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5,888 thoughts on “How To Make Him Miss You After A Breakup”

  1. Lala

    April 7, 2014 at 6:30 am

    Hi, my name is Lala. I’m 22 years old

    My boyfriend (26) and I love each other so much. But his family opposes our relationship due to cultural reason. They have never met me but they oppose. My boyfriend is a family guy so 2 months ago aftee fighting for 8 months, he gave up. We cried and were so upset. He tried to be friends but i don’t wanna do it. For the first few weeks he tried to keep in touch with me. But it seemed like his parents are pressuring him. It’s been almost 2 weeks we didn’t talk. I don’t wanna contact him first because i want him to fight for me or else, I try to move on. But our relationship is the best relationship ever. Even our friends can see how we love each other so much.

    I heard from my friends that he has gotten very quiet recently and when he met my brother in law, he ignored him completely (while i know for sure he is not that kind of man, he used to be so cheerful and confident)

    I certainly want him back. I certainly want him to miss me. What should i do?

    1. admin

      April 7, 2014 at 5:13 pm

      What specifically about his family got in the way?

  2. Amanda Perez

    April 6, 2014 at 12:51 pm

    Hello my name is amanda im 22 years old. I recently broke up with my boyfriend. I do love him and want to be with him …. the only thing that prevents that is his temper he calls me names and throws things at me. He is troubled and I see my self in him he has gone thru a lot but lately im just a emotional punching bag for him. What should I do? If he cares about me I feel like he will change and realize he is spiraling out of control and is going to lose me.

  3. Nima

    April 6, 2014 at 5:00 am

    I had a bf who was crazy for me. I did love him too but compare
    To the love he had for me, it’s nothing. He did everything to make me happy. We also had plans to getting married and the future and we were both very excited about it.
    I had doubts tho because he is not from the same country I came from and his country people are somehow treated lower in our country and many other countries too so I knew for sure my family won’t accept him.
    In our relationship, I kept many limits with him. I didn’t let him do things that normal couples do. Like holding hands, touching. I didn’t even reply his ‘I love you’ thinking I should keep that for the future too. And if it happens and I replied, he would be very happy.
    I broke up with him for my family as I knew they won’t accept and I didn’t want to get our hopes high.
    And so, after about a month, we started contacting again. When we were together, he brought himself low many times just for me. He’d say sorry even if it’s my fault. He’d beg for forgiveness. In fact, this isn’t how he is with everyone else.
    And so when we started contacting again, he come back a lot stronger. He don’t bring himself down for me anymore. If something upsets me he’ll still say it. And then he said that he’s going back to his country in few days so I have about 3weeks-a month to think if I want this back or what then when he comes back we’ll have a talk. The day he was leaving we went out, he bought stuff then he called me from the airport and he also called me when he reached. The next day I got to know that one of his friends was telling the guys from my country in our university that I had a boyfriend and all.
    My ex knows that nobody should know cause my family is strict. Anyways, I fought with him saying I don’t want this anymore and all. He then said I don’t give a crap anymore. I brought myself down for you many times and I won’t do it again. It’s over.
    The next day I see him chatting with this girl from his country on fb. His good friend’s gf is that girl’s friend. He was flirting with her. Took her number and all. (P.S. He didn’t change his fb password saying he’s tired of changing it).
    When I saw that, I asked him to call me. He called after like 10mins but I wasn’t around. He called twice and then messaged me saying if you ask me to call have the decency to receive.
    I told him I wasn’t around. He said ok. Done.
    He called back after awhile. I received. He asked what was it. I said no nothing. He said you asked to call. I said that was before. He said now difference. I said no it does make difference. He said tell me, I want to know. I said no I want to sleep you go sleep too. He said ok ok. I hung up. Done. Now what? Does he even still have anything for me?
    I did hurt him a lot. This time I don’t think he’ll come back. He might even hookup with that girl and done. I’m out of his life.
    (Ps. I give him back the gifts he got me and asked for the ones I gave him but he isn’t giving it back. He said it’s my stuff now. You shouldn’t be asking for it.)

