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148 thoughts on “5 Ways To Make Your Ex Regret Losing You”

  1. Ghdafhj

    November 11, 2019 at 7:26 pm

    What to do? I thought him as he was my everything but…..he cheated me with a girl whom he used to say his sister. I am totally broken and he is not guilty about his work he is happy with her

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      November 12, 2019 at 8:09 pm

      Thats awful, I am sorry he lied to you and cheated! You need to work on yourself for some time to get over the break up, the hurt and then remember yourself of your worth. In the mean time you need to read, read, read and make sure you are the Ungettable girl before oyu reach out to him in 45 days

  2. Harsh06

    September 18, 2019 at 1:17 am

    I’m not sure what to call him but we have been dealing with each other for 3 and a half years. He wont commit. Every time I mention another female he tells me hes not in a relationship. So I dint talk to him. Then he’ll pop up at my house or call me and work his way back in, then the next few days he does it to me all over again. He tells me I dont mean it when I say I’m done with him. That I love him. When i don’t talk to him he finds a way to get in contact with me and I don’t even have social media. What is this, what should I do. Is the no contact rule the best solution for me. He thinks I’m always going to be there for him bc of how I feel about him and I think he may care more than he says I but doesn’t want to commit but he hates not talking to me either so should I just let it go even if I dont want to or see how the NC rule goes?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      September 19, 2019 at 9:10 am

      Hi Harsh06, so I would 100% complete a No Contact on this guy and also make sure during that time you work on becoming the best version of yourself, (I’m sure you’re great already) But look up Ungettable girl posts. They’re worth it. There are also articles, podcasts and even YouTube videos about these types of guys, Guys who one COMMIT. He isn’t committing because he thinks, he can still do better. If you want him, in a serious relationship, then you need to show (not tell) how you’re the best he’s going to get.

  3. Anonymous - R

    September 2, 2019 at 2:12 pm

    Hi Chris,

    I am currently into my second week of breaking up – i am devastated. I need to know in regards to social media.

    I know radio silence is the way forward although i thought this would also be regarding posting on instagram. Do you think it’s better and okay to post whilst putting the Non Contact rule into action. If I post once a week looking amazing – is that good enough? Posting but not often would make more of an impact I thought? I’ve also took our pictures down which he may be shocked at a week ago.

    I am trying to do things differently this time and make it look like i’m taking him seriously and moving on. To post or not to post that is the question! I didn’t know if online silence could also drive a person mad and make them wonder about you more.

    Thank you!

  4. eve

    September 2, 2019 at 11:14 am

    Hi Chris,

    What about a situation where you went on a couple of dates with someone ~5 and texted with them every other day. I closed off a bit physically toward the end due to my own insecurity and inexperience. We weren’t dating exclusively and he texted me that he chose to see the other girl seriously. He told me he was very attracted to me and we also share many of the same interests/ taste in music, etc. What do you think my chances are?


  5. Donna

    August 27, 2019 at 4:42 pm

    Hi me and my husband seperated 2 months ago after he met someone else ,we talk on wasspp all the time ,he has said he does not want a divorce but sees me now as a freind ,I have been freindzoned ,I have told him i want us to get back togeather ,pleaded and begged all the things I should not of done the longer he is with the other person the closer he is getting , he lives with her and has done since day one, is it to late to ge him back or has the damage been done ,I have been advised to go no contact but am scared that will be the complete end ,I have offered him a divorce but he says he doesnt want one ,he says he loves me but not in that way as he obviously doesnt to be able to do what he has done

