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August 29, 2013 at 5:41 am
My ex boyfriend n i been separated for a 11months after 2yrs of being together and we have a 18months old baby girl. I was angry i took the baby away from him for the past 11months even though he was begging to be part of our baby. But last month i decided to forgive him and let allow him to have a relationship with his baby. I still love him after he has hurts me so badly and i feel like he stil loves me too but hes too proud to apologise and say it as he is a kind of a person who don’t like rejections, i think he feels that i will reject him after what he did to me. He calls me baby but always remind me that he is happily involved with someone else. I told him i went back to the i dated before him. So i thought he might be also lying. But the he invited us to his house twice after i told him that he can see our baby and his girlfriend called him, he calls her baby aswell and he ended her call by telling her that he loves her after he told her that he’s with us in the house. Lately i post “singlish and loving it” on my fb status and he called me immediately checking on how m doing, talked to me like the way he used to talk to me when we were still dating. I keep seeing him in my dreams and everyday my love grows for him, i don’t know what to do or say. But i don’t wanna be the first to make a move. We are going to his house next week for a visit and i need to know how to behave and how to control my feelings, especially with the girlfriend’s calls. He promise took cook something nice for me n our baby and i would avoid him and his girlfriend calls by asking him to pick the baby from my place but the thought of my baby with another woman drives me insane. I can’t allow another woman to part of my life. Please help i don’t know what to do
August 29, 2013 at 5:45 pm
Ok, deep breath, deep breath.
You should act very pleasantly,very happy and very very calm. Do not show anger, disgust or anything negative like that.
August 28, 2013 at 8:02 pm
me n my boyfriend were on a break because I told him while I was exremly drunk that I wanted to go back to my husband, I would never go back to him, I said it because I felt like he was paying me any attention. after everything calmed down he told me that me and him would work things out in time. one day when we were working together I accused him of being with another women and he wasn’t but he did everything for me not to think this and reassured me he still cared about me and we would be back together and he was going to move back in. one of our mutual friends got in his head and ha dbeen telling him my daughters dad had been coming over and me and him was getting back together. he came and accused me of being with him and acted like he hated me the same night he hooked up with our mutal friend and now they are together. he still wants to see my 6 year old daughter and told me he didn’t hate me and tried to hide the fact that him and this girl was together so does he still care about me or has he moved on? oh and also he tried starting all kinds of problems between me and all of our mutual friends by telling them I stole from them or just talking none sense what do I do I still love him and it doesn’t help he moved in with the girl as soon as I confronte them about being together and they are on the same block so I have to see them every day please help
August 29, 2013 at 4:11 am
Do you think giving him some space via NC is a good idea for you? Just asking if you are willing to do that.
Also, you might want to check out Ex Boyfriend Recovery PRO for more comprehensive steps.
August 29, 2013 at 4:40 am
i was planning on giving him space and no contact and I have been looking more into the recovery pro I wish people would just shut there mouths n stay out of other people business
August 29, 2013 at 5:35 pm
You know, the world would be such an easier place if that happened wouldn’t it?
August 28, 2013 at 5:05 pm
My ex or boyfriend (don’t really know what to call him anymore) was together for 3 years until we broke up for a month due to him wanting space. Last week after having little to no contact for a month with him he came back and texted and called me asking to see me even apologized for acting like a jerk. I gave in and saw him three times last week and when we saw each other he was affectionate and I haven’t seen that in a while. We even slept together (I know very soon 🙁 ). It seems like he’s back but things are still distant and not like how it was (like calling everyday at night until one of us falls asleep). The issue I also had was that he made his friends a priority and basically saw them everyday no problem but to see me was like doing a chore.
My question is should I continue to act indifferent in this situation and still do no contact in hopes of things returning back to how it was early in the relationship (like him asking to see me and call me everyday for once)? Would no contact also help in making him spend more time with me than his friends?
August 29, 2013 at 4:00 am
For now, act indifferent to the situation AND do NC. You might want to pick up Ex Boyfriend Recovery PRO for further instruction.
