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March 7, 2014 at 12:35 pm
Hello, so i just re-started my non-contact rule. My boyfriend broke it off with me about five days ago. His birthday is on the 17th of this month. Is it okay to break the rule and text him a happy birthday text or no. Also, will me not texting him happy birthday make him angry at me in any way?
March 6, 2014 at 5:06 pm
hi chris,im from england and love your posts.Im 51 i rode horses internationally,im very attractive and fit..i dnt look my age.I was with my ex for 7yrs,in aug last year he was a bit distant…we broke up…however no argument or anything ensued,and he says its for reasons that happened a long time ago…he has remained in contact throughout and we speak on the phone….on valentines day he text me very early saying..happy valentines i love you….tues march 4th i recieved a text saying he missed me.I love him very much and desperately want to be back together,ive invested so much in this relationship..ive started no contact and didnt reply to his last mess on tues eve,,saying :hope your ok its got really cold!.ive heard nothing since,but how can he miss me,or even love me ?it was his choice we were always best friends we had a very solid foundation btween us..so i dnt know how this can happen or what its about…i have no idea why he needs to be intouch..wen i did text he texts straight back and if i say o i tried to call..he immediately calls,this has gon on for 7months i cant move on..i still do the gym and im an up together women…i always was the ungettable girl..and then this has happened im shocked..broken hearted well everything but ive started no contact because it cant continue like this its become ridiculous what shall i do??Ali
March 7, 2014 at 6:43 am
Hello England 🙂
Right now to me it seems your doing the right thing. Going into NC for a while.
March 7, 2014 at 10:56 am
thankyou,i didnt really go into detail,its rather a long story,but we were so in love with each other,and there was a time about 4yrs ago..he was sooo busy with his life and work..he gave me little or no attention…we text everyday but there were huge gaps where we hardly saw each other.I was going through a really tough time with work and trying to raise my two boys(theyr not HIS)..and i missed him so much..my sons best friend from school came over everyday..and so did his manipulating father..long story short..this man used my emotional vulnerability.i asked for a break from my boyfriend at this time(which really upset him)i just felt things wernt going well and i needed perspective…but this other man. tapped into my emotional needs..me saying <how can he possibly be a boyfriend to you hes never here,hes not right for you etc etc……chris i used this man for emotional support..literally nothing happened btween us but when my boyfriend found out,he was furious…he couldnt understand how id allow another man into my house!when i asked for the break it literally was a test,i soooo wanted him to come over and talk but he just replied and said..ok i understand..we did text every day on this break though….we got back together after 6weeks…it was a very emotional time…we stayed together from then untill aug last year when he became a bit distant and said he couldnt get over the past…recently chris he put himself on a personal trainer corse with me..which we did together..re igniting all feelings etc..i said to him last week "i know you love me"and he grabbed hold of me and held me tight and we both had a cry,ive never seen him like that before…he said if the trust hadnt been broken we would still be together! since we have text..he text tuesday..i said i miss you. he replied i miss you tooo.we were best friends chris and i feel ive lost my one true soul mate in the world,the only man ive ever wanted to truly be with…how can he miss me and not be with me? im still holding onto No contact…its terribly hard..but i feel ive been given a life sentance..for smthing i havent done,ive explained fully and he knows deep down he can trust me…he tells me things so i know he trusts me…how on earth am i going to be able to turn this around?this man is not a player,hes very fussy,and well so am i…we really were a great couple..i just dnt know what hope there is?he did say not long ago that i was different to any women hed been out with as he never loved them and how was he going to find smone else after me!…please help im sooooo hurt.i will never get over us.o and thankyou for replying i so need it at a time like this.ALI
March 6, 2014 at 3:40 am
Me and my boyfriend were together for about a month and we fell for each other fast, he treated me like a princess, introduced me to his family everything. He told me constantly how happy I made him and how much he appreciated me then one night out of the blue he dumped me cause of “stress ” in his life and he didn’t want to put me through him going through a hard time. We haven’t spoke since he dumped me a well ago. Do you think there’s hope of him coming back? We really were so happy
March 7, 2014 at 6:25 am
There is hope but something obviously has to change.
March 5, 2014 at 9:36 pm
Hey, so I have a question. I haven’t talked to my ex in almost 3 months, but I’m just wondering if NC still applies if he still has access to my Twitter account? We don’t follow each other but I know that he’s still checking up on me. Does this kind of eliminate any chance that he could ever truly miss me, since he’s still keeping tabs? Thank you!
