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5,888 thoughts on “How To Make Him Miss You After A Breakup”

  1. Marie

    March 6, 2014 at 9:19 pm

    Hey! I found this article very interesting & true in many cases. I had to read this because about a month ago, my boyfriend broke up with me. He was in love with me, but i wasn’t very happy. People told me i could do better, but when i was with him, i was beyond happy. I thought he was handsome! I tried breaking up twice in the course of our 3 month relationship, but i was never successful. Then while texting him one night before Valentines day, i came out with the news. After wrestling practice one night in December, i got a ride home with a friend of mine on the team. He kissed me! I told him i had a boyfriend as soon as we pulled away, which was only for about 5 seconds before i realized what was happening. I told my boyfriend, & the next morning he said he was finished. I also treated him kind of bad he said, which i honestly did at times & i regret.
    The thing is, i never realized how much he meant to me. I see him at school, & wish i was with him still. He’s always on my mind. He texted me weeks ago & said he did love me but no longer does & doesnt want me. & that it will take awhile for us to be friends. Did i cheat that bad to deserve the tears & depression i’ve been serving lately? We’re both on the track team which makes it much harder. Seeing him talk to any girl makes my stomach upset to the point where i feel lile vomiting. I stare at him & daydream of him, & stare at any pictures i can get. I messages him a lot after our breakup & about a week ago i last messages him. He never answered :/ but i could od swore he said Hi to me during practice yesterday. & also, i catch him looking at me sometimes. Rarely. Specially when we are running & he stops to walk- he did this for wrestling too- & he’d see me coming & start running. Honestly i’ve never been so heartbroken before. I once dated a guy for 5 months & it took me about 2 weeks to fet over him. Sorry for any mispelling also, i’m on my phone. Please give me some advice, whether it’s how to get over him or get his attention. I love this boy more than i can explain, i just don’t know if he feels the same. Also, a girl he used to like talks to him. She’s my friend but they walk in the halls together at times. Could she be the problem? Im hurting by all this..

  2. Lily

    March 6, 2014 at 6:10 pm

    Hi there, I just really need a little help.

    Well, me and my boyfriend were just 1 year different and he only 17 while I’m only 16

    We broke off because he told me that he didn’t want me to get hurt again from him.

    Well, my late grandmother knows him and told him to take care of me. Our relationship last for a few months. He help my family during my grandmother funeral.

    The crazy part about us is, we shower together and have sex and this really really crazy, we do a lot of romatic stuff etc.

    After our broke up, I went into deep depression and so on, I mean, I treated him like a princess even tho he is just a guy.

    Whenever my good friends talk about me to him, he change topic, I saw him wear my soccer jersey the other time after our broke up.

    I also message him and say that I miss him so much and I can’t get over it.

    Is it possible if he miss me too? I mean, I keep chasing him and I won’t give up. I really want him back in my life. Give me some advice please.. But the good part is, he still keep in touch w my good friends. Damn

  3. KIMMY

    March 6, 2014 at 3:53 am

    Hello! My ex and I broke up yesterday over a text, and I cried in the bathroom for 15 minutes and my bestfriend was over so she took the time to text him and yell and scream that he was a jerk and that i had been crying for 15 min. He texted me saying he was sorry and that “i will get over it” and I told him that eventually i will but it hurts now! So today at school he ignored me and I avoided him as much as possible. For most of the day my friends said “he is an ass” and his friends said “(insert my name here) I’m sorry (instert ex’s name here) is such a bitch!” Then after school one of my friends texted him and asked him if he was over me he replied saying “im almost half way there” indicating he is almost half way over me… Then my friend sent a picture of me without me knowing and texted “this is what ur missing!” he didn’t reply. I’m lost and I love him but he is acting like he doesn’t care anymore and maybe he doesn’t. What do I do?

    1. admin

      March 7, 2014 at 6:30 am


      This sounds very high schooly to me hahaha.

      I am not hating on you or anything like that but you have to understand that boys in highschool are idiots. Just assume that right off the bat.

