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423 thoughts on “This Will Make Him Call You Or Answer The Phone”

  1. Sadaf

    April 19, 2014 at 3:33 pm

    Hey chris,

    i have read almost every page on your website and i think i can do the NCR. I emailed you but i just found out on this article that you no longer respond to ur emails.
    what happened is a really long story and to leave out any details feels like it is a really incomplete picture because there is so much going on that lead to him saying “Sadaf, I don’t love you, I have never loved you, I do not want to be in this relationship anymore.”
    i just think there is a lot of stress in his life which had not much to do with me and he just needs a break. i’m kind of hesitant to share all that here, i just hope if you can make an exception and check ur inbox for my email because i have so much to say. i have tried to be an understanding girlfriend and have followed his instructions and have tried to help him where i can, support in others.
    we were going through a rough patch and he was happy in the afternoon and then in 15min time, he texts me that its over. it’s unbearable and its killing me because i don’t want to believe it and i think its not over.
    there is so much more that you need to know and so much more that i have mentioned in my email. i really hope that you reply, (either via email or on this comment) because i really really want to know where i stand in my relationship and i really want to understand what might be going through his mind. i want to be there for him. i don’t want him to ever feel like he’s alone.
    i have shared our relationship details with my roommate and she says pretty much that i should’ve dumped him. to get a guy’s view, i have trying talking to his friends. one says that i should use my “common sense” while the other one said that he won’t share what he knows about my boyfriend.
    he is not a “bad boy”. and he doesn’t open up his feelings easily. i don’t know what to expect. i am on NC after a big mistake on being a calling gnat for an entire night. i am trying to give him space but today’s been the third day of my NC and i hate it. he hasn’t contacted me yet so i am falling apart.
    i bet you can tell that i am desperate since i found your website on the second day of our break up and have been following NC for three days since. i do nothing but read through pages like this one. i walked on the first morning and i got sick the same night. still am sick. i know u said to try to become the UG in the NC period but how am i supposed to find the willpower to do that when all i want to do is curl up in his arms. he is my rock. i always go to him when i am slightly sad. he encourages me. now he’s not there.
    i hope u find the chance to reply. there is so much more that i think you need to know.

    1. admin

      April 20, 2014 at 3:44 am

      Ya it got to be too crazy for me to respond to all the emails (sorry.)

      You become the UG by taking it one step at a time. Start off by doing something small first. What do you think you can do right now to take a step in that direction (no matter how small it is?)

    2. Sadaf

      April 19, 2014 at 3:45 pm

      oh and we were together for 2 years. in a successful and happy relationship. i was his UG. i have lost some weight since we’ve met, (he’s into fitness and he helped me with that). i had acne about 6 months back but now m all better, so i know that wasn’t really the case.
      he’s a really social person and outgoing and is always busy doing things so i think it will take him some more days before he feels my absence. i was his best friend, like he was mine.
      he completely takes me out and never feels ashamed to introduce me to his friends. he doesn’t share his troubles with anyone but me and his best friend. we had a great sex life so m sure i was fulfilling his emotional and physical needs.
      i was the one being manipulated in our relationship but i don’t mind that. i can be understanding about that. i just wanted to be whatever he needed. in turn, he would just have to be a good listener and we would hang out.
      i just really think he did it because he was angry and needs a break. i want to know if i am wrong or right.

  2. Rainey

    April 11, 2014 at 7:19 pm

    Ok so i met my ex through my best friend. My ex was really good friends with her boyfriend. He saw a picture of me n was very interested so he asked my best friend and boyfriend to see if i would be interested in him n try and hook us up. Well i was and we on date and immediately hit off. Things were amazing. He asked me to be his girlfriend and of course i said yes! He told me he was tired of just hook ups and wanted something long term, he said he could see himself being long term with me. He was constantly telling me how much he likes me and how amazing i am to him and how it was such a relief to finally find someone good to him. He told me that i deserve someone thats going to be good to me and he wants to be that person. He even told me he wanted me to meet his parents. So i did and he met my parents and everything was just going so good. Until about two weeks into the relationship he tells me that before we got together he was talking about moving to a different state with a friend. Which i know it wasnt something he just made up becuase back n january way before we even met he posted something about it on facebook. So anyways when he told me that i told him it that the idea that he might be moving scared me a little bit and i guess he started thinking about things and ended up deciding that he wanted to be friends util he finds out for sure if hes going to move. Which was so confusing becuase hes not being forces to move i guess its just something hes hoping for but he has no money saved up and doesnt really make enough money to save up to move in 3 months and hes not even for sure if hes going to. Right after him breaking up with me and saying he wanted to be friends i didnt hear from him. At the time i had not heard about the no contact rule so after about 4 days of us being split up i texted him. He texted back and said he hasnt been texting me cuase he figured i was upset n wanted to give me room to calm down. I told him i wasnt mad i just was confused about why he would seek me out and start a relationship with me if he might be moving. But we basically re-agreed to be friends and he said lets just go with the flow and see where things go but he doesnt want me to think thats its100% well be getting back together, i guess incase he does move. I have no be using the no contact rule for 10 days and i have not heard anything from him. I feel very very confused. I really liked this guy and he seemed to act like he really cared about me. I just dont understand how things were so amazing one day and then everything changed because he might be moving and it feels like after we broke up he just went cold and stopped caring about me becuase he hasnt even tryed to check in with me to see how im doing or tryed to just stay in contact with me incase he doesnt move. Idk wat todo or think. Any advice? Im still going to keep using the no contact rule. Still have 20 more days to go

