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March 18, 2014 at 6:00 pm
My ex and i js broke up he ended things after two years ive seen him twice since then one was to give him back stuff he left at mine, the second time i had a work mates birthday drinks yes my ex worked with this collegue as well, he showed up to this party in the times ive seen him he has called me by the names he gave me, we have stoped all contact right now and im not sure if its beacus ehe misses me or if its because he regerts whats he has done
Leshanna Nakai
March 16, 2014 at 5:36 am
So I’ve been dating this guy for a month, I’m only a freshman 15 years old, I know I’m young but yeah I’ve dated him for an month and in my eyes everything was going perfect, and early tht day everything was going well he seemed quite interested and happy and all of a sudden after school he acted super strange, he didn’t put his arms around me like usual and I so in my mind I was freaking out, trying to keep my cool, and I stopped hugged him cause I had to go but I gave him a hug, and he hugged me very weirdly and I asked whats wrong he said I think we should break up and I said why? And he said I just don’t like relationships tht much and I don’t know what to do anymore. My life was going swell. But the next dat Friday I ditched 7th hour me and my friend did cause that’s the only class I have with him and I sit across from him and I wasn’t ready to face him cause the whole day at school I was just losing it and yeah well later tht night around 745 he texted me asked where I was 7th hour and then after we just had a nice convo but he didn’t txt back 🙁 and I’m just a confused hear broken girl right now 🙁 help? Advice?
March 18, 2014 at 5:01 pm
You are being too available to him.
March 16, 2014 at 4:39 am
You mention that positive reactions from your ex in public are a good sign. However, what if your ex reacts to you negatively or ignores you in public?
No contact and absolute silence on my part for 1.5 months after I initiated the break up. Recently he has started in with the texts and snapchats…usually they are dramatic and emotional. I see him at the gym fairly regularly and he always ignores me.
Do I maintain no contact until he calms down? Is the negative backlash a sign that he cares or should I chalk it up to a lost cause?
Thanks for any help. I’ve enjoyed learning from the advice you’ve given on this blog.
March 18, 2014 at 4:59 pm
If he reacts negatively it still could be a good sign. It just means that he doesn’t know how to handle his emotions. Of course, negative responses are usually not a good thing.
March 15, 2014 at 9:49 pm
On the last part, if he keeps in touch with my close friends does that count?
March 15, 2014 at 4:03 am
If I ignore my ex boyfriend’s text message after a few months of no contact will he try again to contact me? I’m confused why he texted me after 2 months of not seeing/talking to him, and I’m afraid by ignoring him I ruined any chance of restoration.
Thanks so much! You’re the best!!
Miss Lost
March 13, 2014 at 2:53 pm
Hey, so 3 weeks ago my boyfriend broke up with me. Begininng off the conversation with things like, “I don’t think will make it through the navy, i think we should take a break, but don’t think we will be together int he end” “I see a future, but don’t want to be in a relationship right now” “I don’t want the pressures of a girlfriend” I asked him in the very begining if his feelings for me had changed, he said no. I asked him if there was someone else, and he said no. By the end of the conversation, I told him I was hurt and that he truly broke my heart. He got defensive and told me he “lost it, lost feelings”. I said oh… and I told him I would mail him his stuff back and that was it. He said Ill talk to you later and i said i didn’t know if I would want to talk to him. and he said well I assume at some point will talk. and i said okay. Since I haven’t contacted, neither has he. The only contact I have made is I mailed his stuff about 6 days ago with a short letter saying I was going to miss him but understood why he made the decision he did. That I’ve only wanted him to be happy and I’ve never wanted to hold him back. THat I will never forget the memories and I hope he won’t either.
Why do I still feel he should contact me, like I haven’t gotten an explanation. Why was he so cold. No emotion whatsoever when it happened and nothing from him for 3 weeks? I am just so confused.
