tell you anything different.

  18. lovely

    October 23, 2013 at 3:13 am

    I was going out with this guy for a year, We split 4 years ago, it was more a case of wrong timing. He went away for a year to work in Dubai and we didn’t have much contact except the odd bday msg, quick check in. I defo stuck to the NC. A year past and he was back and finally got round to dropping off my stuff and we chatted he said it would be nice to see me again, we met up a few times, nothing physical. Towards the end of the year he got touchy feely and invited me to meet his son who he had gained custody of (his son lived in another country previously). I went didn’t over read into it. was lovely to finally meet the child I had heard so much about. anyway following a few more meet ups kisses started no sex.. he asked if id like to go away for a weekend, I declined as it was unclear what was going on. I thought it would be stupid to mix sex into the mix. he understood, we arranged to meet and talk and although we did meet and talk, for one reason or another we didn’t get to go into great detail about this (in between this time his grandfather who was like a father to him had died) a few weeks later he vanished no word for 5 mths. I was worried, tried contacting him, no reply.. finally mths later he sent me a msg to say that he had not wanted to hurt me, and felt he couldn’t offer the stability that I may have been looking for so to save me he vanished. I replied that it was him making advances and if he had just asked me he would have seen that I wasn’t concentrating on him like that. anyway we have since met n hung out (may), the physical is out of the picture but recently (aug) he has become huggy…. he crashed out at my house (which to add he did before)… keeps suggesting we meet up, calling texting at least every 2 weeks sometimes twice a week. he still travels abit so its hard to weigh up the ratio of the correct contact in calls, he isn’t saying anything much regarding us, he will ask about my social life. he is not coming forward with anything, leaving me confused. what do u think is going on?

    1. admin

      October 23, 2013 at 9:56 pm

      How long did you stick to the NC?

  19. Blair

    October 22, 2013 at 6:52 pm

    My ex boyf broke up with me two months ago and i have been just over 3 weeks of NC. He has not tried to break it. He broke up with me because he didnt know what he felt anymore and was really unhappy with his life and needed to be alone even though he said he still loves me. He is the love of my live, we have been together for three years, and people have told me how lonely and sad he is and he misses me. Why hasnt he contacted me then? Also I am going to an event next week that he will be at, how do i act if im coming to the end of the 30 day NC Period and he still hasnt attempted to contact me?Thanks 🙁

    1. admin

      October 23, 2013 at 8:12 pm

      Just act normal and YOU contact him at the end of 30 days.

  20. Kate

    October 22, 2013 at 5:54 am

    Hi, I met my ex fiancée late last year, we got engaged in May. He text broke up with me in August. He is now back with the mother of his two girls. We are still in contact and now he wants me to sleep with him while he is still with her. I really love him and am not good at NC, have only gone 2 weeks at the most. Im just so confused if he just wanted sex why bother asking me to marry him in the first place. Is there any hope for me.

    1. admin

      October 23, 2013 at 7:17 pm

      Well, you may have to get good at NC..

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