      Ignore him completely for a while. He will start chasing you eventually I thin. BUT you have to ignore him completely

  4. Jasmine Evans

    March 5, 2014 at 5:51 pm

    Im in dyer need of help. My boyfriend of basically 2 years just left me a day ago for another girl. He was absolutely cold to me and told me he was done. He told me that he had grown bored and was tired of the arguing . How ever before the end of our conversation told me he loved me but wasn’t in love with me anymore . I must admit we had our share of arguments , more bad then good days but our connection to each other is obvious and the love for we have for each other he made clear to me would never die. He hasn’t texted or called nor did any of the things you said that shows he’s missing me but I feel as if he hasn’t because he consumed himself with this other girl to drown me out. I am his first serious really long relationship and at some point shared a child (lost from a miscarriage) with him , so I think i’m special. My question is how can I tell if he misses me if his new Gf or love interest is basically stealing him away. As you mentioned the non contact rule and i’m just now starting it but i feel that even with that he won’t think of me . I would love to know if i’m on his mind even if its early stages of break up. Please message back with a solution i read a lot of your links but i keep crying and missing him ..

    From Jasmine

    1. admin

      March 7, 2014 at 6:06 am

      Is he official with the other girl? What is the extent of their relationship?

  5. Gee

    March 5, 2014 at 9:52 am

    I had a long distance relationship and we met whilst I was on a girls holiday, together for a year then when I can back from my next girls holiday a few months later he broke it off saying he doesn’t know what I did there and all together he is a very jealous and insecure person. I was devastated but after Christmas he visited me asking to try again and forget everything, new year and all. Was literally begging for me back and then this week he broke it off again saying it’s not the right time, he doesn’t want commitments as he has lots of work and won’t be able to see me as much. I was getting over it till he came back and now I’m back I’m square 1, although I don’t feel as bad as the first time. I do miss him and need some advice.

    1. admin

      March 5, 2014 at 5:53 pm

      Are you reading my guide on long distance relationships?

  6. Georgeann

    March 5, 2014 at 7:23 am


    I have never thought Iwould be in this position muchless writing in on it for advice but as I have learned the hard way life makes changes we didnt plan on.
    I am a 49 year young widower and have been seeing a 49 year young widower that I have known most of my life….
    his wife and u were good friends…we lost her to cancer 10 years ago and I lost my husband to cancer akmost 3 years

    1. admin

      March 5, 2014 at 5:53 pm

      So, whats the help you need?

  7. Chrissy

    March 5, 2014 at 7:13 am

    I just broke up with my boyfriend about 4-5 days ago after being together a year..and a couple days before he deployed out of the country. He was originally the one that wanted to break up a week before but after a lot of crying and talking and giving me an ultimatum about either trusting him or breaking it off, he decided to try to work things out…but after him repeatedly telling me he doesn’t feel the same as he did in the beginning, and acting more cold and careless, I decided to break it off. I told him everything he’d done and all he recently started to do that made me come to the decision, and he then agreed and said I wanted someone opposite of him. I was crying and he even said “life goes on…remember that” as if trying to help me out. He’s always had this “if you can’t do anything about it, move on” attitude. (I guess that’s the military for you) When I asked if he was now relieved it was over he replied no. Then I asked if this was what he wanted he again said no. That he wanted it to work with me but that it didn’t seem like it could. Well now he’s gone and we haven’t spoken since. Like I said its been about 4-5 days It typically takes a couple to travel there and get situated (we were together his first deployment, very early on in the relationship…which btw had made us so close), he could possibly email or call..but email is more likely…and I deleted him off Skype so he won’t see me there. I guess my question is…is it likely that he’ll contact me, or was he possibly so over the relationship or so mentally strong that he wouldn’t? I’m not even sure if I would want to get back together after him showing me how cold he could be, but for some strange reason knowing that he was struggling to get over me would make it a lot easier to move on from him. It’s like that weird you feel stronger when you see them a little weak deal. May sound crappy but it’s true. I would think he would have a hard time being that I was completely there for him his first deployment…sending him decked out and personalized care packages and such…and because his only issue with me was that I was a very untrusting person and would give him a hard time about it (frequently, not going to lie…I take fault for that). Now I didn’t break it off on bad terms in any way. I wished him a safe deployment and told him to stay safe and also stated that I hope he finds a girl that will make him happy the way he wanted to be. I’m just curious, with you being a guy, about what I should expect/do in this situation or if i should expect anything at all. Thanks

