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5,888 thoughts on “How To Make Him Miss You After A Breakup”

  1. Shay

    January 27, 2014 at 7:24 am

    So me and my now ex had been dating for 4 months all was great i loved them and they loved me. We celebrated our four month anniversary she told me she was in love with me and was happy with me. 3 days later she tells me she wants to go on a break because she wants me to get a better job try and better myself and she wants me to be stronger that were still together but without the benefits that shes mine but not mine and that she loved me that when she saw me begin to change wed get back together. i sent her flowers and that night she tells me she just wants to be alone that she doesn’t want to be with anyone that she is stressed that right now she doesnt want to be with anyone that well she feels shes starting to see me as a friend but maybe shes thinking that way because of the situation shes in (unemployed). That right now she just wants to be left alone . he basically told me shes kind of been talking to her again and that there’s alot of things going on with her (with my ex)that she loves me but theres some things she cant forget from one day to another that she loves me but what she feels for her is different mind you the girl they were dating cheated on them and doesn’t even live in the same country.and she keeps calling herself an **** that she doesnt want to hurt me. that shes alone that she doesnt want to be with anyone right now………my ex insist shes not dating anyone that she just wants to be alone. she doesn’t want to hurt me and says she doesn’t know why shes doing what shes doing that shes an asshole and that shes a mess right now. So i basically told her that i was going to back out until she fixed herself and figured her stuff out and stopped being such a mess. that she knew where to find me or contact me whenever shes ready that i hope there was no doubt in her mind that i loved her that until shes ready, to leave me alone and that i loved her. a few minutes after i sent her that she blocked me from some features on fb and changed her fb pic to that of her and her ex to which i asked her abt it and she insisted that just because there’s a picture up it doesn’t mean anything that she is alone and wants to be alone. so i told her okay that what i had told her before still stood and that was that…. i need help guys i really love this girl and i dont want to lose her i dont know if shes acting up or testing the waters or what…some insights would be great She even introduced me to her family. i know she loves me but why is she doing all this

  2. SJ

    January 27, 2014 at 12:00 am

    Well, my ex suggested that we break up the day after Christmas and I agreed, not because I wanted to, but because we were in front of his family when he said it the day after Christmas. Afterwards, we watched a movie and before he left he kissed my lips then forehead as usual and said he loved me…However, the next day he started being super mean to me even though he had started getting serious with the girl he was sleeping with behind my back…..2.5 weeks later he texts and asks me to come down and stay a couple of nights, I didn’t go….On Monday he called me and he told me he did not love me and he wanted me to end contact with his family. I agreed. That same night he got drunk and cried to his mom about how he messed up and I may never talk to him again and she had to calm him down. She said for 2 days he stayed home, didn’t take calls from no one and the first person he talked to was me when he called me that Wednesday. Since Thursday he hasn’t been home other than to shower but he is staying nights with another woman or possibly the same woman he cheated with, but continues to ask his mom if I called and talked to her….I’m the first woman he’s EVER taken to his mom and family displaying that I’m his future wife and even though we’ve broken up off and on, I’m the only one he’ll take around his family. But that doesn’t matter to me because he stays at her house almost every night. However, his mom tells me that every time he gets drunk he calls my name all night long and she says I’m the only one he loves and he refuses to own up to being with any of these other women….IDK if he misses me or not…but my mom told me that the reason he is still doing what he is doing is because he knows I’m gonna call his mom and that tells him that I’m still not over him. She thinks I should get ghost on him and his family for a month. IDK what to do. He sends me mixed signals, still does what he wants, and I can’t say anything even though it hurts because we’re not together….I’m just frustrated with it.

  3. ChyEunice

    January 26, 2014 at 6:13 pm

    He seem to be soo stubborn,heartless n acts like he never loved me one bit;it makes me crazy d more,cus av never been treated this way before. I need help.

    1. kimberly thai

      January 28, 2014 at 3:33 am

      Well, deep down inside he still thinks of you. And that’s all matter. Just go on with ur life and keep yourself busy. If he is too stubborn to contact you then he will never meant to be with you. Love conquer all. Just wait for at least few months. Your heart and felling somewhat would faded.. if you still want to be friend with him, maybe down the road. And if it meant to be, you will come back with each other. Otherwise, you have the answer .. my best advice is no contact. No contact ever. If you text him , he will think you desperate and only make him miss you less.