Cindy Dsouza
March 12, 2014 at 6:56 pm
hello Chris,
I am in a relationship with a boy for nearly a year and now he slowly stopped communicating. Whenever I ask him where is he.. he always answer me i am busy in my work and i come home and sleep. His text messaging, calling and meeting me all started getting less. I thought after reading your article i felt i should need to give him space but the problem is he messaged me one day i did not reply and the second day when i text him he did not reply. i dont understand whether i should follow the no contact rule or is he involved with other girl. How would i know. Please reply me . I would be very thankful please reply
Cindy Dsouza
March 20, 2014 at 2:36 am
hello Chris,
Please reply.. From past 5 days he has not texted me or called me. I am scared what i do further. Please guide me. I am little nervous. If i call him or text him he will reply.. But i am not doing anything..Please tell me i am doing right thing. What i must do further?
March 11, 2014 at 10:42 pm
Hi my bf broke up
With me in oct and met someone online straight away . They moved in together in dec which was really quick. During all this he kept in contact with me and we saw each other as we were part of a sports team . After a month they broke up and she got engaged to someone else ! Still bonkers . He didn’t tell me they broke up but he was ob back at his house and he started texting more and to say goodnight . We have been seeing loads of each other the last month , I’ve helped him continue his house renovations , stayed at his in same bed when we had an event ( nothing happened but we did cwtch up ) and spend few eves a week cooking dinner together etc . On sat I noticed he was on a dating site while I took his son to the cinema . When I questioned this he said we agreed to be friends and were not together ? I asked him if we could be more than friends but he said no. This was 3 days ago and I’ve gone no contact . He has text 3 times since random things such as mechanics number and insurance for our car ?! Shall I respond ? I’ve told him how I feel about him and I’ve told him in the past that I can’t just be friends . Why is he texting ? Shall I reply ?
March 11, 2014 at 8:04 pm
Hi Chris,
Could you please give me some advice on how to make my ex fiancé miss me and hopefully get him back. We have recently moved into our own house after living with my parents for a year. We have a little girl who is 2. He decided one day that he wasn’t happy and ended our 5 year relationship. He said he doesn’t feel the same anymore. At first I bombarded him with messages as I didn’t know why he had left me. I try my best with the no contact but as we have a child together we do occasionally have to speak. He has had all his family and friends asking questions too so I have asked them all to stop and let him figure this out himself. Is there anything I can do to make him come back?
Charlie x
March 11, 2014 at 2:51 pm
Hey. I am 35 n my ex is 26. Were 2gether for 3 years. Talked about breaking up a few times, mostly cuz of age difference (though our relationship was fantastic, it was never really an issue except when talking about future). We broke up 1 mnth ago but he stayed at my house nearly every night for weeks. We still messed around n never “formalized” break up on fb. Then las week he brought it up again so it’s final. He still wants to hang out n mess around n do the same stuff but doesn’t want to feel he is missing out on somethin cuz he’s younger n I was his 1st relationship. What can I do 2 get him back, is it possible even?
March 11, 2014 at 8:35 am
My ex and I were together 3 1/2 years, I am 23 and he was literally my first EVERYTHING…I NEVER cheated or even messed with another guy,but I would make profiles on chat sites out of boredom n also trying to avoid blowing up his phone with text and calls…anywho,he has a no good bum of a friend that saw my pro n told him n im sure added some negative things…this happened more than once n each time it was the same guy friend that found it…creepy n weird. Long story short my ex started acting different towards me,kind of pulling away. So I sent text trying to get him to talk to me ,and asking if he needs space kniwing good n well I didn’t want no damn space. So a few days later he admitted he wanted space, I frwaked out n just like a woman sent my long paragraph text out of frustration..I told him its over n he clearly stated more than 3x he didn’t want to break up n to chill out. He said ut wasn’t forever. He later text me n said give me two weeks …so I messed up n cintacted him, text was ignored n then I called n call was to…I sent him a final text,stating I can take a hint n wont contact him anymore. That was on saturday march 8,2014! He said he wanted to talk to me monday(march 10) before I sent that text saying I wouldnt contact him anymore but I never got that call or text…we both are so like minded we bumped heads…I miss him but I have my guards up n im trying to keep my head up…but I dk whether ti stay hopeful n pray he contacts me n we can wirk things out…or has he said screw you n im done. Just wish we could’ve talked it out like adults…if I knew he was missing me id feel better lol but I keep saying o he is a guy n he probably is out acting a fool. Either way I will keep marching forward but what do you think of this mess?? Will he come back??? Please excuse my typos,typed this on my phone.