  6. Sarah Lee

    August 20, 2019 at 3:48 pm

    Hi Chris,
    I am a high schooler going through a rough time with a guy that I had a thing with over the summer. He already graduated high school and he’s leaving for the marines in a month. We had a pretty good thing going and he said he wanted to ask me out but he wasn’t sure how it would work out since it’s the first time for us and he’s leaving. I don’t understand he’s mindset and perspective but he keeps hitting up my friend behind my back and doesn’t see a problem with it once I find out. My “friend” plays along because I think she likes him to and she met him behind my back. My guy and I were pretty close and talked about everything and I think with more time we could have worked out but my friend dragged herself Into our relationship and now he’s indirectly ended things with me. I’m not quite sure what to do since I’m losing 2 people in this. He would always act interested in me and if I played the same game he did and didn’t talk to him or open his messages he would immediately go to my friend and ask her to hang out. Sometimes he would text me and say he missed me or send random posts but it’s like he’s not trying hard enough to save us. I want to know his true intentions- weather he’s doing it to make me jealous and want me back or if he is just a player? I’m very confused:/ thank you!

  7. Neha

    May 11, 2019 at 5:28 am

    During no contact, he flirted a bit, but I wasn’t in the mental frame of mind to be open so I ignored him sometimes. After no contact, I felt guilty. We talked over the phone as friends. I wanted to hint to him that I still like him, probably in the hope of getting his attention again. But he was suddenly about to hang up the phone and I blurted out ” I’m really sorry for closing up like that. I was immature and didn’t know how to handle the situation. I was like, if I keep acting like this, I’ll lose him”. He said that it was totally understandable. I kicked myself for saying that. I didn’t tell him that I still liked him. But what I said wasn’t even true since I didn’t cut him off entirely and it sounded needy and as if I fear losing him.
    How do I earn his respect back? I’ve seen a slight change in behaviour since he doesn’t like my pictures and send me memes anymore. I don’t know if I want to date him or not, but I guess being friends is okay with me. I want him to make effort and respect me.

  8. Joules Arias

    April 29, 2019 at 3:41 pm

    Hi Chris,
    Ill shorten it up because it seems quite a lot,
    The main reasons why he broke up with me is because I kept pushing him away when we’d argue and he then took that as me not trying to fix our problems right away and that he was putting in more effort. The other is, he wasn’t honest about the way he was feeling with this in order to keep me happy and then eventually he got unhappy.
    He wants me to be happy and apparently he was just hurt seeing me cry.
    Me and him have been through so much together, and we were both in love. We both saw that future together. Me and him, and everyone else around saw us as an amazing couple who looked so happy to be with one another.
    Not even a week after the break up, I tried to give him space when he thought the opposite and then I didn’t expect to see him so soon, at a party too. Me and him ended up not being sober, and talking to just one another, laughing like nothing’s changed. He took me home and even gave me his jacket cause I was cold. We ended up being honest to one another in the car, on our way to my house, and he thought that I wouldn’t want to deal with him because of the horrible thing he did to me (break up with me and make me cry). I told him that I didn’t care, that I forgive him already and that his happiness is all I care about. I went off on that feeling and then he started to cry. I asked what was wrong? And if it was my fault but he said everything was fine. I said you can always come to me if you need anything, and he already knew. He said “I know I shouldn’t say this, but I really want to.” It took him a minute to say it but he said, “I regret breaking up with you, and I’ve been thinking about this now and then”.
    And now I’m confused because the next day I talked him like it was normal and confessed how I’m trying to better myself and how I’m healing.
    And he even admitted that he’s still so comfortable with me and even though he shouldn’t talk to me, he still does.
    I’m more confused than sad about the break up because it seems like he won’t take me back because he thinks it’s the best decision so I don’t know what to do.

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 29, 2019 at 9:00 pm

      Hi Joules…. I know all this period can be confusing with your ex’s changing behavior. Usually its best to have a sensible ex recovery plan so you are at least doing things to maximize your chances. I would recommend my eBook, “Ex Boyfriend Recovery Pro”. He doesn’t seem to appreciate you fully, but with some extended time and space and the implementation of some other tactics, you could turn this around.