No contact can help him to spend more time with you. BUT I can’t guarantee that will happen (as I am sure you understand.)
August 28, 2013 at 2:05 am
Hey Chris –
So my boyfriend broke up with me a week ago. We have had a rough couple of months with some serious stressful issues such as job issues (he may have to leave the country soon, its a long story) but anyhow, he broke up with me, said he needed space, and alone time to learn how to be happy without depending on me. He says he still loves me and misses me but doesn’t know if hes in love with me. We had been arguing quit a bit during this stage but we always make up and agree that we are a team. I went for a week with minimal texts and I tried to arrive at closure and he says I shouldn’t let go of all hope but he doesn’t know how much alone time he needs. The next two weeks are crucial for our future because he may have to leave the country possibly for good. He even took me to pick out a ring about a month ago (his idea!). Now he says he shouldn’t have done that? I met up with him a month after the breakup, and it kinda of seemed like nothing ever happened between us. Even after spending great time together, he said he still needs space. I’m so afraid hes going to use this time to get over me. I text him randomly happy jokes and such to keep his mind on me but I don’t know if I should go no contact or what hes thinking! Thanks!
August 28, 2013 at 4:24 am
I think the him leaving the country is the cause of all of this.
I do think NC is the best way forward still though.
August 26, 2013 at 2:47 pm
My boyfriend broke up with my two weeks ago because he said he lost some interest in me and that he was tired of trying (since we had quite a lot of arguments). When I asked him whether he still loves me, he said he doesn’t quite know. We still follow each other on Twitter, though he occasionally interacts with me. He says he isn’t seeing anyone, but my instincts kinda tell me he is. He favorites and retweets a lot of tweets about loving someone, missing someone and also about hinting that he doesn’t care, but deep down inside it kills me. It confuses me. I’m not sure if he still loves me. So far, it’s been two weeks since I’ve tried the 1-month no contact thing.
August 27, 2013 at 4:05 am
First off, congrats about making it two weeks into NC. That is a feat trust me!
Keep going with NC. Try not to let the Twitter stuff have such an impact on you.
Also, you might want to check out Ex Boyfriend Recovery PRO. It might be helpful for you in trying to get him back. Now, if the price becomes an issue just email me and I will personally make it affordable for you. I want everyone to have access to it (while giving myself some financial incentive to continue going on in this site I will admit.)
August 26, 2013 at 7:27 am
My ex and I broke up almost 2 years ago. It was a long and emotional breakup but I eventually made the decision to call it quits and prayed we would still be in each other’s lives. We sort of tried to be friends but it was generally me who initiated the idea of meeting up and he who was reluctant and always nervous upon seeing me. Eventually I sort of gave up on being friends but let him know I’d always care. I’ve loved him all along but I guess I’m a bit better at putting on a brave face. We see each other from time to time through mutual friends and everyone knows we never really got over each other. He has a girlfriend but I saw him a few nights ago and was told by a friend that he said that he said “there’s just so much I want to say to her.” He told me in secrecy the same night “you look really beautiful tonight, by the way.”…I don’t know if I should be patient and let this relationship he’s in run its course or if I’m letting an opportunity pass me by.
August 27, 2013 at 3:56 am
Do what benefits you the most. I think sometimes it is ok to be selfish.
Have you read my page on getting back after a year apart?
Also, that was a pretty cool comment about him saying you were beautiful huh?
August 29, 2013 at 1:27 am
Just read the article you recommended, this is a beautiful website by the way, thank you for your wisdom. I might give it a shot but I think I will wait until his current relationship fizzles out. Maybe it sounds silly but I feel like he is learning some positive things by being with her and that maybe we need to wait it out and experience some other things. Be honest, does this sound cowardice to you? I’m trying to make sure I’m acting out of reason and not out of fear.
