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5,888 thoughts on “How To Make Him Miss You After A Breakup”

  1. Jewels

    December 16, 2013 at 1:21 am

    I broke up with my boyfriend about 7 months ago because he wasn’t being honest with me and he was to controlling. I have not contacted him, and have not responded to his efforts to contact me. I loved him. I still care about him, and will always have a soft spot in my heart for him. He made it clear that he wants me and only me, yet even though I miss him very much I don’t want to play with his heart so I have stayed away. I would like to be friends, but I am not sure if I should reach out to him? We had amazing chemistry together and I am afraid that if we meet up it could get steamy and leave me confused and him hoping. Ugh, I just don’t like this! I wonder if once I start dating again it will help. I am taking my time to do that however, because I believe in learning from the past before jumping into something new.

    1. admin

      December 16, 2013 at 6:33 pm

      Well, make sure you aren’t doing anything that you feel is uncomfortable.

  2. bobby

    December 15, 2013 at 12:17 am

    am a leo female and my frnd is taurus he gave interest to me an always keep talking and suddenly stop to do this and say he have much work and disappear for 2 weeks but during this period i always keep to text to him . last week he send text message to me and said he consider me as frnd not more and not ready to go with me in relation despite he was the first that always starting to talk with me and send me flowers

    n.b we leave in different countries but i know him as college for 2 years ago

    1. admin

      December 15, 2013 at 7:30 pm

      Have you read my LDR guide?

  3. Elizabeth

    December 14, 2013 at 10:06 pm

    Does this no contact rule really work?? I’m afraid he’ll just move on and forget about me.

    1. admin

      December 15, 2013 at 6:53 pm

      Yes it really works!

  4. Andrea

    December 13, 2013 at 8:06 pm

    My boyfriend broke up with me almost three weeks ago after dating for two and a half years. Here’s some background info: he is two years younger than me, I am 20. We started dating the end of my senior year. We had a long distance relationship because i attend a university in northern ca, and he just started college in southern ca. I tried to come home once every month to spend time with him, and I spend winter break and all summer at home. We made so many plans together. We would say he loved some so many times every single day. Here is how the break up happened: On a friday after skyping I broke up with him out of anger because of jealousy. He called me many times on saturday but I would not answer. On sunday I send him a text message asking if he wanted to try again. He accepted at first but was hesitant about it so I told him to forget it. On tuesday, I started the conversation and asked if he wanted to get back together and he said no. I called him and tried to get him back and he said he couldn’t go back to the cycles of fighting and that he didn’t feel the same way. When I went back home for the weekend we talked in person. I tried to get him back and he just kept saying he didn’t want to go back into the fighting cycle and that he didn’t love me anymore. I was so confused because on the friday before the fight everything was normal and he said he loved me all day. I asked him how his love went away in a few days and he said that he meant everything he said before friday but he didn’t anymore. In the end, he ended up breaking up with me and we parted in somewhat a good goodbye. Since then, we’ve been poking each other on Facebook but besides that he doesn’t like me posts nor do I like his. I came back home for winter break and I still love him, it’s killing me not to see him because despite everything I still want him. Is it really possible all his love went away that fast? what should I do to get him back? I am doing no contact but should I stop poking him, which I don’t want to do because I feel like we’ll break the last bit of contact we have? I feel like winter break is the only time I have to get him back before I leave. Should I block him on every social media?

    1. RA

      December 28, 2013 at 12:04 pm

      andrea , long distance relationships are already hard i think that you shouldnt have ended the relationship just like that on skype , but i do think that there’s hope , just give him some time to miss you he’ll come arond and you’re right feeling dont go away in days it takes month and even years for some people

    2. admin

      December 14, 2013 at 9:53 pm

      Well that is a problem… you can’t put a time frame or a stress of “having to get him back within winter break.” This is something that can’t be rushed.