March 7, 2014 at 6:18 am
NC is basically meaning that you don’t have direct contact with him. If he checks your twitter its completely fine 🙂
March 5, 2014 at 8:31 pm
Hi no contact rule going on 3 weeks. However he is ignoring/avoiding me too Im pretty sure. Will the regret still kick in on him even if he NC me too.
March 7, 2014 at 6:13 am
It may already have he just may have an amazing poker face.
March 5, 2014 at 3:37 pm
me and my bf broke up last feb 28 2014. our fight about me being d one who can share more became an issue. I spoiled him wt everything. from shampoo to gadgets. even for his family…his mind kinda mess up due to a war happening in his country n his siblings over there. iv been supportive in every way I can. our sex life got affected,i waited patiently..he was always financially challenged..i understood…d only thing I asked was for him to appreciate my efforts..hug me kiss me ..but he would deprive me. till we had a nasty fight..he jokingly said I was shitty n I said “yes this shitty girl ows everything in this house” he couldn’t forgive me…fight became my breakfast n lunch n dinner. he broke wt me told me that I should find a guy that can make me happy coz he cant. I accepted d break up..wrote him a letter bfre I left d house tahnking him for everything n that ill miss him. after 4 days of no contact, he texted me saying that the letter was nice n tht he thought I went to his house back n handed d letter to his flatmate….I didn’t reply. I still love him despite his mishaving…n for throwing me away…I loved him for two years….n I don’t know if I need to talk to him now or not…I stil have my stuffs at his place…I just feel so bad that he abandoned me…just coz I talked back after he provoked me…n btw…its our 5th break up.
March 3, 2014 at 6:39 pm
Hey Chris. I don’t know if the no-contact rule could work in my situation. My ex was my best friend and we were in a friends with benefits situation. We go to school together 3 days a week, and see each other more too since we’re in the same friend group. When I was first “dumped,” I took a mere couple weeks away from him, and he completely replaced me with other friends, and now we aren’t best friends anymore. I’m afraid if I try your no contact rule, it will ultimately be unsuccessful, because I’ll just lose what little friendship I’ve worked so hard to regain. I’ve already lost this guy on a romantic level, and it’s been so much more difficult losing my best friend, so I don’t want the loss to go any further. Do you have any advice?
March 4, 2014 at 3:09 am
I actually am writing something this week that I think will be super helpful for you.
March 3, 2014 at 10:04 am
My ex left me last Valentine’s day after 15 months together. I broke up with him 2 weeks prior, a last resort because of his unwillingness to treat an STD he’s had for 3 months (no cheating, just the virus kicking back in). He begged me not to leave him, and promised to get his act together. Which lead apparantly to this.
I havent heard from him, except that he has blocked me on fb. He has (a mild form of) autism, so knowing what he feels and how to say what he feels is difficult, as is any form of communication and its timing. I do not believe that he is rightly affected by the no contact rule etc. In complex social situations, he will always ‘choose’ the path of least resistance. i am his first gf (I am 25, hes 21) and in many ways the only one who truly knows who he is (his ‘friends’ do not know of his autism, only that he’s a bit strange). So he doesn’t have a fitting reference in past gf’s or friends on how to act.
I believe he still loves me, and that he mistakes getting rid of problems by getting rid of me. Any help / tips??
February 26, 2014 at 8:00 am
My friend went behind my back and said something to my ex. She ended up texting me saying I talked to him and he wants to talk to you. I have ten days left should I meet up with him and talk to him. He is depressed and mad that I am “flirty” around other guys. Help I need to know as soon as possible
February 25, 2014 at 3:31 pm
Hey Chris I have ten days left with no contact. And two days ago I started texting my friend (and my ex’s friend-we are in the same group). During our texting we figured out what went wrong. I was changing who I was to have more in common with my ex (that’s not who he fell in love with), We had bad communication (I was scared to hurt his feelings), and it got predictable(his house and sex). My ex didn’t tell me that’s why he broke up with me he said it’s because he didn’t love me and can’t find the spark so I believe what I think what caused the break up had an influence in his decision. Anyway during the texting I told him I don’t want to be friends with my ex because I don’t want to be friend zoned. He then explained why he believes my ex wants to be friends. He wants anything other then the awkward silence and sadness between us. He also said my ex has been depressed because I ignore him (no contact rule) and he lost his best friend, me. Also not to mention he can not stop looking at me (it got to the point it’s obvious). Sorry this is long but I would feel way better if I had your opinion. Is he regretin losing me? Is he showing signs he wants to try a relationship again? Please respond as soon as possible and thanks for taking time out of your busy day to help people like me!