    1. Nima

      April 6, 2014 at 5:50 pm

      He did many things for me. Brought himself down for me a lot.
      I didn’t do that. I was always so strict. Always appeared as the strong person. I hurt him a lot with my words but he always forgave me for it. And he always came back.

    2. admin

      April 6, 2014 at 5:25 pm

      Explain to me why you don’t think you loved him as much as he loved you?

  4. Kay

    April 5, 2014 at 11:51 pm


    I was talking to a guy that I “dated” in 8th grade, but we recently caught up and developed feelings for eachother…we haven’t made it official yet so we’re just friends that like eachother. His feelings for me were a little too soon, I felt he was moving a little quick falling in love too soon. Great guy. But we got into an argument via text, which I hate arguing over a text.

    I could have ended it, by not responding even though I gave him numerous opportunities to call me to discuss it, he never did. I actually miss our time we talked on the phone, our time we saw eachother…he’s ignoring my texts…but I miss it all. I already deleted him off Facebook off of impulse, so I can’t make him miss me.

    What can I do? He was wrong in the argument, and I did apologize for my behalf but still nothing. Any advice? Thank you in advance!


    1. admin

      April 6, 2014 at 5:23 pm

      Just let him cool down a bit.

  5. Niece

    April 5, 2014 at 7:57 am


    My boyfriend decided to end things nearly a week ago. At first, I left it but the next day I contacted him to find out if we were really done with and he said yes. I asked him why, and he told me that it’s because I did nottrust him. He wasn’t very good at communicating and every time I tried addressing an issue with him he would either recoil or just repeat what I was saying. He also lied a lot and I found out he cheated with his ex at the start of the relationship with made things terrible; despite me asking if he was sure he was ready to move on. No matter how much I tried to make him admit he did not until I told him I had had evidence. He would also speak to others about the state of the relationship, instead of me. He always maintained that he loved and cared for me, in fact he did not want to end the relationship but I felt his all of his lack of communication was for him not wanting to be with me anymore and I asked him if he still wanted the relationship. He’s very stubborn and proud. Although I never cheated and was very faithful and patient, I feel I pushed him. What are the chances of him wanting me back?

  6. sara

    April 5, 2014 at 3:47 am

    I have been dating someone I work with on and off for 2 years. Anytime he gets mad at me its an instant end to our relationship. Then he asks me over for dinner and I can’t help but forgive him right away. Sometimes its a few days sometimes a few weeks after the breakup. He doesn’t show emotions and I’m not sure if he’s really been in a relationship with true feelings before this do maybe he doesn’t know how to work out a disagreement? I tell myself I can help him grow but I’m tired of being cast aside so easily. Is this something I need to walk away from or stick around and hope he sees I’m willing to do what it takes to make this work?

  7. Sasha

    April 4, 2014 at 5:57 pm

    I have just broken up with my boyfriend of 5 years. The problem has always been us getting into fights about each other’s bad habits and sometimes financial matters. My issue with him tho has always been the way he deals with anger. While he may have a good reason to be angry, the way he expresses it is extremely mean and disproportionate, to the point he doesn’t treat me with dignity and respect (verbally). I have kept telling him that even when I’m so angry with him I still don’t call him names or talk in a sarcastic manner. I just tell him straight that I’m really angry, ask him why and then ask him what he wants to do about it. However he does not do the same when it’s my turn to make a mistake and has never considered my suggestion of keeping the respect even while disagreeing or even being angry. While we seemed to have gotten to much less fights in recent years, the attitude has stayed IF and when an unexpected big fight occurs.. Just like awhile back.. So I broke up with him because he seems to have no capacity to understand what I meant by my advice, and instead keeps repeating he’s just making me drink my own medicine by hurting me back.. Except he does it on purpose while my human errors really are not. My last message to him was to the effect of I’m done with your disrespectful words, I’m breaking up with u, don’t contact me ever again cos I’m moving on with my life. Despite that message he immediately messages me back saying “night, thank u for everything.” Can u tell me what this means? Is this a “first sign”, so to speak, that he is someone who is easily drawn back into a broken up relationship? Because honestly im half considering moving on but at the same time we both worked too hard and been through too much that now I’m depressed it’s come to this.. Aside from making him realize his life might never be the same without me (for a long while anyway), I want him to realize he needs to stop verbally abusing me out of anger.. He could never do that.. He might have in recent years.. In a number of instances.. But it grows back like a stubborn thorn. Like a part of him.. And I could never avoid it in the LONG TERM even if I tried. Is it too much to ask to hit one bird with 2 stones? I’m so upset and disappointed right now but I still love him.

