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March 28, 2014 at 4:29 pm
I actually am working on a site like this just for men. I have a few articles posted on it already. Check it out it is exgirlfriendrecovery.com
March 27, 2014 at 6:14 pm
So my ex and I were dating for over a year and a half. We’re both 22 going on 23. I was his first real relationship, and he was my third. We had an instant connection, and as silly as it sounds I even thought he might be the one. I knew that being his first real girlfriend would pose some potential problems, but it never seemed to be too much of a concern. Our relationship wasn’t perfect, but it was a pretty good one. Life has kind of taken a turn, he lost his job and hasn’t had much luck finding work. His mother got sick, and he’s been caring for her. My job has been very demanding and stressful the past few months. All of this led to us not seeing each other as much and a little distance growing. We had a fight through texts that led to a break up about a week ago. And I just can’t shake the feeling that it’s a mistake. We’ve had a little contact through texts since then. We met up yesterday to finally have a true break up conversation, and ended up spending the whole day together. It didn’t even feel like we were broken up at first. We still talked normally and joked around. He gave me his jacket when I was cold, he still touched me, cuddled me, and kissed me. Like actual passionate kisses. I made the mistake of crying (I swear I tried to keep it together) he comforted me, wiped my tears away, and held me. We eventually talked more about the reasons behind the break up. And he was getting upset while we were talking about it. The main problem was the distance that had grown due to me working too much and not being able to spend enough quality time with him. He was feeling a little neglected, and let it build up over the past few months. He said he felt that I was going to break up with him, so he kind of beat me to the punch. I feel like our break up was just circumstantial. I really think he’s still on the fence about it. I’ve been unhappy with my job and I’m leaving it at the end of May to focus on school and just work part time until I’m finished. His mother is finishing her treatment in a few months too. I want to be able to spend the good times with him, when they roll back around. I’m worried that no contact would only increase the distance that led to our break up. Thoughts?
March 28, 2014 at 12:12 am
I think you have a good shot at getting him back. How bad was the text fight?
March 28, 2014 at 7:08 am
It wasn’t even that bad. We were both just upset that we hadn’t been able to see each other, or even talk much in a few days.
March 27, 2014 at 3:14 pm
Hi, i broke up with my boyfriend after finding him having sex with some other girl, i stebbed him and injured him badly, he came back to me wanting me back but he ddnt want to talk about what happend he started insulting me after wards, and im pregnant for him, so we got back together but he is doing things to make me jelousy and he says he doesnt bother about how i feel, please help me i love him and i want us to raise our child together
March 28, 2014 at 12:09 am
You stabbed him??? You do realize that is criminal. You could get thrown in jail for that….
March 27, 2014 at 2:18 pm
My bf broke up with me on 2 days ago and we been teoghther for 2 years he broke up with me because he got tired of arguments and he asked me for friendship I said no and then I look back and told him that I wanted his friend ship .but now he told me he has to think about it deep down I kno he still loves not like he use to but he stills does should I txt him atleast good MORING and try and talk about other things or I should wait and see what’s his reply of we can be friends again
March 28, 2014 at 12:06 am
If you are in the NCperiod then you can’t text him until after its over.
March 27, 2014 at 11:40 am
My boyfriend of 2 year and I broke up, it was mutual as we both could tell there was no longer the spark there between us, we both cried. a few days later he kissed someone, i got really angry, he begged me to come back to him and told me he regretted everything, i did, then we decided we would see how a break would go. it was his birthday so i gave him a present i had made him, we fought then fully broke it off i was needy and text him asking if being apart is what he really wanted. he said it was and then kissed heaps of different girls in front of me.
i see him all the time as we live close etc, but when we do we dont talk , i was his first love,
how do i get him to come back? or to even miss me if i see him in passing so often?
