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5,888 thoughts on “How To Make Him Miss You After A Breakup”

  1. Gabriel Floyd

    January 15, 2014 at 7:48 pm

    Hey Chris I need help me and my boyfriend broke about 3weeks ago because I had a feeling he was cheating on me and I just had to let go and then after that he was with some other girl who is like family. And he deny it for the longest then he finally told me him and her are together but I think he only did it to make me upset. And I know he dont love her like he loves me and I miss him so much and idk what to do.

    1. admin

      January 16, 2014 at 5:36 pm

      Well, are you in NC?

  2. Hana

    January 15, 2014 at 5:06 am

    Hi …
    I broke up with my boyfriend, but am confused about his reaction…He calls, I don’t answer…He texts but only about work issues…so am not sure what is going on on the other side…


  3. shomya

    January 14, 2014 at 6:24 pm

    hey my problem is a bit complicated i and my boyfrnd share a long distance relationship . Lately our relation has become really formal . V tlk very less hardly once in a day and its me who is always calling him to which he makes strange excusese like he is busy or sleepy . He has also wanted to brake up many times but its me who has requested him to stay . He sometimes tlks to his x and says feels connected to her . I dont know what to do i love him a lot and really want to save our relationship plese help .

    1. admin

      January 15, 2014 at 6:40 pm

      Have you done NC yet?

  4. roshni sharma

    January 14, 2014 at 5:07 am

    me and my bf brokeup yesterday……he told me that he is nevere going to contact me again in his life..and most imporatantly he stays at different state..we are in a long distance relationship..how to save this relationship? i know he loves me a lot

    1. admin

      January 14, 2014 at 5:55 pm

      Have you read my long distance guide yet?


    January 13, 2014 at 1:38 am

    chris plz help i don’t know what to do…i initiated NC but ended up telling him exactly how i felt…i told him if he didn’t want to be with me he can tell me..he never replied?? he always replies why not now ?

    1. admin

      January 13, 2014 at 6:21 pm

      Calm down… don’t respond for a while. Let it stew. If he doesn’t respond message him again about something casual in a few days.

  6. help!!?

    January 12, 2014 at 5:30 pm

    can i still get my ex back after 2-3 months no contact??
    i feel like he doesn’t want anything to do with me. i catch him looking at me sometime but idk. we went out for 3 years and he is acting as if we don’t even know each other he broke up with me. when ever i see him he just seems a little sad. I have tried making him miss,moving on, and everything just seems at a stand still

  7. maja

    January 11, 2014 at 1:55 pm

    HI Chris .
    i need help badly.. i met a guy last december.(have met him once n talked one year ago.At that time i’ve already find him good looking metro guy).
    okay.. here is he problem.I met this guy again early december. We talked and then he gave me his number. week after i agreed we met in the boat again.I just wanted to be naughty n have fun in the beginning. We kissed and I really melted right away as he is sooo Perfect to me as i enjoy that moment.i dont usually can kiss or enjoy kissing With a man who has bad breath or if i smell something and all the saliva so this guy is a simple pleasure to me.We met again few days later at his Place and it was just a wonderful moment. not sensual kinky sex on the bed kind of thing but still the kissing hugging and oral sexs we had. He said he loves it and that im Perfect. but one thing he didnt know is that I am married .I was on 3 weeks holiday due to Schools vacation and my husband was out of town.this guy has been asking me many times to come over to my Place and i say not feasible i. have my rings on my finger. the breaks start on 2 january.i sent him an sms that says – happy New yr With a New beginning..im happy on this day.we may not be able to meet any near future but occasional boat trip. no reply from him..the NeXT day i called no answer and i sms him saying – u not answering my Call..hmmm . and i get a shock off gutt when he reply .. i met a girl i dated last summer and we r together again. i want to cut contact.do u understand? please respect. go and find another guy to talk to.. can u believe all happen after 2 days of telling me he loves the moment together and that im the best?( although there r no bed sleeping penetration sex).
    I felt played off.. do u think this guy really likes he as he has mentoned or his sms was due to his anger after getting my New yr message.i realize that i cant go further than just a relationship as a good fren as i dont want to loose my Family although i am badly unhappy with my marriage for the past 1yr..
    my Heavenly mistakes is that i have fallen fot this guy and i want him to miss me…because i miss him tooo ..

