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1,759 thoughts on “How To Make Your Ex Boyfriend Regret Letting You Go”

  1. Rach

    October 16, 2016 at 5:08 pm


    Is it too soon to upload a pic? (Social media game) Im only on day 4 NC but I managed to make myself go out last night. I obviously don’t want to post it just so it looks like I’m trying to get a reaction but I managed to get a couple of photos.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 17, 2016 at 10:09 pm

      Nope it’s not too late! Go ahead and post that 🙂

  2. Sara

    October 16, 2016 at 4:26 pm

    Here’s a difficult one hope someone can help as am at my lowest eb at moment….my ex boyfriend were great together about 2 months ago he starTed calling withheld calls he didn’t mention these to me I noticed he went a bit distant with me . We spoke he told me about the calls he was adamant he thought it was me checking up on him (which it wasn’t) I had complete trust in him we stayed together but things were strained he wouldn’t answer calls or texts and on one occasion turned even turn up to see me yes I will admit I was getting paranoid by this point. I broke down texted him to come get his stuff return my key and we were finished I knew as soon as I sent text I didn’t mean it but he turned up I be said I was sorry and begged for another chance but he said I’d killed his feelings for meand it’s finished completely. as far as I know he is still receiving these calls which he still thinks is me …what do I do I really love him and want him back ????

    1. Sara

      October 16, 2016 at 4:37 pm

      Sorry my typing not very good am on medication as not slept since break up…I ment he got calls…during the first week I did bombard him with calls and texts I’ve stopped now do I still have a chance of getting him back …

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 17, 2016 at 9:37 pm

      Hi Sara,

      that’s giid that you stopped.. if he doesnt believe you, the only thing that can help him think that it’s really not you is to not send any demanding, accusing, begging text or call from you.
      If he sees you have really moved on through your posts, he might think that it wont make sense that it was you if you have your own life..

  3. Diana

    October 16, 2016 at 1:10 pm

    Me and my husband have been together 22 year and five children. He lost his mother last year and me my father two months later. We haven’t been happy but love each other. He wants space it’s been a week now and we talked he said he would try again and we no the said we would change to make it work. Two days ago he didn’t come home I guess he still needs space, so I will give it to him. I don’t know if he is with someone else but I have started the no talking rule because I feel like he lied to me about making it work. He knows I have always took him back and I was always there but this time I don’t want to see or talk to him. I want him to feel and know that I gave to much of myself to him and I deserve the very best. I don’t know if he ever wants to get back with me but we have a family and I’m willing to change certain aspects but I need him to change certain things as well. Do you think he will regret leaving me if I do this 30 day no contact rule. I do love him and despite how many times I’ve said we shouldn’t be together because we were both so depressed and unhappy I’ve realized through this breakup that maybe we do need some time to reflect. Do you think we have a chance. I’m not going to beg him anymore and I will give him his space but do I have a chance of making my marriage work again.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 17, 2016 at 7:58 pm

      Hi Diana,
      There’s no guarantee that the no contact rule work. But you have a long time together so I am positive that you have a good chance. But this time put yourself first, and heal separately.. Heal and improve… It’s not too late for a new you after 22 years of marriage.. go to therapy too.. if he’s not willing for a couples therapy, it’s still good that you go on your own, just for yourself so you can have professional help on how to heal the right way and to heal faster too…

  4. sandra

    October 16, 2016 at 10:03 am

    Hi…. my ex boyfriend and i dated for a year den we brokeup he came nack later begging we fot back together. We started having fights and he said he does not want the relationship again because i don’t respect him and i like problem. I texted after he said so and begged for 3weeks he didnot reply.Bt i started the NC rule 3days ago.So on d 2nd day he put on his dp I MISS MY BAE and his Status I AN SORRY.Dnt know if he has a new girfiend or if i still have any chances with him