March 26, 2014 at 5:11 am
Hello, It’s been a while since me and my ex broke up, it’s coming up to 10 months. I do believe he is in another relationship
But I can’t deny how much he has left an imprint in my life and I just can not stop thinking about him. I miss him dearly
I’ve tried moving on, being social, my friends and family, keeping positive.
I used to have that hope that maybe he will realise, people say guys eventually do, but he is so stubborn.
We broke up because arguments started happening out of nowhere, the relationship faded, and another girl did come in the picture.
I do believe he cares about me and what we had was great while we had it, but I just don’t think I’ll ever get a chance to make him miss me; i don’t think our worlds will ever cross paths
I undeniably still miss him, and I don’t even think he’s worth it. I wondered if it’s because I want something I can’t have but i know it’s is much deeper.
I try and let go but anything I do seems useless.
I think to myself he’s with someone else, probably really happy but I can’t ‘replace’ him or my feelings. I just really miss him. I’m not a needy person and am quite understanding but apart of me still had that hope. Just wanted to hear your thoughts on it? Would be great to hear a guys prospective. Thanks
March 26, 2014 at 5:39 pm
If you don’t think he is worth it then maybe you should focus on moving on
March 26, 2014 at 2:40 am
What if you truly love your ex but your parents despise him? I am in that problem now. I hope to talk to them about it quite soon.
March 26, 2014 at 5:38 pm
Why do your parents not like him?
March 25, 2014 at 6:02 am
hi chris sir 🙂
im from india. here’s my story. the guy im loving now is my 2nd lover. me too his 2nd one. we healed mutually from our past relations nd i realized dat he loves me very much nd he said dat he want to be with me rest of his life. l agreed coz me too started loving him. our relation started last august nd we wr sooooo happy nd felt made 4 each othr…:) he is lil a tough typ guy but he alwaya loved me cared 4 me. me too loved him soo deeply nd i’ll do anything to make him happy. pbms startd 4m last janury… i intentionly hided some importnt details f my ex lover….nd i told abt dis during dat tym. (dat was nothng…my previous relatn was only a chat relatn) but whn he came to knw dat i hided dis simple thng dis muxh tym from him made him much upset….i apologizd him many times seeing his sadness. im lil chubby to look. all of frnds always says dat im nt gud looking enough to him. i was working on dis nd i hv reducd 20 kg. he didnt complaind abt my luks much…bt said dat during the tym f our marriage i hv to improve my luks otherwise his sissys nd mothr may not lyk him. bt still always worried abt it nd feard dat he may dislyk me for dis reasn….evn a small silnce of him made me mad…..i startd gettng angry nd shouts at him for no resn 🙁 he had a lot pbms in his family nd at work place. he startd keepng distnc from me. dis made me more fruatratd nd startd to shout dat leave me nd go away…….at the tym of my anger i cant realyz wat all im tellng but aftwr a short tym i apologyz to him nd make him happy. but one day after a fyt lyk dis he stopd callng me…..stoppd replyn me…..stopd talkng to me 🙁 i cried nd cried nd calld him back but he didnt responded. he thn told me to wait coz everythng nd evrybody irritatng him much includng me nd he some tym alone without a relation nd dnt try to contact him. i agreed coz i understand he need sm tym to
relax. after a week, last sunday we met at our weekly tution class. i tried to talk to him but he responded angrily…..he told i very much annoyd him didnt evr gave him peace nd mw startd hating me 🙁 he cant love me anymore lyk b4 nd told me marry sm other guy… i told no nd im readt to wait for him till he again starts loving me…..no matter if it take months or years…….he told dat it wont help me nd he dont want a relatn with me 🙁 i didnt cried in front f him bt i was dying inside. i again told him dat i hv faith in u….nd im nt gng to marry anyone other than u nd i love him mr than me. i thn didnt tried to contact him. bt i love him mr than anythng nd my world us empty witout him. im sure dat he cant 4get me altho he hates me nw. also im bliwvng dat his hatred towards me nw will chnge nd start loving me than b4…. nw im trying to manage my lyf alone…. chris sir, i now knw dat how much i troubld him…..bt i want him back 🙁 i will do anythng, anythng for dat……wat should i do now to get my boy back??? s sir i need ur advise nw 🙁 🙁
March 24, 2014 at 6:46 pm
I had a break up around three months back and i did not get any call/msg from him.In fact he has moved to a different location itself.I had text him a lot of time on FB but did not get any reply.I really miss him a lot..how can i know if he also miss me or has totally moved on?