  9. Gingging

    April 21, 2019 at 2:03 am

    Hi Chris.
    I am your devoted reader in your articles about on how to get an ex back and on how to get over my present breakup. He texted me that will broke up . I was shocked and then I did everything what you mentioned in your articles on what not to do. I hugely did the wrong thing being GNATT. We only have misunderstandings in phone but we dont quarrel in person..I admitted I am a needy and clingy girlfriend in phone but as far as I remember we dont have problem if we are together. He lives 3 hours of travel from my place due to of his work assignment. We only have a meeting together in every 15 days of the month during his day off. Therefore , we spent together in a month only 4 days..the rest of us is through texting and phone calls. And then finally I decided to back off and do no contact. Its been 10 days now since I started. My boyfriend is a stubborn man and full of pride of himself. He wants everyone will bow down on him . I have a decision to do it till it ends. He never contacted me since the last text I got from him.I dont know what he is thinking now. I kept reading in all of your articles everytime I have questions. I really want to buy your book but I am living in Philippines and its too expensive. I relied now everything reading your articles in internet and plus prayer. I am looking forward on the result of this endeavors. This is my first time of doing no contact. Is this no contact works even when he broke me up through text that was sent to me almost 2 months now? After those text, we still in contact and meet in person but I felt something different and as if I dont know him anymore. He almost angry with me in phone and rarely replies my text. If he replied it was full of anger and so thats the reason I decided to back off and do no contact…Chris , is it not yet too late of doing no contact?
    Thank you so much. Please if you have reply and advice kindly only reply through my email .

    1. Chris Seiter

      April 21, 2019 at 3:59 pm

      Hi Gingging…No, I think implementing No Contact can accomplish a lot. Feel free to check out my flagship product, “EBR PRO” (485 pages) as I try to lay it all out in detail so you understand the whole ex recovery process.

  10. MelissaC

    April 5, 2019 at 4:16 am

    Hello, I need some desperate help. My ex broke up with me in January (after 10 years of being together) because he claims we were fighting too much and things werent progressing. We were fighting over financial problems, him drinking too much, partying, me not giving him constant attention (since i work alot) etc. for 3 months I tried to desperately fix things and change for the better because he made me believe I was the one at fault. (i did not do NC, my mistake) I then found out that he was in a relationship with another woman and even worse, since NOVEMBER so he was already with her before he even broke it off with me. 5 months, so I dont think its a rebound. I found out that within 2 months of them being together, they were already saying “I love you” and moving too fast. I confronted her as well and told her about us. She had no idea he was in a 10 year relationship and had a son with me (and we’ve been sleeping together so he was also cheating on her) so she got upset with him as well. I kicked him out once I found out and it hurt sooo much to do so. He had no place to go, he didnt have money nor did he have enough space in his car to put all of his things. I had no choice but to kick him out because In the end after i confronted him, he said he couldnt decide between me or the other woman in the end, he chose her. He told me a lot of hurtful things like “I dont love you anymore” “I havent had feelings for you in 2 years” and so many other hurtful things that to me dont make sense… Now he lost everything. His home and his family (My son and I).
    Even after losing everything, he doesnt seem to regret anything (yet i think because i havent seen him). He said he is trying to fix things with her Im hopelessly lost and i dont know what to do. He’s all Ive ever known and we had a life together. I gave him everything, a roof over his head, a son, delicious food, did his laundry, cleaned, even helped him pay his studies and he just threw everything away He made it seem like everything I did for him was never enough. What confuses me more is that even tho he’s trying to fix things with this other woman, he still txts me about his personal problems and his favorite things we share together (anime, video games, marvel comics and movies, soccer, etc) So Im here thinking, if he wants a relationship with this other woman, WHY IS HE TELLING ME ALL OF THIS INSTEAD OF HER????
    So I went onto her social media and it seems like they have nothing in common, she’s not even his type. She’s vegan, does yoga, enjoys festivals, etc. THINGS HE DOES NOT ENJOY. He loves eating meat, hates festivals, hates going out, he prefers to stay home, he’s a very geeky guy, etc. I dont think she likes any of the things he likes which is why he cant speak to her about those things. But then again, WHY DID HE CHOSE HER?? I just dont understand. Maybe its just a phase but I hope one day he regrets everything he did to me and realizes what he had and what he lost.
    I feel so hopeless, i feel like things will never get better and I feel like he’ll never realize what he lost and I feel like he’ll never come back
    Update*** He came by 4 days later to pick up more things and he looked horrible He told me he hasnt been able to shower, had no where to go, hasnt ate in days and had no clean clothing… i know he’s suffering. I can see it in his eyes. I just dont understand why he’s ok with losing everything with this other girl… i hope one day he misses me and regrets what he did… maybe one day he’ll appreciate everything I ever did for him. I really dont know I dont know that to do… HELPPPP