  5. shortchica123

    December 13, 2013 at 6:27 pm

    The man I was seeing for 4/5 months long distance just broke up with me. We had been talking on the phone 6-12 hours a week, texting, and had met 3 times. We had spoken semi seriously about moving and kids etc, like newly infatuated people do. He has said “love you” at the end of some calls. I did not think he was in love with me, but I thought we were both falling. I had been on vacation for two weeks overseas with a 15 hour time difference (we skyped 3 times). We had not seen each other in over a month because we both had international travel and he had school finals. We were supposed to spend Christmas together. He never bought the ticket. When I got home, he was in the middle of finals, full time work has been busy for over a month, and he realized his mom might now around for more than a year or two.

    I came home and he said he could not do long distance because he did not have the proximity and consistency that he needs to fall in love. He said he falls in love with the details, and he could not get them long distance. He said something had happened that took what was in the back of his mind and made it a voice, and he had spoken to his friends about it. He was clearly struggling. Anyhow, I suggested we up the visits to twice a month, he said no. I said goodbye and wished him well. Sad, and crying and confused.

    Then, yesterday I got a letter for him. In it, he thanked me for our time together, he said how great I am in many ways (listed them), and he reiterated that his decision was based on proximity and how he could get to know me better and grow. He said he appreciated my commitment to upping the visits, but that he FEARED that it would not be enough. I am not sure if he meant he feared not enough access, or he would not fall in love. I wish I knew which, but since he was talking access, I suppose he meant that.

    I am now confused about if I need to respond to this letter. I do not want him to think I am angry and that if he were in my town he could not call for a cup of coffee, but there is also nothing left to say.

    What do you think?

    1. admin

      December 13, 2013 at 7:51 pm

      Have you attempted NC at all yet?

    2. shortchica123

      December 13, 2013 at 8:46 pm

      Hey there! As I said (please make sure to read the upper email:
      A. Sat – Broke up
      B. No contact since
      C. Thursday – Get letter from him written sunday. Do not know what to do – respond or not. If so, what do I respond with?

      Hope that is clear…

    3. shortchica123

      December 13, 2013 at 8:55 pm

      oops, I guess I am in NC because he wrote me, and I have not responded and we are less than a week out

    4. shortchica123

      December 13, 2013 at 6:32 pm

      oops, couple of clarifications. Mom might NOT be around for more than another year or two.

      The voice was that this would not work for him to get to know me well enough. He said the calls were not enough.

      And the letter was very clear that the proximity would give him access to know me better.

      Maybe he was just not that into me. But I know in my heart he loved those calls, he loved our time together, and he felt great around me. He had mentioned the falling in love with details when we first started talking.

  6. Broken

    December 13, 2013 at 2:34 pm

    Me and my ex broke up recently
    He cheated and said some hurtful things me and I told me I’m never going to speak to him again and that I’m done because of what he has done.
    The only thing is that I didn’t mean it.. And I really do think he’s never going to speak to me even though he stresses that he loves me. I do want him to text me so I know he hasn’t forgotten about me…
    If I’ll reply I’m not sure but as a guy, if a girl said that to you, would you still text her after a few weeks/ months?

    1. admin

      December 13, 2013 at 7:52 pm

      I would still probably try but I would never cheat on someone…

  7. broken hearted

    December 12, 2013 at 12:32 pm

    My ex recently got offered a job 15hrs away from me
    He called me saying he’s got a job but he just can’t
    Do it anymore. He said it wasn’t me or anything I’ve done
    I spoke to him 2days later cause he called. He asked me to call in
    A week to see if he’s changed his mind. He did say he was hurting
    But im not 100% if it’s because of him not wanting to break up with me
    Or because one of his parents passed away. I completly understand the
    NC period but just uncertain if it applies as he’s grieving.
    I’d love to hear his voice but I’d really love to be his woman again.

    1. admin

      December 12, 2013 at 7:30 pm

      Maybe a lot is happening to him so he is going through some sort of crisis. For now, I would say give him his space.