    1. admin

      April 6, 2014 at 4:45 pm

      The breakup message was totally out of anger. He didn’t handle it too well though I will admit.

    2. Sasha

      April 4, 2014 at 6:10 pm

      *1 stone.. 2 birds I mean.. ahh there it is, I’m diving into crying with ice cream mode. But I’m serious of not contacting him at all at least the whole day tomorrow. I have already unfriended him on Facebook.

  8. sam turner

    April 3, 2014 at 8:15 pm

    Me and my ex broke up like 3 weeks ago.We have been together for 2 years. We had wedding plans already. Out of no where She started to sleep out alot at her friends house which is a girl who she works with. She has moved some of her stuff out of my apartment. she still stops by every day to see our dog only when im not home and im at work. I found out that she was talking to a guy who she works with and she always called him as her friend. Then one day i notice that she blocked me from facebook and i found out that she is in a relationship with that same guy she called him a friend. She said she cant move the rest of her things out of my apartment cause she cant find a new place to live yet. She texts me everyother day asking about our dog . I try not to contact her and wait for her to contact me. i wanted to know if this guy is just a rebound or she has really moved on to another guy cause i really to love her to death.

  9. Yasmeen

    April 3, 2014 at 6:34 pm

    I just broke up with my BF, we were together for 3 years. He is married, I thought we will end up together because he hates his wife. But we broke up a couple of months ago because he told me he won’t leave his wife, but i decided to remain with him. However we broke up again last week for the same subject. Something stupid triggered the whole subject again, and he said that he does not know what I’m doing with him and why I agreed to be with a married man. The problem is that he is my co-worker. So I see him a lot. Usually when we break up he initiates and calls or texts. This time it looks like he has a decision not to call. We act normally at work, but I really miss him. Should I initiate this time? Or should I just let go? I think I am madly in love with him.

    1. admin

      April 4, 2014 at 5:07 pm

      He is married… you probalby shouldn’t try getting him back. Move on.

  10. Toria

    April 3, 2014 at 1:07 pm

    So my ex and I broke up almost 6 months ago but we were still speaking and on good terms, we met up for dinner just over 3 weeks ago and it was good, we laughed, flirted and it was lighthearted. I decided after having dinner that i wasnt going to contact him first and chase him as it just isnt working. I am now on day 23 of no contact and i havent heard anything from him at all. My best friends husband works with my ex and she told me that he told her husband he has started seeing someone…..i find this quite unusual as my ex is a very private person and doesnt ever discuss his personal life with people especially people he isnt close to. He knows that i would find out as my best friends husband was obviously going to tell his wife and she will ultimately tell me. I am rather confused now?!?….I still havent contacted him after finding this info out…….what do you think or suggest??

  11. Maria

    April 2, 2014 at 10:11 pm

    Hello Admin,
    I have been talking to this guy on and off for 5 years. Recently I just realized how much I care for him after he tried to commit to me and I shut him down. I tried apologizing and making him see that I was wrong but he still has not come around. That happened 4 months ago. Within that time we didn’t talk for almost 3 months so I texted him. We had a good conversation until I brought up our relationship and he said that he couldn’t do this right now to which I replied I understand forget I mentioned it and he said no you don’t understand I CANT right now. I said you are right I don’t understand. He said there can’t be an US right now. I said okay I’m here if you need me and I understand forget I mentioned it. Then 5 days later he text me saying that doesn’t mean you can’t talk to me anymore. We ended off by saying we both will put more effort into talking to one another. I feel like I have put in way too much effort but I’m not sure why he makes it seem like I don’t.

    1. admin

      April 4, 2014 at 4:34 pm

      Why did you shut him done in the first place?

