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March 12, 2016 at 4:47 am
My boyfriend of 3 years broke up with me a month ago. It caught me completely off guard. I have a daughter and he had 2 kids. We lived as though we were married (sharing bills, referring to each other as husband and wife, living together for 2 and half years ) things were going good. He got mad one week over a few things and I didn’t speak to him for a few days. When I did finally he got very mad and broke up with me through Facebook without giving me a reason. When I tried to talk to him he would get mad and yell and refuse to talk to me (which is completely unlike him). He is very stubborn. 4 days before he dumped me , we went car shopping where he was gonna Co sign for me a new car. He also talked marriage the prior week.
He adventually deleted me from his Facebook , but still has all my friends and family on there. I moved out but I miss him deeply. I thought we would be together forever. I feel like he made a mistake and posibly regrets his decision. It really to my knowledge came out of know where. I know it wasn’t because he met anyone else or cheating.
Any thoughts?
EBR Team Member: Amor
March 12, 2016 at 1:51 pm
Hi Linsay,
he has a reason.. we just don’t know what that is.. he broke up with you through Facebook while you were living together? When was the last time you talked?
March 11, 2016 at 5:40 pm
I’m worried that there is no way to get him to regret ending things. We had a good, although not overly serious relationship. It was only four months. When he ended things though – relatively amicably (no screaming or crying on my part or anything) – he said: I like you, but I can never see myself being in love with you. I feel like I can see you being in love with me. In the beginning he was very into me, we had great sex, he very much pursued me. I feel like I opened up too quickly. I haven’t spoken to him in 9 days, haven’t reached out. I feel like instead of beginning to miss me, he will just feel relieved for the lack of drama.
March 12, 2016 at 4:25 pm
I haven’t contacted him since (9 days), and don’t plan to. I’m always very busy, and always was during our relationship (I have a very well-known, very busy job, he always found admirable). I just am not sure if he’s every going to miss me, and am not sure how to make him miss me. I feel like he’s relieved for the break-up. How do I do it?
EBR Team Member: Amor
March 13, 2016 at 4:33 am
You can do it by posting your activities and not posting anything about the relationahip..talking to mutual friends but of course not about him..just be present because they will eventually tell him they talked to you .. And just keep on no contact..silence itself can make him miss you..especially that he thinks you love him more than he loves you, so he will expect you to chase
EBR Team Member: Amor
March 12, 2016 at 12:11 pm
Hi Carlin,.
if he said he sees yoi being in love with him, that means you have to appear that you have moved on.. be busy with nc, be productive
March 11, 2016 at 8:11 am
Please know that he and me have been in a long distance relationship for long.
March 12, 2016 at 2:59 pm
What should I do next?
Can you please suggest?
EBR Team Member: Amor
March 12, 2016 at 3:38 pm
Give it a week after the last text, if it’s less than a week now.. Do interesting things during that week, post it.. Things that might interest him.. Or you can just share posts that might interest him but don’t tag him.. Just keep it out there.. And then after a week, try the I have a confession to make text.. if he doesn’t respond to that It’s better to be silent again for a month or try to move on..
March 11, 2016 at 9:44 pm
I took an example from the book.
My message was “you won’t believe what I saw yesterday”.
That is interesting. Maybe he was not interested to know. Isn’t it?
EBR Team Member: Amor
March 12, 2016 at 1:23 pm
it can be.. or he might be waiting for you text rigt next what it was..
if he didn’t respond days after that, it means it wasn’t that interesting to him..
EBR Team Member: Amor
March 11, 2016 at 12:29 pm
Hi Shradna,
maybe the messagr was not interesting or he doesn’t know how to respond to it?
March 11, 2016 at 8:09 am
After 2.5 months of no contact, I contacted my ex.
The first two days I talked and he responded. However when third day I messaged him, he blew me off. I know he has read the WhatsApp message, but now no more does he care to respond. What do I make of it?
March 10, 2016 at 5:05 am
My bf of 2 recently broke up with me. When we first started dating, he told me he would marry me. Our relationship was hard. I felt like i made changes for him but one thing i had trouble changing was my temper. Towards the ens of our relationship we were fighting all the time. He told me he wants to break up because being with me was stressful. I paid for his food, helped out with tuition and srove him around. I wouldn’t buy clothes for myself so I could buy him the good stuff. I even did his homework for him. He never thanks me after a meal. But i never gave up on the relationship. Now that we are broken up, he still wants me to drive him because he has irritable bowl syndrome. When I dont text him, he texts me. When i am with him he seems annoyed. But afterwards he gets friendly and even flirts. Should i stop driving him and ignore him? I have all my classes with him and everyone in our program thinks we are getting married after we graduate. What is he trying to do? How should i act?
