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5,888 thoughts on “How To Make Him Miss You After A Breakup”

  1. Kassie

    December 24, 2013 at 11:09 pm

    Hi, my ex and I were together for 6 months, and he is I’m the Navy, today he told me that he wanted to take a break because we never see each other but I want him to miss me and text me and I just want to know, is there a good chance he will being that he knows I’m the only girl that will actually be there for him? Do you think he knows that? Please help!


    1. admin

      December 26, 2013 at 5:46 pm

      He probably knows it deep down.

  2. Shawnte

    December 24, 2013 at 4:17 pm

    My bf a nd I have been separated for a month now. I’ve done NC and today is day 31 of NC. I havent contacted him and he hasn’t contacted me. How can he get over me this fast?? He already has a new gf. Do you think he Is over me?. I just wonder if he misses me like I miss him?

    1. RA

      December 28, 2013 at 11:50 am

      chris , its just been 1 month and he already has a girlfriend that just goes to show he already had that girl while yall together , the heart takes some time to heal which is why i think that his feelins towards you were never geninue , dont contact him he will miss you eventually . All the best !

  3. OC

    December 24, 2013 at 1:47 pm

    Good morning, my ex broke up with me cause he said he doesn’t trust me. I’ve never cheated on him but I cheated with him. I lied about 2-3 minor things, my sexual partners, told him it was 3 instead of 4, stuff like that. I know lying is wrong at all costs and I regret it deeply. We argued a lot because he had a strong personality and so do I. Last week he told me he didn’t want to be in a relationship with me anymore he wants to just be friends, with benefits. This came about cause I had pics of myself and my ex on different trips, nothing vulgar at all. I told him I would get rid of them twice but he looked through them again and found some more. There were about 3-400 pics I had, I believe that when I took out the rest some got mixed back in. Any-who, he said I hurt him and he left. The following day we had an amazing session if intimacy like never before and I honestly thought okay, we can save this. But the following day he said he wasn’t sure about a relationship anymore. He wants to build on a friendship with me all while being intimate. I can’t do that. We’d been together 2 years 3 months and I felt like we were in too deep to just stop and be friends. I’m not cut from the cloth of being fwb’s. I love him too much. I don’t wanna sit around hurt and wondering what’s going on. He said we’d be exclusive and he wouldn’t run around on me but my question is what’s the flippin difference!!!??? He wants the benefit but not the title. We haven’t spoken since last Thursday, I’m not sure what to do….please help…

  4. Alice

    December 23, 2013 at 7:36 pm

    I was with my fiancé for 4 years. I cannot explain how happy we were. Our lives fitted together perfectly and we were planning our lives together.
    After being in a pretty crappy job, he decided to change but unfortunately, this meant working completely opposite hours to mine. We were living together at the time but noticed that we were gradually drifting apart. I decided to move back home because I was alone every evening. I realise now this was one of the biggest mistakes of my life.
    We spent the next 6-8 months living like this, gradually falling apart and seeing each other once maybe twice a week if we were lucky. The time spent with each other was still great, it was when we were apart that the problems arose. Anyway, we went away on holiday and both agreed that we wanted to make this work because we loved each other. We then had 3 months or so where we were ‘us’ again. We made the effort to see each other more, we spoke all the time etc etc.
    Anyway, I went away with a few friends for 10 days in the summer. We still spoke most days but he wasn’t overly happy that I was away. The day after I got home, he decided to break up with me. Saying he wasn’t sure whether he loved me anymore or what he wanted to do with his life etc etc. This completely broke me and I think it did him too. He felt like a completely different person and I was convinced something had happened whilst I was away.
    We still kept in contact over the next few weeks and occasionally met up for a drink, during which time I noticed one of his female colleagues was texting him A LOT. He assured me that nothing was going on.
    I finally found this website and decided to implement the NC rule. I realised this worked as he eventually reactivated his Facebook account having deleted it 2 months before we broke up. The lasted 3 weeks before he text me. Ever since then, we have exchanged texts a few times a week and they have 90% of the time always been initiated by him. We have met up once and it was so lovely. Lots of touching and laughing and long looks. We both said how lovely it was to see each other and spend time with each other. It has now been a total of 3 1/2 months since we broke up.
    I then get the killer blow on Facebook 3 days ago that he is suddenly ‘in a relationship’ with his colleague, who he also lives with in a shared house. Totally gutted. Not only because he never even gave me the heads up but also that it sort of confirmed that it had been going on a bit longer than he was letting on.