  8. Deeply Shattered.

    December 12, 2013 at 9:35 am

    Hi.My bf and the love of my life (and he said I was his and he showed it)broke up about a month ago. We were together for almost 6 yrs. We had our whole future planned..marriage, growing old together,etc. We are both 42 and this would have been our 2nd marriages. I love him so so much n I know he loves me too out we started fighting alot over stupid things (bc I wanted more affection, romantic nights, little surprises,st). He said there are more important things in life to worry about not just me wanting more of those things. Our sex life was amazing. We were best friends. I know he loves me but seems so adamant all of a sudden..Anyway,he broke up with me bc he said our fights are going to effect his health. Since we broke up I have either emailed or texted him every few days apologizing saying he’s right, how much I love and miss him and to please meet me to talk..(does that sound pathetic and desperate to him?) He doesn’t respond. I called him, he hung up on me and said to stay away that the fights are not good for his health. I’m dying inside. I can’t function with everyday things. He was my life. My future. He seems fine. How does he have this amazing willpower to stay away from me and us? Does he even miss me at all? As you can see, I tried the NC and failed bad. I don’t know how to keep strong enough so I don’t call or text. He has my texts blocked now too. It’s even worse bc it’s the holidays and we always did something big for new years eve alone together. Tell me is this that easy for him? Does he ever even think about me? (From a guy’s point of view) Will trying the NC again work or am I wasting my time? HELP PLEASE 🙁 ~Brokenhearted in NY

    1. admin

      December 12, 2013 at 7:26 pm

      IMportant question.

      Do you have any way to contact him now that your blocked on his phone?

    2. Deeply Shattered.

      December 15, 2013 at 5:01 am

      Yes through email but he may have blocked that too, idk. I do have his work # which he can’t block. Side question: Does the NC rule work the same if the break up ended on a bad note vs. ending more amicable. It was a very emotional break up nonetheless..

    3. admin

      December 15, 2013 at 7:36 pm

      Yes it can still work in either case.

  9. Lindsay

    December 12, 2013 at 6:22 am

    Ok, so my boyfriend and I broke up two weeks ago. We’d been dating for four months and things were going incredibly well. When we met he was 7 months out of a 3yr serious relationship, with infidelities, on both sides, ultimately, her ending it with him to be with the guy she was cheating on him with. Needless to say, he was still somewhat messed up about her, and when we first started seeing each other, he was adamant about not getting serious. I was too at that point, just getting out of a loveless 6 yr relationship, but I was long over my ex, so deep down, I did want something serious, if it came along. So things progressed, and we really hit it off. We were crazy about each other. I should say too, we both have two kids from previous relationships (his most recent ex was not the mom of his kids). Two months in, when we were reaching that have love feelings but not saying it to each other yet point, he kinda freaked out all of a sudden, about how fast it was going and that he wasn’t sure if he was ready for a relationship, and we broke up for a couple days.. After which he came to me and told me how much he missed me and wanted to be with me, just maybe take it at his pace. And I said ok and took him back. A couple weeks later, he told me he loved me, and me him. The relationship was fantastic. Our kids were getting used to being together all the time, we talked often about the future, moving in together at the beginning of the year, having a baby together, getting married, raising our kids together, and he was benign a father figure to my boys who’s father isn’t around. I met his whole family, attended functions with both our families, and things honestly couldn’t have been more perfect. He was always trying so hard to make me happy, he practically worshiped me and was always telling me how amazing I was and how he wasn’t worthy, and that he knew I could have had any guy in our town, but that I chose him. I don’t think I’ve ever been loved so much in my life. And coming out of a 6yr bad, loveless relationship, it meant a lot to me. So then two weeks ago, we got day drunk, on our only day ever without any of our kids, and got into a stupid fight, in which I was drunk and stubborn and ignored hiS efforts to squash the tension, and then did that stupid girl thing where I ‘run away so that he’ll chase me’ thing. Except that he didn’t, chase me. I came back that night and he was upset, said our fight reminded him of his past and couldn’t do that again…. I broke down and sobbed hysterically bc I was afraid he was ending it, when that was NEVER what I wanted, and we agreed it’d be best to not talk about it anymore that night, so I went to my sisters and stayed the night. The next day, and the ENTIRE next week, he ignored my calls, texts, everything… After a whole week of me desperately trying to get him to talk to me (stupid, I know) he finally texted once to say that he was sorry for ignoring me, but he needed time to wrap his head around everything and clear his mind, and he couldn’t do that when we were talking…. So I continued to text him for the next two days and didn’t get any response, when finally he called me and we talked and talked, but ultimately, his mind was made. He was too afraid to get deep into us and have it end like his last one did. He said he always screwed things up and be couldn’t take going thru that again and hurting me. I was too good for him and I deserved better and he loved me too much to risk hurting me… I was completely devastated and in my desperation to convince him to keep loving me, I texted and called more than I should the following week, but by the end of it, he was calling me telling me he did miss me and he thought he could have made a mistake and he still loved me. And not to stress things were ok. So I left that phone convo thinking we were a step away from getting back together. We texted the next day and exchanged pic mail, even a couple of sexy ones from me trying to seal the deal, but by the evening (it was Friday night) he stopped responding to me… And didn’t weekend and this week. I’ve tried to refrain from texting, but I did, more than I should, in particular, a drunken night this weekend… But he says nothing. He’s completely shut me out. I didn’t text all day today. And Im hoping found this site just in time to salvage this relationship. It’s obvious I need to activate that NC Rule, and I’m going to. I will if that’s what it takes. But I’m just afraid it’s been too long and too much desperate texting on my end. I haven’t been crazy or anything, just trying to remind him that I love him and that I wasn’t giving up, but they definitely portrayed desperation. SO, my question is, is it too late? Can I save this? What is your advice for my situation? … I really love him and I know he loves me too, but can’t fathom why he’d treat me this way, make me think it was gonna be ok, then do it to me again! HELP! Please. I honestly think we were really good together and would have had a real future together, if he would just pull his head out of his ass.

