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July 9, 2016 at 6:37 pm
Hi again,
This site is awesome and I am so thankful for it as reading it helps calm my nerves. I have a technical Facebook question. My ex and I have been on/off for the last year and prior to that dated for 3 years. Right now were off , and in NC for the last 3 months BUT he has like some of my FB pictures in the last 3 months. Weve been FB friernds for the last year and my best friend thinks that I should stay off FB and not post as much as I used to ( I only post about 2 times a week) and stop posting pics of myself because clearly it’s not working ENOUGH. The way she put it was that “in order to be remembered I have to almost be forgotten” and that “posting the norm hasn’t worked with him,” meaning I need to try something different and just not log in or not post for a month. That way it gets him wondering what I’m doing more. As a side note, I know he has me on a FB notification so that when I post something he gets a notice.
So what does the EXBR team think? Should i just stay off FB for a month and try a different strategy this way? ( i don’t mean deactivating my profile, I would keep it active) Or should I keep posting fun and attractive photos? Nothing seems to be working with this guy. Also are there any other ideas as to what to post to get his attention? I’ve posted about me enjoying things he likes to do too.
Thanks EBR team!!
July 11, 2016 at 7:12 am
Although we haven’t communicated for 3 months we are FB friends and I KNOW he watches my FB, I’ve noticed he tries to post thinks he thinks i’d like, he likes some of my posts, and he also does OFTEN fo active on FB when he sees that I am .
EBR Team Member: Amor
July 12, 2016 at 11:29 am
hmmm why not start by commenting to those posts?
July 11, 2016 at 7:07 am
No I have not initiated a text once because the last 3 times we had a texting convo, I initiated the texting convo and the last convo we had by text I started out by making small talk, then asked if we could meet up sometime soon, then he said sure we could but it would have to be during the week since he was now working weekends, so then I specifically asked if Tuesday worked and he COMPLETELY IGNORED it. So he said yes (left i t at the high point) but he never replied back to my text. I normally NEVER ask for a date but this time I did as I thought I was pregnant and I needed to tell him. It turned out I wasn’t and he never replied to me anyway. I feel like after me having texted the last 3 times, and him not replying to my last text at all was like a slap in the face and that he should be the next one to text. What do you think?
July 9, 2016 at 6:38 pm
Sorry, we only previously dated for 3 months, NOT 3 years.
EBR Team Member: Amor
July 10, 2016 at 4:59 pm
HI Cara,
you’ve been in nc for the last three months too? and you haven’t initiated a text once?
July 7, 2016 at 2:11 am
i have been dating a married man for 11 months with promises of divorce from him, we work together as well.. I have finally gotten frustrated with no movement forward and obviously no divorce. I broke things off and he says he loves me and is in the city filing for divorce. Its been a week, no contact except an I miss u thru text from him. What Do I do. and how long do I wait.
EBR Team Member: Amor
July 7, 2016 at 4:31 pm
Hi Sherrilee,
is he really filing for divorce or he’s just saying he is? Do 30 days..
July 6, 2016 at 6:21 pm
I was with my ex BF for 1.5 years. He lived with me.. He wasn’t working because he hurt his back at work. He watched my kids for me
While I worked. He has a son which he barely saw, but I would go to pick his son up an hour and a half away and bring him to my house for weekends and even weeks in the summer. I paid for everything because he had no income. Our arguments were related to household duties and responsibilities. I was fully loyal and even so he would still be paranoid that I was cheating or talking to others.
He had no friends and did not talk to his family. He only spoke to two cousins of his regularly. I stressed financially about bills and I would get frustrated because he didn’t make effort to work. I got him an interview but he said he wanted to reopen his workers compensation case.. The day I told him to leave my house, I came home to him
Complaining about me to his mom on the phone. At that point I just packed his clothes and told him to leave. He called someone to pick him up and left. Even though I kicked him out I reached out to him a few days later. He says it’s all my fault and it’s my attitude and now I have to live with it. He says he made his decision and he’s not changing his mind.
I know he’s back at his moms and she doesn’t like me because she thinks I took her son from her. I want him to come back home. I do love him and I saw potential in him. He’s a good guy just needs a push to work and want more. Do you think there’s a chance he will
Come back?
