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403 thoughts on “I Want My Ex Back But He Won’t Talk To Me”

  1. Julia

    February 4, 2021 at 11:14 pm

    I gnattted my ex, .. it’s been a month & he’s moved out and taken all his belongings, he knows how heart broken I am about it all but he’s refusing to talk to me but will occasionally answer my messages.. we broke up due to not spending enough time together, what made me feel unwanted, then he dropped the bomb that can’t see himself ever wanting to properly settle down… it’s destroyed me…

  2. Rebecca

    January 22, 2021 at 9:47 pm

    Me and my boyfriend of almost two years got in a big fight and he said he needs space apart, and said he thinks we shouldn’t communicate for a while. After 4 days I sent him a heartfelt apology for my part in the argument and I told him I miss him. It’s been two days and he has not responded.

  3. Linda

    January 22, 2021 at 5:17 pm

    My ex said he don’t find me attractive and wants us both to move on
    It hurts that he’s telling me to move on
    I bombarded him with txts was very needy. I think he likes someone else. Not he’s blocked me everywhere. I feel a bit crazy. I miss him so much. We used to talk every day. Txt every day. Now nothing
    He said one day we will have a strong friendship. Please advise me

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      January 25, 2021 at 5:14 pm

      Hi Linda you are forced to follow the no contact period until you are unblocked however it needs to be at least 45 days. Work on yourself in that time, show that you are not needy or dependant on him. Read articles about being ungettable and apply this to yourself so that your ex realises that they have let someone great go.

  4. Mary

    January 18, 2021 at 4:32 pm

    My ex and I were together for 4 years We moved to another state together and my daughter even calls him Dad , during the last year He started to step outside of the relationship and I broke it off this past December he moved in his own place and so did I . He has completely blocked me and cut off all communication with me even went on Facebook and called me a bad mother. I haven’t talked to him in over a month and I don’t understand why he’s so angry with me when he betrayed me. He took all of the furniture he took the car and I had to start completely over and he has absolutely no words for me.

  5. Toni Foy

    January 14, 2021 at 5:54 pm

    I reconnected with my first love after 20 years. He moved in with me bc he wanted to be closer to his daughter. When he told me he didn’t feel the same anymore and that I was different now, I was hurt and started to say very mean things to him. I know it was wrong but they were true. Since covid back in March, he hasn’t worked and I have had to watch him date other girls. Pretty much at my expense. I know what he means about being different. I just went through a divorce after 15 years of marriage due to a 5 year affair. I’ve become co-dependant and needy, Lazy and less confident. Just wanna add that we slept in the same bed and were intimate since he got here 2 years ago. Constantly being sad by watching my first love with other girls has made me so depressed. I don’t wanna be with me most days. What we had a long time ago was magic and I can’t help but think I reconnected w him too soon after my marriage. I wanna be who I used to be. I want him to see me like that. He won’t even talk to me now. It’s killing me inside. he blocked me on Facebook and even texts. I have bipolar d/o and can barely get out of bed to go to work. Just started therapy last week. How do I get the energy to go fix me when I can barely work. I need something mentally for motivation bc I feel like he will never talk to me again anyway so what’s the point? It’s just a huge mess. I was whiney while he was here n begged him not to hurt me anymore. If we were friends he should’ve had more respect. Right? Should I just forget it? Need some outside advice. He tried to b honest w me n I couldn’t take it. Or was he just saying that to make me want him more. How could he throw away what we had? Well I guess bc I moved away back then without saying goodbye and he said that he shut those feelings down way back then when I did that. Any suggestions are welcome.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      January 25, 2021 at 3:24 pm

      Hi Toni, so the first thing that you should be focusing on is working on yourself, its good that you are going to therapy as this is going to help you learn how to cope with your emotions and thoughts. Being bipolar also is a struggle when you are in on a low that you have coping methods around you and that your place of work is aware of your situation. As far as getting your ex back, you are able to follow this program, but I think the best chance you have of getting him back is working to be happier and stronger version of yourself and learning how to control your bipolar.

  6. Elise

    January 11, 2021 at 11:24 pm

    Me and my ex were having some troubles, we were fighting pretty much every day. We have broken up it’s been 1 day since the break up. I miss him so bad and want him back. He won’t talk to me. I did the wrong thing and sent him a few messages begging to take me back. Please help me

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      January 27, 2021 at 10:09 pm

      Hi Elise, so now is the time that you go into a No Contact, I would suggest that you read the articles on this website to understand the program and what you need to do yourself to change your situation.