  3. Brittany

    April 6, 2014 at 4:26 pm

    My boyfriend and I have been dating for little over 2 years. I recently found out from someone other than him that he cheated on me with my married friend for about 2-3 months. He told he he probably did just give up the best thing of his life for a stupid choice/mistake. I just don’t know if I believe him. You have a lot of helpful articles on here, but not what I’m exactly looking for. I really don’t think I want to get back with him, even though I miss him terribly. He was my first love so it makes it kind of harder on me I believe. I’m still trying the NCR just to help myself. I don’t know if I just want to get over him and forget him completely, or maybe eventually try to forgive him and see if it’s worth fixing. Please help.

  4. Tracey

    March 14, 2014 at 7:31 am


    I did no contact 3 months after our breakup, contacted him via text, he responded. Was positive for a few days then tried to call. Basically in short he dumped me because he got scared. I know he cared more than he admitted. He kept alluding to things in the future and insisting in being friends and never admitted how he felt, just kept avoiding it. The lead up to the call went completely pear shaped and ended In me being more angry because of pure frustration than ever. I’ve not heard from him since. And I’ve not tried but I still want him back. Have I blown it completely. He has been left with pretty negative feelings now. At a loss.

  5. Michelle

    January 9, 2014 at 9:37 pm

    Ok so it’s been three weeks since my boyfriend and I broke up. I’ve tried doing no contact but it has been hard. I need to start. He said he really likes me a lot but we broke up because he can’t be in a relationship right now because his dad just walked out on his family and he is sticking around to help his mom out. I told him I can’t be friends with him right now and we agreed that’s its best to not talk. We were together for 5 months so many good memories. I feel like I could have pushed him further away by trying to reach out to him. I messed up by trying to talk to him and he isn’t talking right now to me. I really miss him. Is there a possiblity to get him back and did I mess up by texting him so much? I hope not cause I want him back. Thanks for your help I just bought your book as well and am excited.

  6. Alexandra

    December 30, 2013 at 9:52 pm

    Hi Chris,

    I love your page, is amazing. Ok here is my situation. I was leaving with this guy we were always fighting, we had our good moments but we have alot of bad moment. He didnt trusted me and I didnt trusted him. Finally one day I got tired because he did something really mean the day of my birthday and I broke up with him kicking him out of my house, his mom was staying with us and she left too. It was bad. Two days later he text me that he forgot something at my house. We called me then and was really mad at me saying that it was wrong what I did, I dont think he realized that he did alot of bad things too. He told me he didnt want nothing to do with me or know anything about me. Two weeks later his mom moved back with me, her and I are friends.Than He texted me one day asking for something he left at my house, we both have alot of pride, I told him give me your frineds address and I will mail it to you, he didnt answer. 4 days later I changed my mind and texted him saying when your passing by the house let me know and I will have your stuff ready. He answer with a ok. Two weeks after that I texted him telling him to keep an eye on his mom that I’ve notice that shes was a little sad, also told him that I knew he was probably mad she was staying with me but I was just trying to help her, no answer. Last week was his birthday I texted him saying happy birthday and merry christma, and no answer. This was all before I was able to read your site. Also I know his mom probably tells him everything I do, and I went out with her the other day to party so I dont know if his mad at that too, the other day he also came to my house to pick something up from his mom when I wasnt home. Since his nt the typical guy he has so much pride,I’m not even sure if I still have a chance to fix things. He has alot of pride and I dont know if he would ever get back with me. Any advice on what should I do?? Thank you in advance

    1. admin

      January 1, 2014 at 10:47 pm

      Hahaha well usually I recommend starting with NC

  7. He is going crazy!

    December 30, 2013 at 12:36 am

    The NC works well! 🙂 he has been texting me everyday since 4 days. do you think i should complete the 30 days? or it will be too much for him?

    he doesn’t know if i read his msgs or not, coz he i took off the option that shows him that i read them (iMessage and Viber). And on Facebook i don’t open the msg, i just read it from the inbox.