March 24, 2014 at 12:13 pm
Hey, So I broke up with my guy over a week or two back and I was the one who initiated it. I did not wish him on his birthday which I could feel shook him up a little but he still hasnt contacted me in any way, even though he shows up in unexpected places now like the way you suggested and he has this puppy dog look into his eyes. I ignore him at all cost. But he still hasnt contacted me and sometimes I feel like he never will..I will in no way contact him by myself. It will hurt me but I really will try not to care if he doesnt contact me as well. But, then.. he is a guy and normally they ALL return at some point.
I wanted to ask..will he ever contact me? Im really hoping for a more detailed reply. Thank you 🙂
Tegan Inoue
March 24, 2014 at 9:07 am
I need help please I just broke up with my bf and I need to get him back less than a month help me.
March 24, 2014 at 6:07 pm
Why did you break up with him?
March 24, 2014 at 7:56 am
hi chris,
I came across this site because my boyfriend who I still love really deeply, dumped me for no reasonable explanation. We had been happily dating for a year so many trips and just complete happiness. I don’t think he is a guy that would confess he misses me after telling me that he fell out of love with me a month ago, we can try though. I told him that I was willing to work on it and he just said no. Other than that the breakup was pretty usual. He left a few things at my house and wants them back at some point I know but I am willing to give the NC process a shot. So I will contact him in 3 weeks?
March 24, 2014 at 6:09 pm
Surely you must have an idea of why he dumped you?
March 24, 2014 at 10:52 pm
Well he blamed it on my negative attitude toward work, you see I just graduated college-undergraduate and I got a job not in my field, its hard to not be negative when I feel like my work will not help my future. But I honestly feel like I would have seen it coming if he truly fell out of love with me, you know? I also feel like what he is blaming me for is a cop out, but whatever.. cant change his mind I suppose.
March 25, 2014 at 2:17 pm
haha oh sheesh theres my negativity AGAIN yiiikes.. but yea, ANYWAY… im giving it another three weeks before i talk to him/give him his stuff back so hopefully ill be much more stable. but yeah i don’t know i feel like this has been our only argument while dating so that’s why i am so baffled.
March 24, 2014 at 2:02 am
Hi, my boyfriend and I broke up in July but we stayed in touch for almost two months, not as friends, we were arguing and fighting! Then, we lost the contact between but in November we met with a coincidence!
We talked for some minutes like hi how are you and each one talked about whats he’s doing in hus life now like studying and things like that…
After that i talked to him and texted him sometimes but we couldn’t get along it looked like he didn’t want me anymore after that he tried once to get me back in August.
Since then, i have met him twice and it was just a “hi, how you doing?” and that’s it ! He’s not texting me or calling me!
I was so stupid at the relationship i wasn’t that nice girlfriend, he was like my life, my everything and i let him to know that during the relationship.
But now.. I really miss him, i never forgot about him and i really wants him back, and if we get bach together this time won’t be the same like the forst time and i’m pretty sure about it because now i know him much better and know how to behave when he’s angry ir mad and i know how to make him never forgets about me… I really want to corect our relationship and get the love of my life back again.
Please help me i need him to miss me, to do something that makes him texts me or calls me or anything, and the most important thing is he should know that i have changed and our relationship will be amazing this time if he would give us a second chance. We both loved each other in a crazy way but i was that annoying girlfriend. Please help me have my love back.
March 24, 2014 at 6:04 pm
Define “annoying girlfriend” for me.