March 10, 2014 at 10:23 am
My bf and i broke up 10 months before..We didnt talk for so many months.But last month i had a breakdown and i texted him..after dat we started talking for a min and so..he never texts me,but when i text him,he replies.He saw me once near my place and immediately texted me.We made plans to meet up a few times,but they got cancelled for some reasons so i told him to make a concrete plan n then tell me..he hasnt texted me since then..i dnt knw what to do now.I have tried my best not to contact..but now i m confused.he even said he is not seeing any one..Will i ever get him back?I have always loved him…Please help!
March 10, 2014 at 5:48 am
Hi, so me and my boyfriend of a year broke up about a month ago and in the last month we have failed miserably at the no contact rule. It seems like at least once a weekend we end up together but he still doesn’t want to be back in the relationship. The difficult part is, he’s my brothers roommate so he’s kind of hard to avoid with the no contact rule. Any suggestions on what I should do?
March 9, 2014 at 6:05 am
Hi, me and my boyfriend of 10 months broke up about a week and a half ago. He is 17 and I’m 16. We were best friends for 3 years before that. He said he didn’t want to hurt me anymore and was afraid of it leading to marriage. I know he is very immature but I miss him so much. A month ago I tried breaking up with him but he begged me not to, and he said he won’t ever stop proving how much he loved me and I gave him another chance. I was very upset at first and tried to get him back and I sent a long text saying that I missed talking to him because we were so close. But he didn’t answer.. I have stuck to no contact for about 4 days now. I just want to know if he will come back! He was close with my family and everything!! I feel like I lost a big part of my life.
Please help, I am so devastated.
March 8, 2014 at 9:32 pm
Where can I find your guide on long distance relationships?
March 10, 2014 at 5:23 pm
March 8, 2014 at 7:06 pm
hi admin
i have written to you long back and i guess you might have forgotten it..so will repeat it again.
me and my guy met 3 yrs b4, we were 1st frnds very close and suddenly one day he said he had crush on my and i looked very beautiful that day. and for some reasons he went back home(he stays in hostel) and again he started misssing me and finally we met when he was back and we went for a movie and then lunch and we beacame a bit close but didnot go any extreme. then i fell in mad love with him but he was always reluctant for any relation with me. i tried to convinence him everyday and he alwyas argued..but onething he always took my help in studies.even we fight the previous night he would call up very causually to ask for help in studies.after col i thought everything was over but we again met for some other coaching classes(after the col was done) and he was here in these coaching classes becoz of me and stayed together in the same class ofcourse behaved as starngers never spoke even a single word.
he was never open to me and the worst thing is that he lies me and behaves as if hez done nothing. he insulted me quiet a times but he behaves normal as if nothing has happend. but i still love him for sure and even time has played wih me again and again by bringing us together when we got separated. when ever we broke up i was the one to run behind to save the relation he always tries to break up but i would rush to save the relation.finally now coaching is over and we got separated again. the worst thing that has happend this time is he has changed his mobile num and didnot give me. when i somehow contacted him he says there’s no much relation b/w us to tell these things .he never thanked me for the help that i done neither recognise it..he takes my help for granted.
hez been my 1st love and im very sincere with him and in no position to accept or even think of someone else. if someone else comes to my mind i crush such thoughts in me….also something that i noticed when we were in these coaching classes is that he used to observe me a lot with whom i spoke..and im sure he told about our relation to his frnd whom he met in these coaching classes.and he tries to grab my attention…one thing that i dont understand is he trying this for my attention or try to disturb me
admin what do i do now??????plzzzzzzzzzzz help meee
March 8, 2014 at 9:07 am
Hi, I really need your insight on this please.