EBR Team Member: Amor
March 10, 2016 at 11:32 pm
Hi Syd,
yeah you have to stop.. He’s using you..You gave everything whwn you were together and still is even when you’re not..you’re being too available..
March 8, 2016 at 12:26 am
My boyfriend of two years broke up with me on Saturday and we both agreed now isn’t a good time for our relationship as we both have a lot of stress and pressure to succeed in our final years of university, and he has to go to a placement which would make our relationship long distance. We both love each and want to be with each other because we know there is a special connection – we have a unique bond where we just jnow what each other are thinking, we had a little break and whilst we were doing our own things when we reviewed what we had been up to we had done exactly the same things and thought of each other for the same reasons. He said that we just can’t be us at the moment, but we will in the future once. So I’m going to stick to the no contact rule and see if we can repair what we have whilst we have positive feelings towards each other – however it’s my birthday next week and I obviously want him to message me happy birthday but I understand if he doesn’t think he should. But I would like advice on whether this is an exception I can make to the no contact rule – just by replying with a thank you so he knows I appreciated his text. Or would that be inappropriate as it’s too soon?
EBR Team Member: Amor
March 9, 2016 at 9:55 am
Hi Maya,
Better not because he has to think that you’re moving on.. to miss you..
March 4, 2016 at 5:02 pm
A guy I’ve been dating since December told me last night he doesn’t want a relationship. Hes a band manager and said he “knows” his schedule will conflict with the relationship. During the conversation he had the audacity to say the dreadful…”it’s not you, it’s me” cliche. Prior to this we’d been to his mom’s house twice, we’ve spent time together with our children. he’s babysat my youngest for me, given me money, paid for my car to be repaired and other things that men do for their women. I had a past relationship about 15 years ago that was really physical and resulted in some court appearances where I was the plaintiff in some situations but also the defendant. I think this info ran him away along with some opinions of close friends and family members he shared it with. He confronted me about one incident and I was honest but there were several. I think my past is scaring him away. The problem is that he doesn’t really wanna leave me alone. not even a few hours after he broke our courtship
March 4, 2016 at 5:07 pm
sorry..i didn’t finish.
but anyway not even a few hours after he broke off our courtship he was calling. I answered but I told him I had to call him back. I never called because it was late and I fell asleep before I had a opportuinty to call.
Before we parted way, he told me not to tell my kids we werent gonna date anymore because I let him know he basically led me on and my kidsa were gonna have questions. He said dont tell them anything yet, and then said to me everything is gonna work out then he kissed me on the lips. Part of me want to sink into his arm but on the other had I feel that he regret for leaving me alone os causing him to send me mizxed messages. Should I run or wait? I dont want to be toyed with and these mixed signals are hurting me .
EBR Team Member: Amor
March 5, 2016 at 8:31 am
Hi Meisha,
Yeah, he is confused… I think you’re right.. your past might be scaring him..give it a rest for now.. there’s a good chance he will contact you again especially if you’re silent.. for me give it a week of silence and then talk to each other calmly..if he’s still undecisive..do no contact for 30 days
March 2, 2016 at 6:04 pm
So my situation is a bit different I guess.. Met a guy while traveling and we hit it off. Nothing happened but we clicked instantly and stayed in touch after that. As we live in different continents we didn’t get the chance to meet in person again but we’ve maintained texting throughout 8 months and got pretty close. I know it sounds weird but I really think there is something between us and he even told me that he fell for me. Anyway he broke it off 2 weeks ago saying he is not ready for a relationship and thinks I’m not the right one for him, otherwise he wouldn’t be more anxious than happy.
Of course I had trouble accepting that and asked him repeatedly to work through this to which he only replied that he needs to be alone and I should give us both time to heal.
My question is: is all hope lost? My head tells me to just let go but it sucks not being able to find out what this could have been.. I’ve never felt this strongly about someone. I haven’t contacted him ever since he asked me to and haven’t heard from him either. I know he’ll be in my city soon as he is on a business trip with work but I’m not sure whether asking for a meetup is the way to go here..