    So he is telling me that he is worry, and he told me it’s not a game, if you don’t want to talk to me just answer me and tell me!.

    Do you think i should complete the 30 days? he is gong crazy!

  8. Nikki

    December 24, 2013 at 9:37 pm

    Hey, I’ve read your articles and they are very motivating, I must say.
    Okay, so I was with this guy in high school for a year and I moved to another city. We were pretty good friends then. After I moved, we started talking a lot on the phone. Like, A LOT. And then we started going out. Yes, it was a long distance relationship, but it never seemed like one. We skyped almost everyday, and it was all good 🙂 we loved each other a lot, but we fought a lot, more like argued a lot; on silly little things most of the time. Many a times during our arguments i told him to leave me but he never did, he always got us through the fights, up until recently when he had his exams and i bickered a lot because he wasn’t able to give me much time. I don’t know why, he seemed to pull himself away from me. Like, he wouldn’t even call me could. And because of that, I just lost my mind. And then we fought a lot, and it got nasty. He even blocked me for 3 days and then unblocked me himself. I texted him to check on him, and his replies were neutral. After about 5 messages the conversation ended. I tried ignoring him for two days but couldn’t resist and sent him a very very very very long text telling him how badly I wanted him back. He didn’t reply. Not a word. And then i went back to the no contact rule. And then after 2 days, my grandmom passed away, and instinctively I texted him. He replied very blandly, and I stopped replying after 2 messages, annoyed. This was 2 days ago. And I’m planning to pursue the no contact rule, and this time even stick by it. But the thought that lingers in my head is that if he really loved me, why did he not reply when i poured my heart out to him and why was he so unconcerned when i told him about my grandmom? And the million dollar question remains, can I get him back? Is there hope?

    1. admin

      December 26, 2013 at 5:41 pm

      There is hope definitely. However, it is not goign to be an easy process.

    2. Nikki

      December 27, 2013 at 5:43 pm

      All i needed was someone to tell me that there still is hope. Thanks 🙂

    3. Nikki

      December 29, 2013 at 8:39 pm

      Hey Chris!
      Okay, I was following the NCR with a lot of dedication ’til today when a friend of ours (his and mine) called me and told me that he was unable to get him quit smoking. Okay, i forgot to mention earlier, but right after our break up, he had started smoking. And that hit me very hard because 1. He was always against it, and 2. He has some issues with his lungs and he is fully aware of the consequences of smoking.
      I know he’s not smoking for fun because , again, he hated it, and because whenever we broke up, like i mentioned before, we did sometimes(the ones that lasted for an hour or so), he told me that he’d start doing it because i hated it as much as he did and I knew I wouldn’t let him because I loved him and I’d take him back and work things out.
      Up until that friend called me today, I was sure that he would’ve given up because that friend promised me that he’s going to make him quit, and when he told me that he was unable to, I was flooded with all the wrong emotions, mostly guilt. I don’t want him to smoke. It’s slow death. And I don’t want him to die. I want him to lead a healthy life even if it is without me. I don’t want to be the reason anybody dies, especially him. Cause I’ve loved him far too much to see him go through all of this. I want this to end ; this pain that he is going through. 🙁 I don’t understand why he’s doing this to himself. I wish he could just stop. I wish I could just stop him. I know texting him won’t help because I’ve tried that before (that very long message i mentioned about in my previous comment), so I’m not texting. I don’t know what to do. He’s already smoking 15 ciggies a day, and it’s been only 2 weeks. I’m scared how things would be after 20 days from now, when my no contact period ends.
      I want to do something but I just don’t know what to. I don’t want to screw up again. I don’t want to call him and start another fight because I don’t know how adverse the affects of that fight would be. I don’t want to worsen up anything. I would really appreciate some help. Can you please help? 🙁

    4. admin

      December 30, 2013 at 8:18 pm

      How long were you in NC for? I forgot?