  12. letting go

    April 2, 2014 at 6:55 pm

    we broke up with my boyfriend of three years am frastruted to my core he seems mature but anger always gets in the way n lose it but letting me go just like that without considering what we’ve being thrgh in the past is my limit of how hell be sorry if he miss me he’s ego thinks will get away with that he’s mistaken I will first hurt he’s pride by these steps

    1. admin

      April 3, 2014 at 5:44 pm

      Sorry your message is kind of cryptic. Are you saying anger is preventing you from thinking rationally?

  13. joanna

    April 1, 2014 at 11:09 pm

    i am with my boyfriend 6 years and we have 2 kids together for the past year my boyfriend well ex boyfriend breaks up with me over the most stupid things and we always end up back together because i do all the chasing and begging so now i think that is what he expects he has stopped making an effort and is more intrested in going out with the boys and doing whatever he likes without putting me and the kids into consideration all i do is mind his kids and do nothing for myself but recently i have started exercise classes to get my body in shape and to feel good and i feel my confidence coming back do you think i should concentrate on me and my children and just let him be im sick of been a push over and i know im a great mam and i know my kids will thank me when there older because there my first prioroty but its so hard hes the love of my life and i have to kids with him

    1. admin

      April 2, 2014 at 5:34 pm

      Good for you! Love your priorities!

  14. Ananya

    April 1, 2014 at 8:03 pm

    my bf broke up with me a yr ago..i dnt have any proof..but at many times i felt he was seeing his 1st gf those days..they both lived together for 3 months as per my knowledge.(we wer in a long distance relationship post our studies).for a long time i realised that he was ignoring me. but whenever i asked he kept saying tht he loved me. evn on the day he broke up he said that he loved me..but coz i was doubting on him with his 1st gf he did not want to continue the relationship..unless and until i believe him blindly and never question him abt his wearabouts..and the he broke up with me..since then we both are in no contact. he never msged or called me back..but his 1st gf did call me to show her concern towards me…but ended up blamming me for evrything and saying tht i vl never get a guy like my ex-bf and that he vl hv far many beautifull girls. she even called up one of my dearest friends several times to knw if i hv moved on with someone or if am still lonely and crying.and both of thm are still staying together..

    i loved him a lot. and gave him my full attention. i was the popular girl of my college. and i never cheated on him. i was totally committed and faithfull. and he was never insecure abt me..

    do u think i have any hopes to get him back..?? i am not in any contact with him and i knw nothing abt him right now.

    1. admin

      April 2, 2014 at 5:27 pm

      I think you definitely do have a shot!

  15. Breanna

    April 1, 2014 at 6:52 pm

    Hi, my boyfriend and I had been dating for six months. He just broke up with me last night out of the blue. I thought everything between us was fine until he told me during the day that he had been thinking about us and he wanted to talk to me. His reasons were that he has just been so busy lately that he has lost interest in our relationship, even though he still really likes me. He has been very busy lately with his two jobs and his college senior year project. I was more than understanding with all of that and he knew that. He also told me that I deserved someone that can hang out with me more than one day a week, even though we hang out at last three or four days a week. He said that once he left college in December, he would make his decisions based on our relationship and he wanted to make them based on him, even though I told him that he didn’t have to make decisions based on our relationship. He also said that I deserved someone that could buy me things even though I have told him numerous times that I didn’t need anything. I love him and desperately want to be with him. Is there anything I can do to help him gain interest back in our relationship so we can get back together??

    1. admin

      April 2, 2014 at 5:25 pm

      Have you gone into NC yet?

  16. makenna

    March 31, 2014 at 9:57 pm

    My ex broke up with me after we had a stupid petty fight he said it bothered him more than he thought and it made him look at the relationship and it wasn’t what he wanted. He said in a few years he didn’t see it working out. He told me he loved and missed me even earlier on the day that he broke up with me. He says we will never be a couple again but I said you don’t know because who knows what your feelings will be later on. We literally had so much fun together and I love him so much. He’s getting ready for his last year of school and is super stressed and I think this contributed to the break up. Even if he says we will never be a couple again but we will ask how each others doing when we come.in contact I.want to.know if there’s hope.a week before our fight we were doing great and super happy he sent the cutest messages and we were getting along well. I asked if we could work on it and he said he didn’t want to which I think is due to his stress level right now. I need him back because he truly is the greatest guy and was always so positive when he talked about me to everyone.