August 29, 2013 at 4:18 am
No, it sounds like someone who is thinking with their mind and not their heart 🙂
August 29, 2013 at 6:47 am
It’s tricky because his girlfriend is someone I work with that could potentially smear my reputation if she’s unhappy with the outcome. But I’ll mule that thought over for a few days. Admittedly, the whole being rational rather than intuitive is a usual pattern of mine.
August 29, 2013 at 5:48 pm
Man that stinking new girlfriend.
Bobbie B
August 22, 2013 at 8:08 pm
I am a bit confused with my ex. He did the friend zone thing and asked if we could be friends after our split. He said he could be my friend and enjoys time with me but he can’t be my lover. I said yes. We split (from my understanding) because of his crazy work. (1 month here and 3 weeks overseas plus 7 days a week working at the company he owns) and him saying he can’t be the man I need because I didn’t understand him and I asked many questions via email (plus a language barrier and his lack of english). I couldn’t understand his actions some times. He said that he is not good at relationships and that he really tried with me but couldn’t keep up with it.
We hung out once after the breakup and he went late to a meeting to spend more time with me. Well I stopped talking to him for about a month. Then when he was overseas I sent him an email saying I missed him. He said that we should hang out when he comes back.
I told him when he came back through email that I don’t think we should be friends and good luck with his life. He said he really wants to be my friend and he could be my best friend and go everywhere with me…
Before hanging out though I had to take a visiting male co-worker out and he was in the same restaurant. I didn’t say anything and the next day he emailed me to hang out. We were hanging out and had a great time. Afterwards on the subway when it was his stop I waved by. He leaned down and kissed me quickly and then left. I was shocked.
Later that week I asked if he wanted to go out. He told me the time he gets off but then everything I suggested he didn’t want to do. I said alright and bye. Then later that night he invited me out and the whole time was showing signs of claiming me… ex. hand around waste… being sweet… pushing my hair out of my face as I was eating and wiping something off…
We were invited to an event during our time there and I asked him if he wanted to go two days later but he said no he had plans a whole day later.
Is he really romantically interested in me and still in love or am I really friend zoned?
August 23, 2013 at 7:04 pm
I wrote an article that I think might be interesting to you: https://www.exboyfriendrecovery.com/what-to-do-if-your-ex-boyfriend-just-wants-to-be-friends/
Bobbie B
August 22, 2013 at 8:10 pm
He also asks my advice and opinion on his business a lot too… Which is surprising…
August 19, 2013 at 5:25 am
Ok so my boyfriend thought he was going to die (Just to get that out in the air.) And he cut it off because he said he wanted it to be easier on me when he did. He is a known Drama queen haha so im sure he blew this whole thing out of proportione. We hadnt talked in months. about four i think it was. We started talking again last month, and just two days ago i asked if he still had feelings for me. He said he thinks so but will see what the future brings (and added a winkey face) the day after he requested i gave him a hug (we go to the same highschool and have the same group of.friends) I hugged him… then later on he brushed his foot alongside mine. I think he likes me but im not sure. Plus he just broke up with his new girlfriend two weeks ago. (he started talking to me a day after they split.) I feel like im being his Crutch to help heal him but i want him back… Please help!
August 20, 2013 at 3:35 am
Have you considered trying out a no contact rule?
August 20, 2013 at 9:31 pm
Well we didnt talk for months after we had broken up and we just started talking again. Um… If i feel like he still likes me and maybe would take me back should i ask him or wait for him to ask me? We both know how we feel towards eachother. Hisfriend is also being nicer to me now that i taked to him. :/
August 21, 2013 at 4:56 am
Don’t go for the grand slam all at once. Slowly lead up to that point. If you were to ask him you have to be 100% sure he would say yes.
August 21, 2013 at 9:41 pm
Thank you that helps alot 🙂 Love this page 🙂 Your pretty awesome haha but anyway… ill do just that. Ill give it time 🙂
August 22, 2013 at 3:49 am
I am glad, thanks and thanks!
August 20, 2013 at 2:38 am
And his best friend is pushing me away.and telling me to leave him alone but i just talked to him and he said he had no idea… i dont know what i should do!