    1. admin

      December 12, 2013 at 7:18 pm

      Because maybe he is being a jerk to you?

      Hahaha. Definitely try out NC.

    2. Lindsay

      December 12, 2013 at 9:18 pm

      …. So… Do you think it’s too late for NC to work? Or do you even think it’s worth trying? Or is he just a jerk? Your message wasn’t very clear, besides to try NC…

    3. admin

      December 13, 2013 at 7:10 pm

      Yes it is definitely worth trying. Yes he is a jerk but it is still worth trying. Stay strong.

    4. Lindsay

      December 16, 2013 at 4:47 am

      Will do! Thanks!

  10. Maggie

    December 12, 2013 at 4:02 am

    This is a great website!
    Well here’s my story. My boyfriend broke with me recently after dating a year. He got drunk at a party I dropped him off at and kissed another girl. He says he didn’t remember and that his teammates reminded him the next day. He proceeded to tell before anyone else could and then dumped me saying he needs a break and can’t trust himself. I don’t text him but he texted me a few days later “I’m an ass, I’m sorry”. I replied with yeah you are and left it at that. A few days later I texted him I miss you and he texted back I miss you too and then I didn’t reply. He kind of texted me to give me updates of his away games since then and saying he went to my playoff game. It was only a few brief conversations but we barely texted. I then heard that he had the girl he kissed over a few times and that made me devistated. I didn’t talk to him. I went out one night about a week later and I was a little inebriated and he was there. He kept staring at me and then finally came over and said he missed me and wants me back and then left. I found him and we talked but we were both drunk. He had me crash in his bed while he slept on the couch and we talked the next day and agreed we both still loved each other but we don’t want to dive back in and to take things slow again. Things were going great until he got kicked off his team for having a bad attitude. Since then he kind of disappeared and stopped talking to me less. We didn’t talk all thanksgiving break and then he sends me a happy birthday text. Ever since that day I’ve noticed he’s been texting me to do favors for him, that’s the only time he texts me now. I stopped doing them and found out he hung out with a different girl the other day and they went in his room for a bit and cuddled in the living room for a while. Again I’m devistated from this news. I don’t know what to do. I can’t look at him anymore and he even said to my friends that he thjnk so hate him. I’ve stopped talking to him completely now but he still tries to ask for favors. I want to think he still has feelings for me. He’s never been single in college so he wants to try the single life but he keeps talking to me and flirting with me and staring at me. I don’t know if I need to move on and give up on all hope that he comes crawling back. I’m keeping the most distance and least contact I can from him. I also have a lot of his stuff and I’m waiting for him to ask for them back and have him face me. I’m just confused because things were looking good for us and now it feels like we’re back at the beginning of the break up.