  8. suzi

    January 11, 2014 at 12:01 am

    yesterday when i called him up in the morning he sounded so disturbed (after i called). I felt so bad that i hung up on him. I thought he would call back but he never did nor he bothered to reply my texts that i’ve sent him. I waited for hours and hours for him to reply!!! i called him twice and have sent another message at the lunch time…..NONE WORKED!!
    He didnt contact me throughout the day.
    At the very end
    i messaged him
    “if you feel like talking to me then contact me
    goodbye and lots of love”

    but he never did
    i’m feeling so low
    to make him feel bad
    i deactivated my facebook account, switched off my phone
    (cause i cannot think of any better idea)
    i really need help
    to get him back


    January 10, 2014 at 5:40 pm

    My boyfriend broke up with me about 3 weeks ago because I had become extremely hormonal for an extended period of time (2 weeks straight) and it really took a toll on our relationship because…. I became a lot to handle, my hormone inbalance brought on an feelings of increased jealously, anger, paranoia, depression. I was just being the devil really. I understand a man can only take so much. So I accepted the break up, I took it very well. I was sad, yet understanding of his decision. I know a man can only take so much Haha. I waited a week to collect my belonging and only took about 5 minutes to do so, smoked a cigarette with him, gave him a hug, and went on my merry way. Less than a week after getting my stuff, he text me and tells me he made a big mistake and he wants to be together again. I agree, afterall the break up WAS my fault so why would I object? So ANYWAYS, I felt a little insecure as to what he may have done during this short two week break… and I found that he had signed up for a dating site a day after our break up and he had also contacted his ex to get together….. We’ve been back together a week now and he is still a member on both sites and I noticed he’s been very weird with his phone. Never leaves his side, he takes it to go shower and he NEVER used to do that. Why would he ask for me back if he was seeing someone else? I don’t think he is SEEING someone else but I’m thinking MAYBE he’s trying to meet someone else. Like he’s maybe just holding on to me until he can find someone better? I need advice?! And does anyone think its wrong that he even signed up for those sites and contacted his ex just ONE day after our break up? Is that bad character?

    1. sade young

      January 11, 2014 at 2:26 pm

      Me a my boyfriend just broke we had a big argument he sad things like it’s not me it’s him but when he got angry he would say I don’t want u so what should I do when should I start the no contact

  10. Sandys

    January 10, 2014 at 3:41 pm

    Chris, What if I already became a texting and calling gnat and he blocked my number, will the no contact still work? Will he unblock my number eventually?

    1. admin

      January 11, 2014 at 2:09 am

      I think it can help but if you did a lot of damage it is going to be tough.

  11. Anon

    January 9, 2014 at 8:07 pm

    me and my ex broke up because he said he needed space for a while but told me it was my choice to wait or not….i just broke NC after 2 weeks by wishing him Happy birthday he replied saying thank you so much hope u are well…has he moved on? please need help!

    1. Anon

      January 9, 2014 at 8:12 pm

      also we broke up 1.5 month ago…he told me the relationship was on standby…but after we kept fighting…and he was not initiating first contact but would always reply to me…telling me he doesn’t want a relationship right now…please help :(((((