August 20, 2013 at 5:03 am
Do what feels right to you.
August 19, 2013 at 3:08 am
broke about three weeks ago.i text him we need to seperate bcuz he is married,been seperated for eight yrs and we was living together.although lm very much in love wr him and he loves me so he say that he will always love me.stills pay my car insurance and any bill i ask.wont change mail address.i been texting tryn to work things out.i stop for about four days.he text .my emotion got all tore up.then i text,he didnt
. respoonse and i havent respobs.y
August 21, 2013 at 2:44 am
hello can i get a response..
August 21, 2013 at 5:06 am
I am sorry Annie, I get a lot of comments and emails every day so it will take me a while to respond to them all. What can I help you with?
August 21, 2013 at 4:45 pm
i was wondering shouid i just wondering should i just wait on my boyfriend or move on.we broke up ncuz i want to served the Lord and live right and we was shacking up and married.but he had been seperated from his wife for four years before we meet altogether eight years now.but he hasnt gotten a divorce.so been telling him how i feel about shacking up.i love him so much but refuse to keep living like that.so i text him and told him that i thought we should go our seperate way.not meaning to breakup but to live in seperate place,but he didnt recieve it that way and he told me that he Love me and always will and he moved out,not telling me where he stay.but he still pay anything i ask.the car is in both our name and he keeps paying insurance on my truck.and i ask him if things are really over he needs to change his address bcuz i dont need any reminder of him.he still hast
August 22, 2013 at 3:39 am
I think you should do what is best for you in the long run. Do you honestly see a future with this man down the road?
August 21, 2013 at 4:56 pm
Has not change it.when we brokeup i called and text hi everyday and when he did answer his answer was very short or one worded.so i stop texting for about four day and he text me.and my emotion got all into it again.so the next day i gave him a wake up call.no response and i havent call or text him since.sometimes he will say i will always love you.im confuse.what should i do.
August 17, 2013 at 9:54 pm
I was in a relationship for 3 years. We lived together since the beginning. Practically, we were married since we had a business, his daughter lived with us for over a year, his family love me as part of theirs, and my son calls him, dad. Recently, I found out I had something in which I never knew. It isn’t a deadly disease, however it impacted our relationship. His ex had what I do and he stood with her regardless. Last week, he ended our relationship saying that it was more of the money issue. He claims I spent too much and did not help with the bills. He is moving out in October and so am I. In the meantime, he isn’t home because he works as a truck driver and has decided to stay away until he officially moves out. We still talk to one another about our dog and bills or mail he ask for me to pick up. I have decided to remain friends with him since he has been my best friend. We had a really good relationship. He took me everywhere and everything else was great up until I told him what my dr told me in which 60% of population has yet it isn’t good enough for him. Now I’m torn between trying or will he even come around after officially saying he is leaving and I have till sept 1 to give my notice to management about breaking my lease. Not sure what to do if I’m doing the right thing. Help
August 18, 2013 at 4:30 am
Do you plan on doing NC?
August 17, 2013 at 4:31 am
After being with my ex for 6yrs breaking up was a relief. I love him dearly but value my freedom. One of our problems was lack of trust(both parts),although I could not trust him being in a romantic relationship, I trust him as my best friend and lover. He still claims he loves me and will never leave. I know he is involved with other women and that does not bother me,it is welcomed. He seems to want sex more ofter,how do I limit the sex be keep the bestie?
August 18, 2013 at 3:30 am
You shouldn’t sleep with him b/c this will put you in friends with benefits territory.