July 6, 2016 at 6:23 pm
He left 3 weeks ago and I haven’t contacted him in 2 weeks. Last text he replied to said he was not changing his mind and it is all my fault.
EBR Team Member: Amor
July 7, 2016 at 3:12 pm
hi Raquel,
what stopped him from having work? Is he different now? Because you’re holding on to the hope thaylt he will change, but the question is, does he want to change? Is he making an effort about it? or you’re the only one hoping he will someday because somehow he will get tired of being jobless?
coz for me if he really wanted to have a job, he would have searched for it instead of waiting for a compensation
July 6, 2016 at 7:35 am
We were together for 2 years and lived together or one year. he broke up with me because i used to scream at him and offend him’ and when he was telling me that it effects him i didnt listen. When he broke up with me i told him i will change but he said he didnt believe me. i moved out and we live in different cities right now.
how can i get him back? i know he unfollowed me on facebook.
we broke up over a month ago.
July 7, 2016 at 10:08 am
but he unfollowed me on facebook. he won’t see my updates
EBR Team Member: Amor
July 7, 2016 at 5:37 pm
it doesn’t mean he won’t check your profile ever..
EBR Team Member: Amor
July 6, 2016 at 10:11 am
Hi Donna,
start rhe count of active nc now and be active in social media before initiating contact again.. do 30 days
July 5, 2016 at 4:08 pm
I have been dating a guy for 15 months and I broke up with him about a month ago due to his work schedule and lack of time we had together. We are both in our late 30s, divorced and each have kids. It was a somewhat long distance relationship, but he was amazing and the times we had together were the best. He even claims that our relationship was the best he had ever been in and I adored him and we were both very much in love. We just didnt have a lot of time together.
Now, I am regretting that, as I miss him so much. We have texted and talked a little over the past month, but now that I have expressed to him how much I miss him and made a mistake, he says he loves me still, but needs to do his own thing. He came to see me this weekend and we cried together and he said he needs to do his own thing right now and get himself right. He said this is not the first relationship to end due to his job (which I knew) and that he has some things he needs to work on. I asked if he was sure and he said yes, that we are done and that our hearts will heal and we can be friends.
He is friends with most of his exes and I dont want to be another ex on his friendship list. I am heartbroken and am now experiencing all those horrible feelings of loss. I made a mistake, but he is done.
I would like to continue our relationship, but I messed up by breaking it off. He had done nothing wrong. He even said he knew it may end due to our lack of time together and me wanting more from him, but he wouldnt have ended it, he was just enjoying the time we had left together
I know that no contact is probably the best, but its been hard not to text him and tell him I miss him and want him back. He doesnt really respond much to my texts, so I have stopped texting. Should I just let it go? what are your thoughts? How long does it take guys to realize they miss someone. He has a busy work schedule and kids too. The thing that scares me is that all his closest friends are females, and I never really liked that. Im afraid he will turn one of those friendships into a relationship, after all we had.
Any advice would be awesome!
EBR Team Member: Amor
July 6, 2016 at 8:03 am
hi Jenn,
it depends on how you’ve improved during nc and you should do 45 days because of the texts
July 5, 2016 at 5:21 am
So I dated him for a year and a half and two weeks ago he broke up with me claiming that his no longer have feelings for me and he’s been feeling that way for the last 6 months. I asked him why he didn’t bring it up earlier and he had no reason. He also said he just wants to be single and go on a secondment and doesn’t want to be tied down. I wrote him a 7 page email on how we could work on our issues a week into the break up, then I called him the night of. He was so cold and he did give me the closure I needed. However he told me he had already hooked up with another girl and I felt so hurt and disrespected that we ended up hanging up. I’ve started the NC and it’s been a week now, but I don’t even know if I want him back. I’m starting the NC in hope that he would contact me. We gave each other’s stuff back via a mutual friend so I feel he will never have any intentions of contacting me. Do you think I should just not bother with the hope that he will contact me after a month? What happens if he doesn’t contact me back after I text him after a month?
The reason I want to be with him still is because he’s my first love (I’m 25) and I going into this relationship was such a risk because before him I wasn’t a relationship person. He knows that.
