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November 27, 2013 at 1:03 am
Hi, my ex just broke up with me 2 days ago and lately ive been keeping cool , taking 1 step at a time&& listening to gospel and learning to work my ego, but today at school while i was all dressed up i wanted him to say something at least like how are u but instead i got a fuckin swipe on my head and h said was sup young girl! , I’m like boi wtf. Dont touchh me.
What should i do next?
November 27, 2013 at 7:42 pm
… are you doing NC?
November 27, 2013 at 12:02 am
After meeting online and having a wonderful time together, I had asked out my ex. He agreed and the next morning he told me he was going to work. I then went by his place to find out when his birthday was (his roommates knew, but my ex didn’t want to tell me)so I can get him a cake. When I knocked, my ex answered, he was surprised and asked what I was doing here, I confessed and told him that I was trying to find out when his birthday was and I thought he was gone. He then said that it was really creepy of me, I left, incredibly embarrassed. Later that day, my ex tells me that he’s unsure about our relationship, I panic and try to talk to him, but he said we’ll talk tomorrow.
I get a text the morning saying that he doesn’t think it’s going to work out, literally a day after I asked him out. I’m shocked and try to talk to him, I apologize for invading his privacy and to not give up on what we had (started). He says he doesn’t think it’s a good idea to talk to me, and that space and trust is important to him, but he’ll think about it. Days ago by and no response, I send an email to his roommate asking to see what’s going on with him, and that I really care about him since I don’t want to disturb him. My ex finds out and tells me that he doesn’t want this from me and that I’m a nice person, but to not text him back.
I’ve dropped all contact with him, and I’m devastated. I’ve noticed that on his dating profile he added that he now spends his Friday nights listening to one particular song (That talks about getting high to try and get over someone) and being alone. We’re on day 14 since the email and about a month since he broke up with me. Every fiber of me tells me we’re supposed to be together, but I think he’s having some personal issues that he won’t let me in on. I’m certain he feels the same way that I feel about him, and we click on so many levels, but I don’t know what’s holding him back. I’ve already initiated contact the last time. Should I wait for him? Or forget him all together?
-Seriously, thanks.
November 27, 2013 at 7:40 pm
I don’t think you should wait for him thats never a good postion to be in but at the same time I don’t think you should forget about him.
November 27, 2013 at 8:45 pm
Thank you, it’s real hard, man. But I’ll try and move on and hope that his personal conflicts don’t inhibit what could be. I know it’s trivial to say that I’ve never felt a connection to this person before, but I feel like I can be the only one that can understand him, but he needs to give me/us a chance.
-My sincerest thanks.
November 28, 2013 at 5:17 am
Of course, keep me updated!
November 28, 2013 at 10:55 pm
You’re a good guy. Will do.
November 27, 2013 at 2:18 am
Edit: Let me elaborate here. I was a total gnat of the worst variety, sending long,sprawling texts, after the breakup to which he responded to some positively/neutral. And he had posted about his alone-ness prior to my email, and in the last email, I told him that I have no ill-intent towards him nor his roommates and that if this isn’t fixable, then I’ll back off completely (which I did, I also deleted my online profile, too). So I think I kind of cut ties already.
However, I don’t think (I’m)/he’s over it. Early on he said how I could be the one etc… and I think he’ll have difficulty with meeting other people as I think he’s pulled similar acts on other partners. I guess my real question is, is it possible to work with someone with some (I’m guessing) severe trust issues? I had no idea he had them until I was dumped for going behind his back to give him a surprise party.
-So I’d guess I do a 30/60+ NC period, and maybe initiate myself? Or would I be too pushy?
Thanks again, you’re really helping a lot of girls(and a guy) out here.