It’s been a week since my boyfriend and I broke up and I really don’t know what to do. I’m having a really hard time not keeping any contact and I think he’s doing fine without me.
3 days after we broke up I caved and asked if we could meet up, which I realized was a terrible idea. He was cold and hardly looked at me. I did notice though that the little note I wrote for him while we were still together was still attached to his phone, his phone’s lockscreen was still my face and his phone’s wallpaper was still of the two of us.
I tried asking (okay, it was like begging) if he wanted to get back together but he didn’t want to. I tried and tried but he was adamant on breaking up. I’ve talked him out of it before, but not this time. He said it wasn’t a good idea to meet up, cause we weren’t over each other yet. So he isn’t over me, but he doesn’t want to get back together and he says that he doesn’t love me anymore? That night we met up, he repeated this over and over.
I don’t know. I don’t know why he’d still keep memories there and check my blog, but he doesn’t love me and doesn’t want to get back together. We haven’t talked since. Do you think he might already be seeing someone else?
Please help! ):
March 10, 2014 at 7:37 am
Hi June,
go for the meditation and search a new friend just ignore the guy who didnt care u.
March 7, 2014 at 7:44 pm
My bf and I after 6 years broke up with me and we have 2 kids together and he got a new gf the same month a girl he know he can take advantage of and also throw in my face on social networks I do miss and love him and want to be with him but he tells me he is done and he is happy but my gut feeling tells me otherwise bc he moved to fast and he always get rebounds when we break up than 3mons later we back together but this time he changed numbers and we have had any physical contact or seen each other is he reall dont or is it just a game he playing bc me on the other hand been sad thinking about it and just plain out going through what should I do to change the outcome bc I miss him dearly and its only been 2 months and I feel like in chasing hin which makes it worst after 6 years we had a bad break up btw but nobody cheated
March 7, 2014 at 5:56 am
So me and my boyfriend just broke up on Sunday & this is the longest we’ve gone with out talking. Long story short , two days after we broke up I took our pics off Instagram , as soon as I did , he did . I changed my sprint password so he can’t see who I’m talking to , & so did he … Then I retrieved his sprint password by using his security answer , he found out about it , texted my mom & asked her to ask me for his password (he couldn’t get in contact with me because I chAnged my phone number from him) , then he tells my mom to tell me to block my number & call him , I didn’t. After I receive a email from him asking mi why did I change his password ? & I didn’t have to change my # because he’s done with me ? I didn’t respond … What does this mean ? No to mention as soon as I log on his sprint I see he talking to some girl we had a incident with & even tho I gave h back his password , he didn’t change it , which isn’t normal . What does this mean. ? Does he miss me ? Is he really done ?
March 7, 2014 at 12:32 am
hello Chris,
just wanted to make sure if i was acting needy :D. So the guy i dated just dumped me around three weeks ago. Before that, he started avoiding me and when i asked via text whether he didn’t want to talk to me anymore, he said yes. When i asked again why, he didn’t reply. The next day i sent him quite a long message on Facebook, because he became so unfriendly on whatsapp/text. I told him that i was sad and kinda disappointed, everything that described how i felt because of his change of behavior towards me. I said that i can live with the fact if he wanted to walk away, but i needed a reason why. He replied (friendlier than he was when texting) and said that he just didn’t love me anymore. Yet he told me that he would still want to keep in touch with me as friends only. That time i thought i’ve had enough reasons to accept that he didn’t want to be with me anymore. But for the sake of my curiosity, i facebooked him again three days later, just to ask him when he started to lose the feelings. But then the conversation went sour. And my last question seemed like annoying him that he didn’t reply. It’s been two weeks now and i have stopped contacting him. I just decided not to do that anymore.
Do you think i was acting needy or desperate when i sent him messages asking some questions after he dumped me?
Fyi, he is 8 years younger than me. I’m 31 and he’s 23. He has never made this age gap an issue when we were together, but do you think it could also be related to maturity when he obviously is much younger than me?
Thanx a lot!