March 23, 2014 at 7:00 am
Pls help me!! The guy I was dating have an ok relationship. Only thing is I have insecurities from my past. During our time together is good, other than I pay attention to sneaky things he does. Always has had phone flipped side, and he seems not to want to leave it around me. We have broken up before, but I begged him back promising not to b so insecure. I only try to bring the things he does tohis aattention. If I call him and he doesn’t answer, I’ll call back to back and he get very mad and he talks so mean to me sayin I act like a lil girl. I dnt like the way he talks to me, so I broke up with him. I really feel like he’s not taking me serious. We were supposed to have dinner, but I told him I wasn’t sure if I wanted to b with him, and I think he would talk to his friends better, so u want that title. I didn’t really mean that, and I say things out of anger. I just want him to see that the way he talks to me hurts my feelings..and the things he does makes me think that he’s cheating. After talking to him abt it, he told me he was trying to do better and he apologized. We hung up the phone, and he text, I really do love u. 12:45 . I was happy cause I kno I really love him too, so I text back I love u too. At 1:15, he text again saying. Eventho I still love u imma have to let it go. I was so hurt!! Why would he let me tell him I love him too only to wait and so he’s gonna have to let it go? I break up with him, and then I want him back. Leaving him messages saying I’m sorry, and I love him, just going crazy! He says this isn’t the way we should b going back and forwards. I only wanna feel like I’m his leading lady. Wht should I do, and how do I get him back? And when I get him back, how do I stop ending the relationship whn deep down I dnt want to?
March 23, 2014 at 5:02 pm
Wait… you had an “ok” relationship.
You make it sound like your relationship wasn’t all that great in the first place?
March 21, 2014 at 3:26 am
Hey Chris! 🙂 I’ve read a lot of your posts and they’re very helpful, but there’s one question I haven’t been able to find the answer to, which is… now that I broke NC, HE wants to meet up – how should I respond!?
I did NC for 3 weeks and got several texts saying he misses me. I finally replied to him very briefly, not expecting much, but to my shock HE actually suggested meeting up! The thing is he kind of left it up to me by saying, “Let me know when you’re free and maybe we can hang out,” and I didn’t know how to respond so… I just haven’t! lol It’s been about a week since then and he hasn’t contacted me again. I’m definitely not desperate for him but I still really like him and would possibly like to give it another chance – should I wait for him to text again? Or should I text him? And if I do text him, should I acknowledge his suggestion to meet up and/or let him know when I’m available? It seems like that would make me way too “easy” though… I’m very afraid of putting myself in the position of “the chaser,” please help!
March 21, 2014 at 5:09 pm
Thats a positive sign so I say advance the process!
March 20, 2014 at 7:41 pm
What if my ex, has mental problems, he gets bored of things quikly (in this case relationships). We broke up, 2weeks ago and he’s going out with his ex( the girl before me) … We went through A LOT of thing together, and i helped him with alot of issues he had, not only that but we had an amazing bond, we were like best friends, very happy when we were together. I really think that he loves both of uss, even though i do not know how his relationship with her was, or is, I think that me and him have more empathy, he show me that he cares for me and he wants the best for me, and i know that if I go out with some other guy , he will get jelous, is it possible for me to get him back? …
P.S. I already thought about forgetting about him, but it seems imposible, please help.
March 21, 2014 at 4:52 pm
How long did you total altogether?
March 19, 2014 at 4:00 pm
Hey Chris!
You’ve covered a ton of stuff on your website but there’s one thing that’s missing: How to turn a break up conversation around, or how to prevent a break up when you know it’s coming. My boyfriend’s friend *thinks* he’s gonna break up with me at the end of the week and I’ve been studying harder than I did for the SAT.
If you have any advice please help me! The break up would be caused by the long distance (I have solutions for that) and mostly because a lot is going on in his life and he’s depressed and doesn’t think he can be a good boyfriend. I know that sounds like BS but it’s true in this case. He doesn’t want to see other girls and he wants to hopefully get back together eventually.