    I’m sort of stuck what to do now. Do I start the NC rule again? I want to believe that this is a rebound thing, so I haven’t actually spoken to him or text him or anything since I found out. Trying my hardest to play it cool.
    Does the fact that he didn’t tell anyone about this girl mean that he doesn’t think it’ll last? Am I stupid in thinking that 3 & 1/2 months later is way too quick to start a new relationship??? I know it sounds pathetic, but he hasn’t deleted anything about me from Facebook. There are still all of our engagement photos up and loads of posts of us telling each other how much we love each other. Surely with a new gf he should delete this?


    1. admin

      December 24, 2013 at 6:48 pm

      I am really sorry about your fiance..

      Go ahead and start the NC rule again. Complete it this time though.

  5. M

    December 23, 2013 at 4:29 am


    My ex and I didn’t have a messy breakup. It was honest and understanding. Not angry. Basically we both love each other, but it’s bad timing. However, he did initiate the break up.

    We tried to see each other with friends, as friends, a couple times. It wasn’t the best. I initiated it and had a couple problems that I expressed and we figured out.

    The last time I ran into him he wasn’t as warm and fuzzy as before, and it hurt me so I called him on it (Nicely. We’ve never fought). I told him that I need space right now and we expressed our love for each other, but agreed space is the best for now.

    I miss him. I love him. I want to end up with him.

    My question is, did I mess up “the steps” to get him back by contacting him first and initiating seeing each other, and then showing I was a bit hurt by the whole thing?

    Can I start to use the steps now (no contact.. etc..) and have hope of them working? Or is it too late? We haven’t talked for about 4 weeks now. I know he loves me. I’m not sure he misses me, and if he does I don’t know if he would contact me since I was the one who wanted space.

    Thank you for listening.

    1. admin

      December 23, 2013 at 8:17 pm

      Yes you can!

  6. Jaren

    December 22, 2013 at 6:04 am

    Hi!! So ive had this guy bestfriend since ninth grade. In our twelth grade year we got closer than all of the other high school years. I began to like him he is a good looking guy and is very smart. I was head over heels. Me being a tomboy dressed up for prom and tben everything changed.he admitted he liked me, and had future plans for us( getting married etc.) i was extrememly this being the first time a boy has ever noticed me in that way. With time he would say this and we spent more time together then girls started to want to be with him sort of outshinining me. In tht time he met my parents. He decided he was going to the Navy and he didnt want a relationship, but as long as h was there for me I was okay. He took me to meet his parents and the last time i saw him was wen he left for bootcamp. I was the only person other than his family who was sending him letters. By the second letter he sent back he sent me a love letter to send to another girl he hoped he would take him. I was devasted. So obviously he didnt like me anymore so i was left to hurt. But why does he keep in contacting me??? He doesnt like me so why does he text me a lot?? Help me!!

    1. admin

      December 22, 2013 at 7:53 pm

      He is just trying to extend a hand and be nice. He may like your company.

  7. Dylan satriano

    December 21, 2013 at 11:14 pm

    Ok I read this and I just want to tell you my story so u can help me a bit more.. Ok so I was dating this guy for almost two months (I’m in seventh grade and I’m normally a heart BREAKER but not in this case) and currently dating the guy I don’t even like but it’s one of his friends and I honestly don’t even like him at all and he is dating someone new also but I started dating his friend before him and the girl started (he’s like really popular and a lot of girls like him) but anyway we broke up on December 2 and I started dating the guy I don’t like this past Monday. I was never in love but I know I was with him.. That’s a fact:/ and he said he loved me but I don’t think he meant it and we started off bestfriends and we still kinda are that but it’s different:( and we broke up because everyone would ask us questions on our ask.fms and people just need to grow up,also because one of our good friends started cutting because I wouldn’t date him … I was like wtf! We were prob the schools cutest couple and I’m not just saying that everyone else said that also. He is all I think about lately but he seems happy with her.. I want him to be happy but I also want to be happy…. My whole life has been spent pleasing others and now I want to help myself.. I can’t and I guess I just need help:( his name was Blake. And to me he was perfect but this is the first breakup iv actually cared about I don’t just want him back… I need him back. An I know I’m a bit young to know what love is and yea yea all that stuff but this was different I promise. We still talk a lot like we used to befor we were dating but it’s not the same. Infact it’s a bit awkward but I do truly love him. And I think he still tries to make me jeoluse because when ever he finds out a girl likes him he tells me right away. And we have this thing where he like punches me everyday in the arm because of this thing my friend said and idk it’s just Kinda funny. But I am jeoluse and I need him. Please please please please help me:(

  8. What if

    December 21, 2013 at 7:55 am

    Dear Chris,
    Thanks a lot for this amazing website..

