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1,759 thoughts on “How To Make Your Ex Boyfriend Regret Letting You Go”

  1. From Confident to Needy... Please Help!

    January 15, 2016 at 10:12 am

    Help Needed,
    Hi Chris. I am without a doubt completely lost in what to do and hope is dying quickly that I can reconcile the situation with my ex. I realized all too soon after it happened that my once cool, confident personality turned into one of being needy. When things ended (and the funny part is he said “I love you, I do. Waiting doesn’t bother me ill wait, but I need to set a fire under you. I’m not saying what we have is lost but I need you to do this for yourself and not for me.) Instead of paying attention to my logic, I let heartache speak for me and did LITERALLY EVERYTHING wrong. I became needy, desperate and smothering. Tried to convince him that we can fix it when he actually said nothing bad to begin with. I believed that if we took a break that would be it and I freaked out and tried to reason with myself that this avalanche of messages pretty much pleading with him to talk with me and try to work it out would in fact solve everything instead of trusting my gut that I needed to show him the support he needed. He pretty much ignored everything (obviously) and when we talked for a brief moment his voice was cold and distant (should of also realized he has a hard time sharing his feelings). Honestly I was a complete mess and hurting because I may of lost forever that chance he was promising. I implemented the NC rule after attempts failed to try and talk to him since he was ignoring my attempts. (he wanted the break on a Thursday, Monday came around, thats when the drama set in and I cut all contact wed morning). Now I am beating myself up continuously, not because of what he said but because of my actions afterwards. I’m not sure where to go at this point. I am concentrating all attempts to make myself happy in my own life and become something he regrets losing. The biggest question is, because it wasn’t a full “breakup” on his part. What do I do? Where do I go from here and how do I stop beating myself up about my mistakes and fearing that I will never get him back? Thank you.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 15, 2016 at 12:27 pm

      Hi Ms Confident to Needy,

      We definitely want you confidence back! It’s normal that sometimes emotions overboards our logic. You’re not the first one to do that and it proves you just don’t want to lose him. Forgive yourself. Not contacting him is finding yourself too. And I think what’s setting the worry off is the thought that you could lose him forever. Remind yourself that that only happens if he dies which we hope he doesn’t of course. But while both of you are alive there will always be hope. Continue with the no contact rule, and follow the steps slowly. Enjoy the month. Make it for yourself. You can’t give what you don’t have and you can’t give all you have. So, work on yourself first. Be sure you don’t lose yourself before you worry about losing somebody else.

  2. Barbara

    January 13, 2016 at 2:52 am

    My boyfriend broke up with me a month ago and since then, we saw each other once (3 weeks after the breakup) to give back to each other the things we had. We are not in bad terms, he just didn’t want to be with me anymore because he wasn’t sure about his feelings and capacity of commitment.

    I’d like to use de NC rule, but I gave him tickets for a show for his birthday two month ago, and the show is on January 31. We still haven’t decided what to do but i’d really like to go with him anyway so I can show him that i’m over him and that we can still have fun together. I’m just wondering if I should text him my wish to go with him and have fun and bring it as a “daydream bait” so he can build high expectations on that night. The only thing is that i’m going to have to text him soon and it’s only been 2 weeks since we saw each other for the last time… Should I text him anyway? Because I know he won’t do it.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 16, 2016 at 10:53 am

      Hi Barbara,

      I think it’s best to text him closer to the date. If you’re going to text him earlier, he might agree then change his mind especially if he still unsure with his feelings.

  3. Nicole

    January 5, 2016 at 8:34 pm

    Hi Chris,

    What are your thoughts about Social Media? Do I delete him and pictures to just let go and see what happens? My bf broke it off a few days ago and dropped off my stuff the next day. I have been in NC for 3 days now.



    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 18, 2016 at 11:28 am

      Hi Nicole,
      if you delete him and your pictures that can mean you’re ready to move on, unless you have backed up your photos and you plan on adding him again when you get back together .