Advice please!
March 20, 2014 at 5:56 pm
Hmmm interesting idea. How to prevent a breakup when you know its coming.
I am totally writing something on that.
March 21, 2014 at 5:28 am
Hi Chris,
After three years and four months together, my boyfriend left me and said he didn’t love me before. The first time we broke up, we didn’t speak for three days..and then on impulse, I went over to his house on the 28th of March and he was begging me to come back and said how much he missed me.. and to my mistake, I took him back, way to eagerly and easily.
Things took a downfall a week after we were back together, he started feeling like he didn’t love me and that he only wanted me for company. So we met up and talked about it and he laid out his issues (wanting to grow up and be more independent and how he had self-esteem issues). I simply said “You need to work on yourself first before being able to love anyone.” I also said that I didn’t think I was in love with him anymore because he is so different and not like himself and that I didn’t know this version of him. So our break up was mutual the second time. We agreed on being friends (which is a bad idea). We broke up last Thursday(13th March) and we haven’t spoken since Friday morning, it’s been a week with no contact.
I feel lost and lonely without him but I’ve been proud of myself for keeping zero contact. I still do love him, I think I always will. I was his first love and first proper girlfriend. Is there any chance of him returning to me? What should I do?
Additionally, my birthday is on Monday(24th March) and I know he will wish me a happy birthday.. but I’m so scared to face him. I’m just scared after a week of no contact, he didn’t miss me, like how I did.
March 19, 2014 at 2:03 pm
Hey!! So recently me and my boyfriend just broke up after being friendly for 9 months …… And his reason was that he could not manage this relationship, when we were friendly he could not give me time because of his studies and stuff and we used to have a lot of arguments regarding that, so one morning he told me let’s take a break which I could not cuz I love him so much but then I broke up because I wanted to give him time which he needed. He says he does not deny that he loves me but does not want a relationship at the moment, he wants some time to realize that relationship is important in life (bdw he still texts me very often and tells me he loves me and stuff) how to make him realize that I need him in my life…….. And make him miss me a lot 🙁
March 19, 2014 at 2:05 pm
Sorry he texts me very seldom 🙁
March 18, 2014 at 8:50 pm
I broke up with my boyfriend after one of our many fights lately, and he was so inlove with me before this fight we were always together. He lives 3 hours away so if we were not together in person we were online. Our age difference is a big one like 21- 40 he is the young one. we were together for 16 months, and were happy past few weeks maybe 2 months we have been fighting over stupid stuff, he has a very rough way of telling you something, like a smart ass attitude, and i am very sensitive. So when he says something i get upset and lash out telling him how it makes me feel. Well this last time we had a big fight again with this attitude i was upset, and lashed out as he did. Now he wont talk to me at all its been 8 days and we have been inseparable and all the sudden he is playing pixelmon online with some people he met in a game omg i dont get it what did i do so bad to deserve this? what should i do? I hurt so badly but i am trying the no contact, i feel that i need to get over him but how do i do that with someone that is like your true love. I dont know what has gotten over him, he still has all out pictures up on facebook, But he wont contact me he just wants to play games online.
March 18, 2014 at 8:04 pm
I was dating a guy frm 8th Months yesterday he juz logind In my fb nd ws chkng ol my chats he found a chat wit hez frnd b4 2 yrs dat tym I hadn’t met hm…..I had got physical wit dat guy (not ful ly) IT was nly till smooch…..I didnt tel my guy ant it….bcz it ol hapnd a yr b4 I met hm…..I was sacred he wud leave me…..m quite serious abt hm…..I truly love hm…..he has broken ol relations wit me juz bcz I didn’t tel hm abt dat guy 🙁 …….he answers my cl buh abuses nd disconects it….I want him bck at ny cost I juz cnt live witout hm…..juz crying dae nd nyt 🙁 …..wad shall I do??