    5. Nikki

      January 1, 2014 at 2:44 pm

      I was for 10 days and then I broke it. He was very rude. He even asked me to fuck off(he never did before) vut i kept clam and i just said take care and stopped texting.. But then just today, he sent me hey, and I replied and he talked to me like nothing had happened. Like how we were before the relationship. I told him I had to go and said bye. I’m planning on starting the NC all over again.

  9. Olivia

    December 21, 2013 at 11:21 am

    If I ended a relationship because the guy didn’t want to commit/be exclusive – if I then contact him in the suggested ways after the NC period, I feel like that would be giving him the upper hand again, like it would be obvious that I want him back and he might get the idea that he doesn’t have to give me what I want in order to get what he wants? Any suggestions around that? Thanks.

    1. admin

      December 22, 2013 at 2:24 am

      Not if you are the one leaving him wanting more and ending convos first.

    2. Olivia

      December 24, 2013 at 2:58 am

      Thanks Chris. He contacted me (to tell me he’s “worried” about me) and this site has definitely given me the resolve not to respond!

    3. admin

      December 24, 2013 at 7:13 pm

      Good for you!

  10. sosad

    December 20, 2013 at 12:08 am

    I dated a guy and then we broke up and had a brutal break up, a year later we reconnected but it turned more into a friends with benefits sort of relationship; might I add he said when and where and ignored me unless he wanted some. It made me feel used and abandoned and obviously since I am a girl I did not take it well. The last time we hooked up however he had promised we could hang out that weekend and when I didnt hear from him I kind of lost it with everything that had built up and was a txt gnat to the max. I mean I look back and think “what the hell, why did I do that?” and of course he never once responded. I feel like if I didnt want to talk to someone and they blew up my phone like I did his I would atleast say “leave me alone” or “stop” or something but he didnt even do that. it was like I never even said anything. I love him. I cant seem to get over him- I have tried for years. So I am coming to you today to ask this: He has an iphone and as you may know there is a new “block contact” option and I feel like he did that to me. We have hooked up atleast once every two weeks for as long as I can remember however this is the first time I REALLY lost my cool and I think he blocked me because of it. Will he ever unblock me and try to talk to me again? Or should I come to terms with the fact that I blew it and I will never hear from him again. Also this may be a dumb question but should I use a friends phne to apologize for the way I reacted? Thanks a ton.

    1. admin

      December 21, 2013 at 3:21 am

      It is possible but it is going to take time…

    2. sosad

      December 21, 2013 at 4:13 am

      so where do I start? If you think I have a chance to fix this then tell me what to do first and I’ll do it. I dont care how long it takes.

    3. admin

      December 22, 2013 at 2:09 am

      Well, I would start by consuming as much information as possible.

    4. Sir_Sleep

      January 8, 2014 at 7:22 pm

      I’ve been through a similar situation recently….well not exactly, but me and my ex were getting along ok until I saw she was dating a new guy. I blew my top and went mental, little did I know I should’ve just ignored it and everything would’ve been very very different by now. Anyway….she ended up blocking me after I realised I had done something stupid and became a sudden text gnat. From what I can see through the guide, you seriously need to just implement no contact right NOW! If there is the smallest chance of getting it together, you will only blow it more by becoming a gnat. So just wait and see, and if you hear nothing….no contact will slowly help you forget about him anyway. After no contact you could think about using either Whatsapp, Viber, or even the Skype App to send a text. If you really need to call him, (in the U.k) you can put 141 before the number you’re trying to call – goes through every time!

  11. Deeply Shattered.

    December 18, 2013 at 7:00 pm

    Chris, I have written to you previously about my man issue…and I, as well as probably most girls here, go crazyyyy during the NC time frame. We sit and stare at the screen,check our emails, texts hoping they contact us first..then we type messages then delete before sending them..rinse, repeat..you get the point. Sooo, I was thinking, maybe you could make a message board area where we can come to and help each other thru those tempting moments. Yes, we keep busy at home,gym friends etc but there are times when no one is available. Late at night is my hardest time bc him and I used to text til 2am…now I email him, then delete but I have to admit…I was weak and broke the NCR one time. (Today tbh) If you had a “support” board (kinda like a sponsor lol) we can come here and help each other. Who knows best what we are all feeling and going thru? EACH OTHER 🙂 Thoughts?

    1. admin

      December 19, 2013 at 7:03 pm

      A support board seems like a good idea. Ill look into it.