EBR Team Member: Amor
July 5, 2016 at 6:21 am
Hi Joanna,
do nc for yourself.. to heal, improve and find yourself again.. to be less dependent on him.. focus on that first and then think about those things later on when you’ve really made progress
July 3, 2016 at 8:43 pm
I’ve been with my boyfriend for nearly 2 years, he broke up with me about a week ago saying that he “doesn’t feel the same way anymore”. I’m a bit worried that he will never feel the same way again and that he’ll move on easily. It also worries me thinking more about how long he’s actually been realising this. Please help 🙁
EBR Team Member: Amor
July 4, 2016 at 9:02 pm
hi Alex,
I think you should read this too:
What Really Attracts An Ex Boyfriend To You?
July 3, 2016 at 1:01 am
So I had been with this guy for 6 months. Everything is great in the duration except for the fact that I had been in 2 very unhealthy relationships prior to him where I was cheated on. Having severe anxiety in general, is often find myself over analyzing or overthinking things with him which would lead to catastrophising the whole ordeal. I would always suspect there was someone else despite the fact that there was no one else (his time was split 50/50 between work and me). I’d have small emotional breakdowns that would lead to a break in communication.
4 months in, he moved 3000 miles away and given the distance, my original route was to try and call it quits. I’d been in one previously with one of the guys I was cheated on with. He didn’t want that and we’ve tried to make it work. For the most part, it did. I even flew out and stayed with him for a week and everything was great during that time. He encouraged me to apply for jobs and move where he was under the circumstance that he “wasn’t the only reason” I would be moving, which he wasn’t. I’ve been planning a move long before I even met him.
Fast forward to 6 months, I got the job, and I’m scheduled to move. It’s been insanely stressful on my end preparing and he’s been insanely stressed on his end. After some news about a death of an old friend while drinking, I began to overthink and over analyze which of course led to me having an emotional breakdown. I said some pretty hurtful things that he didn’t deserve in the least bit. I initially called things off between us. The next day, I realized my impulsive behavior and apologized. From there I have myself a few days to cool down and allow him to do the same. Any prior outbursts could always previously be diffused and we’d work them out. Lately, it’s been different because of the stress we’ve been under. I’m kicking myself because if I would have just given myself 24 hours to cool down and relax, we never would have been in this mess.
I finally initiated contact again to apologize in which he replied back telling me that he thinks I’d be better off if he left me alone. He said that he couldn’t be with me because of my emotional outbursts and that they reminded him too much of his exes. I took it pretty hard because I’ve never felt the way I feel about this guy about anyone else. Ever. And also because I’m literally 2 days away from moving to a new city where he is pretty much my only major contact.
I’ve initiated no contact with him and it’s been roughly 2 days since we last spoke. The last thing he said to me was that he still wants me in his life but that we should cut all romantic aspects out. I partially agree because I think I let myself get too emotionally attached to him and let my happiness be a product of how well our relationship was going. Essentially, I lost sight of myself being so caught up in him that I think my no contact period with him will allow me to acclimate myself into my new city, settle into my new job, and allow myself to rekindle my love for my alone time. The thing is that I want him back romantically and am so willing to do anything it takes to make us work whether it’s seeing a therapist to deal with my emotional hang ups or whatever else I need to do. I just don’t know where to go from here.
I’m insanely worried he’s going to just give up on me and decide he doesn’t miss me after all.
Suggestions? Likelihood?
EBR Team Member: Amor
July 4, 2016 at 6:30 pm
Hi Heather,
go on with your plan…that’s the right way to do nc
July 2, 2016 at 6:11 pm
I need some help. My ex and I were dating 7 months. When we first started going out he told me he wanted to go slow because he still had one more year left of school then after he would be leaving for the navy. We never fought, we enjoyed a lot of the same activities and shared similar morals. Sometimes I felt he put a wall up on purpose when things got to emotional for him. I thought he was just scared and to give him space. A few weeks ago I brought up a future together. I think I got scared and pushed to hard because I knew he was leaving in a year. He told me he wasn’t ready for a serious relationship and wasn’t ready to settle down. He said that right now he didn’t see a future together. He also said if he was ready to put the effort in I’d be a perfect women for him. but left guilty to ask me for more time. We broke up but he continued to text and call me like nothing happened. I eventually put a stop to it because I was so hurt. He respected my wishes and we haven’t talked in a week. He also unfriended me on Facebook so I have a huge disadvantage. I search for help and found this website. I bought the ex boyfriend recovery eBook and have been glued to it. However I’m having my doughts I can get him back. How can I use the advice if I do not talk to him and I never see him or have no social media connection. Do you think getting him back will work if what he said was true. Is it likely he will want me after he sees whats lost even though hes not ready. The unfriending me on facebook is that a sign he still cares and is having problems sorting his feeling and accepting them? Was it a bad move to tell him to stop talking to me? Or could he have lied about everything to avoid hurting my ego. Please any advice is greatly appreciated!