  12. tkjc

    January 8, 2014 at 8:38 pm

    i was with my boyfriend 3 years. i’m 23 he’s 22. we know everything about eachother, i’m his first love& fisrt ever serious relationship, and no one has ever tried so hard for me or made me so happy like him. he dumped me last year 2 days before vday, after i bought him an early gift bcuz he was being distant to me lately. he was cruel and wldnt talk to me.. i let him be after trying to text him a few days- short mean replies so i stopped and gave up. he came back 2 weeks later- i thought, given past experience with other jerks- bcuz he broke up w me i shldnt take him back. he chased me for 3 months, i gave in realizing i did love him and that he was the only person who still hadnt left my life- and he promised things wld be different and he’d never abandon me again. (i have few friends and no family)
    just recently, we have fought over new years eve. it was fine, but then we argued again bcuz he was rude to me & insulting me all around, just for taking too long to shower at the gym- i shld have let him know it wld take so long- i had just been about to let him know, i stood up for myself and got angry. he dumped me again.
    at 1st- he said it’s bcuz he can’t tolerate me anymore.. said “you’re too frustrating and just flat out dumb, dont mean to insult u, bye.” then it came down to i dont do anything for him. mind you- i bend over backwards for my significant others&ppl in general. i do so many little things to please and show my love- i have a big heart.. and want nothing more than my lover to be happy.. i rode my bike to this kid’s house in the summer in a skirt, sick, up hills for instance, bcuz he was too drunk to get me..
    i’ve been struggling in life, a big part having to do with he was my only support system so i have no help with money or anything- he did what he cld but he’s temperamental.. i know some of it became too much- like i always had something going bad in my life, i always need help.. things aren’t easy, like i said, for me right now.. he said when he came back before that he wanted to help me tho.. ive always been extremely grateful when he does help me, even if he complains every time, and am the type of person who refuses the help unless he insists.. he said that was part of the reason he can’t be with me tho, he doesnt want to support, “my lazy leach ass every step of the way anymore” I have 2 jobs.. i crashed my car last year and have been saving, i run and walk and ride my bike everywhere to make sure i get to where ever i need.. i rarely ask him for rides bcuz i know he’ll say no or complain, & i dont want to hassle him or upset him..
    well, he said he can’t be with me, we’re not good for eachother, and he can’t handle my craziness anymore..
    i let him use my shower yesterday despite this at my apartment bcuz he said his pipe is broken& i love him so much.. i have too kind of a heart to turn him away, & i have no one.
    i asked him if he rly cldnt be with me ever again, when he was just saying a few days ago how in love he was with me, only wanted me, and promised me he never wanted to leave me, especially bcuz im alone… i promised id fix things, that i knew i could make him happy- he was just saying he was! he said again, he just can’t be with me, he wasn’t happy.. and said he obviously wasnt if he was treating me so shitty (he’d been insulting me a lot of late but still trying- by taking me to dinner and saying he’d stop doing it) ,he said i do little things, but im not “motherly” and i half ass everything. he said he was still in love with me and wanted no one else but he cant be with me. his family dislikes me and he said that’s a reason too- which I HAVE NO IDEA WHY, i kiss their ass all the time and buy them random gifts often, told him id KEEP trying to make them like me- he knows im always working for their approval.i asked him to plz just try again, to let me fix it& if he didnt want it still he cld leave me again,he said he didnt want to go through the break up again.. i asked him what he was going to do then, he said he might move.he kissed me on the forehead & said he didnt hate me & started toward the door as i cried.i asked if he would change his mind, he said idk. i asked him to please remember the good, and plz think about everything, he said ok, and left me sitting there sobbing.i texted him a few hours later bcuz- sry if tmi, there was a poop in my toilet. i said “thanks for leaving shit in my toilet and not flushing. not too impressed by the size either.” he said “wasnt me babe” why did he call me babe??? so of course i weakly said back, “hahaha, woops sry, babe. ill have to give falon a peice of my mind. then all he said was “ha fair enough”. i texted him at like 5pm to ask if he rly is talking to someone new, i wont hate him, im just worried and to plz remember what that fear feels like.. he got it last night but didnt respond (but read it last night we have iphones) until i texted him again this morning, asking if that was a yes.. &saying i left my key under the mat if he needed to shower there while i was at work.. he said no he wasnt and thank u but their pipe was fixed.. i then said “not a probem and asked if he was rely moving? i said “if it’s to get away from me , i will leave. u have ppl to stay for, dont let anything stand in the way of what u love, clay. I hope u have a fantastic day baby. be safe on the roads.” he didnt reply, & i knew he wldnt and im going to actually stop texting him now and hope he thinks and changes his mind.. it doesnt help that his family may be feeding him bs that he’s better than me and we’re not good for eachother.. i think they’re telling him to be strong and leave me possibly even.. or maybe he rly is just sick of me even tho he wore he loved me and wld never go just a few days ago.. the thing is, i know he has anger problems and i have issues, but i work so hard to be perfect, and i know exactly how we can fix this and that we should.. i love him a lot, and i do not want anyone or anything else. his quirks are too endearing. but given what was said, and i obviously texted him when i shldnt of ( tho when this first happened, i didnt for 3 days and he was the one who texted me first- just to talk shit but the convo became civil) and the fact that i have made it so obvious how in love i am and willing to not give up… do u think he rly will come to realize we can fix this, that he can be with me? that he will miss me? especially if i stop texting him for atleast a couple weeks/month..? we spent almost everyday together and i am torn up feeling like he can live with the idea of me gone from his life while i can barely sleep or eat… i need advice.. this isnt the whole story but it is enough to help with a reply i hope.. plz help me : ‘(