EBR Team Member: Amor
March 3, 2016 at 9:47 am
Hi Doreen,
the truth is ldr itself is hard, what more if you’re not compatible? For me go silent for a month, of he really didn’t reach out then move on
March 2, 2016 at 1:03 pm
hi me and my boyfriend broke up about 2 weeks ago and it was kimd of my fault because hes so jealous i lied to him so many times about going out with my friends and then when we break up he start texting girls and doing stuff wich i hate 2 days ago he called me after we said that were done this time and he was like i can’t live without u and a lot of things but he never forget my mistake and hes kind of selfish so we got in to a fight in the morning so what should i do i mean he only wait for 2 days and then hes like i can’t live without u so i dunno what to do can u please help me
EBR Team Member: Amor
March 2, 2016 at 4:57 pm
Hi Youssra,
Talk first calmly.. sort this out..in what to expect and what to do,
February 27, 2016 at 12:23 am
I introduced my boyfriend to my parents few weeks ago and few days after that he told me that he was not loved up. We were in an on & off relationship for a year. He was the one who who breaking up with me almost every month. After the last break-up I was so angry with him for playing before my parents that I sent him a hate email. After that I sent few apologetic ones…yet he kept his distance and me too. Then about 2 weeks ago another girl appeared and he is all over her, but she has a boyfriend. At this point I was so upset and angry with his ways that I could not control myself and sent few more hate emails. And of course now we do not talk to each other anymore. I regret that everything turned out to be so ugly, at the same time I do not want him back, because I do not trust him. And he is hitting on someone new. The thing, which bothers me is that he really brought out my “dark” side….and now I gave him a perfect excuse. He never takes responsibility for his actions, there is always a convenient excuse and all is my fault. I had this fatal attraction to him and he just took advantage of it, I knew it, but I was hoping that something will change. But the last show before my parents was the straw that broke our relationship’s back… This time I just could not take it anymore. Now we are both hurt and he even told me that he remembers only the evil stuff… Most of the time I was so nice to him as to no one else in my life and yet he never truly appreciate it. Now the only feeling which bothers me is guilt for sending those emails…otherwise I am done with him. How can I heal from that? Thank you.
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 27, 2016 at 10:43 am
Hi Marvel
You have to forgive yourself.. those emails were sent out of emotions and to a person you know who should’ve treated you right.. Think of it as a practice to control your actions next time when you’re emotional
February 26, 2016 at 5:35 pm
So, my boyfriend of almost 2 years broke up with me a week ago because he said he simply doesn’t want to be in a relationship anymore (he wants to be alone) Then, yesterday i made a mistake of asking him out to lunch and then begging him to take me back. I know this is completely stupid, but is there any chance that I could still follow the no-contact rule after this? like i wouldn’t talk to him for months after today and maybe will he still regret leaving me? thank you!
May 23, 2016 at 8:24 am
I did all that and I
Think he was a little bit friendly than he was befor, but after the no contact period and we started talking and I think I messed up again by going to fast and everything has brake again at this point what do u suggest I do
EBR Team Member: Amor
May 26, 2016 at 12:52 pm
I can’t find your original post angel.. how did you go too fast?