EBR Team Member: Amor
July 4, 2016 at 4:29 pm
hi Brittany
We can’t guarantee that nc will get him back but it will increase your chances. You have to improve yourself and be active in posting so that of ever he checks it now or when you initiate contact, he’ll see your improvements and that you have moved on.. And if you continue to have your own life then he might feel more interested in you and less pressured to be with you
July 1, 2016 at 6:13 pm
So I’m 19 and his 22 years old we met February when I started at college, what happened is that we clicked from the day we laid eyes at each other, he then asked me out for movies and popped the question there if we could date I then agreed. 3 months down the line the ex girlfriend comes back telling him she’s pregnant she cried and apologised that she didn’t know that her contraceptives had expired, he then told me he won’t leave me and do forth… Due to his background and morals as he said he should have sex with the baby momma when she needs it so I asked should I stay up for all that crap? He said yes please just until the baby us born…So my ex came back in my life and we went out on a date ended up in his apartment since my bf and I arent having sex one thing led to another with my ex boyfriend and my boyfriend found out…U can imagine all the words he used to show me how immoral I am and all that so now he shifted the blame to me that I’m a cheater not realising how much pain I’ve been supressing for all these months since the baby momma sometimes sleeps there and they have sex…he didn’t realise how much it damaged my mind just the thought of it…so he said we should break up he can’t take it anymore but he reminds me daily that he still loves me so I’m hurt because I feel we can work out our issues. So I’m confused if I’m scared of being alone or I’m scared of what college students will say or I should really give him the break or that I really do still love him, or simply if I’m pretty much feeling guilty because of what I did …Please help
EBR Team Member: Amor
July 1, 2016 at 6:34 pm
hi Princess,
what kind of background makes havig sex with your ex while you have gf moral? Is he muslim? but muslims actually only have multiple partners if he marries all his sexual partners
July 1, 2016 at 11:10 am
I have been with her4years.Then I left school in febrary 29 it is second last date of febrary.then again I met her in school at may she saw me and smile at me I smile at her.After15minutes I was finding her wen she is in her class she saw me Then she started to ignore me and again iam in no contact.I took mobile and put a coment on youtube and said averything that what I did when I met her in 19th May to breakup expert and he said she is giving u hot and cold give her45day of no contact45day sounds good he said.Again I will meet her at after four month.Will she come back to me.and I like to tell her i want to marry u when I should tell her
EBR Team Member: Amor
July 1, 2016 at 5:38 pm
HI Shafeek,
there’s a good chance if a person is hot and cold.. you have to improve yourself to influence her decision more on being with you.
June 30, 2016 at 6:51 am
I had done the NC fully and I texted my ex after it was over. I received a positive response and I immediately ended the convo saying I had to go bye! How long should I wait till I can text him again? Or should I wait for him to respond, if he ever does?
July 2, 2016 at 3:20 am
What do you mean by cliff hanger? Can you give me an example of one? Thanks!
EBR Team Member: Amor
July 4, 2016 at 12:31 pm
for example of he likes a band and tiu saw this poster going to work, you ca tell him you saw them coming but can’t remember when it was then tell him.to remind you to check it.. or when you’re talking about something tell him.you have more but you have to go
EBR Team Member: Amor
July 1, 2016 at 12:06 pm
HI Sandy,
you can start again the next day.. try to end the convo in cliff hanger next time, so that he would be excited to talk with you again or he’ll be prompted to text himself.