  7. Rach

    January 3, 2021 at 8:38 pm

    So my boyfriend hasnt seen me for like 3 weeks over Christmas time whilst he been off work … he spent his time over Christmas getting off his face … he txt me one the days saying his was feeling down ect and turning his phone off so I ended it and said let’s stay friends he told me this is not what he wanted and told me his sorry his just down (he was on a comedown) but since then we haven’t really spoken i know part that be he still getting his head together but we haven’t spoke to i reach out of is it down to him ?

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      January 15, 2021 at 10:28 pm

      Hi Rach, honestly, the choice is yours to reach out or not. From what you have said, he is going through mental health problems, but he is making it worse by taking the drugs you’ve mentioned above. The “comedown” he experiences is going to continue to make his mental health worse. So it is really about what you are willing to put up with from your boyfriend. If you want change, you need to being the change by explaining your feelings on the matter.

  8. Louise

    December 13, 2020 at 1:40 am

    The guy I’ve been seeing since April began distancing himself from me few weeks ago, I did no contact for 30 days and then got back in touch, only to first be ignored and then discover he’s sleeping with a girl 20 years younger than him on a friends with benefits basis. He says that suits his life and he is too busy for a relationship with me at the moment and says he hopes that means I’ll find someone to make me happy. He’s no longer the lovely warm kind man I knew but incredibly cold, dismissive and refuses to talk to me. I’m heartbroken and don’t know what to do.

  9. Anonymous

    November 22, 2020 at 4:35 pm


    My ex and I broke up 1 year and two months ago. He texted me he didn’t want to see me anymore after 2-3 years and after that he avoided every contact. I panicked and did quite some begging and pleading and after a couple of months he blocked me.
    Now more than one year later I still miss him. He was the love of my life, we also were quite similar and I miss him in every aspect of my life. I tried to reestablish contact two weeks ago and he is still angry, doesn’t want to speak to me. He wrote me a reply asking me to leave him alone and told me he gave me enough chances and he doesn’t want to be contacted. I don’t know anymore what to do. I was broken up with via text but never had the chance to speak to him anymore. I still love him and don’t know what to do. I applied already the no contact rule for about two months, but afterwards nothing changed.

    Thanks for you help


    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      December 15, 2020 at 9:00 pm

      Hi Inge, so the point of a no contact period is that it is short and you spend that time working on yourself, then you reach out to your ex with a text from the articles that Chris has provided to get your ex interested in SPEAKING with you again, no contact alone will not get your ex back. It is just one step of a process.

  10. Maria

    November 21, 2020 at 8:12 pm

    Hey ! Well I’ve been dating this guy for 10 months, and we were so in love with each other. But after few months I had problems of my own that were affecting my behavior towards him , but I used to apologize and things were cool. But he never forgets and he came up with a conclusion that I’m a toxic person and I affect him in a bad way. So I decided to change and he realized my huge change and everything was cool. Then lately he changed and became less romantic and doesn’t usually miss me. Then suddenly on the call we brought up the subject and I felt he wanted us to split and I couldn’t do anything but agree to it after a lot of trials to convince him to try to work this out, but he refused. Then the next day I got so weak and I texted him to see him and talk it all out and sort things out but he strongly refused , he even refused to see me or call. I told him I was willing to wait longer till he change and feel something for me again , but he said it could happen if we maintain our friendship without blocking each other , but at the moment he doesn’t feel like being with me and we shouldn’t open this subject ever again. 2 Weeks have passed and I still miss him and couldn’t get over him and want him back. But he doesn’t talk to me anymore and he completely disappeared and he doesn’t see my stories on Instagram or my posts, and he doesn’t talk about me to his friends anymore.

  11. Casey

    October 29, 2020 at 5:26 pm

    We were FWB and LDR for almost 4 years, he was supposed to come see me on his move cross country but didn’t follow up. I gnatted wondering what was going on. Then saw he got an Instagram acct and didn’t friend me. I texted him he hurt my feelings and he basically snapped at me. I texted him once since then but it’s been 2 months now. I do not understand why he went so cold, nothing triggered this. He is a busy doctor in military so I get he’s busy but we were close and I’m hurting – I just want to talk to him HELP!