    1. admin

      March 5, 2014 at 5:52 pm

      I think you are doing a pretty decent job. To me you seem very realistic about this.

      When does he leave?

    2. Chrissy

      March 5, 2014 at 8:55 pm

      He’s already been gone about 4 days. I guess I’m just a little surprised he hasn’t at least attempted to make contact.

  8. ess

    March 4, 2014 at 1:12 pm

    hey Chris, my boyfriend of one year broke things off a day ago. This caught me aback cz it was perfect before this. no signs of trouble other than us nt being so outgoing. I know he gets bored easy bt I honestly didn’t see this coming. He said he had stopped feeling the love that he felt when we first met and that he felt like I deserve better cz I love him so much and he feels like he’s nt giving me what I deserve. I dont get it coz he’s still using pet names when he talks to me. and he says he’s so used to being with me. but he still seems steadfast with his decision to end things. HELP. 🙁 I’m still crazy in love with him.

    1. admin

      March 4, 2014 at 7:06 pm

      When was the last time you talked to him?

  9. dipti

    March 4, 2014 at 10:45 am

    we both are differently married and are in a serious relationship. he is so dominative. after a long argument, i initiated for breakup. it felt that he has taken me for granted. but now, i miss him so much and want him back. dont know if he too miss me?

  10. SWEETY

    March 4, 2014 at 6:46 am

    Hi, my boyfriend and i brokeup on the 26th feb,14 saying dat i dun care abt him just because i did nt check on him when he was sick bt to me i knw is nt dat cus i care abt him and luv him so much. His friend even begged him on my behalf since he told his friend bt still insisting “IT OVER.Am confuse because i love him and want to win him back so pls i need some advice.

    1. admin

      March 4, 2014 at 7:01 pm

      Ok, first off begging is a big no no. That NEVER usually works.

  11. luchi

    February 28, 2014 at 1:59 pm

    what do you think the problem might be when your partner suddenly calls off a relationship of four years under the excuse that he is confused. i love him more than i can ever imagine for all those years and i think i still miss him. what do i do?

  12. Poly

    February 28, 2014 at 1:22 am

    Hi, I broke up w my guy just abt a week ago after a year relationship, plus we’ve been seeing each other before that for 2 with a break. He seems confused and dishonest. Telling me to wait for something, I want a real relationship & not some game. Sometimes he’s sweet and others he’s unemotional, I really can’t figure him out. If I tried to bring up my feelings he’d tell me I’m trying to manipulate him, which I totally didn’t get. So I got tired of this & finally told him I didn’t think he’s serious abt me & not to text me. He didn’t even say anything to that. But my dumbass can’t stop texting him & he’s silent. I love him, he broke my heart & didn’t even explain anything. What should I do??

    1. ActiveThinker

      March 4, 2014 at 3:50 am

      You should stop texting him immediately. You did the right thing; I know; I’ve been there. STOP CONTACTING HIM! It’s going to be hard but you have to do it. It will send a message that you’re moving on with your life… treat it like an experiment to see if he really loves and cares for you… if a guy wants you, he’ll come and get you. always remember that. men like the chase… you’re making it too easy.