    1. admin

      January 10, 2014 at 1:13 am

      First things first, you need to get in a better place both physically and mentally. Right now I would make that my priority if I was you.

  13. Melissa

    January 8, 2014 at 7:49 pm

    My comment is…my ex boyfriend who i was with for was twodand a half months, i caught him cheating with another girl which was my friendv, we both agreed upon this to see what type of person he was. I did meet him also on the internet…anyways i was mad when i first found out anf told him the truth…he denied it, i said it good where he wont be able to answer back to me..would be call or text me back? I really like him! He said he really did care about me.

  14. joelene

    January 8, 2014 at 5:09 pm

    Hey me an my fiance breakup about a stupid fight with me being very sick and didn’t know about it as I was just feeling very iritated he just kept making jokes and I overreacted and it ended up on a big fight with me moving back to my parent its been 2days without him and I realised it was fully my fuilt I tried calling and msg him I apologed so many times I can’t even remember how much but he is very stuborn because his ex wife was bad to him and then the next girl cheated on him so finaly he started texting back but just said he doesn’t have the strengt to go true it again please any advise to get him back I’m totaly inlove with him and truelly love him with all my heart all I want is to move back and be in his arms again please please help me

  15. j

    January 8, 2014 at 4:05 pm

    Im kinda confused…. if your breaking things off with someone why on earth would you want them to “miss” you; and why the hell would you want to “get him/her back”? you broke up…. if you still want them in your life then breaking up seems kinda stupid.

    1. Joelene

      January 8, 2014 at 6:41 pm

      Hey Chris me and my fiancĂ© broke up and I moved back to my home town we broked up over a stupid thing it’s been 2days now I found out why I was so sensitive because I was very sick and just found out today what is wrong with me so istill am very sick so i overreacted because i was in lots of pain but as i realized it was a big mistake I asked his forgiveness and a second changes as his answer was he doesn’t have the strength for it as I know he is very stubborn because he truelly got hurt badly in the past thing is I love him with everything I have and want him back badly please help me! That guy is my everything

  16. tiffany

    January 8, 2014 at 2:59 am

    So…. I am married with three kids…. so the rules are a bit different for me…. no contact gets blown right out the door… but he told me he loves me still but he doesnt know if it can b worked out…. we have done a lot to hurt each other…. but I lovebhim I dont wanna lose him… one of the things that split us up was I can b a bit selfish…. not so much anymore but invthe past…. he wont give me a chance to prove anything to him anymore…. what do u recommend?

  17. Ankuri

    January 8, 2014 at 2:22 am

    I am in serious problem. I am a married lady. Before 3 months I got attached to my husband’s best friend. We started chatting day and night and became more close. It was like this fr 2 months. I was happy and i could see the same in him. He used to come my home to spend weekend with me and my hubby. Once night we became close physically. After 2 days he met me and asked to stop. He said he is feeling guilty and doing this for my husband. Still we had physical relationship that day. I tried to convince not to stop but he did not reply to my msgs after that. I have been crying since that day and I am suffering a lot. He asked me to be friends. But I cannot. I want him to be back like befre with love. But now he is not ready to accept that he liked me. He tells he didnt like, he didnot want to touch and all. The day he aske dme to stop, the very next day he said , he committed someone for marriage. I am not sute how true is that. As I cant beleive he was with me and next day he said yes to another girl who is very ugly. Not even 5% of me. Please suggest what steps I should take to get him back.