    1. admin

      December 12, 2013 at 7:13 pm

      Have you implemented no contact yet?

  11. Shanelle

    December 11, 2013 at 10:04 pm

    Okay so basically I was stupid and broke the no contact rule. He broke up with me after 14 months for what i have concluded was a mixture of him getting bored,having a crush on his bestfriend’s girlfriend, and not knowing exactly what he wanted. The next day I was on the right course, and when we passed each other at practice i didn’t look at him. Not even ten minutes later he texts me about how i couldn’t even make eye contact with him. i messaged him back trying to gain back some of my pride i guess, because the last time we spoke i was a crying mess and let him sort of walk all over me. This time i pointed out it was his fault that everything fell apart and i told him i did want to talk to him, but just not right now. I felt super good about this. he said he would give me time to “warm back up to him” and honestly made it sound like he didn’t really think it was over with us. which is true because not five days later he is trying to flirt with me. I wasn’t sure how to act so i just kind of brushed it off. But before we left practice that day he told me that he wanted to talk to me later that night. andd i stupidly was like yeah okay thinking omg he wants me back. i waited like 40 minutes and texted him i was going out to dinner so i might not respond for a while. he doesn’t text me until waaaay late. and when he does he refuses to tell me what he wanted to discuss and says he will tell me at the appropriate time… so we stop talking but the next day i make thee stupidest mistake. i text him. asking if what he wanted to tell me was about him dating another girl or something. he was like no why? and i was like i just thought that might of been it. i honestly probably just sent him this for an excuse to talk to him and i regret it sooo much. then like we keep a stupid joking conversation for like a couple minutes he still says he will tell me eventually. i asked our friend and she told me that he was totally going to ask me back out, but her stupid not my friend anymore self told him not to prolly just cause she has a thing for him but she has her own boyfriend? so i don’t know. but since then me and him have stopped talking. and i have developed that he is sort of an asshole or is acting like one. He started dating a new girl a week and a half later. two weeks after the initial break up. And after he texted just about every girl he knew trying to get someone to go out with him he ended up with her because she is the only girl who said okay. He’s acting super desperate he’s contacted like all of his exes. and i know getting back with him at this time when he is acting like this would be stupid, because he’s obviously going through some immature “i need to try every girl i can” phase or some shit? But I keep hoping sometime in the future me and him will end up back together again and at this point i don’t really know what to do but dress really fucking cute and ignore him? but i also have to see him every day. and now his new girlfriend. and he doesn’t talk to me but probably because last time he tried to i blew him off completely. but it’s super awkward. his new girlfriend was friends with me but simply dropped me when she started dating him. so, i feel like i am stuck in a really awful situation and i really don’t know what to do.