  4. ChyEunice

    January 26, 2014 at 6:09 pm

    Plz Mr chris;In a situation whereby your boyfriend,after breaking up with u,gives u an advice to go out and meet with male friends,a rebound or exes.change envvironment if it will help;do u think seeing me having gud social activity will move him to miss me? Cus he made it look like he was never going to come back too me,although he broke up with me for cheat issues on my part,3months after it was settled. Wat else can be done to make him miss me,since it wont be new to him,see me going out and having fun. Thanks. Ur page gives me courage. I hope 2 finish my NC well,2day is my 1st day of NC

  5. Caitlin

    January 25, 2014 at 8:55 am

    Hey Chris, so I keep finding myself coming to this website.
    It’s been two months since my ex and I broke up and although I have learned to look and feel better being single, I do miss him around because we don’t talk at all.
    A month ago he got pissed off at me because his friend told him I was bothering him to help me get back together with my ex, which I wasn’t.
    But he specifically said “I don’t want to talk or have anything to do with you.” out of his own terms. This was a month after the break up though so he’s clearly in general really pissed with me.
    It wasn’t me who did the talking, he tried to contact me but I literally didn’t recieve the message, so he told my friend to tell me and that’s how I know.
    He doesn’t show any sign of missing me, and my friends think he’s still hurt because it was his first break up, and he doesn’t know how to deal with it.
    I can’t be the one to talk to him, because I’m just bothering him and he’ll dislike me more, as well as the reason we broke up too is because I did too much of the fixing. It would be extremly nice to see some effort from him.
    I’m just a senior in high school, and I can’t afford/ nor I don’t think it’s healthy for me to actually purchase your guide. I will move on with my life I know, but it still saddens me how much he seems to hate me. I didn’t even cheat on him. But I did break up with him through text, I tried to in person, but he didn’t want to. I forgive him for his mistakes,(obviously why I broke up with him)so that’s why I wish he was still around.

    IN SHORT: I followed your NC rule, but I cannot contact my ex because he would reject me more if I did. I read your guide if he’s “being mean to me.” He’s just ignoring me. Is there really no hope for this relationship?

    Thanks for your help ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. admin

      January 27, 2014 at 6:51 pm

      Are you shure you can’t contact him?

    2. Caitlin

      January 28, 2014 at 3:37 am

      He just really seems to hate my guts. It makes me feel like a horrible person, so much I forget what I did to him and feel like it’s all my fault we didn’t work. Is this some kind of technique?! I feel like it is. UGH!

  6. RSA-girl

    January 24, 2014 at 12:20 pm

    it’s been 3 years after our broke up and each time i’m with him he talks about how we use to love each other
    i miss him and i feel like i may never love anyone the way i love him, what do i do for us to find each other again, his my true love my best friend and funny enough same feeling i had first time i we met i still have that same feeling
    PLS help me

  7. molly sams

    January 23, 2014 at 8:41 pm

    my question is i havent been with my ex in 6 years but some how he will contact me every five months or when ever. i have did the NC rule but it doesnt work we will get along then after awhile he will just stop hitting me up again. then i get mad and just dont want too talk to him anymore then that leads to more months without us talking. honestly im tired of it it seems hes never going to do right. whether i talk too him or not. what should i do.? i dont want to be with him but i would really like for him yo realize what he missed out on.

  8. TH

    January 23, 2014 at 12:13 pm

    Me and my ex-husband been together for 18 years and married for 6 years. We got a divorce in July 2013. He moved in with his new girlfriend and my new boyfriend moved in with me. However it’s January and I’m beginning to think about him more and more each day and night. He tells our son everything him and his girlfriend do. He also told our son that he want to call me but haven’t done so yet. We haven’t spoke or seen each other since October 2013. He told our son that his girlfriend ask him to marry her. My son said my ex-husband laughed it off. Remind you we haven’t been divorce a year yet. I want my ex-husband back so bad. I really do miss him. He still go and visit my mom. He friends with my nieces on FB but blocked me. He also told my son he want to call me so we can at least be friends but he haven’t called yet. What should I do…Please help me!!!

    1. admin

      January 24, 2014 at 5:03 am

      I am so sorry about the divorce. Have you read this page:


  9. Sabrina

    January 22, 2014 at 12:47 pm

    I have a question regarding this subject.
    My boyfriend and I were together for 3 years and we often had fights because we are very different and it would make things hard sometimes. But don’t get me wrong we had our very good days too.
    This week end, I initiated the break up and then he agreed because i wasn’t too happy towards the end because he wouldn’t make me feel like he wanted it too much anymore. We talked about it and he ended up telling me he was thinking about it for a while that’s y he didn’t put too much effort. Unfortunatly, me not knowing, I pushed and pushed asking him to make me feel important and then too much was too much we broke up.
    But today, I realise i don’t want to be without him and I KNOW we can be happy but we need to communicate more and fight less. He told me he still loves me and cares for me but he’s tired of the fighting so he doesnt wanna get back with me this time. I texted him for 3 days now and his answers r really short.
    Do you think I still should tried the make him want me back technique or it might be too late in this case?
    Oh i forgot to say he’s a really confident guy and has a really big ego.
    Do I still have chances? I dont wanna be here waiting for him If i knwo theres NO chances…
    I asked him if there was chances we get back togheter but he didnt want to say yes to hurt me if it doesnt happen but he didnt say no either???
    I am sucha a emotional girl that I ruined everything ๐Ÿ™ All i needed was him to talk to me more….