November 26, 2013 at 11:22 pm
My ex started tlkin to me rudely when we were in d rlship. He stopped calling regurlary so I just concluded he did’nt care anymore so I broke up with him via text mesg in a nice way. He never replied or even said anytin to me. Itz all so weird. I mean he’s like meant to call back or something right? Well I did’nt call or send him any text after then and so did jhe .itz been exactly a month now. Nd itz kinda weird not tlking to him @ ol. Itz just like he’s dead.dunno what to do. Should I call him or what?
November 27, 2013 at 7:35 pm
Not call… text.
November 26, 2013 at 9:25 pm
Hi, complicated one, me and my ex were only ‘official’ for a week but have known each other for years, in that whole time he has always made his intentions very obvious, even down to talking about marriage, kids, a future business, the works, but has always picked fights with me. Hes always got back in contact with me first, quite often within the next few days but a few times its been months and has told me in the past that its because he cant have me and he gets frustrated (we live very far apart). We decided to give it a try, he would drive for hours regularly to come see me but all the while still making the relationship turbulent by picking fights and making ridiculous demands, I believe to test me. He has recently made a complete u-turn and started seeing someone else and stopped contacting me completely. Obviously this guy has issues but can you give me any kind of enlightenment as to whats going on in his head or if theres any point in me expecting future contact from him? Just looking for a male perspective if possible cos as a woman I dont really understand the way he’s dealing with things.
November 27, 2013 at 7:24 pm
For a week..
Who broke up with who?
December 1, 2013 at 1:09 pm
Yeah, stupid right? We had a fight, again, and I just took it as a fight, he took it as being over. He constantly seems to look for a reason for it not to work, but like I said its always him doing the chasing. We were over but then he still messaged me every day after.
December 5, 2013 at 9:38 pm
? 🙂
November 26, 2013 at 3:43 am
he called me tonight out of the blue (I didn’t answer because I was busy) and he’s been commenting on my pictures on FB, etc. what should I do now? do I call him back?
November 26, 2013 at 7:52 pm
Only if you feel ready to.
November 26, 2013 at 3:10 am
Okay so my ex and I haven’t talked since we broke up and today was the end of our 30 day no contact rule. A few days ago I noticed he unfollowed me on twitter and I don’t know why because our breakup was on good terms and all of his teammates still talk to me occassionally and like me. I texted him this “My neighbor and I just watched we’re the millers. Haha remember the first night we met and went to that movie with Josiah and Lauren? You and I were laughing so hard during that movie I think I was literally in tears at one point laughing so hard, “ya know what I’m sayin’?””
Just looked on twitter to see my ex tweet “Hmmm oh boy” and the next minute “Not it.” Josiah, that friend who went to the movie with us who I still talk to occasionally responded to his tweet saying “that is most certainly #notit”
I really am not expecting a response after those tweets which are obviously about me texting him. I have no idea why this is such an issue?
Please tell me what to do, I didn’t expect this at all? I understand not texting back but to make it a public problem that I texted him? I didn’t know there were issues between us?
November 26, 2013 at 7:53 pm
Well, have you tried messaging him yet? You never know until you try.
November 26, 2013 at 4:27 am
Aaaaaaaaannnnnd I messed up big time. I got so mad that I just said whatever I don’t care if he’s in my life if he’s going to be like that so I texted him saying “Alllllright well I thought this breakup was on good terms but seeing as I have done nothing wrong to you and you hate me for some odd reason, have a nice rest of your life Vinnie. I’m not trying to keep someone in my life who doesn’t want to be in it.”
-“Wtf haha”
“Were those tweets not about me? And I noticed you unfollowed me.. I was just trying to be nice since we haven’t talked in a month.”
-“what tweets hahaha”
“Never mind”
-“I never tweeted about you. You just sent me a message about us not being on good terms”
“I sent you a text earlier?”
-“No you didnt?”