  12. Anonymous

    December 11, 2013 at 2:59 pm

    Hey Chris! great website!
    I broke up with my boyfriend 3 months ago. We had a fight, as he was upset at that time the fight grew bigger. It settled the same day but then he told me very hurtful words and I didn’t feel like talking to him. He was ill the next day and we couldn’t meet up and since I felt hurt I couldn’t go to his home to meet him up. He got aggressive that he had been unwell and I didn’t come up to meet him. I made him understand that he had hurted me and that I was not able to meet because of that, but he didn’t understand. One of my friends insisted me to go and have fun as everything would settle down eventually. That day he saw my pictures on Facebook and got more angry and said that I had time to roam around but not to meet him up so he wants a breakup. Another of my friends suggested me to try no contact at that time but I hadn’t visited your site at that time so I just ended up texting him asking about his health frequently. We met in the college next day and ended up taking a decision that we will give our relationship a break. Then things worsened one after the other, he was busy and we both got misunderstood that we both were ignoring each other which even worsened the situation! After some days he started ignoring me intentionally whenever I was near. I talked to him and he told me that he doesn’t feel the same for me as he felt earlier. This made me depressed. Our mutual friends tried to make him understand that it was not my fault and that we both had done mistakes so he must forget everything and must do a fresh start as even I was ready to do a fresh beginning. But he said that he didn’t feel for me anymore and left. After two days he texted me asking that since we are in the same college it is better that we remain as friends but I didn’t respond. He insisted so I met him for the last time in college. I told him that I still loved him and I couldn’t stay as friends. He told me that I was immature and irresponsible so he can’t be in a relationship with me. That evening I became a text gnat n I sent him a long text that it was impossible for me to stay as friends with him as I love him a lot. He finally agreed saying that he didn’t feel anything except a soft corner for me, still we would give it a last chance. Two days later I asked him abt his health. He didn’t reply n I asked if he was angry. His friend called me up and told me to stay away n not to text or call him again. Our mutual friend talked to him and he told him that he was over me and that he won’t be into dating as dating is all wrong. He did cut off from all our mutual friends except one or two!
    I didn’t contact him for one month. After one month it was his birthday so I wished him by texting. He asked me how I was but I didn’t reply. It has been two more months and we didn’t contact each other.So the no contact has been applied for 90 days! During this time I saw him with a new female friend who is a junior and stays nearby his home. He told me about her earlier when we were in a relationship. These days after the exam finished I saw him noticing me two or three times and the moment I would see him noticing me, he ran away!
    I accept that our breakup was due to mutual mistakes(mistakes on my part being major)but does he really doesn’t feel for me anymore? 🙁 or did he just suppressed his feelings during the break period?coz we are from different religions and our future together is really hard. What should I do further coz I really want him so bad? I can’t spend more nights crying for him. Please help, your advice would be so helpful to me.

    1. admin

      December 12, 2013 at 1:52 am

      I think that you should be focusing on how to get him chasing you again.

    2. anonymous

      December 14, 2013 at 9:04 pm

      Ok..thanks so much for your help 🙂
      But what do you think..does he feel for me or not or is he just suppressing his feelings 🙁

    3. Anonymous

      December 13, 2013 at 7:05 pm

      Ok thanks a lot for your help 🙂 but what do you think..does he still feel for me or he’s just pretending or suppressing his feelings?

    4. admin

      December 14, 2013 at 9:48 pm

      I think he still feels fo ryou.

    5. Anonymous

      December 17, 2013 at 5:49 pm

      I tried the chase theory. Its not working 🙁 I text him and he doesn’t want to talk to me. He has become stressed because of his own personal problems and doesn’t want to be in a relationship with me and he says we both should move on as we have no understanding blah blah..a number of lame excuses! On the other hand his friendship with the female junior is reaching its heights :/ What should I do now? I am so pissed off, I really want him back so bad

  13. beautiful liar

    December 11, 2013 at 1:49 pm

    hii chris
    my bf has broken up wid me 3months back jus because we were having rough phase as we have started to fight as iam not getting his time as he used to give me earlier and since then i have been talking and trying to convince him to get back to me but he didnt. now its been 10 days i havent contacted him neither he did.
    when we last talk i felt that he don’t even want to talk to me because whenever i said him to lets restart it once again he got annoyed and angry on that and he starts pointing out my things which he felt bad. and said its not possible now.we are not compatible ..no future blah blah….
    i dont want to force him but i cant live without him..cz he he is one who has loved me like anything and i wont be able to accept him going away from me. i am dying each nd every single minute.
    plz help me. i want him to be with me….

    1. admin

      December 12, 2013 at 1:49 am

      Have you started NC yet?

      And beautiful liar has to be the coolest name ever hahahaha.