    2. john

      March 4, 2014 at 3:32 am

      Hey. It might be a little late, but I read your post and couldn’t help but sympathize. I understand. Listen, I didn’t come here for advice, I’m actually trying to ward off an ex but STOP TEXTING him. that silence rule is serious. Here’s the thing, I know relationships enough to know that with what you described to me that there are feelings for you. Guys tend to think “feelings are fading” or their “falling out of love” when the girl, whose more emotional, has gotten sick of the lack of passion and in frustration ends it, hoping to get some kind of reaction out of him. You see, men are better (and worse for it) at distancing themselves from their emotions and let big things like relationships fall apart. His defense mechanisms have kind of programmed him to distance himself from emotions. And the more you go knocking his door the more he’s gonna wanna be left alone. I suggest you follow this guy’s guys basic guideline. Get his attention in a clever way and then give him no attention. Make him come back to you. This is going to take a little while. Be patient. There’s something I always called the push and pull factor that is part of this. If say you are “pushing,” or texting him he’lll tend to pull away. Similarly you can relate i’m sure when a guy has come on to you to desparate and it was unappealing. The push & pull factor pretty much defines the nature of all relationships. The best ones have transcended that “game” that unfortunately is what passes as love until you find something truly beautiful or have worked with your partner to get to that level. Til then my friend, put a little pull in it with some absence and see where that gets ya. Maybe some tactic jealousy is ya have to lol

  13. chyna S

    February 27, 2014 at 9:42 pm

    My bf and i broke up in dec, we were together a yr. Anywayz he has been ignorin me since at times i will hear from him but im gettin mixed signals. He says he wanna come wt me when i leave but yet he’s ignoring and he said he still love me he does but he has problems, wth does that mean??? Its been almost two months i miss him and havent seen him. Seems like he still want me but then again ot doesn’t. He has a girlfriend now but keep tellin my friends that she’s jus a friend.. idk anymore but im going to try this NC and see where it goes.

  14. Nora

    February 26, 2014 at 4:05 am


    We were in a long distance relationship (different countries), broke up 2 weeks ago. I was his first serious relationship after 8 months of having broken up with his fiance just before their wedding, that too, was a long distance relationship. Since it was 8 months ago, I didn’t think I was his rebound girl. He was the one to initiate our relationship and want it to work, but all of a sudden he said that long distance relationships “never” work and he would want to be with someone physically near him. He, again and again, insists on being friends and staying in touch even after I suggested, more than once, that maybe we shouldn’t keep in touch. Now he’s never the one to initiate a text, but he always responds, with the same old enthusiasm, when I do. I’m going to be visiting his town in September, which he knows. I’m not able to understand what’s on his mind.

    1. admin

      February 27, 2014 at 7:26 pm

      Its actually a good sign that he responds to text messages.

  15. meyra

    February 26, 2014 at 3:15 am

    I love him and he said it was over and know hes dating anthor girl and everyone says he likes me still he does say that but he still has a girlfriend but I really want him back by reading this I know how to win him back

  16. Ang

    February 26, 2014 at 1:00 am

    My ex boyfriend contacted me yesterday morning after being broken up for one month. I answered the phone call- he apologized for everything that happened, as far as the breakup. He also told me I am the most amazing woman he knows, he continued to say how he knows we will never be the same again- but just had to tell me he misses me a lot and would like to meet for coffee sometime. My question is, how do I go about the next step? Although he said we won’t ever be again, but wants to be friends and meet up… I’m just so confused because I love this man so much. I broke up with him because he was starting to talk to another girl- never “cheated.” I just am not a dumb girl- I’ve been cheated on before, I broke up before it possibly would have happened.

  17. Keisha

    February 25, 2014 at 10:38 pm

    My boyfriend and I have been together for almost 2 years. He is 18, and I’m 23. He’s been chasing me for 7 years and I’ve finally decided to give him a chance. I was waiting for him to come of age before we could make anything official. So when he turned 18, I thought we were all good. He would say “goodmorning my love ;)” every morning and I was sure that he was sincere about his love for me.

    One thing that you should know is that last year, 2013, when he was 17, his math teacher really influenced him with alcohol and nights spent at his house “studying.” At that time, I confronted him about how I felt about him hanging out with his math teacher and asked him to not hang around his teacher if he was influencing him that way. So he stopped hanging around him and became more loving to me.