Tanesha Renee
August 16, 2013 at 11:37 am
Okay so me and my ex have been off and on since 2007…we stop seeing each other in 2009 because I heard from his best friends sister who he my best friend that he cheated on me with whom I don’t remember and also because I moved away from our home town . As soon as u left he was contacting my home phone asking for me , calling my older cousin asking why I broke up with him, why I left , what my number was …..so finally we came in contact with each other that year ……we talked as friends then hooked back up but then in between the time he told me to “come back”,when are you coming back I can’t wait much longer ” so finally 2011 comes along and I tell him” you know what”,for the better of me and you I think it’s best we go our separate ways ,your i guy and I know your going to need someone else other than me I might not come back ” so lets go our ways” so we kept talking as friends it toke a while for him to actually start dating again at least that what I heard from people around my home town. So we lost contact well I lost contact I stop texting and calling him and also answering his calls and text but then December comes along at the end of that year I move back I’m in high school now ….he iss so excited about me coming back ….but I heard I few things from a couple of girl just talking not know I went with him saying this and that so basically he has been going around just dating this person and the next so I talk to him and asked him what happen he just said I been hurt so many times ..I don’t what girl loves me for me then he said you know I’ll always love you …he changed he is very very childish I don’t speak to him anymore maybe I’m wrong for that but it’s feels like gee I’m still kinda up set I moved on but it’s the year2013 and idk it seems he showing interest in me he follows me around school,people tell me he looks at me when I’m not looking …his classes are for from mine so during school I look one way he is right here but 10sec later I turn around to talk to some one for a bit and turn around to go to class he is right in front of me I walk into him he was just that close I found out too days before this happened he has picture of me in a thumb drive saying you shall be mine ….he has had that since I moved away …I can’t tell if he likes me or not but every chance he gets he tells me he still lives me when ever I give him the chance to have a conversation …….I usually don’t talk because other girls and some of the friend I mad done here have feelings for him .,so I don’t show any type of interest but with him he does ….Can you give me a solution or something?? I’m not sure
Tanesha Renee
August 18, 2013 at 11:40 am
No we do not…
August 19, 2013 at 3:19 am
When was the last time that you actually texted? I am trying to figure out if NC is a good fit for you.
Tanesha Renee
August 19, 2013 at 11:59 pm
The last time we texted would be December of last year. To answer your question about the flirting with other girls yes he does
Tanesha Renee
August 25, 2013 at 6:21 pm
Yes you are right I haven’t tried it
August 25, 2013 at 11:46 pm
Maybe you should try it.
Tanesha Renee
August 20, 2013 at 5:20 pm
Yes today we where talking on the bus …..about a game I should download on my phone ….
August 21, 2013 at 4:44 am
Ok, so am I right at guessing you haven’t tried the NC rule yet?
August 20, 2013 at 4:59 am
Whoa, that is a long NC haha. So, NC is not a good fit where do you go from here. Hmm…
If he is a natural flirter than I wouldn’t read too much into it. Have you engaged him in any more conversations via text?
Tanesha Renee
August 18, 2013 at 3:39 pm
Idk what to think does he still love me ? Is he flirting to get me to talk to him or what ? Help me understand
August 19, 2013 at 3:34 am
Is he naturally a flirter? Like does he flirt with all women?
August 17, 2013 at 3:13 am
Do you two still text eachother?
August 16, 2013 at 3:09 am
Hey, I broke up with my boyfriend a month and a half ago and he text me the second week and then stop after I respond with a short reply and didn’t reply to his next text. We have been dating for a year and we went into an arguement and broke it off. So I got so mad I deleted him from social networking sites and his number to get over him. But now that he stop texting me, a little over a month we haven’t talk already, I miss him badly. Should I email him an email? I don’t know what to do. He just came back for a week vacation in La with his kids and seems like he had a pleasant time. I feel like he already forgot who I am already. I don’t know what to do….
August 17, 2013 at 2:40 am
You shouldn’t have tossed his phone number. I say yes try the email route. Don’t make it a “I love you” message though. Focus on finding a way to naturally get his number again.
August 15, 2013 at 4:08 am
My ex and I have been seeing each other for the past couple of months, but I’m confused. We spoke about our relationship back a few months ago and he told me he’s not ready to be with me again. But we see each other 2-3 times a week and we have a much better relationship than before. We both tell each other how we’re feeling and being honest. But these mixed signals are killing me. He’s so lovable, intimate, and boyfriend-like when we’re together but I know if I bring up being in a relationship he’ll freak out. I think he’s afraid things will turn out like before. I’m trying to show him otherwise and go at his pace and let him make the moves. He actually asked me to be his date to his brother’s wedding and that’s a huuuge step for him. Ugh so nervous and confused. Just don’t want to get hurt.