**He sends two screenshots of our whole conversation, my first message about the movie he never received.**
*I sent him a screenshot of my first message to him about the movie*
“My bad, I thought you were just ignoring me and I didn’t know what I did wrong. But I’m going to bed, I’ll talk to you tomorrow”
-“Sounds good”
And yes, I know i messed up VERY badly and came off as VERY psycho. When I thought he ignored my text and tweeted about me I said whatever I’ll never see him again anyway since he lives far away.. Then I found out he didn’t get my first text and the tweets weren’t about me
I also unfollowed him.
My thought was to say I’m going to bed and text him tomorrow to potentially pretend I never went crazy. Please let me know if I should do this or maybe wait until Thanksgiving and text him wishing him a happy thanksgiving..
Wow, I messed up really bad, and I had done everything perfectly, SO mad at myself
November 26, 2013 at 8:01 pm
Don’t get too down. Nothing is ever perfect and you still have a shot.
November 25, 2013 at 8:40 pm
My boyfriend told me he is unhappy with his life and doesn’t want to drag me down with it. We broke about two days ago. He broke up with me before my sorority formal, yet he still went with me. He acted like I was his girlfriend (kissing me, holding me, holding my hand, etc.) He cried and cried saying that he was sorry for hurting me. He told me that I was strong and perfect but he can’t be in a relationship at the moment. He said timing was bad. He said that he sees me in his future and this is not the end of him and I. I am confused to what this means.. if he was giving me a run around or if he’s actually confused. later that night he texted me saying good night I love you. Well, last night he texted me.. he asked how my day went. I didn’t give too much information, but he told me exactly what he did. I stayed positive and did not bring up the relationship. He said he was going to sleep and I said good night talk to you soon and he said yes you will. …
I know that I should be NC, but I don’t know how to go about it… I don’t want him to think I don’t care at all. I really want him back..
November 26, 2013 at 7:00 pm
Well its not complicated. You are right you have to do NC and I think you should but if you are that worried about it that much you might want to do LC
November 25, 2013 at 9:13 am
My boyfriend unfollowed me on all social media sites out of the blue, and after agreeing we should stay as friends. He followed back his ex girlfriend on instagram and twitter, should i be worried?
November 26, 2013 at 3:57 am
the ex girlfriends are always the backup. if he unfollowed you and then followed her, chances are he’s planning to gain communication with her all over again… so yes. maybe you should be worried. but wait… just don’t wait to long.
November 27, 2013 at 2:30 am
he told his bestfriend he just wanted to be friends because he doesn’t see her like that again & when he asked if he’ll ever get back with her he straight up said hell no. he regrets being her. he said she’s a stalker, and immature.
November 25, 2013 at 8:24 pm
Mmmm… not sure. It mmay just be one of those weird things that a bf does. I say wait a little longer before you start getting upset haha.
November 26, 2013 at 1:43 am
Mmm, we’ve been on a break for a while and we tried to be friends. I just thought that something like unfollowing me on everything is kind of immature. He told my bestfriend that he wants me to move on without looking back. Can he really get over me that fast?
November 26, 2013 at 7:44 pm
It depends on how strong your relationship was.
November 27, 2013 at 2:28 am
We were together for 11 months, and he called me his bestfriend. He even admitted to his parents he was whipped, he wanted to marry me. He went through a phase where he wanted to have a baby with me because he loved me so much.
November 25, 2013 at 2:17 am
so i was seeing this guy for 2 months, he ended things with me and i really want him back. i kinda fucked up on the no contact thing. we talk occasionally in person but i always catch him looking at me… i keep getting mixed signals on how he feels
whats ur advice?
November 25, 2013 at 2:25 am
also is it too late for no contact? and does this mean I should ignore him if he tries to talk to me at school?
November 25, 2013 at 7:51 pm
No its not. And no you don’t have to ignore him at school you just have to be cordial and classy but try not to talk to him very much.
November 25, 2013 at 2:50 am
also forgot to mention its been 2 weeks since
November 26, 2013 at 4:00 am
since its too late for no contact, I say play the “no interest game.” guys hate to think they’re loosing. right now he still has ur attention. Talk to him less, look at him less, and pretend hes not even in the room. He’ll be dying for ur attention. Promise.