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      October 29, 2020 at 9:30 pm

      HI Casey, this is the hard situation with friends with benefits, the point is that you do not get feelings for each other. However, if you want an actual relationship with him, then go into a no contact and allow him to have some space from speaking with you on a regular basis and see if this changes his investment in speaking with you after 30 days. Make sure that you read the articles about how to go into the texting phase, and there is also articles about FWB to help you understand what actions you need to take.

  12. Bev

    October 19, 2020 at 10:36 am

    How do I address no contact when my husband who no longer wishes to have a relationship with me still lives with me? He refuses to speak with me and lives on his phone with his call girls.

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      October 19, 2020 at 8:02 pm

      Hi Bev, so you would just not speak to him make sure you are not sharing a room or spending time doing things for him or taking care of him. Read articles about limited no contact, or living with your ex

  13. Winry Albarn

    October 14, 2020 at 1:53 pm

    My ex broke up with me the last weekend of August. We have dated for 3.5 years and when we both moved to college for the last 2 years of our degree, we lived together. This summer we moved back home (our parents live 3 minutes away) and my ex told me during the summer I was treating her more as a friend then a lover. I am sad and disappointed in myself that I made her feel unloved and ungrateful. That’s the main reason. Other reasons she broke up with me are she wants to find out who she is in life, says she might regret dating the same person her whole life and wants short term relationships so she can experience other people/hook up with more then one person, and just wants space. Ever since the break up we agreed to be friends. We have seen each other a few times the past 6 weeks so I can spend time with our dog (who lives with her and her family). However, when we made plans she would cancel and when we finally meet up she would cut the time short saying our dog is tired or she has other plans. I still love her and want a second chance in showing her I can make her feel like a lover, not friend. She had two dates with two different people on October 2nd and 3rd and has let us slip that she really really likes someone at work. I don’t know what I am suppose to do if she already has a crush on someone else, said we can still see each other/talk for our dog but makes it seem like a chore, and doesn’t talk to me even though I love her still and want to keep dating her and she knows that.

  14. Ashley

    October 9, 2020 at 2:17 am

    Me and my ex broke up about 7 months ago we have been going back and forth with talking and hanging out I started hanging out with new people and kissed a guy and sent a bikini picture to a friend of his I didn’t know and I told him about it and it was a huge problem he then forgave me and pushed it away. I said I was sorry I told him how hurt I was and was just trying to block out my feelings and we were still taking he told me to move away with him, he’s told me he’s ready to marry me , start a family with me. All this stuff. All of a sudden he got distant stop communicating with me about his life and I asked him why and now he wants nothing to do with me. Blocked me. Told me he hates me and how I make him so miserable and how he can’t get over me kissing someone else and that he’s trying to move on and we will never get back together. I don’t know what to do about it. I love him so much and I hate that I’ve hurt him so badly. I miss being able to hear how his day is. Or just seeing him and he won’t talk to me at all and i read the article no contact it’s just hard when all I do is think about him.

  15. Franki Gates

    September 8, 2020 at 1:33 pm

    Me and my ex broke up 5 weeks ago, it was an amicable split. I decided to do the no contact however he did message me a few times and I did reply. We work in the same place so even after we broke up, he would talk to me and try hug me like nothing had happened. I told him we can’t do this as we have broken up. Another week went by and we decided to have a honest chat which we both got things of our chest, He told me that he missed me and that he hoped there was a future for us. I continued the no contact unless he messaged me. We kept it friendly in work when we seen each other as no one knows we have broken up. He said that we haven’t broken up that we are just having w break from the relationship as it got too much. So I kind of been holding onto hope that in sometime when we are both where we want to be, we will get back together
    Last week one of my family members pulled him up on his social media actions as she felt it was unfair on me, there was abit of back and fourth between them and some words said. Since then he has been completely off with me when I see him at work like I don’t exist, this was the only time I have contacted him as I wanted to know if he was ok. He replied that he doesn’t want to talk right now that he wants to be left alone. I have given him his wish and not spoke to him since however I’m confused to what is happening with us, are we still on a break or do I just move on completely. I do want him back