    I would like to share my story with you , I met my best friend/ lover in collage and when we started our relationship he told me that we are only friends .. So I treated him as a friend but with time we became more than friends (actions) making out and everything, after that I asked him what am I to you he said you’re just a friend but I didn’t let go because I know he just had a breakup with his love and said to myself maybe his just afraid to get into a new relationship and to love again I gave him time 3 years we have been very close to each other we traveled together we slept in one bed! We did everything as a lovers do I was putting in mind that he loves me but will admit in the right time, just a week ago he told me that this relation should end and it’s time for us to start new and try to get married and stuff and he can’t move on into the process of meeting a girl for the sake of marriage as long as I’m in his life.. Then I admit to him that I love him but his answer was ( I don’t see u as my wife and I don’t love you back)

    I am very sad and I feel really sorry for giving him my all my soul my everything and I don’t know what to do I really love him I can’t see myself without him

    You can say that we both agreed on the breakup because he told me whenever I’m ready but I just let go , I can’t stay any longer with someone who doesn’t want me in his life

    I started NC from the day of breakup around 5 days

    Please advice me and help me to get him back in to my life as a lover or if you think it won’t work out tell me what to do to get over him

    Thank you so much❤️

    1. admin

      December 22, 2013 at 2:15 am

      Well, NC is smart obviously. But what do you plan on doing during all that time?

    2. What if

      December 22, 2013 at 4:46 am

      First of all thanks for the replay, so you think he will miss me? Even if he said he didn’t loved me back 🙁

      And i don’t really know I guess going to work and hanging out with friends helps a bit.. But I’m still not over him I really miss him so much it hurts not to talk to him all of a sudden .. We used to be so close

    3. admin

      December 22, 2013 at 7:46 pm

      Yes I think he will in some form or another.

    4. What if

      December 22, 2013 at 8:35 pm

      Thanks Chris, I just downloaded your book I’m really excited even if he didn’t get back to me I hope your book will help me get over him thanks again ❤️❤️

    5. admin

      December 23, 2013 at 7:51 pm

      I hope you get something out of it!

    6. What if

      December 28, 2013 at 7:09 am

      Dear Chris,

      I’m wonder if I should approach him fist after NC period.. It will be really embarrassing for me to start fist since he told me that he only sees me as a friend and he doesn’t love me back ( our relation you can call it something like friends with benefit) i really love him but when I think of what he did to me and how he left me I feel like he doesn’t deserve me 🙁 I’m really confused..

    7. What if

      December 29, 2013 at 3:17 pm

      Please tell me if I should contact him after NC period ..:(

  9. Berkley

    December 21, 2013 at 6:34 am

    Hi my boyfriend and I have been together for two years. recently we have been fighting alot so we took a break for the holidays. I was supposed to go back with him after a month but now he is mad at me because we argued one night on the phone.and he doesnt want me back. but everything I own and my car is with him. we break up a lot but this time he won’t talk to me and it’s very stressful. He is about to turn 23 and he says he needs time and that he needs to get his life together. what should I do?

    1. RA

      December 28, 2013 at 11:54 am

      berkley , the fact that yall always fight and get back together means that there’s something worth fightin for , dont worry just give him some space and some time he will come back

    2. admin

      December 22, 2013 at 2:14 am

      Give him time and improve yourself in the meantime. Work to get him chasing later down the road in a month or so.

  10. Brenda

    December 21, 2013 at 2:56 am

    Well my bf just broke up with me like 5 days ago. We had spent thanksgiving together and everything was great. The day before I came home he and I got into a small argument about him messaging these girls. He had told me about it and had told me what they were talking about but I still couldn’t help to get jealous… Well the whole thing escalated and I just got really mad and threw a fit about it. The next day I went home (which we live 10hrs away from each other) and he broke up with me the 2 days later. He said he was uncomfortable because I had made him feel like I was making him choose between me and his friends and that wasn’t fair and he had told me there was nothing for me to worry about and my reaction just shocked the hell out of him. Of course I apologized and then like a week later he still said he didn’t want a relationship anymore. I told him I loved him and didn’t wanna be friends with him. I can’t do that. He said that was fine and we just wished each other well… I still want him to come back to me I’m just not gonna beg him, he’s the one that broke up with me and I’m just staying away from him all together. No txt,calling messaging or even Facebooking were no longer friends on there either. It’s been 5 days since we talked last and I’m just really hoping that he will come around if I keep away from him. We were good to each other and had plans of me moving in and all but then he just got all like this. I understand his last marriage was bad and all but it’s not fair for him to compare to his ex wife just because he thinks I’m doing the same things she did to him.. Soooo with that being said… Am I doing the right thing? Could all my effort or cutting him out of my life be an actual positive thing for us to work?…