  4. Lola

    January 4, 2016 at 8:01 am

    I’ve gotten into a situation where I agreed to be “Best friends” with my ex boyfriend, and so I hang out with him 1-2 times a week. He is also in some of my classes and so I see him quite often. How do I try the no contact rule if all this is happening? Also recently we had been hanging out less and so he said that he wanted to hang out more than we have been, but less than we used to right after our breakup (we would hang out 2-3 times per week and half the time it was just the two of us). He also said we should try to hang out in groups instead. He said he was saying this because it was making it hard for us to move on. Did I just get friend zoned?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 17, 2016 at 9:53 am

      Hi Lola,

      I think so but that doesn’t mean you don’t have chance. Click this for some insights.What to do if your ex boyfriend just wants to be friends

  5. Nikki

    January 4, 2016 at 2:00 am

    Hello. I dated this guy for only a week then left town. In that week that we spent together he told me he wanted a relationship and wanted to be boyfriend girlfriend. We really hit it off and had all the chemistry, I said OK let’s try it but i still didn’t want to rush anything, sex included. He was fine with it and we’d cuddle and kiss all day and saw each other about 6 times in that week and a few days before i left. After I left town he got distant, i still wanted to have him lead so I didn’t text him much other than one day and let him get in touch with me for Christmas. After Christmas I was coming home and excited to see him, the last time we hung it we were both sick and just took meds together and watched movies,which by the way is a very couple thing to do. We did hook up twice in that week, but again said let’s not rush it so felt that even though that was a carnal moment of judgement we were respecting taking it more serious. So after Christmas im ready to see him and actually be able to make out, not sick! I asked if he’d want to hang out when i got home and nothing. For 4 days! I was not needy, i said nothing other than i was disappointed I couldn’t get a hold of him (don’t pull the bf card, the least I want is a response if your gonna pull that) so after 4 days of nothing I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt and casually said hi. He was less than engaging and i even invited him out, he didn’t care about seeing me. He said maybe and left me hanging. That was enough for me so I told him I thought we were on different pages and good luck to him and he only said thanks! I was so infuriated with that i called him out and asked if he asked everyone to be his gf and it was just not cool to just leave be hanging. The least we could do was take a step back and talk bc I didn’t ask for that title or want to rush. He only said right on. I’m really sad about this. I think we had a real connection and he blew it. I just wanted a decent conversation. He’s new to town he could of told me he realized it was too much too soon and I’d feel so much better. I never responded to his right on comment. From 100 to 0 in one holiday and my feelings are really hurt. I don’t know why I even want him still but really haven’t had a connection like that in all my dating, then again have never had somebody pull the bf card on me then bail. Any insight on how to deal please. I want him to realize he’s being a idiot. Scared or not, it’s just shitty. Maybe just a player but why burn bridges. Sad and disappointed in men. This is a new low. It has been 5 days of no talking.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      January 19, 2016 at 6:00 am

      Hi Nikki,
      So what do you really want? Do you want to move on from him and just make him feel he’s not a good guy? Or do you want to get back with him? So maybe you can read this following post.
      How To Make Him Re-Commit To You

  6. Ashley

    December 30, 2015 at 11:07 pm

    Okay so i got half way threw this section. And I have a major problem. I work at a store that he comes in to everyday that he’s in town and sometimes I can leave the register. I know when he gets to the store but its so hard to avoid him, when he comes in its usually just to see me anyways so i dont know what to do.. ill keep reading. Alot of thus is helping but the problem is I did this once and it worked but i dont know if it will this time.

    1. Chris Seiter

      January 16, 2016 at 11:22 pm

      Gotcha, so you might have to make some definite alterations to your no contact periods.

  7. Elizabeth

    December 27, 2015 at 9:02 pm

    My ex and i were together for almost 2 years. I was needy and wanted him to talk to me all day through text. Things were good for the most part first year. Second year we argued almost every week for a period of time. The reasons we argued was because he didnt make time for me. We broke up and i begged him to work things out so we tried for 3 months but he would start talking to me less and less. We officially ended it a week ago i have contacted him since then. I was very nice but i got impatient and when he ignored me i wanted him more. What should i do, will he regret breaking up with me?