  11. Ade

    March 12, 2019 at 9:05 pm

    My gf left me without knowing the reason, she refuses to pick my call, and also blocked me on her social media, but I still really adore her. What can I do to get her back?

    1. Chris Seiter

      March 14, 2019 at 1:30 am

      Hey there….best of to have an ex recovery plan which can help optimize your chances. Lots of info about how to do that here on my site!

  12. Yemight

    February 23, 2019 at 3:36 am

    Pls I need a help, me and my gf started a relationship last yr October truely I av a genuine heart towards her but anytime I tried to explain what I dnt like she always complain about trust from my side. She told me on whatsapp that I do take things personally, that I should be trying to exercise patience to situation. She changed my name from what she used to safe my contact on her phone.but my question is that based on ur advice and tutors on relationship,do I still have a space in heart.

  13. yasmin

    February 9, 2019 at 12:37 am

    its been 5 months since we broke and he broke up with me because his mom didn’t want us to be together and he said he didn’t love me no more but the say before he broke up with me was he saying that he loves me and asked me if i loved him he was and 3 months after our broke up there was a family party where he was also there and he was crying and said to my friend that he would stil want to try have something with me and he still feels something for me but he thought that i have a boyfriend and one day before the party my friends told me something i didn’t know al this time they told me that he stil loves me and i asked them how to you guys know for sure and they said because de day he broke uo with you he wouldn’t brake up with you he needed to brake uo with me because of bis mom his mom found out thatbwe are together and she didn’t want us to be together and she told him to say to me that his mom doesn’t want us to be together and to say to me that he doesn’t love me and one day after our brake up his mom and he and other family members came to talk about what happened and about that we are together and my friend told me that she told my mom that she knows that her sin loves me and that she doesn’t want us to be together and then when i heard that i was shocked and at the family party i ws crying he was crying we where cuddling and crying but what i don’t understand is that at de party he brings two girls with him and with one of them he was cuddling kissing and that why i cried and then he cried for me to my friends and after the party he wasn’t even talking to em he was pushing me away like if he didn’t even know me and then i tried texting him be he didn’t anser so i let it like thag because i didn’t want to seem that needy and them we didn’t talk to each other for about 2 months and after that i texted him saying why are you doing like if we didn’t know each other and then we started talking to each other but not like we where just 5/6 times in a month and he gaves me mixed signals like checking my profile looking to my insta story’s liking my pic and sometimes he acts cool and sometimes he acts like we don’t know each other and i dont know what to think he did even have a girlfriend for a week but then they broke up and all these things that happened but i don’t know how to bring him ine the right track how to make him regret losing me and make him mis me and make him want me back