    1. admin

      January 22, 2014 at 6:17 pm

      Well, are you going to do NC?

    2. Sabrina

      January 22, 2014 at 11:12 pm

      I will try hard to yes!

  10. Shauna

    January 21, 2014 at 11:36 pm

    Hi Chris,

    My ex and I were in no contact for almost 6 months. Then he texted me. When we finally spoke on the phone, he seemed indifferent, guarded, and slightly perturbed. He always asks how I’ve been, etc but this time he was purposely not trying to ask anything about me. Trying to act like he could care less. It was like he was mad at me. I did nothing wrong. His actions made me want to end the relationship (ignoring texts, lying)

    By the way, I initiated the NC and I know he never expected it. I was very happy on the phone and I’m not sure he liked how happy I sounded.
    I haven’t heard from him lately nor have I made contact. His ego obviously was bruised.

    Do you think he will miss me and reach out again?

    1. admin

      January 22, 2014 at 5:54 pm

      I think it’s possible as long as you don’t display unattractive behavior.

    2. Shauna

      January 22, 2014 at 8:50 pm

      Thanks Chris. I didn’t display any unattractive behavior, unless you see something I’m missing.

      I was just thrown because he said he loved me then acted different on the phone shortly after. It was as if he wanted to purposely make me feel like I no longer mattered, since I left him. He has a HUGE ego and I think he’s mad. Thus, the cold behavior. The crazy part is I did nothing wrong. The anger is misplaced because he caused the division to occur.

      After his behavior on the phone, I chose to go NC again. I think he chose the position of “forget her, she ended it, now let her live with her decision.” As if, he was wronged. He’s not stupid and I’m sure he knows what he did was not acceptable.

      Could this be more of a mind control game or in time will he reach out?

    3. Shauna

      January 24, 2014 at 1:05 pm

      Hi Chris,

      Once I posted. Reply to you, the system said awaiting moderation, but now that part is gone.

      Would it be possible to answer the last part about mind game, etc.


    4. Shauna

      January 21, 2014 at 11:38 pm

      Correction – I’m sure he didn’t like how happy I sounded on the phone.

  11. alia

    January 20, 2014 at 6:55 pm

    I luved ur views
    my question to u is MY BF HAS BROKE. WID ME fr abt 2weeks ago, nd I hv already used dese tips, soo wat next shud i do to get him bak, I really want him to miss me badly, nd dis jealousy thing will not at ol help. me bcuz he doesn’t like If i even tok to smone, dis vl anoy h even mre, nd d point is dat it wa his fault on vch broke up, he spoke to.me badly, though he has nvr done dis before, but d first tym was enough fr me, I want him to realize his mistake nd cm bak…
    in need of ur suggstion

    1. admin

      January 21, 2014 at 5:54 pm

      I am sorry but I can’t make out what you said..

  12. alia

    January 20, 2014 at 6:46 pm

    I luved ur views ..
    my question to u is MY BF HAS BROKE UP WID ME abt 2 weeks ago ,nd I hv olready used dese tips, soo wat nxt shud i do to get him bak, I really wnt him to.miss me, nd dat jealousy thing will not at ol wrk, bcuz he dsnt lyk if I tok to any other guy except him, nd dz will anoy him even mre, nd d point z dat it was not my mistake on vch v broke up, it wz his fault, he said bad things to me, nd for d very frst tym he has ol dis, dnt knw wat to do …
    in. need of ur suggestion ..

  13. makala

    January 19, 2014 at 4:42 pm

    My ex boyfriend and i broke up 2 days ago because i work to much we fought all the time, and my brother is a little over protective… well my ex still texts me and says there could be a future, and he says he loves me. Now i love talking to him everyday but talking to him makes me miss being with him… but im afraid if he doesnt text me here and there then we will drift and then there wont be a future. Can you please help me.. Im sad and i dont know what to think, does he honestly love me???