  8. lee

    December 22, 2015 at 12:08 am

    what if he dates another girl too fast supposedly was my friend actually he said he loved me for a long period of time and when he got in touch with me and got a clash he forgets me in no time after around 6 months of communication this happened after long time of controlling my emotions .. I just want to get myself repaired as before and make him regret no matter her

  9. Akshita

    December 15, 2015 at 5:49 pm

    hey chris !!
    i broke up with my boyfiend 7 months back. i want him back but dont know if he is single or taken ? what should i do …

  10. Akshita

    December 14, 2015 at 8:28 pm

    how to luv my boyfriend after patch up

  11. Ayesha Parker

    December 14, 2015 at 10:50 am

    Hi Chris

    What if he texts me during the NC Rule, where he enquires about a sick family member?

    Would i be obligated to reply

    What then?

  12. B

    December 9, 2015 at 1:13 am

    Hello Chris,

    Is there an expiration date on getting an ex back?

    If not, then how do you start things?

    Also, what is right after the break up you failed the NC thing?

    Maybe I am just crazy.

    1. Chris Seiter

      December 9, 2015 at 4:14 am

      Not necessarily but I will say the longer you’ve been broken up, the more difficult it becomes. Try reaching out with a text.


    December 8, 2015 at 5:46 pm

    i have 2 exes. ex 1 and ex2. recently, ex 1 contacted me and asked me out, but i wasn’t interested in going. i’m trying to get ex 2 back. is it a good idea if i mention about ex 1 to ex 2 (telling ex2 that ex1 contacted me and asked me out and pretend to ask him for advice) when im trying to get ex 2 back using jealousy?

  14. Nadya

    December 8, 2015 at 7:12 am

    Dear Chris!

    I just read this article of you, and I would like to read more and more. Amazing! First, I am ashamed after reading this, because I did a lot of mistakes and I am sure that there is no help for me, but anyhow I would like to share with you. I was dating him for almost 2 months. From the early begining he was quite and so on. Never asked me for my nomber but every day come to my workplace to visit me. I went for first date with him. He was as he said impressed with me. He invited me again and again. We started to dating more. Everything was “ok” when we are together, but he never text me during the day because he is “busy”. For me it was very important to talk with me and I told him that. He promised that he will text more even he is useless in that. As well, we met just during the weekends, because I was working till late and he as well. (FYI he is working in the building when I used to work on the reception of one restaurant). Once, he just stoped to write me back, and if I send him more messages, he answer but nothing special. Like I am not important. He broke up with me because he is not for seriously relationships now (he is 29). Ok! After that I text him maybe few times but he didn`t reply. Once he came to my place drunk and talked to me, and told me that he came to see me, that I am still most beautiful woman bla bla bla and he wants go for a drink with me to know me better?????? Really??? After 2 months you want know me better BECAUSE YOU NEVER TALK WITH ME! I refused. After that I didn`t text him for a long time. He tried to greet me, I even didn`t watch him. For his b-day I sent him message, and told him that I got new job. He reply in the same min. Like you will be missed, where are you moving. The moment when I told him that I will still stay in this city he was more calm. After that he never text me again. Never. I wrote him 3 nights ago to see how is he and so, he didn`t reply. I am now on new workplace. Chance to see him are not so big because I am living in a different part of city and usually in Dubai is hard to meet person so often. Feel myself so shit!!!!! So ashamed!!! Btw, I am really smart, trying to build myself and my future. I got super great position, nice job, I finished a college, I have nice people around me. As well, once he told me “you are so beautiful that I can not get enough of you. I send all my friends your photo to see how beautiful you are”. So childish! I am stupid, I know. Thanks for reading this! xxx

  15. Dawn

    December 8, 2015 at 12:42 am

    I dated a guy for a few months and things were great, he was super committed and really into it. Out of nowhere he told me he couldn’t have a relationship, 3 days after telling me how happy he was with the relationship (I had barely heard from him in those 3 days). 2 days later he was with another girl. We talked a week later and he said that he didn’t want to throw away the possibility of us having a future, and we continued to talk as friends. A week later he told me he had been seeing someone and wanted to be honest with me. We had never slept together and I think that is part of the reason he went to someone else. Is it even worth trying to get him back?