June 30, 2016 at 2:22 am
My boyfriend broke up with me on Monday, it is Wednesday night. He broke up with me the day before our 11 months. We had a lot of things in common but a few differences. He enjoyed going out and partying as he just turned 21. I, on the other hand, preferred to stay in and cuddle and be by ourselves. I nagged him about it a lot. He helped me through my first year of college and was there for everything. I talked to him today and one of the things he brought up was not being appreciated. We had talked about change around our 6 months. I did not take it that seriously and neither of us really changed. The break up came out of nowhere. I knew we weren’t great but I figured we would talk about it after his brother who was visiting town from far away went home and things returned to normal. He initiated the break up. I love him and want him back more than anything. I told him that I understand all that I did wrong and needed to change. Being away from him made me realize all of these things. He told me that he still loved me but he just couldn’t be with me and make it work. He said he knows that we are not forever. What can I do to get him back? I have been reading so many pages but I don’t know what to do for my specific situation. I am going to start the no contact rule today.
EBR Team Member: Amor
July 1, 2016 at 11:44 am
Hi Quinn,
he might view you as needy.. so be active in nc.. It looks like you’re an introvert and he’s an extrovert.. You don’t have to go out always but you have to be active in improving yourself.. join a new class, read more books, have a make over, go out with friends.. basically have your own life.. so that he will see that you’re more independent.
June 28, 2016 at 11:12 pm
My boyfriend broke up with me about 4 days ago. We were together for 4 months and a half. The break up was very random and unexpected. Every week I would wait until around 11:30pm to go over to his place and spend the night since that is when he gets off work. On Friday night he was taking a lot longer to get off so I waited in my car at his apartment for about an hour. He arrived at around 12:30 and everything seemed normal. We hugged and kissed and I asked how work was. As I was entering his home he told me that I looked very nice and I didn’t think anything of it. A few moments later as I was getting all comfortable he told me that we needed to talk. He then proceeded to say that we needed to break up. Long story short I had to drive 30 mins all the way home sobbing in the middle of the night. Worse experience ever. We were very happy together and we were so compatible. We never fought and I don’t remember a time where it didn’t feel like we weren’t going to live together. Our relationship was very real and getting serious. I ended up texting him a day after and asking for closure and his reasonings for ending it. He said that he honestly wasn’t ready for a relationship and that he thought he was right to pick someone like me and be ready to be with me for a long time. He said he had to break up with me because he’s selfish and wanted to be single and get his life together. He told me that I would be hurt if we were together for a longer time and that he would neglect me and put other priorities over the relationship. I feel as if I really loved him and I thought he was falling in love with me. Things were just so great. He is 21 and feels that he isn’t capable of maintaining a relationship. I am 19 but the age difference wasn’t a problem he said and neither was the distance. He said that he likes me so much he had to break up before he started to show his negative side that deep down he wanted to be single. I’m not mad at him because I respect his feelings and that he did it cause he cares about me, but I do miss him and I felt we would be together for the long haul. He was someone I saw myself marrying and living with. I hope that one day when he’s actually ready we can try again. I would love some advice on how I should act and handle this. He is very stubborn so I can’t bug him anymore. I will admit I tried fix the situation and tried to get back together but he denied it saying he didn’t want a relationship with anyone at all. After the last conversation we ended on good terms and are civil with eachother, but I would feel better about myself to know that there is still a chance to be together in the future.
July 1, 2016 at 9:09 pm
Why do you think he is not telling the truth? His reasonings seemed realistic to me and that’s the type of character he is. He is very thick headed. And yes I have been in active no contact since Monday and I will continue to do so for however long. I just know that he made a mistake and I keep waiting for him to want me back.
June 29, 2016 at 8:11 pm
to EBR Team Member Amor:
No he is not going to a far away college, the college he is at is 25 mins from my house and the university I will be attending next year after my last year at community college.
EBR Team Member: Amor
July 1, 2016 at 10:59 am
hmm.. thing is, I don’t think he’s telling the true reason for the breakup.. but I”m not 100% sure of course.. You should start active no contact.
EBR Team Member: Amor
June 29, 2016 at 3:56 pm
Hi Jineane,
is he going to a far college?