    1. Effie

      October 25, 2016 at 1:29 pm

      My situation is so complicated. We started out as good friends in college a year plus ago. He was an exchange student at my Uni for one year. Despite all my friends advices, I chose to be with him after about six seven months of friendship and attraction and contemplation. He confessed to me first and it took me another one month plus to date him. After that, we started dating for about five months then he had to leave the country. 🙁 we said we would try Long distance and after four months of Long distance, we started disagreeing on communication levels. He was not very good at texting or skyping. Not only that, his future plans were to stay in his country pursuing his career and did not seem to involve me. So we are looking at a Long distance of maybe three or four years with some visits in between. And there is financial issue on his part as well…So After about four weeks of tension and arguments over calls or texts, I decided to break it off since I am not sure we could really survive the distance for so Long when our future seems bleak. He agreed with the break up. He said that he was not making me happy and he felt like he could not prioritise me right now. So after break up, I immediately regretted it because I really love him and he feels like my soulmate. I have never felt with anyone like this before. So now I decided to do no contact. I failed after first two days. Then texted him I miss him. He said he missed me too. We chatted for a while. He was still caring and loving. It sucks because I could still feel his love yet we could not seem to see eye to eye. Now I am on no contact again. He liked my instagtam pics and checked my snaps. Sent me snaps. I didn’t reply. Because I want to stick no contact to get over my hurt and feelings for him but I am not sure I can…okay so my question is that despite our bleak future, I want to try Long distance again. I want him to see that it is worth the pain to withstand the distance as long as we can be together some day. I am willing to make the effort but it seems that it is too tough for him to juggle his life and ldr gf. And my ex thinks in a pessimistic way. He sees the failure first before trying. I know I can’t convince him but how do I make him want to try ldr again? Thanks. Sorry for the lomg post.

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 26, 2016 at 6:52 pm

      Hi Effie,

      I’ll be realistic with you, if you’re not going to see each other personally for years.. There’s a small chance it will work. Check this one:
      What It Takes To Make A Long Distance Relationship Work

    3. Sandra

      October 16, 2016 at 9:56 pm

      He is 28 and i am 22

    4. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 16, 2016 at 6:07 pm

      Hi Sandra,

      How old are you both.. That’s good that you started doing the no contact rule.. And I think you need to stick to it.. Try what’s advised in both the articles you posted in..

  5. Amity

    October 16, 2016 at 7:20 am

    I broke up with my boyfriend 1 week ago and yesterday he texted me like he likes a girl and i think the reason to break up was the girl, we had a break up 1 month ago too because he said that we didnt had any future together because of different religions but i convinced him and we were together and then this girl comes up and now i dont want to date him again but i want him to miss me and propose me again, is it the right thing or i should ignore and think about my future?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 17, 2016 at 5:39 pm

      Hi Amity,

      so in short, you just want him to chase you right? Why not try what’s advised above?

  6. Laura

    October 14, 2016 at 8:05 pm


    So my boyfriend of 5 years broke up with me a month ago. It started two months ago with him being jealous about new a guy friend I had. He basically thought I had cheated, mainly because of texts and after I met up with him once alone (Absolutely nothing happened we were just good friends but I understood his jealousy) before this I had never given him a reason to be jealous so I guess it was a bit of a shock for him to see me getting close with another guy. This took a few weeks for him to get over and for him believe me but things were a bit rocky from there which led to the breakup. He absolutely promises that he trusts me now and he believed that nothing happened but says that he fell out of love and he put a guard up when he believed I cheated. He says it has absolutely nothing to do with this guy anymore he just realised his feelings during this rough time. This was our very first major issue, before this our relationship was rock solid and we were very happy so all very sudden. We live together still but I have found a short term let and will move out in a few weeks, with hopes of getting him back over the next few months. As you can imagine I am devastated and want him back. Please can you advise me? Thanks X

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 15, 2016 at 3:40 am

      hi Laura,

      are you going to try what’s advised above?

  7. Sarah

    October 14, 2016 at 5:43 pm

    Ok thanks.

    One final question; if he tells me he’s made a mistake and wants us to try again BEFORE I’ve collected my stuff do I still ignore him,do NC and collect my stuff regardless ?

    I just want to make sure he dosnt break up with me again if we ever did get back together as it’s very unsettling for me moving two and from one side of England to the other.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 15, 2016 at 3:14 am

      if you’re constantly on and off, then you have to take time before saying yes again but if this is something that only happened now, then go back with him… but it’s not a guarantee that he will not break up with you again..

  8. Sarah

    October 14, 2016 at 5:18 pm

    Ok thanks Amor.