    1. Mia

      December 21, 2013 at 3:59 pm

      I’m going through the exact same situation. We broke up last week and I haven’t spoken to him since. We had the perfect relationship but I was talking to other boys so he got jealous and broke up with me. Even though he knows I would never cheat. I kinda did beg him on the phone and that didn’t work, he wanted to be friends by I said no, then we agreed to be civil. Anyway I’ve been trying the no contact thing, and I’ve found him stalking my twitter, retweeting things I’ve posted days ago, and even looking at conversations that I’ve had with other people and boys. So he obviously still cares. My advice to you is to keep up the no contact rule for a while more. Live your life, go out with your girls and even put up some up to date sexy pictures of you just to remind him of what he’s missing. Curiosity will soon catch up on him. If you’re feeling brave. Why not even wish him and his family a merry Christmas or New Years, just to show your maturity and to remove hostility. That’s what I’m considering. Then if from there nothing else happens, then just leave it and take the hint. Trust me if he wants you back he will to speak to you more. If they love us as much as they said they did they will come back. If not then its time to get on in life, just make sure you’re treating yourself good.

    2. Brenda

      December 29, 2013 at 12:04 am

      I did beg him as well, then I realized that just made me look weak and well I didn’t like that. So I simply said if u want me to stop trying I will, he said he just couldn’t get past it right now and it was him, and he knew I had tried, right there I realized I obviously had showed my effort and he’d seen it. It wasn’t up to me anymore and I don’t really feel bad. I did nothing but treat him good regardless of any bad arguments we had and all. I love him with all my heart. But I love me more and I’m not letting someone play with my emotions like that. If he’s that insecure then maybe I don’t need to waste my time on someone like that. We still haven’t talked and it’s about to be 2 weeks, I didn’t wish him a merry Christmas and I’m not gonna say anything at all. He was the one that walked out on me, if he wants to come back he will have to do it on his own cuz I’m not gonna follow after him or beg him or nothing.

  11. Rachel's

    December 20, 2013 at 11:13 pm

    I’ve emotionally not responded to him and now he keeps texting me… I’ve ignored a few and then he finds excuses to message me… With something. He knows that I can’t do the friend thing and I am making obvious attempts to change my situation just for myself… But again he keeps texting me. I’ve tried the no contact rule…but then I feel mean… So a bit of limited.. I don’t contact him.. But he has txt me positive things

    I’ve only posted positive things about me on fb. What is this texting about and also the guy is military so his emotions are probably more surpressing than the average joe’s

    So what is going through his head as a man and how can I play this cool

    He kept avoiding having conversation and never set a date. Well I’ve got some job interviews lined up for after Christmas. He is liking things on fb

    He has texted me wishing to have a good Christmas with my family and when I had posted I had an interview on fb he sent me a txt saying congrats. I said thanks but didn’t reply to the txt about Christmas.

    We had a good time and it been the last 7 months I’ve been getting stressed about money. We travelled together, had a great long distance relationship.. And I believe we were truly in love and we have had some amazing times… I do believe he was my first real love and deep love… It was a great bond… But I don’t know what to do.

    1. Rachel's

      December 20, 2013 at 11:14 pm

      Oh and we broke up 3 weeks ago… Tried nc for a week

    2. Brenda

      December 21, 2013 at 1:40 pm

      I’m like on that same boat. We he’s in the military and we had a long distance relationship and it was all really great. Idk what changed and all but I feel like I’ve put every effort to make it work and he just kept making excuses about him not getting past the argument we had. I never cheated on him or anything like that, but he was treating me as if I had and that’s not fair to me. Like I know he has his trust issues due to his past marriage. But if I’m the one that was willing to do anything for him and he didn’t see that then I just can’t feel bad for him. I know I want him back in my life, but I’m not going to humiliate myself for him that way. He said he wanted us to be friends and when we were FB friends after the breakup he still liked my stuff on FB too. Am I in the wrong here for not feeling extremely bad? Like I tried for him and he knows I did, he’s just being insecure and being difficult that’s why after he told me he didn’t want a relationship I just told him ok fine and I haven’t talked to him since, I don’t wanna be his friend… He knows that and he was ok with that, but idk like I feel bad about the break up but at the same time I know I did everything I could to make him happy and keep him happy but it’s just him.. So idk if you have treated him with all the love and care and haven’t been mean to him then u shouldn’t feel bad either.