February 25, 2014 at 3:31 pm
Hey Chris I have ten days left with no contact. And two days ago I started texting my friend (and my ex’s friend-we are in the same group). During our texting we figured out what went wrong. I was changing who I was to have more in common with my ex (that’s not who he fell in love with), We had bad communication (I was scared to hurt his feelings), and it got predictable(his house and sex). My ex didn’t tell me that’s why he broke up with me he said it’s because he didn’t love me and can’t find the spark so I believe what I think what caused the break up had an influence in his decision. Anyway during the texting I told him I don’t want to be friends with my ex because I don’t want to be friend zoned. He then explained why he believes my ex wants to be friends. He wants anything other then the awkward silence and sadness between us. He also said my ex has been depressed because I ignore him (no contact rule) and he lost his best friend, me. Also not to mention he can not stop looking at me (it got to the point it’s obvious). Sorry this is long but I would feel way better if I had your opinion. Is he regretin losing me? Is he showing signs he wants to try a relationship again? Please respond as soon as possible and thanks for taking time out of your busy day to help people like me!
February 25, 2014 at 12:31 pm
Hi chris…iv been reading your article and it makes alot of sense what you said. Well my story is quite a long one but I was dating my ex boyfriend for 4yrs long distance n he broke up with my July 2013….n I was devastated…the reason for the break up was that we constantly argued n even when he had ended it he would continously say hello on whatsapp n I asked if he wanted to get back but he said no then I lost it and got angry n accused him of playing with my emotions. ..then he said im too much and dont ‘read between the lines.’ After arguing back n forth out of retaliation he blocked me on whatsapp n I then deleted him off fb. I contacted him sept 2013 n we spoke briefly and sensed he did not want to talk much so I never called back again. January this year, he unblocked me from whatsapp…saying he msgd me in fb and guessed I ignored it then later said ‘o ok I get it’ after not replying for an hour because I didnow realise he had unblocked me after 6 months…I didnt get a notification from fb sayin I gt a msg because I moved him from my inbox to a inbox called ‘other’ where I don’t fet notified on as I was not ready to delete our past msgs or see his name in my inbox. I replied to him on whatsapp about an hour later saying I didnt get notified n jus had a brief conversation on how he was n I was etc. To cut the long story short we 3 times after contact n he to me he will doin a transit in the UK befre heading to the US for work training. The day of his arrival he asked for me to stop by n say hi n mentioned us jus actin cool for oldtime sake…so I went to visit and it was like old times…n he was free n touchy a bit with me…then he asked me to stay over as it was late n he was prolongin my leave…n I fid n we were romantically imtimate but agreed to no sex n jus asked him what he wants because he wanted me to stay around and obviously im inquisitive to what his thinking….he
Said we tried the distance n it didn’t work n il obviously want my guy around but nw his almost solid in his career n can’t give me what I want n I agreed because I would want my boyfriend around….but a part of me still would have tried….he also said I nvr know because he might disturb me tomo which kinda made me feel funny cos I felt its a sign his moved on but he said he has feelins for me n still cares etc..the nxt morning I left n we spoke briefly that day but the day after he left for the USA n nvr msgd me till that evening I decided to see how he was. He replied n said his ok…but didnt continue convo…I was confused if he is actually ok n asked y he didnt msg me on his arrival n why his suddenly distant…he sed his was sorry and was tired wen he gt bk n he sed his not distant and asked y I feel so…plus said he doesn’t want to ‘reopen the wound.’ But im thinking before seeing him he didn’t consider that….n I said ok n jus left him…he msgd me a few days later askin if im ok…I jus took my time n replied ‘yh I’m gd’ n nvr asked back..the conversation ended there… …im hurt as I already accepted the break up befre he resurfaced he says he has feelings for me but I find it sad that he can jus shut down like that n be distant….can I get someone like him to regret the break up? Do u think its hope less need your advice on this situation pls
February 24, 2014 at 11:53 pm
Me and my ex broke up over two years ago. He came back a year later and apologized for treating me the way he did. He is still with the girl he rejected me for. I think he is happy and I doubt if he will even care if I disappear for ten years. In my opinion he only came back to see if I was suceeding which at the time I wasn’t so he felt happy that he left me. I don’t know if he will ever come back but I want him to regret me. Pls reply even though I think is late to do the no contact rule.
February 23, 2014 at 8:23 am
Hi Chris!