    A year later jan 2014, he starts talking to his teacher again who is about 28 yrs old now, and that really worried me. So I told him again to stop talking to him. And I thought he stopped, but he was good at hiding it. Jan 26 was my birthday and I wanted to spend the whole weekend with him. But that weekend, he denied all my calls, ignored all my texts, and went missing– he missed my birthday. Not even a greeting.. Which is unusual because he always had a special surprise on my birthdays. After that weekend I looked for him in school and he didn’t me the truth. The wallpaper on his phone was proof enough that he and his math teacher were now dating. What’s messed up was that my bf was going to ask me out officially on my birthday.. But his teacher asked him out a day before my birthday. I can’t express the heartless pain he put me through.

    They were secretly lovers for a week before I found out. I feel so played and hurt by this situation because he had no remorse for what he did to me. He just left me in the dark while he moved on quickly. When he was with me, we promised each other to wait on sex, but with his teacher, they moved quickly into oral and that really shocked me because he was sincere on the waiting part. He’s a totally different person now, and I don’t know what happened. But I choose to move on. I’m just really shocked because everything he did was not like him at all. Very selfish and ignorant to everyone around him. I hate who he’s become.. I hate his teacher

    1. admin

      February 27, 2014 at 7:17 pm

      Wow…. the math teacher was a HE????

  18. Hock

    February 25, 2014 at 4:54 am

    I am using your techniques. It’s the second day of my breakup and yesterday I cried on the phone telling him not to leave me but he was determined in doing so. And he said that he again wants to be just my best friend .But I cant live without him , I really really love him a lot. So from today I am going to start the no contact rule. I just wondered what if he calls me?? Do I have to cut his phone or let it ring or pick it up and tell him I am busy??

    1. admin

      February 25, 2014 at 6:50 pm

      Let it ring…

  19. walter

    February 24, 2014 at 2:20 pm

    My guy broke up with me yesterday but i still love him and i love him from the bottom of my heart . He told me that he seriously wants to be again a good friend of mine and wants to end everything else in between us. I am so badly upset. HE told me that my insecurity irritated him . I tried telling him not to leave me but he was determined in doing so. He straightaway told me that he didn’t love me anymore. I am broken what should I do .. please help me … i cant live without him … please help …

  20. Dina

    February 24, 2014 at 9:13 am

    My BF and i broke up about 5 months ago. Basically a few months before we broke up i found out he cheated on me. He told me it meant nothing and was really upset and said it would never happen again, so i forgave him.
    In order to make it work, we agreed that we love each other and we have to leave what happened in the past. However, Although on the most part our relationship continued to be amazing, the insecurity in me would keep coming out and i would questions him, pile on pressure and basically drive him mad. It all came to a head when he broke up with me saying he couldn’t do this anymore, we argue too much and it’s not the same.
    I was devastated and felt betrayed. I thought i forgave him after what he did and yet he still finishes with me.
    Over the next few weeks and months i didn’t follow the no contact rule. I would cry and turn up at his house wanted to talk. There was some crazy incidences.
    I have now cut contact, but a part of me deep down inside feels like had i have not gone crazy after the break up he would have wanted me back. But because of all the craziness it has drove him mad and resent me. I am pretty sure he is not in a relationship anyone else – but since i have been dating, i wouldn’t be surprised if he is also. The last time i contacted him was the day after valentines. I just said, how was your valentines? although we have both moved, i still love u and miss u. Do you ever think about us and miss me? He replied, I just went for a drink with the boys, nothing special. Yes, i do think about us sometimes but so much crazy shit happened after we broke and so much contact that i haven’t had a chance to miss you much. I haven’t been in contact after that and i don’t plan to at all. One thing i should note is that we both live in a very small place and have mutal friends so it’s only sooner or later we will see each other or be at the same event. I am not even sure in myself if i really do want him back, but i do want him to want me and at very least be able to be friends. Can you give me some advice on what to do now after everything i have already done to ruin things. What do i do if i see him, how can i get him to miss me, or is it too late?

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