August 16, 2013 at 1:51 am
Why? Sounds like everything is moving in the right direction to me. You do realize that sometimes it can take a while to get an ex back right. Look at his actions not his words and inviting you to a wedding is fantastic
August 14, 2013 at 6:05 am
My bf and I broke up after doing a long distance for 2 and half years. The last I saw him was four months ago when I went to my country to see him. We broke up exactly a month ago and during the first week and a half or so of the break up we exchanged emails (mostly blaming each other and trying to justify why we are over and telling each other to move on). After that I stopped contacting him for good. Last Sunday he tried to call me but I didn’t answer. Then again the next day he called me and I answered this time cz I was curious to hear what he has to say. As soon as I answered I asked him why he’s calling me and his answer was ‘just wanted to see how ur doing’ I laughed sarcastically and asked him ‘are you kidding me?’ then he started telling me how he never wanted this break up to happen but it is for our own good it happened. The once egoistic guy all of a sudden started saying sorry for the mistakes he made and that he knows there’s someone out there heaps better than him for me who can give me what I want. He also kept saying that he has never felt around another girl what he felt with me and that he’s going to cherish our memories and me until the day he die. Basically he ended the relationship from his side cz he knows for his age he hasn’t done much with his life and that he didn’t want to drag me into the mess. So ended it for my sake (I’m not over thinking here or anything but im also not naive not to think that he might be going around with another girl already and the purpose of this call possibly could be just to make him self look like a good guy) oh and he also told that he wish to be friends sometime down since he doesn’t want me to be angry at him forever.
He hasn’t called since then and it’s been 9 days.
I’m doing alright at the moment eventhough I miss him and I have made some changes in my life for my betterment.
August 15, 2013 at 2:45 am
So you two haven’t had any contact in 9 days?
I guess that means you have 21 days left of no contact until you can contact him.
August 15, 2013 at 9:14 am
No contact at all for the past 9 days.
Well I’m not getting my hopes up for anything.We broke up because he really didn’t respect me enough and was not willing to make any compromises so we can work on our issues.He always blamed me for everything and even stoop down to the level of telling me that ‘he will always be him and he will not change for anyone’ He knew most of the things he did hurt me really bad emotionally but he kept repeating them.
Honestly I was wasting my time hoping that at least he’ll put the effort to make little positive changes but it’s pretty clear that trying to change a 29 year old is like trying to melt a rock.
I know the right thing to do is just move on and find a guy who will treat me the way I deserve and I’m working on it.
However I hope one day he will realize how much pain he put me through and feel the same pain I’m feeling right now.
August 16, 2013 at 2:09 am
Hahah wishing your pain on an ex eh? You are doing good with the NC rule I am proud of you!
August 13, 2013 at 8:28 am
So my situation is a little bit different, the break up was mutual and it was also a little over a month ago and I honestly feel like I am doing alright for how serious we were. We dated for 2 years, were best friends for 2 years before that and did most of our relationship long distance so we really had to be dedicated the whole time. We were definitely compatible and in love, we never ever denied that. And even when we broke up we both agreed that we didn’t think it was the end of our relationship, we just had to get our best friendship back first and since he has to pay for his own college, he has to work and go to school and he told me while we were together that he had to make that a priority more than anything in his life. Which made since to me. We have no hard feelings, but now I’m struggling because I really want our best friendship back. It seems like I’m the only one that really, truly wants to make the effort because I’m the one who really contacts him. We go through periods of not talking but just 2 weeks ago we had two nights in a row where we talked until 4 in the morning and it felt amazing and just like we had always wanted it to, but after that he didn’t talk to me for a while and I don’t understand why. I know he’s a very very practical person and he has told me that if he feels that something isn’t worth his time at the moment then he isn’t going to act on it, it just hurts me to think that he wouldn’t think that I’m worth his time or just like anyone else to him. We had a really special relationship and we acknowledge that but it seems like he is passively hurting me (maybe without realizing it). It just makes it harder since we are long distance, if we want it back, it seems like we are really going to have to work at contacting each other and I’m scared that he isn’t going to make the effort ever instead of just right now. Sorry for the long post!