November 24, 2013 at 11:43 pm
Hi, I bf and I had been together for 2 and a half years.. we had been fighting about moving and there wa sa lot of pressure. I am guilty of not being able to control my anger and we fought over the silliest things. Long story short, he got frustrated and broke up with me 2 weeks ago. He is a good guy and would tell me everyday how much he loved me and that he wanted to be with me forever every day. So this took me by complete surprise. He moved out and keeps telling me we are incompatible and this is for the best. im so confused. i wish i had been better and i keep thinking if he was ready to committ all the way why would he just quit and leave. we have pets and an apt together. he just cut me off.. and he said this was hard but for the best. i just can’t believe its over. i’ve tried nc but only last 3 days. from tonight, i’ll officially begin my 30 day of NC and want to stick by it… what do you think?
November 25, 2013 at 7:38 pm
I think thats the best choice at this point. Start it up!
November 24, 2013 at 8:19 pm
My ex and I were together about a year and were engaged. His ex wife was always saying or doing something that involved their children but he didn’t let anything affect him. He loves his children very much! To say the least, her first ex husband got remarried and he and I became engaged within the same month. After that, we started arguing about little things. She was making stories up the kids, our finances. He and I got along and never fought!! When we did, we talked about things and worked it out. Within two months of being engaged, we broke up. The last two weeks of our relationship we were distant…I knew something wasn’t right.
When we broke up, he told me he wanted to work things out the next day but then said he had feelings for his ex. I told him to see what was there. I found out, a text from his ex nonetheless, they slept together the entire time until that day. They still maintain contact for the kids but he says they don’t have that relationship. They were married for 10 years and going through their divorce when we met. I felt and told him that she manipulated him for the kids and still does to this day. He says he knows what he wants for his future but doesn’t know when. He tells me he still loves me, wants his last marriage with me, everything I want to hear. Problem is…we have never had anytime after the breakup to ourselves and I can’t trust him or have the loyalty I had in him. I don’t like his ex wife.
I love him so much. Its been 5 months since our breakup. Does he still love me or am I just being a backup plan?
November 25, 2013 at 7:18 pm
Hard to say… I would say be very careful about being his backup plan b/c that just means you are his second choice…
November 25, 2013 at 10:33 pm
Well I texted him today telling him not to contact me until he knows what he wants.
November 26, 2013 at 7:14 pm
… you should have just went into NC.
November 24, 2013 at 12:08 pm
Hi I’ve been reading all your guides n have started the nc since 2 weeks…
My boyfriend and I were in a rough patch after 7 months of commitment.. N then he asked to end things up.. I got worried n kept on begging and making logical excuses for him to stay.. He agreed n we went for few dates after that.. N he studies at my hometown n lives far. When he went home during holidays he stopped responding to my texts/calls/anything and during that time I’ve been messaging him A LOT about the same things
It was then when I came across this site n I firmly said him I won’t b with him if this is want he wants.. Since then I’m on no contact..
He dint try to contact me yet but he’s on my facebook and all social platforms.. So he likes my updates(normal ones I don’t give him any clues ) n this is it. When his guy friend asked about the matter he said he doesn’t see any future in us.
I terribly miss him at times n want to clear this mess
It’s his bday tomorrow should I contact him?
N I really love this guy n the only reason I lost him was my negativity in this relation .. He’s a gem of person in true terms but very stubborn..most stubborn.
Please guide me I’ll be grateful to u. Thankyou
November 24, 2013 at 8:07 pm
Have you read my guide on his mind during NC?
November 25, 2013 at 7:04 am
Yes I did, 4 types of responses
He’s a stubborn person n of the type who’d never freak out easily… Calmest of all ppl I’ve seen till date!