June 28, 2016 at 12:38 pm
Hi. I am 54, my ex is 59. He broke up with me 3 months ago. For a week or two I found it very hard not to contact him and did. I’ve been on nocontact for 34 days. Have not heard from him. He doesn’t do Facebook or any of the other media. He wasn’t sure about breaking up at first but when discussed he said I didn’t show him enough affection (we hadn’t had sex yet). We had only dated for 3 months and had other fun, intimate experiences but I was waiting for more of a feeling that he was really committed to this before sex. Honestly, I was ready, but he pulled the plug (broke up with me) after a weekend of talking with his divorced buddy who had remarried his ex and things were as bad the 2nd time around for them as the 1st. At this point I haven’t seen or talked with him since May 20. He works in a clinic and I have to go in there in August (about 6 weeks away) . I’ve been working on my health, my happiness, moving on. Should I wait until August when I see him at work? I’m afraid if I contact him before I have a legitimate reason to see him that I am giving the power back to him. I know he is on Match but isn’t seeing anyone. I do love him. Being older makes this seem more difficult. He said a couple things when we broke up but one was about the no sex yet, this after he had told me during the relationship that he could wait 9 months for me, semi jokingly, and then later said sex itself was really a need but closeness and affection was. He sent mixed signals as did I. I was ready and didn’t show it. Can this be fixed?
EBR Team Member: Amor
June 29, 2016 at 1:28 pm
Hi Chris,
yes, I think it’s better if you wait it out until august.. but a relationship is not just about sex.. if you really are having fun with each other then he wouldn’t notice it that much unless he feels that you’re emotionally detached from the relationship or his love language is physical
June 28, 2016 at 12:40 am
I broke up with my bf yesterday because he said “you sound like my ex”. he also said “im scared because you sound like her”, “i have doubts”. Im so depressed it happened so quickly. I said “i cant be with someone who has doubts in me” so im calling it off. pls, what should i do. I been crying since yesterday since i didnt see this one coming at all
EBR Team Member: Amor
June 29, 2016 at 7:42 am
HI Missy,
are you in active no contact now?
June 27, 2016 at 10:31 pm
Hi, my ex and I have been broken up for 6 months now. We were together for 2 years. He broke with me because he didn’t have feelings for me anymore. The thing is that I’ve been in love with him for 4 years and no matter how hard I try I can’t get over him. I really want him back. I did the NC for a month and he texted me two days ago saying that he wants me to stop flirting with his friends.which I really don’t do, so I replied that I didn’t. We’ve pretty much been fighting the whole entire time since the brakeup but this one time he came over to me and we talked for 3 hours, it was really good but after that I started the NC. Tonight he came over because I wanted to talk to him an to tell him that I wanted to stop fighting all the time. He agreed. I just really ned some advice. Where do I go from here? He says that he doesn’t want anything to do with me but I haven’t even done anything wrong. He says that he never wants to get back together with me. What do I do besides becoming an ungettable girl and NC?
EBR Team Member: Amor
June 29, 2016 at 7:28 am
HI Alva,
just be active in getting your independent life back.. he has to see that you’re not actually there waiting to pounce back with once there is a chance.
June 27, 2016 at 5:37 pm
Hi, so obviously it’s summer time for college students. My boyfriend and I dated all year. He told me he loved me and obviously I love him. He was my first love and I really cared about this boy. I did honestly everything for him and sometimes he didn’t treat me all that well but It was overall worth it. Summer hits and at first it was really good, I saw him a few times and he missed me and was ready to care. But of course as soon as his friends came home to his town (hour and a half away) he stopped talking to me and just cut me off. I broke up with him, trying to call his bluff, and he agreed we should break up. The past few weeks it has been killing me. He recently got a new motorcycle and honestly thinks he is the coolest guy ever but no girl will ever treat him the way that I did. I know as soon as school starts he’s going to try to get back together but I want him back now and don’t know how to do it. He snapchats me and I don’t answer but no texts since we broke up. I don’t know what to do.
June 30, 2016 at 12:48 am
So you think I should ignore him (the 30 day thing) and try to show him what he dropped and how I won’t be here like he thinks I will as easily?
EBR Team Member: Amor
July 1, 2016 at 11:33 am
yes, exactly! 🙂
EBR Team Member: Amor
June 29, 2016 at 6:02 am
Hi Ugh,
don’t rush it.. especially if you’re far from each other. It would take more effort and I it looks effort is not what he’s looking into right now.. Well, he has to make an effort for you of course, but he has to want it.. For that to happen, you have to appear attractive to him.. so, first you have to stop chasing him and do active nc and make him work for you once you see each other back in school.. let him miss during this vacation.