August 14, 2013 at 1:54 am
No problem!
Long distance relationships are the toughest let me tell you.
I want to recommend the NC rule to you but first I am curious how often you two actually talk?
August 14, 2013 at 5:47 am
Well, right now we are going on a streak of about once a week, maybe a little bit more than that, it used to be more than that but now it’s gone down a little bit because he’s making less of an effort. We talked yesterday with a group of friends present in a skype call and joked around (even joked about the break up) and he was teasing me, but it didn’t last for very long and he eventually left the skype call. Other than that, not long after the break up he started opening up to me and talking to me about issues in his life that have nothing to do with the break up because he has so much going on that he’s stressed about. We met up in person a week after the break up and literally talked for 4 and a half hours in front of a smoothie place. I just feel like lately, talking less is hurting us. I think we both know that if we just made a bit of an effort to be best friends again, things would be easy and we would get everything we’ve talked about wanting again but I don’t know anymore if that’s something he’s thinking.
August 13, 2013 at 4:06 am
Im sorry if this might seem long, well i have my baby’s father who i love still, but thing is he also has another baby with another girl, i have told him so many things to just keep him away from me because of the things he does, and i just tell him many things to show dignity but i feel like dignity has had me feeling heartless sometimes.
Please help? :/
August 14, 2013 at 1:39 am
I would be happy to help.
However, your comment kind of confuses me. What is your main goal here?
August 12, 2013 at 4:22 pm
Hey, i just wanna know should i accept my ex boyfriend’s meeting with me or not because he asked out today, please i need a quick answer!
August 13, 2013 at 2:50 am
Accept it! Srry for late response.
August 11, 2013 at 11:24 pm
Hi Chris! I have a question. I’ll try to keep it short and sweet. I’ve dated this guy for a little over 7 and a half years. We’ve broken up for about 5 months now, 6 months this month. We talked a couple days ago and he told me that he came to a conclusion that I’m not worth it anymore. We actually talked the night before and I told him that there are other guys that wants to pursue me and I’ve been asked out on dates but I said no to all. The night he told me that it’s not worth it anymore he told me I can go pursue the other guys. Now he’s ignoring me and I asked him if there’s another girl and he denies it but my instinct tells me there is. I do want him back but I don’t know how and what more I can do. Can you help me?
August 12, 2013 at 2:58 am
This is a tricky one. Are you two used to texting eachother every day? The NC might be a good starting point if that is the case.
August 12, 2013 at 4:16 pm
Well yeah. I talked to him last night and I told him that I’m finally letting him go. I do and plan to do the NC but I’m afraid he won’t text or contact me. I just emailed him saying that I said what I said last night and letting him go is the hardest thing for me to do. I told him that I still care and love him and I’ll always be there for him. He said there’s nothing going on and claims no intimacy with another girl. I don’t know if I should even believe him or not. I really don’t want to lose him but I don’t know what else to do. My biggest fear is seeing him with another girl and he’s found a girlfriend. I want to do the NC but if there’s another girl idk if that’s even gonna work and it will literally turn into a forever NC.
August 13, 2013 at 2:56 am
NC can still work if another girl is involved. It is essentially the same process it will just take longer to get him back.
I wouldn’t have told him you are letting go though. Nevertheless, you still have a shot so that is all that matters.
August 13, 2013 at 4:06 am
Will he contact me even if I do the NC? The thing is, his birthday is next week and he has an archery tournament this weekend. If I do NC, can I still wish him good luck on his tournament and happy birthday? How will the NC work if there’s another girl, which I found out from somebody that she has a boyfriend that lives in another state. Part of me wants to give up but another part is.still holding on to hope. I’m at my wits end. I don’t know what more to do. I want him back but idk how and if it will work.