    So even though I want him back I just have to go and collect a Lorrys worth of stuff knowing and hoping I’ll have to bring it 2 hours up the road again in the future (HOPEFULLY)

    Or if he’s telling me to collect do you think there’s no hope of a second chance?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 14, 2016 at 5:22 pm

      You just broke up, it’s normal that he would want your stuff out.. so, don’t over think. Yes, you have to collect it, but next time, don’t move right back ahead.. Take it slow if you ever get back together.

  9. Sarah

    October 14, 2016 at 9:22 am


    I want to try this no contact rule. But the problem I have is I lived with him and left my home town to move in with him (2 hours drive away) and he wants me to collect me belongings (which is a lot of belongings may I add). He broke up with me because he said I was too fiery and he didn’t want the relationship anymore, I apologised for the way I have been behaving and begged him not to end things or to make me leave – however that never worked.

    So my question is how am I supposed to do the 30 day rule if he Contacts me asking me to collect my belongings ?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 14, 2016 at 4:40 pm

      Hi Sarah,

      it’s ok to talk to him about your things as long as you only talk about the things.. no feelings, nor relationship nor catching up talk..

  10. sara

    October 13, 2016 at 12:25 pm

    my problem is that my boyfriend broke upp with me 1 mounth ago , after 3 years together ,,i begged and beggd untill today ..didnt know about this site , he is ignoring me and dosent even want anything to do with me …is it to late for me to start the no contact rule.?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 13, 2016 at 6:53 pm

      Hi Sara,

      I think it’s not yet too late.. But you need to do at least 45 days

  11. Crissy

    October 13, 2016 at 3:50 am

    So I want to try this no contact rule.


    My bf broke up with me.
    I somewhat begged for him. He denied me
    Three weeks later returned. We started hanging out immediately. For about three weeks, until now. He wants this no label gjingbim exhausted if his lies, he still kinda wants me around basically but just to “hang out”

    The other day I told him thanks for the great times, but ur a fuck boy now. Bye. Wish you the best. Blocked him from all social media, deleted his number.

    He never responded. I think he was mad because he never responded. have I lost my opportunity to try the no contact rule by doing this? By being mean. Should I just not said good bye and left him hanging ?

    1. Crissy

      October 13, 2016 at 5:14 pm

      He didn’t say anything about the call. I think he’s using the NC rule to move on him self. And since I was mean he has leverage. Are there times the NC rule should be broken?

    2. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 13, 2016 at 8:42 pm

      Hmm… you mean he’s just avoiding to talk to move on? Because if he’s really using the nc rule, that would mean there’s a goal of building rapport again after a certain time of not talking.. Yes, there are times when you can break it.. That is when there is an emergency, if he asks for you back, if you need to give things but that would mean you would talk about those materials. No feelings nor relationship talk should happen..

      Check this out because it’s more detailed:
      EBR 046: Can You Ever Break The No Contact Rule?

    3. Crissy

      October 13, 2016 at 7:43 am

      Update: I accidentally called him for 1 sec of FB messenger. – complete accident no lie here! I logged of messenger i won’t if he will see I don’t want to know. How can I handle these situations

    4. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 13, 2016 at 3:36 pm

      HI Crissy,

      nope you didn’t totally mess it.. Just brush that accident off and avoid repeating it.. Focus more in improving yourself now during and after the no contact rule.

  12. Ankita

    October 11, 2016 at 6:11 pm

    He was always a coward !! Always !

    I’m 100% sure that Soon or Later he will realize it by himself…that how much i cared about him & How much i loved him ! My Luck was not with me that’s why it ended up in a bad note….But it is his Bad Luck that He lost me forever !!

    So, I won’t do that…i would rather tell him Directly that it’s Over…Because if i do the ‘No Contact rule’ than it will hurt me even more. I just want to move on without any regret.

  13. Ankita

    October 10, 2016 at 7:50 pm

    Thank You so much Sir. I really appreciate your help in resolving my problem.

    But there’s another problem… which is..He calls me every other day… & talk just like nothing has happened. So i don’t know how to start the conversation or how to say to break up…!

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 11, 2016 at 11:47 am

      that’s because that’s how it works.. I forgot to ask. Are you going to do the no contact rule? If you are, then just stop responding.