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 27, 2016 at 7:38 am
Hi Lindsey,
That’s ok.. that’s normal..But what do you mean by months? We only usually recommend 45 days the longest.. you can try 30 days first if you want
February 24, 2016 at 4:33 am
Help me
I broke up with my ex December last year but until now he still send and fetch me at my office until i get my own car soon. Actually my ex already has new bitch and declared 3 days after our end relationship day. The new bitch is his colleague and my friend too. I felt very hurt what they done to me. It is the cruel betrayal to me. My ex said his feeling to me is over the limit. He never admitted that he is wrong because he felt that he never betray to me. It is so crazy, And now be spinning world because my ex make me as friend and the bitch became his girlfriend. We changed the role with the same man. After we broke up, my ex always complain his dissatisfaction about the bitch. He admit he too obses with the bitch.The funny thing is that bitch do not love him wholeheartedly but accepted my ex as her BF. Now they are planning to get married end of this year even though they always miscommunication, no understanding and fighting. My problem is i never revenge to my ex. Three month after broke up i still available for him even though i know when the bitch is busy my ex will find me to accompany him to everywhere. I know my ex will not back to me because he said already to me. One day even he broke up with the bitch, he will never came back to me.He will find new one. What Should i do know? to be frank i still love him but the same time I felt I was very stupid because i still treat and serve my ex even though I knew I was no longer his girlfriend. But I am afraid to leave. I am very confused with my own feelings. please advise me ,
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 24, 2016 at 12:35 pm
Hi Alana,
It will only stop of you value yiurself more.. he will continue to use you or take you for granted because you allow him to
February 22, 2016 at 6:02 pm
I want to get the ex I was talking to back, but the big difference or area where I worry this method won’t work is the fact that we weren’t dating and were talking for such a short period of time. He was really interested in me when we first started talking, but he was also dating around with another girl and comparing us (I know, this should’ve made me cut him off already but I didn’t). He was giving me way more attention and was definitely more interested in me, but I got emotional a few times and a bit needy at one point and this made him not want to try a real relationship with me because he feared it would be a rollercoaster. So he chose the other girl and we’ve stopped talking. What I want to do now is make him regret it and remember the fact that all of our good times outweighed his fear of the bad, and shift his attention back to me..but I worry I won’t be able to do this and re-attract him to me 1. Because he has someone else in his corner he can now easily shift his attention too 2. We weren’t talking very long, so even though he liked me, we don’t have a long history on our side.
I really like him and really want him to give us another shot or a real shot, so please help me.
Thank you.
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 23, 2016 at 1:49 pm
Hi Dani,
Success in life is always the best revenge.. but if he’s like that.. that means you’re not important to him.. If he gets tired, he’ll just find a new girl to replace you.. Are you ok with that risk?
February 22, 2016 at 11:38 am
i just broke up few days before , i want to make him realise for evrythng from which i suffered alott . he is over possessive, alwz come up with so many quts, nd have lots of doubt on me. i just hate pepole who put lots of impositions on me i cant b in a cage , i wanted him to change his mentality cheap thinking bt never get succeed. Most worst part i feel i take stand for him against to my family if i reveal abt this brakeup to my sister nd parents they ll never gonna trust on me again 🙁
plz suggest some thing to me…….
February 24, 2016 at 1:45 pm
Hiii Amor,
thing is tht m not like casual dating person wanted to have static relationship. initially he was really nice person completly opposite to wht he has become now. Most wrst thing he had no realisation wht he had done to my life , i change number ,stop talking to all my frnds , he alwz go through my fb messages keep spying over me. its so awkward 🙁
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 25, 2016 at 10:45 am
You have to be strong.. people change out of their own decision..he may change for you..but it will only happen if you’re firm with your standards
February 23, 2016 at 2:50 pm
yet they dont known abt my breakup and i cant tell them. they wont trust me again specially my sister becoz i alwz stood for him against to her. i alwz wanted him to change his offensives nature, Putin lots of restriction over me. i tried not to talk but he wants to b in contact. If i ll b in his contact he ll again over ruling over my life nd evrythngs ,
Is their anyway to change his mind , his behavior?
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 24, 2016 at 7:38 am
We can’t control other people.. But people come and go based on or standards.. It’s either we are lowering our standards for them to stay.. or they change or go away because they can see they don’t fit in your standards
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 23, 2016 at 11:52 am
Your parents don’t want you to break up with him?
February 21, 2016 at 12:47 pm
Hey, I have searched for so many answers over the internet with regards to how to get my ex boyfriend back and came across this site, which makes so much sense in my head but unsurprisingly not in my heart.