June 26, 2016 at 10:52 am
My ex fiancé make me crazy by his talk about life and the spiritual love.he said that I’m the 1St and last woman he love..he drow me in his mind, heart and in his soul so he can live. These talk make me angry I feel like he is insane.so we talk every day and he express his feelings and he said if he can be here and hugs me because he misses me a lot.. Last week I made a mini NC. He called and texted me but my phone was shut down. So when I responded he was exited and thanks me for that.he told me that he were anxious when I didn’t show up. So I respond with indifference and when he start talking about his love and his feelings I told him not to express them again because I know them and that is only talk…so now I don’t know how to deal with him. Maybe I ruined every thing. But this talk drive me crazy and make me feel sad.
June 28, 2016 at 12:32 pm
Thank you
I don’t know why. Maybe I want him to take a serious step not only words. He must express his love by action. By asking me to be with him.
EBR Team Member: Amor
June 28, 2016 at 10:18 am
HI Didou,
why do you want him to feel that way?
Diamond Ingram
June 25, 2016 at 4:42 am
So me and my ex bf was together about 4 years… We argue about petty like me not taking the dog out or not have his food ready when he got off of work. But I work 2 jobs so I will be tired some days when he got off of work. So I think it started two weeks he went to his army training and we couldnt talk for 2 weeks so when he was texting me when he finally got to text me when he came when he was still at training he text me how much you love me and how much you want to marry me our future together blase blase. But then like four five days later he went out with his friends and he didn’t tell me that’s a no-go and our relationship Point Blank so when I call him I was okay why didn’t you tell me you was going out with your friends he’s like oh I don’t think it matter I’m going okay whatever so we arguing and then he got okay I’m coming home at 12 didn’t come home and so I went to another party after the argument so my okay whatever I’m not really sure that’s what you want to do. And so when he came home at like 3 in the morning he slept on the couch okay so you making the situation even worse and so when I got up that morning I packed my clothes and I was like I’m going to my mom’s house or whatever and he didn’t say nothing so when I got home I’ll call him and I’m like so you really not going to apologize and he tells me oh I think we need to take a break for real for real Im like what you mean he’s like I think we need a break I’m just so fed up…. so the situation was almost 2 months ago and between the two months we have been texting on and off I’ve been texting him like I didn’t give him no space but like maybe 3 days and I will text him in like greg you really going to do this relationship you really going to do this you really going to do this and he just keeps telling me I’m just fed up you keep doing this you taking me for granted and appreciated this how our conversations went. So I was a bridesmaid in his sister’s wedding and when I went to the wedding like he was so mixed emotions like one moment he call me babe then next minute he giving me the cold shoulder you know I’m saying like you really don’t care I don’t know if it was for the family or for what. So after the wedding you know I’m like if you see two people that you love you know I’m saying that’s been in your life so much get married and you don’t feel like you want to do you know reconcile what we have then maybe you really don’t love me no more so when we got back home I was like okay whatever I’m done he text me ask me for $60 and then we had a whole nother conversation about how I didn’t appreciate him and how I took him for granted which I feel like I did on some points in our relationship but for the most part I show him love and I love him. So where I’m at right now and I’ll text him a text message on his birthday and he was like yeah we should be friends but then when I went over his house to get some clothes I seen him and I just couldn’t retain myself with my emotions so I text him I was like so you really want to do this and so we got into another spat about you know are you going to give up on our relationship like for real for real and he just kept saying well now I don’t want and I’m not ready for a relationship I feel like you pressuring me to be in a relationship with you or whatever. So I text him and I’m like it’s a female is over a girl he tells me that he has this friend this best friend that he met at his army base and I’m like since when do we have you know friends best girl friends that we don’t tell each other about like since when. So I think that he’s messing around on me with this girl and comparing her to me the stuff I don’t do the stuff she’s willing to do I’m assuming I don’t know. But right now I had text him a text message on the 8th of June and he didn’t text me back so I text him again on the June 11th and I didn’t know he text me back cuz I have blocked his text messages so when I seen it four days later I text him back and he hasn’t text me back in 2 weeks. Now I’m in no contact I guess for 2 weeks I’m not going to text him or nothing but I just want to know like I don’t want to give up on him I don’t want to give up on us and I just want to know like should I because I feel like it’s hurting me you know the longer I keep holding on and trying to hold on to our relationship when he don’t want to.