  12. Anon

    December 8, 2013 at 8:50 pm

    I’m hoping to buy your book, but I don’t want the name of it to show up on my credit card account. When I purchase it, how is the purchase described on the credit card statement?

    1. admin

      December 9, 2013 at 6:56 pm

      If you purchase it through a credit card then the name will probably show up. BUT you can get around it if you purchase it through Paypal. B/c you only have access to Paypal and no one else.

  13. Vicky

    December 5, 2013 at 7:56 pm

    Well i wrote him after a while again and he asked if I want to Skype again…so we skyped and he called me all the time “Miss wonderful” and complimented me about everything and then I told him that I blushed and he said he loves it because i look like a rose and also he told me i can add him on fb if I want…and then he asked me if I still have this Teddy bear he gave me and I said yes…And he said that he also bought and Tedd and named it “Vicky” First I didnt believe but I didnt say anything…After 2 days he wrote me again asking if i want to see him and “HIS vicky” yeah he kept saying “MY vicky” And then he really sended me a pic of him and the teddy cuddling and wanted a picture of me Dx And we planned to meet to…My question is (Because I think these are positives signs) If i should tell him that I miss him or so? Or show my feelings for him?

    1. admin

      December 6, 2013 at 7:21 pm

      Only tell him that stuff if he is properly primed and tested to hear them or answer to them in a positive manner.

  14. Kay

    December 5, 2013 at 1:45 pm

    Hey, right I done the meet and we texted a little. Left it a day for me to text saying it was nice catching up and should do it again for him to side step it. Now I feel he’s not interested at all :/

  15. Kate

    December 3, 2013 at 10:46 pm

    he called me a couple times but I missed the call. I called him back and we had a really good conversation… he said a lot of sentimental things and was happy to talk to me. that was 4 days ago, so where do I go from here? do I wait for him to initiate contact now? I guess I’m just confused about what to do next, and I don’t want to screw things up.

    thank you!!!

    1. admin

      December 5, 2013 at 12:53 am

      I think you can initiate!

  16. LadyD

    December 2, 2013 at 3:09 am

    Well, a week of NC worked. I guess I came up with a good text, because we’re talking and I’m getting positive responses to texts, even if they are a bit brief (3 sentences max). He directed me to an online photo album I didn’t know about before; it had some beautiful pictures in it. I remember his response last week to my describing out texting pattern as tip-toeing at times: he said it was part of the process (this was right before he blew up at me). What process is he referring to? And here’s the biggest question of all: during our entire post-break-up communications, he has had many chances to tell me he doesn’t want me in his life anymore, and he hasn’t. But he won’t tell me he wants me back either. Why?

    1. admin

      December 2, 2013 at 6:59 pm

      It just may take some time haha.. This is a long and complicated process. Just be patient and learn to adapt to anything that is thrown at you.

  17. Jenn

    November 29, 2013 at 11:28 pm

    After my first ATB, he had a neutral response. I waited 3 days and sent a second ATB, it didn’t go through He’s blocked me from texting, calling and emailing him Great! Now what??? I don’t have FB

    1. admin

      November 30, 2013 at 4:56 am

      May I ask what your relationship was like? Did it end very badly?

    2. Jenn

      November 30, 2013 at 7:36 am

      Yes. It ended very badly

    3. admin

      November 30, 2013 at 7:08 pm

      Could be a reason for some of the fallout.

    4. Jenn

      November 30, 2013 at 10:46 pm

      But how do I contact him after another 30 of NC? Send him a letter in the mail?

    5. admin

      December 1, 2013 at 6:24 pm

      Well, usually you want to text.

    6. Jenn

      December 1, 2013 at 9:09 pm

      Seriously, he blocked me. How am I going to text him?