    2. beautiful liar

      December 17, 2013 at 6:20 am

      thanks for replying chris..and for the compliment too;)
      i didn’t follow the 30 days NC completely.
      it is tough because i feel sometimes he has no feelings for me and that thought shatters me totally and i messaged him after 18 days of NC. the result is nil he didn’t reply back.
      what should i do i really want him back.miss him alot :'(
      one thing more i want to tell u that in bw these 3 months my sister-in-law also has tried to talk to him but he said the same that he cant redevelop his feelings completely for me as we are different personalities and had fights so he is over with it plus job uncertainties are there like he is currently working and i am in final year of my studies and still in a search for a job but beyond all these facts when i talk to him i feel something is stopping him to make a come back and internally also i feel he has loved me truly so its cant be over just like that.
      kindly help me chris.

    3. admin

      December 17, 2013 at 7:00 pm

      NC is something that you should probably stick too…

    4. beautiful liar

      December 18, 2013 at 5:37 am

      hmmm… okk i will restart it again.

    5. beautiful liar

      December 18, 2013 at 5:52 am

      can i ask you something..
      why did this happens that person who is so close to you..don’t leave you even for a second..admitting every time that he loves you like anything suddenly saying its over..dont even wants to talk to you..ready to leave you forever and living without you.
      i mean how does it possible?? why they don’t realise that to whom they say so still in very much love with them.

    6. admin

      December 18, 2013 at 6:40 pm

      I think its an internal thing within them more than anything…

      So, at the time they probably felt that but when you are apart… weird things can happen.

    7. beautiful liar

      January 22, 2014 at 12:24 pm

      heyy chris do reply plz…i need your help..

    8. beautiful liar

      December 19, 2013 at 7:10 pm

      ummm.. great answer…thanks dear!!

    9. beautiful liar

      January 16, 2014 at 9:14 am

      hi chris..
      i am over wid 30 days of NC bt he didnt contacted me.
      what next??

    10. beautiful liar

      January 20, 2014 at 12:20 pm

      hii chris
      i have called him yesterday,we talked neutrally as in we asked abt what is happening in each other’s life.
      i felt a lil low to feel that somewhere he is happy in his life.

    11. beautiful liar

      January 17, 2014 at 8:34 am

      what should i suppose to talk…
      i am scared to think his reaction if he will get annoyed to hear my voice.
      i am nt getting how should i start my conversation??

    12. admin

      January 16, 2014 at 6:07 pm

      You contact him!

    13. beautiful liar

      January 16, 2014 at 12:56 pm

      after 30 days of NC i sent him a neutral msg abt smthng related to place we had visited but didnt relpy. i wait for his reply around 5 days but he didnt revert back.
      yesterday i msgd him about returning his books through courier service. he replied back to say dont courier his brother will collect from me.i said ok..
      i am not getting how to proceed furthur. what should be my next step.
      kindly guide..!!

  14. Beverly

    December 11, 2013 at 3:41 am

    How do I make him trust me again?

  15. Beverly

    December 11, 2013 at 3:36 am

    Hi my ex boyfriend broke up with me in October we are having a baby girl how do I make him miss and want me back after a bad break up?

    1. admin

      December 12, 2013 at 1:40 am

      Are you going to do limited contact?

    2. Beverly

      December 12, 2013 at 4:11 am

      Yea do I text him what do i do please help asp

  16. Paige

    December 11, 2013 at 12:33 am

    My ex and I broke up during the end of October, I followed the 30 NC rule to a T but messed up our first interaction kind of badly. The next day I tried to recover it and got one word texts from him and I ended the conversation before he could like I read in one of your articles. I texted him several hours later saying “Heyy so why are you just okay?” because we left the conversation at him saying “I’m okay hbu” and I never got a text back. Since then I haven’t tried to text him again it’s been about two weeks now since those texts were sent. He was seeing someone when I texted him last and heard a few days later they were over. I’m not sure what to do now especially if his text are “Nice” “Okay” etc.

    1. admin

      December 12, 2013 at 1:31 am

      Yes, lets go back to square one. Looks like you are having some issues with texting. What did you text him that failed the first itme around?