  14. Miranda Stellar

    January 19, 2014 at 4:18 pm

    After two years, he broke up with me because of many smaller issues but I think in the big picture he didn’t see a future with me anymore, he stopped believing in it. We had a big fight one day and he tried to break up but it didn’t happen, and since then he was acting really awful to me for a month then came back from holiday and was the most adorable boyfriend until we had the tiniest fight and he broke up over the big fight we had more than a month ago.
    But directly after he said we’ll be best friends just like before our relationship (we only met 6 months before starting to date) and he’ll always be there for me and that he cares and loves me.
    He said things like “we can still go for lunch sometimes, or watch a movie, I can still cook for you once a month, you can still change at my place before going gym (he lives in front of the gym),…” Basically, all that we did together he still wants to do it except what has to do with being in a relationship.
    Maybe it’s because we’re both in a country with family far away (we’re in college abroad) and he doesn’t have many people here and doesn’t want to be alone, I’m not sure.
    The NC rule seems very risky here because I don’t want to lose him completely by not contacting him. I’d rather be friends with him then nothing at all but at the same time I miss our relationship very much.
    Is the NC something to do at all?

    1. Annie Miller

      January 21, 2014 at 4:54 am

      Hi Miranda Stellar… I sort of have the same problem my bf kept comin up with reasons to end things n at the end he said that he didn’t wanna do it anymore cuz his feelings changed … Wut should i do i miss him n i want him back ๐Ÿ™ .. Can u update me on ur situation if u found a good solution n if not can any1 else help me out? Thanx

  15. Jessie

    January 19, 2014 at 11:24 am

    Hi Chris,
    Me and my fiancรฉ broke up about 2 weeks ago. We were together for 6.5 years engaged for a year and a half and have. 1year old son. He said things changed in the last 6 months, but he met this girl at work 6 ,onths ago. She knew that he was engaged and has a little boy. They have been texting and talking on the phone since October. He says he feels nothing for her and that nothing has ever physically happened between the 2 of them. But I found out that he went out with her this past Friday night. I just don’t know what to think. He says he loves the both of us and that will never change. He says he wants to work on a friendship with me right now and see where it goes from there. I just don’t know what to think anymore!! I need some advice on what to do. Please…..

    Thank you.

  16. Madison

    January 18, 2014 at 6:26 am

    So im not sure who broke up with who?
    he said he needed to “focus on things”
    so I said “so we aren’t doing this anymore” and he said “I guess so” and I said “okay we’ll see other people I guess ” he said “okay but I don’t want this to end badly ,I still want to talk, text me ”
    he texted me I never said anything do I still have a chance ?? sorry I just don’t have a clue !

  17. Jen S

    January 16, 2014 at 7:01 pm

    ok.. so after 4 years my fiance(baby’s father ) broke up with me and left my house with all his stuff and how am i supposed to remain no contact when we have a child.. its so hard trust me i have tried … he left me Jan 1st . its now been 16 days and now he is starting to be a little nicer to me … but i want to have no contact with him to make him go crazy and its really hard

    1. admin

      January 19, 2014 at 11:07 pm

      In your case you will have to do limited contact I think.

  18. Leesha

    January 16, 2014 at 5:58 am

    I’ve been dating a guy for two months. Fabulous in the beginning, a little rough in the middle but we turned things around during the holidays. I spent a Friday night and Saturday night with him and his close friends one weekend. He texted me that Tuesday and that was the last I heard from him and it’s been a week. I was upset and told him we can catch up in a few weeks and that I’ll talk to him soon. He never responded to that text, yikes! Do you think there’s a chance he will ever consider me again?

    Note: we are not intimate.

    1. admin

      January 16, 2014 at 6:04 pm

      I think there is a chance sure!

  19. Kate

    January 15, 2014 at 11:38 pm

    Hey Chris,
    I have been in no contact with my ex for about 3 months and we dated for three years is there still hope?
    I heard ( speaking with one of my female friends ) my ex and my friend were talking about my birthday because someone they know shares the same birthday (which is January 16th) and my ex said oh who’s Kate, I don’t know Kate. Why would he say this? He is acting as if we have never met. He broke up with me. What should I do? I don’t even know if he will say happy birthday. Will he even miss me? Does three years even mean anything to him? I have been dressing nicer and changing my attitude to a more positive outlook like getting out with friends but to me he doesn’t seem to notice it almost seems he just doesn’t care about me…:( how can I care and think of him so much and nothing shows from him he is like a brick wall. Can I still win him back?

  20. Kate

    January 15, 2014 at 11:23 pm

    Hey Chris,
    I have been in no contact with my ex for about 3 months and we dated for three years is there still hope?
    I heard ( speaking with one of my female friends ) my ex and my friend were talking about my birthday (which is January 16th) and my ex said oh who’s Kate, I don’t know Kate. Why would he say this?

    1. Kate

      January 15, 2014 at 11:38 pm

      Up top^^^^

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