    7. admin

      December 2, 2013 at 6:39 pm

      You may have to get in touch another way. Thats really unfortunate 🙁

  18. LadyD

    November 25, 2013 at 5:35 am

    Well we ended up talking last week. It did not go well. I invited him out for a drink or coffee “C’mon, it’s just coffee…”. Um..yeah. He blew up at me. He said that I had no business contacting a woman I thought he was cheating on me with. (He asked her to go on a camping trip with him. She lives across country). He previously said she lied to me, but last week, he said it doesn’t matter if what she said was true or not, because it doesn’t change the fact that I contacted her. I said we should stop looking at the fight and look at how we got there. Because we didn’t communicate. He wouldn’t hear it. So, I asked if he wanted nothing to do with me. I said if he didn’t, then he should stop stringing me along and tell me; I’d be gone. He said it wasn’t that simple. The conversation ended with him saying that I should text him later in the week. So, I did. He said he was at work on Friday, and wanted to talk later (he was; btw). So, I let it go. And…today, I happened to be in his neighborhood (no, seriously; I was working and then meeting a friend, who cancelled on me b/c she was sick). So, I dropped by. Yeah…I know. I texted him to let him know I was there. I heard him grab the phone, then go back in the bedroom. He wouldn’t come to the door. I asked him if he wanted me to leave, but got no response. So, I left; feeling like an idiot. I drove a few blocks away, and pulled over, texting a friend b/c I was too upset to drive. Then…I saw his car whip past me. And circle the block a few times. WTF? I texted him to ask what he was doing. No response. I have NEVER done this before btw; not for the ten years I’ve known him. Things were going well until last Wednesday. It’s been THREE months since the break up. I feel like I’ve done EVERYTHING I should. I have no idea what to think right now. Why would he talk to me and respond positively; then blow up at me? And, why ignore me when he knew I was coming over, and he could have just told me not to come or to leave? And then, why follow me? And…please don’t just tell me to go back into NC; I’m there already. Happy holidays indeed. 🙁

    1. admin

      November 25, 2013 at 8:07 pm

      Sometimes you can do everything right and still feel a bit flat.

      Oh go back into NC ;).

      Umm… I need more detail. What made him “blow up?”

    2. LadyD

      November 26, 2013 at 4:06 am

      I mentioned why he blew up at the beginning of my post, but he said he wasn’t sure he was ready to see me in person b/c he might not have anything nice to say. I asked why. He blew up and started all the “you had no business talking to her and it doesn’t matter if I was cheating or not because you had no business asking her if I was” stuff. (Just in case you don’t remember, I asked him, and he wouldn’t answer. Although he couldn’t have slept with her; she’s across the country. She said he invited her back to go camping with him).

    3. LadyD

      November 26, 2013 at 4:07 am

      Also, how long in NC? And what’s a better way to initiate contact again in THIS case? The texting didn’t work so well for me. Christmas card?

    4. admin

      November 26, 2013 at 7:59 pm

      NC for 30 days typically but that number can change.

    5. LadyD

      November 26, 2013 at 11:12 pm

      I did already do 33 days of NC before this happened, btw. Then I did two more weeks after not getting a response to my initial text. After that, I got positive responses to texts. So, should I do a full 30 days again? Also, why ignore me? I asked in the text if he wanted me to leave. He could have told me to. Better yet, he could have told me not to come when I texted him before I got there.

    6. admin

      November 27, 2013 at 7:32 pm

      No wait another week of NC and try to reach out. Think of a really good text though.

    7. LadyD

      November 28, 2013 at 4:56 am

      A really good text?!?!!?!? You’re killing me here! 🙂

    8. admin

      November 28, 2013 at 5:51 am

      Hahahah I wish I had more time… its crazy on my end I am sorry 🙁

  19. Brunette

    November 24, 2013 at 5:51 pm

    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for the valuable advise, you have been a great help.
    I applied the NC successfully and started to text him after that and got some very positive replies but we still didn’t meet or talk on the phone. What worries me is that he never initiates any contact. I thought that by now he should start looking for me if I didn’t initiate contact, but he didn’t do that when I refrained from texting him for 5 days. Do you think this means that he’s not interested enough in getting back together?

    1. admin

      November 25, 2013 at 6:55 pm

      Ok so you just have been in NC for 5 days?

    2. Brunette

      November 26, 2013 at 2:29 pm

      No. I completed the 30 days of NC, got back in touch with him through several texts, to which he was replying positively. This has been going on for 3 weeks now. But I wanted to see if he would initiate contact, so I refrained from texting him for 5 days, and he never initiated contact. However he is still replying very well to my texts. What do you make out of this situation? What could be going on in his mind?

  20. Jenn

    November 22, 2013 at 10:51 pm


    After NC for awhile and him texting a few times during NC, I sent him a text referencing how I saw something that reminded me of him and how it brought a smile to my face. He responded 12 hours later and was very neutral. He sent a few more texts about but all job related never asking how I was. I ended the conversation telling him that I was out to dinner with a friend and for him to keep intouch. U advised me to wait 3 days and send him another text. I did. He never responded. Now what? Start NC all over again?

    1. admin

      November 23, 2013 at 7:21 pm

      Looks like he doesn’t want to talk right now.

      Just go back into it for 15 days and have a good text prepared.

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