  14. dianne

    October 10, 2016 at 3:32 pm

    hi this post was very helpful, my ex boyfriend broke up with me basically because he thought i was too needy and he kind of lost his self in the relationship and tired or arguing. he don’t want to talk to me or have anything to do with me but yet he still have all our pictures up on instagram, he haven’t told his friends , he haven’t picked up his stuff from my house and he said he was going to release me from our phone plan that we shared because i asked him too…but yet he haven’t done that either (broke up for a week now) . so my question is your the one that was so desperate to get out the relationship shouldn’t you have done all those things to completely break ties with me . and since the day we broke up , i asked him if he was sure and he said yes. we haven’t spoken after that and i deactivate my instagram and blocked him off of snap chat because i felt like i needed time to get myself together before going back on social media but all my friends say go back on social media don’t give him that satisfaction of knowing i came off because I’m heart broken….idk what to do or if I’m going in the right direction?!

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 11, 2016 at 10:46 am

      Hi Dianne,

      let him be.. whatever he’s decision is, you should be more focused in healing yourself and in improving yourself.

  15. Danielle

    October 8, 2016 at 1:31 pm

    I have an ex that I dated for 2 months. At the end of our relationship he started to distance himself from and in retrospect I should of seen the signs but I thought he just needed space.The most startling moment was when he made plans to stay at my house, but never showed up. The next day at work he avoided me and gave no explanation (we work together). I had to push him to contact me. I texted if he wanted to hang out the next day. I wanted to talk, but he said” “No, not today”. After still no contact for a few days, I texted him :”I can’t keep doing this if you keep ignoring. It’s hurting my feelings” He broke up with me through a text message that said “Yeah I’m sorry idt (I don’t think) we should keep doing this”. I called him after and left a voice message that said that I deserved more respect than the way he broke up with me and chewed him out for ditching our plans and said “fuck you” a few times. I did this all in a calm and scary voice ;). The next day he puts up on all social media that he is dating a new girl and he posts pictures of them on a date and changes his relationship to status to being in a relationship with her. This is old news to me know, its been a months since it happened. However, his behavior now is very confusing, I only see him 2 days a week. Remember we work together? The first time we had to see each other, he got very angry with me over something very small. The next week, he brought his new girlfriend to work to visit on his day off. I always work weekends and he knows that. I barely saw her because he didn’t really bring her in, he left her in the hallway. He tried to talk to me and my other fellow hostess but I left the stand to work on other things. He lingered for awhile and my friend said he kept watching me. The next day, his friends tried to talk to him about his new girlfriend but he got kind of quiet and either they talked about it quietly in the corner or they stopped talking about it because I didn’t hear more about it and I haven’t since. The only reason I know he’s still in a relationship is because of social media. He also tries to mess with me at work by teasing me or finding excuses to touch me and my friends tell me he watches my face while he does this. One day he thoroughly rubbed my back for a whole minute in front of some of our coworkers and a manager and asked me if I was doing alright. I stand up to him whenever he impedes my work, but I ignore him otherwise. Yesterday, i decided to go out of my way to avoid him. It is quote easy to do with our job to avoid someone you don’t want to talk with (remember he did it to me) and I was mostly working in a different area yesterday and there are two other hostesses he can communicate with. . . Yet he somehow ended up talking and touching me the most he ever has. My friends recommend that I pull him aside and tell him short and sweet to back off and f$%ck off.

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 10, 2016 at 4:45 pm

      Hi Danielle,

      do you want him back, or you’re just wondering why he’s doing what he’s been doing?

  16. Tay

    October 7, 2016 at 11:54 pm

    Hi, thank you for writing this post, it has really given me insight about my boyfriend breaking up with me. My main issue that makes relating your post to me is the fact that my boyfriend and I have been in a not-very-long-distance for a year (2 year relationship) he’s always been the one to prove that this would work and it did. our relationship has been perfect, but all of a sudden he broke up with me because “it’s just not gonna work, we’re on different paths” but I know he is very impulsive and changes his character every week.. I guess he’s trying to find himself.

    He told me I make him happy and he loves me but he refuses to try and make it work! I mean we had a deep and serious relationship aswell as being awesome friends and now he won’t reply to me, deleted all of our pictures, clearly trying to convince himself he doesn’t want me.. it’s been 2 months of us not seeing each other which is the longest we have gone in this relationship and I think that’s another factor of him leaving me, but I have a gut feeling that if I was standing in front of him, he wouldn’t feel the same.