August 14, 2013 at 1:41 am
Yes, he may contact you during NC but you aren’t allowed to break that contact for thirty days.
Why don’t you just wait to start the NC after all the stuff coming up?
August 9, 2013 at 3:10 pm
Sry, ths is gonna b a bit long, bt necessary for u to understand my condition Chris 🙁
Question- Wht on earth does my guy want??!!
I’ve loved him sincerely frm da moment I set my eyes on him da 1st time. I confessed 2 hs friend (I thought he wudnt go & tell him), a month aft ths incidence, he tells me tht he already knew abt me. he hs ths way of starin @me, I go weak in da knees, lose all common sense I hv, etc. etc. r 1st date wsnt exactly perfect, bt enuf 2 leave a pleasant warmth in both r hearts. tht ws da 1st time he evr touched me.
everythin ws perfect until da day he insisted he wanted 2 come home 4 dinner, bt I cudnt invite him due 2 certain social issues, bt promised 2 invite him home soon. he suddenly stopped contactin aft ths. I ws depressed, bt maintained da NC rule sincerely, involved myself in music etc. I saw him aft a month, he hd come down 2 my clinic under da pretext of a case referral (he hd da same effect on me, bt I ws angry w/ him), I ws totally professional tht day, bt he kept passin sour comments & indirectly tauntin @me tht I hd no time 4 him etc (I ws textin hs junior da ni8 b4, I dint know he ws thr). on reachn da ward, he ws tryin 2 prove 2 hs friend tht he hd more control ovr me thn hs friend, it ws so embarrasin (bt I loved it)! typical guy I say. Aft tht, I said he wudnt b bothered by me henceforth since I ws leavin da town permanently (it ws a ruse to make him confess hs love & jealousy, bt I ws gonna b away 4 a week in any case).
da next day whn he came to know I wsnt lyin, he called me up & argued for an hr & half coz I left w/o meetin him. He said he wanted me, bt still never admitted tht he loves me.
I met him whn I cm bak. v spoke normally, I tk hs hand, kissed it & asked him 2 tk cr (another prank 2 mk him think abt me, & told him I ws leavin bak next day). he ws abt 2 kiss me bak, bt my phone rang & messed it all up :-/ he said I md him lose hs senses. Bt sad,he called me up a day later and said he wudnt tell hs parents coz they wont accept me (he & I belong to a different caste), tht he cant b w/ me, bt doesn’t wanna lose me. so da same just friends thing all ovr again.
I go NC again thru texts & calls, bt unfortunately I end up meetin him whn v go 2 sign r register attendance. he acts coolly w/ me, bt again, he openly shows hs jealousy. he holds my hand or tries to touch me whn v r alone.
Wht da hell shud I do w/ ths guy??!! I mean wht is hs problem in stickin 2 bein friends or admittin tht he loves me? I admit I am desparate for ths guy, bt wanna win him in a goddess style way..
And I don’t wanna here a no frm him!!
August 10, 2013 at 3:30 am
Have you read my new post? It does a pretty good job of explaining the mindset of a man.
August 10, 2013 at 4:59 pm
I went thru ur article. felt a bit better readin it. it helped me understand hs mind.. bt m still lost abt wht strategy shud I keep up presently 2 keep hs mind on me in da present circumstance. I stopped textin or callin him. nor do I initiate a conversation whn v run into each othr.
he himself comes & talks 2 me in front of every1, whn ths is exactly wht he dint want me 2 do, & I’ve sincerely followed it. he sees 2 it tht atleast a sentence is exchanged with me whn v cross. I just look @him, reply him & leave bak.
Pls suggest an approach on how 2 make him admit it!! m ashamed tht he doesn’t hv da spine 2 do tht e1 whn he hs da best opportunity on earth!!
August 11, 2013 at 3:19 am
Ok, hahaha you lost me in the comment. There was too many abbreviations.