  12. state of confusion

    December 20, 2013 at 3:09 am

    I dated a guy for 3 months. He was dealing with his past from 2 years ago and getting off prescription meds and didn’t want a commitment. We have a strong connection and 6 months now we have become best friends. I have been his support and rock. Last week we decided to take the sloe step and see where things go. We spent Sunday together ( haven’t seen him in 3 months ) it was great but awkward. Wednesday he calls and says he just still is t ready and it wouldn’t be fair to me. I agreed and said thank you for being honest. I have not heard from him since. I know he cares about me but I also am not his typical body type. I love him dearly and want a chance with him. I’m doing nc now however I do hang out with one of his co workers. That guy adores me but I not him. Is this wrong and should I tell the coworker to not mention me or should I use that leverage ?

    1. admin

      December 21, 2013 at 3:30 am

      A little jealousy can never hurt but don’t lead the guy on… be honest with your feelings to him. I know what its like to get strung along… its not pleasant.

  13. Christi

    December 19, 2013 at 6:00 pm

    You seem to know what you’re talking about. I have an extenuating circumstance. Can you help a 37 year old. I’m very attractive, no kids, and separated but, having trouble with the man I want. Help!!! Please:)

    1. admin

      December 19, 2013 at 7:51 pm

      Sure! Whats the problem?

  14. Jordan Jones

    December 19, 2013 at 4:35 pm

    So I found out from a close friend (James) that my boyfriend (Dan)was going out with another girl. I couldn’t just confront Dan because James had told me not to as he was also Dan’s best friend. So I decided to make up that i had met someone else and it was unfair to continue going out with Dan when I liked someone else. I told Dan this and he got pretty angry and started to shift the blame to me even though I knew that he was cheating on me, he still didn’t admit it.Now his friends have found out that the made up boyfriend (Cameron) is fake and they have told him, I now do not know what to do as I do not want to hurt his feelings.

  15. Christie

    December 18, 2013 at 9:17 pm

    Does the no contact rule work with a guy you have been dating who just wont commit or isnt ready to commit?

    He said I meant a lot to him and he cared about me alot, he just isnt ready for more RIGHT NOW but eventually will and that we should just be friends till then. Problem is I waited for him for 8-9 months to be ready, seeing him on and off. Finally I just told him im moving on. Havent heard from him in 2 weeks. Im heart broken and regretting my decision of letting him go.

    1. admin

      December 19, 2013 at 7:09 pm

      Have you done NC yet?

    2. Christie

      December 19, 2013 at 7:58 pm

      Yes, Thats what i mean when I say its been two weeks since ive heard from him. I told him I couldnt be friends and that its time i go my separate way. We said our good byes and I havent heard from him since then and I have not tried to contact him either.

  16. Kaylee

    December 18, 2013 at 4:56 pm

    My bf and I have been together for 3 years. We have had breakups and everytime I feel like I go psycho and text him a ton even of he doesn’t respond. Finally after texting texting texting hell wanna hang out. So I get my hopes up and we hang out and then we start doing really well. This last breakup was 4 days ago and I’m miserable, can’t function, can’t sleep, can’t eat. He’s all I think about. He said I can’t make him happy anymore and that he’s interested in someone else. I feel like he’s lying About me not making him happy because we always have so much fun together and idk if there is anyone else. I kind of feel like there isn’t. The thought of him with someone else is makig me sick. I don’t want someone else to make him happy, or to see them together or anything. We are on a motorcycle
    Club together. I haven’t text in 2 days because I know he hates it. I want him to realize he’s making a huge mistake. I know I have to do the no contact rule because I know he’ll see something different If I don’t because he is used to it. What am I to do? I feel like he won’t think about me or that he doesn’t care.

    1. RA

      December 28, 2013 at 11:59 am

      kaylee , somtimes guys say stuff just to get yo angry and upset just like them , that cant be true that yu dont make him happy , why else would he have stayed with you for 3 years? dont worry yourself he’ll around and also dont text him like u use to , he’ll be wondering “whats wrong with her, why isnt she textin like she always” and he’ll come around , just give him sometime , i to am in a 3 year relationship and my boyfriend and i always argue and he ignores me for days i text like crazy as hell but then there was a point when i stopped and to by suprize he comes around much quicker , goodluck!