Me and my ex were together for just over six years, and I’ll admit that I was quite needy and controlling although I never thought so, but on reflection I was. When I met him he didn’t really have any friends or a social life and was quite an introverted individual and he was so grateful when we got together, which was initially something he very much pushed for. I’ll admit our relationship had its problems but we were in the routine of living together and spending the majority of our time together when we weren’t working. He suddenly (although there were hints of it in the weeks prior) broke up with me 5 weeks ago and said that he needed time to be him, he wanted to make friends and start developing himself as a person and that he still cared for me but wasn’t in love with me, he is a very shallow person (something which I only just discovered) and has commented that he wants a size 8 and i’m a size 12. I have attempted the NC rule but this is complicated by the fact that we have a child together and I am still very much in contact with some of his family. He’s said that maybe in a few months/years he’ll be ready but that right now he is happy to be on his own, my concern is that he is being so cold about it all and that by me not reminding him what we could be that he will just move on and not look back, he has already commented and said that he wants to move forwards and backwards and I have made many mistakes since our split as I have done the whole begging thing, and saying that I will change and that things will be different and that he can have the social life that he desires and still have me but still thats not good enough for him. Will the NC rule help with this? because I have tried this but find it hard when we have a child together, and he barely asks about his child although he does see him a couple of times a week it is all very much planned through his family and it is them that ask how our child is doing and not him. I’m at a loss because in the last 5 weeks I have had a lot of time to reflect on myself and have began to make positive changes but i’m worried he will not see them. I feel as if there is a glimmer of hope in some of the things he says like maybe in the future… but maybe thats just me reading into something that isn’t there? … We have spent some time together since our split and although i’ve tried to steer conversation away from the relationship and what it could be I cant help but mention it something which I know irritates him. What do I do because i’m at a loss.. I know that before me he didnt really have much life experience and time to be a teen/adult as such but I just want us to be us again but a newer and better version. I’m at a loose end I really am, any help/advice would be greatly appreciated. I have every reason to hate him after some of the things he’s said and done but I just don’t, I love him so much that it physically hurts.
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 21, 2016 at 3:19 pm
Hi Lizzy,
that’s natural because you’re used to him being around.. I think you should really do nc because it looks like the tables are turned.. He used to rely kn you for support, now that he wants to explore, it’s you that chasing him..
February 17, 2016 at 8:52 am
Hi. I need an answer.. My boyfriend and I were together for 4 years and 8 months, but he broke up with me 3,5 weeks ago. The last 4 months we argued a lot, about same things over and over. Wish I could do that time different but I know I can’t. We always told eachother that we would be forever, that we couldn’t se a future without eachother. But then after a fight 3,5 week ago he told me he couldn’t stand us anymore, that it felt hopeless, he didn’t think we ever could fix the problems in our relationship and that he don’t have feelings for me anymore, “I love you but I’m not in love with you”.. Of course after that I started to beg for another chance, which just pushed him further away… And he has said to me that he would be the happiest in the world if he gets feelings for me again but he don’t want that right now. He just wants to be alone. After that he also said, that we are completely over but you never know what happens in the future. Well, I’m afraid of giving him time because I’m afraid that he will move on and never wants to come back to me..
I want to ask you as a specialist.. Have the exbackrecovery worked for anyone in this case before?
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 18, 2016 at 9:11 am
Hi Johanna,
your case is actually common… yes it has worked.. the guy usually loses feelings because the attraction was lost and he got fed up of the fights
February 15, 2016 at 5:26 am
I keep looking up on how to get my girlfriend back, but to no avail have I found website as good as this. Do these methods work the same for women as they do for men? Does getting physically fit make me more of a person that my exes would regret losing? Thanks
February 18, 2016 at 11:06 pm
This is exactly the same that’s happening to me too. He still thinks highly of me and tells that to all my friends. We are on 30+ days of NC… should I start to contact him or are there different procedures?
Amor – You say this is quite common. Do they ever get the feelings back??
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 19, 2016 at 10:13 am
Hi Jenny,
I remember responding to someone saying it is common but I can’t find your comment that I responded using your email here.. But If you’re asking of they get their feelings back after nc, there are success stories that they do because they were able to rebuild the attraction
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 16, 2016 at 6:09 am
Hi Jonathan!
Yeah, it does.. Actually we have a site for men too.. here it is http://www.exgirlfriendrecovery.com
February 13, 2016 at 5:34 pm
Hey there! I’ve read the entire artile but nothing seems to connect. I broke up with my boyfriend because I found out he was on the phone with another girl for 3 hours, I’ve alwas been extremely jealous but I do belive with time it has gotten better (we’ve been dating for a year). To make this situation even worse his best friend was instigating the whole situation. When I realized that our relationship meant much more than calling quits over a phone call, I apologized. I told him I was sorry for putting our relationship on the line…especially for something so stupid. But he didn’t accept my apology. He told me he was done and that it’s time to just end things bevause of all of the arguing. It’s been 3 weeks and I have told him everything he’d like to hear, I’ve beensmothering and annoying. He has ignored some of my text messages and when he does reply it’s things like “I know” or “I’m sorry” or “Idk I just want to be friends.” I’ve explained to him I don’t know how to “just be friends.” Ever since the break up he’s been talking to multiple different girls and he’s been hanging out with friends a lot. On the other hand, I have not. I have no interest in any other guy besides him and when I’m with my friends I think about how I rather be with him. He’s on my mind 24/7 and I don’t know how to stop it!! It makes it even worse watching him flirt with other girls because we were dating for a very long time, I didn’t think he’d move on so quickly. What should I do? Like I said, it’s been 3 weeks…is it too late for me to start the no contact rule?