I’ve been reading your article for an hour now! Haha and yes I need your help! So here’s my story I’m in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend. We celebrated our 1st anniversary two weeks ago but I was in a bad mood so I kind a say something to him that he didn’t like. So we end up in a fight. So two days after that we didn’t message each other then I decided after two days to apologized but he did replied to my message then I tried calling him but he rejected it then he sent me a message saying he needs a break, so I just replied with oh okay. Then after 4 days I message him again but he didn’t replied. Then I found out 3 days ago that he told my bestfriend that he just so mad because he have been always patient with me and I just manage to screw it all up in our anniversary so he said that he’s already done with being patient with me that he doesn’t care and love me anymore. and after saying that to my best friend he even hit on her!! (But I feel like he’s only doing it to get back on me)..
Do you think he’s really over me?or he’s just to mad at me that’s he didn’t even replied to my messages. I even left him a message saying that I want to talk to him so we can’t end it in a mature way. Even offered him a friendship. But I’m willing to do your no contact for 30 days!
February 24, 2014 at 6:25 pm
Doubt he is over you.
What was the fight about?
February 25, 2014 at 1:21 pm
Well I was in a bad mood so I kind a say something like I don’t feel special.. That’s he’s lacking effort. I know its not a good thing to say to a guy right especially in the day of our anniversary. But do you really think I have a good chance? After him messaging my bestfriend that he likes her… (Even if they don’t talk that much when we were still together.)
Thanks a lot Chris!:)
February 20, 2014 at 9:25 pm
Hi.. I work with my ex. Can you give me some pointers for the no contact rule. Theres always one pain in the ass lol!
Much appreciated
Deedee:) x
February 21, 2014 at 6:09 pm
Ya in your case you will probably have to do limited contact.
February 20, 2014 at 7:50 pm
Hi Chris
My ex broke up with me in mid 2013 without giving me a reason, and ever since I was trying to get over him and was ever so slowly getting there. Anyway, he is a friend of my sister’s and the other day I was going to go out with my sister and her friends for her birthday. I didn’t go to the club in the end, but about an hour later when I got home, I was shocked to see he’d messaged me. Ok, this is shocking because it’s been 9 months since we broke up, and several months after we did, I sent him a message along the lines of let’s just be civil and not childish and I hope we can move forward in a mature manner etc. He read it and never replied, and if I saw him out, he would go embarrassed and ignore me. So on the start of the night when I saw him the other day, I acknowledged him and he smiled at me, and then I got the message saying he was sorry I didn’t come out with them.
So I replied, and we’ve sent one message each to each other every night (as opposed to loads when we were seeing each other). Only problem is, I’m not sure whether to reply to his most recent message, in case he wants to stop talking to me and wants to end the conversation and I look sad by maintaining it. He said his friend was funny when he said….. etc and I said haha yeah definitely and he replied again saying ‘he’s great’. Why did he reply again if he could’ve left it at my ‘haha yeah definitely’? If I read the message and don’t reply, I will look ignorant or like I’m still in a mood with him after the breakup, and we’re only now after all this time starting to talk again. What should I do?
February 18, 2014 at 3:41 pm
Hi chris, since my ex usually gives me neutral replies i keep doing nc on him. I did 30days before. Then i did 2wks. And 2wks again. After the first nc things were great. I pushed things too hard by wanting too much too soon and since then he went all neutral and cold on me. I did nc 2wks twice. Each time i came back, i would initiate contact, we will text back and forth for a few days.
I’m back in nc again? For the 4th time i suppose? Haha. Its only been day 5. I didn realize how time flies sadly. I’ve been trying to win him back since nov last year 🙁
Anyway i’m going to focus more on myself during this nc period. I deactivated my facebook account (i’m still friends with him) i’ve even deleted my whatsapp application on my phone. Since i have this urge and tendency to check his “last seens” i dont know for how long more i can handle being away frm all of these social media stuff. But i’m on day 5 and still going strong! Hahaha.
Since i keep doing nc on him, do you think he will regret letting me go this time? Or check up on me i wonder? So far.. ive not heard frm him. Its only been day 5 but i wonder if he has even realise my absence yet? Anyway. Since i’ve kept doing nc on him. It gets easier i suppose. I feel more in control of my emotions now. I still want him back, but i’m slowly accepting the fact that things may not go my way.
I think that the more we ladies do nc on men, we feel more in control of our emotions. And in turn, we dont hope as much as before (move on without moving on) Does it go the same for men? the more their ex gf does nc on him the more he lets it go too? Or since men and women are different, does it have an opposite effect on men? Kinda intriguing. Hahaha.
February 18, 2014 at 7:27 pm
I love what you said about being in control of your emotions.
I think the less a man feels wanted the more he wants to feel wanted haha.