I wrote him a poem and he thanked me n said it was much than anyone cud express.. I told him that I dint like the way things have turned n asked if he was seeing anyone
He replied that he was extremely sorry but he had never meant to hurt me and added that he’s not dating anyone because now he doesn’t want anything of this sort.. I said him that he’s arrogant about it talking as if I have dumped him.. He said I’m not being arrogant I just don’t want to get into dating anyone… On this i said ok whatever u better sleep/study on which he said yes.. N talks ended. I’m not goin to meet as we both have exams, though on diff dates so can’t see him either…
Now I’d be meeting him on next 11th of December…
Should I talk mean while ..like regarding exams or anything or just back to nc?
November 25, 2013 at 8:12 pm
Well you have the best gauge on the situation. What do you think will give you the best outcome? Talking to him about the exams or just slipping into NC?
November 26, 2013 at 10:06 am
Ofcourse, and I feel nc.. 😀
But I can’t understand his behavior.. They say women are complicated, heck no lol
Do u think its possible for him to b back?
November 26, 2013 at 8:17 pm
Haha I think men are simple.
And yes its possible.
November 27, 2013 at 5:02 am
Thankyou so much :)) you have no idea what that means to me.. I shall write u back when v meet .. Please guide me then 😀 that should b fine with you,no?
And btw, you are doing a fantastic job! Really. It’s actually so good to get back my lost calm. Thankyou 🙂
November 27, 2013 at 8:02 pm
I will do my best!
November 24, 2013 at 12:19 pm
I’ve cut the story short but please tell me if I should talk to him tomorrow
I’ve made a plan with his bestfriend to visit him n celebrate belated bday on the day his exams end( I decided this cz logically because my nc of a month would b finished by then)
But I’m scared if he won’t contact me at all till then
I want to maintain NC tomorrow as well but looking to the fact that he means so much to me I’m very confused.
He is not with anyone or seeing anyone yet n by saying this I mean to state that he hasn’t cheated on me but walked away cz I was a very possessive person … He still greets n talks nicely to my friends and family if they bumped into him anywhere
I don’t kno if he expects me to wish him tomorrow
Please help me
November 24, 2013 at 8:11 pm
Well whether or not you wish him the birthday is ultimately up to you.
November 23, 2013 at 5:50 pm
I broke up with my ex just under a year ago. No contact since. We were together for eight years.. I come from a strict Sikh family who disapproved and I left them for him. I miss him so much, I miss his family too and they were so nice to me. My parents don’t want to know me anymore. I feel like I lost everything. Please can you advise me on what to do? He won’t respond to any emails. I send him one every few months. Please help.
November 24, 2013 at 6:21 pm
Why can’t you text him?
November 23, 2013 at 4:25 am
Hello there,
When my boyfriend and I met, we instantly hit it off and neither of us connected with another person so well or easily before. We survived 3 months of long distance and I felt it made us stronger, but the relationship was moving quickly, after all we are both only 21 and both still in school. When we were back in the same area we spent a fair amount of time together, but still he had his alone time usually 2 days a week or whatever depending on what was going on. You should know that he has had a hard past, and his mother died after 8 years of battling cancer when he was 16. I always knew he was a sensitive and caring person, and that life changing thing only made it stronger in him. We rarely would fight, and when we would we talked it out pretty reasonably. I’ve always been cautious of him, knowing that he was serious about feelings and I knew it made him scared. At 7 months he told me he loved me, and I told him I loved him back. I never felt so sure of something in my life. At 8 months almost 9, he broke up with me, unexpectedly. It had come up and we decided to go the weekend without talking and think about things, then on that Sunday we came together and talked. I told him that I’m sorry if I gave him the impression that I had it all figured out, because I don’t and he should know that. He should also know that when I say “oh I want this to be forever” it doesn’t mean that I know anything, it means I’m really enjoying myself and I want it to last. He was very nice, and told me he felt not good enough for me. He told me he had never met anyone else more special or wonderful or someone he connected to or cared about so much and he felt as if he couldn’t properly take care of me, because he couldn’t take care of himself. From that I understood that he was saying he felt lost and needed to find himself to be able to support another person. I never had complaints though, sometimes, rarely, he would do stupid 21 year old boy things, but I mean he’s 21 so why shouldn’t he? He told me he thought someone could be better for me, but he also told me he wanted to find me again and felt our love and time together wasn’t over. He said he wants me to be happy, but I was..? We stood there hugging and both crying, as if neither of us wanted to let go, and I don’t know why he was. He told me he loved me and always would and also had assured me he wasn’t interested in any other girl and this was about himself.