    1. admin

      April 1, 2014 at 4:55 pm

      What does he highlight as the problems with yoru relationship? I am curious to hear what he said.

  17. Nadea

    March 31, 2014 at 5:55 pm

    Hi I was with my bf for 8 months we meet on an online dating site but just recent have realised he still get a lot of notifications from this site so 1 night I logged on but could not see him so my freind logged on at the same time but she could see him which means he has all along been on the site but he just blocked me so I couldn’t see I really miss him but I’m trying to do the no contact rule for a month even though my things are at his and I need to collect them so I deleted my original profile on the same site and have now got a new 1 in which I can see him and he can see me out of curiosity the site was badoo now I have tried blocking him all different ways but I can see him on people nearby what should I do the no contact rule plus log in the site now and again so he thinks I’m talking to other people I still have feelings for him so I now I need to play this roght

    1. admin

      April 1, 2014 at 4:50 pm

      Has he blocked you everywhere or just on this site?

    2. Nadea

      April 4, 2014 at 10:17 am

      Just on this site while we were I the relationship

  18. sue

    March 29, 2014 at 6:27 pm

    My bf broke up with me a several weeks ago. I did NC straight away. After 10 days he sent me a text saying he missed me (I knew from a forum he writes on that he was anguished over his decision to break up and very depressed).

    I called him b/c I was worried about him. Mistake- he was relieved to hear my voice, but just said he wanted a friendship.

    So back to NC. Then he sends me text and comments on how pretty I look in a fb photo.

    I ignored all of it.

    Then he sends an email to a friend about how much his misses me, I’m the best gf he’s ever had, and the loveliest person he’s ever known. He feels alienated by me and my friends and family.

    I keep up NC, but my friend calls to check on him.

    So confused. He wrote to my friend that he felt alienated and what was the use of trying to start over if everyone is alienating him.

    Duh! He alienated himself.

    He also wrote that he doesn’t have the courage to call me.

    All this to my friend and on forums he doesn’t know I read.

    It’s like NC has made him miss me, but then he’s not doing much about it, except emailing my friend and short texts.


  19. Amanda

    March 29, 2014 at 3:40 pm

    My boyfriend and I broke up a week ago (on my birthday). I didn’t see it coming, but I knew that we weren’t acting the same. We ha fought the night before, and the day of, he seemed a little off, as if he didn’t want to be bothered. I had asked him a question, and he jumped up and snapped on me, saying the relationship is over and he wants nothing more to do with me. This has happened a few times before, but we had ended up getting back together. So, I walked out and hoped that maybe some space would help us cool down. Once I got back, he didn’t seem to even care, an told me I needed to pack up and leave. I had done so the next day, and a few things are at his house. But since then, I haven’t called or texted him to get the rest of stuff at his place. A few of his friend had checked up on me, and they told me he is much happier without me. My first thought was, “yes, he probably is, because I’m no longer there to bother him,” but it still hurt to hear that. A couple days later, his friends started noticing that I’m slightly happier and not bringing him up so frequently. Again, I love and miss him tons right now.
    I was his first relationship, and he was my third. The beginning was great, and then I started to notice he was very angry all the time and he’s very stubborn. I know he loves me still, but I want to make the relationship work, I’m not sure how to, though. A lot of our fights were because of my insecurities, which with this breakup, has helped me realize that I can’t be like that. I’m just curious that with how stubborn he issuing that our relationship will never work if it actually WILL work.

    1. Amanda

      March 29, 2014 at 3:43 pm

      *how stubborn he is with saying out relationship won’t work, is there hope that it may work out again?

  20. Rachel

    March 29, 2014 at 2:58 am

    Me and my ex was together 3 years I really fell in love he finished with me for this girl but she’s horrible to our daughter he doesn’t believe she’s bad and it really hurts how a girl like this is with the man I love 🙁 I no I should give him up but I can’t xxxx by the so sorry for any spelling mistakes first day on a touchscreen lol x

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