  14. Nethuki

    October 9, 2018 at 6:47 pm

    Dear Chris,
    I lost my husband few days back after a huge fight with him and in laws.Finally my parents had to involve too because im still 25 and he is 33.an also im about to graduate.
    Literally I came out of my house and started living with him after 7 months we got engaged.both families came to the engagement and again I started living with his mom and him.
    Through out the marriage life we had figts and arguments.i scolded in laws and finally he and his mom said get out.
    All time he said that im a person he never expected and I do have lots of skills and career opportunities.Im a Designer by profession.
    I accept that I do have anger issues and he is keep telling everyone he dumped me because of my anger issues.But he also have anger issues and he is not a very stable person.but each and every time he helped me with my studies and after the break up once I contacted him to get my stuff out of his house he said “continue your studies”because our ultimate plan was migrate after my graduation.And he knew that I can earn and what are my capabilities.
    And after that my father wanted to file a divorce case because I cannot stay with my parents till he comes and I won’t be able to migrate and make up my career due to the legal marriage we have.
    So I started no contact rule and after a week my father went to meet him.he was telling my father about my anger issues and he wants to break up.and also he has said I blamed his mother and my father has suggested him to take me out and live separately if he really wants to carry on the marriage.
    He has said no he wants the divorce.
    But deep down he wants to be with me an he said that the last time before no contact rule stay this 3months with your parents and after that will migrate and” I can go out but not now”.
    So im really confused about his behavior and it’s been week since he has dumped me.
    According to my lawyer he said go for a divorce ASAP because of my career and migration.but still I want him to give a chance and I want to make him come back o me.but I don’t know he has said to my father that he is going to file a divorce.
    Deep down he knows that he lost the most precious thing he got in his life and with the pressure of his mom and sisters (because in front of my parents his mom n sister asked him to make a choice between them and me) and the critical fights we had as marriage couple he is in middle of nowhere.
    I don’t want to loose him because I know as a person he is good.
    How to solve this issue and get back together?
    Because there are some critical scenarios there and I have seen them getting back together.
    And how to make him miss me and if he Is planning for a divorce how to face it and make him come back?
    And how to deal with anger issues in a marriage?and how to make him see I have changed?
    Because we don’t live in a same house anymore.
    Thank you

  15. Jen

    October 9, 2018 at 12:53 pm


    I met a guy at a funeral and thereafter we started chatting, after 4 days of chatting and calling, he went quite. I didn’t know what I did, but somehow I figured, I maybe came off too available. I accidentally met his daughter and she ended up staying with me. After on and off chatting, he came to visit for a weekend, while his daughter (24) and my 2 toddlers (4 and 5) were around. It was the most uncomfortable weekend I had. I wasn’t ready for him and it just kinda happened that I invited him over. I never exposed my kids to someone other than their dad, and it was so awkward having him around them, and us meeting for the first time after the initial meeting at the funeral. It was a disaster. We, however handled it okay, but it wasn’t how I imagined our first meeting to be. After he left, I also took on an attitude of not caring, even though I did. And he started something with someone else, because, according to him, he really wasn’t that attracted to me. I think I saw an attraction in the beginning and would want to get that sparky thingy back. He started seeing someone, but I am not entirely over him. I think I was too available.There has been no contact between us for 4 weeks now, and I am going to keep it that way, but I am wondering if he will ever contact or not. His daughter (24) is still staying with me and he has not inquired about me at all… not even to just find out how I am doing… She is always open with me, because she really wanted her dad and I to date. I told her not to mention me to him, and she has not. Must I completely just forget about this dude. Well in fact I am trying to, but I have a little hope alive that he might come back. And he is a bit of a ladies man. Do you think the no contact rule might work on him, or must I just forget about him.

    1. Chris Seiter

      October 10, 2018 at 2:14 am

      Hi Jen!

      I think it would be pragmatic to try no contact with a focus on yourself and your healing. There are many benefits to NC and during this period, allow yourself to not just find “you” again, but later, you will be in a better position to evaluate if you even want him in your life.

  16. thaddeus u

    September 15, 2018 at 8:20 pm

    I and my girlfriend broke up due to her elders in her village refused to give her daughter in marriage, so she told me to get another girl.