Without him I feel empty and very sad, yet in a strange way I feel and understand what he was saying and that he just felt he needed to do it for himself. I feel in my bones that he will come back to me, I guess I just feel crazy saying that.. how do you know something like that? That’s crazy talk!! I guess I just want like advice on what’s going on in his head. The last time I contacted him I told him I had several of his things, he was sad sounding and told me he did miss me, but didn’t know if life was better without me or not yet. He said he would call me the next day about his stuff and we could talk then, but then he never did. I’ve been doing the NC thing, and it’s hard..REALLY REALLY hard, but I feel that he needs to contact me first for the sake of both of us. There’s just a lot I understand, but not really at the same time and I just want an opinion on what I should do, or if I’m crazy or anything! I just keep praying and hoping he just calls and says he’s made a mistake, but he hasn’t..
November 23, 2013 at 7:56 pm
How long have you been in NC for?
November 24, 2013 at 12:21 am
About a week and a half now. The last time we talked I brought up how I have several of his things and he was like well I guess I’ll get them..and said he would call me the next day about getting them and we could talk then. Then he never called, but I didn’t either and that was the last time we ever talked. Do you think he’ll come back eventually, I mean speaking realistically? Or just what is up with the whole situation, why would he be acting like this?
November 24, 2013 at 7:18 pm
It depends on how you play your cards and the type of emotional bond the two of you have.
November 23, 2013 at 12:27 am
Hi there, just want to know about what to do on my case. I’ve been with a man who is married already. At first, I didn’t know about it cause almost all his time was being spent with me all the way. Now to make the story short, we have a baby right now and few months after i gave birth, we live together with our baby. His wife leave him first before he decided to live with us. And now few months after living together we split up and most of the time we argue thru text messages. I do really love him so much.
I always tried to reach out on him, but his so angry with me. He always told me thru text that he love his wife than me. But his wife was texting me also and saying do something to save our relationship for the sake of our baby…Now my question is, does my man doesnt really love me? Do i have to do something to get him back? we are now a month break up but sometimes I can’t control my feelings to text him first…i never done yet the NC…if i will make starting today, it is still effective? please respond me to this,…I really need advise….I really don’t know what to do,… thanks and more power
November 23, 2013 at 7:35 pm
Have you read this page yet: https://www.exboyfriendrecovery.com/get-your-boyfriend-back-if-you-have-a-child-together/
November 22, 2013 at 10:05 pm
My boyfriend & I broke up yesterday. He has yet to change his Facebook status, will NC work for me? I’m doing it now.
November 23, 2013 at 7:19 pm
Hahah of course.
November 22, 2013 at 11:06 am
So my boyfriend just broke up with me yesterday, and I’m going to do te NC rule, but yesterday when he broke up with me I hate to admit this but I pretty much begged for him back, will the NC rule still work?
November 22, 2013 at 8:07 pm
Definitely do it and yes!