  16. J

    September 4, 2020 at 8:26 pm

    My Fience broke up with me 6 weeks ago. We were together for four years, live together for 3 and engaged for a year and a half.We lived together and for the first 5 weeks after the break up I had to contact him on a few occasions regarding splitting up the belongings in the house. It was very hard to get him to respond even though the messages were strictly about belongings in the house. When he did respond if was very short. We have been out if the house for 1 week and I gave not contacted him once nor has he contacted me. The break up ( he says ) was due to me being depressed and negative. Since Nov of 2019 I have had some very stressful times at work and he showed no interest in our wedding, which really hurt me. MMy 19 year old daughter ( not his ) has been getting in trouble. This has stressed me out and I would get snappy ( not mean and call him names) just snappy and distant. We also work different shifts, so only seen each other for and hour m – f and on weekends. His kids ( he has 3 ) would come over every other weekend. I miss him more than ever. We had amazing times together.

  17. t

    September 4, 2020 at 9:33 am

    we broke up about a month ago, i was doing well with no contact but i asked my friends if i should let him know how i really felt and they said he deserves to know and i contacted him out of seemingly nowhere with all these feelings and it confused him too much, because i was the one who broke things off because they weren’t going well but i’ve come to realize that i just want to work towards something healthy with him and have a loving and nurturing relationships but i definitely overwhelmed him, and now i guess you could say i’m overflowing with embarrassing regret, when we broke up he told me he didn’t want to be friends, and i accepted that, but i gave into my emotions and i sent him a text, a long one, and he said i still care about you, but as much as i liked you i need to put myself first, which is great i’m glad he set a boundary and i’m more than happy to let him have all the time he needs, but i’m afraid i’ve ruined my chances or he just won’t be interested in me anymore or gain an interest in me again after he’s had his time to heal, this isn’t the first time we’ve broken up either, every time we break up we jump back in too quickly, so there’s no change, but i want this to be different, if he’ll give us the chance to be different, i want him to be part of my life, in that way

  18. Erika Gomes

    August 29, 2020 at 11:22 pm

    Hi, me and my ex broke up nearly 3 weeks ago.
    Since the break up, I’ve begged and constantly blew him up. He said we could be friends but then told me that he doesn’t want to talk to me because if we do, we’ll get back together and he does not want that. He told his bestfriend he still loves me but needs time for himself. However, he hasn’t mentioned a future. Since our conversation, I started no contact but I fear that after this he will not come back, miss me or reach other. What do I do?!

    1. EBR Team Member: Shaunna

      September 7, 2020 at 9:21 pm

      HEy Erika, so you need to go into a No Contact and work on yourself. Make sure that you are strict with yourself and do not break. Work through the articles that apply to you and keep doing Ungettable Girl things to show your ex you are doing great

  19. Vc

    August 14, 2020 at 11:52 pm

    He broke up 5 months ago…. after breakup we used to talk sometimes……after 2-3 months of breakup i went to no contact period ….he texts me but i ignored….after my no contact ended 21 days… i started to talk…. we talked like friends …. sometimes he expressed that he still cared for me and sometimes jokingly said ily also……..one day we had a fight and after that he told me he ll never talk to me again….
    I dont know if he ll ever talk to me or not….

  20. Carla

    July 29, 2020 at 5:43 am

    Me and my boyfriend were together for one year and 4 months at the beginning he was treating me like a queen we passed through many problems but that made our bond stronger then after the lockdown from 5 months he started to change and care less and ignore me but it was even worse the last month when he was trying not to talk to me all of a sudden and i didn’t understand what was happening .. i was afraid to ask as I felt that there is a big barrier between us but he mentioned that he was trying to take a quiet time between our general talk and one day he said he’s not in a good mood but I asked him am I the cause ? He said no and then we were talking very normal he was a little bit nice with me then the next day he woke up telling me nothing so I got it that he started again his decision that I didn’t even know about .. it was on 17 July. He blocked me on instagram after i posted a story and a post on 18 and blocked me on whatsapp too .. note that my birthday was on 19/7
    He unblocked me on whatsapp only and didnt say happy birthday and till today we dont talk anymore.
    It’s painful and disappointing and I miss him so much even after what he did I wonder if he’s going to reach to me again . I wonder if this is a break or a breakup or what !

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