February 20, 2014 at 12:04 pm
Its day 6. And i (kinda) broke nc. Hahaha. You see, me and my ex are colleagues working in the same company but diff dept. There was a company event just now and i texted him asking if he was there. A few secs later, he replied saying he’s not, he’s at this other place attending some course. I replied one word “okay” and he then asked me “why? Are you there at the event?” And i didn reply.
I guess i’ll have to restart my count on nc? Honestly i dont think i care so much anymore! Before today, i did text him on valentine’s day starting with a memory text; what happen a year ago btwn me and him on valentine’s day. That too, he replied quickly and we texted a little bit on that day back and forth till i asked him casually “so you’re at work nw?” He replied “yup. I’m working. I’m going to visit my ex colleague in the hospital after work. Why?” Again i didn reply. Thats when i went into nc for 6days before asking him if he was at my company’s event just now.
Since i pretty much left both convo hanging by not replying when he asked me with a qns. Do you think i’ve left him intrigued or…? Honestly the reason why i didn reply is cause i cant be bothered to reply. Hahahaha. But i’m curious if he actually cares, abt my replies or what do you think could be going through his head?
February 18, 2014 at 1:45 am
So long story short, we have a child together and he will start seeing him every saturday from 10am when i drop the baby off until 5pm when i pick the baby up. So no – contact is a little tricky. I have cut back on facebook updates, but when i do, its about how much fun ive had with friends lately or my new house/ new car etc. i plan on getting some new outfits and looking amazing the one day a week he will see me. I expect he will ask questions about what men im seeing and might ask me to stay for dinner. I want to reestablish his respect for me so i dont want to just jump back in.
February 18, 2014 at 7:15 pm
I think you are on the right track to be honest.
February 17, 2014 at 10:32 pm
Hi Chris,
Me and my bf broke up yesterday, we had a fight in a restaurant 3 weeks ago and he started changed cuz I didn’t let he see my phone, he got weird and start get cold, he said he was trying to make a effort to the things get better but he felt I was mad at him and that was not true. So I said we should not hang out or don’t see each other for while and he didn’t want the first he was confused but after we agreed maybe could bring the things the way it was before, cuz he was confused and feeling weird about us and he didn’t know what to think he wants to make the things clear and I was feeling the same way he is and he hugged me and when I was living he was looking sad.When I left I forgot my sweater there and I txt to him so keep it in a safe place and he said yes señorita is a pet name he use with me and after in the night I txt him I took the decision to not hang out anymore or don’t see each other for a while because I am not happy and confuse and u too maybe the time can fix it or not, but just to make it clear I am not mad at you. And he txt me today in the morning I hope the time will resolve and make everything clear, I understand why u are making this decision and I am glad one is mad . You are wonderful person and a enjoyed every minutes with you… So what does he mean? Does he like me ? I am confuse with his txt. So txt him saying we were really happy before we had this silly fight on the restaurant, I ve enjoyed every moment with u and I hope the time can fix it too. I want go back with him but I want to be the way we were before we were super happy and enjoying each other I don’t understand what happened with us after this silly fight I felt he just shout down. What I should I do Chris please? Help me? What do u think going on in his head? Thanks
February 18, 2014 at 7:07 pm
Ya but the way you were before can’t ever happen again. It’s going to be different no matter what. Besides, the way you were before eventually lead to a breakup so I would try to shoot for something like better than you were before.
February 18, 2014 at 7:28 pm
Thanks Chirs, So do you think the best thing in the moment is do NC? Or I should just contact him?
February 19, 2014 at 7:11 pm
You have a better grasp of the situation than I do what do you think?
February 19, 2014 at 8:38 pm
Just I feel that we still have feelings for each other …But in the moment everything is confuse for both of us…I hope the time can fix it…
February 17, 2014 at 11:59 am
Hi Chris,
I’m facing a problem with my ex boyfriend.
We broke up like a week ago, after an argument.
He really blocked me everywhere, he blocked my text messages, WhatsApp, phone calls everything.
I haven’t even tried to contact him with another number. Before he blocked me he said that he still loves me and that I’m his one true love, but that it just isn’t working for us. (No further explanations so I was kind of confused.)
I managed to keep my mind off him for 8 days now, and it’s starting to get easier. Though I miss him like crazy and indeed have the fear that he will find someone else very soon..
I do really love him and after 1.5 years of being together we’ve been through a lot.
I’m just kind of wondering if he will start to miss me too eventually, and if he will ‘unblock’ me..
Right now I don’t really know what to do with the whole situation. Can I make him miss me and regret letting me go?