    1. admin

      January 8, 2014 at 6:24 pm

      Yes but the problem is you were cheating on your husband with him…. his best friend. He probably felt incredibly guilty.

  18. Bridget

    January 7, 2014 at 5:29 am

    Thank you for allowing me to write. Im so stressed. We met end of September and immediately fell in love. I would say he did, i caught up with him a few weeks later. He was/is the guy of my dreams. He did things for me and treated me like a queen. We were already making plans (him more than me ) to settle down, the very first week he told me he wanted us to have a child etc, but i thought he was just blubbing. However, end of Oct we found out i was 2 weeks pregnant, im 30 and he is 32. The first two days of discovering i was preg were hard for me as this felt different for me but he comforted me, told me there was nothing to worry about, bought me gifts etc, in a nutshell, he was over the moon, even started looking for a house for us to move in etc. first week of december he just called and told me that he felt it was too early for us to start thinking about kids etc, by now i was so excited and attached to ny baby, i went to his place and he told me he was sorry he said that and things somehow were back to where they were before, but two weeks later sane thing happend and this time said it out, “i want you to terminate that pregnancy”, but i told him i couldnt. Things changed from that time but not too much, he would apologise and things would be back to normal, but the christmas week he changed completely, started lying to me, we were supposed to be together on nee year’s eve but he gave an excuse and told me he was coming to pock me up on 1 January of which he didnt (we live about 100 miles apart), then on the 3rd i called him and he said he loves me but the only issue is that he feels we rushed things etc. we used to talk on the phone literally every hour but since a few days ago we havent spoken on the phone, i text and he doesnt respond. Im sad because im going through this pregnancy alone, i often get sick and i have no one , no friends to talk to. I have lost so much weight and i dont sleep at night, he is the only person i think about 24/7. I love being preg but im not enjoying this moment as im supposed to and im definately not going to abort. Help me!!!

    1. admin

      January 7, 2014 at 6:49 pm

      No problem and I had a friend that went through exactly what you are going through.

      She got her ex back but it took 7 months and she just had to give the guy his space and kind of prepare herself for the worst.

    2. Bridget

      January 8, 2014 at 11:45 am

      Thank you! I hope he comes back. Last night after days, he texted me and called, wanted to know how i am. Asked if bumb is now big, how im coping etc. we didnt talk much. Could this be him coming back? I miss him.

  19. Angela

    January 7, 2014 at 5:07 am


    I just broke up with my boyfriend yesterday after 11 months.We broke up because he was inattentive and never expressed how he felt about me. I’ve already texted him saying that I need him & still love him. Have I messed up? I want him to miss me as much as I do him.Could I still try the NC rule?

    1. admin

      January 7, 2014 at 6:47 pm

      Absolutely you can.

  20. Jean

    January 6, 2014 at 3:37 pm

    So my boyfriend broke up with me on New Year’s Day after 15 months of dating. This came out of no where so of course I was devastated. And up until now I have been the emotional wreck ex girlfriend who tweets all the sad quotes and tries talking to him. But now I realize that isn’t going to work. I need a way to get him to miss me. Have I already ruined that by being an emotional wreck? Please help! I love him and I know he still loves me, he told me so.

    1. NAT

      January 6, 2014 at 8:58 pm

      yes i have been in a relationship for more the 2 years and he breaks up with me 1st of jan 14 …. and we been talkin and his upset and everythin but he doesnt seem to wana get back , bu he wants to stay in contact. he broke up wit me 4 months before dis and i was away in a differnt country and he texted me literly a month later that he misses me. but here we are again…

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