Ladii Shy
November 23, 2013 at 5:33 pm
My ex told me good bye on Nov.06,13. On Nov.07,he updated a status about how he cant stop thinking about a girl and he tagged her. When I saw that I told him that I wish him the best. So I messaged the girl and I told her everything,that weve been together for 7 months and she told me theyve been talking since September. Like how I told the girl everything,she told me that shes gonna stop talking to him. She did because he updated his status on Fb saying that hes done with everything and deleted the status about her. Well now,I deleted him from Fb,deleted his number,and havent contact him since Nov.07. But I still see him because he is my front neighbor. I check his statuses from a friend and he doesnt update his status about hanging out with friends like before,now he just talks about work and Ive notice theres this new girl who is liking his statuses. I gotta admit,I miss him so much and I want to contact him,but I know I shouldnt. I havent contact him since Nov.07. I know you cant forget about someone who you were with for 7 months and especially when they live right in front of you and see each other everyday. I miss him so much :/ Am I doing a right thing.? What do you think.? Please help.
November 24, 2013 at 6:20 pm
Yes you are!
Have you done NC yet?
Ladii Shy
November 27, 2013 at 3:33 pm
Ive done the NC. We havent talked for 3 weeks straight. Should I wait a little bit longer for him to contact me .?? How long does it take for a guy to contact his ex.??
November 21, 2013 at 8:02 pm
Me and my bf were together for about 4 months and he broke up with me because I did something that I know he felt strongly negative about. When we first broke up I texted him everyday. Now its been about two weeks and I am going crazy because I miss him, love him and want him back. My friends told me to leave him and he’s told me that its over. I cannot let him go. We had a bond that was very strong. My daughter loves him and I still see us together in the future. Am I crazy for still loving him? Should I let go? How do I get my man back?
November 22, 2013 at 7:13 pm
No your not crazy and I understand where you are coming from. Have you done NC yet?
November 21, 2013 at 5:52 am
I was dating this guy for about 3 or 4 weeks and things were going really well. He is more my type than most guys I have met and the fact that he got up the courage to ask me out really impressed me. Unfortunately, I’m the type of girl that gets freaked out by relationships. I get super depressed and I don’t know why. I’m know he liked me, but I’m pretty sure i scared him away with my emotions. He started getting distant so without talking about my issues to him (because I figured I had done too much of that), I just ended it over text. Well, it’s been 2.5 months and I still have feelings for him and miss him. I never texted him or anything, but I would see him around 2 times per week at physical therapy. Well, recently my physical therapy ended so I decided to send a friendly text to him just to see if he has any romantic feelings for me at all anymore. His reply seemed like he put very little effort into it. Then, I replied back and he hasn’t texted me since. I took it as a rejection but I’ve been thinking that maybe I was too friendly and he thinks I just want to be friends and is bitter about it. Should I send a much clearer message saying that I miss him or should I just take his not responding as a clear rejection?
Also, if it seems like I should be clearer and say I miss him, does the time we’ve spent together constitute me missing him or am I just being a desperate, lonely person?
Thanks! Lily
November 21, 2013 at 7:35 pm
Well right now you may feel desperate and lonely but at least you notice that, that is not a winning strategy.
I think your focus should be purely on getting positive responses from him.
November 21, 2013 at 10:36 pm
Well we don’t really communicate. Like I said, I tried to start a friendly conversation last week and he didn’t seem interested in even having small talk with me. Should I be blunt in my feelings or is it not worth it?
November 22, 2013 at 7:26 pm
Only be blunt when you have primed him and he is ready to hear your bluntness.
November 22, 2013 at 10:30 pm
I really have no idea what you mean. Priming him means talking to him and we don’t communicate. I’m just going to wait until I forget about it because I don’t think I can stand the rejection. Thanks for the help though.
November 20, 2013 at 11:59 pm
My ex broke up with me two months ago and in that time got wild and slept with probably the whole town… We just recently got back together but I ended it because I felt like he wasn’t the same person, I want him back but I just want HIM back today is day 1 of the break and I did it via text now he won’t talk to me… He really wanted me back I just saw him differently after the first break up… Would your strategy work?
November 21, 2013 at 6:47 pm
I think it is certainly worth a try.