  16. Bailey

    December 6, 2015 at 5:58 pm

    Hi Chris! I just broke up with my boyfriend and before this, i bought him a gift i did’t get the chance to givie to him because he surpised me with a sudden break up? I still want to give him the present because it was bought for him, and i want him to have it, but nothing more for a moment. It is a good ideea? Do you think it will help in all the ex boyfriend recovery process?

    1. Chris Seiter

      December 7, 2015 at 3:54 pm

      Don’t do it…

  17. shebang

    December 6, 2015 at 9:18 am

    Hey.. me and my bf were together for 2 years and 5 mos.. Recently, i found out that he cheated me with his girl co-worker. I even asked him about it but he lied. After which, he went back to worked then i found out that he really cheated me and now, the girl is holding his cellphone. After 3 days of not contacting me, he called me and asked sorry about what he did and he even told me that he will changed for a new no. My question is, will he still contact me? or what will i do. ?!

  18. Damo

    December 3, 2015 at 6:43 am

    Hi Chris
    First of all I’d like to thank you for the effort you’ve put into this amazing article.
    For my issue, it’s not exactly how you state it, I need only 50% of it. In other words, I want my ex to regret leaving me, but I don’t want us to get back together.
    He has been enjoying cheating on me because he’s a “womanizer.” He stated many times that he loves me and don’t want to let go of me, I actually left him many times but he always fooled me back with the same words “I promise you I’ll change, I already stopped talking to other girls,” but he was lying and each time he meets another girls and keep doing his things. The girls he talks to aren’t his friends, he is physically addicted to them.
    Both of us study in university, and he failed on one of the semesters so he’s one semester late, and I kept supporting him regardless of everything he did, and I believed -like a jackass- that he isn’t cheating on me anymore.
    So, one day while I was cheering him up, I found sexts from other girls, since that moment I started feeling nothing towards him. So I told him “you’re a stupid guy, you’ll never success, and don’t even try to study because you’ll never graduate.” These words were harsh of course, this was the first and only time I said these words to anyone before. The university and studying stuff is a very sensitive issue to him, so he said bad stuff to me, I clearly ignored him, he blocked me on Facebook, we don’t see each other anymore, and I’m sure if I call him he won’t answer and to tell you the truth I don’t want to call him!!
    He left his stuff in my house, and I want to give them back to him, so this is the only case for me to contact him. It’s been almost a month now. So please help me with my situation, I want him to regret leaving me but I DON’T want to go back to him.
    Thanks for your time.

  19. confused

    December 2, 2015 at 1:22 am

    Question on the no contact rule when a child is involved. Just keep it strictly about the child when its needed and nothing more? This ex has been back and forth with “not knowing” what they want but able to keep me on a string.they originally left bc they were ready to settle..after four years together..but through out has sent random texts not involving the child, trying to hook up occasionally ,saying they could see a future..that they don’t want anyone else..but then going without a word for a while. It’s been a few months since the split,and I must admit these few months I’ve been trying to force the reconnect of the relationship,but after all failed attempts..and probably looking pretty desperate.. I am determined to try a new approach. Advise?!

  20. carol

    November 30, 2015 at 8:58 pm

    What should I do? I contacted my ex on skype after a month and he responded to me . We had a few ( 3 ) back and forth texts. the next day I messaged him again and he didn’t resond until the next day. After a few back and forth texts he wanted to skype call. I did. It lasted an hour. I foolishly tried to ask him to skype again the same day he said he couldn’t. I texted him the next day and he responded and said he needed time to think about whether he wanted talk anymore or not. I waited until the next day and he said we would talk but wanted me to make sure I understood he didn’t want to be togther with me. This is the second time I’ve tried to get back together with him. Even though the last time I tried we were close to getting back he changed his mind. He will always answer me when we break up and says he wants to always be friends with me. Do think there is hope for this? Do I keep up with the occasional texts to him ?

    1. Chris Seiter

      December 2, 2015 at 12:32 am

      Once you have him hooked you need to let him take over with going after you. He needs to initiate otherwise you wont be a challenge. Do not ask him back out, let him tell you that he wants to get back with you.

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