February 15, 2016 at 5:34 am
I would like to know how things go after nc 🙂
February 15, 2016 at 5:31 am
I’m sorry.. I did the same thing myself, I couldn’t hold in for no contact so I called her. (My ex) It ruined things for me; to make things worse, she was my first love so I still hurt to this day, and it’s been a year and three days. I hope the best with things, I hope someone can give you the perfect advice on how to fix things.
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 14, 2016 at 5:01 am
Hi Ashley,
It’s not too late.. the upside with what you did, is that he’s going to notice that you stopped doing it.. for me really go for nc,
February 11, 2016 at 5:55 am
My situation is a bit different. My ex boyfriend and I were supposed to be in an exclusive relationship for two years. We were talking about marriage and were in counseling. I eventually discovered he was cheating on me. I texted pictures of his vehicle parked at the other woman’s home as proof that I knew and it was over. I have not heard from him ever since. I did NC and it has been 2 months now. How can he not regret losing our relationship and why has he not tried to get me back?
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 11, 2016 at 12:22 pm
I’m sorry for hearing that Missy but he’s the only one who can answer that.
February 10, 2016 at 12:45 pm
My ex and I had a good relationship for a year and a half. We were always having good time together and everytime we laughed a lot. The problem with him was that he was a little bit too “cool”, and I was a little bit jealous, so we used to have small little fights once in a week or two. We are at the university together.
And here is how we broke up: At christmas we went to our parents (we live in different towns) and for a month we were far from each other. After we met again everything was alright and we had a great time together. After a few days I found out that while he was in his town he was texting to a girl from his town we met together at the summer, while he was trying to convise me that I shouldn’t be jealous about her. As I found that out, he tried to convise me that there was nothing going on by deleting her on fb, but I was really ungry, I broke up with him and left. The problem is that after that day, he did NOTHING. He tried to “catch up my attention” on fb,by posting some songs that didn’t refer to us, they are just dance songs, while I was online. We also met once in the university and the things where awkward for him, he was speaking too much and said silly things to attract my attention but I did not respond. After 2 weeks he said to a mutual friend of us that he thought I wanted to break up with him and I found the girl as a cause to do so. He also said that he did not want to text me first. Right after a few days he said to that mutual friend that he doesn’t have a problem to talk to me but he does not want to make things up between us because now he feels more “free”. I did not understand that because I was not a clingy girlfriend and I left him a lot of space during our relationship. I did the NC rule for 2 weeks and a half and I called him 2 days ago to come and take his things from my house, and I get mine from his house. He tried to avoid me, as he told me it was not convenient for him that day and he prefered tomorrow, but tomorrow he didn’t text me. I didn’t neither. I called him again yesterday and he said again it was not convenient for him and he told me he will text me today. I believe he will. What should I do? I am confused, as he shows to be bothered by me breaking up with him and also he said those stuff to our friend. Is there a chance he wants me back?
February 15, 2016 at 1:11 am
We met to take our things back and he told me he was tired of jealousy, as you said. I have to admit it, but he gave me some causes to do that. I was not jealous about every girl he met, just in cases he or she didn’t behave properly. Anyway, we discussed and I told him that I used to bear some negatives for him and I expected he would bear some jeolousy for me. I would like to rekind the relationship but he said he would like to be alone for a period. He also said he wants me and he doesn’t know what to do. He also kissed me. I am confused. I didn’t contact him again. He shows some signs of interest since then, but he does nothing. I want to get over it but he doesn’t let me. What should I do?
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 16, 2016 at 5:58 am
get over what specifically?
EBR Team Member: Amor
February 11, 2016 at 10:25 am
I think he meant free from your jealousy because he got tired of proving himself. Have you tried to build a connection again instead? in a positive way?
Maybe you can do that, texr again, talk about things and trust him more. If you can talk about the relationship calmly then good but if not better focus on rekindling the relationahip