  17. Liv

    September 10, 2018 at 6:37 pm

    My ex broke up with me due to him catching me lying and he cannot trust me anymore. I have gone into no contact for while, but I am scared that he won’t be able to miss me as he is busy with working on his new restaurant that he has opened. Will 30 days of no contact be enough? He went on a date and lied to me about it, so I am worried that he doesn’t even care to make me jealous? Should I use jealousy tactics to show him that I am not waiting around?

    1. Chris Seiter

      September 11, 2018 at 12:48 am

      Hi Liv!

      If you have not already done so, consider picking up one of my eBooks so you are at least employing NC the proper way and understand the whole post breakup game plan

  18. carrol

    September 7, 2018 at 11:41 am

    my boyfriend and I have been together for 3 years an he has introduced me to his family an friends, we had 6 breakups, most of the time we are always fighting over a nasty things,when we come across a problem he doesn’t want to talk about it, and whenever we broke up he always comes back an apologize, I then fall for it again.An what worries me the most is that when we are back together he doesn’t contact me.Now he broke up with me,do you think I will win him back again??
    please help!!

    1. Chris Seiter

      September 7, 2018 at 3:01 pm

      Hi Carol!

      So its like a vicious cycle, in and out of the relationship. Perhaps a full use of the no contact rule (30 days) will be the right medicine. But its best to understand how to employ it in the context of your larger ex recovery plan, so I suggest you pick up one of my Ebook to get a better handle of how to maximize my program.

  19. Katie

    September 1, 2018 at 8:51 pm

    Hi EBR team,

    My ex and I have had an on and off relationship for the past 2.5 years… this is our 6th break up and it’s starting to frustrate me. I used no contact for 4 break ups but I always gave in when he came running back… I am currently doing NC again but this time there is a mutual female friend that has a huge crush on him… he sees her almost everyday at his night art classes because she signed up too… now that he’s single I’m afraid they will get together. However, he told me the reason for the breakup was because he wasn’t ready for a relationship so idk. He told me to move on but he always says that… Is it gone for good this time? Can I still use NC to get him back, will he even regret losing me anymore? What can I do to make this last and keep us together permanently? He’s a great guy but im sick of the on and off… I did practically everything for this man. We live in a small town so everyone knows everyone here… need advice. Thanks!

    1. Chris Seiter

      September 2, 2018 at 3:53 am

      Hi Katie….ouch…6 breakups. Yes, NC can be helpful and when you get back together, you need to try something meaningful different to address the core problems that are triggering these break ups. In this case, you should consider a much longer NC. Do pick up my eBook and read up on all the things you should take into account to optimize your chances.

  20. don jay

    August 28, 2018 at 10:09 pm

    this year marks 3yrs of our relationship…. nt until few months ago… we strted having issues cus d daddy told them no 1 will get married to men frm our local govt.*personal beef i guess?!*…. got pissd wit the whole stuff as it doznt make any sense..so i strted creating space btw us cus she wasnt encouraging me to move on with d whole situation…. buh we tend to call on rare occasions unlike b4. then few weeks after the whole stuff, she told me she’s seeing some one else( a long time crush). And the excuses she gave was cus i stopped calling and all. that the nigga was there for her during those period… so i had to wish them both all the best…. cus right about nw, we dnt make calls.. she onli gets to chat me on whatsapp but on a rare occasions…e.g when i get to put a sick emoji on ma status, we tend to ask whats wrong with me n get to advice me on going for medications and all…… so whats ur advice.. should i go into a new relationship n forget about her??…. cus sincerely speaking…. i still gat something inside of me for her. but i knw deep with in, i aint gonna beg her to come back cus she called the shot.

    1. Chris Seiter

      August 30, 2018 at 3:25 am

      HI Don!

      3 years is some good history…build some traction. Both of you have something invested. Just give each other some space for a spell…you both will benefit and perhaps cooler heads will prevail.

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