    After trying to convince him that he needs me, im trying the no contact rule, I know that he loves me and would want me but I just need him to see that and see me!!

    Could you enlighten me? Please!

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 10, 2016 at 1:51 pm

      Hi Tay,

      If you want to increase your chances, be active in social media.. Show your life, in that way he’ll notice your improvement and that you’re moving on and having fun.. that way he may let his guard down and miss you again and start as friends again..

  17. Ankita

    October 6, 2016 at 5:58 pm

    Hello Sir ….

    i have some problem in English…. so if i did any mistake kindly pardon this !

    My 7months relationship are going to break now because of his Family . We are from different Community though we belongs from same Religion . But Their Family members don’t want their Daughter-in-law from another Community.

    He even don’t go home because he knows that if he go home there will be a problem.

    But Recently his Father passed away so he had to go home. After reaching there her mom & other family members start to obturate him because of me.
    Now He is Saying that Maybe he would marry with two girls(one with his family choice and the other one is me) it was shocking for me !! I wanted to slap him that time. but he is saying that neither he can cheat with his mother nor with me !! He is saying he is getting mad & getting hurt by thinking what to do !

    so i said okay…. i should go from your life.. then you & your family members will be happy . but he is saying that he can’t let me go as i am his first love & he really loves me a lot & he know very well that he won’t be able to live without me. (really wants to kill him after heard that kind of things )

    He is requesting me not to leave him… he is saying to stay with him & to see if something happen in furture… I really want to cry out loudly !!
    Cause after loving & caring him that much now he made me his 2nd option !! i am his back up plan !! i told him that i will always be by your side !!! but now , I’am totally Speechless !!!

    I can’t even forget him !! it hurts so much ! i want break up because i can’t see him with another girl..but before this i just want to say something that can hurt him emotionally….!! What to say him i really don’t know !!!

    Wish if he had asked me for time instead of saying that he would marry with 2 girls !!!!

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 9, 2016 at 2:18 pm

      Hi Ankita,

      instead of wanting to hurt him, assess what your standards really are.. If you dont want to be his 2nd option, leave and dont agree to be the 2nd option.. Yes, it was his mistake that he didnt stand up for you but it would be your mistake if you stayed and allowed him to treat you in the way you dont want to be treated

  18. aggie

    October 4, 2016 at 12:02 pm

    Hi..I have really liked your website..but I have a really critical issue.My boyfriend ,now my ex cheated on me and got a woman pregnant.He told me he had become a dad recently after a long time of not wanting to neither reply my texts nor my calls.I was so hurt and up to now am still hurting.He told me he liked me and he said he will help me through this breakup experience but I really doubt he can really help me.He recently told me that we have got to move on but I still want him back because deep down in my heart I still love him I don’t know what to do..please help

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 6, 2016 at 5:48 pm

      Hi Aggie,
      If he chose the other girl because she is pregnant then just give him time because he will probably realize that in order to have a happy family, the parents have to love each other. But honestly it would be better if you move on from now and just focus on improving yourself, because it will take a long time for him to realize that as long as the baby is still not there and more likely if the baby’s born he will just keep on wanting to have a whole family

  19. Rhea

    October 3, 2016 at 9:14 am

    I never wanted to call or text him..but accidentally I called via IMO..but hanged up..if at all he got my missed call…I ll feel humiliated n my self respect more crushed…he dint ask me abt it nor I made any clarification but still I feel demeaning… Pls help…

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 5, 2016 at 10:47 am

      hi Rhea,
      it’s ok, you didnt break the no contact rule.. how much have you improved yourself?

  20. Rhea

    October 3, 2016 at 9:10 am

    I was on 25th day of NC…but accidentally I made video call on IMO..I immediately hanged up n deactivated my IMO account…I dnt know he got missed call or not..but he dint ask me abt neither I tried to clarify…did I break the no contact rule?

    1. EBR Team Member: Amor

      October 5, 2016 at 10:48 am

      hi Rhea,
      it’s ok, you didnt break the no contact rule.. how much have you improved yourself?

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