  17. kristie

    December 17, 2013 at 6:01 pm

    Hey iv been with my boyfriend for more 3years,we have a child together but we don’t stay together.he just started by not coming to see me anymore then he said me and him broke up.I love him and I’m strong enough to try the no contact but problem is he will be coming to see his child which will b a time he wil see me and he won’t get to miss me.what then would be the right steps for him to miss me.I’m clueless

  18. Drawn_In

    December 17, 2013 at 12:05 am

    My guy and I are officially not together since right before Thanksgiving. He took a girl out last week and posted it on FB and I freaked…mainly because it hurt, and we had just been together a day before he did this…I have had trust issues because he has been talking to other girls,a dn slept with 2 girls since we started together 8 months ago. I am open minded and forgiving, but I wanted commitment. I am realizing I was pushing to hard…to anxious…fell to hard to quick, and I am open to an open relationship for now, its just he said no to and open relationship and still continued to keep contact with other girls. At one point I went to his house and he had another girl over, I asked him then if he wanted to date other people and he claimed absolutely not, but then continues, in my eyes, keeping his options open with other girls, case in point, taking a girl out just last week that he was obviously talking to in a way that was a developing relationship. We were gonna hook up last night, but I kinda dodged it and then said should i come over, got no response then at 5am he said he fell asleep. Havn’t talked to him today yet and so in just reading this, and see that I should implement the NC rule immediately to get him interested again…. I am wondering what to do when he contacts me next? Ignore for 30 days?

    I have also started talking to other guys which helps with the missing him so much, I have a date scheduled.

    1. admin

      December 17, 2013 at 6:47 pm

      Well, if you plan on doing NC then yes… ignore him.

  19. Torrey

    December 16, 2013 at 8:38 pm

    Hi Chris, I’ll try to make this as short as I can for you. I dated my ex for almost a year. In the first 6 months I would say I did everything right.. None of the things in your articles that you have described as pushing guys away. I have no idea why, but the last 6 months I turned completely insecure and emotional towards my ex.. always questioning him, asking to see his phone, and “Finding anything to bitch about” as he said. Don’t get me wrong it was not like this constantly, but enough to push him away.. I improved a lot towards the end of our relationship but I guess it was too late because he had been acting distant. I dont know where my problems come from, he has never given me a reason not to trust him.. and not to sound conceited, but I find myself to be a really good looking girl, he told me many times that for such a pretty girl I have zero confidence in myself, and that I was the best looking he would be able to get.. maybe this allowed me to think I can act like a complete emotional needy girlfriend and get away with it. I have alot of guy friends with beautiful girlfriends and that does not stop them from trying to get with other girls when we go out, so I guess I figure every guy is like that. Anyways my question is.. I know that my behavior is mostly what caused this.. and I can’t stop blaming myself.. I apologized a few times since the breakup but he’s ignored them all.. In this situation where I feel at fault.. is NC still useful or should I keep apologizing for pretty much letting my insecurities ruin what was once an amazing relationship?

    1. admin

      December 17, 2013 at 6:35 pm

      I would just go straight into NC if I were in your situation.

  20. Anna

    December 16, 2013 at 2:58 am

    I am 42 and my boyfriend (also42) broke up with me yesterday. We met online 3 months ago and have had a beautiful relationship. I felt more love from him than I ever have with any other man. He never stops kissing me, we laugh all the time & we never argue. I’ve been going to his house every night after work. A month ago he said he didn’t know if he loved me and I was shocked. 2 days later he said he only said that because he was scared because of past failed relationships. Last week he said he wanted to marry me, asked hs roommate to be our best man and said we coud have as many children as I wanted. He told me to start shopping for my dress! Then yesterday, I get a ton of texts explaining that he isn’t in love with me…? We talked in text, I called & he didn’t answer. I love him to death & I’m devastated. Should I not text or call? Hope he comes to his senses?

    1. admin

      December 16, 2013 at 6:35 pm

      You shoul dprobably start with the no contact rule.

    2. Anna

      December 17, 2013 at 12:21 am

      Thanks. It’s day 2 of NC. Haven’t heard from him but I guess that’s my only hope at this point. Thanks for the response and this site is really helping me to get through this break-up.

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