    2. Paige

      December 12, 2013 at 2:27 am

      I texted him that “interesting” text he couldn’t not respond to but never got a response and later thought he tweeted about me so I thought at the moment that I didn’t care if he was in my life anymore so I texted him again saying “Allllright well I thought this breakup was on good terms but seeing as I have done nothing wrong to you and you hate me for some odd reason, have a nice rest of your life Vinnie. I’m not trying to keep someone in my life who doesn’t want to be in it.” Then he responded and claimed he never got my first text, sent me a screenshot (even though he could have easily deleted it), and I apologized saying I would text him tomorrow and goodnight. The next day was when I got one word responses even to “interesting” texts and I cut the convo short. When I texted him later asking why he was just okay he never responded.

      Neither of us follow each other on Twitter anymore either. He unfollowed me middle of November and I unfollowed him two weeks ago after blowing up on him.

    3. admin

      December 12, 2013 at 7:05 pm

      Ok, lay back a little bit. Getting off the ground can be tough to do and pushing it too much can hurt your chances. Go back into NC for a tiny bit.

    4. Paige

      December 13, 2013 at 2:48 am

      Sounds good, I am at 2 weeks of NC right now should I go a full 30 days again?

    5. admin

      December 13, 2013 at 7:29 pm

      I think so yes.

  17. Kate

    December 10, 2013 at 10:52 pm

    my boyfriend and i were together for almost a year and in the last month or so he just seemed a little off. i confronted him about it and he told me that he felt like he was losing intimate feelings for me. he said he still loves me, cares about me, and doesn’t want me to be unhappy. then he broke up with me. it has been a week since and he has contacted me everyday with a text asking how my day was and he even called me saying he wanted to hear my voice. i have broken off the conversation every time. we even met up on campus a couple times. i am just extremely confused on what he is doing to me!!

    1. admin

      December 12, 2013 at 1:27 am

      Have you tried NC yet?

  18. danielle smith

    December 10, 2013 at 8:05 pm

    Hello, i recently had an affair of the heart with a NJ man i met on instagram and i am in California, we fell for each other but began to have a rough patch due to time differences, distance and jealousy of posting selfies on IG, i thought we figured it out and were ok only to wake up the next day and him hit me with the “lets just be friends “my lifes complicated” “were not on the same page” breakup! i was surprised but i gracefully said good bye and wished luck n love but i gotta admit i really miss his voice and his personality and him! we never met in person but were communicating alot and sharing deep emotional stuff. i stopped following him on IG, he continued to follow me but about a day later he decided to block me on IG so i cant see his page now. i miss him and am curious about him. but wondering if there is still a chance the NC rule would help in my circumstance. my thought is if he blocked me on IG, he might of realized i stopped following him and got butt hurt meaning maybe there is some feelings there? i also did post a pic of me and a girlfriend hanging out having fun a day after he broke it off. advice?

    1. admin

      December 12, 2013 at 1:18 am

      An affair of the heart? Hahaha

      Well, I think NC would help in your circumstances.

  19. lisa

    December 10, 2013 at 10:03 am

    I am dating my bf for about 18 months now. We were planning to get married. Me and my bf were used to fight and then break up temporarily. But last month he didn’t tell me about his new job, I came to know through another person congratulating him. I got angry,we argued and I left breaking up with him. When I contacted him, He said that I don’t deserve him blah blah! and broke up. Now we are both done. I tried several time to talk but he said he has some family issues and he is resolving them. He is living pretty much normal life but he’s not in touch because whenever I call him he simply ignores it and texts me to stop calling. Is he cheating on me? He has never cheated before. I know if I won’t initiate my relationship will be over. Please help me..!

  20. lisa

    December 10, 2013 at 10:02 am

    Me and my bf were used to fight and then break up temporarily. But last month he didn’t tell me about his new job, I came to know through another person congratulating him. I got angry,we argued and I left breaking up with him. When I contacted him, He said that I don’t deserve him blah blah! and broke up. Now we are both done. I tried several time to talk but he said he has some family issues and he is resolving them. He is living pretty much normal life but he’s not in touch because whenever I call him he simply ignores it and texts me to stop calling. Is he cheating on me? He has never cheated before. I know if I won’t initiate my relationship will be over. Please help me..!

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